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Giáo án tiêng anh 11 soạn chi tiết

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Giáo án tiếng anh 11 đầy đủ gồm 167 trang , soạn chi tiết theo hướng tích cực cho học sinh, hai cột không cần chỉnh sữa , bài soạn có đầu tư chú trọng ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin vào bài học , phát huy tính tích cực chủ động cho học sinhnsajkakslklnaknakakalalkKL

Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh Date of preparation:18/08/2016 Class: 11A1,2,3,4,5 Period : 01 REVISION A OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Educational aim: - have the self-confidence in doing exercises - have more concern about the grammar points - be aware of studying some structures to exercises - have good feeling and be well-prepared to learn English Knowledge: - how to learn and test English 11, giving the program of English 11 - broaden their vocabulary - review the knowledge they have learnt Skills: - improve their writing skills: + students can master some grammar points they have learnt + students can use grammar points to exercises - improve their team skills - be more confident in speaking in front of class when answering teacher’s questions - easily express their idea and their thoughts - improve listening skill when listen to the tape and teacher’s questions B PREPARATIONS: Teacher:textbook, workbook, chalks Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens C PROCEDURE: I CHECK UP: in new lesson II NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES WARM UP (5’): Guessing game: WHO AM I? - Listen carefully to T - Divide the class into groups - Play game under T’s instructions - Choose a student in the class, write his/her name on a piece of paper, don’t show it to the Ss - Have Ss to ask the YES/NO questions in turn to find out that student - Answer by saying YES/NO - The group finding out that student first will be the winner THE CURRICULUM (25’) Giáo án : Anh 11 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh a The textbook - The textbook is composed on theme-based - Contain 16 units and consolidation units - In each unit, there are five parts: reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus - Each unit contains a topic such as friend, party, competitions, etc b Some important grammar points in English 11: Infinitive and Gerund Reported speech with infinitives Reported speech with gerund Conditional sentence type 1, 2, and conditional in reported speech Pronouns Relative clause Relative pronouns with preposition Relative clauses replaced by participle and to infinitive Omission of relative pronoun Cleft sentence Conjunctions Tag questions TESTS (10’) - Kinds of test: + Oral tests (Speaking) + 15-minute tests (only one skill or grammatical point) + 45-minute tests (R, L, W, LF) + End-of-term tests (R, L, W, LF) - Format of a test: Reading: 25%, Listening: 25%, Writing: 25%, Language focus: 25% - Listen and take note on their notebooks - Listen and take note on their notebooks III HOMEWORK (5’): -Put the verbs in correct form: I _ (not / drink) any beer last night She _ (get on) the bus in the centre of the city What time _ (he / get up) yesterday? Where _ (you / get off) the train? Giáo án : Anh 11 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh I _ (not / change) trains at Victoria We _ (wake up) very late - revise tenses - Date of preparation:18/08/2016 Class: 11A1,2,3,4,5 Period : 02 REVISION A OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Educational aim: - have the self-confidence in doing exercises - have more concern about the grammar points - be aware of studying some structures to exercises - have good feeling and be well-prepared to learn English Knowledge: - how to learn and test English 11, giving the program of English 11 - broaden their vocabulary - review the knowledge they have learnt Skills: - improve their writing skills: + students can master some grammar points they have learnt + students can use grammar points to exercises - improve their team skills - be more confident in speaking in front of class when answering teacher’s questions - easily express their idea and their thoughts - improve listening skill when listen to the tape and teacher’s questions B PREPARATIONS: Teacher:textbook, workbook, chalks Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens C PROCEDURE: I CHECK UP: in new lesson Giáo án : Anh 11 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh II NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES WARM UP (5’): - Ask Ss which points of grammar they learnt in English 10 EXERCISES (35’) - Ask Ss to exercise individually - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write the answer - Correct and give feedback Exercise 1: Put the verb into correct form: Past simple or past continuous (10’) 1/ I (sit) in a bar when he (come) 2/ When I (go) out, the sun (shine) 3/ The light (go) out while I (have) tea 4/ When it (rain) , she(go) to school 5/ We (walk) to the station when it (begin) to rain 6/ He (teach) English last year 7/ The house (burn) fast, so we (break) _ the window to get out 8/ He (eat) three sandwiches while you (talk) to him - Ask Ss to exercise individually - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write the answer - Correct and give feedback Exercise 2: Put the verbs in condition sentence type (15’) 1/ If he (study) _ harder, he can pass an exam 2/ She may be late if she (not hurry) Giáo án : Anh 11 STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Answer the question Suggested answer: - Tenses - Condition sentences - Reported speech - Do exercise individually - Go to the board and write the answer Suggested answer: was sitting/ came went/ was shining went/was having rained/ was going were walking/ began taught was burning/ broke was eating/ were talking - Do exercise individually - Go to the board and write the answer Suggested answer: studies doesn’t hurry 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh 3/ Tell him to ring me if you (see) him 4/ If you are kind to me, I (be) _ good to you 5/ If he (give) _ up smoking, as his doctor orders, he will be soon well again 6/I`ll be very angry if he (make) any more mistakes 7/ You (not pass) your driving test unless you drive more carefully 8/ He’ll be ill if he (not stop) worrying so much - Ask Ss to exercise 3in pairs - Call on some Ss to read out loud the answer - Correct and give feedback Exercise 3: Choose the best answer (10’) Peter said that he saw Mary that beautiful vase a break b breaking c break d broke The police them get out of the car a caused b made c asked d ordered He was made .by the custom officer a to open to suitcase b opening the suitcase c open the suitcase d opened the suitcase Larry finally to quit the job a admitted b decided c must d thought Why don’t you your son go camping with his classmate? a permit b allow c let d advise Carl staying one more night in the village a agrees b hopes Giáo án : Anh 11 see will be gives makes won’t pass doesn’t stop - Do exercise in pairs - Read out loud the answer and explain the choice Suggested answer: a b a b c d b d 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh c plans d suggest It was very kind of you me a helping b to help c help d helped Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones a repair b to repair c repairing d repaired III HOMEWORK (5’): - Review all grammar point related to exercise Ss have done - Supply th correct form of th verbs By the time he arrived, all his classmates (leave) I (meet) ARTHUR three weeks ago She (be) born in 1980 What you (do) at 6.p.m yesterday? -Prepare for new lesson : find new words and read the selection Date of preparation:18/08/2016 Class: 11A1,2,3,4,5 Period : 03 UNIT 1:FRIENDSHIP Reading A OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Educational aim: - have the self-confidence in hearing a passage - be eager to learn English and read more writing in English - be interested in reading text about friendship - have the definition of friendship and how to have a good friend Knowledge: - read and know a text about friendship - use the information they have read to discuss the story - learn some vocabulary about friendship - use the vocabulary to tell about their own friendship Skills: - improve their reading skills: + students can master scanning skill to guess meaning of words from context and fill in the blanks Giáo án : Anh 11 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh + students can master scanning skill to get main information to order pictures of the events in the text + students can answer short questions correctly - improve their writing skills by reading the sample passage - be more confident in speaking in front of class when answering teacher’s questions - easily express their idea and their thoughts - improve listening skill when listen to the tape and teacher’s questions B PREPARATIONS: 1.Teacher:textbook, workbook, chalks Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens C PROCEDURE: I CHECK UP: in new lesson II NEW LESSON: Giáo án : Anh 11 2016-2017 TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES WARM UP (5’): - Write the sentence on the board and request Ss to fill the missing word into the blanks Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo A in need is a indeed - Call the volunteer to present the answer - Give the feedback: “friend” - Introduces the new lesson STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Work individually first, then they compare with their friends Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh - Give their answer PRE-READING (10’) - Give Ss handouts: Task 1:Complete the sentences: - Ask students to give their ideas about a good friend Handout: a My friend is someone who is b I think a good friend is someone who is - Ask some groups to answer - Teach the new words above Task 2:Choose the word or groups of words closest in meaning - Ask Ss to choose the word or groups of words closest in meaning to the word underlined in these sentences: - Ask students to close their books and gives handout - Call on some Ss to answer - Correct and give feedback Every person can have a number of acquaintances but no one has many friends a persons we know but they are not our close friends b close friends c neighbors d classmate For friendship to be intimate and lasting both friends must have some very special qualities a good b true c very close & friendly d real Some people not seem to be constant One minute they like something and the next minute they feel tired of it and are interested in something else a easy b changing c understandable d unchanging Giáo án : Anh 11 WHILE - READING(19’) - Ask students to read the text and the tasks Task 1: Answer the questions (6’) - Close their books and work in groups, discuss about the features of a good friend Suggested answer: Understanding, caring, easygoing, honest, reliable, sociable, modest, trustworthy, sharing, sympathetic, helpful, tolerant, unselfish - Work individually first, then they exchange in pairs - Choose the correct answer Suggested answer: 1- a persons we know but they are not close friends 2- c very close and friendly 3- d unchanging 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh III HOMEWORK (5’): -Learn by heart all new words -Translate the poem You’ ve got a friend in to VietNamese -Prepare the next lesson: Unit 1: SPEAKING: +Find some new words and phrases to describe a person +Do the tasks before going class Date of preparation:27/08/2016 Class: 11A1,2,3,4,5 Period : 04 UNIT 1:FRIENDSHIP speaking A OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Educational aim: - have self confidence in speaking about physical characteristics - be eager to learn English and read more writing in English - have more concern about their friends and have belief about their friends Knowledge: - know the way how to describe physical characteristics - learn the way describe physical characteristics, using adjectives, discuss personalities and talk about a famous friend - master some vocabulary relating to physical characteristics - know to use the adjectives in correct order Skills: - improve their speaking skills: + students can pronounce exactly the words + students can describe physical characteristics + students can make questions and answer about physical characteristics - improve their team skills by working in pairs - be more confident in speaking in front of class - easily express their idea and their thoughts - improve their listening skills when listening to teacher’s and friends’ B PREPARATIONS: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalks, poster Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens C PROCEDURE: I CHECK UP (4’) - Write all new words of last lesson II NEW LESSON: Giáo án : Anh 11 2016-2017 TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES WARM – UP (5’) Game: “Take Them Home” - Divide the class into groups Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo - Give each group a poster and 20 cards then give the rule of the game - Ask Ss to work in groups, take turns to choose the cards then stick them in the right categories - Ask Ss to stick the poster on the board - Check and give feedback Poster: FACE NOSE HEIIGHT tall oval curly dyed flat short long square wavy round grey sleek large fair HAIR STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Listen to T’instructions Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh - Work in groups, take turns to choose the cards then stick them in the right categories - Stick on the board Suggested answer: FACE: square, oval, round HAIR: curly, wavy, dyed, sleek, shoulder-length, long, short, fair, straight, grey NOSE: straight, flat, turned-up, pointed HEIGHT: tall, short, medium appropriate language HT shoulder-length medium straight pointed heart-shaped turn-up PRE-SPEAKING (8’) - Help Ss to read those words - Help them use those words in their own sentences to describe one of their friends in their class - Elicit them by asking: + What does he / she look like? + What is / she like? + Is he / she tall? - Read aloud the words - Describe one of their friends - Take part in the teacher’s work Model dialogue: T: Could you tell me something about your friend? What’s he like? S: Oh, he is friendly T: What does he look like? S: Tall and good-looking WHILE SPEAPKING(15’) Task 1:Describe people in picture: - Take notes on their notebooks - Give them some useful expressions: - Present their answer in front of + He is of medium height class + He has got a square face with blue eyes Suggested answers: + She wears her hair in a bony tail.( đuôi 1.The boy is about 16 He may be 10 ngựa) Giáo án : Anh 11 short- sighted2016-2017 because he is wearing - Ask Ss to work in pairs to describe people glasses He has short black hair, a in picture, then call some Ss to present their round face with a broad forehead, a answers small nose, thin lips and a small - Correct the mistakes and give feedback chin He’s quite good – looking Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh The Greek of Love is The First Day of May is The writer of a book or a play is called A national song is an “My heart will go on “ is the theme song in the film Manchester is United is the richest football The moon moves round the My father joined the in the war PRE-SPEAKING (8’) a Vocabulary - invalid ( n) thương binh - martyr (n) liệt sĩ - interaction (n ) ngã tư - disadvantaged (adj): thiệt thòi b Reading and distinguishing - Have them discuss the way to this task - Let Ss the task in pairs to decide which the activities in the book are volunteer works - Call on some representatives to give their own opinions in front of the class WHILE SPEAPKING(15’) Activity 1: Matching - Ask Ss to match each activity on the left with corresponding activities on the right -Call some Ss to give answers and give feedback Giáo án : Anh 11 - Read the words, then find out the meanings and their parts of speech - Work in pairs to decide which activities in the book are volunteer works - Some Ss present their own opinions in front of the class Suggested answers: No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Other volunteer activities: + Taking part in environmental conservation activities + Donating blood + Directing traffic + Guiding foreign sport teams around when they go to Viet Nam to compete - Work individually - Match each activity on the left with corresponding activities on the right - Give the answers in front of the class Suggested answers: Helping people in mountainous - teaching chil 81 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh areas Helping old or sick people Activity 2: Role – play : - Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice speaking the dialogue - Call on some Ss to act out their conversation in front of the class - Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a similar conversation, using the activities in task - Call on some Ss to present their own opinions in front of the class POST SPEAKING (8’) Discussion - Put Ss into groups of four, ask them to discuss the question: “What should we to help children in poverty in your hometown? “ Giáo án : Anh 11 - giving them m - cleaning up h - doing shoppi - cooking mea Helping disadvantaged or - teaching the handicapped children - listening to th - playing with - taking them t Taking care of war invalids and - listening to th families of martyrs - cleaning up h - doing shoppi - cooking mea Taking part in directing the - direct vehicle traffic - helping old p across the road - Work in pairs to practice speaking the dialogue - Some Ss act out their conversation in front of the class Sample dialogue: A: What kind of volunteer work are you participating? B: We are helping old and sick people A: What exactly are you doing? B: We are cleaning up their houses - Work in groups of four, and discuss the question - Give the answer in front of the class 82 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh - Call on some presents their own opinions in front of the class - Give feedback III HOMEWORK (5’): -Learn by heart all new words -Use the suggestions to complete the sentences We/ usually/ take part/ social activity Classmates/ interested/ help/ handicapped children/ neighborhood Father/ used/ help/ people/ mountainous areas -Prepare next lesson: Unit 4: LISTENING +Find some new words +Try to guess the tasks before going class Date of preparation:16/10/2016 Class: 11A1,2,3,4,5 Period : 25 UNIT4: VOLUNTEER WORK listening A OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Educational aim: - have self confidence in listening to the tape - be eager to learn English and listen to more talk about volunteer work in English - be educated about the volunteer work, how to join volunteer work, the happiness when they help other people Knowledge: - listen to the tape about the fire - learn some vocabulary about a volunteer work - broaden their vocabulary about volunteer work and words related to it - practise listening for specific information and learning more about volunteer work - know the way to get main information to answer the questions - know the way to summarize the story that they have listened Skills: - improve their listening skills: + students can master listening skill to get specific information + students can master listening skill to different kinds of exercise: gap filling, answering the questions Giáo án : Anh 11 83 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh + students can listen to other talk about the volunteer work - be more confident in speaking in front of class when answering teacher’s questions - improve their reading skills when reading the passage before listening - easily express their ideas and their thoughts - improve their team skills B PREPARATIONS: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk, CD, CD player Students: textbooks, workbooks C PROCEDURE: I CHECK UP (5’) - Make a conversation about volunteer work II NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES WARM - UP (5’) Game: Jumbled words - Ask Ss to rearrange the words - Rearrange the words 1.awr - Write down on the board vaindil, Suggested answer: 3.rytamr, war 4.tineretnsco invalid fersfeu martyr - Call Ss to write the answers on the board intersection suffer PRE-LISTENING (10’) a Tick the best answers to the questions - Ask Ss to read through the questions and - Work in pairs to answer the choices questions on page 51 - Have Ss work in pairs then call on some Ss - Call in some Ss to give the to answer the questions and explain their answers answers b Vocabulary : - co – operate (v) : hợp tác - co- ordinate (v) : xếp; phối hợp - fund-raising (n) : hoạt động gây quỹ - sponsor (n) nhà tài trợ - Take note on notebooks - Play the tape and then ask Ss to repeat after - Listen to the tape and repeat after the tape in chorus and individually the tape in chorus and individually - Correct errors, if necessary - Give the meaning of the words - Check if Ss know the meaning of the words WHILE - LISTENING (14’) Giáo án : Anh 11 84 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh Activity 1: Listen and fill in the blanks - Ask Ss to read through all the statements to find out what they might hear - Ask Ss to individually then compare the answer with a partner - Play the tape again, have students listen and check the answers - Call some Ss to give the answers - Checks and gives feedback Activity 2: Answer the questions - Ask Ss to read the questions carefully and discuss the way to the task in groups - Call on some to present in front of the class - Have Ss to read the questions again to make sure that they understand the task clearly - Call on some Ss to check their answers - Play the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time - Give feedback POST - LISTENING(6’) Error Recognition - Deliver handouts with the following sentences: Giáo án : Anh 11 - Read through all the statements and make guesses the words to be filled in the blanks - Listen to the tape and fill the missing words into the blanks Suggested answer: informal 30 street children 250 children (with special difficulties) 1998 volunteers; June - Read the questions carefully and discuss the way to the task in groups - Read the questions again - Listen to the tape and give the answers for the questions - Give the answers in front of the class Suggested answer: It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh City Dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up in 1999 B/c they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes They dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City They are needed because the school need help to organise dinner held annually - Work in groups of four and find out the mistakes from the sentences - Give the answers in front of the 85 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh Spring school provides classes to all class children in Ho Chi Minh City Expected answers Speaking, theatre, singing and circus 1.all > disadvantaged classes was set up a year later Spring School requires people to help Speaking -> Dance organize their fundraising dinner More schools like Quoc Hoc will soon be people -> volunteers found in other cities in Viet Nam - Ask Ss to listen and underline an error in each sentence and correct it - Call some Ss to write the answers on the black board - Correct and give feedback III HOMEWORK (5’): -Learn by heart all new words -Summarize the story about Spring School -Prepare next lesson: Unit 4: WRITING +find some new words +review the way how to write a letter of thank you Date of preparation:16/10/2016 Class: 11A1,2,3,4,5 Period : 26 UNIT4: VOLUNTEER WORK Writing A OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Educational aim: - have self confidence in writing a letter - have more concern about the way to write letter - be eager to learn English and write other writing in English - be well - educated about volunteer work and know how express gratitude or thanks in a formal thank you letter Knowledge: - know the way to write a letter about expressing their gratitude - learn form and how to write a formal letter expressing gratitude thanks in a formal thank you letter - know to find out and choose the main point to write a letter Skills: - improve their writing skills: + students can write a letter with instructions in their book Giáo án : Anh 11 86 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh + students can master writing a letter with some available hints + students can use some structures to write letter and master steps in a normal letter - improve their team skills - be more confident in speaking in front of class when answering teacher’s questions - easily express their idea and their thoughts - improve their listening skills when listening to teacher’s and friends’ ideas B PREPARATIONS: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalks Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens C PROCEDURE: I CHECK UP : while writing II NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES WARM - UP (2’): Game: Jumbled word - Ask Ss to rearrange the word - Rearrange the word Stanhk - Give the correct answer - Call Ss to give the answer Suggested answer: THANKS PRE - WRITING (12’) Activity 1: Discussing the purpose of the - Discuss the purpose of the letter in letter pairs - Ask Ss to read the sample letter on page 52 - Give the answers in front of the and discuss the purpose of the letter in pairs class - Call on some Ss to answer the questions and Suggested answers : elicit more ideas from the class 1.The sample letter is written to - Give comments and feedback thank-you a donor for donating money Thank-you letters to a donor serve two important purposes: + they acknowledge the donor's contribution and help cultivate a relationship, making it more likely for the individual/ organization to donate again, and they serve as Activity 2: Underlining the sentences proof of the donation for income tax expressing the given points purposes - Ask Ss to work individually - Read the letter and underline the - Call on some Ss to give the answers given points - Correct and give feedback - Give the answers in front of the class Giáo án : Anh 11 87 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh Suggested answers - The opening the letter: sentence - The donate amount: sentence - The way (s) the money is used: sentence Activity 3: Eliciting some useful - The way the receipt is issued: S3 expressions - The gratitude to the donor: S4 + On behalf of ., I would like to thank you - The closing of the letter: Yours for your Your contribution makes it faithfully possible for us to - Note down the useful expressions + Thank you very much for your generous donation of $ in support of + As a result of gift, we will be able to continue the care for + I would like to take this opportunities to thank you for your generosity in donating WHILE WRITING(15’) - Get Ss to read the instruction carefully - Read the instruction carefully - Ask Ss to use the sample letter in Task to - Use the sample letter in Task to make an outline for their writing individually make an outline for their writing - Have Ss compare their outline with a individually partner - Compare their outline with a - Have Ss write their letter individually partner - Walk around the class and provide help - Write their letter individually when they need Le Thuy, Quang Binh December 15, 2015 Dear Sir, On behalf of New Future School, I would like to thank you for generous donation of VND 500 million Your contribution will make it possible for us to build our school library A good library can help the students very much in their studying I would like to express our faithful thanks for the donation from your organization and hope to get more assistance and cooperation from your organization in the future I look forward to hearing from you Giáo án : Anh 11 88 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh soon Your faithfully, Secretary, School Building Fund POST - WRITING (7’) - Choose one letter and read it to the class - Then elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards - Draw Ss’ attention to the format of the letter and the organization of ideas and language use - Listen to T - Take the note of checking - Observe to the corrections of some the others' writing III HOMEWORK (5’): - Rewrite the letter to express your gratitude - Prepare new lesson, unit 4- Language focus + Review how to use gerunds Date of preparation:23/10/2016 Giáo án : Anh 11 89 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh Class: 11A1,2,3,4,5 Period : 27 UNIT4: VOLUNTEER WORK Language focus A OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Educational aim: - have self-confidence in distinguishing gerund and present participle, pronouncing /w/ and /j/ - have more concern about the way to pronounce some words that they have learnt - be interested in pronouncing and doing the exercises - be eager to learn English and write other writing in English - be aware of studying some structures to exercises 2.Knowledge: - know the way to pronounce /w/ - /j/ - know how to use gerund / present participle of the verbs, the tasks in the course book / set by teacher correctly and work in pairs/groups effectively - broaden their vocabulary - master some techniques to exercises Skills: - improve their listening, writing, reading skills: + students can pronounce some words and practices reading the full sentences + students can master some grammar points such as gerund and present participle, perfect gerund and perfect participle + students can use grammar points that they have learnt to exercises in their book - improve their team skills by working in pairs - be more confident in speaking in front of class - easily express their idea and their thoughts - improve their listening skills when listening to teacher’s and friends’ B PREPARATIONS: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk, CD player Students: textbooks, workbooks C PROCEDURE: I CHECK UP: in exercises II NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES PRONUNCIATION (10’) Pronouncing the two sounds separately - Play the tape once for Ss to hear the words - The whole class listens and containing these two sounds repeat the sounds - Then T plays the tape again and this time asks Ss - Some Ss read the sounds loudly Giáo án : Anh 11 90 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh to repeat after the tape Pronouncing words containing the sounds - Ask Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs - Ask some Ss to pronounce the words and gives correction if necessary Practicing sentences containing the target sounds - Reads the sentences and ask Ss to underline the words with the sounds and write /w/ and /j/ under them - Ask Ss to practice the sentences in pairs GRAMMAR (30’) 2.1 Gerund (10’) a Presentation - Review the form and uses of gerund The gerund can be used: • as a subject of the sentences • as the complement of the verb “to be” • after prepositions • after a number of “phrase verb” which are composed of a verb + preposition/adverb • to look forward to, to give up, to be for/against, to take to, to put off, to keep on … • in compound nouns: • a driving lesson, a swimming pool, birdwatching • after the expressions: can’t stand/ help, it’s no good/ use, it’s worth … - Ask Ss to give examples for each type b Practice Exercise 1: Completing sentences - Ask Ss to exercise individually and then compare their answers with another student - Call on some Ss to read out their answers - Elicit peer correction and gives correct answer if necessary Giáo án : Anh 11 91 - The whole class listens and repeat the words in chorus - Some Ss read the words loudly - Work individually, listen to the tape and underline the words containing the sounds - Some Ss read the sentences in front of class - Take notes on notebooks - Give examples: • Reading helps you learn English • Her favorite hobby is reading • She is good at learning English • I look forward to hearing from you soon • He kept on asking for a discount (giảm giá) • I can’t stand being stuck in traffic jams • It’s no use/good trying to persuade him - Do exercise individually and then compare their answers with another student - Read out their answers Suggested answers: 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh 2.2 Present participle (10’) a Presentation The present participle is used in the following ways: • as part of the continuous form of a verb • after verbs of movement/position in the pattern: • verb + present participle • verb + object + present participle • as an adjective • verb + time/ money expression + present participle • catch/find + object + present participle • to replace a sentence or part of a sentence or part of a sentence - Ask Ss to give examples b Practice Exercise 2: Completing sentences - Ask Ss to exercise in pairs - Ask them to compare answers with another pair - Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers - Ask the other Ss to feedback and give correct answers 2.3.Perfect gerund and perfect participle (10’) a Presentation  Perfect gerund Form: having + PP Use: - It can be used instead of the present form of the gerund when we are referring to a past action Ex: He was accused of deserting his ship = he was accused of having deserted his ship - It also is used to emphasize completion in both Giáo án : Anh 11 92 listening bending behaving meeting spending waiting starting - Whole class take note - Give more examples • I am working/ She was dancing • I go shopping everyday • He came running towards me • I heard someone playing the guitar • I can smell something burning • It was an interesting film • It’s a bit worrying when the police stop you • I spend hours doing this exercise - Do exercise in pairs - Compare answers with another pair - Go to the board to write their answers Suggested answers: burning/rising reading lying shopping preparing trying modernizing - Take notes on notebooks - Give more examples: Ex: Switching off the light, we 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh the past and the future Ex: The retired teacher recalled having taught  Perfect participle Form: having + PP Use: + The perfect participle can be used instead of the present participle when one action is immediately followed by another with the same subject + The perfect participle emphasizes the first action is complete before the second one starts + The perfect participle is necessary when there is an interval (khoảng thời gian) of time between the two actions + It is also used when the first action covered a period of time Ex: Having been ill for a long time, he appreciated his health more - Ask Ss to give more examples b Practice Exercise 3: Putting the verbs into correct form - Ask Ss to exercise individually - Call on some Ss to read out their answers - Elicit peer correction and gives correct answer if necessary went to bed= Having switched off the light, we went to bed Ex: Having failed twice, he didn’t want to try again - Work individually - Read out the answers Suggested answers: having made having been having been having tied having read having taken III HOMEWORK (5’): - Remember the usages of Gerund, present participle, perfect gerund and perfect participle - Prepare the next lesson, unit 6- reading + Find out the new words and translate in Vietnamese Date of preparation:23/10/2016 Class: 11A1,2,3,4,5 Period : 28 Giáo án : Anh 11 93 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh TEST CORRECTION NO A OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Educational aim: - help Ss to consolidate their knowledge Knowledge: - master some grammar points such as infinitive and gerund and apply to exercises - broaden their vocabulary Skills: - improve all English skills B PREPARATIONS: Teacher: Text book, papers, color chalk Students: papers C PROCEDURE: I Nhận xét chung Ưu điểm -Học sinh làm nghiêm túc - Phần lớn học sinh nắm điểm ngữ pháp vừa học để vận dụng làm -Phân phối thời gian hợp lý - Bài đọc làm tốt với phần đông đạt điểm tối đa Nhược điểm - Phần tìm từ phát âm khác trọng âm HS làm chưa tớt - Phần từ vựng học sinh nhầm lẫn từ vựng - Học sinh nhiều điểm phần biến đổi viết lại câu Nhiều HS chưa nắm cấu trúc sau After Before dẫn tới chia nhầm II Trả đáp án Trả - Giáo viên trả cho học sinh - Nhận xét lỗi mà học sinh mắc phải kiểm tra: Đáp án: Seven first cakes candles B C A Giáo án : Anh 11 94 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh B C 10 B 11 D 12 A 13 B 14 C 15 D 16 B 17 B 18 D 19 B 20 B 21 to help 22 smoking 23 being talked 24 were having 25.to make friends and know each other Giáo án : Anh 11 95 2016-2017 ... attitude about friendship and important things in their life Skills: Giáo án : Anh 11 11 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh - improve their listening skills: + students... textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens C PROCEDURE: I CHECK UP: in new lesson Giáo án : Anh 11 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh II NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES WARM UP... scanning skill to guess meaning of words from context and fill in the blanks Giáo án : Anh 11 2016-2017 Trường THPT Trần Hưng Đạo Giáo viên : Đinh Thị Minh + students can master scanning skill to get

Ngày đăng: 05/11/2018, 14:02

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Mục lục

    Activity 1: Listen and repeat


