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U I T'l LIBKAKT PJ., ^^ i THE NATURALIST'S LIBRARY EDITED BY SIR WILLIAM JARDINE, BART F.R.S.E., F.L.S., ETC ETC VOL XV INTRODUCTION TO MAMMALIA, BY LIEUT.-COL CHARLES K.H HAMILTON SMITH, AND K.W., F.R AND L.S., PRESIDENT OF THE DEVON AND CORNWALL ^JAT H^T SOC., ETC ETC UNIVERSITY CHATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY 3V BIOLOGY LIBRARY CONTENTS PAGB MEMOIR OP DRU DRURY, INTRODUCTION, THI& II SUB-CLASS 80 Mammalia VERTEBRATA -MAMMALIA I .73 MAMMALIA, I 17 Division of the Class ORDER ORDER into Orders, PLACENTALIA, BIMANA, THE QUADRUMANA, 93 96 89 99 White Maimon Macacus (Maimon) ORDER Plate TtrftrLyurus THE CHElKUFTERA, III I 103 113 White Box-tailed Bat Dididurus albus, Common Vampyre Vampyrus ORDER ORDER IV V or Freyreysii Bat spectrum Plate Plate II INSECTIVORA, 123 26 THE CARNIVORA, II 138 150 Greyhound Dhole Chryseus Plate III 153 Meercat Barrow Cynictis Steedmanni Plate IV .157 The Zebra Ichneumon Herpestes mungo Plate V Paradoxurus dubius Plate VI 159 162 Gwatkin's Galidictis Oalidictis chrysogaster Plate VII 167 CONTENTS PAGE Genetta tigrlna Plate VIII Plate IX ffemigalea zebra FELID-E, Black Maned Lion THE Leo melanochaitus The Maneless 175 Plate X .173 ib 177 Lion Plate XI Felis leo gougeratensis Felisuncia .178 Plate XII THE MUSTELID.E, THE PLANTIGRADES, THE ARCTOGALHKE, , J81 183 i90 *D3 Chili Skunk Meph Banded Plate XIII Chilensis 198 Grison Plate Galictis vittata Eira furriginea Plate XIV XVI 200 204 213 Telagon or Stinkard Mydam THE meliceps URSID^S, Plate XV ib Shining Panda, Ailurus fidgens Plate XVII Nasua monachus Plate XVIII 215 220 Crab-eating Racoon Procyon cancrivorus Plate XIX 223 The Brown Bear UrsusArctos Plate THE PiNNATrpEDES, The Sea 235 246 Otter Enhydra marina ORDER ORDER ORDER XX VI VII Plate XX.* THE CETACEA, THE PACHYDERMATA, 265 -THE RUMINANTIA, THE CAMEHOE, THE CERVID^;, THE GIRAPFID^E, THE CAPRICE, VIII * 254 268 274 275 ib 278 279 CONTENTS PAGE Sub-genus Aigocerus Plate Aigocerus Niger THE BOVID.E, XXI THE EDENTATA, ORDER IX 281 288 294 298 300 302 Cldamyphorus truncate Plate XXIII The Tamandua or Great Anteater Myrmecophagajubata Plate X THE RODENTIA, XXH ORDER DuvaucePs Squirrel Sciurus hypoleucus Plate XXIV 305 Long-toed Spinous Rat EcUmys Plate dactilinus XXV THE CAVID^E, XXVI Plate Chinchilla Diana, Viscacfiia ? 308 309 ib The Cabybara Hydrocharus Cabiai Plate XXVII The Tapeti Plate XXVIII II SUB-CLASS IMPLACENTALIA Lepus Braziliensis ORDER XI THE MARSUPIALIA OR POUCHED ANIMALS, Halmaturus RutUans Plate ORDER XII Echidna XXIX MONOTREMATA, setosa Plate XXX ib 311 ib 312 310 ib PORTRAIT OP DRU DRURY, Vignette Title-Page, In all Thirty-one Plates in this VQIUTM MEMOIR OB DRU DRUKY To who are acquainted with the history cf the name of Dru Drury is familiarly Entomology, known, as one of the most zealous and successful those collectors of insects that ever prosecuted the in this country of Exotic The work entitled study " Illustrations Entomology," in which he made the most interesting objects of his collection known to the public, is also admitted to be of very high merit; it is still one of the most beautiful this subject, and at the time when it we possess on appeared, was almost unrivalled for the elegance and accuracy of its pictorial delineations In both the capacities, therefore, of a collector and author, Drury has rendered most important services to Entomology, and entitled to the respect and gratitude of all who cultivate the science, a science which, according is high authority of Baron Walckenaer, is at once the most difficult, the most extensive, and to the most philosophical, of ral History all the departments of Natu- In these circumstances it is gratifying 309 RODENTIA ; Poephagomys, one ; Octodon, one ; and, Abrocoma, one all animals externally bearing resemblance to rats They are natives of South species America The We now come to Chinchillidce, a small family entirely herbi- vorous, with a dentition we have not been able to They have four toes and a rudiment on ascertain the anterior, and only three toes on the posterier extremities The species known, are, Chinchilla, one; Lagatis, two; and Lagostomus, one We figure PLATE XXVI Chinchilla Diana, Viscachiaf A SPECIMEN under this name was formerly in the possession of Mr Cross, already engraved in Grifcould not find, at the time, an fith's Cuvier We opportunity of examining the animal, which was inaccessible for that purpose THE ALL CAVIID^E, natives of America, among which the Cavia Guinea Pig, is well known There are, of cobaia, or this family, the genus CAVIA, six species don, two ; Dolichotis, one ; and ; Kero- ORDER 310 X THE CABYBARA PLATE XXVII Hydrocluzrus Cdbiai, ONE species, in bulk equal to a Chinese Pig, the animal of the Rodentia^ having a very deep head no tail ; ; coarse hair ; the feet webbed ; square the animal is gregarious in the rivers of Guiana, and largest very delicate food In the 3d division Leporina, forming The LEPORID^E or Hares, well known, and having three species described in Volume VII of this work There are two genera, ILepus or the Hare, whereof thirty-one species are known, among which we figure PLATE Lepus XXVIII Brasiliensis, The Tapeti, DRAWN from life ; specimen not larger than a wild ashy-brown ; yellowish- grey above ; a white half collar on the throat, and a very short tail inrabbit ; : and the uplands of tropical America Genus LAGOMYS, or Pica, with shorter ears, habits Brazil similar teeth to the former; legs nearly of equal length ; no tail L pika, or Alpine Hare, and four other species 311 ORDER XI THE MARSUPIALIA OR POUCHED ANIMALS FOR this order we refer entirely to the detailed de- scriptions given in the Eleventh Volume of this work, wishing to add only one species, which ap- pears to have escaped the author, Mr Waterhouse, and we have not yet found, in the splendid work on this order, now publishing by Mr, Gould It is PLATE XXIX Halmaturus Rutilans, LIGHT., OF which species we found specimens both of male and female in the Museum 'of Berlin They are beautiful animals, about three feet high from the head to the ground, in a seated erect posture the back and upper parts entirely bright reddish the inferior white, and the feet and tip of tail black ; ; 312 ORDER XII MONOTREMATA THIS is species, Volume likewise treated in detail in the already mentioned we We give only the figure of a believe not hitherto published, of PLATE XXX Echidna setosa, ONE nearly allied to Echidna hystrix, but with the snout still more slender, the spines fewer and hid within the fur ; on the hind we believe, always destitute feet of spurs ORNITHORYNCHUS forms the only other genus of this order THUS we terminate the Introduction to the Mam- malia, wherein it has been found necessary to refer to the Volumes of the Naturalist's Library for those orders, genera, and species, which are therein described at length : we have likewise abbreviated, or treated summarily, groups which presented less in- MONOTREMATA 313 who are not professedly students in terest to readers the science, in order to preserve somewhat more space for genera of greater importance, and close this incomplete Essay, in the hope that a full and detailed Synopsis of the Mammalia may he shortly undertaken, illustrated with abundant Plates, and sufficiently detailed to notice all the discoveries additions made by present time and the zealous Naturalists of the ... Plate THE PiNNATrpEDES, The Sea 235 246 Otter Enhydra marina ORDER ORDER ORDER XX VI VII Plate XX.* THE CETACEA, THE PACHYDERMATA, 265 -THE RUMINANTIA, THE CAMEHOE, THE CERVID^;, THE. .. without injuring them, if they are taken out as soon as they are dead Afterwards they must be stuck in the large square box, taking care not to move them after they are fixed there on any account,... secure themselves from the power of those 50 MEMOIR OF DRURY enemies^ what time appearance, in short many sible for me of the year they make their how often in the year they breed, and other circumstances