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Cabinet of Oriental Entomology

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THE CABINET ORIENTAL ENTOMOLOGY; ^ Sdcction of SOME OF THE RARER AND MORE BEAUTIFUL SPECIES OF INSECTS NATIVES OF INDIA AND THE ADJACENT ISLANDS, THE GREATER PORTION OF WHICH ARE NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME DESCRIBED AND FIGURED J QUEBEC SOC NAT HIST., BOSTON, PHYSIOGB SOC, LUND; SOC BOY SCI., LILLE; tIBM HrST 90C., ; LIT PHIL AND NAT WESTWOOD, ESQ., F.L.S ENT SOC PENNSYLVANIA, AND ENT SOC, STETTIN; MEM SOC- CAKS NAT CUR SOC ROY., LYONS; SOC HIST NAT,, MAURITIUS; SOC, CUVIERR, ET PHILOMAT PARIS; U.S ; TORQUAY, RICHMOND, SHEFFIELD; MEM SF.Cn, ENT SOC, LONDON, ETC HIST SOCS., BELFAST, SOC ENTOMOL DE FRANCE, LONDON: WILLIAM SMITH, 113, MDCCCXLVIII FLEET STREET MOSCOW; p^ 4(7 ————— — SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT INSECTS DESCRIBED AND FIGURED IN THE PRESENT WORK Elaterid^ (contbuKd) LaMELLICORNIA Eucheirus (Cheii-otonus) MacLcaii Jumnos Ruckeri Heterorhina nigritarsis Heterorhina autliracina Bombodes Ursus LoNcicoRNES {continiud) Hammaticherus marmoratus Pectoccra Mellii Alans moerens , Dynastes Haidwickii — Oxynopterus Cumingii PL Eucheirus Dupontianus — Campsosternus Stepliensii Campsosternus Hopei ORDER— COLEOPTERA Alaus sculptus Alaus sordidus EUCNKMID.E Galbella violacea Peperonota Harringtonii Parastasia rufo-picta TELEPIIORID.E IchthjTirus lateralis LnCAMDj; Lucanus Dux Ichthyurus costalis Lucanus multidentatus Lucanus mquinatus Ichthyurus discoidalis — Paussidx Lucanus strigiceps Lucanus Mearesii Lucanus rangifer (Luc De Ichthyui'us basalis Lucanus platycephalus Paussus Jerdani Merismoderus Bensoni Haauii, Westw.) Engidx ? (Luc Tarandus, Swed.) Prionophora cylindrica (Luc metallifer, Bdv.) Petalophora costata Lucanus Jenkinsii Lucanus occipitalis Lucanus Helota Mellii teratus SlLPnID.E Lucanus castanoptems Lucanus bicolor, Oliv Lucanus Gazella Apatetica Lebioides ( — Brenthides Arrhenodes Xipliias Teramocerus erytliroderes (Luc Delessertii, Gu^r.) (Luc Cuvera, Hope.) (Luc Pi'inseppii, Hope.) Diuris forcipatus (Luc bicolor, S.aunders.) Calodromus Mellii Taphroderes Wliitii (Luc Saundersii, Hope.) (Luc Burmeisteri, Hope.) LoXGieOBNES — Elaieridj; Trictenotoma Childrenii Campsostemus Templetonii Campsosternus Dohi'nii 35 Trictenotoma Templetonii , ib Trictenotoma 'enea Gbyllidx — NOTICE rpHE in object of the general, is Work now offered to the notice of to present a Series of Figures of the Entomologist and lover of Nature some of the rarer and more splendid of Insects which have o'ithin these few last j-ears been for'oarded distiicts of It is India and the adjacent islands indeed siu^jrising that, notwithstanding the vast extent of many the extraordinary brilhancy of globe, we should liitherto owing to the oiu' territories, zeal with which this fifty branch of Zoology years is ago; whilst, pm'sued by nevertheless, our many Entomologists many in volumes most elaborate work, indeed, on the Lepidopterous Insects of Java, was commenced by Dr Horsfield, nearly twenty years ago, which, had it been completed, would have work, also of a very splendid character, has been commenced by Dr Dutch Settlements restricted was made to in in the East, of which, however, two groups of my Insects A illustrated; but the small size of the plates of the larger species, and a desu'e to give to necessary much technical detail illustration of the larger to the table of the in it and more splendid it which tliat may Insects several ; interesting Oriental groups were work prevented the introduction of many of as scientific species tlie two numbers only have yet appeared, a character as lay in The present work, however, Indian drawing-room, De Haau, on Another attempt to remedy this consequent deficiency partial " Arcana Entomologica," nothing left to be desired on that branch of the subject, so far as the Javanese species are concerned of the and Entomological productions of that portion of the of the those regions, teem with novelties which would alone form the materials of A Indian have had no work expressly devoted to the Insects of India, except the single volume pubUshed by Mr Donovan, nearlj^ cabinets, species England, from the various to is and, as such, my power, rendered proposed to be rather a pictorial it is hoped, that, by finding its way gain additional converts to the study of a science full of curiosity, and awaten an supplying interest in the objects of pursuit, thus an engaging occupation to our Indian friends I cannot conclude this notice without collectively thanking the several gentlemen who, by their practical exertions, have the last few years, contributed so amongst whom it much is a to om- knowledge of the Insects of India within duty to mention the names Major Jenkins, Captains Boys, Hutton, and Robinson and Downes ; to all of whom scarcely add, that I shall be I ; I need for the present work, all such, with which I may be favoured be faithfully acknowledged J Hammersmith, 1st Hearsey, Observations especially upon the habits and transformations of Indian insects are, indeed, highly to be desired; and shall Colonel have been indebted for materials for the present work happy to receive any communications suited from our fellow-labourers in India by correspondents, of Drs Royle, Horsfield, Templeton, Benson, January, 1847 O WESTWOOD ORIENTAL ENTOMOLOGY 82 larger, and oblong patch near the outer margin as the large spot, there is a continuous series of spots of irregular Captain Boys possesses a male insect, which is is accompanied on its inside by a small from the anal angle to the outer angle size doubtless the male of that here figured, which wants the white spot near the anal angle on the upper side, and the spot at the extremity of the tail is nearly obliterated on this side Figure represents a very large female from Assam, communicated by Major Jenkins, distinguished by the very great breadth of the tails of the hind wings, and by the spots (except the large one near Most the outer angle of the hind wings) being on the upper surface scarcely varied with red of the specimens which I have seen from Sylhet and Assam agree in this latter respect, whereas Figure 2, which is di'awn from the type specimen of P Philoxenus, has the tail but moderately broad, and the spots on the upper side of the hind wings are (except the large outer one) strongly marked with red This is a native of Nepaul Figure represents another insect from Sylhet, which Mr E Doubleday (Zool Misc., described under the The of P Polyeuctes, but which he posterior wings are very wings is name is much mark it now in com'se of publication, the surface, nor side of this under side is here communicated by Mr Doubleday attentively looking at all these insects, when captured and allowing in different localities, one type in the markings, the spots occurring in all for the variations it will plant represented in the Plate is which occui' in different be admitted that they all possess but the same relative positions, and varying only in the greater or less extent, or even the occasional absence of some of them The on the under Mr Doubleday having represented the upper supposed species, in his work on the butterflies specimens, especially 74) elongated, and on the upper side the large white spot of the hind at the anal angle visible given, copied from a figm-e p as a variety only of P Philoxenus not accompanied by the two small spots visible on either side of the red On now considers the newly-imported Chirita sinensis %«# ;; PLATE XLl (ORDEK^COLEOPTERA.) I in the present Plate a series of beetles wliich, altliougli not remarkable for their HAVE represented merit the attention of the Entomologist for the singularity of many of their characters, them from their position in the families of Coleopterous insects size, especially and the interest belonging to FIGURE ].— GALBELLA VIOLACEA Char Gen Genus novum Galbicct Pterotarso seiTatiC, in cavitatibus niargiualibus prostenii reccptas receptum lati contraetiles, tarsis pedes ; A new Genekic Ciiakacter oval ; antennre serrated ; received produced behind and received Eucncmidarum allied to Galba and Ptcrotarsus in the family Eucnemidre Body short, Prosternum at rest in longitudinal cavities at the sides of the prosternum the dilated apex of the in affinc 4-laminiferis genus nearest when Westw Corpus breve, ovale Antenna; Prosternum posticc procUictum mcsosterni apice dilatato infainilia Legs broad, contractile racsostcrnuni ; tarsi with laniellte violaceo-cffirulea nitida, prothorace sub lento circularitcr Char Sp.— Galbella minute punctato ; elytns uumerosas irregulares dispositis glossy, tlie prothorax under a lens covered with minute circular punctures mmuU- punctatis, punctis in liueas Galbella violet-blue, very finely punctured Length of the body, Figure ; the pmietures forming many In the Collection of A McUy, Esq represents the under side of the insect highly magnified a, ; in-egular rows East Indies Inliabits the 2.^ lines elytra also b, ; one of the tarsi FIGURE 2.— ICHTHYURUS LATERALIS Westw depressum Char Gen.— Genus novum, Telephoro et Malthino in familia Telephoridarum aftinc Corpus elon

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2018, 17:30



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