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A Critical Revision of the genus Eucalyptus V02-1

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: THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN A Critical Revision of the GENUS Eucalyptus BY J (Government Botanist of ISew H MAIDEN South Wales and Director of the Botanic Gardens, Sydney) Vol PARTS II 11-20 (with 40 PLATES.) " Ages are spent them or to antiquity, In collecting materials, ages more when they therefore, the first speculators lie in still vast and transmits that hoard, augmented by fresh these pursuits, even in Even when a system has been formed, there is reject Every generation enjoys the use of a and combining separating something to add, hoard bequeathed acquisitions, to to alter, to it under great disadvantages, fail, are entitled to praise." Macaulay's "Essay on and, 'v/ATO'W '^f Ht^itftw ^ Published by Aulhorily of ,- THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALS^llJ^^-" Sytinru WILLIAM APPLEGATK GULLICK, GOVERNMENT I'KINTER, »77I-A 1914 by future ages I'lIILLIl'-STKEE T " V ,^\ \VA ^'"' Cf ' - V&'iA'^^^^ ^^ ^^iqU^ ^đ r t Ơ7 V.Z ^3.^ INDEX [The names of Synonyms or Plants incidentally mentioned are in containing the description is italics The page printed in heavier type.] PAGE An Ironbark Andropogon Box citratus Anthers with terminal spores Apple, Bastard PAGE 38 Bldckbutt 69 Black-heart 83 Blue Box Box 11, 122, 123, 278 74 Jack 278 Mountain 276 Eed Ash, Black Mountain Mountain 241 298 90, 92, 196, 246, 259, 267,- Mallee 42 Boobjnnda 66 Bogan River Box 11 Boorrayero 121 19 Boorrayero-Gourroo 85 Bosisto, Joseph 83,253 53 24,124 Gum 19 Gum Gum Bush 279 Black 304 77, 167, 189, 121,137 Box 279 White 77 Apple White Top Mountain 77 Bastard 11,122,123,278 2, 6, 8, 114, 123, 124, 267, 277 Bimble 124 Black Blue Baker, R T 83 122 10, 19, 21, 65, 101, 24,124 Bogan River Brown 11 123 Barremma 105 Brush Bastard Apple 279 Cabbage 122,278 Coohbah 12 Blue Gum Box 271 2, G, 8, 114, 123, 124, Ironbark 267, 277 85,101 16,118 Drooping 10 Dwarf 52 BeUGum 196 Flooded Berryergro 121 Forest 16 Beyeria cyanescens Benth 215 Fuzzy 123, 125 Bibble 102, 116 Grey Bimbil 113,116 Gum Bimble Box 124 Black Apple 19 Box Ironbark 10, 19, 21, 65, 101, Mallee Mountain Ash 122 66, 83, 105 30, 31, 33, 47 1, 3, 10, 10, 16, 17, 22, 35, 109, 118, 123, 16,71 Hill 113 1, 27, 101; 106 Large-leaved 21 Mallee Mountain 267 35 Gum-top Ironbark 53 35,36 16, 19 z INDEX IV PAGE PAGE 11, 35, 36 Box, Narrow-leaved Narrow-leaf Red Ill Narrow-leaf White 11) 116, 120 Poplar-leaved 3,8, IL 110, 111, 113 Red 10,36 River 113 Round Shining Leaf 83 Easip Egg-in-egg-cup buds Eacalifptus acacioides A Cunn alba 276 Miq 20,101 74 alpina Liudl 93 amijgduUna Weeping White ' 3,11,10,19,22 Yellow Box-tree Labill 40 219 Woclh angu.stifolia 73 augustissinia F.v.M 15 Baueriana Miq 71 Baueriana Schauer BauerleniiY.v.M Brown Box 123 BehrianaF.v.M Burrawang Bwurawi 118 78 bicojor A Cann 17,19,37,41 30, 31 var pun-ifiora F.v.M 7,9 hicohr Jiw^ fc(co/o»" 122, 278 Cabbage Box Cleland, A F Cloez, Prof Woolls BoormrtJii Bosistoana F.v.M 189 brachi/andra¥.Y.'M 157 brachypoda TuYcz Coolabah 10 brevifoUaY.Y.M Coohbah 52 bupresliumV.v.U Coolibah Box 12 caesia 14 cajuputeaY.v.M 7, Cryptic description of a species 177 Curly Mallee 11 Curra Curra Dead Finish 157 Den 23, 109 Dern 23, 109 241 Descriptions of species by the older authors Desert Gum or Mallee Drooping Box 10 Dwarf Box 52 Mallee White Gum 2,7 38, 39, 94, 138 62 51,53,67 51 195,306,307 211,214,296 Caleyi Maiden 27,34 14, 90, 91, 95 103 29 calcicuUrix¥.v.M R.Br 2.32 calophylla R.Br 1 0, , Benth C'dopkylla Darjan Deane and Maiden 95 Caley, Geo 52 6, 17, 19, 30, 39, 54, 68, 108, 126, 140 83 120 111, 119, 123, 142 257 var jmrpurascens F.v.M 45 16, 204 178, 287 109, 111, 116, 120 Maiden 279 285 220, and Smith Mallee 1.30, var conica .63,61 Broad-leaved Peppermint Brush Box 10 66, 72, 95 178, 287 apicidata Baker 255 8, 9, angustifolia Tnvcz 123, 138 amyf/dalina Schauer annulala Benth Box-tree of the Mackenzie River Broad-leaved Ironbark alhens 114, 118, 124 2, 115, 101 albensBQ' Spotted 278 .96, 161,205 Silver-leaved 10,52 Hcmw 24 Swamp Swamp White 45, 47, 49 68,159 Deane and Maiden Silver Stinking ac menioides Schanev affinis 286 103, 130, 165, 174, 225, 5, 25, depicted as (Seedling E iiiarijinata through inadvertence) cahjcogona Turc , var celaslroides gracilis Maiden Maiden 133 S, 49 50 , 42, 49, 1 190 47,108,148 28G Thozetiana Maiden 48 211 Cambagei Deane and Maiden 255, 208, 275 202, 203, 209 Campaspe S le M Moore Ill 214 222 INDEX PAGE PAGE 153, 269 Eucalyptus capitellata Sm celastroides Tuicz 42,49 cladocalyx F.v.M 94, 148, 194, Cloeziaua F.v.M fasciculosa 104,108,140 232 F/eteAen R T 136 Baker 153, 175, 181, 191 Deane and Maiden conoidea Benth cordata Labill foecunda Schau 37, 40, 43, 166, 169, 176, 185, 193, 215 var aimidala F.v.M Sm 75 (7('(/a»/ea.Dehnh 250 gigantea Hk 291 204 Gillii f 168,177 Maiden 250 glaucaBO 248, 249, 259, 269, 271, globuhLs Labill 281, 296, 302 222, 263 148,308 corynocalyx'F.vM cosmophylla F.v.M 88, 226, 236, 245, 284, 296 crebra F.v.M 13, 62, 63, 64, 70, 73, 104, 250 Don 128 DC 226 var coronifera F.v.M gneorifolia G goiirphocephala 155, 181, 188, 191, 199 goniantha Turcz 200, 302 108,119,156,158 var Dawsord R 70 citrataF.vM T Eaker dealbata A Cumi decipiens Endl 109, 111, 115 20, 24, 268, va.r 280, 292 var acwmiMato Benth nitens 149 149 147, 172, 175, 180, 185 decurva F.v.M Deane 2Mlle)is gracilis delcijateusis'R.T.BiikeY 293 desertorum 'Naxidin 145 Andrews diptera 202, 204, 206 298, 302, 303, 305 diversifolia Bon\)\ 226 diversifoliaMiq 250 194, 195, 197 doratoxylon F.v.M drepanophijUn F.v.M 1, 67, 71, 102, 156, 159, 300 drepanophylla F.v.M not Benth correction) Drummondii Benth cZM)HO.sa A Benih erythrocahjx Oldfield 67 223 127 218 267, 271, 275, 292 & Mueller 273 268,275 89, 90 230, 231 erylhrocorysY.y.M 232 erylhronema Turcz 296 108 148, 168, 173, 285, 286 var Tlwzcliana F.v.M r/fac!fo Sieb 63,64 188, 207, Maiden •Griffithsii 300,301 Maiden 281,284 GumuB.k.i var acervula Deane and Maiden kwniastoma DC non Jiwmastoma Sm 120 63, 64 7,9 6, 293 64, 67, 220 Sm var micrantha Benth /ifB)»atostow(a 208 202,210 grossa F.v.M Guilfoylei 48 non F.v.M hwmastoma Miq •• Cunn elaeophora F.v.M 268 40, 43, 48, 49, 104, F.v.M (a var rliodophloia Benth & Maiden Naudin gracilipes 186,191,197 diversicolor F.v.M 257, 260, 267, 274 goniocalyx F.v.M 174, 182, 309 xav ajigustifoUa 'Enil 189 ClelandiMiiidau 275 130, 148, 149, 153, 155, va,r latifoliaYiudl 90 • • • 40, 47, 49 gamophylla F.v.M 188,198,209 cuiTugata Lueh 296 166,176,305 comMto Labill fruticetorum F.v.M 250 cordataUiq Forrestiana Diels 123 241, 263, 282 296 111,121 299 1-52, 175,180 F.v.M JicifoliaW.v.M Naudiu concolor Schauer corymbosa 192, 197 201 Maiden var ecostoto 79,81,156 coJossea F.v.M eoHica 147, 154, 175, 179, 186, .127,168,287 DC coerulescens 263 189 Maiden cneorifolia falcata Turcz 73,283 cinerea F.v.M Clelaudi 263 Eucalyptus eximia Schauer 63 Smith 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 14, 32, hcmiphlua F.v.M 36,93,101,118,126,161,291 var «/6e:ti F.t.M 14, 20, 93, 94, 101, 103, 109 Viiirozirpu Miideu 12, "14, 125 INDEX var parvifiora Maiden 17 purpurascens, Maiden 30,31 62 Howittiana F.v.M hypericifolia Tfum-Com-s hypericifolia JAnk 127, 146 91, 107, 252, 255, 256, 271, 281 Eucalyptus Maideni F.v.M marginataSm 166,299,307 Maiden var Staerii 307 Sm (Seedling) 129 warjfinato 129 Mazeliana l^&udin 181, megacarpa F.v.M incrassata Lab PAGE PAGE Eucalyptus liemipliloia F.v.M (continued) 133 76 244, 232, 212, var angulosa Bentli 226, 309 214 130, 154, 204 conglohata R.Br melanopliloia F.v.M 53, 63, 66, 67, 70, melliodora A Cunn 2, 4, 10, 13, 26, 28, 71, 75 36, 87, 95, 108, 115, 116, 135, 143 207, 222 dumosa F.v.M 31, 130, 175, 176, 270, 309 goniantha Maiden grossa Maiden 200 micrororys 'F.v.M 210 nncrotheca F.v.M J 30,31 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 19, 41, 52, 68, 108, 124, 140 167,177 laurifolia Belir F.v.M leptophleba 102, 159 5, 14, 62, 67, leptophylla Miq leptopoda Benth Le Souefii Maiden 3, 4, 24, 28, 36, 82, 87, 88, 194, 296, 297 anguluta Bentli erythro.stema¥.v."Sl macromrpa J 91 91 Brown E 92 minor Benth 84, pallens Benth pauperita J E Brown pluriflora F.v.M 84, 91 92 myrii/brHiJs nitens 80 oW/r/uffl 129 Maiden ochrophloia F.v.M 292 149 odorata Behr and Schlecht Belir forma aiigustifolia 30 F.v.M var cajuputea F.v.M calcicultrix calcicultrix oi F.v.M macrocarpa Hook Hook Jl, 30 26, 27, 28 45, 46 Maiden linearis 166 purpurascens Maiden 15, 29, 35 295 Woolhiana Maiden 17, 32, 36 37 ' macrorrhyncJia F.v.M 90 287 166 var fniticosu Benth macrocalyx Tmcz E F.v.M 27, 28, 35, 38, 44 erythrostoma F.v.M 34 = Miq erythrandra F.v.M 16 139, 161, 168 odorata 91 loxoph leba Bent h 1, 4, 1?, 26, 38, 42, 43, 47, 124, 91 89, 48,49,50 F.v.M 207 20,284,291,294 obovata Lab 159 272 204 rugulosa F.v.M Linkar.d Otto Maiden L'Herit var alpina 77, 79, calcicultrix longicornisV.Y.M 80 Naudin Maiden 29,3 j, 90 Dehnh inaculata multiflora Ricli 91 rostellaia longifolia 92 pruinosa F.v.M linearis var nutans 187,190,199 214 256 multiflora Poiret ohcordata In-icz 14, Mortoniana Kinney 144 174,218,219,287 leucoxvlou F.v.M va.r 77,81,159,270 159 143,144,175 leptophylla F.v.M 308 12, 51, 62, 67, 73, 156, Naudiniana F.v.M {(Irepanophylla Bentli.) 147, 154, miniata A Cunn E Brown F.v.M micranthera F.v.M 142 Lansdowneana Mueller and largiflorens 220 micrantha'DQ R T Baker intertexta 246, 255, 296, 302 186, 194, 199, 201, 202, 204, 208, 209, 210, 245, Oldfieldii var F.v.M 207,223,236,310 Drummondii Maiden 223, 228 230, 231 oleosa F.v.M 127, 147, 152, 165, 178, 181, 239 185, 193, 201, 218, 220, 225, 285, 286 231, 236, 220 226 257 263 var Flocktonifc Maiden ylauca Maiden 185 167, 177, 185, 193 INDEX, page Eucalyptus oleosa (continued) var latifoUa 143, 146 Zo»(/icorww F.v.M F.v.M Ct Smith pachyloma Benth 109, pulverule7ita lAnk , 14 pachyphylla Gimn Miifi 2.32 pachypoda ¥.Y.M 210 pallensBG 243 F.v.M (?) covferta Bentli patens Bentli 104 7,9 302, 304, 306, 307 136 pendula A Cuun 6,7,8 Page perfoliata Desf perfoliata NoLsette perforata Behr 2.50 251 144 165, 168 perforata F.v.M 30 DC 14 Sm 3, Pimpiniana Maiden 80, 221, 291 F.v.ft/ [ 296 pleurocarpa Schauei 75 205, 214 plurilocularis F.v.M polyanlhemos Benth non Schauer polyanthemos Schauer pyriformis Turcz , 9, 25, 109, R T Baker 230, 235 225, 230, 235 Rameliana Maiden qiiadrangulata 230, 235 Deane and Maiden populifolia Bool^ popuhica F.v.M porosa F.v.M Preissiana Schauer 9, 11, 19, 63 230, 232 54,61 Raveretiana F.v.M 298 regnans F.v.M resinifera Sm Risdoni Hk robusta Sm 226,249,291 143,296,297 10,54,135 178, 284 rostrata Schlecht rostellata f 91 Behr rudis Endl 5, 54, Rudderi Maiden 91 81,298 salignaSm salubris F.v.M salmonophloia F.V.M 222, 287 santalifalia F.v.M 78 sepidcralis F.v.M 212 178 Schauer 1, 5, 25, 66, 108, 156, 159 var glauca Deane and Maiden 97 66, 82, 88, 91, 94, 95, 96 , 101, 103, 108, 139 var pallens 96 Benth Sieberiana F.v.M 78, 116, 161 Smifchii R T Baker 109 socialis F.v.M 255 40,127,130 scoparia Maiden sideroxylou A Cimn 29 165,174,286 173, 217, 219, 116, 232, 236, 243, 217, 204, 305 116, 118, 126 riujulosa F Miill sideropldma Benth 109, 113, 119, 271, 274 setosa 41, 42 30, 31 199,228,229,232 minor Maiden 109, 111 polyhractea R T Baker 283 241, 296 121 j)ohjanthema Schauer var glauca, 283 222, 226, 246, Maiden var elongata 244 119, 120, 125, 135, 161 251 211 Sm 260 72 260, 270 racemosa Cav Planchoniana purpurascens (R.Br.) F.v.M Rameliana F.v.M 73, 75, 177, 178, 78, 168, 221 142, 143 patentiflom Miq jnperila punctata DC 104, 108 104, 140, 141 parviflora F.v.M pilularis 63, 64, 85, 97, 104, 140, fascicuhsa Benth persicifolia pulvigera A Cunn 20 var angustifolia Bentli pendiila pukeridenta Sims 21,275 Miq non DC paniculata Sm 232 H (Hooker) 226 198, 199, 225, 230, 232, 236 pallidifolia 230, 233 227,228 ])achyphylla F.v.M ]}allens pruinosa Turcz a,S 11 73, 161, 214 ptycJiocarpa F.v.M pulveruhnta 109, 111 PAGE Eucalyptus pruinosa Schauer 117/160 Baker var lanceolata R T and H 166 oligantha Schauer ovalifoUa R T Baker 178 F.v.M leTplopliylla orbifolia VU var laurifolia F.v M 76 167 167, 177 74 sjiodophylla F.v.M squamosa Deane and Maiden 269 221 PAGE PAGE 62,69 Eiicalypius Staigeriaua F.v.M 157 stannariensis Bailey Maiden stricta E.Br stricta Sieb Stuartiana MacMahon var cordata 126, 150, dealbata 121 221, 222 sphaerocalyx F.v.M 63,64 107 terminalis Sieb tetragona F.v.M 75,214 232 Thozetiana'F.vM 305, 306 43, 48, 50, 161 torquata Lueli Miill var clongata Eodway, nalis Labill Maiden 78, 93, 246, 260 65, 105, 107 Ironbark John Moore 143 Black-heart Bell 309 Blue Box 261, 296, 297 Desert Dwarf White Flooded Giant .16,178 Grey .45,130 Hill 213 Woollsiana E T Baker 17,33 Manna Monkey WoollsiiY.vM 295 Mountain 144 Peppermint Fat Cake Fat Cake Iroubark 253 83, 141 Eurabbie 241 272 Pink Eed 141 92 Largo fruited red-flowering Woodwardi Maiden 230, 231 Large fruited white-flowerin 196 78, 93, 246, 260 262 53, 151, 247 Youngiana F.v.M 271 90,92^ 196, 246, 259, 267, 298 Whittinghamiensis Hort, xanthonema Turcz 35 262 45 301 53 261 E T Baker 210 74 Bastard Blue 144, 172, 193 208 Gum, Apple 144 76 Eobert var pedicdlaris F.v.M var stricta Gum 35, 109, 118, 123, 267 Box-tree Wm 78, 127, 136, 221, virgata Sieber 16 Grey Box 1,3,10,16,17,22 Guilfoyle, 285, 287, 308, 309 f Green Top 1G8 130, 143, 152, 175, 181, rostrata Benth 45 uncinata Turcz major Benth 10 Green Mallee Guangan (?) tnajor Bentli 72 91 F.v.M 173 Goborro Griffiths, turhinata Behr et 177 Wood 186, 203, 204 var latifolia Benth 218 Walter Ginghi non F.v.M Todtiana F.v.M Gill, 272 Mallee 221, 222 221 72 298 Gum Gimlet squamosa Maiden tetraptera Turcz 16 Giant Eucalypts 24 D eane and Maiden terminalis Britten 173 123, 125 Ghinghit 115, 117, 135 Box Fuzzy Box 221, 53, 151, 247 Forest 284 var amhlyconjs F.v.M viridis Gum 129 Baker and Smith Sm uniigera Hk 10, 53 157, 158 124, subrotunda E.Br Herb Fluted Eucalyi)t 263,271,280,291 tristis 185 Flooded Box 202 29, 45, 128, 130, 165 Stmrtiana'F.YM tereticornis 67 Sto7ieana Bailey Stricklandi Flockton, Marga: 92 253 269 257 270, 273 35 110 114, 141 1.35 Eibbon 253 Eound-leaved 113 86 Sand 141 83 Scrub 141 INDEX IZ PAGE Gum, Scrub Blue 92 Slaty 9, Is E hemijMoia F.v.M conspecific with E 21 albensM.iq.'i 114, 257, 259, 267 Sp-.tted Stringy bark 292 Swamp Whipstick 110 151, 175 46 White 82, 88, 116, 141,208, 224, 259, 267, 272 White Desert 299 Jarrah Jerrigree 77 Jimmy Green 77 93 Yellow 270 York Gum-top Box 40 16, 71 Karri 292 Kink Gum-topped Stvingybark Gungurru 43 Heteroblastic specimens Box 113 Hill Gum 141 Hybridism 143, 147 KuUingal 74 Lam hert in ericifolia 72 Hill Homoblastic specimens 298, 303 in filament 39, 97, 103, 139, 176, 255, R.Br 92 72 Large-fruited 92 296 Large-leaved Box Leaf-pits caused Lignum Ironbark 21 by insects Box 85,101 , 83 Mountain 65, 105, 107 96 Narrow-leaved Narrow-leaved Red 64, 65, 104, 107 66 Pale 107 Eed 66, 82, 105 Red-flowering 83 Rough-barked 85 Silver 66 72, 86, 95 Smooth bark 93 Stunted 96 Tree 14 White White Narrow-leaf & K Loranthus 69 90,92,93, 101, 105 107 Macrozamia spiralis 215 Miq Madam Pepperweath 125 257 28 113, 291 Ma,hogany Red 42,46 Mallee 30,31,33,47 Black 42 Blue 35,36 Box Brown 45 (!urly 177 Dwarf 211 Giant 218 Green 45 31 Pink 31,45,146,170 Red Red-flowering Thin-leaved Water Whipstick lies Steriles 243 66, 83, 105 66, 72, 95 Fat cake Silver-leaved Broad-leaved Grey 187 1,27,101,106 Box-tree • 116, 120 Vitse Lippia ciiriodom H.B Black 244 Gum White-flowering Gum Le Souef, Ernest Ironbark, Bastard Large-fruited Red-flowering Manna Manna G im 32 145 170 42,46,146 78 253 INBEX, PAGE PAGE Mazel, M 77 ; Eed Box 3,8, 11,110,111,118 Messmate 157 -flowering Ironbark 83 Mogargro 105 -flowering Mallee 32 Moitch 151 Gum 110,114,135 Ironbark 66,82,105 65 Mokaarago Monkey Gum 269 86 Moogar Morongle trees 124 Mahogany Eedwood Morrel 166 Eibbon Mountain Apple Ash 276 Eiver Box Box 16,19 Gum 115, 257, 270, 273 Ironbaik 96 Muega 82 Napunyah 48 31; 45, 146, 170 or round Shining-leaf 240 83,253 113,291 Mallee Morral Box 113 295 Gum 253 85 Eough-barked Ironbark Eound-leaf Box 123 Gum Eound 113 Shining-leaf Box 113 Salmon-barked Eucalypt 11,35,36 Narrow-leaved Box 64, 65, 104, 107 Ironbark Eed Box Eed Ironbark Wliite Box 114 ' Sand 173 Gum 141 69 Scented Verbena 215 Scholtzia leptaniha Benth Scrub Gum 141 Gum 66 Scrubby Blue 19 Semi-truncate anther 92 143 24 Box Native Bears 269 Silver Nettaring 120 Silver Ironbark 66 Box -leaved 74 72,86,96 -leaved Ironbark 272 Top Gum Pairs of Species 178 Slaty Pale Ironbark 107 Smooth-barked Ironbark 140 Spotted Gum Panicle-flowered Wliite Parragilga Parrajilja Peeneri Peppermint Peppermint Pink 105 Staiger, Karl 170 Stinking Gum 35 43 Gum Poplar-leaved hicolor E T Baker) not A Cunn Eectifying a description 69 278 292 Stringybark Gum 292 Gum-topped 292 248 Strong species 141 Swamp Box Gum 96 10,52 151, 175 White Box 10 116, 120 Box on E Theodore Box Stunted Ironbark 166 Prefatory note 114,257,259,267 211 31 Mallee Poot Eed Apple Gum Whipstick 110 93 93 Box 279 Pimpin 9, 107 26, 27, 33^ 42, 77, 166, 186, 295 Peppermint Broad-leaved 36 10, Woolls (also 291 19 Tallow Tree Wood 101, 101 270 305 Drummond's No 72 Wooroloo (Max Kocli, No 1,411)) Tree 15-20 metres Swan liiver, Darling llange (L Diels' No 1,439) Tree 40 feet or more, rough grey bark on trunk Swamp, Talbot district, 12 miles southwest of York (L O & O H Sargent, Nos 786 and 736a) Jarrahwood (Forest Ranger high, bark ashy grey Wm Donovan), ]51ackw'ood district (Diels' No 2,535) miles from Busselton (Percy Murphy) Preston Valley (M Koch) Up to 30 feet, glaucous foliage With E cormita, Kent River, near Lake Muir (L Diels' No 2,632) Shrub metres high King George's Sound (L Diels' No 2,271) See Plantw Frcissiance i, 130, under E rudis, Endl.' Freiss' No 252 Specimens in immature fruit in Herb Barbey Boissicr are labelled " E rudis Endl (Preiss No 252)." It in B.Fl is iii, probable that these specimens are referred to in the following passage 247, under E rudis, " and in Preiss's collection in fruit distributed with the flowering specimens of E rudis but apparently not seen by Schaucr." Under E rudis Bentham (B.El iii, 245) quotes Preiss' No 262 and adds " I have not seen Hucgel's specimens, but quote has compared them The Schauer) belong to E patens, which has but them on Schauer's authority, who by Preiss (not described by fruiting specimens distributed differs in inflorescence, flowers, and much resemblance with E rudis in foliage, fruit." I believe these to be likewise E patens In other words, immature fruiting specimens of E patens were mixed up and distributed with E rudis (Preiss' No 252) AFFINITIES With Tills E diuersicolor E.v.M has already been dealt with, ante, p 302 .With E Todtiana E.v.M Its closest affinity appears to be Avith this species, when I come to E Todtiana and I will deal with it — — ; 306 DESCRIPTION CXI Todtiana F.v.M E In Wing's Southern Science Record, Melbourne, for August, 1882, Vol As this work is now scarce, I give the text of the original description Arborescent, but not equilateral, shining on both tall leaves ; much compressed, bearing from longitudinally streaked spheric lid ; ; beneath 171 much immersed, veiws pinna tely spreading, ; ; oil-pores concealed four to seven flowers ; stalklets their tube semiovate, attenuated at the base, stameiif: all fertile, p rather small, rigid, iiarrow-lanceolar, slightly curved, almost sides, scarcely paler circumferential vein only slightly removed from the edge long not ii, : ; tlie flower stalks axillary, rather none or exceedingly short calyces somewhat longer than the hemi; with exception of some of the outermost inflexed before expansion anth''.rs sjjits stigma not dilated ; ; nearly heart shaped, anterioriorly dehiscent with longitudinal upward confluent ; fruits rather large, nearly globular or truncate-ovate, their margin thin; v.ilves three, enclosed, very short; Near the sterile see-h mostly broad ; fertile seeds expanding laterally into a transparent membrane Greenough and Arrowsmith Rivers on sandy numerous species became graphia."— J.H.M.] illustrated ridges, F.v.M., near the Named well to E buprestium as to E patens for the Mueller subsequently figured in honour of Moore River, " Atlas of Eucalypts." it J Forrest Mr Erail Todt, through whose [Generally known Allied as artistic talent as " Eucalypto- notes, in his " Euealypto- and gave additional graphia." Mueller spoke of as a small tree, but in the districts north of Perth it evidently does not attain its full development trunk feet in diameter at South Perth branches are very brittle It is It It has is, it however, a species with a narrow juvejiile leaves not a commercially valuable timber tree, Tlie having a short trunk, with rather brittle, non-durable timber RANGE Mueller gives the localities " Near the It is confined to Western Australia in the vicinity Greenough and Arrowsmith Ilivers, on sandy ridges (Mueller) The Greenough flows into the ocean near of the Moore River (J Forrest)." Geraldton, while the Arrowsmith is a few miles further south The Moore River It was not known to Mueller that it grows in is about 50 miles north of Perth the vicinity of Perth, where it attains a much larger size than he was aware of ; Following are some South Perth (J.H.M.) River (A Morrison) ; ; specimens in the National Herbarium, Sydney North Perth (Dr J B Cleland) Guildford (R Helms) ; Swan ; Eayswater, Lower River, Diels' : Swan No 2,720 10 metres (33 feet) high, with rough bark and pendulous foliage Swan River, near CuUala (Dr L Diels' No 2,423) Cullala is between the Swan and Moore Rivers Diels and Pritzel also saw it between the Moore River and Dandaragan Arborescent, 40-50 feet, bark and appearance of B patens, Moore River, near Mogumber ("W V Fitzgerald) ; 307 AFFINITIES Mueller, in the original description, and later on in " Eucalyptograpliin," points to E Liipresiium F.v.M., With E From which and U paicuis Bentli buprestium F.v.M chiefly diflbrs in thicker it and smaller leaves, with the peripheric vein nearer to size, and not placed on thin the margin, in thicker flower stalks, in fewer flowers together but of larger stalklets, in proportionately longer lid, in anthers divergent in the slit^, ampler orifice of the fruit, not broader than long, with more extended but far less with thinner edge and higher inserted as also broader and in the fertile teeds expanding into a broader and paler membrane under E Todtiana.) Valves, The two species are usually fruits of the so different that ('' Eucalyptographia,'' it is impossihle to confuse them, but with the largo spherical fruits (l-.l^ inch in diameter) there arc which occasionally a few hypertrophied ones, display, considerable resemblance to those of E Todtiana P.v.M E buprestium E Todtiana is With The is a slender, Mallec-like shrub, tall, E patens Benth differences of E patens consist in that species having thinner leaves, shorter flower stalks, nar ower anthers, and smaller fruits tree to with smootli stems; a gnarled tree, with rough bark much greater dimensions ; besides, it attains as a (" Eucalyptographia.") They both have pale timbers, and their fibrous barks are a good deal similar is more spreading in habit, while E patens has a long trunk E Todtiana may have a trunk diameter of feet and more, which is much larger than Mueller was aware of at the same time, there is no record that E Todtiana E Todtiana ; attains the that E patens size Further investigations in the does field are required as regards E Todtiana With The E marginata Sm similarity of these overlooked, and is it two species considerable as regards The juvenile herbarium material, has been leaves appear to bo uniformly The opercula are longer and narrower in E marginata, The afTmity of E marginata and E Todtiana renantheroid narrower in E Todtiana and the anthers are is obvious on other grounds The fruits exceptionally they of E marginata may be arc usually smaller even larger than I liave ever seen those of E Todtiana E marginata, Fro: Hoy Soc N.S.IF., in and more ovoid, but and almost as spherical as those of E Todtiana, {e.g., my var Staerii of vol xlvii, 1913) The leaves of E marginata and E Todtiana are often strikingly alike, both texture and venation The timber of E marginata (Jarrah) is, of course, red, while that of E Todtiana is pale coloured 308 DESCRIPTION CXII micranthera F.v.M E In Bcntlmm's Flora Anstraliemis Only one iii, 213 (L86G) indubitable specimen being Ivnown, and that only in bud and flower (see Plate 88), I take the unusual course of recopying a Flora Atistraliensis description, on the lookout for additional as I desire to give every facility to uiy readers to be material A shrub of G to 10 feet, with a smooth bark (Maxwell) Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate or almost obtuse, to nearly inches long, very thick and smooth so as wholly to conceal tho veins J'edaiiclos very short, often flattened, with three to six flowers like those of E uncinala or E oleosa, bat larjj'er Cilyx-tubj turbinate, to ns vrly lines long, t.ipering into a very short thick pedicel or almost Operculum very obtuse and shorter than the calyx-tube Stamens inflected sometimes almost as sessile acutely so as in E corynomlyx and E uncinala, but the filaments not so fine and the anthers very minute, Fruit globose-truncate to lines diamtter, Ovary flat-topped with parallel contiguous cells somewhat contracted (B.Fl at the orifice, the rim broad, flat or slightly concave, the capsule very slightly sunk 218.) iii, The remarkable and apparently unique anther may be described anther, globular in shape, opening in lateral pores, a? follows : — gland on the top Small Filament broad and angular, slightly ribbed transversely, half as wide as the anther RANGE It is confined, so far as is quotes Sandy hummocks, from localities known Israelite at present, to Bay Western Australia 13entham to Eyres' Relief, Maxicell, these being on the south coast towards South Australia Pollowing is patch, 25 (miles sic) There is a copy of the label in Maxwell's handwriting " White sand from the cliffs Shrubs, bark smooth." a specimen of " a white Gum, sandy scrub land, Serpentine River, Melbourne Herbarium, which was referred to this species by Mueller The Serpentine himself, but I think it differs from the south coast specimens W.A.," River is in the a few miles south of Perth — " 309 AFFINITIES With uncinata Turcz E Bentbam says : " Possibly a form of B unc'mala, but both the operculum and s/rtwt'«s appear different" (B.FI iii, 218) Mueller subsequently writes The : — differeuces of E mkrcinthera (from E nncinala) arc less obvious (than E corynocalyx F.v.M., and E decurva F.v.M.— J.H.M.), consisting in somewhat larger imdotted leaves, with tlic circumferential vein distant from the edge, lid shorter than the tube of the calyx, which latter is also proportionately broader, in thicker filaments, the openings of the anthers extending further downward, stout style and somewhat larger fruit (the size of the fruit can only be guessed at by analogy ; it has never been collected nor described.— J.H.M.) the filaments are in a similar way very straight except the single curvature about their ; under E nncinala.) (" Eucalyptographia," middle normal H nnclnata is not close, since the but probably Bentbam bad in bis mind such a form as is depicted at fig 15, Plate G2, a form supposed to be bis var major The resemblance is certainly strong, but the antbcrs are dilferent and the serrulate filament of The superficial resemblance to latter is a slenderer plant, E micranihera With is not present E decipiens Bentbam (B.FI Operculum iii, 193) contrasts tbcse two species thus obtuse, shorter than tbe calyx-tube Operculuiii acuminate, longer than the calyx-tube Then Mueller says :— E micranihera E decipiens : " E micranihera, wbicb is closely conncct(tl uitb tbe arboreous and soft(" Eucalyptographia " under JE" mmmato.) barked ^ (?ec?2>"c;>s " would not have occurred to me to make the comparison A good many E decipiens may attain a figures of E decipiens will be found on Plate 03 One must defer further consideration of the supposed affinity considerable size It until we get complete material of E micranihera With E incrassata Labill particularly in its tbe genuine E inorassala, differs from anthers, but in other respects heart-shaped almost and very short E micranihera comes near to the variety so long separated as E ditmosa (" lucalyptographia under E incrassata) In Part IV of this work (Plate 13, &c.) will be seen figures of 16 figures of E incrassata var dumosa undoubtedly present, but the corrugated opercula of and in Plate general shape of the buds of E incras.sata are very different is E incrassata, The general resemblance is var dumosa is abscMit and (he different ; the anthers and iikiments 310 With "A Melbourae an imperfect specimen in the is Gum, \vhite E.v.M E Oldfieldii There s:indy scrub land, Serpentine River, W A." Herbarium labelled Herb Melbourne {Enc inicranthera F.v.M.)." This specimen seems to The affinity of E Oldfieldii to me probably a narrow-leaved form of E Oldfieldii, E viicraiithera not is close Sec Plates 73 and 74' Explanation of Plates (85-88) PLATE Twig Anthers from a Tasmanian specimen Fruits Vertical half of a juvenile bud and flower; in Plate 28, Vol i 2, twig in fruit, 85 Hook E fjigantea f being portions of the figure of the type as depicted in of Hooker's Flora Tasmanice Parattah, Tasmania (W H Archer.) (T Stephens.) Mt leaf St Bernard, Victoria PLATE (.J.H.M.) SO E Jongifolia Link tt Otto la Leaf (the broadest in the original); 16, portion of twig, showing leaf, flowers in threes, with very long operculum Reproduced from the figure of the type, Tab 45 of Link & Otto's Icones 2a Small buds; Anthers Fruits larger than those of the type, and with flat rims Small Fruits in twos and with angled calyx-tubes Plantarum Selectarum (1820-8.) buds and flower of the type of B Woollsii F.v.M., which is a synonym of Note that the buds are much smaller than those of the type B longifolia Link & Otto 26, larger Parramatta, N.S.W (Rev Dr Woolis.) Homebush, near Sydney, (J.H.M.) domed, and with exserted valves fruits, Wolumla, N.S.W Appin, N.S.W (E Francis.) (J.H.M.) East Gippsland, Victoria H St John, through (Robert Brown, 1802-5 No 4,769 of (P R C Walter.) E diversicolor F.v.M la, 76, Juvenile leaves in the opposite stage, Buds, with rounded opercula the British 9a 10 Mature leaf ; Museum 96, buds, Margaret River, W.A King George's Sound, W.A distribution of 1876.) with uinbonate opercula Buds, with conoid opercula (Drummond's No 11 Fruits Blackwood River, W ^ 12 Fruits Torbay Junction, near Albany, W.A 1.3 Immature 14 Anthers fruits (J.H.M.) (L Diels, (John Forrest.) Western Australia Margaret River King George's Sound 59.) (J.H.M.) (Corrosi)oadent of Andrew Murphy.) (Correspondent of C Walter.) No 2,692.) 3ii PLATE 87 E Gu'ilfoyhi Maiden la, 16, Juvenile leaves, W.A •2a still in the opposite stage I.', ; Torbay Junction, near Albany, intermetliate leaf (Louis Dillon.) Jlature leaf angular and with small opercula (the most advanced I was able to procure Denmark, was drawn ; 2c, anthers of unique shape M, mature fruits 26, buds, ; at the time the plate W.A ; (Andrew Murphy.) 3a Immature fruits L Fruits of "Red 36, ; (Percy Murphy.) Torbay Junction small ripe fruits Tingle Tingle." (Acting Inspector-General of Forests.) Proc Roy Soc N.S.W., vol Frankland River, W.A Since ascertained to be a distinct species {E Jacksoni Maiden) vlvii, 1913 E patens Benth Preston Valley, Juvenile 6a Mature Immature fruits Sa Anthers 86, fruits leaf leaf ; buds 66, ; 6c, (Max Koch.) W.A Darling Range (Swan), small fruits, slightly urceolate W.A (L Diels' No 1,439.) ; Blackwood district (L Diels' No 2,535.) Wooroloo, Darling Range (Max Koch.) PLATE 88 E pcdens Benth {.•ontinued) This Juvenile foliage in a whorl of three W.A (Max Koch.) Fragment of Drummond's No of very rare occurrence in Eucalyptus is which 72, 4th Coll., is Preston Valley, the type of the species E Todliana F.v.M 3a Juvenile foliage Immature ; fruits 36, anthers South Perth, Bayswater, Lower 5a Buds; Mature Twig with buds and Two°immature with sunk rim 56, ripe fruits, fruit, fiat rim fruits Swan South Perth Bayswater, Perth flowers Perth W.A (J.H.M.) River, Perth, district (W V W.A (Dr A Morrison.) (Dr J Burton Cleland.) Fitzgerald.) (Collector.) rudls Endl., which from a specimen labelled No 252 Preiss, mixed with E See p 305 is, of course, a very diti'erent species E micranthcra F.v.M 9a Twig a rare and perhaps sn.all, and with serrulated filament, in bud and flower; 96, anther, very Herbanum, frc«n Western Melbourne in the specimen unique from a unique character Drawing (Maxwell.) For locality see p 308 Australia, without more definite locality stated — The following species of Eucalyptus are illustrated in South Wales"* with larger twigs than is my " Forest Flora of possible in the present work; New photographs of the trees are also introduced wherever possible Details in regard to their economic value, &c., are given at length in that work, which is the Part of the Forest Flora Cunn acacioides, A is a popular one The number of given in brackets: melliodora, A Cunn (xlviii) (ix) acmenioides, Schauer (xxxii) microcorys, F.v.M (xxxviii) amygdalina, Labill numerosa Maiden Andrewsi, Maiden (xvi) (xvii) ohliqua, L'Herit (xxii) (xxi) Baileyana, F.v.M (xxxv) ochrophloia, F.v.M Behriana, F.v.M odorata, bicolor, A Cunn (xlvi) panicidata, (xliv) Boormani, Deane and Maiden Bosistoana, F.v.M Sm capitellata, (xlv) Cunn corymbosa, Sm dives, Schauer populi/olia, punctata, (xv) resinifera, fruticetorum, F.v.M (xUi) f (xxxi) (xxxiii) Hook, DC (xlvii) (x) regnans, F.v.M (xviii) (xii) (xix) giyantea, Hook Sm saiigna, Sm Sm, (iii) (iv) siderophloia, Benth (xxxix) (li) goniocalyx, F.v.M (v) sideroxylon, A Cunn hoemastoma, Sm (xxxvii) Sieberiana, F.v.M (xxxiv) hemipMoia, F.v.M longifolia Link and Otto Luehmanniana, F.v.M * Goverument Hook Pi-inter, (xiii) stdlvlata, Sieb (xiv) (vi) tereticornis, (ii) Sm (xi) virgata, Sieb (xxv) (xxvi) macrorrhyncha, F.v.M (xxvii) maculciia, (xli) (viii) Planchoniana, F.v.M (xxiv) (xxviii) Consideniana, Maiden (xxxvi) coriacea, A Sm Sm pilularis, piperita, (xliii) (1) Behr and Schlechtendal vitrea, R T Baker (xxiii) (vii) Sydney 4to Price Is per part (10s per 12 parts); each part coutaiiiiug plates and other illustrations Sydney: William AppUgate Gullick, Govcrnmeut PriiitBr.— 19U PL 85 Rev Eucalyptus EUCALYPTUS GIGANTEA, Hook f r Rev Eucalyptus PL, EUCALYPTUS LONGIFOLIA, E DIVERSICOLOR, Link and Otto (1-6) F.v.M (7-/4) 86, Rev Eucalyptus PL, EUCALYPTUS GUILFOYLEI, E PATENS, Benth {5-8) Maiden [1~4) [See also Plate 88.] 87 PL Rev Eucalyptus, M EUCALYPTUS PATENS, E E Benth {1-2) TODTIANA, [See also Plate 87.] F.v.M (5-5) MICRANTHERA, F.v.M (9) FIOCKrofl dfl 88 cllitli ... H Cambage and J.H.M.) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cabramatta district, County of Cumberland, occurring between Bankstown and the Cabramatta railway station, and also thence to Bringelly and Cabramatta (now... Oldfleld, of both The juvenile The shapes ; was labelled the fruits leueoxylon and foliage of the latter E E of the and of the of the juvenile leaves are different, With The E Boormani, Deane and Maiden... Cunningham, who was a field botanist, and who was familiar with these trees, named the It bastard box of Cabramatta E bicolor* a tree with a dark box bark on the stem, and with clear white limbs, and

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