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Curtis''''s Botanical Magazine 12

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; CUR S' S I T Uu * Botanical Magazine; • *w»miww> O ' R, Flower -Garden Difplayed : IN V/HIC H The molt Ornamental Foreign Plants, Open Ground, the Green-Houfe, and accurately reprefented in cultivated in the Stove, the are Colours their natural TO WHICH ARE ADDED, Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according to the celebrated Linnaeus; their Places and Times of Flowering of Growth, : TOGETHER WITH THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF CULTURE WORK A Intended for the Ufe of fuch Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gardeners, 2s wifh to become fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate CONTINUED BY JOHN Fellow of SIMS, the Linnean VOL M D Society XV A Ye vallies low, Throw hither all your quaint The glowing violet, a The mufk-rofe and the well-altired enamell'deyes, woodbine, That on the green turf luck the honied ihowers a With cowflips wan that hang the penfive head, And purple all the ground wich v«^ial flowers, jf And every flower that fad embroidsry wears; Bring the rathe primroie that forfuken dies, Bid Amarantus all his beauty ihed, Th; tufted crow-toe, and pale jeffamine, And daffodillies fill thtir cups with tears, The white pink, and the panfy Ireakt with jet ; To ftrew the grave where CURTIS lies y V § Mil ton - LONDON: Printed by Publifhed by T And Stephen Couchman, CURTIS, N° Throgmorton-Street, 3, Si Gcorgt's-Crefcent, Black-Friars-Road Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland MDCCCI ,, *^ df y> ftp "y* '^f ' PREFACE A i Second volume of the Botanical Magazine having been brought to a conclusion fince the death of Mr Curtis, it feems proper that the very liberal encouragement Work has continued to receive friould be gratefully acknowledged, the demand for it being by no means diminished, notwithstanding the irreparable lofs fuflainedby that melancholy ithis [event, has and the increafed price, which the preflure of the times made To neceffary a few readers it may not be totally uninterefting to learn how the Botanical Magazine came under the prefent direction Long before his death Mr Curtis, perceiving his difTolution gradually approaching, naturally became anxious to fecure to his family the pecuniary benefits arifing from the fale of the Work, In order to leffen the impediments to [their fole depcndance carrying it on, he laboured, as much as his infirm itate of health ; \ \ , I ; would permit, He and increafe the neceffary materials of his moft eminent botanical friends to arrange applied to feveral and obtained their promife of afliftance Finally, in the confidence of friendfhip, he fubjecled the future management to the controul of the prefent Editor, with whom he had many years How far this confidence has been lived in habits of intimacy juftified by the event, with refpect to his family, cannot be a general concern, nor is it neceffary to fay any thing of the Work itfelfas far as it has hitherto proceeded: it is before a difcerning public and it's merit will be fairly appreciated In the conftruction of thefe volumes, but little ufe has latterly been made of the materials left by Mr Curtis for feveral reafbns, principally from a defire to preferve them as entire as of the proprietors, in cafe of emergency, and a wifh to indulge our botanical readers with a reprefentalion and defcription of fome of the novel and curious plants which are annually introduced, particularly from the Cape of Good Hope In one natural order (the En s at & of Linnaeus Irides of Juffieu) fuch additions have been made to our former poffible for the fervice — PREFACE of eonmafs a nomenclature the render former ftock as to colleBion copious a contains fe Europe of part No fufion botanical the London, of neighbourhood of thefc plants as the this of elucidation an expeB to right world hare therefore fome particuhiml'elf thinks Editor die and Magazine, {'abject in our coadjua and liberal able with fo met having larly fortunate in tor in this difficult talk to is due much (hew how will done already been What has Efq Gawlkr, Bellf.nden ability of and the indultry JoKtf with whole aHiikince we hope in a few numbers to complete fo lucid an arrangement of the principal part of this order, that no Botanift will hereafter find any difficulty in- reducing the individuals to their proper genera Artifh are employed in every department of the Work as in Mr Curtis's time This will, it is hoped, infure the fame excellence of execution, which is fuch that the figures in the Botanical Magazine, for elegance as well as correctriefs, will in general fufTer nothing by a comparifon with the The fame mod cxpcnfive botanical works, a facl loudly attefted by the circumstance that a large proportion of the ornaments of our mod cxpcnfive porcelain and cabinet ware is copied from them The Botanical Magazine will continue to be carried on as much as poffible on the lame plan as by Mr Curtis himfelf If fome- what more of fhould have been introduced, our botanical friends will eafiry perceive that the fubjects demanded it, and whillt the price is not thereby increaicd, it is not apprehended that any one will complain critical difcufTion For himfelf, the Editor folicits the indulgence of the learned Botanift.an indulgence hefecls to be more than ordinarily ncccf- engaged in a laborious and important profeftion, and having ever made Botany his amufement, never a ferious fludy, he has greater dependance upon the continued affillance of his more learned friends than upon the exertion of his own abilities But, with this aid, he flatters himfelf that the Botanical Magazine will continue in every refpeft to deferve the fary ; for being public favour as well as it has heretofore done [ 5°5 ] BLUE DlANELLA DlANELLA C^RULEA »$»»»»»»»»»»»» Clafs and Order Hexandria Monogynia Generic Charafter Cor 6-petala Stam receptaculo inferta CaL nullis Bacca 8-locularis polyfperma Per Specific Characler DlANELLA aerulea; caule adfcendente geniculato diftichis lineari-lanceoiatis carinatis foliis margine fpi- nuloris, pedunculis reftis divaricatis New Holland, and we believe was firft raifed in this country from feeds from Port Jackfon, about the year 1783, by our much refpe&ed friend, the late Mr Cuff, of Teddington, a gentleman of great zeal and affiduity in cultivating plants and promoting the fcience of Botany, to whofe liberality the Brompton Botanic Garden is indebted for this and many other fcarce and beautiful plants It fucceeds well in the greenhoufe, begins flowering about the month of May, and continues in blofTom during the greateft part of the fummer Is readily increafed by parting its roots in the fpring, and mould be planted in pots filled with loam This plant is a native of and peat earth The Chevalier de Marck has given the name of Dianella nemorqfa to the Dracaena enfijolia of Linnaeus, with which this plant has confiderable affinity, but is certainly a diftinft fpecies The Diane lla nemorqfa of Jacqu in, figured in his Hort Schoenb t 94 appears to be different from both have adopted the name by which it is known in thofe collections about town which poflefs it hope to take another opportunity of faying fomething more on this genus la We as diftinguilhed —We from Dracana Y°JoS J ?.Ed#ardt ,M /'//> In WCwtis £*8eo:Crdcent jftb.-f.ff0i JWar^mJUufr 506 ] C Stapelia Lentiginosa Freckled Stapelia Clafs and Order Pentandria Digynia Generic Character Contorta Neclar duplici ftellula 5-phylIa tegente genitalia Specific Character STAPELIA decem-dentatis, corollis lentiginofa, laciniis al- fundo concavo orbiculo eievato cintlo; caulibus fuperne ramofis, ramis penta- tcrnis obfoletis, gonis patentibus tuberculofis : tuberculis unci- natis When Mr Ay ton was publifhed, there were only five fpecies of Stapelia known in this country, and of thefe two had been newly introduced by Mr Francis the Hortus Kewenfis of Masson This laborious inveftigator of nature has fince defcribed and figured forty-one new fpecies, the flowers of many of which are extremely beautiful as well as fingular in their appearance On carefully examining all thefe fpecies, as well as thofe before known, we cannot find that our plant in every refpeft exactly correfponds with any one of them In the colour and fhape of the corolla, it agrees very well with the guttata, but in this the flowers fit on longer peduncles, which arife from the bafe of the ftalk, the ftalks are undivided, and the tubercles are not hooked on which account we deem ; ourfelves justified in confidering it The fpecimen from which our D as a new fpecies figure was taken, flowered Woodford, Efq at Vauxhall, laft fummer, who received it from the royal garden at Kew, into which this fpecies alfo was introduced by Mr Francis in the collection of E Masson For the proper mode of variegata culture, fee our account of Stapelia I w'/f [ 5°7 ] Sempervivum Globiferum HoUSELEEK Clafs Globular and Order DoDECANERIA DoDECAGYNIA Generic Charafler Cat 12-partitus Petal 12 Cap/ 12 polyfperm Specific Charatler SEMPERVIVUM gloliferum, foliis propaginibus glo- Spec Haller Hijl SEDUM ciliatis, Plant 665 Edit tVilldcnow, 952 Jacquin Aujl p 50 tab app 40 rofulis ciliatis, petalis, fubulato-lanceolatis duodenis bofis SEDUM and Synonyms majus vulgari n 950 fimile, globulis decidentibus 3.^.472.7:12 / Mori/on, 7./ 18 This plant being a native of Rula and Germany, is perfectly hardy, eafily bearing our winters in any dry fituation Like moil fucculent plants, it grows beft in a dry light Toil, fuch as loam mixed with lime rubbifti, res pedicellati braEleis inclufis difcreti, fuccejjive prodeunles involucre fpathaceo fajciah Corolla fugax involuto-tnarcejcens (jemperne?) 1acini a geniculate unguibus fubereclis vel fubrotata genubus et unguibus obfoletis, interiores modofed rarif- fime defunt Filamenta vel haji tantum vel medio tenus vel omnino cunicuiatoconnata Stigmata in mnnullis imminuta vix petatifonnia at nunquatn non fijjet £htandoque Jlerilejcunt pedicelli G Ah Iridi (praterquam dijlinguenda G MORMA habitu) laciniis baud in tubutn connatis apprime carulea> fpiralis (Bot team revocanda Mag.) melakuca, et pufilla ad Aris- G Specific Characler MOR./EA unguiculata; imberbis, laminis interioribus parvis tridentato-partitis : exterioribus obovatis fubacutis unguium anguftarum nino coalitis longitudine, hlamentis ungues aequantibus om- G obferved in No 577, that the corolla of Mo rje a decayed by twilling itfelf fpirally into a column, we then intended When we thai genus, and to have fo that the remark name for another Vieusseuxia for this, that adopted that of is now inappro- genus fo named by Miller from his friend Robert More, Efq whom he ftates to be learned in various branches of natural hiftory, and particularly in that of botany*; the fpecies on which he founded it was Moria vegeta Thofe that have regulated us in the prefent effemial character are Iris ciliatat minula tripctala, fpathacea, ramofaf angnjla> fcfacea, pavoma, crijpa, tricitfpis, (Bot Mag No 168.) viHofa, priate to Moraea ; a l (Bot (Bot Mag No 571.) unguiculata papilionacea, edulis, trifiis, Mag No 577.) polyftachia? vifcaria, (Bot Mag No y Willde(iriopetalee juncea, vcgeta, biiuminofa Morjea 587.) novii varietates) collina et elegant (Hort Schcenb.) Our prefent plant, fo nearly allied to tricufpis and villofay from both, in not being bearded and in having its claws much narrower and equal to the laminae of the largert fegments, and from the latter, moreover, in not having a pubefcent leaf and Item Introduced from the Cape by Mr Alderman Hibbert, at whofe garden our drawing was taken, and where alone, we believe, it is at prefent to be found ProFlowers in May pagates in the manner of Mor#,a villofa This genus is certainly one of the molt elegant divifions of the whole natural order, but from the extreme delicacy of the corollas of its fpecies ill calculated for the Herbarium, in which fcarcely any thing but the leaf and ftera can be recognized, hence good figures from living fpecimens become the more differs defirable •Prcfeflbr G Thunberg, Mor^a, mentions the name as given by Linnjeus in honour of Johannes Morbus, M D at Fahlun but this muft be a miftake, Linn^us having avowedly adopted the genua QA in his Diflertatton on ; the fole authority of Miller's Dictionary [ 594 ] Crimson Ixia Crateroides Clafs Ixia and Order Triandria Monogynia Generic Charatler — Specific Charatler Vid No 549 and Synonyms IXIA crateroides; pauciflora, foliis gramineis, tubo breviflimo \X\k IXIA fpatham fcariofam patentem vix sequante, limbo hemiflaciniis ovalibus firniulis, ftigphserico-campanulato G, matibus antheras fuperantibus fpeciofa Bot Rep tab 186 campanulata Herb Bank/ : Bulb not irregular, of a fo more fucculent fpongy farinaceous as ufual in the genus fubftance, and Leaves — 6, fmooth, with a flightly prominent midrib, fhorter than the ftem largifli, Flowers 2, rarely three, upright, fcentlefs Stem fimple, round, wiry, from fix inches to a foot high Spathes fcariofe, denticulately fplit, patent ; tube feveral graCs-like, — times fhorter than the limb, fcarcely equal to the fpathe Limb fubfphieroid-bell-ihaped, fegments feparate to the tube, oblongoval, bluntifh, ftantial fomewhat concave, confiftence than in of a more fubdeep crimfon fpecies, mining, mod on the infide, on the out purplifh-red, traverfed longitudinally by a paler {tripe Filaments upright, patent, much fhorter than limb, about the length of the anthers, purplifh Stigmas recurved, feparated but little beyond the fummits of the anthers, which they generally overtop Out of many hundred fpecimens, both indigenous and from our own gardens, this is the only one we have ever feen with fo many as three flowers, though the fpecies is as liable as its congeners to vary in fize of leaf and height of ftem Does not bloffom fo freely as many others, perhaps requires tenderer treatment Flowers Propagates abudantly by offsets A pot of them exaclly refembles a pot of our common graffes Found, according to Mr Nevin, at the Cape, in fandy fpots near the in July twenty-four rivers Our figure was taken at Mr Colville's KingVRoad, Chelfea G tne in nurferv, WSQ4 ?s&^£ INDEX INDEX | In which the Latin Names of the f In which Plants contained in the Sixteenth Volume are alphabetically arranged % % £ 561 Antholyza anhiopica 576 Babiana plicafa 583 villofa 564 Cacalia coccinea 551 Campanula azurea 565 Clematis fy , Viticella _ carneus 556 569 namaquenfis quadrangularis t 562 flender $ 55 Anall changeable fquare-leaved ? thick-leaved 59 578 586 579 violet-fcented wing -flowered Crane's-bill, pinnated ^590" Crataeva, fweet-fcented versicolor Watfonius ^ — — — 579 Pelargonium pinnatum Phlox ftolonifera Robinia glutinofa Samyda tall purple-flowered Cyanella, 568 ty •£572 Epidendrum, purple- flowered recurvus 577 Iris triftis* villofa* 571 vifcaria* 587 589 Ixia ariftata capillaris, var gracillima 570 — crateroides 594 excifa 584 falcata 566 maculata,

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 22:24


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