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SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOLUME 114 (WHOLE VOLUME) SMITHSONIAN METEOROLOGICAL TABLES SIXTH REVISED EDITION Prepared by ROBERT Meteorologist, U S J LIST Weather Bureau SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS CITY OF WASHINGTON Smithsonian Publication 4014 Sixth revised edition published 1949 Fourth reprint issued 1968 NOV 2000 n PREFACE The two and con- rapid development of the science of meteorology during the past made necessary a complete decades has revision of both the scope tents of the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables A Wetmore, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, which has been publishing these tables since 1852, and F A need this sisting of W Weather Bureau, recognized Weather Bureau meteorologists, con- Reichelderfer, Chief of the steering committee of H Wexler, Chairman, R A Allen, R N Culnan, R D Fletcher, J J E Caskey, Jr., P F Clapp, R Fulks, C Harmantas, L P Harrison, McGuire, J Namias, and H W Norton, was formed to make recommendations concerning the new revision and to serve in an advisory capacity Funds for the preparation of the manuscript were transferred by the Weather Bureau to the Smithsonian Institution, and under the W C Jacobs, J K supervision of L B Aldrich, Director of the Astrophysical Observatory, work on the new manuscript was started It is a pleasure to acknowledge both the administrative cooperation and scientific information received from Mr Aldrich In preparing this volume, every effort has been made to obtain the latest and most authoritative data available, and to follow as far as possible the most recent recommendations of the International Meteorological Organization Suggestions were also solicited from the various branches of the armed forces concerned with meteorological problems, from the several universities having meteorology departments, and from other interested individuals and organizations Explanations, sources of data, methods of computation, and pertinent references accompany all tables No material on meteorological codes and symbols, descriptions of meteorological stations, or climatological data have been included in this revision It would be impossible to acknowledge all received in the preparation of this volume the cooperation and assistance A particularly large debt of owed to L P Harrison, Chief of the Technical Investigations Section of the Weather Bureau, who has unhesitatingly given so much of his time and attention to this project, and without whose mature judgment it would have been impossible to complete this work in its present form gratitude is Grateful acknowledgments are also due to Towne all J Scientific School of the University of A Goff and S Gratch of the Pennsylvania for contributing the material for tables 84-92 and for furnishing the computations for table 72 ; to S Fritz of the the section on radiation ; to Weather Bureau for his assistance in preparing W D Lambert and J A Duerksen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for information concerning gravity and other geodetic PREFACE iv problems ; to E W Woolard of the Nautical Almanac Office of the Naval Observatory for astronomical and related data; and to the many experts consulted at the National Bureau of Standards Computations for several of the longer tables were made by the Machine Tabulation Unit of the Weather Bureau Special data or computations for individual tables were furnished by R Gunn, I F Hand, W E Howell, L D Kaplan, J B Leighly, T H MacDonald, and R B Montgomery, all of which have added greatly to the value of this volume Permission to reproduce copyrighted material has been Company, Inc., the McGraw-Hill and the Reinhold Publishing Cor- kindly granted by the American Air Filter Book Company, Inc., Prentice-Hall, Inc., is acknowledged at its point of insertion in the text due Mrs G B Morgan for her invaluable assistance in performing many of the computations and in typing the manuscript Robert J List Washington, D C poration ; such material all Thanks are also September 30, 1949 NOTE TO FIRST REPRINT Opportunity has been taken in this few errors that have been reprint to correct the discovered in these tables since the original printing Editor February 1958 NOTE TO SECOND REPRINT This reprint corrects three or four errors discovered in these tables since the first reprinting Editor March 1963 NOTE TO THIRD REPRINT This reprint is without change in the text, since no errors have been brought to our attention since the second reprinting Editor April 1966 CONTENTS Page Preface iii Introduction Conversion of units of length and mass Standard gravity for reducing barometric observations Calorie Section CONVERSION TABLES I Table Conversion factors Approximate absolute, centigrade, Fahrenheit, and Reaumur tem- Fahrenheit to centigrade perature scales 17 20 ,, Centigrade to Fahrenheit 25 Differences Fahrenheit to differences centigrade Differences centigrade to differences Fahrenheit 29 29 Centigrade degrees per kilometer to Fahrenheit degrees per 1000 Fahrenheit degrees per 1000 feet to centigrade degrees per kilo- Inches of mercury to millibars 31 10 Millibars to inches of mercury 38 11 Millimeters of mercury to millibars 51 12 Millibars to millimeters of mercury 59 13 Inches to millimeters 14 Millimeters to inches 79 15 Feet to meters 16 Meters to feet 92 94 30 feet meter 30 72 17 Statute miles to kilometers 18 Kilometers to statute miles 96 98 19 Nautical miles to statute miles 100 20 Statute miles to nautical miles 100 21 Nautical miles to kilometers 101 22 Kilometers to nautical miles 101 23 Days 24 Time 25 Hours, minutes, and seconds to decimals of a day Decimals of a day to hours, minutes, and seconds Minutes and seconds to decimals of an hour 26 27 to decimals of a year and angle to arc 102 106 v 106 107 107 smithsonian meteorological tables vj Page Table 28 29 Grains to 31 Grams 32 Miles per hour 34 35 108 109 grams 30 33 108 Avoirdupois pounds and ounces to kilograms Kilograms to avoirdupois pounds and ounces 109 to grains to knots, meters per second, feet per second, kilo- 10 meters per hour, feet per minute Meters per second to miles per hour, feet per second, kilometers per 112 hour, knots, feet per minute Kilometers per hour to knots, miles per hour, meters per second, 113 feet per second Knots to miles per hour, meters per second, meters per hour, feet per minute Section II feet per second, kilo- 115 WIND AND DYNAMICAL TABLES 119 36 Beaufort wind scale 37 Geostrophic wind, 38 Geostrophic wind, constant pressure surface 39 Geostrophic wind, constant level surface: constant pressure 100 geopotential surface: 120 meter contours : 200 geopotential foot 122 contours air density kg m.~ isobars, 124 , 126 40 Gradient wind 41 Coriolis parameter 42 Inertial 43 Rossby's long-wave formula and 130 latitudinal variation motion Section 44 Three millibar III 130 131 BAROMETRIC AND HYPSOMETRIC TABLES Capillary correction for mercurial barometers 45-46 135 Reduction of the mercury column to standard temperature (explanation) 136 45 Reduction of the mercury column to standard temperature, English 46 Reduction of the mercury column to standard temperature, metric 47 Corrections to reduce barometric readings to standard gravity 48 Determination of height by the barometer and reduction of pressure units 139 units 164 to fixed levels Section IV 49-51 203 GEOPOTENTIAL AND AEROLOGICAL TABLES Relation between geopotential and geometric height tion) 200 (explana- 217 CONTENTS Vll Page Table 49 Factors for computing the relation between geopotential and geo- 50 Geometric meters to geopotential meters 51 Geopotential meters to geometric meters 52 Geopotential computations 219 metric height 53-56 220 222 224 Thickness and mean adjusted virtual temperature of strata be241 tween standard isobaric surfaces (explanation) 53 Thickness in geopotential meters of strata between standard isobaric surfaces as a function of 54 Thickness Mean 56 Mean virtual temperature mean adjusted virtual temperature 254 adjusted virtual temperature between standard isobaric sur- 255 faces as a function of thickness in geopotential feet Relation between pressure change and geopotential change (ex- 256 planation) 57 Change 58 Change 59 Change 60 Change 61 Change 62 Change in height (geopotential meters) corresponding to change millibar 257 in pressure in height change (geopotential feet) corresponding to millibar 258 in pressure in height (geopotential feet) corresponding to a change in pressure of one-tenth of an inch of mercury in pressure (millibars) 259 corresponding to a change in height 260 of 10 geopotential meters in pressure (millibars) corresponding to a change in height 261 of 10 geopotential feet in pressure (inches of mercury) corresponding to a change 262 in height of 10 geopotential feet Section V STANDARD ATMOSPHERE AND ALTIMETRY TABLES 63 NACA 64 ICAN 65 Altimeter setting computation factors 66 NACA 67 Correction of altimeter readings for 265 268 269 273 standard atmosphere, lower atmosphere standard atmosphere standard atmosphere altitude-pressure table mean temperature of the air column 68 NACA 274 standard atmosphere, tentative properties of the upper at- mosphere 69 248 adjusted virtual temperature between standard isobaric sur- faces as a function of thickness in geopotential meters 57-62 242 of strata between standard isobaric in geopotential feet surfaces as a function of 55 mean adjusted Density-altitude diagram 280 285 SMITHSONIAN METEOROLOGICAL TABLES v JiJ Section VI Table 70 Thermodynamic THERMODYNAMIC TABLES Density of air 72 Virtual temperature increment of saturated air 73 Saturation mixing ratio over water Saturation mixing ratio over ice 75 Potential temperature 76 78 Two-sevenths power of pressure Two-sevenths power of ( 1000/p) Temperature and pressure along saturation pseudoadiabats 79 Pseudoadiabatic lapse rate : 80 Pseudoadiabatic lapse rate : 81 82 Rate of condensation in ascending moist air Precipitable water in a saturated pseudoadiabatic atmosphere 83 Lifting condensation level data 77 84-92 289 290 295 302 306 308 constants 71 74 p r ™~ 314 316 318 323 324 325 327 328 Water stage Ice stage Thermodynamic properties 331 of moist air (explanation) 84 Compressibility factor of moist air 332 85 86 Enthalpy residual of moist air Entropy residual of moist air 87 Mixing entropy of moist 88 Isobaric specific heat residual of moist air 334 336 338 339 89 90 The The 91 Properties of water vapor 341 92 Properties of condensed water, latent and specific heats 343 coefficient /„ 340 coefficient ft 341 Section VII 93 air HYGROMETRIC AND PSYCHROMETRIC TABLES Definitions and specifications of water vapor in the atmosphere 94-97 94 Saturation vapor pressure over water, metric units 95 Saturation vapor pressure over water, English units 96 Saturation vapor pressure over ice, metric units 97 Saturation vapor pressure over ice, English units 98-99 98 Reduction of psychrometric data (explanation) Reduction psychrometric observations 347 350 351 354 360 362 Saturation vapor pressure tables (explanation) 365 368 Reduction of psychrometric observations Fahrenheit temperatures 369 100 Ratio of the saturation vapor pressure over water to that over ice at of 99 : Centigrade temperatures the same temperature 370 102 Ratio of the saturation vapor pressure over ice to that over water at the same temperature 370 Dew point conversion chart 371 103 Variation of saturation vapor pressure over water with temperature 101 372 contents ix Page Table 372 104 Variation of saturation vapor pressure over ice with temperature 105 Saturation vapor pressure over water of salinity 106 Equilibrium supersaturation over solution droplets 374 107 Relative humidity over saturated salt solutions 380 108-109 Density of pure water vapor at saturation 35% 373 (explanation) 381 108 Density of pure water vapor at saturation over water 382 109 Density of pure water vapor at saturation over 384 ice TABLES OF MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF AIR AND AIR-BORNE PARTICLES Section VIII up 389 to about 25 kilometers 110 Composition of dry 111 Index 112 Velocity of sound in air 113 Viscosity and thermal conductivity of air and diffusivity of water 114 Terminal velocity of 115 Size and characteristics of air-borne solids 397 116 Sizes of atmospheric particles 398 117 Evaporation of freely falling water drops 398 vapor in 389 390 394 air fall for distilled water droplets in stagnant air 403 Density of water Thermal 120 Thermal 121 Thermal 122 Thermal 119 conductivity of water conductivity and thermal diffusivity of ice snow and density of soils and rocks conductivity and thermal diffusivity of conductivity, specific heat, 123 Latent heat of melting of sea 124 Specific heat of sea water ice 125 Specific heat of sea ice 126 Melting point 127 Depth of water corresponding in sea water to the weight of snow or Quantity of rainfall corresponding to given depths Section X 129 407 407 RADIATION AND VISIBILITY TABLES Blackbody radiation 130-131 403 404 404 405 405 406 406 406 rain col- lected in gages of various diameters 128 396 TABLES OF MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTIES OF WATER SUBSTANCE AND SOILS Section IX 118 air of refraction of air Solar radiation outside the atmosphere (explanation) 411 414 130 Intensity of solar radiation outside the atmosphere 415 131 Energy 416 distribution of solar radiation outside the atmosphere smithsonian meteorological tables x Page Table 132-134 Total solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere (explana- 417 tion) 132 133 Total daily solar radiation at 418 the top of the atmosphere Total annual and seasonal solar radiation at the top of the at- 418 mosphere 134 Chart of the total daily solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere 419 135-136 Total direct solar radiation reaching the ground with various 420 atmospheric transmission coefficients (explanation) 135 Total daily direct solar radiation reaching the ground with various 136 Total annual and seasonal direct solar radiation reaching the ground 137 Optical air mass corresponding to different zenith distances of the 138 Absorption of radiation by water vapor, 10-25/x 139 Absorption of radiation by water vapor, 140 Transmission of solar radiation by water vapor, 141 142 Absorption of radiation by carbon dioxide Absorption of radiation by ozone 143 Absorption coefficients of oxygen 144 Transmission of radiation through pure, dry 145 Scattering of solar radiation by water vapor 146 Transmission of solar radiation by the atmosphere, 5.5-22/* Transmission of solar radiation through moist air 421 atmospheric transmission coefficients 422 with various atmospheric transmission coefficients 422 sun 147 423 425 1.3-9/u 425 427 7-2.2/* 428 430 431 air 432 433 436 438 148 Spectral distribution of solar radiation at sea level 149 Total solar and sky radiation on a horizontal surface during cloud- 150 Relation between the vertical component of direct solar radiation 151 Relation between average sunshine and solar radiation on a hori- 152 154 Transmission of solar radiation through clouds (overcast) Relation between illumination and total radiation Albedo of various surfaces 155 Reflectivity of a water surface 156 Absorption of radiation by pure liquid water Absorption of radiation by sea water 438 less conditions and total solar and sky radiation on a horizontal surface 439 zontal surface 153 157 440 158 Scattering area coefficients for water drops in air 159 Relative spectral luminosity for the levels 160 Horizontal • visibility human 441 442 442 : 444 445 446 446 eye at various luminance 448 452 Table 172 DURATION OF CIVIL TWILIGHT (See Jan Feb p Mar 506 for discussion and explanation of table.) 513 Table 172 (continued) qj4 DURATION OF CIVIL TWILIGHT Day Jan of month h m Feb h m Mar h m Apr h m May h m June h m July h m Aug h m Sept h m Oct h m Latitude 44° N 33 33 32 17 25 31 31 30 30 29 32 33 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 38 38 39 39 38 38 37 36 35 34 32 32 31 32 33 33 34 36 37 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 41 41 41 40 39 38 36 35 34 33 32 32 33 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 42 43 44 45 45 44 43 42 40 39 37 36 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 36 38 39 48 47 45 43 41 43 45 47 48 49 49 36 35 35 36 36 37 38 40 42 44 46 49 51 53 55 54 38 37 37 38 38 39 45 48 01 41 51 43 55 03 02 40 39 39 40 40 42 44 46 08 13 13 16 15 1 49 53 57 03 08 03 57 42 42 42 42 43 45 47 50 54 59 06 15 25 36 46 45 1 43 43 43 43 45 57 03 12 25 40 19 * * 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 Latitude 46° N 34 34 33 33 17 25 32 31 31 30 31 30 30 30 31 31 32 33 33 Latitude 48° N 36 36 35 34 17 25 33 33 32 31 32 33 33 34 35 34 33 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 39 38 36 35 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 54 52 49 47 44 42 40 38 37 36 36 35 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 01 48 37 37 38 39 < 45 43 41 39 38 37 37 40 58 55 41 ' 43 44 i 53 49 42 46 44 40 39 39 39 40 42 44 46 48 00 54 50 47 45 43 42 41 42 42 44 05 58 53 49 47 45 43 43 43 43 44 45 31 31 31 31 31 Latitude 50° N 38 38 37 36 17 25 35 34 33 33 Latitude 52° N 41 40 39 38 17 25 37 36 35 34 41 Latitude 54° N 43 43 17 25 41 40 39 38 37 36 41 Latitude 56° N 47 46 44 43 17 25 41 40 39 38 58 51 Latitude 58° N 51 50 48 46 17 25 44 42 41 40 1 41 41 Latitude 60° N 57 55 52 50 17 25 48 45 44 42 38 26 15 06 1 44 25 13 41 Latitude 61° N 17 25 00 58 55 52 49 47 45 44 46 49 53 1 • Twilight lasts all night (continued) SMITHSONIAN METEOROLOGICAL TABLES 45 47 50 52 i Table 172 (continued) DURATION OF CIVIL TWILIGHT Day of nonth 515 516 Table 172 (concluded) DURATION OF CIVIL TWILIGHT 85' 80* 75* 70* 65* Table 173 DURATION OF ASTRONOMICAL TWILIGHT (See Day p 506 for discussion and explanation of table.) 517 518 Table 173 (continued) DURATION OF ASTRONOMICAL TWILIGHT Day of month Table 173 (continued) DURATION OF ASTRONOMICAL TWILIGHT Day of month 519 Table 173 (concluded) 520 DURATION OF ASTRONOMICAL TWILIGHT 16 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 16 I 16 NOVEMBER Table 174 DAYLIGHT AND TWILIGHT FOR SOUTHERN LATITUDES : INDEX Absolute humidity, definition, 347 Absolute temperature, conversion formulae, 17 conversion tables, 17-19 Absorption of radiation, by pure liquid water, 445 by sea water, 446 (See also radiation, absorption.) Acceleration of gravity (See gravity.) Acre, conversion factors, 10 Adiabatic elasticity coefficient, 390 Adjusted virtual temperature, 295-296 Air, dry: composition, 389 density, 290-294 index of refraction, 389 thermodynamic constants, 289 Air, moist: thermal conductivity, 394-395 thermodynamic properties, 331-343 transmission of radiation, 436-437 viscosity, 394-395 Air-borne particles, characteristics, 397 Air mass, optical, 422 Albedo of various surfaces, 442-443 Altimeter reading, correction, for erroneous altimeter setting, 275 for mean temperature, 274-279 for perturbation of pressure field caused by mountains, 276 Altimeter setting, computation, 269-273 Altitude of the sun, 497-505 standard Altitude pressure table, atmosphere, 273 Angstrom unit, conversion factors, Angular velocity of the earth, 130 Anomalies in gravity, 489 Apostilb, conversion factor, 16 Arc, conversion to time, table, 106 Area, conversion factors, 9-10 land and sea, latitude belts, 484 Astronomical constants, 481 Astronomical twilight, 506, 517-520 Atmosphere, standard ICAN, 268 NACA, altitude pressure table, 273 lower atmosphere, 265-267 upper atmosphere, 280-284 unit of pressure, conversion factors, 14 U S (See Atmosphere, standard, NACA NACA.) Atmospheric transmission of solar radiation, 433-436 Avoirdupois pounds and ounces, 12 Azimuth of the sun, 497-505 Bar, conversion factors, 13 Barometer, fixed-cistern, temperature correction, 138 Barometer correction, capillary, 135 gravity, 200-202 temperature, 136-199 English units, 139-163 metric units, 164-199 Barometric determination of height, 203-213 Baryre, conversion factors, 13 Beaufort wind scale, 119 Beta, tabular values of, 130 /3L747T 131 Blackbody radiation, 411-413 , Brass, coefficient of expansion, 136 Brick, density, specific heat, thermal conductivity and diffusivity, 405 Brightness, units 15-16 and conversion factors, British thermal unit, conversion factors, 1415 Brownian movement, 397 Calorie, conversion factors, 14-15 definition, equivalent mechanical energy, 289 Candle per unit area, 16 Capillary correction, for mercurial barometers, 135 Carbon dioxide, absorption of radiation, 427 Celsius temperature (see also Centigrade), 17 Centibar, conversion factors, 13 Centigrade temperature, conversion formulae, 17 conversion tables, 17-30 Centimeter, conversion factors, 9-10 Cheval-vapeur, conversion factors, 15 Civil twilight, 506, 513-516 Clarke spheroid, 481 particles, 396-398 Cloud Clouds, albedo, 443 transmission of solar radiation, 441 Composition of air, 389 521 : 522 SMITHSONIAN METEOROLOGICAL TABLES Compressibility factor, moist air, 295, 332- 333 water vapor, 341-342 Condensation level, lifting, 328-330 Condensation rate, in ascending moist air, 325-326 Condensation temperature, 328-330 Conductivity, thermal air, 394-395 ice and snow, 404 soils and rocks, 405 water, 403 Conductivity, thermometric, air, 394-395 Conversion factors, 9-16 Coriolis parameter and latitudinal variation, 130 Correction of altimeter (See altimeter, correction.) Curvature, effect of, on saturation vapor pressure, 374 radius of, on polar stereographic projection, 486-487 Day, conversion to decimals of hours, minutes, seconds, 107 conversion to decimals angle, 102-105 mean of year and sidereal, Enthalpy residual, moist air, 334-335 water vapor, 341-342 Entropy residual, moist air, 336-337 water vapor, 341-342 Ephemeris of the sun, 495-496 Equation of state, moist air, 391 virial form, 391 Equation of time, 495-496 Equivalent temperature, definition, 349 Erg, conversion factors, 14 Evaporation of water drops, 398 Eye, relative spectral luminosity, 448-452 Extinction coefficient, 453-478 lae, of, 1, latitude per day, conversion fac- Fathom, conversion Feet (See Foot.) Feet per second, conversion factors, 12 conversion tables, 115 Fields, albedo, 443 Fixed cistern barometers, temperature correction, 138 soils and rocks, 405 water, 403 water vapor at saturation, over ice, Fluid ounce, conversion factors, 10 Fog 381, 384-385 over water, 381-383 point conversion chart, water to ice, 371 Dew point temperature, definition, 347 from psychrometric data, centigrade scale, scale, Diffusivity, thermal, ice factors, Feet per minute, conversion factors, 12 conversion table, 115 290-294 conversion factors, 12 ice, 404 mercury, air, 368 Fahrenheit 17 conversion tables, 17-24 506-512 102-105 tors, 12 369 and snow, 404 soils and rocks, 405 water vapor, in air, 394-395 Drag coefficient, water droplets in air, 396 Drizzle droplets, size and rate of fall, 396397 Droplets, equilibrium supersaturation, 374- 379 14, 15 distribution of solar radiation, 416 equivalent of calorie, 289 Fahrenheit temperature, conversion formu- Days, since January Dew Energy, conversion factors, 11 Daylight, duration Density, Earth, albedo of, 443 angular velocity of, 130 dimensions, 481 solar, 11 pendulum, 130 Degree of Drops, water, evaporation, 398 rate of fall, 396 size, 398 Dust, particle size and rate of fall, 396-397 Dynamic height, 217, 224 Dynamic viscosity of air, 394-395 droplet, size and rate of fall, 396-397 Foot, conversion factors, 9-10 conversion table, 92-93 geopotential, definition, 217, 256 Foot-candle, conversion factors, 15 Foot-lambert, conversion factors, 16 Foot-pound, conversion factors, 14 Force, conversion factors, 14 Forest, albedo, 442 Forty-five degree pressure units, conversion factors, 13 Fresnel formula, 444 Frost-point, from psychrometric data, 365- 369 temperature, definition, 348 Fusion, latent heat of, water, 343 INDEX Gages, depth of water by weight, 407 Gallon, British imperial, 11 U S air, ideal gas, and water vapor, 289 Geodetic constants, 481 Geodynamic meter, 217 Geometric height, conversion to geopotential, 217-223 Geometric meters, conversion to geopotential meters, 217-219, 220-221 Geopotential change corresponding to pressure change, 256-259 computation, 217, 224-240 temperature correction, 238-240 definition, 217, 224 foot, definition, 217, 256 meter, definition, 217, 224 Geopotential meters, conversion to geometric height, 217-223 conversion to geometric meters, 222-223 Geostrophic wind, formulae and tables, 120125 Gradient wind, formulae and tables, 126-129 Grain, conversion factors, 12 conversion to grams, table, 109 Gram, conversion factors, 12 conversion table, 109 conversion to grains, table, 109 weight, conversion factors, 14 Gram-calorie, conversion factors, 14 definition, Grass, albedo, 443 Gravity, acceleration of, 488-494 anomalies, 489 computation of local values, 488-494 correction, mercurial barometer, 200202 potential, 217 standard, definition of, Hour, definition of mean solar, 11 Hours, conversion to angles, 105 conversion to decimals of a day, 106 conversion factors, 10 Gas constant, dry 523 3-4 Ground, albedo, 442 Humidity, absolute: correction for the reduction of pressure to sea level, 204, 206 definition, 347 Humidity, relative: computation from psychrometric data, 365-369 331-332 over salt solutions, 380 Humidity, specific, definition, 347 definition, ICAN standard atmosphere, 268 404 vapor pressure, English saturation units, 362-364 metric units, 360-361 sea, latent heat, 405 specific heat, 406 specific heat, 343 thermal conductivity and diffusivity, 404 Ice point, absolute temperature, 289 Illumination, in relation to radiation, 442 units and conversion factors, 15-16 Impurities, effect of, on saturation vapor pressure, 374 Inch, conversion factors, 9-10 conversion to millimeters, 72-78 Inch of mercury, conversion factors, 13 conversion tables, 31-37 Ice, density, Inch of water, 14 Index of refraction, air, 389 Inertial motion, 130 Intensity of solar radiation, 415 Interaction coefficients, air and water vapor, 393 International ellipsoid, 481 International steam tables — calorie, 4, 14 Ions, size, 397-398 heat residual, moist air, Heat, conversion factors, 14 latent, sea ice, 405 water, 343 Heat, specific (See Specific heat.) Isobaric specific Hefner 255 Isothermal elasticity unit, 16 Height, dynamic, 217, 224 Height change corresponding to pressure change, 256-259 (See Geopotential Height computations computations.) Height determination by barometer, 203-213 Height difference between standard isobaric surfaces, 241-255 Horizontal visibility, 452-478 Horse power, 15 339 water vapor, 341 Isobaric surfaces, thickness between, 241coefficient, 390 Joule, conversion factors, 14 Kelvin temperature, conversion formulae, 17 Kilogram, conversion factors, 12 conversion tables, 108 Kilogram-calorie, 14 Kilogram-meter, 14 : : SMITHSONIAN METEOROLOGICAL TABLES 524 Kilogram weight, 14 Kilometer, conversion factors, 9, 10 conversion to nautical miles, table, 101 conversion to statute miles, tables, 98-99 per hour, conversion factors, 11 conversion tables, 110-116 Kilowatt hour, conversion factors, 14 equivalent in calories, 289 Mercurial barometer correction, temperature correction, English units, Lambert, conversion factors, 16 139-163 metric units, 164-197 Mercury, density, surface tension, 135 Meridian, length of one degree, 482 Meter, conversion factors, 9-10 conversion to feet, tables, 94-95 Meter per second, conversion factors, 11 conversion tables, 110-116 Metric ton, conversion factors, 12 Micron, conversion factors, Lambert Mile, nautical Kinematic viscosity of air defined, 394-395 Knots, conversion factors, 11 conversion tables, 110-116 projection, scale variation, 485 Land, area in latitude belts, 484 Langley, conversion factors, 15 Lapse rate: pseudoadiabatic, ice stage, 324 water stage, 323 temperature, conversion table, 30 Latent heat, sea ice, 405 water, 343 Latitude, degree of, conversion factors, degree per day, conversion factors, 12 length of one degree, 482 Latitudinal variation of Coriolis parameter, 130 conversion factors, conversion tables, 100-101 Mile, statute conversion factors, 9, 10 conversion tables, 96-100 Miles per hour, conversion factors, 11 conversion tables, 110-116 Millibar, conversion factors, 13 conversion to inches of mercury, table, 38-50 conversion to millimeters of mercury, table, 59-71 Millilambert, conversion factors, 16 Length, conversion factors, conversion tables, 72-101 conversion factors, 10 Millimeter, conversion factors, conversion to inches, table, 79-91 Lifting condensation level and condensation pressure, 328-330 Millimeters of mercury, conversion factors, Milliliter, mechanical equivalent Light, of, 16 Liter, 10 Longitude, length of one degree, 483 Lumen, 15 Luminosity, 448-452 Luminous Luminous efficiency, 16 flux, 15 Lux, 15 Manometers, English units, 139-163 metric units, 164-199 temperature correction, 138 Map projection, scale variation, 485 Mass, conversion factors, 12 conversion tables, 108-109 Mean adjusted virtual temperature, 296 Mean free path of a molecule, NACA upper atmosphere, 283-284 Mechanical equivalent of heat, 289 Mechanical equivalent of light, 16 Melting point, sea water, 406 Mercator projection, scale variation, 485 Mercurial barometer correction, capillary, 135 gravity, 200-202 13 conversion to millibars, 51-58 Minute, mean solar, 11 Minutes to decimals of day and hour, 106107 Mixing entropy, moist air, 336, 338 Mixing ratio, definition, 347 saturation, definition, 347 over ice, 306-307 over water, 302-305 Moist air, compressibility factor, 332-333 equation of state, 391 thermodynamic properties, 331-343 Molecular mean free path, upper atmosphere, 283-284 Molecular weight, dry air, water vapor, 289 NACA standard atmosphere, altitude pressure table, 273-274 lower atmosphere, 263-267, 273 upper atmosphere, 280-284 Nautical mile, conversion factors, conversion tables, 100-101 definition, Ocean, albedo of, 442 area in latitude belts, 484 INDEX Optical air mass, 422 Ounce, conversion factors, Radiation, 12 10, solar, conversion to kilograms, tables, 108 Oxygen absorption of solar radiation, 430 Ozone, absorption of solar radiation, 428429 Parallel, length of one degree, 483 Pendulum day, 130 Phot, conversion factors, 16 Planck's formula, 411 Plateau correction, 205 Poise, 12 Polar stereo graphic projection, scale variation, 485 Potential temperature, 308-313 Pound, conversion factors, 12 conversion table, 108 Pound weight, conversion factors, 14 Poundal, 14 Power, conversion factors, 15 Precipitable water in a saturated pseudoadiabatic atmosphere, 327 Pressure, lifting condensation, 328-330 reduction to fixed levels, 203-213 vapor (See Vapor pressure.) Pressure altitude diagram, 285 Pressure change corresponding to height change, 256, 260-262 Pressure divided into 1000, two-sevenths power of, 316-317 Pressure to the two-sevenths power, 314315 Pressure units, conversion factors, 13-14 conversion tables, 31-71 Pseudoadiabatic lapse rate, ice stage, 324 water stage, 323 Pseudoadiabats, temperature and pressure along, 318-322 Psychrometric data, reduction of, centigrade temperature, 368 Fahrenheit temperature, 369 Radiant emittance, 413 Radiation, blackbody, 411-413 ratio of direct to total, 439 relation to average sunshine, 440 relation to illumination, 442 sky, 420 solar, extraterrestrial, 414-416 optical air mass, 422 reaching the ground, 420-422 relative spectral intensity, 415 spectral 525 distribution at sea level, 438 spectral energy distribution, 416 top of the atmosphere, 417-419 total solar and sky, 438-439 transmission, atmosphere, clouds, 441 433-436 dry air, 431 moist air, 436-437 Radiation absorption, carbon dioxide, 427 oxygen, 430 ozone, 428-429 sea water, 446 water, 445 water vapor, 423-425 Radius of curvature, polar stereographic map, 486-487 Radius of earth, 481 Rain gages, relation between depth of water and weight, 407 Raindrops, size and rate of fall, 396-398 Rainfall, condensation rate in ascending moist air, 325 quantity corresponding to depth, 407 Rankine temperature, conversion formulae, 17 Raoult's law, 374 Reaumer temperature, conversion table, 17- 19 water surface, 444 Refraction index, air, 389 Relative humidity, computation from psychrometric data, 365-369 definition, 348, 331-332 over salt solutions, 380 Reflectivity, Reynolds' number, water droplets in 396 air, Rocks, conductivity, density, specific heat, 405 Rod, conversion factors, Rossby long-wave formula, 131 Salt solution, relative humidity over, 380 Sand, albedo, 442-443 Saturated air, virtual temperature ments of, 295-301 incre- Saturation, definition, 347 pseudoadiabats, 318-322 Saturation mixing ratio, definition, 347 over ice, 306-307 over water, 302-305 Saturation vapor pressure, definition, 347 droplets, 374-379 over ice, 360-364 over water, 351-359 ratio over ice to over water, 370 salinity 35 percent, 373 variation with temperature, 372 SMITHSONIAN METEOROLOGICAL TABLES 526 Sun, altitude and azimuth, 497-505 ephemeris, 495-496 Scale variation of map projections, 485 Scattering (of radiation), dry air, 431 water drops, 446-447 water vapor, 432 Sea ice, latent heat, 405 specific heat, Surface tension, mercury, 135 Temperature, adjusted virtual, 295-296 along pseudoadiabats, 318-322 406 Sea level, reduction of pressure to, 203-213 Sea water, absorption of radiation by, 446 melting point and specific heat, 406 Seconds, conversion to decimals of hour and day, 106-107 mean solar and sidereal, conversion factors, 11 condensation, correction for altimeter reading, 274- 279 correction particle size and rate of 397- fall, 398 dew thermal 404 Snow of, 443 and conductivity diffusivity, lapse rate, conversion table, 30 faces, thermodynamic, 332 virtual, 295 wet-bulb, definition, 348 Terminal velocity, atmospheric particle, 397 water droplets in air, 396 Thermodynamic constants, 289 Thermodynamic Thermodynamic equivalent temperature, 349 properties of moist air, 331-343 289, 343 residual, moist air, 339 water vapor, 341-342 and sea water, 406 and rocks, 405 residual, ice, water, 289, 343 water vapor, 289 Specific humidity, definition, 347 Specific volume, conversion factors, 12 Spectral distribution of solar radiation, 416 Spectral luminosity, 448-452 Speed, conversion factors, 11-12 Thermodynamic temperature, 17, 332 Thickness between standard isobaric surfaces, 241-255 Time, conversion factors, 11 conversion tables, 102-107 Ton, conversion factors, 12 Tonne, conversion factors, 12 Transmission, atmospheric, 433-436 dry air, 431 moist air, 436-437 Transmissivity, 452-478 Twilight, astronomical and civil, 506, 517- conversion tables, 110-116 520 (See Atmosphere, U S standard atmosphere standard.) (See Mile, Stefan-Boltzman law, 411 (See NACA standard atmosphere.) statute.) Upper atmosphere, NACA standard, 280- 284 Stilb, 16 physical properties, 281 Stokes law, 397 Stone, conductivity, density, 405 Sublimation, latent heat 241-255 potential, 308-313 Specific heat, dry air, 289 Statute mile 29 equivalent, 349 heat, NACA Standard atmosphere 347 mean, between standard isobaric surspecific 405 Solar altitude, 497-505 Solar constant, 414 Solar ephemeris, 495-496 (See Radiation.) Solar radiation Solar time, mean and true, 495-496 Solution droplets, equilibrium supersaturation, 374-379 Sound, velocity of, in air, 390-393 upper atmosphere, 283-284 soils point, definition, frost point, definition, 348 of water, 407 Soils, conductivity, density, sea units, 139- differences, conversion table, gages, conversion of weight to depth ice, barometers mercurial 163 explanation, 136-138 metric units, 164-199 Sky, radiation, 420 Snow, albedo for and manometers, English Sidereal time units, 11 Smoke, 328-330 conversion formulae, 17 conversion tables, 17-28 specific heat, Vapor, water of, water, 343 Vapor (See Water vapor.) concentration, definition, 347 INDEX Vapor pressure, saturation (See Satura- tion vapor pressure.) water vapor, definition, NACA Virtual temperature, definition, 295 increment of saturated air, 295-301 Viscosity, conversion factors, 12 defined, 394 dynamic and kinematic of 394 standard upper atair, mosphere, 284 lower atmosphere, 394-395 Visibility, 452-478 Visual range, 452-478 Visual sensitivity, 448-452 Volume, conversion factors, 10-11 specific, conversion factors, 12 of, 442 area in latitude belts, 484 condensed, thermodynamic of, 343 density, 403 444 vapor pressure, English units, 354-359 metric units, 351-353 sea, absorption of solar radiation, 446 melting point, 406 specific heat, 406 specific heat, 343 thermal conductivity, 403 Water vapor, absorption of solar radiation, 423-425 reflectivity, Virial coefficients, air and water vapor, 393 Virial form of the Equation of State, 391 NACA Water, radiation absorption, 445 347 Vaporization, latent heat of, water, 343 Velocity, conversion factors, 11-12 conversion tables, 110-116 Velocity of earth, angular, 130 Velocity of sound in air, 390-393 Velocity of sound in upper atmosphere, standard, 284 kinematic, 527 Water, albedo properties drops, scattering coefficients, 446-447 saturation definitions and specifications in the at- mosphere, 347-349 density at saturation, 381-385 pressure, saturation, 351-359 properties of, 341-342 scattering of solar radiation, 432 thermodynamic constants, 289 transmission of solar radiation, 425-426 Watt, conversion factors, 15 Weight, conversion factors, 14 conversion tables, 108-109 of water in rain gage, conversion to depth of rain, 407 Wet-bulb temperature, definition, 348 Wien's law, 411 Wind, geostrophic, 120-125 gradient, 126-129 Wind scale, Beaufort, 119 Work, conversion factors, 14 Weight inch, pressure unit, conversion factors, 14 precipitable in saturated batic atmosphere, 327 pseudoadia- Yard, conversion factors, 9-10 Year, mean solar, 11 days to decimals of, 102-105 cp- ... necessary a complete decades has revision of both the scope tents of the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables A Wetmore, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, which has been publishing these tables since.. .Smithsonian Publication 4014 Sixth revised edition published 1949 Fourth reprint issued 1968 NOV... capacity Funds for the preparation of the manuscript were transferred by the Weather Bureau to the Smithsonian Institution, and under the W C Jacobs, J K supervision of L B Aldrich, Director of the