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: CURTIS'S Magazine? Botanical o R, Difplayed Flower-Garden WHICH IN Plants, Foreign Ornamental The moft and -Houfe, Green the Ground, Open cultiyated in the the Stove, are Colours natural their in reprefented accurately TO WHICH ARE ADDED, according Charaders, Specific and Generic Their Names, Clafs, Order, Linnaeus ; their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering: to the celebrated TOGETHER WITH CULTURE OF METHODS APPROVED THE MOST WORK A Intended for the Ufe of fuch Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gardeners, as cultivate they Plants the with acquainted wifh to become fcientifically JOHN By Fellow of the SIMS, M D Royal and Linnean VOL The Flowers, which XXXIX Societies \ grace their native beds, heads, blufhing their forth put Awhile But, e'er the clofe of parting day, They wither, fhrink, and die But thf.se, which mimic Nor feorched by funs, away fkill : hath made, nor killed by fhade, Shall blufh withlefs inconftant hue, Which art at plcafure Lloyd can renew LONDON: Printed by Publifhed by And Stephen Couchman, Sherwood, Neely, & Sold by Throgmorton-Street Jones, 20, Patemojler-Rov, Ireland and Great-Britain in Bookfellers the principal MDCCCXIV ; irafciV [ 1592 ] oenothera missourensis missouri Evening Primrose Qqfs and Order, OcTANDRlA MONOGYNIA Generic Charafler Col 4-fidus, tubulofus infera Petala Cap/, 4-locularis, 4-vaIvis, Sew nuda Specific Cbaracler OENOTHERA tanter miffourenfis : foliis glandulofo-denticulatis, lanceolatis marginatis petalis ferrulatis, dif- capfulis ellipticis quadrialatis pedicellatis The flowers of the Miflburi Evening Primrore are large and fhewy In the denticulation of the leaves, and the length of the tube of the calyx, it refembles longifiora, but is a much fmoother plant, and differs materially "in the fruit, which is frnooth, oval, four-winged, and ftands on a footftalk inftead of being feflile, cylindrical, and hifpid The root is faid be to perennial Found by Mr Nuttall in the neighbourhood of the Miflburi in North- America, who brought many novel and curious from that country; fome of which that flowered at Liverpool laft year, he kindly tranfmitted us recent fpecimens of But our draughtfman being unfortunately ablent on a journey into Wales at the time, we had no opportunity of availing ourfelves of them for this work We not find that this fpecies has been before noticed it feems to differ from every one defcribed by Miciuux or by Pursh, whofe valuable Flora, fpeedily to be published, we have been favoured with the opportunity of confulting Flowers in June and luly Communicated from the Sloane-Square Nurfery by Meffrs and T Fraser J J plants : ; & 1593 C ] oenothera cvespitosa matted Evening Primrose Clafs and Order OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA, Generic Charatler Cat 4-fidus, tubulofus infera Sent, Petala Cap/ 4-IocuIaris, 4-valvis, nuda Specific Charatler, CENOTHERA c/'// 291 luteo n flore, capite oblongo hilpido 81 each to near fo approach Papaver nudicaule and /««« them fuppofed have Botanifts other other, that Haller and the whether doubted himfelf Linn^us and fame; the be to us, To cultivation of offspring mere former might not be a is iumSiberia, of native a plant, our however, it appears that and Jacquin Haller which one the ciently diftina from pinand hairy more leaves larger, have defcribed It is much varieties two to be indeed feems There natifid, not bipinnate from received have we as nudicaulis, of the yellow-flowered the with correlponding exaBly Mr Loddiges a fpecimen and high, inches fix about in Flora Danica, with a fcape figure the the pinnulae crowded together Our plant grew to the height of and petals, the lower pinfive generally had half, and foot a nulae diftant, alternate, and unequal ; differences which might however arife from the latter being cultivated in a good foil, in Native of Siberia pot A in a former the border, the open the Mr Knight, of by Communicated biennial hardy from Flowers King's-Road June to Auguft Nurfery, Exotic Cultivated by Dr James Sherard, in 1730 ; * C Lilium Martagon 34 ] Smooth-stalked (a.) Martagon, or Turk's-cap-Lily #'#»#H|HNHMHM # $ % ft » » ' t » Oafs and Order, Hexandria Monogynia Generic Character Inflor terminalis, geminifve fimplicibus cin8a ' uni-multiflora Cal o feparata Cor infera, : : racemofa umbellate bra&eis iftis in cernua ad ereBam, foliaceis verticillum hexapetalo- fubaequalis, turbinato-campanulata, partita, imbricato-connivens, ciliato nudo f vertical! fulco f revolutis, reBis laciniis decidua, adnata, corollas imas EL infculptis carinas dorfi refpondente anth connata partim rarius ; inclufe, fafciculato-divergentia, capitato-tngono craffo cum Stylus ftigmate oblongae, verfatiles turerefta, cartilaginea, Cap/, clavatus, nunc vage curvandus fexcoltata, fexfulca, rotundato-trigona, binata vel oblonga, binumerofa, medio ; valvis 3-valv., o-loc, lubmarginata orbiculato-attenuata, ieriatim cumulata, plana, G alb carnofum feptigeris fern, baud rhizomate hwXhusfquamofus, Obs Herb* bulbcfx, caulefcenUs; erc£lm y racemus excurrcnte ; ab infra mfrequentcr in flagcllum foboliferum to lu remnant fert facie peduncoli robuftiores fubpaniculato-divijus ; rarius bulb, modotamm cuulina, wato.lanceolata ad lineari-fubulata, fccpius Join tllic fajciculahconfertiora hie verticilhta diftantia velfparfa cauk, uam q tnterpkxu valva fibrofo capfularum hdbifera ; axillis in nunc amlncntia, fundus FaiTILLARI* Prtxim* glabra gerino connex* ; fern, fujea, rephcatoJhgmata mclanfens, tortile latioretfapius rotundatus foveis fenis commumter compacltor, amplioribus bulbus e laminis difcreta, canaliculata, tollaterali-duplicatus G Synonyms and Character Specific LILIUM Martagon; (fiores cernui, caule tereti eftriato cillatis (verticillis ; foliis nunc refiexi ;) bulbo flavefcente; cunBis caulims, diftanter duplicalis), verti- obovato-lanceolatis, iubimmerfe attcnuatis, longius acumine brcvi, deorfum feptemnerviis venous, firmulis, fummis fparfis; racemo lsxe partim verticillato, pauci-multifloro ; pedun* culis recurvis, llorem aequantibus f excedentibus; bracleis faspius geminis, inaequalibus ; corolla turbinato-revoluta, glabra; canaliculis tubulatis nudis ; laciniis difco dorfi vel tantum in carina pubefcentibus, exterioribus margine breviflime inflexis, extra apicem bullula callofa praefixis, interioribus obtufioribus carina quadrata ; ftaminibus quarta circiter brevioribus ; germine breviore quam ftylus ; ftigmate obfolete tricolli, depreflb, pruinofo ; capfula turbinata G LI LIU Mart agon Linn Sp PI ed 435 Lit a Redout t, tab 146 Erotero Flcr Lufit 522 Bieberjlein Flor Taur Cauc 267 Lamarck et Decand Flore Fran^ 210 Hort Keiv ed 2 242 Nobis Jupra No 893, ubi reliana Jynonyma (k.) caule glabro G in numero prxfenti (£.) caule villofo-hirfuto G Jupra No 893, laxe fparfo f M For a further account of the fpecies, fee No 893 of this work The prefent variety with a fmooth ftem is ufually a lefs robuft: plant than ,G, which has a pubefcent Item The prefent is the variety figured by Jacquin, in his Flora Aultriaca Native of Germany, France, Siberia, Spain, and Portugal G ^35 C Phalangium Liliago major Larger GRASS-LEAVED PHALANGIUM C/j/5 (a.) and Order Hexandria Monogynia Generic Character racemofa, Inflor Cor infera, braaeis fimplicibus interftinaa Cat o hexapetaloideo-rotata fubaequalis, perfiftens Fil corollae difco impofita, ereao-divergentia, inclufa; anth oblong