CUKTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, COMPBIS1NG THE plants of tfoe liopal (gartiens; of &eto, AND OP OTHER BOTANICAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN; WITH SUITABLE DESCRIPTIONS; BY DALTON HOOKER, SIR JOSEPH M.D., C.B., K.C.S.T., F.R.S., F.L.S., etc., D.C.L OXON., LL.D CANTAB., COBHESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE VOL III OF THE THIRD SERIES ( " Or Vol Among the CXXII of the Whole Work.) mountains flower and weed, Which thou hast taken to thee as thine own, Making- all kindness registered and known." distant WOBDSWOBTH LONDON: L Publishers 6, to the REEVE & CO., Home, Colonial, and Indian Governments, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN 1896 [All rights reserved.] Bot Garden, 1898 iosboH PltlNIKB : IT GILBERT AND HTVIKGTOW ID BT JOHJi'8 BOCSS, CUSIOWJH, HOAD, B G TO ME GUSTAV MANN, Late Assistant Conservator of Forests, Assam My deae Me Mann, Your name sion of years in the and of interesting recurs so frequently during a succes- Botanical Magazine, as the discoverer beautiful Tropical African Plants, that the dedication to you of a volume of this work a duty is and pleasure on the part of your old friend the Editor To this claim must be added the greater one of your epoch-marking contribution to Botanical Geography was by means ; for it of the admirable collections of plants which you made during your arduous and perilous exploration of the Cameroons Mountains presence of a and Fernando Po, that the European element in the Flora of the mountains of Western Tropical Africa was disclosed Believe me, Very sincerely yours, J Tee Camp, Sunningdaie Dec 1st, 1896 D HOOKER I No 613 VOL, LII.-— JANUAR Price 3s, Gd OR NO loO* e OF THE ENTIRE WORK CITRUS'S MAGAZINE BOTANICAL • PEI8IN9 THE PLANTS OF THE ROYAL GARDENS OF KE\ AND OF OTHER BOTANICAL ESTABLISHMEN (TABLE DESCRIPTIO Sir JOSEPH DALTON HOOKF ICatc ©itcctor of tfee &onal botanic ©artrens REAT BRITAIN, HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES, Containing all that are known BERKELEY, T J VI., to be completed in Ten price to Subscribers, for the complete ow ready, Part work to be natives of the British Isles 24 Coloured Plates, M.A., F.L.S 21s ho, each with beautifully Coloured Platee r £114* 6J for the complete I if Foreign Finches in Captivity By ARTHUR G BUTLER, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.Z.3., F.E.S every six weeks, commencing: July 1st The whole will form a tame of between 300 and 40O page*, with 60 Plates, by F W FROWHAWK, beautifully coloured by h>md is therefore necessary to prevent disappointment copies will be printed esrlv the completion of the work the price will be 10 ; • THE MMENOPTERA ACULEATA OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS By Parts I Prospectus and BRITISH EDWARD to SATJXDERS, XIL, each with Form for Subscribers F.L.S Plates, 5s Coloured may be had on application and Phycomycetes FUNGI, Ustilaginese ORITISH FUNGOLOGY \L J BERKELEY, M.A., F.I t 24 Coloured I HANDBOOK OF THE BRITISH FLORA: the Flowering Plants and Ferns Indigenous a Used in the British Isles "INT HAM, ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BRITISH FLORA: A Sei Hood Engl Dissections, of British UTH, L REEVE & 5T, P F.L.S COYEKT GARDEN Vincent : X Reeve & G L ? London I Tab 7452 STANHOPEA Haseloviana Native of Peru Nat Ord Obchideje Genus Stanhopea, Frost; (Benth & — Tribe Vandeje Hook.f Gen Plant, Stanhopea Haseloviana; pseudobulbis ampullasformibus, vol iii foliis p 549.) petiolatia oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis sub 7-nerviis, racemis 3-5-8oris, pedunculo bracteis scaphaaformibus sepalisque dorso nigro punctulatis, floribus maximis, sepalis elliptico-rotundatis petalisque intus pallidis maculis magnis rubris ambita irregulariter crenatis conspersis, lateralibas reflexis, dorsali angustiore arcuato, petalis erectis v reflexis obovato-oblongis acuminatis pallide roseis, labello elongato sigmoideo-flexuoso vix unguiculato purpureo maculato, hypochilio lato carnoso basi saccate- sacco intns fimbriate-, epicbilio 3-partito, segmentis lateralibus corniformibus, intermedio late unguiculato ovato-rotundato obtuse- euspidato, columna purpureo maculata supra medium acguste alata apice bifida lobis acutis S Haseloviana, Reichb f Xen Orchid, vol i p 123, 196, t 72, et in Ott & Dietr, Algem Gartenz 1855, p 322 (errore HaselofBana) The flowers of certain Orchids are amongst the largest Referring to Mr Rolfe on in the vegetable kingdom this subject he has given me the following as the most gigantic of Orchid flowers in his experience, namely, Sobralia manantha, Lindl (t 4446), and Coryanthes Fieldingii, Lindl., both nine inches in diameter ; Cattleya Warsceiviczu, Reichb f., eight inches ; Stanhopea 4097) seven inches and he has found the petals of Selenipedium caudatum, Reichb f., to measure thirty-five Of the seven species of Stanhopea figured in this magazine Haseloviana is most nearly allied to S oculata, Lindl (Tab 5300), which has similar annular spots with crenulate margins on the petals and sepals, but which besides its much smaller size, differs in the long acuminate bracts, very long ovaries, narrow pale yellow sepals and petals, and in the lip, which has not the double tigrina, Batem (t ; flexure of S Haseloviana The form of the epichile is the same in several other species of the genus Haseloviana is a native of Northern Peru, where it January 1st, 1896 — was discovered by the indefatigable collector, Warscewicz, half a century ago The specimen figured was obtained from the celebrated " L'Horticulture Brussels, Linden at of M establishment It flowered in the Koyal Internationale" in 1893 Gardens, Kew, in July, 1894, and perfected its leaves in March, 1895 Descr -Pseudobulbs two to two and a half inches long, flagon-shaped Leaves ten inches long by four broad, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, about 7-nerved, margins undulate ; petiole two to three inches long Eaceme three to five-flowered ; peduncle, bracts, ovary and back of the sepals covered with minute black dots ; bracts on the green peduncle and at the base of the ovary one to two inches long, boat-shaped, obtuse, dirty yellow; ovary two inches Flowers six inches long from the tips of the long, grey reflexed sepals to that of the lip Sepals three inches long, lateral nearly orbicular, obtusely cuspidate, pale greydorsally, ventrally dull yellowish, and covered with scattered annular pale rose-colrd spots one-eighth of an inch in diameter, with dark red irregular crenulate borders ; dorsal sepal rather — narrower, arched over the column, margins recurved Petals nearly as long as the sepals, obovate-oblong, obtusely cuspidate, spotted like the sepals Lip as long as the sepals, pendulous, fleshy, curved with a double flexure, pale neutral-tint with dark purple spots hypochile subquadrate, saccate at the base, and with three smooth ridges in front sac fimbriate within ; epichile as long as the hypochile, tripartite; lateral segments curved like horns ; terminal broadly orbicular- ovate, suddenly narrowed into an obtuse cusp Column as long as the lip, spotted with purple, narrowly winged from the middle upwards, top bicuspidate Anthers shortly obtusely beaked Pollinia narrowly pyriform, about as long as the strap gland ovate-oblong J D H ; ; — 5, Fi# 1, Top reduced fig of of column; whole plant ; 2, anther; and 4, pollinia : All enlarged; 7453 \ i C° London Son Im Tab 7453 DENDROBIUM Hildebeandti Native of Burma Nat Ord OfiCHiDEiE Genus Dendrobium, Swartz ; (Benth — Tribe Epidendre-e fy Hook f Gen Plant, vol iii p 498.) Dendrobium (Eudendrobium) Hildebrandii caule elongato robusto compres; so sulcato flexuoso basi folioso, foliis lineari-oblongis inaequaliter obtuse 2-lobulatis coriaceia deciduis, vaginis persistentibua papyraceis, racemis pluribus axillaribus 3-4-floris decurvia, pedunculia brevibus, bracteis brevibus tubulosis pedicello appressis, pedicellis cum ovariis 1^-pollicaribus, floribuB 3^ poll, diam., sepalis petalisque patulis lineari-oblongis snbtortis obtusia v apiculatis, labello late tubaaformi incurvo longiore quam lato primulino tubo dorso gibbo pubescente, limbo explanato cordato marginibus erosulis, disco velutino, mento brevi conico obtuso, anthera pubescente margine fimbriata Review, vol f A iii Kew Bulletin (1894), p 182, and in (1895), p 49, cum Ic Oard Chron (1895), vol D Hildebrandii, Bolfe in Orchid ii p 93, 18 the mountainous Shan States in East Burma, where it was discovered at an elevation of 1500 ft by H H Hildebrand, Esq., in 1893, who sent living specimens to Messrs Hugh Low & Co of Clapton masses, upon one of It is said to grow in huge which its discoverer counted one thousand five hundred Mr Rolfe considers it to be most nearly allied blossoms to D signatum, Reicbb f., a native of the neighbouring country, Siam, and which belongs to the type of the genus most familiar to Indian botanists In colour the flowers of D Hildebrandii vary considerably, and Mr Watson informs me that the one here figured is the palest that he has seen Mr Hildebrand collected specimens with three varieties of colour one with sepals and petals pale green, and lip sulphur-yellow another with sepals and petals creamy pink, and the lip yellow, and a third like the last, but with two dark chocolate blotches in the throat The specimen figured was obtained from Messrs Low It flowered in the Royal Gardens in May of the present native of ; ; year Descr Stem twelve to eighteen inches long by upwards of half an inch broad, compressed, flexuous, deeply grovecl, January 1st, 1896 — 7509 London Tab 7509 CORIARIA japonica Native of Japan Nat Ord Coriarie.« Genus Coriaria, Linn.; (Benth & Hooh.f Gen Plant, CoRiARiKjaponica; ramis robustis acute tetragonis vol i p 429.) lenticellatis, foliis breviter petiolatis ovatis ovato-lanceolatisve acuminatis, racemia ramulis annotints enatis monoicis gaspissime 3-nis (unico masculo) 2-3-pollicaribus, pedunculis brevibus multibracteatis, bracteis ovatis, fl masc parvis, sepalis ovatis acutis petalis oblongis snbtriplo longioribus, tilamentis elongatis capillaribus, antheris laevibus, piatillodios 0, fl fern, subglobosis, sepalis ovato-oblongis, petalis late ovatis valde imbricatis cerasinis corallinisve apicibus rotundatis ovarium superantibus, nuculis £-} poll longis reticulatim S-costatis C japonica, A Miquel p 255) Gray in Mem Am Acad Nat Ann Mus Bot Lugd Franch & Sav Enum Sc vol vi (1858-9) p 383Bat vol iii p 91 (Prolus Fl JapPI Jap vol ; p 93 Maxim, in Mem Acad 8c Petersb Ser 3, vol xxix (1881) No Useful Plants of Japan (1895) p 125 Ic n 487 Croton Siraki, Sieb & Zucc Fl Jap Fam Nat Sect (ex Arbor Maxim foliis III i p 9; Jc p 36, n 133, p 13 nomen I