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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VIET NAM NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES -   - LE THI THU HANG INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS MANAGEMENT IN HIGH SCHOOL ACCORDING TO THE THEORY OF CHANGING MANAGEMENT Specialised subject: Education Management Code: 14 0114 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION HA NOI - 2018 This disertation is completed at Viet Nam National Institute of Educational Sciences Supervisors 1: Assoc Prof Dr Tran Kiem Supervisors 2: Dr Nguyen Anh Dung Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: This disertation will be defended before the Viet Nam National Institute of Educational Sciences’ Review Board, 101 Trần Hưng Đạo, Hà Nội at hour date month year This disertation is available at: - National Library - Viet Nam National Institute of Educational Sciences Library INTRODUCTION Rationale - The rapid development of the 4.0 revolution coupled with the globalization of all aspects of economic and social life requires each individual to learn and study for life - Current innovative trends in education: Vietnam's general education is moving from content-based education to competencebased approach The requirements of the current education and training of our country specified in the documents of the Party, State - Current status of quality education and teaching our country has not met the set target This is mainly due to the lack of a suitable management theory as the basis for effective management of teaching methods - The theory of Change Management has been successfully applied in many areas in the world, including education, suitable for changing context of Vietnamese education Starting from the apparently objective demand as mentioned above, we chose to study the topic “Management of innovative upper secondary school teaching methods based on the theory of change management” in order to improve the teaching quality in upper secondary schools Research purposes: Based on theoretical and practical research, this research aims at assessing the current situation and proposing measures to modernize teaching and learning in upper secondary schools based on the theory of change management Objects and subjects of the study 3.1 Objects of the study: Innovative teaching methods at upper secondary school 3.2 Subjects of the study: The management of innovative teaching methods at upper secondary school following the theory of change management Literature review: The theory of change management consists of three phases: thawing phase (preparation phase of reforming teaching methods); Renovation period (stage of organizing and directing the implementation of the renovation plan); Refreezing phase (sustainable development results of innovative teaching methods) If we apply this theory in combination with approaching management functions, the implementation of teaching method renovation in high schools will be effective, contributing to the improvement of the teaching quality in particular and the education quality in general Research objectives 5.1 Reviewing the literature Study the theoretical foundation for management of innovative teacing methods in upper secondary school and management of change 5.2 Determining practical basis through research of best practices in some countries in the world; doing survey on the management of renovation of teaching methods in high schools in the Red River delta; evaluating the situation, determining the causes of the actual situation analysis according to the theory of change management 5.3 Proposing some measures to manage innovative teaching methods in high schools based on the theory of change management 5.4 Surveying and piloting a number of proposed measures Scope of stuy: The research focuses on some methods of management of innovative teaching methods by high school principals based on the theory of change management in some high schools in the Red River Delta during the school year 2013 2014 to 2015-2016.The manager is the principal Research methodology 7.1 Approaching method: the research mainly bases on the theory of change management in combination with other approaches like access to management functions and management content; System approach, Complex approach 7.2 Research methods in details: Secondary research; Data collection methods: survey with questionnaires; observation, annalysing documents, asking for specialists’ opinions, experiments; Data analysis methods: statistic analysis Defence points 8.1 Applying the theory of change management with three stages in combination with function management approach to manage teching method renovation at upper secondary school: Preparing for teaching method renovation; conducting and managing teaching method renovation; and sustainably developing the results of teaching method renovation This is the most innovative paths in the current context of Vietnam 8.2 The results of the implementation of teaching method reform in high school depend on many factors: the perception, qualifications, capacity and qualities of the principal, teachers and other members in the school, the consensus of students’ parents and the community as well as the society Among these, teacher plays a decisive role and the principal plays a key role in promoting or hindering innovation 8.3 Combining the management of teaching method innovations based on the three-phase and function management approach in high schools , principals need to focus on groups of measures: preparation of teaching method innovations (development of strategic plans on renewing teaching materials, awareness raising to create consensus for all members inside and outside the school); Implementation of the plan to renovate teaching methods (arranging resources, directing the implementation of professional activities, removing barriers, supporting the promotion of renewable teaching); Sustainable development of teaching method innovation results These measures are implemented alternatively or at the same time depending on the stage and specific conditions of each school Contributions of the study 9.1 Provide a clarification of the theory of teaching-methodinnovation management in high school following the theory of change management 9.2 Assess the current situation of teaching method renovations and teaching method renovation management in high schools in some Red River Delta provinces in the perspective of change management theory Specìying its shortcomings and causes analized in terms of the theory of change management 9.3 Propose scientific and practical measures for the management of teaching method innovation in three stages of the change management theory: preparation phase for teaching method renovation; the stage of implementing the teaching method renovation; The period of sustainable development results in the teaching method renovation, contributing to improving the quality of teaching, and meeting the requirements of high school education reform in the current period Chapter 1: Literature review: The theory of management of teaching method renovation at upper secondary school and the theory of change management 1.1 Study issue overview This section provides a brief overview of management of teaching method innovation and change management by researchers at home and abroad Research results show that, in the context of fundamental, comprehensive reform of education of Vietnam, applying the theory of change management to the management of teaching method renovation in secondary schools is the correct and urgent research direction 1.2 Some definitions and theories of teaching methods in upper secondary schools 1.2.1 Teaching procedures: Teaching and learning is a complex process, encompassing many elements that are closely related The basic elements are: Objective - Content - Method - Vehicle Formats - Evaluation These elements interact together, forming a whole body operating in the educational environment and the socio-economic environment 1.2.2 Methods: Method understood in the most general sense is the way to achieve the goal, which is arranged in a certain order 1.2.3 Teaching Method: Teaching method is a system of targeted actions in a specific sequence of teachers to organize the learning activities of students to ensure that the purpose of teaching is achieved Each teaching method leads to a certain level of comprehension and no teaching method is universal 1.2.4 Management and management functions: - Management is the impact (management, control, command) governed by the rules of management within an organization to make the organization run while achieving the desired results and its proposed objectives - Management functions: planning, organizing, directing, inspecting These functions are closely related to each other and form a closed management cycle 1.3 The basic theoretical issues of management of teaching method renovation in upper secondry school based on the theory of change management 1.3.1 Physiological characteristics of high school students: This section describes the characteristics of high school students' psychophysiology to illustrate the fact that teachers need to find the best teaching methods for each lesson and each student in order to enable them to promote their own strengths The school should be a helping place, evoking the potentials, creating the conditions for the children learning in different directions 1.3.2 Teaching methods in high school: High school-level teaching requires activities for the children to express their understanding of what they will learn Teachers need to design lessons into activities that create conflict between the known and the unknown which will create excitement, stimulating curiosity for the children to explore and possess knowledge 1.3.3 Relationship between teaching methods and elements of teaching procedures: Teaching method is closely related to teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods, testing and evaluation and teaching conditions 1.3.4 Innovating approaches to the elements of teaching procedures: Teaching objectives: mainly to get students equipped with knowledge => to develop qualities and competency Teaching curricula: Concentration => Decentralization: Ministry, local, school curricula Content: Academic, intensive => Integration, streamlining, selective to meet international integration and reality application Teaching method: the teacher transmiting knowledge, students passively receive => teacher: organise and support; students: selfhelp and active Teaching activities: Mainly in the classroom => Diversification: + Outside classes: heritage, business, social work, researching, etc.; Teaching the whole class => combination of teaching small group and individual Assessment: Remember knowledge => Assessing competencey; Product-oriented => Combination of formative assesssment to assess students’ progress Guarantee conditions: from subsidized => active, creative, practical 1.3.5 Renovating teaching methods: Renovating teaching methods is the process of applying modern teaching methods and modern teaching technologies to the schools on the basis of bringing into play the positive elements of traditional teaching methods in order to change the learning methods: from the passive learning, remembering knowledge as the key to active learning, being active and creative, focusing on fostering self-learning method, practising skills to apply knowledge to solve practical issues of life 1.3.6 Management teaching method renovation in upper secondary school The approach to the elements of the teaching process changes; as a result, the management of teaching method renovation also changes from subsidy, imposition of orders to democratization, decentralization of management, granting autonomy 1.4 Management of teaching method renovation in upper secondary school based on the theory of change management 1.4.1 Some modern approaches in educational management This section provides an overview of the contents and advantages and disadvantages of some modern approaches to educational management such as: School Based Management, Management by Objectives (MBO), Total Quality Management (TQM) and Change Management in education, thereby recognizing the objects of education, members of the educational organization are the people with psybiological, social traits always moving; The the natural, cultural and social environment around the school is constantly changing; The trend of internationalization of areas of social life has always had complicated developments The above context poses the need for educational managers to approach change management theory 1.4.2 Content management innovation teaching methods in high school based on the theory of change management a) Preparatory phase for teaching method renovation: analyzing the actual conditions of the school, analyzing the context to put pressure on change; Make a strategic plan to change, list what to and how to as well as necessary conditions and resources for the implementation of the plan for renewing teaching and learning We also need to identify "what needs to change", propagate and prepare the mind for all members inside and outside the school are ready and able to implement the teaching method renovation: attitude, knowledge, skills to motivation and a sense of security so that they are ready for change The results of this phase must include a survey of the status quo and a plan for renewing teaching methods b) The implementation phase of the teaching method renovation: Carry out the change according to the appropriate roadmap (in accordance with the conditions, resources and level of development of the organization as well as in a specific context directly related to) with attention to creating motivation and reducing reaction when making changes Gradually eliminate barriers, strengthen the supporting factors, motivate This is the implementation phase of the plan c) Sustainable development phase of teaching method renovation: Finding measures to sustain the "change" achieved so that sustainable development can be achieved with the “newly achieved” Building school culture; Assessing the results of the implementation of plans for renewal of teaching methods (possibly at stages) and adjust if necessary The result of sustainable development period is the formation of habits, the selfconsciousness, the positiveness in the teachers implementing innovation, etc These three stages are not always mechanically separated, at times they are intertwined 1.5 The role of high school principals in managing innovative teaching methods based on change management theory - A leader and a manager - Supporters, cheers, catalysts stimulate change - The person who handled the situation occurred during the change process - Who links the resources to the change - The person who maintains stability in change 1.6 Factors affecting the management of teaching method renovation 1.6.1 Factors related to the principal: Levels, perceptions, professional competencies, managerial capacities and the quality and prestige of the principal influence greatly on the management of teaching method renovation in high school education 1.6.2 Factors related to parents, teachers and students For the parents: being a participant in the leadership and management of the school plays an important role in the overall development of the school; For teachers: capacity for organization, administration, management, guidance are the requirements and capabilities are increasingly required in teachers; For students: Renovating teaching methods does not mean renewing teaching activities of teachers and learning activities of class games, but it is necessary to focus on innovating self-learning methods of students 1.6.3 Factors related to management environment: Policy, policy on teaching method renovation, assessment; The actual teaching conditions of the school; Family, social community 1.7 Criteria for determining the results of innovation management of teaching methods based on the theory of change management Basing on the relationship between components of the teaching methods, basing on the contents of the three phases of the change management, the author of the dissertation has developed a Criteria for determining the results of management of teaching method renovation at upper secondary school based on theory of change management The principal uses this criterion to assess the current situation in planning and evaluating the process to adjust the plan if it is not appropriate and measure the outcomes to evaluate the results of the teaching method renovation management Criteria (of the rating scale) consist of 10 criteria with a total of 23 indicators Each indicator is rated at three levels, from level (lowest level) to level (highest level) Conclusion Chapter 1: The dissertation has reviewed the literature and research works in and outside the country on teaching methods, teaching method renovation, management of teaching method renovation, and change management Based on the systematizating concepts of management, education management, teaching methods, change management, we can see innovation, reform in professional meeting, teacher observation and evaluation Overall results are limited 2.5 Current status of management of in teaching method innovation in upper secondary schools: 2.5.1 Preparatory phase for teaching methodology The status of developing the strategic planning for reform of teaching methods Schools have plan bust only for the school year and not based on assessing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges so there is no basis, not close to reality The planning of innovative teaching methods is mostly superficial, implemented at the request of the management seniors, serving for the purpose of inspection and supervision, not really serving school teaching method innovation Diagram 2.6: Awareness on developing strategic planning for reform of teaching methods Diagram 2.7: Implementation level of strategic plan development for reform of teaching methods Status of communication and dissemination of strategic plans for reforming teaching and learning The failure to communicate clearly the strategic plan to all relevant forces inside and outside the organization hinders the synchronization of resources within and outside the school The ratio of the level of performance to the perception of the degree of need for strategic visioning and planning varies considerably The rate of good level evaluating the implementation of the dissemination of the strategic plan for renewing teaching and learning activities of the school through communication is still very low Diagram 2.10: communication and dissemination of strategic plans for reforming teaching and learning 2.5.2 The implementation phase of teaching method innovation Managing resources and establishing pioneer force: The establishment of the pioneer force is not strong enough Not active in exploiting and using the conditions and resources to support the renovation of teaching methods Staff arrangement is not reasonable The training and enrichment of the teaching staff quality, especially the inservice training is not really effective Direct the implementation of professional activities Regarding the management and directing activities of professional groups: professional activities on lesson study are still confusing, not effective in the development of profession for colleagues Activities to manage and direct teaching activities of teachers; Managing, instructing teachers' directions on learning methods for students; Management and directions on students' testing and evaluation reform: principals have little professional interest so teachers are not really supported in their teaching methodologies and assessments in students' competence orientation, as well as instructing students how to learn by designing learning activities for students Removing barriers, supporting the promotion of teaching method innovation Principals not correctly identify the barriers to innovation teaching methods and find incentives to motivate teachers to innovate teaching methods.In general, the activities have been implemented by the schools, but the quality is not high, not as effective as expected 2.5.3 The stage of sustainable development results in the innovation of teaching methods Through research and enquiring about the process of implementing innovative teaching methods in upper secondary schools, in fact, very few schools are interested in transferring the changes achieved into the school culture, so as maintaining reform sustainability The inspection and evaluation of the implementation of the plan, the correctness of the roadmap, and the adjustment of the plan when needed to ensure success and achieve the set objectives are not considered seriously The sustainability of innovation results in schools has not been properly addressed 2.6 Factors influencing the management of renovation of teaching methods in upper secondary schools - Factors of the management entity (the principal) - Factors subject to management (teachers and students) - Factors subject to management environment 2.7 Assessing the current state of teaching method innovation management according to the change management theory 2.7.1 Advantages: Many teachers are aware of the requirements of educational objectives to form and develop students' ability so that the method of lecturing is no longer suitable and needs to be reformed Some teachers, being dedicated to the profession, with pedagogical ability, are actively innovating teaching methods in the direction of organizing learning activities for students, guiding students to self-study, working in groups to forge communication and cooperation capacity Many educational managers are aware of the important role of innovating teaching methods in the school 2.7.2 Existence and Cause: Most schools have not developed a strategic plan for innovation in teaching methods, identified a strategic objective, and have a rational roadmap, so there is no urgency towards reform Planning is not based on situational analysis and accurate identification of change, so it is only to cope with superiors; Attention to communication and propaganda, the communicating of the school's innovation plan and policy to all members of the school, the parents and the community is not highly considered So, in the face of difficulties, they not receive sympathy and support from the society Besides, the barriers that are hindering the implementation of innovative teaching methods are not identified Management officials are limited in managing and directing activities on renovating teaching methods in schools They are passive, rigid, dependent on their superiors Many managers not have proper knowledge about innovative teaching methods and the application of modern management theories to school management; There is not enough knowledge to support teachers in implementing teaching methodology reform They not boldly trust subordinate levels, while relying heavy on administrative management which leads to reducing teachers' flexibility, limiting the promotion of teachers' creativity and confidence to motivate teachers actively and objectively to participate in the process of innovation Chapter Conclusion The analysis of the current state of management of innovation in teaching methods in the Red River Delta high schools from the perspective of change management reveals the following shortcomings: (1) Many teachers and management staff are not aware of the urgent nature of teaching method innovation for the existence and development of schools in the current context (2) Managers and teachers lack knowledge and skills on teaching methodology reform The self-training and self-learning ability of managers and teachers is still limited Teacher training is not regular (3) Lack of a long-term strategic plan with appropriate paths and steps Propaganda and dissemination of strategic plans on innovation in teaching methods have not been attended to or convincing enough (4) The construction of a pioneer force is not really strong enough for the principal to lead a successful innovation (5) Curricula lack flexibility with heavy academic contents; the examination and assessment of pupils, the inspection and evaluation of teachers have not kept pace with teaching method renovations A lack of suitable resource distribution and structures, etc is a barrier to teaching method renovation (6) No effective measures have been proposed to change the initial results in teaching method reform into a school culture that will sustain the innovation of teaching methodologies Chapter 3: Management measures for teaching method innovation in secondary schools based on change management theory 3.1 Orientation in proposed measures: Resolution No 29NQ/TW requires "Continue to strongly reform teaching methods and learning in the direction of modernization; promoting the positiveness, activeness, creativeness, application of knowledge and skills of learners; Overcoming one-way imposed teaching, memory-based learning Focus on teaching how to learn, learning how to think, encouraging self-learning, creating the basis for learners to stay update and renew their knowledge, skills, capacity development Tranform from primarily class-room based learning to diversified learning organization with attention paid to social, extracurricular activities, scientific research Promote the application of information and communication technology in teaching and learning " 3.2 Principles for proposing measures: Ensuring objectiveness; efficiency; systematic; synchronism; practical and feasible 3.3 Measure groups 3.3.1 Group of measures to prepare for teaching method innovation a) Develop a strategic plan for teaching method innovation Objective: A clear strategic plan that drives decisions and directs everyone to action for a common purpose Implementation: Identify the current status of the school, identify changes; Identify strategic goals and specific objectives; Select solutions and planning b) To propagate and disseminate plans on renovating teaching methods Objectives: Raise awareness and create urgency about teaching methodology innovation for members in the school Create consensus, support from the community Implementation: Contents of propaganda: the international and domestic context; The policy of the Party and the sector on general education reform in general and renovation of secondary education in particular; Vision and strategic planning to teaching method innovation Forms of propaganda: Using various forums, on the principle of "Repeat, Repeat and Repeat"; Convinced by the example of the principal and initial success of the core team Propaganda objects: teachers, staff and students, parents, public organizations, local governments where the schools are located, enterprises, production and service establishments Prepare resources and implement effective communication 3.3.2 Group of measures to implement teaching method innovation Arranging and distributing resources for the implementation of the plan to renovate teaching methods Objectives: To organize the arrangement of human resources, prepare material, financial and information conditions for the implementation of renovation of teaching methods in schools Implementation: Establish a pioneer force (Steering Committee for teaching methodology innovation and leading teachers / core teachers), create a pioneering team that is strong enough to lead the successful teaching method innovation; To manage and direct the exploitation and use of conditions and resources to support the renovation of teaching methods; Organizing training and enrichment courses to improve the quality of teachers Direct the implementation of professional activities Objectives: Based on the content developed in the plan, the principal organizes and directs the implementation of necessary activities according to the developed plan to implement the innovation of teaching methods successfully Implementation: To manage and direct the operation of professional groups, to build specialized teams into "learning organizations"; Instruct and direct the teaching activities of the teachers including preparing the lesson plan and implementing the lesson plan in the direction of organizing learning activities for students in accordance with the pedagogical process To manage and direct students' learning activities, to train students for profer learning methods, form and develop their self-learning capacities, interactive learning capabilities, apply learned knowledge to real life, students' not being satisfied with knowledge in books, in school, thus having a need to explore and expand knowledge so that students are helped to have the ability to study for life Supervise and instruct student assessments towards comptence development Removing barriers, supporting the promotion of teaching method innovation Objective: Identify and remove some of the barriers, meeting to the maximum possible extent in the context, the requirements of teaching method innovation Create mechanisms to support and encourage teachers to innovate teaching methods Implementation: Depending on the specific educational institution, the barriers will vary Through the real context of renovating teaching methods in high schools in provinces and cities in the Red River Delta, there are some basic barriers to be eliminated: grant autonomy to professional groups and teachers in building and implementing a school education plan; Reform teacher assessment and evaluation based on an analysis of student performance; Encourage, motivate teachers to support changes 3.3.3 Group of measures for sustainable development for the results of teaching method innovation Inspecting and evaluating the implementation of the plan on renovating the teaching method Objectives: Evaluation and supervision are important functions in the management process and is also the starting point for decision making, planning and evaluating the achievement of goals in order to find good points and limits to adjust the planning, organization, leading, implementation Implementation: No change is complete, as the results of this change cycle will be the premise for the next cycle of change There are three aspects of evaluating a change in a teaching method innovation plan, its level of performance, its value, and the extent to which that change is included For the task of evaluation and supervision of the implementation of the plan on renovating the teaching method to be effective, the principal must pay attention to the following issues: direct inspection of teachers' activities; Checking through the professional team; Getting feedback from students Building a school culture to sustain change Objectives: To find ways to maintain the "change" that has been achieved so that the school can develop sustainably with the "new ones" that have been formed Make changes that have been achieverd into the school culture Implementation: Build a positive, healthy school culture that fosters an atmosphere of openness, democracy, cooperation, trust and mutual respect Instruct new staff to receive and follow changes that their predecessors have achieved and keep them sustained; Budgeting for continued funding: Resources need to be maintained to ensure minimum conditions for innovation of teaching methods; Lesson learned: It is important to look back on the process of change to draw lessons from oneself, to draw lessons into a common lesson; Record keeping: The entire record of the process should be kept from the inception to the implementation of innovation of teaching methods; Bringing results of teaching method innovation into the expeted development direction for the school 3.3 Relationship of the measures These measures fall into three phases of change management, not always mechanically separated, sometimes intertwined, sometimes intermittent at the same time It is important for managers to firmly grasp the occurrence of each stage in the change process to determine appropriate management responsibilities 3.4 Experimenting and piloting the proposed measures 3.4.1 Experimenting: To investigate the opinions of administrators and teachers on the necessity and feasibility of the proposed measures, the author of the dissertation distributed questionnaires to 100 administrators including DOET officials, principals, vice principals, heads of professional team and 104 teachers of the surveyed institutes Survey receipts shall be processed according to the following calculations: very necessary or very feasible points; necessary or feasible points; not necessary or not feasible point From the experimenting results of the assay, it is possible to reaffirm that innovative management measures based on the change management theory proposed by the thesis are necessary and feasible and applicable in management practice 3.4.2 Piloting Piloting purpose: piloting to verify the necessity and feasibility of some proposed measures with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of management of teaching method innovation in upper secondary schools Piloting content: The thesis proposes seven measures to manage teaching methodology innovation under the change management theorry, but in the scope and conditions of the research, the author of the dissertation selected to pilot contents: - Instructing innovation in professional meetings and evaluating teachers' lessons in the direction of student learning analyzing as a form of training on the job - Instructing the collection of students feedback: helping teachers adjust teaching methods and the principal take appropriate management measures Targets and pilot sites: including teachers and pupils from some high schools in Hanoi and Hung Yen Piloting procedures Content 1: Directing Professional Innovation Based on Student Activity Analysis: After experimenting professional activity in the direction of student activity analyzing, 100% of teachers and students attended confirmed the following benefits: Helping teachers practice how to observe and think about students' learning during class with the ability to quickly and accurately adjust teachers' teaching and students' learning accordingly; Changing the way teachers view, think and feel about students in different contexts; Establishing a habit of listening to each other; training the way of sharing ideas, thereby completing a friendly, collaborative and peer learning relationship Professional teams to become teachers' miniature training centers Content 2: Instructing the collection of students feedback Results obtained from the feedback of teachers and administrators of the schools all indicated that the way to get feedback from students as already implemented was effective for school teachers and administrators However, there is a need for guidance and training so students know how to properly respond and teachers know how to get positive information to adjust teaching methods Thus, it is very effective in managing the innovation of teaching methods of the school Chapter Conclusion: Based on scientific foundation and educational practices with basic principles, the thesis proposes measures to manage the innovation of teaching methods based on the theory of change management in high schools in the Red River Delta The analysis results of the experimenting and piloting of innovative management methods based on the theory of change management in high schools in the Red River Delta proposed in the thesis are evaluated by experts to be very necessary and feasible The proposed measures only really work when they are applied flexibly, depending on the actual conditions of each school to choose priorities and develop a suitable and feasible roadmap, as well as ensuring both systematicness and practicality CONCLUSION AND IMPPLICATIONS Conclusion Innovating teaching methods is a scientific activity that is governed by many internal and external factors of the activity itself The innovation of teaching methods in upper secondary schools has become increasingly important, however, due to various reasons, this activity is facing many difficulties and has not brought about high efficiency Based on the theoretical research on the innovation of teaching methods, the management of teaching method innovation and the theory of change management, the thesis clarifies the theoretic rationale for management of teaching method innovation in secondary school basing on the theory of change management In practice, the thesis provides insight into international experiences with lessons drawn for managing teaching method innovation in secondary schools in Vietnam; surveying and evaluating the actual situation of teaching method renovation and management of teaching method innovation in some provinces in the Red River Delta Based on practical research, the thesis has pointed out the shortcomings and limitations while simultaneously analyzing and evaluating the causes of the existing issues in teaching method innovation in upper secondary schools from the perspective of change management From reality combined with theory, the thesis proposes seven measures to manage teaching method innovation in high school based on the theory of change management to overcome the aforementioned Through the experimenting and piloting of some measures, the author of the thesis indicates that the proposed management measures are very appropriate and demonstrates a superiority in the current context of education in Vietnam with many innovations on going It is important to note that each high school has a different set of characteristics, so identifying the specific problems of the school they are facing, evaluating the situation and determininig the exact capibility of the school in the process of development are essential to providing a roadmap of innovation that is practical, relevant and feasible At each school the problem will be different, it is not possible to apply a universal change program to all schools Implications 2.1 For the Ministry of Education and Training Grant autonomy and flexibilities to localities in the implementation of educational plans and educational contents Renovate State's testing and examinations, inspections and supervision on education management Create online environment for senior high school principals to build learning communities and share professional, management and leadership experience for provincial, regional and national principals Enhance online activities: teacher and administrator training, learning resources supplemented, creating learning and sharing spaces for the cohort of principals Instructing pedagogical colleges to innovate the teacher training and enriching to meet the requirements in professional competence, pedagogical skills and capacity for change management Strengthening teacher training in the form of "training on the job", with support after training of "Mentoring" 2.2 For Departments of Education and Training - Strengthening the autonomy and flexibility of schools, attaching importance to accountability of principals Strengthening professional management through the internet, creating a shared and self-study environment for the principals of upper secondary schools in the whole province or city - Attending to succession: In order to sustain the changes and make them the school culture, it is necessary to pay attention to the succession of personnel when appointing the leaders of the institutions If the succession process is not changed in line with the new ones, old cultures will come back - Specificizing the policy of the Ministry to suit the local reality; Providing training for teachers and inspection collaborators on innovations in teaching methods; Introducing typical examples, dissemination of experience; Mobilizing local resources to support teaching method innovation 2.3 For High School Principals - The principal is a pioneer in teaching method innovation Take care of the conditions and facilities to serve the renovation of teaching methods - Organizing the collection of feedback from teachers and students on the quality of teaching and education of each teacher in the school Properly assessing the qualification, capacity and appropriateness of teaching methods of each teacher in the school so as to timely mobilize and reward teachers for effective teaching method innovation - Attending to the development of strategic plans on innovation in teaching methods; Communication of innovations in teaching methods to internal and external forces towards a consensus - The principal must be a cheerleader, catalyst for change and creating pressure on teachers to innovate teaching methods; assisting teachers in implementing the change; capable of forecasting and detecting barriers, conflicts that may occur in the process of change, taking measures to resolve conflicts in a flexible and proper manner; associating resources for change and maintain stability in change - Persistently instructing teachers to innovate teaching methods LIST OF RELATED PUBLISHED WORKS Le Thi Thu Hang (11/2017), Some Measures for Managing Innovative Teaching Methods in High School Based on Change Management Theory, Journal of Educational Science No 146 Le Thi Thu Hang (4/2014), Professional activity based on lesson research, school innovation tool, Education Journal 332, Study Le Thi Thu Hang (7/2014), Some issues in management of teaching method innovation in high school in the context of change, Journal of Education No 238, Q2 Le Thi Thu Hang, Do Danh Bich, Mieu Thi Lan Phuong (2016), Improving student - teacher communication and feedback through promoting students 'and teachers' participation in classroom and school activities Change Projects from the International Training Program on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management, Lund University Commissioned Education Lund University, Sweden Le Thi Thu Hang (2012), Application of Quality Management Theory in Teachers' Teaching Secondary Students, Proceedings of National Science Conference on Teaching Students in Secondary School Vietnam, Vietnam Education Publishing House Vu Dinh Chuan, Vu Quoc Trung, Le Thi Thu Hang, Le Huy Hoang, Pham Duc Tai, Nguyen Xuan Thanh (2012), Management of innovations in teaching methods and the testing and evaluation of students' learning outcomes in high school Training materials for national education administrators Dang Thi Thanh Huyen (Chief editor), Le Thi Thu Hang et al (2013), Renovation of professional instruction in secondary schools in disadvantaged areas, Training materials for managers, heads of professional groups from most disadvantaged areas' lower secondary schools Le Thi Thu Hang (12/2017), Discussion on some management measures on teaching method renovation in secondary schools to meet the requirements of education reform, http://moet.gov.vn ... documents of the Party, State - Current status of quality education and teaching our country has not met the set target This is mainly due to the lack of a suitable management theory as the basis... Based on the theoretical research on the innovation of teaching methods, the management of teaching method innovation and the theory of change management, the thesis clarifies the theoretic rationale...This disertation is completed at Viet Nam National Institute of Educational Sciences Supervisors 1: Assoc Prof Dr Tran Kiem Supervisors 2: Dr Nguyen Anh Dung Reviewer 1:

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 15:18


