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Trang 1Free napkin folding instructions
The Bird Of Paradise Napkin Fold
This is a classic and classy napkin folding technique that requires a stiff napkin If you don't have any dinner napkins made of stiff linen then
a light starching should fix you right up
1 Lay the napkin face down in front of you
Trang 22 Fold the napkin in half
3 Fold the napkin in quarters
4 Fold the napkin in half diagonally, creating
a triangle
Trang 35 Orient the triangle so the open tip is facing away from you
6 Fold the right corner diagonally towards you
- laying it down along the centerline of the triangle, making a new tip pointing towards you An iron can make this important fold a whole lot easier
Trang 47 Do the same with the left corner, fold it diagonally toward you and press it down next
to the previous fold Now you have a
diamond, you're rich! Yay!
8 Fold the two "wings" that you just made in folds 6 and 7 under so that you have your original triangle shape back Once again an iron can make a world
of difference
Trang 59 Fold the triangle in half by bringing the center seam towards you and allowing the ends to fall
10 This bird's almost ready to fly, but first you must give it some feathers While holding the base firmly to keep your folds together, pull
up the four 'flaps'
created by the napkin's corners
Trang 6Pretty cool fold, isn't it?
It makes you wonder if there are people sitting around in basements performing
experimental napkin folds while the rest of us are sleeping This fold can be difficult if you don't use an iron or have
a fairly stiff napkin so
be prepared to put a few minutes into making each one
Trang 7The Candle Fan Fold Sometimes you just need something a little different The candle fan stuffed into a goblet or mug is very different The larger the napkin that you use is, the longer the 'candles' will be
1 Lay the napkin face-down in front of you
Trang 82 Fold both sides in so they meet at the center Press the folds down well
Trang 93 Take each of the four corners (now sitting at the center of the far and near sides) and fold them out diagonally, pivoting at the center of the napkin as shown
4 Starting at one end, tightly roll the napkin half way along it's length The tighter the better
Trang 105 Accordion-fold the other side of the napkin and gather it together
6 Fold the napkin in half with the roll in the middle
Trang 117 Place it into your goblet of choice and you're done!
Mmmmmm, nothing like a crappy blue napkin to demonstrate with, eh? Larger ones look much nicer
Trifold Opera Fan Bird of Paradise Cardinal Hat Rose
French Pleat
Trang 121 Fold napkin in quarters
2 Roll the first layer of the napkin toward you
to the center
3 Fold the second layer toward you and under the first - Do not Roll
4 Leave the same width
of the napkin as the rolled edge
5 Fold the next layer of the napkin away from you and under the second leaving the same width as other two folds
6 Fold under the right and left side edges to center back
1 Fold napkin in half diagonally forming a triangle
2 Fold one-fourth of the base edges of napkin up forming a cuff
3 Turn napkin over Carefully roll left to right
4 Tuck the remaining corner inside the cuff to hold the Candle firm
5 Position the Candle
Trang 13with the highest point
of the napkin facing you
1 Fold the napkin in half diagonally forming a triangle
2 Fold the left and right triangle to the top forming a square
3 Turn the napkin to form
a diamond Fold the bottom point 2/3 of the way to the top point and fold the bottom point back again to the base line
4 Turn napkin over and tuck the far corners into one another forming a round base
5 Stand a napkin upright and flair out the two top corners to form a Crown
Goblet Fan
Trang 141 Fold napkin in half with the edges at the bottom
2 Accordion pleat form right to left
3 Fold the bottom third
4 Insert into goblet and spread pleat to form fan
1 Fold the napkin toward
on end into quarters
2 Fold the right and left edge under and towards you creating a triangle
at the top of the napkin
3 Roll the right and left edges up into the base edges of the triangle
4 Turn the fold over standing the triangle point up with the open edge facing you
Trang 151 Fold tall four corners of
a flat napkin to the
2 Fold the bottom half
under the top half
3 Fold the right half over
the left half
4 Turn the napkin
clockwise to create a
5 Roll the top layer
toward center forming a
6 Turn the second layer
under to form a second
7 Fold the left and right
hand edges under
1 Fold the napkin in half
diagonally form a
triangle with the long
point facing you
2 Fold the far left and
right had corners of the
triangle toward you to
the bottom point
3 Fold the napkin in half
bringing the bottom
point under to meet the
top point
4 Left the napkin at the
center to stand upright
on the two side edges
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Trang 16Back to the top
Opera Fan
1 Fold napkin in half
2 Fold width into
accordion fold leaving
last four inches flat
3 Fold accordion in half
with folds on outside;
four inch flat will
protrude from the
4 Create a stand by
folding the four inch
flat toward the base of
napkin letting the folds
fan out
Bird of Paradise
1 Fold the napkin in
quarters with the four
edges toward you
2 Fold the edges up to
form a triangle
3 Fold the left and right
points of the triangle to
the center and then fold
the extended points
4 Lift the center and hold
the base - pull the four
Trang 17napkin edges out of the center to create the bloom
Cardinal Hat
1 Fold the napkin in diagonally forming a triangle
2 Fold the left and right hand corners of the triangle to the top
3 Turn the napkin over so that no fold are visible
4 Fold up the bottom tip
of the triangle and fold
in half
5 Fold the right side over the left making a circle
6 Tuck one end of the triangle into the other
7 Place the Cardinal Hat
in an upright position and flare out points slightly
Trang 181 Fold all four corners of
a flat napkin into the center: then fold four points again to the center
2 Turn the napkin over and fold four points again to the center pressing all folds tightly
3 Turn napkin to form a diamond Using one hand to hold two points
at front center of the napkin and with the other hand reach under that point and pull up flap
4 Repeat at three other points
5 Holding center points, reach between petals and pull out additional flaps