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BreedsofHorses noticedbythe Ancients

Medo-Persian Horse, ancientmanedDunStock, fromBas-reliefsofthe Che-el-minar Plate A fig. 1

Egyptian Horse, AncientBayStock, fromThebes,

.fi.2 . 83,109

Skeletonofthe Horse, PlateI.

External Musclesofthe Horse, PlateII.TheWild Horse

The Tarpan WildHorse,primaevalBayStock,froma

DrawingsentfromRussia, PlateIII.

FeralHorsesofAmerica . .173THEEQUID^BINGENERAL .

TheHorse Equuscaballus.

The DomesticHorse Equuscaballus domesticusRacesandBreedsofDomesticHorses

TheArabian Race Plate VIII.


The BarbofMorocco

The Shrubat-ur-reech, grey, ofthe Morocco Desert,from theprintpublishedinItaly,Plate XI.

The Bornou White Raceof Africa,drawnfromlifeby

Col.HamiltonSmith, PlateX.

The Dongolawhite-footed Black,fromthe LithographpublishedinItaly.It represents the horsewhich

Trang 7

PAGETheTurkishRace .231

ThePersian 233TheToorkee Races .238EastIndianRaces(seeAdvertisement,p.viii.) . 241

The Parameroof Peru, froma.beautifulModel done

inPeru. Plate XII 248

TheEnglish BreedsofHorses .250

The English Race-horse. Eclipse, from the print,

drawnto scalebySainbel. PlateIX 253TheVillousHorse,primaevalWhiteStoek,drawnfrom

lifebyCol.HamiltonSmith PlateIV 262MarengoArab, once the propertyoftheEmperor

Bo-naparte,white breed of the BayStock, from theprint. Plate VIII 263

Crisp-haired Horse, probable original Stock of theBlack Horse, drawn from life by Col. Hamilton

Smith Plate V .266

TheEnglishDraughtHorse, Black Race, fromlife,by

Col.HamiltonSmith PlateXIII 263

Decussated Horse, EelbackDunofthe Ukraine,drawn

fromlifebyCol.HamiltonSmith PlateVI . 274

HeadofHungarianHorse, withslitseptumnaris,froma drawingbyZoffani.PlateXXXI. 278

Shetland Pony, fromlife,byMr Stewart PlateXV 283TheSaranRace 287

The Tangum, or Tangan, Piebald primaevalStockofTibet, domesticated race of Sikim, Lower Tibet;

drawingsentfromIndia. Plate VII 288

The Koomrah(by mistakenamedLalisio),Equus

hif>-pagrus,fromlife,-by Col.HamiltonSmith PI.XVI 2.94

TheAsinineGroup .298

TheYo-to-tze (by mistakenamedHippagrus), Asinus

equulens,fromlife,byCol.Ham.Smith PI.XVII 304

TheOnager, Asinusonager, fromlife, byCol.Hamil-ton Smith PlateXVIII. 307

Trang 8

PAGKTheDomesticAss. Asinusdomesticus 314

TieDjiggetai (by mistake engraved Quagga Male),

Asinus-hemiwtus, from theprint,An.Litluxjraph.,ofFred.Cuvier.PlateXX .317

TheHippotigrineGroupofZebras 320

TheZebra Male, from life, byCol. Hamilton Smith.PlateXXI . 321

The Angola Dauw, Hippotigris antiquorum, by Mr.Stewart.PlateXXII . 327

Dauw Mare and Colt,Hippotiyri*Burtfielli, byMr.Stewart PlateXXIII . .329


Ha-miltonSmith PlateXXIV 330


spe-cimen in the British Museum, by Col. Hamilton

Smith PlateXXV 832

The Mules 334

BroodMare and third Foal,with marks of Quagga,

.from thepaintingsbyAgasse,inSurgeons'College,London PlateXIV 342

Filley,bearingditto,fromditto. PlateXXVI . 342

Colt,bearingditto,fromditto. PlateXXVII . 342

Hybridfirst Foalof Brood Mare and Quagga, from

ditto.PlateXXIX. o42

Hybrid Ass andZebra, from drawingbyMr Stewart.PlateXXV1H. .3*5

TheHinny, from a drawingmade at Paris, by Col.

HamiltonSmith PlateXXX. .'.'-. .346


VignetteTitle-page 3

Trang 9



A. MedoPersian andEgyptian Horses,fromancientBas-reliefs 83,109

.-1. Skeletonofthe Horse.

2. External Musclesofthe Horse.

3. The Tarpan WildHorse,primaevalBayStock . 160

4. TheVillousHorse,primaevalWhiteStock . 262

5.Crisp-hairedHorse, probableoriginalBlack Stock 266

6. Decussated Horse, EelbackDunoftheUkraine . 274

7. TheTangumPiebald, primaevalStockofTibet . 288

8. MarengoArab, once the propertyoftheEmperor

Bonaparte, white breed oftheBayStock . 262

9.Eclipse. TheEnglish Race-horse 253

10. TheBornouWhite RaceofAfrica



10.*The Dongola Race 229

11. TheShrubat-ur-reech .227

12. The ParameroofPeru .248

13. TheEnglishDraughtHorse, BlackRace . 269

14. BroodMare andthird Foal,withmarksofQuagga 342

15. ShetlandPony .28316. TheKoomrah Equushippagrus 294

17. TheYo-to-tze. Asinusequuleus 304

18. TheOnager. Asinus onager , 307

19. The WildAssof Persia. Asinushamar ,. 313

20. TheDjiggetai. Asinus hemionus 317

21. The Male Zebra 321

22. The Angola Dauw Hippotigrisantiquorum . 32723. DauwMare andColt. Hippotigris Burchelli . 329

24. TheQuagga. Hippotigrisquacha 33025. TheIsabellaQuagga Hippotigrisisabellinus. 33226. Filley,bearingmarksofQuagga 34227. Colt, third issue of BroodMare, and secondbya

BlackArab 342

28. Hybrid Ass and Zebra 343

Trang 12


INseveralofthe biographicalmemoirs

accompany-ing former volumes of this Work,we have, given

a record of the labours, andattemptedtoappreciate

the merits, ofsome ofthemosteminentnaturalistswho flourished in the sixteenth century Such of

thembelonging to that early period as deserve to

beheldinremembrance, are comparativelyfew in

number; butthese feware entitledtoourwarmestgratitude It wasby their means that Natural

Historywas enabledto emerge from the obscurity

inwhichitwas sunk, incommonwith everyother

departmentofknowledge, duringthelong

intellec-tual night of the dark ages. The generationswhomay be described as having


eyes but whosaw

not, earsbut heardnot, andunderstandings but un-derstoodnot," had given place to othersin whichthe senses and facultieswere beginning tobe con-verted to their proper use Individuals appeared

in various countries makingobservations for

Trang 13

and Rome, and, in short, accomplishing, thoughin

a smallerdegree, for natural history, what Dante,Petrarch, andothers, had previously donefor lite-rature.

Among the small band of congenial spirits by

whom this resultwasbroughtabout, there is none

more meritorious than Conrad Gesner Indeed,

whenweconsiderhishighscholarship, indefatigableindustry, general knowledgeofnatural history, arid

the influencewhichhisworks havehad onthe pro-gress of knowledge, itmay perhaps be doing him

injustice not to assign him the first place We

should not at least hesitate to do so, were we to

trust implicitly to the eulogiums that have been

passed on him by his admirers, for he has been

affirmedtobethe greatest naturalist theworldhadseen since Aristotle, the discoverer of the onlytrueprinciples of a botanicalarrangement inthe flower

andfruit, towhich thevery existence ofbotanyas

ascience is owing, as the German Pliny, a pro-digyof diligence, learning, and penetration. Even

themorephilosophical and discerning judgment of

Cuvierallows him a high degree of merit, which

will, wethink, befullyborne out by the character

of his workshereafter to beexamined.

CONRAD GESNERwasborn atZurich onthe 26th

March 1516 His parents were in very humble

circumstances; his father, Ours Gesner, being a

worker in hides, andhismother, BarbaraFriccia.

Trang 14

a numerous offspring besides Conrad, his parentscoulddolittletoencouragethe loveforreadingandlearningwhichheshowedatan early period. But

hismaternaluncle, JohnFriccius,whowasa

minis-ter, did every thing in his power to promote the

talentswhich he could not fail to discover in his

youngrelative; andit was to this individual thatConradwasindebted forthe rudiments of his

edu-cation Besides instructing himintheelementsof

literature, his uncle inspired him with a love for

the studyof plants, from which the transition

be-came easy to other branches of natural history.

Hehad a garden well supplied with plants,

in-cluding manyof the rarest kinds thenknown, thecare of whichwasinagreato measure entrusted to

young Gesner, who even at thisearly period,

ac-quiredsome reputationin hisimmediate

neighbour-hdodasanherbalist But before his progress had

beenconsiderable, thisvaluable friendwas removed

by death, and Gesner's prospects assumed a very

unpromising aspect Hewas taken for a while,

however, into thefamilyofJohn JamesAmmianus,

a professor of polite literature, who gratuitously

superintended his studies, and showed himmany

acts ofkindnessotherwisefora periodofthreeyears.Shortly after the death of his uncle, his father,

whowas engaged inthe civilwars of Switzerland,

waskilled inthebattle ofZug(thesame inwhich

thefamousreformerZwinglius perished); and thus

Trang 15

ownresources Hewas at this time aboutfifteen

years of age.

Heprovedforatime,however, sounfortunatein

obtaining themeansof prosecutinghis studies,that

hewasreduced togreat extremities; andheis even

said, by oneof hisbiographers,to haverepaired to

Strasburgandengagedhimselfasaservant.* Thesame authority on which this statement is made

informs us, that his master soon discovered his

strong inclination for study, andwassoindulgent

as to afford him every opportunity of doing so,

consistently with the duties of his station The

knowledgehenowacquired, added to hisprevious

attainments,renderedhisscholarship highly

respec-table, andhewas employedfora timebyCapiton,adistinguished scholar ofthe day, toassist him inhisliterarylabours With the means acquired in

these various ways, and aided by a contribution

from the prebendaries of Zurich, who manifested

considerable interestinthe welfare of their

towns-man,hewasenabledtorepair toBourges and

com-mence the study of medicine, a profession which

both expediencyandinclination led him to


Subsequently to this, andwThen he was about

eighteen years of age, he visited Paris, where he

remainedfora considerable time, devoting himself

entirely tothe acquisition of different branches of

learning, andcompleting hisacquaintance withthe


Trang 16


languagesofGreeceand Rome, inwhich he

attainedmorethanusual proficiency. During his

residence in the French capital his circumstances

were oftenmuch straitened, and he was

frequentlyrelievedonthese occasions by a young Bernoin of

nohle family, named Steiger, with whom he hadcontractedafriendship. But allhis resourceswere

ultimately exhausted,andhe was

obligedtoreturntoStrasburg, in the hope that his friends in that

citywouldbeable to obtainfor him someemploy-ment eitherasaprivate or public teacher Here,

however, his staywasveryshort, forwefind that,

in1536, hereturned tohisnativeplace,andopened

aschool forteachingthelanguagesandphilosophy.

Hewasnow about twenty years of age, and

althoughhisprofessional studieswerefarfrom


completed, and his situation in life unsatisfactoryandprecarious, he thought proper to marry; and

notwithstandingtheremonstrancesofhis friends on

theimprudence of such a step, under the

circum-stances, he never appears to havehad the least

reason to regret having taken it, but in every

respect the contrary.

We arenotinformedwhatsuccess attendedhim

inhis,capacity as aninstructor of youth,but while

so employed he conciliated the good will of the

magistrates of Zurich, who, appreciatinghislearn-ingand abilities, soughtto obtainhimthemeansofturningthemtobetter account Throughtheir

in-fluence and support, he was enabled to repair to

Trang 17

studies, which hadsuffered a considerable

interrup-tion Hisresidencethere, however, wasbutshort,not upwardsof ayear, forthe senate of Bernehad

founded anacademyat Lausanne, andprevailedon

himtobecomeoneofthe teachers Herehe

conti-nuedforaboutthreeyears, employed, mostof that

time, in teaching Greek. His worldly

circum-stances being by this time

greatly improved, he

was enabled to reside for about a year at

Mont-pellier, thentheseat of a celebrated school of

me-dicine,andtheresort of learnedmenfromall parts

ofEurope Herehe formeda friendship with

Ron-delet, professorof medicineat Montpellier, andone

of the ablest naturalistsof his age, whose excellent

work, Depiscibus marinis,*illustratedwith

wood-cuts of great merit, has rendered hisnameknown

andhonoured even inthe present day Itwas, in

allprobability, owr

ing to his intercourse with this

naturalist, and othersthenresiding atMontpellier,

that his predilection for the study of Naturewas

fullyconfirmed, and the resolution, which he

ap-pears- to haveformedata veryearlyperiod of his

life, of

illustrating it byhiswritings, first carried


GulielmiRondeletii Libridep'scibus marinis, in quibusverse Piscium effigiesexpressessunt. Lugduni, 1,554,1vol.

fol. Thefigures are rudely engraved,as might be expected

fromthestate oftheartatthatperiod,but theoutlinesare ingeneral accurate,andhighlycharacteristic ofthespecies. "We

willnot saythismuch,however,forthe

Bishop-fish^ and some

Trang 18

After manyvicissitudes, the most important ofwhichhave alreadybeenalludedto,heobtained his

degree ofdoctorofmedicine atBasle in1540, beingthenin his twenty-fourth year.

* Heshortly

after-wardssettled as a medical practitioner in Zurich,and his successwas such that he was enabled to

devote a portionboth ofhistimeandmoneytotheprosecution of the studieswhichhehad somuchatheart Heevenhaditin his powerto make

excur-sions, at intervals, throughvarious parts of

Switzer-land,Savoy, &c.insearch of plantsandothernaturalobjects; and, in 1545, he paid a visit to Venice,

where hebecame acquainted withmanyindividuals

whowereina conditionto promote hisviews, and

where he had an opportunityof consulting many

rare books and manuscripts, whence he derived

valuable materialsforhisnumerous works both on

literatureandnaturalhistory. Whilethere, he

de-voted much of histimetotheexamination of the

fishesof theMediterranean, writing descriptions of

them, andgettingdrawings made bythe bestartists

he couldobtain.

From this period the life of Gesner was of a

pretty uniform tenor, and affords not very many

incidents of sufficient interest to be deserving of

minute record Everymoment of his time was

* It

is worth while to mention the subjectof Gesner'aThesis, asan exampleofthe questions then discussed on suchoccasions:I. Ancerebrum sitprincipium sensus et motus,an cor?II. Anqui crescunt, plurimumhabeant calidi

Trang 19

employed onthenumerous workshehad on hand,

andscarcely ayearelapsedinwhich hedid not layseveralbefore the public. The most importantof

these willbeafterwards alludedto; themere

enu-merationoftheirtitleswouldoccupy alarge space;

manyof them, moreover, were onlyof temporary

value, anda particular accountof these could notbeof muchinterest in the present day The

cele-britywhich Gesner hadnow acquired, both as a

scholarandnaturalist, causedhis correspondenceto

becourted bymostof the learned ofEurope; and

we find him in communication with nearly all

those whose names have comedowntous as

pro-moters of learningand science Hisbotanical

gar-den includedmany of therarest and most curiousplants then known; and the numerous specimensof natural objects senttohimforexamination,formedthebasisof ageneral museum.Muchof histime

wasspent in the mostzealous exertions to collect

materials for his history of animals and plants;his readingwas interrupted onlyfor the purpose

(to use the words of one of his biographers),

" domiet foris videndo, subinde sciscitando a

qui-busvisdoctis, indoctis, civibus, peregrinis,ventori-bus, piscatoribus, aucupibus, pastoribus, et omni

hominumgenere," inorder that hisworksonthesesubjects mightbemore perfectthan anythat

pre-ceded them.

Inthe midst ofhismultifarious occupations

con-nectedwith literatureand naturalhistory, he

Trang 20


was from this source thathis income was princi-pally derived In 1554 the magistrates of Zurich

appointedhimchiefphysician (agx/argo$),and

pub-licprofessor of philosophy and naturalhistory, an

honour which he justly merited, and which he

seemstohave valued highly. Hehadscarcely

at-tainedthis more influential sphere of action, thanheexerted himself toturn it to the public good;

andhe succeeded in establishingan association of

medical mentowatchover the public health By

thesemeans, acollegeofmedicine andsurgerywasultimately established; and Gesner may thus be

regarded as the founderof anestablishment which

hasbeenof great service to the cityof Zurichup

tothe present day.

Hisnatural history expeditions into various partsof Switzerland, Germany, &c., werefrequent, and

hehadan additional motive for undertaking thembesides his love of collecting, for his constitutionwas naturallyfeeble, and he had stillfurther

im-paired it by ardent study Among other

excur-sions of lessnote, wefind, thatintheyear 1555,

he visitedLucerne andthe places adjacent, incom-pany withtwo brotherphysicians, anda draftsman

namedJohn Thoma.Hewas received with

dis-tinguished honoursbythe magistrates of thatplace,

honours such aswerewont to be paid onlyto

those invested withoffices of public authority He

askedpermission, aswasthenthecustom,toascend

Mont Pilate (monsfractus), and a public officer

Trang 21

danger; forthewell-known superstition regardingthe vicinityof this mountain, was at that time infull force He ascended on the 21st of August,

passing the night in a hay-loft. He carefully

examined everything in which he felt interested,

and afew daysafter hisreturnhome, published an

account of themountain, along with his curious


" DeLunariis."*

Ithas justbeenstatedthat Gesnerwas ofa

deli-cate constitution, andthiscircumstance hada-con-siderable influenceonhisproceedings duringseveral

ofthe latter years of hislife. While a youth, he

wasthreatened with general dropsy, andalthough

theimmediateeffectsofthismaladywere overcome,

it seems to have produced a permanent debility,

which peculiarlyexposedhimtothe inroads of other

disorders In 1565wefindhim complaining, ina

lettertoafriend,ofanaffectionof thebrain,whichhe

says lasted nearly nineyears In1559hewasafflicted

with calculus, and used all the remedies then in

vogue, against that excruciating disease. He

like-wise tried to find relief bytravelling, as he was

wonttodo on like occasions Some of hisfriends

at the court of Ferdinand, Emperor of Germany,

thought that his visit to that country on this

occasion, afforded agood opportunityof

introduc-inghim tothatmonarch, towhom his celebrity as


Conr.Gesneri, derariset admirandis herbis, quassive

quodnoctuluceant, sivealiasobcausas,LunariseDominantur,

&c Ejusdem descriptio mentis fracti,sive mentis Pilati,

Trang 22

a scholar and naturalist were well known.Hisreception was highly flattering, and led the way

toseveralimportant favours, which he afterwardsreceivedfrom the handsof the emperor On this

journey, Gesner likewise visited Ulm,and

ulti-matelyrepaired to thewarmbaths of Baden, that

he might try their effect on his health These

provedmore beneficial than he anticipated, andhe

returned toZurichgreatly invigoratedbothinbody


The following year he wasmuch occupied in

forming anewbotanic garden, to facilitatethestudy

ofplants, whichnow engaged alarge share of hisattention, ashe designed to publish a general

his-tory of vegetables Shortlyafter his appointment

tothe professorship of natural history, hehad

em-ployed his increased meansin building amuseum,

of suchextent, thatit contained fifteen windows.

These windows (wetranslate the description of his

biographer, Schmiedel), heornamentedinamanneras unusual, asit was agreeable; on each of them

he painted most elegantlyon the glass, arranged

accordingtotheir classes, different speciesof marine,

river, andlacustrinefishes. Hisshelves contained

animmensequantityof metals, stones, gems, and

other natural productions, whichhehad eitherob-tainedaspresentsfromhis friends, orpurchased The

mostliberal of the contributorsto hismuseum washis friend Kentmann, who,amongother objects,presentedhimwithacollectionof fossil fishes, and

Trang 23

theserichesof nature, hewas oftenwonttospend

his time, seeking tranquillityofmindfromthe

con-templation ofthem,and refreshing himselfafterthe

numerous toils andvexations oflife,fromwhichthebest are not exempted.* As a necessaryadjunct

to thismuseum, henow enlargedand enrichedhis

botanic garden, stimulated thereto byhaving

wit-nessed the superiority of that of Didymus Obrecht

at Strasburg He obtained rare plants frommostparts of Europe, in particular from France, Italy,

Britain, Germany, and Poland, and it contained

manyof themostcurious kindsfound in his own

country, which is of such great interestin this re-spect, as well as in most other of its natural


Towardstheclose of1560,hishealth againgave

way; he wT

as afflicted with severe pain in the

limbs, and almostentirely lost the use of hisright

leg Having tried various remedies, without

de-riving much benefit, he again repaired to Baden,

andthebathsso farrestored him,thathewas able,

inthe beginning of 1561, tovisit many different

parts,both ofGermanyand Switzerland He

tra-versed the RhetianAlps, ascendedMountBraulius,

andpenetrated into several of themostretiredparts

ofthe country. PartoftheVenetianterritory waslikewise included in this extended expedition, thechief object of which was the improvement of hishealth, one, however, quite compatible with the

study of botany, whichheprosecutedwith

unwea-* Schmieders VitaConradi

Trang 24

riedzeal. Theadvantage hederivedfromthewarm

springs ofBaden, seemstohave likewiseturnedhisattentiontovariousmineral springs inSwitzerland,

with aviewtoascertaintheirmedicinal properties.

Thewater of someof these he usedasabath, and

others,ofachalybeate nature,were takeninternally.

These various restoratives, in connexion with his


agreeable societyoffriends, ofwhomhehadmanyscatteredover thewholecountry, soimprovedhishealth, that wefindhim writing, onhis return, to oneof his friends,

that hewasnow stronger than he had been for

manyyears Amongotherfruitsofthisexpedition,

hisherbarium, garden, and museum, receivedlarge


Henowenjoyed arespite for sometimefromhis

various maladies, andweaccordinglyfind him

im-mersedina multitude of literaryundertakings,

in-cluding several publications on botany. It was

probably,inagreatmeasure, inconsequenceofthe

too great exertionsthereby entailed,thathe wasso

soon again compelled(inthemonthofAugust1562)

toseekrelieffrom thewatersofBaden, whither he

repaired, forthe third time, in companywith hiswife, whosehealthhadbeen allalongasprecarious

as his own.By using the waters in a manner

somewhat different from his former practice, he

speedilybecame convalescent, andin order to

fol-lowupthis favourable change, as he had been

accustomedtodo on formeroccasions, bylong

Trang 25

JohnBauhine, thewell-known botanist, to

accom-pany him backto Zurich onfoot, that theymight

haveabetteropportunityof conversingbythewayon

the eubject oftheircommonstudy. This

arrange-ment, however, couldnot beeffected, and Gesner

returned alone It was soon after this that he

wrotea longletter totheEnglishbotanist, Turner,

inwhich he gave a particular account of all his

writingsup tothat date.

AlthoughGesneratnotimeneglectedany ofthegreat branches of naturalhistory, but used every

exertiontoimprove hisvarious works, whichmay

besaid to embracethem all; yet, duringthe twoorthree lastyears of hislife, botanywashis prin-cipal study One ofthegreat objectsof his

ambi-tionwas,ashas beenalready intimated, toproducea history ofplants, and foreseeing, doubtless, that

his lifewas not destined to be a long one, he

re-doubledhisexertionsto attain the purpose he had

so much at heart Thisformed hischief

occupa-tion in 1563 Hehad plants in a living state

brought to him from all parts of the country;

Bauhinesenthimmanydriedspecimens; andeven

whenhishealthwas mostprecarious,he wasinthehabit ofswimminginthelake ofZurich andothersin thatneighbourhood, forthepurposeofcollectingaquatic species Theutmost exertionswere atthesametimemadetohave these plantsdrawn anden-graved, -whichwasdoneentirely at hisownexpense.

Thenumber, qualities, andultimate destiny of the

Trang 26

Lave occasion to allude to. This, and numerousother avocations, both of a literary and

profes-sional nature, were interrupted by a recurrence ofhisold complaints, which occasioneda fourthvisit

to Baden, the only quarter to which he wasnow

accustomed to look for relief, norwere his

expec-tations disappointedeven on thisextremeoccasion.

Knowing thefavourable opinion whichtheEm-perorFerdinandentertained ofhisservicesto scienceandliterature, Gesnerfeltdesirous of obtainingsomepublic expression of hisregard, notonly as an

en-couragement to othersto follow his example, but

asan honorary distinction to hisfamily. Thiswas

no sooner intimated by his friends, Alexander,

Amorfort, andCraton, physicianstothecourt,than

thewishwasimmediately complied with;andletters

patent were issued granting armorial bearings to

Gesnerand hisfamily, with astatementof the

cir-cumstances for which this honour was conferred.

Without attemptingto describe the shieldin the

technicallanguageof heraldry, itmaysufficeto say,

thatthe devices were all emblematicalof the

sub-jects which Gesnerhadillustrated by hiswritings.

Each of the four quarterswas occupiedbyan

ani-mal aneagle with expanded wings, a lion ram-pant, abasilisk, andacrowned dolphin; the crest,

aswansittingon acrownoflaurel, withthreestars

onitsbreast, and alikenumber on each of itsex-pandedwings AsGesnerwaschildless,heobtainedpermission that the same arms should be borneby

Trang 27

aswell as his offspring, whowere very numerous.

This honourwas accompanied byanother markof

the Emperor'sesteem, whichour naturalist valued

highly,namely,a present ofsomefragmentsofhezoir

stone, which wasthen veryrare, and heldinhigh


Subsequentlyto thishe againvisitedBaden, and

for the last time On his return he was greatly

distressedbythe deathof hismother, towhom he

was verywarmly attached: this event took place

in April 1564 Soonafter, the plague, which had

forsometime raged inBasle, made its appearance

inZurich; and Gesner, both on accountofhis

pro-fessionalexperienceandscientific skill, was looked

tomore than anyother individual for some meansof

checking its ravages Hewasnot slowin

de-voting himself to the inquiry; and theresultofhis

investigationssoon appearedinaworkonthe natureof the contagionandthe bestmeans of cure He

wasfully sensibleoftherisk heincurredbyvisitingso many patients, andhad a

strong presentiment

thathewas himself to be avictim In a dream,

whichmade agreat impressionon him, he thought

thathewas bittenbyaserpent; thisheinterpreted

todenote the attack of the disease; andhe wrote

toseveral of his friends tointimate thathewasnow

preparing himselffor anotherworld Forthe

pre-sent, however, it pleasedProvidenceto sparehim.

The severity of the disease gradually abated, and

Gesnerwasenabled to resume his former

Trang 28

favourite work on plants, and likewiseanother on

thenature of stones andfossils.

Although the pestilence had abated, it had

never entirely left Zurich and its neighbourhood,

andvabout the middle of July, 1565, it again

broke out in that citywithgreatervirulence than

before Gesner witnessed its approach with

tran-quillity; but his presentiment again returned, and

he endeavoured to make preparation for thegreat

change which he believed to be near Hewas

seized with the disorder on the 9th of

Decem-ber, when it had a second timegreatlymoderated,

and he had again almost overcome his

apprehen-sions Alargepestilential carbuncle made its

ap-pearance under his right arm, but it was

accom-panied with no pain in the head, fever, or other

bad symptom.Hisstrengthwas so little reduced,

that he continued to walk about his apartment,

only reclining occasionally on a couch But he

had seen many die with precisely the same

symp-toms, and from the first he indulged no

expecta-tions of recovery. He therefore called together

his friends, and delivered to them his will, in

which he madesome provision for his wife and

nephews, and appointed his only surviving sister

his heiress His libraryand manuscripts wereen-trusted to Caspar Wolf, formerly his pupil, and

latterly his colleague, with injunctions that his

writings should becarefullyperused and arranged,and such of them published as were likelv tc b

Trang 29

These matters arranged, hiswhole thoughtswere

turned to futurity, and he conversed calmly with

Henry Bellinger and John Simler (two clergymenwith whomhehad livedon terms of themost

inti-mate friendship), usingwords of hope and

resig-nation The fifth day afterthe commencementof

his disorder, hismedicalattendants sawthatdeath

was near: but he thoughtO himselfbetter,7 and

de-clinedhaving any oneto sitbyhisbed-side duringthe night. About eleveno'clock, however, of thesame night, hebecameconscious thathis strengthcouldholdout verylittlelonger againstthe violenceof the disease; andcalling his attendants, he

re-quested thattheywouldcarryhimintohismuseum,

wherehehad caused a bedtobe preparedfor him

the daybefore It wasin this place, the sceneof

many a laborious study, andamong the objectswhichhehadcollectedwith suchindefatigablezeal,

that he breathed hislast, in thearmsof his wife,

onthe 13th December, 1565, not havingquite


The whole citywas thrown into mourningby

Gesner's death,andhis funeral, whichtook placeon

the following day, was attended by a large con-course of people of allranks Hewas interred in

thecloisterofthegreat churchof Zurich, nearthetomb of his intimate friend Frisius, who died theprecedingyear Hisfuneralorationwaspronounced

bySimler, who afterwards becamehis


Mcin^ \erses, both Greek and Latin, werewritten

Trang 30

find Theodore Beza, andmany others of scarcely


Itmaybeinferred, fromwhat has been alre?r;y

said regarding the frailtyof Gesner's constitution,that therewaslittlelikelihood of his attaining an

advancedage, evenifhehadescapedthe contagion

which carriedhimoff. The delicacy of his healthwas indicated by a pallid and almost emaciated

countenance, the general expression ofwhich was,

however, highlyagreeable, and indicative of great

sensibility Hisforeheadwasbroad, high, and

pro-minent, markedwithnumerous deepwrinkles, the

result of severe studyandprofoundthought. His

nosewas longandelevated,without beingaquiline;hislipsthin; mouthexpressiveandagreeable. His

beard was copious, long and dense, slightlycurled

or undulating, " lenitatis ingenii indicium essepotest," says his biographer ISchmiedel, onwhoseauthoritywewishthe statement to rest. Various

portraits exist, corresponding to this description;that prefixed to this memoir is taken from one

whichwe regardasthemostcharacteristic.

The voluminous works of Gesner may be

di-vided into three classes;first, those on literary

subjects; secondly, those relating to medicine and

the materia medica; and, thirdly, thoseonnatural


Asitismostappropriate tothepurposewehave

at present in viewto consider Gesner as a

natu-ralist, wedonot proposeto enter, in this place,into

Trang 31

on the two former of these subjects; but some

account of them is necessaryto enable ustoform

anidea ofthe extent ofhisacquirements,hisextra-ordinarypowersof application, and thewonderful

fertilityof his genius. Shortlyafter obtaining hisdegree,hepublishednumeroustranslations ofGreek

treatises,onvarious subjects ofliterature and

criti-cism, an edition of Martial, &c., besides editingseveralworksfor his friends Ofthe latterwemay

mention that ofhisfriend Moibau, of whosework

onDioscorideshe superintendedthe publication, in

orderthat the friends of the author might obtainthe emoluments: that of Valerius Cordus, " De

HistoriaPlantarum,"a zealous naturalist, whodied

at Rome at the early age of twenty-nine; and

lastly, the " Lexicon Rei Herbarise Trilinque" of

his friendKyber,whowas carriedoffbytheplague


Strasburg atanequally earlyage Buthismost

important work in this departmentwas his

BiUio-theca Unwersalis, the object ofwhich wasnot only

togive the titles of all theworks then known, in

Hebrew, Greek,and Latin, whetheractually

exist-ingor lost, but to afford some knowledge oftheir

contents, a specimen of their style, and a critical

estimate of the merits of the respective authors.Theidea was an excellent one, and has, as iswell

known, been often acted upon since It is said

to have

suggested to Haller the plan of his

Bib-liotheca Britannica, andBiblioth Anatomica The

first part of the work was published at Zurich in

Trang 32

arranged alphabetically The second part, which

hecalledthe Pandects, appeared in 1548, divided

into nineteen books, and arrangedaccording tothenature of the subjects: the twentieth book was to

oe devoted to medical subjects, but was never

rinished, astheauthorwasunableto satisfyhimself

astoitscompletenessandaccuracy; the twenty-first

embracedtheological authorsanddidnotappeartill

about a year after the rest.* Many editions of

Greek and Latinauthors,withnotesand

commen-taries, werepublishedbyGesner, as wellasseveralDictionaries, amended and enlarged, such as the

Latin Lexicon Ambr. Calepini^ Greek Dictionary

of Favorini, &c Helikewise publishedmanypor-tions of Greek manuscripts which he had copied

duringhis travelsin Italyand Venice, such as the

AphorismsofAbbas Maximus,Institutionsof

Theo-philus, theOrationofTatianusAssyrius, translating

severaloftheminto Latin, andadding explanatorynotes; besidesmanyothertreatises relating to

an-cient literature One of the most curious and

in-genious of his productionsonliterarysubjects was

publishedin 1555, underthe nameof Mithridates,



inves-tigationforwhich his extensiveacquaintance botli

with ancient and contemporaneous languages

ad-mirablyqualifiedhim Heoriginatedmanyviews

inthis work whichhave beenmorefully developed

* AnabridgmentoftheBib. Universalis,with the additionofagooddealofnewmatter, bySimlerandJ J.Fries,was

Trang 33

sincebyauthorswhohaveneglected tomentionthesourcefromwhichthey derivedthem.

Medical men have often expressed their regret

that the portion of the Bib Universalis relating to

the literature of the healing art was never com-pleted; the materials which Gesner had amassed

Were certainlyextensive (he expresslyaffirms so inalettertoone of hisfriends), andtheirpublication

wouldhavebeendesirable, even although theyfell

short of hisown wishes This desideratum,

how-ever,wasto acertain extent suppliedbythe

publi-cation, in 1555, ofa large volume entitled, " De?

ChirurgiaScriptoresoptimiquiqueveteres et

recen-tiores, plerique in Germania ante hac non editi,

nunca Conr.Gesneroinunumconjunct!volumen,"

to which various treatises on medical subjects are

appended Many small treatises on medical

sub-jects emanated at different times from hisprolific

pen Hepublishedmorethan one edition of

Ga-len; that of the date 1562 wasenrichedwith

pro-legomena, an elaborate life of Galen, and a very

full list of the authorswhohad inanyway

illus-tratedhis doctrines Withaviewtoinduce medical

mntoco-operatewith each other, and

communi-cate theirdiscoveriesforthe general good, he

pub-lished, in 1552, what he called " Thesaurus deremediissecretis,"&c Thisatfirstappeared under

the fictitiousname ofEuonymus; but itcameintogreat request, and was afterwards laid before thepublicinan enlargedandamended form, with the

Trang 34

medi-cinales; unus desanitatetuenda; altercontraluxus

conviviorura; tertiuscontra notasastrologicasEphe-meridum insecandisvenis;" wereprintedatZurich

in1556 Hewaslikewise the author, or editor,of

severalother smallworks and treatises on subjectssimilar to those mentioned, but we cannot here


spaceforafull list ofthem Alittle work,

" De lacte," treating ofmilk and its various

pre-parations, whichappearedin 1543, may, from the

modeinwhichthe subjectistreated, be regardedas

a contributiontomedical dietetics.

We shall now proceedtogive some account of

his principalworks on NaturalHistory, and shallfirst mention his "

Historia Animalium," for that

is the work with which Gesner's name is usually

associated, and on which his reputation principally

depends Itiscertainlyasingularmassof matter,

originalandcompiled, displayinga degree of

erudi-tion, research, andindustry,which might well lead

us,ashasbeen remarked, to believe,that instead of

being the work of a physician, who raised and

maintained himselfby his practice, andwhowas

cut offinthemidstofamostactive andusefullife,

it wasthe labour ofarecluse, shutupforan agein

hisstudy, andneverdivertedfromhisobjectby anyother cares Hehadconceived the design of such

an undertakingatan earlyperiod of hislife, butit

isnot probable, when we consider his other

avoca-tions, thatmuchofit wasexecutedtillafewyears

Trang 35

learninghadprocured him, encouraged his design

bytransmitting specimens, andremarksonthe

ani-mals of their respective countries.* The

jour-neysalsowhichhehad an opportunity of making,affordedhimarich harvest of materials, of whichhe did not fail to avail himselfto the uttermost.

Stillitis surprising howhe could accomplish so

much, in the comparatively limitedtimewhich he

could devoteto thetask.

Thework inquestion isdivided into five books,generallyboundup, ashe himselfrecommended, inthreefoliovolumes Thefirstpart,printed at

Zu-richin1551, treats of viviparousquadrupeds; the


thethird,ofthe date1555,of birds; andthefourth,

1556, of fishes and other aquatic animals The

fifthpartwasa posthumouspublication, drawn up

fromGesner'smanuscripts by JamesCarron,a

phy-sicianof Frankfort Itissaidtoberarerthantheothers; it treats of serpents, and has usually

ap-pended to it a treatise onthe scorpion, published

from ourauthor'spapers underthesuperintendence

ofCaspar Wolf. Thetwo latter treatises did not

appear till 1587, that is, twenty-two years after

the author's decease.

Besidesthis, theoriginal edition, itmaybe

pro-* In the

listof contributors, towhomheexpresses his

obli-gations,wefind the names ofGulielmus Turnerus, Anglus;

Jo Caius,medicusLondiniclarissimus;Jo.Fauconerus,

An-glus;Jo.Parkhurstus, Anglus, theologusetpoeta

Trang 36

pertomentionthatanumberof otherssubsequentlyappeared, somein Latin, others inGerman, andone

ortwoinFrench Several ofthese, webelieveall,


abridgedandaltered in the

arrange-ment; someof themaredesignedtobemere

vehi-cles forthewoodcuts, withthe addition ofaportion

oftheoriginaltext in explanation of thefigures Itis these later and less regular editions which aremost commonly metwith inlibraries.

The animals are simply arranged in the

alpha-beticalorderoftheirLatinnames; andtheaccount

of each is divided into eight heads or chapters,referringto the following particulars:1st,thenamesindifferentlanguages, ancientand modern; 2d,

de-scriptionof parts externaland (occasionally) inter-nal,andvarietiesofthespecies; 3d, various actionsandpassions,whethernatural or contrarytonature;

4th,affectionsof the mind, manners, and instincts,

&c.; 5th, various uses to man, besides food and

remedies; 6th, uses as food; 7th, diseases; 8th,

philology, or references madeto themby authors,

whether in prose or verse, the epithets they have


Thegeneralarrangement, ifsuchitcanbecalled,

differs but little from that ofAristotle, the grand

divisionbeingintolandandwateranimals Asanexampleofhismodeof subdividinga primary group

intowhat he calls orders, we shall giveadigest of

Trang 37

Quadrupedes aut sunt viviparee, aut oviparse;illasinsexordines distribuimus.

ContinetigiturQuadrupedumvivipararum mansuetarum

ORDO1.bestias mansuetas, quse armenta vel greges consti-tuunt;cornutaeomneset bisulcae sunt, etruminant, non

utrinquedentatse; utboves, oves, caprae.

2. ex mansuetisjumentaquse sine cornibus et solipedasunt;utequum,sues, canes, etfelemdomesticam.


ORDO1. complectitur ferascornutas; ut boves,capras,


2. non conmtas majores:quoa hominem aut aliaani-malia unguibus et dentibus laedant, multifidae omnes

praeteraprumbisulcum; ut suntursus,leo, tigris,&c.

3. ejusdemnaturae reliquas media3 magnitudinis

minus-quenoxias; ut suntcastor, lutra, vulpes,&c.

4.minimasetmuriumferegeneris; quorumeaquasperarboresautparietes repere etscandere possunt;ut suntcuniculus,nms,glis,talpa,&c.

Animalium Quadrupedumovipararum

ORDO1.etultimus, complectitur chamaeleontem, testudinemterrestrem,lacertarumqueetranarumterrestrium genera.Namcrocodilum, ranasetlacertas aquatiles,aquatiliumlibrosubjunximus.f

At the period whenGesner wrote, any thing1

approaching to accurate views of classification or

arrangement could not be expected; indeed the

importance of the subject was never thought of.

But theabovesubdivisions are altogether arbitrary

and useless; nay, with our present notions on the

* Heregards the tusksofthe elephantas horns,

Trang 38

subject,they cannot be regarded as otherwise than

ludicrous Animalsare referredto differentordersaccording to the accident oftheir being

domesti-cated orwild; andsize is assumed as determining

ordinal differences Thus the lion and tiger areplaced inone order, while their near relatives the

panther and other smaller spotted felines, are

re-ferredtoanother, magnitudimsratione, as he


expresses it. Perhaps his division offishesis

preferable; but after having afforded one exampleof this kind, itis

unnecessary to dwell on the


Hisdescriptionandhistory of theanimals

them-selvescannotingeneralbe spokenofotherwisethan

intermsofhigh commendation,particularly of those

kindswhichfellunderhisownobservation, the

ani-mals of Switzerland, forexample Wehave atfull

lengthallthathas beenpreviously written


Takethe general history of hawksforan example,


With-out attemptingto discriminatemanyof the closely

alliedkinds, an objectwhich can scarcelybe said

tobesatisfactorilyaccomplished eveninthe presentday, heentersintothe generalities of the family

with considerable knowledge of their habits andgeneral history; givinginstructionsforrearingthemand training them for the chace, for

curing their

Trang 39

little sound natural history remains. As a good

specimen of his manner, we may refer to the

ac-count of theeagle, which extends to nearly thirty

closely printedfoliopages Muchcurious informa-tionmightbeextractedfromhisvolumesregarding

manyspeciesofalmost everyorder, as,forexample,

theaccount of thespeakingnightingales; butspace

cannotbe afforded inthisplaceforsuchaselection.

Wemay translate, however, his short account of

the white ox of Scotland (what is now usually

called theHamiltonbreedof cattle), whichis

curi-ous in several respects. Henames it the Bison

allus Scoticus, and gives a figure of the animal,

which, however, isnot sowell executed as many

of the others "The Caledonian forest of

Scot-land produces very white oxen, having a mane

likethat ofalion,butinother respectsverysimilar

tothedomesticatedkinds They aresofierce,

un-tameable, andeager to avoid human society, that

whentheyfeelthatanyplant,tree,orshrub hasbeen

touchedbythehandsofman, theycontinuetoflee

fromitformany days When taken byany

stra-tagem (whichisverydifficult), they die soon afterfor

grief. Butwhenthey areaware that theyare

pursuedbyanyone,they rush uponhimwithgreat

fury and drivehimtotheearth Theyfearneitherdogs, hunting-spears, nor any kind of weapon.

Theirfleshisveryagreeable to thetaste, and

parti-cularly in request by the nobility, although itiscartilaginous Although theywere wont to occur

Trang 40

only onepart of it, which is called Cummernald;

theresthaving been destroyedforfood. This race

of oxen," adds Gesnertothe aboveaccount, which

is partlyfrom another author, "seems properly tobe called the white Scottish or Caledonian bison,

becauseitismanedlikealion, asOppian writes ofthebison."

Wemustnowalludeto whatforms notthe least

remarkable orinterestingfeature inthisgreatwork,

namely, the woodcuts with whichitis so

copiouslyreplenished Thegreat majority of theanimalsde-scribed are represented by wood-engravings, many

ofthem onalargescale, thoseof the horse, camel,

andswan, for example, nearlyfilling a folio page,

and there are many others of equal magnitude.

The number, itisobvious, musttherefore be very

great, almost every page presenting one or two,

and themajorityseveral. By farthe greater

num-ber of them are well executed, so much so

in-deed, that severalcan be pointed outwhich would

bearcomparison withmodern specimensof theart.

Theoutlines, ingeneral, are accurately drawn,and

although the workmanship is occasionally rather

coarse, the figures are, in most cases, not only

perfectlyrecognisable,but even formfaithfuland

cha-racteristic delineations Itisamatterofsurprise that

artists couldthen be found capable of representingsuch objects so well, and that Gesner could incurthe expense, for he must have had whatmay be

almostcalledalittlemanufactory underhischarge;

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