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©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Ann Naturhist Mus Wien, B 112 89-114 W ien, März 2011 A contribution to the knowledge of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera) of Myanmar, with seven new species, eight new records, and a catalogue H Zettel* Abstract Based on collections in the Natural History M useum Vienna, taxonom ic and faunistic results about the Ger­ romorpha o f Myanmar are presented, including descriptions o f new species and first species records The follow ing seven species are described: Hebnis binnensis sp.n., Hebrus schillhammeri sp.n., Timasius goldmarie sp.n., and Timasius schaeferi sp.n o f the Hebridae; Geovelia orientalis sp.n and Perittopus zimmermannae sp.n o f the Veliidae; and Metrocoris atlas sp.n o f the Gerridae M ost new species are exclusively from the Alaungdaw Katthapa National Park in Sagaing D ivision, except for Perittopus zimmermannae sp.n which was additionally collected in Chin State Eight further species are recorded from Myanmar for the first time: Mesovelia horvathi L undblad , 1933 o f the M esoveliidae; Hyrcanus varicolor A ndersen , 1981 o f the Hebridae; Microvelia douglasi S cott , 1874 and Rhagovelia sumatrensis L undblad , 1933 o f the Veliidae; Gerris gracilicornis (H orväth , 1879), Amemboa cristata P olhemus & A ndersen , 1984, Pleciobates pacholatkoi Z ettel & C hen , 1996, and Ptilomera fan g P olhemus , 2001 o f the Gerridae A cata­ logue contains 64 species o f Gerromorpha known from Myanmar Am ong them 20 species have not been recorded from any other country Key words: Mesoveliidae, Hebridae, Hydrometridae, Veliidae, Gerridae, Gerromorpha, new species, first record, catalogue, Myanmar, Oriental Region Zusamm enfassung A u f Grundlage der Sammlung des Naturhistorischen M useums in W ien werden taxonom ische und faunistische Ergebnisse über die Gerromorpha von Myanmar präsentiert, einschließlich der Beschreibungen neuer Arten und Landeserstnachweise Sieben Arten werden für die W issenschaft neu beschrieben: Hebrus birmensis sp.n., Hebrus schillhammeri sp.n., Timasius goldmarie sp.n und Timasius schaeferi sp.n aus der Familie Hebridae, Geovelia orientalis sp.n und Perittopus zimmermannae sp.n aus der Familie Veliidae sow ie Metrocoris atlas sp.n aus der Familie Gerridae D ie m eisten neuen Arten stammen aus dem Alaung­ daw Katthapa Nationalpark in der Sagaing D ivision, mit Ausnahme von Perittopus zimmermannae sp.n., welcher zusätzlich im Chin State gefunden worden ist W eitere acht Spezies werden erstmals für Myanmar nachgewiesen: M esovelia horvathi L undblad , 1933 (M esoveliidae), Hyrcanus varicolor A ndersen , 1981 (Hebridae), M icrovelia douglasi S cott , 1874 und Rhagovelia sumatrensis L u n d bl a d , 1933 (V eliidae) sow ie die Gerriden Gerris gracilicornis (H orväth , 1879), Amemboa cristata P olhemus & A ndersen , 1984, Pleciobates pacholatkoi Z ettel & C hen , 1996 und Ptilomera fan g P olhemus , 2001 Ein Katalog beinhaltet 64 Gerromorpha-Arten, die aus Myanmar gem eldet sind Davon sind 20 Spezies bisher aus kei­ nem weiteren Land bekannt geworden Dr H erbert Zettel, Entom ological D epartm ent, N atural History M useum Vienna, B urgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria - herbert.zettel@ nhm-wien.ac.at 90 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Annalen des www.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen M useums in Wien, B, 112 Introduction Gerromorpha com prises a species-rich infraorder o f tm e bugs w hich usually inhabit the water surface or the edge betw een water and land It includes w ell known insects like water striders, sea skaters, water measurers, or riffle bugs A lthough the Gerromorpha o f neighbouring India and Thailand are com parably w ell studied, and checklists have been published (T hirumalai 1999, H utacharern & al 2007), hitherto no com prehensive study is available for Myanmar In fact, the few species records are scattered in - chiefly taxonom ic - literature O nly tw o papers contain more than three records: the revision o f the genus M etrocoris (Gerridae) by C hen & N ieser (1993) and a sm all study on water measurers, genus H ydrom etra (Hydrom etridae) by Z ettel (2006a) The present study is a first attempt to im prove our know ledge o f Gerromorpha diversity in Myanmar N ew data increase the total number o f sp ecies by 30% from 49 to 64 H owever, it is certain that m any m ore species w ill be discovered and described in the future Therefore, the catalogue in this paper should be considered preliminary This study is based on the M yanm ar collections by Dr H arald Schillham m er and cofellows deposited in the N atural H istory M useum Vienna Beside the m aterial treated in this study or published elsew here (Z ettel 2006a), the collection keeps unpublished specim ens from M yanm ar o f the follow ing genera and species (full taxonom ic authorships can be found in the catalogue below): M esoveliidae: M esovelia vittigera H ebri­ dae: H ebrus spp indet H ydrom etridae: H ydrom etra greeni Veliidae: B a p tista sp indet., Xiphovelia sp indet Gerridae: Am em boa lyra, A m em boides sp indet., Eotrechus sp indet., L im n o g o n us nitidus, M etrocoris nigrofascioides, M etrocoris sp indet., N eogerris parvulus, O nychotrechus esakii, Ptilom era burmana, Ptilom era tigrina, Ventidius distanti I have also studied tw o specim ens o f A quarius paludum paludum (G erri­ dae) from the Southern Shan State deposited in the private collection o f F ilippo M Buzzetti (Italy) M ost o f the unidentified taxa listed above m ay belong to further new species, but are not described in this study for various reasons: insufficient m aterial (no m ales), insufficient taxonom ic background (lacking revisions), or poor descriptions or lacking know ledge o f variability o f closely related species M aterial and m ethods Specim ens are dry-m ounted, glued on card squares or pinned, and deposited in the N at­ ural History M useum V ienna (NH M W ) Some voucher specim ens (including paratypes) w ill be sent to the M yanm ar B iodiversity M useum , H law ga W ildlife Park, Yangon (M BM Y) and to the Zoological R eference Collection, Raffles M useum o f Biodiversity Research, U niversity o f Singapore (ZRCS) M aterial is referen ced by citing the original locality labels E ach individual label is m arked w ith the backslash sign \ indicates the break o f a line Terminology follows previous publications by the author, chiefly for Hebridae Z ettel (2004a, b), Veliidae Z ettel (2001a), and Gerridae C hen & Z ettel (1999) A Leica W ILD M IO binocular m icroscope (m agnifications up to 128 x) and a N ikon SMZ 1500 binocular m icroscope (m agnifications up to 288 x) w ere used for examina- i ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at t t e l : Gerromorpha o f M yanmar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 91 tion o f specim ens and preparing descriptions; drawings were m ade by using a cam era lucida Drawings o f the genital structures o f H ebridae and Veliidae w ere m ade w ith a OLYMPUS BX40 m icroscope with a cam era lucida at m agnification o f 400 x Stacked digital im ages (Figs 1-7) w ere taken w ith a L eica DFC cam era attached to a L eica MZ16 binocular m icroscope w ith the help o f Im age M anager IM 50 (only Fig 6: Leica Application Suite V3), stacked w ith A uto-M ontage Pro (only Fig 6: ZereneStacker 64bit), and processed w ith A dobe Photoshop 7.0 A fter having been studied, genitalia o f males w ere im bedded in a transparent, w ater-soluble m edium (dim ethyl hydantoin formaldehyde resin) on the sam e cardboard as the specimen M easurem ents and indices (for H ebridae): A2L M axim um length o f antennom ere (in mm) Abi A bdom en index (referring to length o f abdom en) L ength o f abdom en (m easured from level o f apex/apices o f m etanotal elevation to apex o f abdom en) m edian pronotum length Anl A n tenna index (referring to antennal length) L ength o f antenna (com posed length o f antennom eres) BL x 100 Atl A ntennal tubercle index (referring to lateral protrusion o f tubercles) M axim um distance o f lateral m argin o f antennal tubercles H W x 100 AW M axim um w idth o f abdom en (in mm) BL Body length Total length o f specim en, m easured in dorsal aspect (in mm) EI Eye w idth index (referring to eye size) M axim um w idth o f eye (EW ) in % o f interocular distance (ID) For higher accuracy, eye w idth is calculated by the form ula EW = 100 x (H W - I D ) : ID EW and ID m easured in exact frontal aspect o f head HI Head index HL HW HL M edian head length, m easured dorsally along m idline in perpendicular view to apex and posterior m argin o f head in sam e plane) (in mm ) HW M axim um head w idth across eyes (including eyes; in mm) M M I M esoscutellum -m etanotal elevation index* (referring to size o f m etanotal eleva­ tion) M axim um com bined length o f m esoscutellum + m etanotal elevation m edian pronotum length x 100 Length o f m etanotal elevation m easured at its m axim um , if posterior m argin is em arginate M tl M etatibia index* (referring length o f legs) M tL PW x 100 M tL M axim um m etatibia length (in mm) PHI Pronotum -head index* PW Pnl Pronotum index* (referring to shape o f pronotum ) PW PL M edian length o f pronotum including pronotal lobe (in mm) PW M axim um width o f pronotum including pronotal lobe* (in mm) HW x 100 * N ote that these indices vary w ith wing polym orphism PL x 100 92 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download des unter Naturhistorischen www.biologiezentrum.at Annalen M useums in Wien, B, 112 M easurem ents and indices (for Veliidae and Gerridae): A 2L, A nl, AW, BL, EI, HW, M tl, M tL, Pnl, PL, and PW as in Hebridae In addition: BW M axim um body width, m easured in dorsal aspect o f specim en (in mm) HL M edian head length, m easured in dorsal aspect o f whole specim en (in mm) M easurem ents refer to the holotype, if not stated otherwise If m inim um and m axim um values are given, all type specim ens w ere m easured D escriptions o f new species Fam ily H ebridae H eb ru s birm ensis sp.n (Figs 1, 8-12) Etym ology: N am ed after the historical nam e o f M yanm ar, Birm a U sed as a Latinized adjective Type locality: M yanm ar, Sagaing D ivision, A laungdaw K atthapa N ational Park, W akya Stream, 400 m a.s.l., 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E (GPS) Type m aterial: H olotype (m acropterous male, NHM W , Fig 1) labelled "M YANM AR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ W akya Stream, 400 m\ 22° 19.173' N 94° 29.654' E\ 8.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (115)" D escription o f m acropterous m ale (holotype): M easurem ents: BL 2.32 mm, HL 0.61 mm, H W 0.46 mm, A 2L 0.25 mm, PL 0.51 mm, PW 0.92 mm, M tL 0.86 mm, AW 0.81 mm Indices: HI 132, A tl 80, EI 48, A nl 70, PHI 200, Pnl 177, M M I 50, M tl 92, A bi 220 Relative lengths o f antennom eres 1-4 (in % o f antennom ere 2): 156 100 161 238 R elative lengths o f leg segm ents (in % o f metatibia): profem ur 71, protibia 77, protarsus 21, m esofem ur 69, m esotibia 75, m esotarsus 21, m etafem ur 87, m etatibia 100, m etatarsus 26 C olour: B ody m ainly blackish H ead apically brow n, ventrally yellow ish Pronotum anterolaterally black, other parts dark brow n M esoscutellum dark brown M etanotal elevation and corium veins blackish Cell o f endocorium w hitish, o f exocorium light brown; m em brane w ith som e small, indistinct, w hitish m arkings Legs and antennom ere yellow, antennom eres -4 brown Pilosity: H ead, pronotum , m esoscutellum , and m etanotal elevation w ith sm all, pale, greyish or bluish scales and w ith long, brown, erect setae (those on m esoscutellum and m etanotal elevation oblique) Corium w ith pale yellow ish to golden appressed pubes­ cence and w ith long, brow n, obliquely dorsocaudal directed setae Venter o f abdom en with short, whitish, appressed pilosity and w ith m oderately long, pale brown, erect setae Structures: B ody relatively slender, w ith long antennae H ead (Figs 8, 9) relatively long, sides b etw een an terio r m argin o f eyes to rounded antennal tubercles straight, divergent P reocular tubercles sm all A nteclypeus w ithout sw elling B uccula (Fig 9) m oderately high, w ith three sm all, circular im pressions; posteriorly w ith wide, apically Z e t t e l: ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Gerromorpha o f M yanmar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 93 Figs 1-4: Habitus, dorsal aspect, of new species of Hebridae: (1) Hebrus birmensis sp.n (holo­ type male; body length 2.32 mm) (2) Hebrus schillhammeri sp.n (holotype male; body length 1.82 mm) (3) Timasius goldmarie sp.n (holotype male; body length 2.32 mm) (4) Timasius schaeferi sp.n (holotype male; body length 2.25 mm) 94 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download des unter www.biologiezentrum.at Annalen Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, B, 112 rounded process Pronotum only anteriorly w ith im pressed m idline; along anterior and posterior m argins and around hum eri w ith rows o f rather sm all, deep grooves, sim ilar grooves scarcely dispersed all over posterior part M etanotal elevation (Fig 10) apically with half-circular incision Forewing reaching apical margin o f abdomen Legs moderately long Legs and abdomen without special modifications; m etatibia straight In dorsal aspect, sides o f abdom en anteriorly subparallel, posteriorly ovate, apically evenly rounded Genitalia o f male: Pygophore very small, subovate Proctiger (Fig 11) very small, pos­ terio r p art alm ost circular, w ith p air o f d istin ct tufts consisting o f stout, obliquely directed setae Param ere (Fig 12) strongly reduced, pale, w eakly sclerotized, curved, w ith hardly visible subapical hook, apically rounded and w ith num erous short setae Com parative notes: H ebrus birm ensis sp.n is very sim ilar to H polysetosus Z e t t e l , 2004 from T hailand and Laos but the long setae on corium veins are directed obliquely dorsocaudad in H birm ensis sp.n and straight dorsad in H p o lysetosus; this character should also hold for fem ales The m ale o f H birm ensis sp.n has a rem arkable pair o f tufts o f thick setae on the proctiger (Fig 11) w hich is absent in H polysetosus (comp Z e t t e l 2004b: fig 21) H e b ru s sch illh a m m eri sp.n (Figs 2, 13-17) E tym ology: D ed icated to m y colleague Dr H arald S chillham m er (N atural H istory M useum Vienna), who provided m uch m aterial for this study Type locality: M yanm ar, S againg D ivision, A laungdaw K atthapa N ational Park, Pagoda Stream, 350 m a.s.l., 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E (GPS) Type m aterial: Holotype (m acropterous male, NHM W , Fig 2) labelled "M YANM AR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E\ 9.5.2003, lg Boukal &al (118)" D escription o f m acropterous m ale (holotype): M easurem ents: BL 1.82 mm, HL 0.51 mm, HW 0.42 mm, A 2L 0.17 mm, PL 0.41 mm, PW 0.78 m m , M tL 0.65 mm, AW 0.63 mm Indices: HI 121, A tl 69, EI 82, PHI 185, Pnl 190, M M I 56, M tl 82, A bi 214 R elative lengths o f antennom eres 1-2 (in % o f anten­ nom ere 2, antennom eres 3-4- broken off): 171 100 Relative lengths o f leg segm ents (in % o f m etatibia): profem ur 73, protibia 78, protarsus 31, m esofem ur 73, m esotibia 81, m esotarsus 29, m etafem ur 92, m etatibia 100, m etatarsus 32 Colour: H ead and thorax dorsally and laterally m edium brow n, ventrally yellowish; on pronotum , a sm all area anterom edially and sm all m arks on hum eri blackish; apex o f m esoscutellum pale Forew ing blackish, cell o f endocorium w hitish, o f exocorium light brown; m em brane w ith three sm all, whitish marks A bdom en blackish Legs and anten­ nom ere yellow, antennom ere distally infuscated Pilosity: Head, pronotum , m esoscutellum , and m etanotal elevation w ith few small, w hitish or bluish scales and w ith very long, brow n, curved, erect setae Corium golden, appressed pubescence and w ith long, brown, erect, apically hooked setae ter o f abdom en w ith short, whitish, appressed pilosity and w ith m oderately long, erect setae pale, w ith Ven­ pale, Z i- t t e l: ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Gerromorpha o f M yanmar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 95 Figs 5-7: Habitus, dorsal aspect, of new species of Veliidae and Gerridae: (5) Geovelia orien­ talis sp.n (paratype female, body length 2.15 mm) (6) Perittopus zimmermannae sp.n (holotype male, body length 3.22 mm) (7) Metrocoris atlas sp.n (holotype male, body length 6.20 mm) Structures: Body m oderately slender Head (Figs 13, 14) relatively short, sides betw een anterior m argin o f eyes to rounded antennal tubercles straight, divergent P reocular tubercles vestigial A nteclypeus w ithout swelling B uccula (Fig 14) m oderately high, with three small, circular im pressions and posteriorly w ith narrow, apically rounded pro­ cess P ronotum w ith im pressed m idline; along anterior m argin, anterom edially, and around hum eri w ith rather large, deep grooves; sim ilar grooves scarcely dispersed all over posterior part M etanotal elevation (Fig 15) apically w ith deep, half-circular incision Forew ing reaching apical m argin o f abdom en Legs rather short Legs and abdo­ men w ithout special m odifications; m etatibia straight In dorsal aspect, sides o f abdom en anteriorly subparallel, posteriorly ovate, apically evenly rounded 96 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Annalen des www.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen M useums in Wien, B, 112 G enitalia o f male: Pygophore very small, short Proctiger (Fig 16) very small, posterior part alm ost circular, w ith m inute, w eakly pointed apex Param ere (Fig 17) strongly reduced, pale, w eakly sclerotized, ovate, about tw ice as long as wide, apically rounded and with two long and som e short setae C om parative notes: Hebrus schillham m eri sp.n is very sim ilar to H cebuensis Z e t t e l , 2006 from the Philippines, but sm aller; it has m uch larger eyes and longer setae on the distal parts o f all fem ora (com p Z e t t e l 2006b) As the m ales' genitalia are m uch reduced in both species, they are alm ost identical, except for the presence o f two long apical setae on the param ere o f H schillham m eri sp.n Timasius goldmarie sp.n (Figs 3, 18-23) Etym ology: Referring to the prom inent golden pubescence on the species' dorsum , this species is nam ed after a character in G rim m s' fairy tale "Frau H olle": The poor girl Goldm arie is lavished w ith gold coins for being helpful The epithet is used as a noun in apposition Type locality: M yanm ar, Sagaing D ivision, A laungdaw K atthapa N ational Park, Pagoda Stream, 360 m a.s.l., 22° 19.084' N 94° 28.744' E (GPS) Type material (all macropterous): Holotype (male, NHM W , Fig 3) labelled "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 360 m\ 22° 19.084' N 94° 28.744' E\ 4.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (102)" Paratypes (6 males, females, NHM W , MBMY, ZRCS), all from the surrounding o f the type local­ ity: males, females "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa NP\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E\ 5.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (107)"; male "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaung­ daw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m\ 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E\ 9.5.2003, lg Boukal &al (118)"; female "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 360 m \ 22° 19.09' N 94° 28.82' E\ 7.5.2003, Boukal & al (112)"; male, females "M YANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw K atthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 360 m \ 22° 19.084' N 94° 28.744' E\ 7.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (113)"; m ale, fem ale "M YA NM A R: Sagaing DivA A laungdaw K atthapa N P\ W akya Stream, 400 m \ 22° 19.173' N 94° 29.654' E\ 8.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (115)" D escription o f m acropterous males (holotype and paratypes): M easurem ents o f holotype: BL 2.32 m m , HL 0.55 m m , HW 0.44 m m , A 2L 0.21 mm, PL 0.49 mm, PW 1.01 mm, M tL 0.83 mm, AW 0.97 mm Indices: HI 125, A tl 79, EI 76, A nl 51, PHI 228, P nl 208, M M I 69, M tl 81, A bi 231 R elative lengths o f antennom eres 1-4 (in % o f antennom ere 2): 142 100 126 193 Relative lengths o f leg segm ents (in % o f metatibia): profem ur 53, protibia 59, protarsus 24, m esofem ur 62, m esotibia 64, m esotarsus 25, m etafem ur 80, m etatibia 100, m etatarsus 30 M easurem ents o f paratypes: BL 2.30-2.39 mm, HL 0.55-0.57 mm, HW 0.43-0.45 mm, A 2L 0.20-0.21 m m , PL -0 m m , PW 1.00-1.06 mm, M tL 0.78-0.85 m m , AW 0.92-1.02 mm Colour: Black; buccula yellow Each forew ing at base w ith two large, variably distinct, frosted areas; m em brane w ith variably distinct w hitish m arks A ntennom ere yellow, -4 brow n Legs yellow ish, extrem e apices o f fem ora, bases o f pro- and m esotibia, m etatibia, and all tarsi variably infuscated Pilosity: W hole dorsum excep t m em brane w ith very conspicuous, appressed, golden pubescence; p ubescence Condensed betw een eyes, on pronotum at tw o anterior spots, on Z et t e l : ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Gerromorpha o f M yanm ar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 97 Figs 8-17: (8-12) Hebrus birmensis sp.n (holotype male) and (13-17) Hebrus schillhammeri sp.n (holotype male): (8, 13) Head, frontal aspect, pilosity omitted (9, 14) Head, lateral aspect, pilosity partly omitted (10, 15) Mesoscutellum and metanotal elevation, dorsal aspect, pilosity omitted (11, 16) Proctiger, dorsal aspect (12, 17) Left paramere, lateral aspect im pressed areas o f m etanotal elevation, and on veins o f forewings Sides and venter o f body w ith thin, appressed, w hitish pubescence A bdom inal sternites w ithout special pilosity Structures: Body w ide and flat H ead (Figs 18, 19) short, sides betw een anterior m argin o f eyes to sm all, rounded antennal tubercles straight, divergent P reocular tubercles absent A nteclypeus w ithout swelling, not com pressed B uccula (Fig 19) m oderately high, with two large, circular im pressions; posteriorly w ith two short processes: dorsal one acute, triangular and slightly pointing to sides, ventral one stout, dorsally w ith small angle and ventrally w ith convex outline Pronotum w ide, sides anteriorly w ith deep, half-circular em argination; w hole surface w ith deep punctures, w ith double row at midline ending in a large anteriom edial groove M etanotal elevation (Fig 20) very short, 2.0 tim es as w ide as long, subtriangular, sides subapically w ith p air o f m inute teeth Forew ing (alm ost) reaching apical m argin o f abdom en Legs rather short Legs and abdom en w ithout special m odifications In dorsal aspect, sides o f abdom en anteriorly subparallel, posteriorly ovate, apically evenly rounded Genitalia o f m ale subsym m etrical: Pygophore (Fig 21) sm all, short, w ith long setae at hind margin, w ithout processes at level o f param ere insertion Proctiger (Fig 22) small, posterior part alm ost circular, w ith pair o f tufts consisting o f posterolateral directed setae; ventrally w ith sm all knob-like processes Param ere (Fig 23) with pointed apex, 98 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Annalen des www.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen M useums in Wien, B, 112 dorsal m argin w ith distinct, apically rounded process, ventral m argin w ith row o f stout black setae Description o f m acropterous fem ales (paratypes): M easurem ents: B L -2 m m , H L -0 m m , H W 4 -0 m m , A 2L -0 2 m m , PL -0 5 m m , PW -1 m m , M tL -0 8 m m , AW 94-1.09 mm Colour, pilosity, and structures as in m ales, except for genitalia G onocoxa flat, unmodified Proctiger small, knob-like C om parative notes: Timasius goldm arie sp.n is a species o f A n d e r s e n ‘ s (1981) Tima­ sius livens group w hich contains two described species from Pakistan, India, and Thai­ land and a few undescribed species from India and Southeast Asia The new species can be recognized by a com bination o f buccula structure and m ale genitalia The two short, angulate posterior buccula teeth (Fig 19) are unique w ithin the T livens group The pygophore o f the m ale (Fig 21) lacks a posterolateral pair o f teeth at the level o f the param ere insertion, w hich is m ore or less strongly developed in other described species o f the group The param ere (Fig 23) bears a brush o f stout setae sim ilar to that o f T livens A n d e r s e n , 1981 from Thailand The m ale's proctiger (Fig 22) has paired postero­ lateral tufts o f strongly curved setae The ventral outline o f the buccula is m ore sim ilar to T m inor A n d e r s e n , 1981 from Pakistan and India, than to T livens and T schaeferi sp.n See also com parative notes o f the follow ing species Tim asius sch a eferi sp.n (Figs 4, 4-29) Etym ology: D edicated to m y dear friend and always helpful colleague Prof Dr Carl W Schaefer (Storrs) Type locality: M yanm ar, S againg D ivision, A laungdaw K atthapa N ational Park, Pagoda Stream, 360 m a.s.l., 22° 19.084' N 94° 28.744' E (GPS) Type material (all macropterous): Holotype (male, NHM W , Fig 4) labelled "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 360 m \ 22° 19.084' N 94° 28.744' E\ 4.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (102)" Paratypes (14 males, females, NHM W , MBMY, ZRCS), all from the surrounding o f the type locality: males, same label data as holotype; males, female "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa NP\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m\ 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E\ 5.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (107)"; male "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 360 m\ 22° 19.084' N 94° 28.744' E\ 7.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (113)"; male, females "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa NP\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E\ 9.5.2003, lg Boukal &al (118)"; male "M YAN­ MAR: Sagaing DivA A laungdaw K atthapa N P \ Pagoda Stream , 350 m \ 22° 19.113' N 94° 28.518' E\ 13.5.2003,1 Boukal &al (122)"; males, female "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa NP\ W akya Stream, 400 m \ 22° 19.173' N 94° 29.654' E\ 8.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (115)" Description o f m acropterous m ales (holotype and paratypes): M easurem ents o f holotype: BL 2.25 mm, HL 0.52 mm, HW 0.44 m m , A 2L 0.18 mm, PL 0.46 mm, PW 0.95 mm, M tL 0.82 mm, AW 0.97 mm Indices: HI 117, A tl 75, EI 70, A nl 50, PHI 216, P nl 207, M M I 72, M tl 87, A bi 237 R elative lengths o f antennom eres 1-4 (in % o f antennom ere 2): 141 100 128 253 Relative lengths o f leg segm ents (in % o f metatibia): profem ur 52, protibia 54, protarsus 22, m esofem ur 60, m esotibia 63, m esotarsus 24, m etafem ur 78, m etatibia 100, m etatarsus 29 100 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Annalen des www.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen M useums in Wien, B, 112 Figs 30-37: (30-33) Geovelia orientalis sp.n (holotype male) and (34-37) Perittopus zimmer­ mannae sp.n (paratype males) (30) Head, lateral aspect, pilosity partly omitted (31, 35) Foreleg, pilosity partly omitted (32, 36) Proctiger, dorsal aspect, pilosity partly omitted (33, 37) Left paramere, lateral aspect (34) Head and pronotum of apterous morph, dorsal aspect, pilosity omitted half-circular em argination; w hole surface w ith deep punctures, with double row at m idline ending in a large anteriom edial groove M etanotal elevation (Fig 26) short, 1.8 tim es as w ide as long, subtriangular, sides subapically w ith pair o f indistinct teeth F orew ing (alm ost) reaching apical m argin o f abdom en Legs rather short Legs and abdom en w ithout special m odifications In dorsal aspect, sides o f abdom en anteriorly subparallel, posteriorly ovate, apically evenly rounded Genitalia o f m ale subsym m etrical: Pygophore (Fig 27) small, short, w ith long setae at hind m argin, w ith p air o f pointed processes at level o f param ere insertion Proctiger (Fig 28) sm all, posterior part alm ost circular, w ithout conspicuous hair tufts, but w ith scattered long setae; ventrally w ith very sm all knob-like processes Param ere (Fig 29) fm ger-shaped, w ith rounded apex, dorsal m argin with sm all rounded process, ventral m argin w ithout prom inent pilosity D escription o f m acropterous fem ales (paratypes): M easurem ents: B L -2 m m , H L -0 m m , H W -0 m m , A 2L -0 m m , PL -0 m m , PW -1 m m , M tL -0 m m , AW 0.96-1.07 mm Colour, pilosity, and structures as in m ales, except for genitalia G onocoxa flat, unm odified Proctiger sm all, knob-like C om parative notes: Timasius schaeferi sp.n also belongs to the T livens group (see A n d e r s e n 1981) and w as syntopic w ith T goldm arie sp.n in several places The thin Z i -t t e l : ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Gerromorpha o f M yanmar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 101 golden pilosity on the forew ing cells (comp Figs and 4) and the posterior processes o f the buccula (com p Figs 19 and 25) are helpful for distinguishing both sexes o f T schaeferi sp.n from T goldm arie sp.n., w hich has prom inent golden pilosity consisting o f thicker setae M oreover, the m etanotal elevation o f T schaeferi sp.n is slightly longer than that o f T goldm arie sp.n (comp Figs 20 and 26), and the anteclypeus o f T schae­ feri sp.n is distinctly com pressed, so that the yellow and transparent area anterom edially o f the antennal insertion is m uch larger than in T goldm arie sp.n (comp Figs 18 and 24) Im portant and very clear differences are found in the m ales1 genitalia: In T schaeferi sp.n the pygophore (Fig 27) has a p air o f acute p o sterolateral processes (absent in T goldm arie sp.n., Fig 21) and the pilosity on the param eres (Fig 29) and proctiger (Fig 28) is inconspicuous (distinct and m odified in T goldm arie sp.n., see Figs 22, 23) The pygophore processes and param eres are sim ilar as in T m inor from Pakistan and India, but in this species the m ale's proctiger is beset w ith long stout setae (see A ndersen 1981: fig 43) Fam ily Veliidae Geovelia orientalis sp.n (Figs 5, 30-33) Etymology: Latin adjective, m eaning "eastem " and referring to the fact that the species represents the genus' m ost eastem record Type locality: M yanm ar, Sagaing Division, A laungdaw K atthapa N ational Park, sifted from dry and m oist leaf litter along K haung D in Stream and in nearby forest, 450 m a.s.l., 22° 18.360' N 94° 25.937' E (GPS) Type m aterial (all m acropterous): H olotype (m ale, N H M W ) labelled "M YANM AR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa NP\ Khaung Din Stream, 450 m \ 22° 18.360' N 94° 25.937' E\ 11.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (120)", "sifting o f dry and moist\ leaf litter along stream\ and in nearby forest" Paratypes: females (NHMW, MBMY, ZRCS) same label data as holotype; female (NHM W ) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa NP\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.113' N 94° 28.518' E\ 13.5.2003, Boukal &al (122)", "sifting o f large heaps of\ accumulated plant debris\ after heavy rain fall" Description o f m acropterous m ale (holotype): M easurem ents: BL 2.07 m m , B W = PW 0.92 m m , HL 0.34 mm, H W 0.59 mm, A 2L 0.18 mm, PL 0.74 m m , M tL 0.96 mm Indices: EI 50, A nl 73, P nl 125, M tl 106 R elative lengths o f antennom eres 1-4 (in % o f antennom ere 2): 119 100 318 301 Relative lengths o f leg segm ents (in % o f m etatibia): profem ur 68, protibia 66, protarsus 33, m esofem ur 75, m esotibia 75, m esotarsus 17+19, m etafem ur 86, m etatibia 100, m etatar­ sus 30+24 Colour (Fig 5): Body m ainly dark brown, anterior and ventral areas on head, anterior and lateral m argins o f pronotum , lateral areas o f sternites and laterotergites lighter, rather orange brow n, but w ithout distinct marking A ntennae, rostrum and legs chiefly yellow ish, only apices o f fem ora distinctly infuscated Forew ing (Fig 5) dark brow n w ith pale veins and distinct pattem o f whitish and cream y spots Pilosity: A lm ost entire body beset w ith short, w hitish, silverish or golden, appressed pilosity B asal areas o f forew ings w ith relatively scattered and slightly longer setae, 102 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download des unter Naturhistorischen www.biologiezentrum.at Annalen M useums in Wien, B, 112 those on costal m argin obliquely Standing A ntennom eres 1-2 w ith a few black setae at leading edge, antennom ere w ith num erous black setae, m ostly at leading edge, anten­ nom ere w ith num erous black setae all over surface Structures: Body relatively stout, w ith long antennae Head (Figs 5, 30) short, apically pointed in dorsal aspect, w ith large, bulging eyes R ostrum long, clearly surpassing hind m argin o f prostem um Pronotum (Fig 5) stout, at concave anterior m argin slightly narrow er than across eyes; hum eri prom inent; surface w ith num erous scattered punctures (grooves), m ostly irregulär, but in a distinct, m edially interrupted row close to anterior m argin and a second row m arking the line betw een pronotum and pronotal lobe; both rows continued at sides below lateral edges D orsum o f head betw een eyes and disk o f pronotum distinctly convex Legs long, fem ora slightly thickened F oreleg (Fig 31): profem ur slightly incrassate, thicker than m eso- and m etafem ur; protibia w ith apical grasping comb occupying exactly one fourth o f tibia length Forew ings (Fig 5) posteri­ orly reaching apical m argin o f abdom en, but laterally distant from connexiva (sides o f laterotergites visible) Forew ing w ith w ell developed, but not conspicuously thickened veins form ing four closed cells plus one distally open apical cell In dorsal aspect (Fig 5), sides o f abdom en slightly dilated, largest w idth at suture betw een segm ents and Genitalia: Pygophore very sm all, subovate P roctiger (Fig 32) sm all, slender shieldshaped, ca 1.7 tim es as long as wide Param ere (Fig 33) slender, falciform , ca 0.13 mm long, w ith a few relatively long setae D escrip tio n o f m a c ro p te ro u s fem ales (p a ty p e s): M easurem ents: BL 12-2.28 mm, BW = PW 0.89-0.97 mm, HL 0.31-0.33 mm, HW 0.58-0.62 mm, A 2L 0.17-0.18 mm, PL 0.71-0.78 mm, M tL 0.95-1.01 mm Colour, pilosity, and structures very sim ilar to m ale Profem ur not incrassate Protibia w ithout grasping comb G onocoxa rather small and flat Proctiger sm all, knob-shaped, w ith slightly pointed apex, directed posteriad C o m p a tiv e notes: Geovelia Z i m m e r m a n n , 1984 is a poorly know n genus o f M icroveliinae; only three species from N epal (collected at elevation o f 2100-3200 m a.s.l.) w ere described in th eir apterous m orph and only for one species the fem ale was described ( Z i m m e r m a n n 1984) Geovelia is rem arkable, because it lives terrestrially, but its pretarsal structures are not strictly apical ( Z i m m e r m a n n 1984) as in som e other terrestrial Gerrom orpha In N epal specim ens w ere found in places distant from any aquatic habitat ( Z i m m e r m a n n 1984), but G orientalis sp.n was sifted in the vicinity o f a stream (collectors' notes) A n d e r s e n (1989) com pared the genera o f M icroveliinae known at that tim e in a character m atrix, and for the generic characteristics o f Geovelia I refer to that paper However, two diagnostic characters o f the w inged form o f Geovelia orien­ talis sp.n are added here: (1) The forew ing is basally neither thickened nor covered by a conspicuous, dense hair pile; and (2) it has four closed cells plus an apical cell w hich is distally open Com parison o f G orientalis sp.n w ith the N epalese species is com plicated by different wing m orphs and the generally sim ple genital structures o f Geovelia m ales (Figs 32, 33) However, in the three N epalese species antennom ere is longest (Zim mermann ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Z ettel: Gerromorpha o f M yanmar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 103 j 984), whereas in G orientalis sp.n antennom ere is slightly longer than antennom ere Another m orphom etric difference is found in the m etatarsus: W hereas in G orientalis sp.n the tarsom ere is distinctly longer than tarsom ere 2, it is shorter or o f equal length in species from N epal ( Z im m e r m a n n 1984) The m ale o f G orientalis sp.n has a rela­ tively long grasping com b (Fig 31) occupying one-fourth o f protibia length, sim ilar to that o f G m artensi Z i m m e r m a n n , 1984, but conspicuously longer than those o f G ilamica Z i m m e r m a n n , 1984 and G parbatica Z i m m e r m a n n , 1984 (in these species the com b hardly exceeds the apical tibia width; see Z im m e r m a n n 1984: figs 4, 13) The m ale o f G martensi differs from G orientalis sp.n in larger body length (2.3 m m ), slender body, and long antennom ere (m uch longer than antennom ere and eye length; see Z i m m e r ­ m a n n 1984: flg 15) P erittopus zim m erm a n n a e sp.n (Figs 6, 34-37) Etymology: D edicated to m y colleague M ag D om inique Zim m erm ann, who collected a part o f the type series Type locality: M yanm ar, Chin State, betw een K anpetlet and Saw, in residual rock pools in dry stream bed, 940 m a.s.l., 21°10'35.6"N 94°06'05.8"E (GPS) Type m aterial: Holotype (macropterous male, NHM W , Fig 6) labelled "MYANMAR: Chin State\ Kan­ petlet - Saw, 940 m \ 21°10'35.6"N\ 94°06'05.8"E\ res rock pools in stream bed", "9.6.2010, leg DA Zim ­ mermann, A.Z Lin & \ H Schillhammer (190)" Paratypes: macropterous male, macropterous females (NHMW) same label data as holotype; macropterous females (NHMW, MBMY) labelled "MYANMAR: Chin State\ Kanpetlet - Saw\ 21°10‘56.3"N\ 94°06‘54.3"E\ 730 m, res pools in stream", "7./9.6.2010, leg DA Zimmermann, A.Z Lin &\ H Schillhammer (186)" macropterous males, apterous males (NHMW, MBMY) labelled "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Khaung Din Stream, 450 m\ 22° 18.360' N 94° 25.937' E\ 11.5.2003,1 Boukal & al (119)" D escription o f m acropterous m ale (holotype and paratypes): M easurem ents o f holotype: BL 3.22 mm, BW = PW 1.46 mm, H L 0.31 mm, HW 0.68 mm, A 2L m m , PL 1.31 mm, M tL 1.35 mm Indices: EI 70, A nl 40, Pnl 111, M tl 93 Relative lengths o f antennom eres (in % o f antennom ere 2): 106 100 101 125 Relative lengths o f leg segm ents (in % o f m etatibia): profem ur 53, protibia 51, protarsus 3+20, m esofem ur 71, m esotibia 77, m esotarsus 22+24+26, m etafem ur 80, m etatibia 100, m etatarsus 7+15+25 M easurem ents o f paratypes: B L 8 -3 m m , B W = PW -1 m m , HL 0.2 -0 m m , H W -0 m m , A 2L -0 m m , PL 30-1.35 m m , M tL 1.27-1.36 mm Colour (Fig 6): D orsum o f head and pronotum bright red In specim ens from the type locality, pronotum w ith pair o f large, elongate, black m arks at sides from anterior m ar­ gin to hum eri and w ith one elongate black m ark on disk In paratypes from A laungdaw K atthapa NP, all black m arks narrower, in one specim en lateral m arks not reaching ante­ rior m argin and in another one lateral m arks obsolete W ings dark brow n to black Sides and venter o f body orange or brow nish yellow, except m etapleuron w ith black or dark brow n m ark o f varying size A ntenna blackish Legs yellow ish; distal parts o f femora and tibiae infuscated (weakly so on profem ur), or m eso- and m etatibia totally black; all tarsi black 104 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Annalen des www.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen M useums in Wien, B, 112 Pilosity: D orsum o f head, anterolateral parts o f pronotum , apex o f pronotal lobe, sides o f thorax and abdom inal stem ites, antennae, fem ora and tibia beset w ith long, black, oblique to erect setae Disk o f pronotum w ith rather short, oblique, black setae Fore­ wing on all veins with num erous oblique, black setae o f varying length Venter with short, w hitish pilosity; pro- and m esostem um w ith some long, w hite setae in addition Structures: B ody very stout H ind m argin o f head laterally and ventrally w ith a few black spiculae R ostrum long, reaching m iddle o f m esostem um Pronotum (Fig 6) stout, w ith straight anterior m argin, pronotal lobe separated from pronotum by shallow transverse im pression; hum eri prom inent; w hole surface w ith num erous scattered punctures (grooves) L egs long, fem ora slightly thickened F oreleg (Fig 35) m odified: fem ur strongly incrassate, 2.9 tim es as long as broad; tibia w ith apical grasping com b occupying exactly one third o f protibia length Forew ings (Fig 6) posteriorly reaching apex of body, laterally adjacent to m edial edge o f raised connexiva Each forew ing w ith two com plete cells form ing a corium as typical for the genus In dorsal aspect (Fig 6), sides o f abdom en posteriorly slightly converging Genitalia: Pygophore small, subovate Proctiger (Fig 36) sm all and very slender, with pair o f long and narrow basolateral processes Param ere (Fig 37) w ith broad basal part and helicoid, rather narrow distal part, apex form ing an acute angle D escription o f m acropterous fem ales (paratypes): M easurem ents: BL 3.14-3.23 m m , BW = PW 1.46-1.52 mm, HL 0.30-0.36 mm, HW 0.69-0.72 m m , A 2L 0.29-0.31 mm, PL 1.34-1.42 mm, M tL 1.33-1.40 mm Colour, pilosity, and structures very sim ilar to m ale B lack pronotum m arks large and distinct (note that no fem ales from A laungdaw K atthapa N P available) F oreleg not m odified: fem ur not incrassate; tibia w ithout grasping comb G onocoxa sm all and flat; proctiger sm all, knob-shaped, directed posteriad; both alm ost concealed in abdom inal segm ent Posterior part o f connexiva, hind m argin o f tergite 8, and gonocoxae w ith long, m ostly straight, posteriorly directed, black setae D escription o f apterous males (paratypes): M easurem ents: BL -2 m m , B W 1.14-1.17 mm, HL 0.31 mm, H W 0.66-0.67 m m , A 2L 0.2 -0 m m , PW 1.12-1.16 mm, PL 0.96-0.97 m m , M tL 1.30-1.32 mm Colour sim ilar to m acropterous morph M edial black m ark on pronotum (Fig 34) comparatively short and narrow, lateral m arks distinct Tergites and laterotergites brow nish orange, tergites -6 distinctly infuscated Pilosity sim ilar to m acropterous m orph All tergites and laterotergites w ith long, black posterocaudally directed setae Structures sim ilar to m acropterous m ale, except pronotum (Fig 34) o f very different shape, m uch sm aller than in m acropterous specim ens, but strongly developed com pared w ith apter­ ous m orphs o f other species; w ith sm all hum eri and posteriorly alm ost reaching hind m argin o f tergite Tergite 1.3 tim es as w ide as long Com parative notes: Perittopus is the only genus in Perittopinae The distally helicoid param ere o f the m ale (Fig 37) and the small proctiger o f the fem ale set P zim m erm an­ nae sp.n in a clade o f species, w hich is w idely distributed from northeastem India to B om eo and Bali, and has one additional isolated occurrence in Sri Lanka w ith P cey- Z i-t t e l: ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Gerromorpha o f M yanmar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 105 lanicus Z e t t e l , 2001 ( Z e t t e l 2001a, b) W ithin this species group, there are two other described species w ith distinct black m arks on their pronota: P breddini K i r k a l d y , 1901 from Java and Bali has a black centre m ark, and Perittopus m aculatus P a i v a , 1919 from northeastem India has large paired m arks at anterior com ers, w hereas P rufus D i s ­ t a n t , 1903, the only species so far recorded from M yanm ar (Tenasserim ) lacks any black pronotum marks P erittopus zim m erm annae sp.n differs from these species in the combination o f black m arks (Figs 6, 34) and in the apical angle o f the param ere, from P breddini also in a longer grasping com b on the m ale's foreleg, and from P maculatus also in conspicuously slender tarsi Fam ily G erridae M etrocoris atlas sp.n (Figs 7, 38-44) E t y m o lo g y : Referring to the m ale's strongly enlarged profem ur, this species is nam ed after the m ythical G reek figure Atlas, the titan who carries the heaven in the west U sed as a noun in apposition Type locality: M yanm ar, S againg D ivision, A laungdaw K atthapa N ational Park, Khaung Din Stream, 450 m, 22° 18.360' N 94° 25.937' E (GPS) Type material: H olotype (apterous male, NHM W , Fig 7) and paratype (m acropterous male, NHM W ) labelled "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Khaung Din Stream, 450 m \ 22° 18.360' N 94° 25.937' E\ 11.5.2003,1 Boukal & al (119)" Description o f apterous m ale (holotype): M easurements: BL 6.20 m m , B W 2.85 mm, HL 0.74 m m , H W 1.81 m m , A 2L 1.07 mm, PW 1.71 m m , PL 0.64 m m , M tL 4.00 mm Indices: EI 79, A nl 81, P nl 267, M tl 2.34 Relative lengths o f antennom eres \ - (in % o f antennom ere 2): 222 : 100 85 65 R ela­ tive lengths o f leg segm ents (in % o f m etatibia): profem ur 75, protibia 57, protarsus 4+21, m esofem ur 178, m esotibia 48, m esotarsus 60+8, m etafem ur 166, m etatibia 100, m etatarsus 9+10 Colour (Fig 7): Yellow, w ith distinct and prom inent black m arkings on dorsum Interocular area w ith broad black m ark medially A ntennom ere yellow, antennom eres -4 black Pronotum w ith black m idline and transverse stripes at anterior m argin laterally curved towards posterolateral com ers On m esonotum sublateral stripes slightly w ider than m idline and transverse bands; stripes on m esacetabula thin, running tow ard anterior m arginal m ark; m edial stripe on m esopleura thin and slightly curved On m etanotum black m ark at anterior m argin broader than the one at posterior m argin M esopleura w ith narrow longitudinal stripe Profem ur w ith apical dark ring and four longitudinal stripes, only ventral stripe connected w ith ring, posterior stripe broadest Protibia and protarsus black On m iddle and hind legs, fem ora yellowish, tibiae and tarsi dark brown Abdom en dorsally m ainly black Venter pale yellow Pilosity: W hole body including appendages w ith dense, short, black, appressed pubes­ cence, only that on tergites and laterotergites silverish, that on venter whitish; ventral side o f antennae w ith very short, dense, erect pubescence 106 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Annalen des www.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen M useums in Wien, B, 112 Figs 38-44: Metrocoris atlas sp.n (38, 40-44: holotype, apterous male; 39: paratype, macropterous male), pilosity totally or partly omitted: (38, 39) Junction of profemur and protibia (40) Pygophore, dorsal aspect (41) Proctiger, dorsal aspect (42) Left paramere in situ, lateral aspect; with indistinct dorsolateral sclerite (dis) of pygophore; insert illustrating the paramere’s apex in apical (approximately dorsal) aspect (43, 44) Vesica sclerites: ds = dorsal sclerite, du = ductus seminalis, ls = left first lateral sclerite, ls2 = left second lateral sclerite, ls3 = left third lateral sclerite, vs = ventral sclerites Structures: H ead anteriorly rounded, w ith large eyes: Pronotum w ith both anterior and p o sterio r m argin stro ngly sinuate F oreleg (Figs 38, 39) strongly m odified: fem ur strongly incrassate, 3.0 tim es as long as wide, not constricted or indented in apical third, w ith very large bipartite apical tooth (its distal part being the elevated rim o f the ventral surface); inner face o f tibia w ith sub-basal, tooth-like elevation Segm ent large (Fig 7), subrectangular in dorsal aspect, length 1.42 m m , width 1.06 mm G enitalia: P y g ophore (Fig 40) prolonged, but section distal o f param ere insertion hardly constricted, w ith rounded apical m argin; dorsolateral sclerite not clearly sepa­ rated (Fig 42) P roctiger (Fig 41) long, w ith narrow distal part Param ere (Fig 42) strongly curved, its apex bent laterad and narrow ly rounded Vesicula (Figs 43, 44): dorsal sclerite long and recurved distally, proxim ally split into tw o arm s; no apical accessory sclerite; three pairs o f lateral sclerites: first lateral sclerite straight, strongly w idened at base; second lateral sclerite very long and slender; third lateral sclerite inconspicuous, thin, bisinuate; ventral sclerite long, distally reaching apex o f dorsal sclerite Z i t t e l ' ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Gerromorpha o f M yanmar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 107 Description o f macropterous male (paratype): Measurements: BL 5.35 m m (excl wings), 7.20 m m (incl wings), B W 2.73 m m, HL 83 mm, HW 1.69 mm, A 2L 0.98 mm, PW 2.43 m m , PL 3.44 mm, M tL 3.96 mm Colour: On pronotum , anterior and anterolateral m argins in front o f hum eri black; paired dark sublateral stripes w ider than transverse band and m edian stripe, confluent with m edian stripe anteriorly and subapically; posterior m argin from hum eri to apex creamy M esopleura w ithout longitudinal stripe W ings m ainly blackish brown, costal margin proxim ally yellowish A ntenna and legs o f sim ilar colour as in apterous morph Pilosity: B lack p ilo sity on m esopleura sligh tly longer than in apterous morph B asal areas o f forew ings w ith dense black pilosity along veins Structures: Pronotum w ith pointed apex Profem ur m oderately incrassate, 3.6 tim es as long as wide W ings clearly surpassing apex o f abdom en, length o f forew ing 5.28 mm C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s : M etrocoris atlas sp.n is tentatively placed in the M anderseni group For the defm ition o f this group see C hen & N ieser (1993) and T ran & Z ettel (2005) In M atlas sp.n the distal section o f the m ale's pygophore is elongate (Fig 40), but it lacks the characteristic constriction found in other group m em bers In addition, the m ale‘s profem ur lacks a distinct distal constriction proxim al o f the (sub-)basal tooth On the other hand, the conspicuous bipartite (sub-)apical tooth on the male's profem ur (Figs 38, 39), the tooth-like sub-basal elevation on the m ale's protibia, the large, elongated genital segm ents, especially the long, curved param eres (Fig 42) and the very slender proctiger (Fig 41), form a set o f characteristics w hich indicate that M atlas sp.n takes a basal position in the M anderseni group This group contains - from w est to east - M anderseni C hen & N ieser , 1993 and M fa lca tu s C hen & N ieser , 1993, both from U ttar Pradesh, India; M fem oratus (P aiva , 1919) from M eghalaya, India; M genitalis C hen & N ieser , 1993 from Yunnan, China, and C hiang M ai, Thailand; and M quynhi T ran & Z ettel, 2005 from Lao Cai, Vietnam All species seem to have rather restricted distributions First country records Fam ily M esoveliidae Mesovelia horvathi L un d blad , 1933 M aterial exam ined: apterous m ale, m acropterous fem ale (N HM W ) "M YA NM A R: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa NP\ W akya Stream, 400 m\ 22° 19.173' N 94° 29.654' E\ 8.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (115)"; macropterous female (NHMW) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m\ 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E\ 9.5.2003, lg Boukal &al (118)" General distribution: W idespread in A ustralasia from southem C hina to Australia, and in the southeastem Palaearctic (Japan) (P olhemus & P olhemus 2001) Fam ily H ebridae Hyrcanus varicolor A n d ersen , 1981 M aterial exam ined (all m acropterous): fem ale (N HM W ) "M YA NM A R: Sagaing DivA A laungdaw 108 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Annalen des www.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen M useums in Wien, B, 112 K atthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 360 m \ 22° 19.084' N 94° 28.744’ E\ 4.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (102)"; males, females (NHMW) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa NP, large\ stream (mouth o f Pagoda), 360m\ 22° 19.084’ N 94° 28.744’ E\ 4.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (102a)"; 12 males, 14 females (NHM W , M BM Y) "M YANMAR: Sagaing DivA A laungdaw K atthapa NP\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.094’ N 94° 28.823’ E\ 5.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (107)"; male, females (NHMW ) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 400 m \ 22°18.560’N 94°27.679’ E\ 6.5.2003, lg Boukal &al (111)"; 21 males, females (NHMW, MBMY, ZRCS) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaung­ daw K atthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 360 m \ 22° 19.09’ N 94° 28.82’ E\ 7.5.2003, Boukal & al (112)"; males, females (NHMW) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa NP\ W akya Stream, 400 m\ 22° 19.173’ N 94° 29.654’ E\ 8.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (115)"; males, females (NHMW) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.094’ N 94° 28.823’ E\ 9.5.2003, lg B oukal &al (118)"; male (N HM W ) "M YANM AR: Sagaing DivA A laungdaw K atthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \2 ° 19.113’N 94° 28.518’ E\ 13.5.2003,1 Boukal &al (122)" G eneral distribution: T hailand, V ietnam , Indonesia (S um atra, Java) (Z ettel 1998) Records from M yanm ar represent the m ost w estem distribution o f this species F am ily V eliidae Microvelia douglasi S c o t t , 1874 M aterial examined: macropterous female (NHMW ) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.094’ N 94° 28.823' E\ 5.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (107)"; macropterous male (NHMW) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E\ 9.5.2003, lg Boukal &al (118)" General distribution: From India to Japan and A ustralia (A ndersen & W eir 2004) Rhagovelia sumatrensis L u n d b lad , 1933 M aterial exam ined: apterous fem ales (N HM W , M BM Y ) "M YANM AR: Sagaing DivA A laungdaw K atthapa N P\ W akya Stream, 400 m\ 22° 19.173' N 94° 29.654' E\ 8.5.2003, lg Boukal & al (115)"; apterous females (NHMW) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.094’ N 94° 28.823' E \ 9.5.2003, lg Boukal &al (118)"; apterous m ale, apterous fem ale (NHM W ) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Khaung Din Stream, 450 m\ 22° 18.360’ N 94° 25.937' E\ 11.5.2003,1 Boukal & al (119)"; macropterous female (NHMW) "MYANMAR: Magwe DivA Saw, furcation area oft Saw Chaung, 370 m \ 21°08‘57.9"N 4°09‘28.6"E\ leg H Schillhammer\ & D Zim merm ann (179)" G eneral distribution: F rom In d ia to southeastern C hina and L om bok in Indonesia (Z ettel 2000) F am ily G e rrid a e Amemboa cristata P o lh em u s & A n d ersen , 1984 M aterial examined: macropterous female (NHM W ) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Pagoda Stream, 350 m \ 22° 19.094' N 94° 28.823' E\ 9.5.2003, lg Boukal &al (118)"; macropterous males, apterous female (NHM W ) "MYANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Khaung Din Stream, 450 m\ 22° 18.360' N 94° 25.937' E\ 11.5.2003,1 Boukal & al (119)" General distribution: Thailand, M alaysia (P olhemus & A ndersen 1984) Records from M yanm ar represent the m ost w estem distribution o f A cristata Gerris gracilicornis (H o r v ä th , 1879) M aterial examined: macropterous males, macropterous females (NHM W ) "MYANMAR: Chin State\ N atmataung NP, W NW \ Kanpetlet, Mt Victoria\ 21°14"00.9"N 3°54‘16.0"E", "3040 m, 5.6.2010, small\ pond, leg H Schillhammer\ & D Zim merm ann (182)" Z ettel: ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Gerromorpha o f M yanm ar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 109 General distribution: C hiefly East Palearctic R egion (Far East o f Russia, Japan, China, Taiwan) entering the m ost northern parts o f the Oriental R egion (India, Bhutan, M yan­ mar) (A ndersen 1995, Z ettel & T ran 2007, and this study) Pleciobates pach o la tk oi Z e t t e l & C hen, 1996 Material examined: apterous male, apterous females (NHMW ) "BURMA: Bago DivA Bago Yoma, Sein Yai ForA Camp, 1700m, 29.10A 1998,1 Schillhammer (36)" General distribution: This species was originally described from northem Thailand and southem Vietnam (Z ettel & C hen 1996) The record from M yanm ar is the m ost w est­ ern one Ptilom era f a n g P o lh em u s, 2001 Material examined: macropterous (dealate) males (NHM W ) "M YANMAR: Sagaing DivA Alaungdaw Katthapa N P\ Khaung Din Stream, 450 m \ 22° 18.360' N 94° 25.937' E\ 11.5.2003,1 Boukal & al (119)" General distribution: Hitherto, this species was only know n from northem Thailand It was originally described from a stream near Fang in C hiang M Province (P olhemus 2001) V itheepradit & S ites (2007) present num erous records from the Doi Inthanon in the sam e province Catalogue o f species Notes: C itations in brackets refer to the first records from Myanmar A dditional records in literature are only referred to if the first record is taxonom ically not safe An asterisk (*) m arks those species w hich are at present know ledge endem ic to M yanm ar Syn­ onymy o f E sakia ku iterti from M yanm ar and E ventidioides L u n d b l a d , 1933 from Sum atra by P olhemus (1992) is yet to be confirm ed until the taxonom y o f E sakia species is carefully revised M ESO VELIIDAE M esoveliinae: M esovelia horvathi L un d bla d , 1933 first record M esovelia vittigera H orväth , 1895 (B uzzetti & al 2006) H EBRIDAE Hyrcaninae: Hyrcanus varicolor A ndersen , 1981 first record Hebrinae: *H ebrus birmensis new species *H ebrus orientalis D istant, 1903 (D istant 1903) *H ebrus schillham m eri new species * Timasius goldm arie new species * Timasius schaeferi new species 110 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Annalen des www.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, B, 112 H Y D R O M ET R ID A E H ydrom etrinae: H ydrom etra annamana H ungerford & E vans , 1934 (Z ettel 2006a) H ydrom etra greeni K irkaldy , 1898 (Y ang & Z ettel 2005) Hydrom etra ja czew skii L u n d bla d , 1933 (P olhemus & P olhemus 1995) H ydrom etra longicapitis T orre-B ueno , 1927 (Z ettel 2006a) Hydrom etra orientalis L un d bla d , 1933 (P olhemus & P olhemus 1995) H ydrom etra ripicola A ndersen , 1992 (Z ettel 2006a) V E LIIDAE M icro veliinae: Baptista gestroi D istant , 1903 (D istant 1903) * Geovelia orientalis new species *M icrovelia burmanica Paiva , 1918 (Paiva 1918) M icrovelia douglasi S cott , 1874 first record Perittopinae: *Perittopus rufus D istant, 1903 (D istant 1903) *Perittopus zim m erm annae new species R hagoveliinae: R hagovelia sum atrensis L u n d bla d , 1933 first record *Tetraripis chinthe P olhemus & P olhemus , 1998 (P olhemus & P olhemus 1998) Veliinae: A ngilia bispinosa A ndersen , 1981 (P olhemus & P olhemus 1998) A ngilia orientalis A ndersen , 1981 (P olhemus & P olhemus 1998) A ngilovelia y-alba (P aiva , 1918) (Paiva 1918) G ERRIDAE Rhagadotarsinae: Rhagadotarsus kraepelini B reddin , 1905 (D istant 1910, as Nacebus dux D istant, 1910) Trepobatinae: G nom obates ku iterti (H ungerford & M a t su d a , 1958) (H ungerford & M atsuda 1958a, as C ryptobates kuiterti) G errinae: A quarius adelaidis (D ohrn , 1860) (D istant 1903 as Gerris spinolae L ethierry & S ev ­ erin , 1896; confirm ed by A ndersen 1990) A quarius paludum paludum (F abricius , 1794) (D istant 1903 as Gerris pa lu d u m ; confirm ed by A ndersen 1990) Gerris gracilicornis (H orväth , 1879) first record Z e t t e l : ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Gerromorpha o f M yanm ar (Insecta: Hemiptera) 111 Gerris tigrinus B r o w n , 1949 (B r o w n 1949) Limnogonus fossarum fossarum (F abricius , 1775) (A ndersen 1975) Lim nogonus n itid u s (M a y r , 865) ( D is t a n t 1903 as G erris nitida; confirm ed by A n d ersen 1975) Limnogonus pectoralis (M ayr , 1865) (B uzzetti & al 2006) Neogerris parvulus ( S t ä l , 1859) (A n d e r se n 1975) Tenagogonus ku iterti H u n g e r f o r d & M a ts u d a , 1958 ( H u n g e r f o r d & M a ts u d a 1958b) E otrechinae: *Amemboa burmensis P o lh em u s & A n d e r se n , 1984 (P o lh em u s & A n d e r se n 1984) Amemboa cristata P o lh em u s & A n d e r se n , 1984 firs t re c o rd Amemboa lyra (Paiva , 1918) (Paiva 1918) *Amemboides setosus (P olhemus & A ndersen , 1984) (P olhemus & A ndersen 1984 as Amemboa ( Amemboides ) setosa) Eotrechus kalidasa K irkaldy , 1902 (K irkaldy 1902) Onychotrechus esakii A n d e r se n , 1980 (D istant 1903: as O sakuntala (K irk aldy , 1901); see A ndersen 1980) Cylindrostethinae: Cylindrostethus costalis S chm idt, 1915 (P o lh em u s 1994) Cylindrostethus scrutator K ir k a ld y , 1899 (D is ta n t 1903) Ptilomerinae: Pleciobates pacholatkoi Z e t t e l & C hen, 1996 firs t re c o rd Ptilomera assam ensis H u n g e r fo r d & M a tsu d a , 1965 (P o lh em u s 2001) *Ptilom era burm ana P o lh em u s, 2001 (P o lh em u s 2001) Ptilomera fa n g P o lh em u s, 2001 firs t re c o rd P tilom era tigrina U h l e r , 1860 ( D is t a n t 1903, under P laticaudata (H a r d w ic k e , 1925); P tigrina confirm ed by P o lh em u s 2001) *Ptilomerella anderseni Z e t t e l , 009 ( Z e t t e l 2009) Rhyacobates m alaisei A n d e r se n & C hen, 1995 (A n d erse n & C hen 1995) H a lo b a tin a e: *Esakia kuiteri H u n g e r fo r d & M a tsu d a , 1958 (H u n g e r fo r d & M a tsu d a 1958c) H alobates sp (cf H fla viven tris E s c h s c h o lt z , 1822) (B u z z e tti & al 2006) *M etrocoris angustus C hen & N ie s e r , 1993 (C hen & N ie s e r 1993) *M etrocoris atlas new species M etrocoris ciliatus D en B o e r , 1965 (D en B o e r 1965) M etrocoris com par (W h ite, 1883) (C hen & N ie s e r 1993) *M etrocoris coxalis C hen & N ie s e r , 1993 (C hen & N ie se r 1993) M etrocoris hungerfordi D en B o e r , 1965 (D en B o e r 1965) ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter Annalen des www.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen 112 Museums in Wien, B, 112 M etrocoris nigrofascioides C hen & N ie s e r , 1993 (C hen & N ie se r 1993) M etrocoris obscurus C hen & N ie s e r , 1993 (C hen & N ie se r 1993) *M etrocoris pilosus C hen & N ie s e r , 1993 (C hen & N ie se r 1993) * Ventidius ( V entidioides) ku iterti H u n g e r f o r d & M a ts u d a , 1960 (H u n g e r fo r d & M atsuda 1960) Ventidius ( Ventidius) distanti Paiva, 1918 (Paiva 1918) Acknowledgements I wish to express my sincere thanks to those people who contributed to this paper with their collections, i.e., Aung Zaw Lin, David Boukal, M yint Hlaing, M yint Shwe, Harald Schillhammer, and Dominique Zimmer­ mann I am thankful to Harald Bruckner for preparing stacked images (Figs 1-7), to Carl W Schaefer for a language review, and to Tran Anh Duc for suggestions to improve an earlier version o f the manuscript References N.M., 1975: The Limnogonus and Neogerris of the Old World with character analysis and a 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Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 21:18