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(Đề thi IELTS 29/09/2018) -> Giống tài liệu lớp IELTS Package, sách Task IELTS Ngoc Bach Report Plan: Paraphrase paragraph: describe what the diagram shows, using some different vocabulary Summary paragraph: number of stages [3]; refer to first and last stages [bottles collected/new bottles to supermarkets/shops] Paragraph 3: stage Paragraph 4: stage Paragraph 5: stage ANSWER The diagram illustrates the various stages in the recycling of waste glass bottles + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” There are three main stages shown in the diagram, beginning with the collection of the used glass bottles and ending with the delivery of products in new bottles to retail outlets such as supermarkets In the first stage, waste bottles are deposited at collection points, where they are loaded onto trucks for delivery to a glass recycling facility Stage begins with the process of cleaning the bottles with high pressure water and they are then separated into clear, green and brown glass This is then broken into pieces in the glass factory and passed through a furnace, where they are burned at a temperature of 600 to 800 degrees Celsius This recycled glass is now in liquid form, and it is joined with new liquid glass ready for moulding into a bottle shape In the final stage, the new bottles are used for different products, ready for sale in supermarkets or shops + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” (Đề thi IELTS 13/10/2018) -> Giống tài liệu lớp IELTS Package Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people Why is this the case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these places? ANSWER: It is true that tourists from many parts of the world pay more visits to museums and historical places than local inhabitants There are many reasons for this, but this situation should be addressed by attractinglocals in some practical ways There are two main reasons why museums and historical sites are preferred more by tourists than by local residents One reason is that museums are too familiar to the locals If museums not change anything, there will be nothing new for the locals to discover Like eating the same dish every single day, they feel bored with visiting the same places Furthermore, entrance tickets at some historical sites are expensive for the local inhabitants to afford For example, in Dien Bien, a province in northwestern Vietnam, it is rather hard for the residents to make ends meet, let alone to spend money on visiting some famous historical attractions there The government should take some measures/steps to tackle this issue effectively Firstly, museums ought to be invested in more by the authorities to refresh the exhibits The fresher the exhibitions are, the more local residents will be interested in them Secondly, historical relics need to be free for all the local people Without worrying about additional expenditures, residents will pay more to visit historical sites in order to broaden their knowledge about their home towns In conclusion, there are some known reasons for this trend However, something should be done by the authorities to attract more visitors from the local areas Đề thi Task ngày 19/10/2018 IDP theo report bạn "More people decided to have children in their later age than in the past Why? Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?" + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” Và ý tưởng đề giống viết tài liệu khóa học offline IELTS Package Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life What are the reasons? What are the effects on society and family life? ANSWER: In recent years, the decision of parents to start a family later in life has become an increasingly popular trend There are a number of reasons for this trend, which is having a significant impact on both family life and on the community as a whole There are two important reasons why more people nowadays are deciding against having children when they are young Firstly, rather than embarking on parenthood, many individuals consider that building their own successful careers is top-priority If they had to split their time between working and bringing up their offspring when they were in the early stages of their careers, their performance at work and promotion prospects could be negatively affected Secondly, delaying childbirth could give young people countless opportunitiesto enjoy their lives For example, this choice may let young couples have a richer social life, pursue their interests and hobbies or even to travel the world However, this tendency could have negative consequences in terms of both family life and society An important concern for a family is that raising children could be a huge challenge for older parents Even though they might have a high socioeconomic status, as well as great experience and knowledge, it may not be easy for them to communicate with and relate to their children, due to the generation gap Another negativefactor is that getting pregnant after 35 years of age oftentimes carries more potential health risks Specifically, this could increase the danger of having a miscarriage or stillbirth for older mothers, and babies might be at greater risk of having Down’s syndrome Consequently, this could negatively affect the quality of the future workforce In conclusion, there are a number of reasons why more and more people prefer giving birth later in life As a result, there could be negative influences on individual families and the society at large + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” (Đề thi IELTS 20/10/2018) -> Giống tài liệu lớp IELTS Package In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles What are the changes which have occurred? Do you think these changes are positive or negative? Essay Plan: Introduction: Changes have taken place in family roles and structures It is a positive development Paragraph 1: [1] family roles: women working, husbands help more at home [2] family structures: people getting a career first and marrying later – example: the UK [Vietnam?] Paragraph 2: positive: [1] children learn to become more independent at an earlier age [2] smaller families = parents can afford to invest more in their children’s education and health Conclusion: Changes have been dramatic, but they have been positive on the whole ANSWER It is true that modern life has brought about a number of significant changes in terms of the family structure and the roles of family members There are some important changes that have taken place, and in my opinion these have been largely positive Some traditional family roles and structures have now become a thing of the past Perhaps the most important revolution has been the increasing trend for women to pursue careers, even when they are married As a result, in many households, husbands now help their wives to the chores which were once considered ‘women’s work’ The tendency to pursue a career has also had another effect, as couples put their studies and work first before marriage and before having children Previous generations in Vietnam, for example, would have considered such arrangements as unusual, especially in the case of women I consider such developments as positive, despite the objections raised by traditionalists Firstly, in the modern nuclear family, children learn to become independent at an earlier age Kindergartens and nursery schools offer places for children to play and learn to socialise, enabling working parents to earn enough money for the family to enjoy a high standard of living Secondly, parents of small families with a double income can invest more in the education and well-being of their children Consequently, the life chances and choices of those children will be improved if there is enough money to finance later university studies, and gain essential qualifications to make their way in the modern world of work + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” In conclusion, while it may be fashionable to mourn the loss of the traditional family, it is more realistic to welcome the changes that have taken place as positive, to meet the challenges of the modern world 290 words (Đề thi IELTS 1/11/2018) – IDP -> Giống sách IELTS Ngoc Bach, tài liệu IELTS Package Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school Discuss both views ANSWER: Upon graduating from high school, the young often wonder whether they ought to keep on studying further or not Many people believe that continuing to study at a university or college will be the best way to guarantee a successful career, whereas others believe that working right after school is a better option Working straight after graduation is beneficial in some ways Firstly, by working, young people will be able to earn money as soon as possible, and since they will likely be mature enough, they will be able to live independently on their own income It is also common knowledge that having a job leads to even more maturity Secondly, a person who chooses to get a job instead of pursuing higher education is likely to progress rapidly in their career This may help them to obtain a lot of real experience and skills in their chosen profession On the other hand, there are a variety reasons why people tend to choose to continue their education after high school First, a college education prepares young people to meet higherlevel qualifications, which is what most employers expect these days University graduates usually get a much higher salary than those without a university education Furthermore, the job market is becoming more and more competitive and nowadays people are well-advised to get a degree, as hundreds of applicants often chase the top jobs Having a degree is an obvious advantage that university graduates have In Vietnam, students who graduate with an engineering degree are highly paid and have an easy time getting a good job In conclusion, it seems evident that both working right after school and choosing to continue higher-level studies each have their own unique advantages + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” (Đề thi IELTS 1/11/2018) – BC -> Giống sách IELTS Ngoc Bach, tài liệu IELTS Package Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport Why is it not popular in many places? How can its popularity be increased? Essay Plan: Introduction: introduce topic, agree that cycling is environmentally friendly Need to consider why it is not more popular and what we can to make it more popular Paragraph 2: answer first question: topic sentence: there are reasons why cycling is not more popular Idea [1] need to be fit to cycle – support idea: goint up hills, bad weather Idea [2] danger of using busy roads – support idea: children cycling to school Idea [3] cycling takes longer than using a car – support idea: people have busy lives and are always in a hurry [1] Paragraph 3: answer second question: topic sentence: it is easy to make cycling more popular Idea [1] people can improve their fitness - support idea: begin with cycling short distances Idea [2] campaigns to promote health benefits of cycling – support idea: workplaces provide facilities to encourage employees to cycle to work Idea [3] discourage motorists and encourage cyclists – support idea: congestion charge for cars, cycle lanes for cyclists Conclusion: we can encourage more people to travel by bike ANSWER It is obvious that cycling is more eco-friendly than other forms of private transport There are some reasons for this trend and some effective measures can be taken to overcome the reluctance of the public to use bikes and to make the bicycle a more popular means of transport There are several reasons why cycling as an activity is not more popular Firstly, cycling demands a reasonable level of physical fitness to cope with a journey of any length, going up hills and perhaps confrontingbiting winds and rain Secondly, many people are put off cycling by the danger of using busy roads Although many children used to cycle to school, the roads were much less hazardous than fifty years ago, and today cyclists have to confront + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” heavy traffic Finally, journeys by bike generally take longer than travelling by car, which is a major factor in the busy and stressful lives which most people seem to lead nowadays With a little public and private initiative, the popularity of cycling could easily be increased Anyone can build up their fitness, beginning with using a bike for short journeys to school, to work or to the shops Campaigns in the media, in schools and workplaces could promote the health benefits of cycling, and offices and factories should provide changing facilities and hot showers for employees arriving cold or wet by bike Authorities must discourage motorists from using their cars by introducing congestion charges, as in London, reducing traffic on the roads and encouraging more people to use bikes If more city cycle lanes are also constructed, these will keep cyclists safe and speed up journey times In conclusion, with planning and investment it should be possible to increase the popularity of cycling, especially for all those short trips to work or school (ĐỀ MỚI NHẤT 03/11/2018) Task 2: There are more workers to work from home and more students to study from home This is because computer technology is more and more easily accessible and cheaper Do you think it is a positive or negative development? Trơng lạ nhiên ideas lại giống đề khóa học offline khóa học IELTS Package (đều nói vấn đề cơng nghệ thơng tin giúp học tập làm việc nhà ) Topic: The widespread use of the Internet gives people more freedom at home instead of going to work or college Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Answer: The popularity of the Internet gives people more liberty at home without attending school and working at the office While I accept that there are both benefits and drawbacks of this issue, I would argue that it brings more advantages On the one hand, the widespread Internet usage may cause some drawbacks in working and studying at home Firstly, it has a negative effect on people’s health When people keep their + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” eyes glued to screens for several hours, waves from computers and wifi devices may cause headaches Secondly, employees and students cannot master vital soft skills In fact, employees at the office have a big chance to work with lots of colleagues from different backgrounds, which allows them to have the relevant experience If they work at home, they will not know how to build a strong relationship with other workers and how to manage conflicts On the other hand, I believe that the common Internet usage has revolutionized people’s work and study thanks to its significant benefits One reason is that it helps the staff and young people to save time If an employee uses the internet network, he can just stay at home, fulfill his tasks and send them to his boss, not worrying about traffic congestion Furthermore, it is undeniable that it creates a huge opportunity to earn a living For example, lamchame.com is one of the biggest websites in Vietnam, where housewives can sell products and make a profit This may result in a more prosperous and happy life In conclusion, although the widespread Internet usage brings both cons and pros in occupation and education at home, it seems to me that there are more benefits + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” KÊNH CHÍNH THỨC DUY NHẤT CỦA THẦY NGỌC BÁCH IELTS Hiện tại, thầy Ngọc Bách sử dụng KÊNH sau, khơng có kênh khác: Website ngocbach.com: www.ngocbach.com Page Tuhocielts8.0 (gần 400k thành viên) https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/ Group IELTS Ngoc Bach (gần 200k thành viên) https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/ Facebook cá nhân thầy Ngọc Bách (gần 100k người follows) https://www.facebook.com/nguyenngoc.bach.77 Liên hệ: Nếu có câu hỏi bạn liên hệ IELTS Ngoc Bach đây: http://ngocbach.com/chuyen_muc/view/70000261/Lien-he.html Các bạn nên liên lạc với ĐỊA CHỈ DUY NHẤT để đăng ký học mua sách từ thầy Ngọc Bách Chúc bạn học tốt ! IELTS Ngoc Bach + Để thiết kế lộ trình riêng , làm test trực tuyến website riêng chữa ,các bạn truy cập: www.ngocbach.com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www.ngocbach.com mục “Liên hệ.” ... have considered such arrangements as unusual, especially in the case of women I consider such developments as positive, despite the objections raised by traditionalists Firstly, in the modern nuclear... truy cập: www .ngocbach. com đăng ký khóa học IELTS Package thầy Bách + Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, bạn vào www .ngocbach. com mục “Liên hệ.” (Đề thi IELTS 1/11/2018) – BC -> Giống sách IELTS Ngoc... benefits of cycling – support idea: workplaces provide facilities to encourage employees to cycle to work Idea [3] discourage motorists and encourage cyclists – support idea: congestion charge for

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 10:27

