This standard identifies various information necessary for communication between a purchaser and asupplier of welding consumables. This standard, together with an AWS, ISO, or other recognized weldingconsumable standard, provides a method for preparing those specific details needed for welding consumableprocurement which consist of the following:a) the welding consumable classification (selected from the pertinent AWS, ISO, or other applicablewelding consumable standard);b) the lot class (selected from Clause 4 of this standard);c) the testing schedule (selected from Clause 5 of this standard).Selection of the specific welding consumable classification, lot class and testing schedule will depend uponthe requirements of the application for which the welding consumable is being procured.
100 Materials A dopted for Use in Construction C odes
Parts A and B align with specifications set by ASTM and other recognized organizations, although not all grades and types of materials specified are approved for Code use Materials sourced from ASTM or other sanctioned specifications must comply with the material specifications outlined in Section II, Parts A and B, as well as this Mandatory Appendix, unless otherwise stated in Code Cases or relevant Code sections Only materials that meet these specifications are acceptable for use in items governed by the applicable Code sections, to the extent specified.
200 A cceptable Editions
MaterialsforCodeuseshallbeordered,produced,and documentedin accordancew itheitherthe A SME specifi- cations inthis Section andPart, or, ex ceptaslimited by therules ofthe applicable construction code, with an
The ASTM specifications outlined in Table II-200-1, along with those from recognized national or international organizations listed in Table II-200-2, can be utilized in place of the corresponding ASME specifications mentioned in this Mandatory Appendix Revisions to material specifications in this section are typically derived from ASTM International or other recognized standards organizations and are generally adopted by ASME However, these revisions may not necessarily impact the suitability of materials produced under earlier specifications for ASME construction The ASME material specifications approved for use in each construction code are detailed in this Mandatory Appendix.
Appendixlist s,foreach specificat ion,t he lat estedit ion adopted byASME, and earliereditions considered by
Finally ,this MandatoryAppendixindicat es w hetherone ormoreg radesofag iv enspecificationappearinanucle- arornon-nuclearcodecase.
(a)BoththeA STMand non-A STMeditionsofmaterial specifications encompassed inthe rang eofy ear-datesof
All acceptable editions have been reconciled with the latest version adopted by ASME and are suitable for construction according to the specified ASME construction code edition (or edition and addenda prior to and including 2011) indicated in the Manufacturer’s Data.
Report,exceptas limit ed byt he subtitles oft he corre- spondingASMEmat erialspecificat ionsand byt he rules oftheapplicableconstructionCode.
(b)Materialsproducedandcertifiedtoearliereditions ofA SME materialspecifications in thisPartofSection II thathavebeenidentifiedbysubtitleasidenticalorsimilar t oan ASTMornon-ASTMmat erialspecificat ion edit ion encompassedbytherang eofy ear-datesofOtherA ccept- ableEditionsarealsoacceptableforuseinconstructionto theEdition(orEditionandAddenda,priortoandinclud- ing2011) oftheA SMEconstructionCodespecifiedinthe
Manufacturer’sDataReport,ex ceptaslimitedbythesub- titlesofthematerialspecificationsandbytherulesofthe applicable constructionCode.
(c) UseofamaterialcertifiedtoanA STMspecification, ortoaspecification issued by anotherrecognized na- tional orint ernat ional organizat ion,andhav ingay ear- dat e lat ert han t helat estsuch specificat ion adopt ed by
A SME isprohibited,unlessaCodeCase permittingsuch usehasbeenapproved foruse inconstructiontotheap- plicable BoilerandPressureVessel Code, ex ceptasper- mitted byII-300.
(1)ThelistingforSA -217indicatesthatitisidentical tothelatest-adoptedA STMedition,A 217/A 217M-07,and thatotheraccept ableA STMeditionsare the93through the 07 editions, aspan covering15 years AnyASTM
07, inclusiv e,and anySA-217specificationpublished in anearlierEditionorA ddendaofSectionII,PartAhav ing asubtitleindicatingthatitisidenticaltoanA STMedition carryingay ear-datefrom 1993 throug h2007,inclusiv e,
Manufact urer’sDat aReport , exceptforconst ruct ionto
SectionIII.SeeSectionIIIforrulesforusingmaterialcer- tifiedtoaspecificationcarry ingaspecificy ear-date.
The listing for SA-387 confirms its alignment with the latest ASTM edition, A387/A387M-06a, while also recognizing other acceptable editions ranging from the 88th to the 06a, covering a span of 19 years However, for Grade 91, only the 06 edition and later are deemed acceptable.
A 387specificationcarry ingay ear-datefrom88throug h
The SA-387 specification published in earlier editions or addenda of Section II, Part A, which indicates its identity with an ASTM edition dated from 1988 through 06a, is deemed acceptable for construction as per the edition and addenda specified in the Manufacturer’s Data Report, with the exception of construction related to Section.
III.See Sect ionIII forrules forusingmat erial cert ified toaspecificationcarryingaspecificy ear-date.ForGrade
A 387/A387M-06a,andforSA -387,onlySA -387specifica- tionspublished inan earlierEdit ion orAddendaofSec- tion II, PartA having a subtitle indicating thatitis ident ical toanASTM edit ion carry ingayear-dat e from
2006throug h2006ashallbeconsideredtobeacceptable foruseinconstructionto the Edit ion(andAddenda,if any) listedintheManufacturer’sDataReport,ag ainwith thecav eatforSectionIIIConstruction.
The listing for SA-335 confirms its alignment with the latest adopted ASTM edition, A335/A335M-06, while also acknowledging other acceptable ASTM editions ranging from 88 to 06 The only exceptions are the added hardness requirements for Grades P23 and P911 in sections 9.3 and 14.2.1, along with the correction of the UNS numbers for P9 and P91.
ASTMA335specificat ion carryingay ear-datefrom88a throug h06,inclusiv e,andanySA -335specification pub- lishedinanearlierEditionorA ddendaofSectionII,Part
Ahavingasubtitle indicatingthatitis identical to an
A STMedition carry ingay ear-date from88athroug h06 shallbeconsideredtobeacceptable foruseinconstruc- tiontotheEdition(andA ddenda,ifany)listedintheMan- ufacturer’sDataReport,ex ceptforconstructiontoSection
III.SeeSectionIIIforrulesforusingmaterialcertifiedtoa specificationcarryingaspecificy ear-dat e.How ev er, for
GradesP23andP911,onlymaterialmeetingthehardness material cert ified to aspecificat ion carryingaspecific year-date The UNS numberchange noted is merelya chang einlabelingandis notrelevanttotheissueofuse.
300 Other A cceptable Specifications
ASTM, oranothernational orinternational org anizat ion with requirements differentfrom the requirements of thecorrespondingA SMEspecificationorproducedtoan editionnotencompassedintherang elistedasOtherAc- ceptableEditionsmayalsobeusedinaccordancewiththe abov e,prov idedthematerialmanufacturerorA SMECer- t ificate Holdercert ifieswit hev idence acceptable t othe
400 References to A STM Specifications
WhenreferenceismadeinanA SMEmaterialspecifica- tiontoanA STMspecificationforwhichanASME specifi- cation exists, the reference shall be interpreted as apply ingtoorinvokingthe A SME materialspecification.
500 Country of Orig in
(b)ASME has notent eredintocopyrightagreement s withpublishersofnon-ASTMmaterialspecifications.Lim- itsonuseofspecificationsissuedbyothernationalorin- ternational organizat ions t hus appearoncoversheet s representingthosespecifications.Forsourcesfromw hich officialEng lish-lang uag e versionsofsuchnon-ASTMspe- cificationscanbepurchased,see Nonmandat oryAppen- dixA ð17 ị T a bl eII-200-1
OtherA cc epta bl eA ST M Editions
Identicalexceptthatparas.4.2.3and8.1.1wereremov edsothattensiletestingratherthanRockw ellhardnesstestingisrequiredtoshow conformancewithmechanicalpr operties.Certificationandmilltestreportshavebeenmademandator y ,andrefer encestoSupplementary
Identicalex ceptthatcer tificationhasbeenmademandatory,w eldingisinaccor dancewithA SME,andeditorialr evisionshavebeenmadetoTable
Identicalforthealloy sandtemperscov eredex ceptasfollows:SupplementaryRequirementshavebeendeleted,certificationhasbeenmade mandatory,weldrepairrequirementsinaccordancew ithA SMESectionIXhav ebeenadded,andtemperatureincr ementinpara.5.1rev ised.
IdenticalexceptforthedeletionofSupplementaryRequirementsforg overnmentpr ocur ementandA ppendixX 2.Certificationhasbeenmade mandatory.
OtherA c c epta bl eA ST M Edit ions(Cont 'd)
Identicalexceptforthedeletionof1.1.1,A ppendixX 1,andSupplementaryRequirements,andeditorialdifferences.Cer tificationhasbeenmade mandatory.
Identicalex ceptforthedeletionoftheSupplementaryRequirementsforg ov ernmentprocurement,thedeletionofA ppendixX 1,andtheadditionof
IdenticalexceptforthedeletionoftheSupplementaryRequirementsforgovernmentprocur ementandadditionofUNSN06617heattreatment requirements.Certificationandmilltestreportshav ebeenmademandatory.
Identicalexceptthatparas.5.1.8and5.1.9havebeendeleted.Cer tificationandmilltestreportshav ebeenmademandatory.
Identicalexceptforeditorialdifferences(88to07editions)andaneditorialrev isionto20.1.Cer tification,atestreport,andproductmarking(prior tothe2010edition)hav ebeenmademandatory.
Identicalex ceptthattestingforleaks,certification,andtestr epor tshavebeenmademandatory
Identicalexceptthatcertificationandtestr epor tshavebeenmademandatory Note4hasbeendeletedinpar a.7,andthereferencetoTable5in para.7.1hasbeencorrected.
Identicalex ceptforeditorialdifferences.Certification,atestr epor t,andmarkinghavebeenmademandatory
OtherA cc epta bl eA ST M Editions(Cont'd)
Identicalex ceptthatcertificationandatestr epor thav ebeenmademandatory.
Identicalex ceptthatcertificationandatestr epor thav ebeenmademandatory.
Identicalforallg rades.Foreditionspriorto08a,certificationandreportingaremandatory,andpr oductmarkingshallalsoshowASME desig nation.
Identicalforallgr ades.Foreditionspriorto08a,certificationandatestrepor taremandatory.ForGr.3only,the2005rev isionisnotacceptable duetoanerr orintheminimumUTSinTable2.
Identicalexceptforchang estoparas.,,,and7.1.3.4requiringfitting smadefr omforg ingstocktobetestedandmeet specificationmechanicalproperties.
IdenticalexceptSupplementaryRequirementS6fortensiontestismandatorypernewsection6;welders,weldingoperator s,andw elding proceduresshallbequalifiedinaccordancew ithSectionIXperrevised11.1;andpar a.11.2revisedtorequir ethatfillermetals,ifusedduring r epair,mustconformtoSFA-5.16/SFA -5.16Mr equirements.
Identicalforthealloyscov eredex ceptformandatorycertificationandatestreport.Forweldedapplications,A STMeditions87throug h96arenot acceptable.
Identicalforthealloysandtemper scoveredexceptforeditorialcorrectionstosection7,Table7,andpara.4.2.3.Certificationandtestreporthave beenmademandatory.
Identicalex ceptthatcertificationismandatory ,4.1.8hasbeenchang edtoreference9.1,andaneditorialcorrectiontoX 1.1.
OtherA c c epta bl eA ST M Edit ions(Cont 'd)
Identicalex ceptthatcer tificationandreportinghavebeenmademandator y ,andlotdefinitionisrev ised.
Identicalexceptthatcertificationandatestreporthav ebeenmademandatory ,andchemistriesofN06686andN08031w erecorrectedinTable1.
A cceptableA STMeditionsarelimitedto06andlaterforN06200mater ial,andexclude10forN06022material,andexclude10e1forN06686 andN08031material.
Identicalex ceptforthedeletionof5.1.6,5.2.7,9.3,9.4,and9.5.Cer tificationandtestreportshav ebeenmademandatory.
Identicalex ceptforthedeletionofA ppendixX 2andthattheuseoffillermetalisprohibited.Certificationandpr oductspecificationmarkingare mandatory ,andeditorialdifferencesexist.
Forpermissibleeditionspriorto08,identicalex ceptthatcer tificationismandatory;forthe08andlatereditions,identical.
Identicalexceptthatcertificationhasbeenmademandatory,markingrequir esA SMEdesig nation,andE1473r eplacesE30,E38,andE76inpar as.
Identicalex ceptthatcer tification,marking ,testreports,andconformancetomechanicalpr opertieshav ebeenmademandatory.
Identicalex ceptthatcertificationandatestreporthavebeenmademandatory ,andallA STMeditionspriorto98areobsoleteforN06025only.
Identicalex ceptTable1wascorr ected,certificationhasbeenmademandator y ,andothereditorialchang eshavebeenmade.
OtherA cc epta bl eA ST M Editions(Cont'd)
Identicalexceptthatcertificationandtestreportshavebeenmademandator y ,N06058streng thcor rectedinTable2,E76removedfromparas.2.1 and11.1,andacceptableA STMeditionsarelimitedto06andlaterforN06200material.
Identicalex ceptthatE527wasremovedfromRefer ences,andcer tificationhasbeenmademandatory.
Identicalexceptthatcertificationandtestreportshavebeenmademandatory;“Table3”addedtopara.6.1and“Table2”addedtopar as.7.1and
7.2in06e1edition;andacceptableA STMeditionsarelimitedto06andlaterforN06200material.
Identicalexceptthatcer tificationandtestreportshav ebeenmademandatory;andacceptableA STMeditionsar elimitedto06andlaterforN06200 material,and14andlaterforUNSN06058material.
Identicalex ceptthatcertificationandtestreportshav ebeenmademandatoryperSB-775,andacceptableA STMeditionsarelimitedto06andlater forN06200material.
Identicalexceptthatcertificationandtestreportshavebeenmademandatoryinpara.5.1.4andsection15,E527r emov edfr omReferences,
“Remainder”elementdefinedinTable1,andacceptableA STMeditionsarelimitedto06andlaterforN06200material.
Identicalexceptthatcertificationandtestreportshavebeenmademandatoryperpara.5.1.6andinSB-751,E527removedfromReferences,and acceptableA STMeditionsarelimitedto06andlaterforN06200material.
OtherA c c epta bl eA ST M Edit ions(Cont 'd)
Identicalexceptforeditor ialchang esin4.1and7.1.Cer tificationandtestr epor tshav ebeenmademandator y ForN08904,A STMeditionspr iorto
Identicalex ceptforcorrectionstoTable2,clar ifiedhy drotestrequirements,andmandatorycertification.
Identicalex ceptthatcer tificationhasbeenmademandatoryinpara.3.1.8andeditorialcorrectionshav ebeenmade.
Identicalex ceptthatcer tificationhasbeenmademandatory,andASTMB571removedfrompara.2.1andreplacedinpara.10.1byB775.
OtherA cc epta bl eA ST M Editions(Cont'd)
Identicalforallg rades,exceptforarevisionto22.1.2.Forallprioreditions,cer tificationandr epor tingar emandator y
Identicalex ceptthatSupplementaryRequirementS2shallbemandatory.Foreditionspr iorto08a,certificationandreportingaremandatory.
Identicalex ceptfordeletionofnoteHfromTable1andthatcertificationandtestr epor tshavebeenmademandatory
Identicalex ceptthatcertificationandtestr epor thav ebeenmademandatory.
OtherA c c epta bl eNon-A ST M Spec ifica tions
Identicalex ceptformarking ,impreg nation,w elding ,andtestreportsasshow ninthespecification
CEN.ThisdateappearsinthebodyofthestandardonthepagestartingwithEN;datesappearingonthefr ontpag eofanX XENstandard(e.g
(1)"OtherA cceptableEditions"refersexclusivelytonon-ASTMandnon-A SMEspecificationslisted.
100 Backg round
Acommon inquirytopicis thepermissibilit yofusing materialthatisidentifiedwithtwoormorespecifications
(orgrades,classes,ortypes),ev en ift heyhavedifferent strengths, oreven ifone ofthem is notpermitted for useintheconstructioncodeofapplication TheCommit- t eehas addressed v ariants ofthese questions insev eral int erpretations: I-89-11, IIA-92-08, VIII-1-89-269, and
200 Guidelines
Construction codes specify the acceptable materials for boilers, vessels, and components, ensuring they comply with established rules A material can be used if it meets all the requirements of its designated specification, including any necessary documentation, and adheres to the construction code's usage guidelines However, these codes do not typically address materials that are marked with multiple specifications, grades, classes, or types, which is why additional clarification is provided.
Dualormult iplemarkingis acceptable, aslongast he mat erial somark ed meet salloft he requirementsofall t hespecifications,grades,classes, andty pes w ith w hich itismarked.
Allofthe measured and controlled att ribut es ofthe mult iplymark ed grades orspecificat ions mustoverlap
(e.g.,chemistry ,mechanical properties,dimensions,and tolerances) andthematerialsomarkedmustex hibitval- ues thatfall w ithint heov erlaps.Further,t hecont rolled butunmeasuredattributesofthespecificationsorg rades
Dual ormult iplemarkingis notacceptable iftwoor morespecificationstowhichthematerialismarkedhav e mutuallyex clusive requirements.
Thisprohibitionincludesmorethanjustchemistryand property requirements One example is SA-515 and
SA -516;theformerrequiresmeltingtocoarseg rainprac- t ice w hile the latt errequires meltingtofine grain prac- tice Anotherexample is SA-213 TP304L and TP304H; the carbon content ranges ofthese grades have no overlap.
(a)thematerialcontainsanelement(otherthannitro- g en) thatis unspecifiedforoneoftheg radesmarked
(b)theamountofthatelementpresentinthe material meetstheminimumandmax imumcompositionlimitsfor thatelementinanotherg radeofaspecificationcontained inSectionII,PartAorPartB,w hetherornotitisalsoso marked.
Forexample, amat erial meet s all oft hecomposit ion limitsforSA -240304,contains0.06Cand0.02N,butalso contains 0.45%Ti This material cannotbe marked or prov idedas meetingSA-240304becausetheTicontent meetstherequirementsofSA -240321[whichisTig reat- erthan5×(C +N)butlessthan0.70].
Anot hermat erial, wit h ident ical composit ion, except
0.35%Ti,maybemarkedSA-240304becausetheTicon- tentdoes notmeett he minimumrequirementfor321.
Ifamaterial is marked with specifications, grades, classes,orty pes,itmaybeusedw iththeallowablestres- ses,design st ress int ensit ies,orrat ings appropriat e for anyofthemarking s onthematerial,aslongasthemate-
Markings for non-A SME or non-ASTM material specifications are irrelevant, even if they pertain to materials explicitly prohibited by the applicable construction code As long as the primary marking and the accompanying documentation demonstrate compliance with the requirements of that construction code, any additional markings are considered unnecessary.
100 Code Policy
Itisex pectedthatrequestsforCodeapprovalwillnor- mallybeformaterialsforwhichthereisarecog nizedna- tionalorinternationalspecification.Itisthepolicyofthe
ASME Boilerand Pressure Vessel (BPV) Committee on
Materialstoapprove, forinclusion int heCode Sect ions, onlymaterialscov eredbyspecificat ions t hathav ebeen issuedbystandards-developingorganizations such as, butnotlimit edt o, American Pet roleumInst it ut e (API),
American Society forTestingand Materials (ASTM),
American WeldingSociety(AWS), Canadian Standards
Association(CSA ), EuropeanCommitteeforStandardiza- tion(CEN),JapanIndustrialStandards(JIS),StandardsAs- sociat ionofAust ralia(SAA),andChinaSt andardizat ion
Only official requests for material specifications authorized by recognized standardization bodies will be considered for approval Specifications from material producers, suppliers, or equipment manufacturers, whether national or international, are not eligible Additionally, these specifications must be available in English and presented in U.S Customary and/or SI/Metric units.
When materials are made to specifications recognized by national or international standards other than ASME or AWS, the inquirer must notify the relevant standards-developing organization about the request for ASME approval This notification should include a request for permission to reproduce copies of the specification for internal use by the Code Committee and, if feasible, to reprint the specification For other materials, a request must be submitted to ASTM, AWS, or another recognized standardization body to include the material in a specification that can be presented to the BPV Committee on Materials.
ItisthepolicyoftheA SMEBPVCommitteeonMaterials inclusion ofaddit ional wroughtproductforms When a g radedoesex istinadefinedcastproductform,amaterial producer/suppliermayrequestthe inclusion ofaddi- tionalcastproductforms.
CodebookshouldbeawarethatonlytheBPVCommittee onMat erials prov idesthe appropriatedesignv alues for t he Const ruct ionCodes (Sect ions I, III, IV,VIII, and XII oftheBPVCodeand B31Codes).
The design values are calculated according to the mandatory Code rules If the inquirer believes the material is essentially identical to one previously approved by the BPV Committee on Materials, they must indicate this in their request The BPV Committee will then evaluate that judgment If the material is not deemed essentially identical to an approved one, the inquirer is required to provide all relevant data as outlined in these guidelines for further assessment by the BPV Committee.
Beforeapprov alofanewmaterialforinclusioninone oft heSect ions oft heCode, use oft hismat erialmaybe permittedintheform ofaCodeCase This Caseshall fix atleasttheconditionsofuseandthenecessaryrequire- ment s linkedto these condit ions Itist hepolicyoft he
A SME BPVCommit teetoadmit ,inthis way,materialfor w hichfullex perience onallw orkingparametershas not y etbeenacquired.
200 A pplication
The inquirershall ident ifyt ot he BPVCommit t ee t he follow ing :
300 Chemical Composition
The inquirer will recommend to the BPV Committee on Materials whether the specified chemical composition in the reference specification is applicable or if restrictions should be imposed for the intended application If coverage by a recognized national or international standardization body is requested but not yet obtained, the inquirer must provide the detailed chemical composition in the inquiry Additionally, the inquirer should explain the rationale behind the chosen chemistry and its limits, including its impact on the metallurgical structure, such as effects on precipitates, grain size, phases, and heat treatment outcomes.
(e.g., streng t heningmechanisms andtheirstabilit y),and mechanicalproperties Element s thatsig nificant lyinflu- encestreng th,ductility,toug hness,weldability ,andbeha- v iorunderserv iceconditions shouldbeidentified.
Aft errev iewofthe submitted data, the Committ eere- serv es t he rightt omodifyt he permitt edcomposit ional rang esforkeyelementssothattheymoreaccuratelyre- flecttherang eoftheelementsofthesubmittedtestheats.
400 Metallurg ical Structure and Heat Treatment
Inquiries regarding the proposed material should specify the desired metallurgical structures necessary to meet mechanical property requirements Additionally, a detailed description of the heat treatment process, including cooling rates, must be provided to achieve these structures, mechanical properties, and anticipated performance under service conditions.
The proposed heat treatment temperature ranges will be provided, along with metallurgical transformation curves This information will detail the transformation points and conditions necessary for the appearance of the major phases in the microstructure.
(e.g ,continuouscoolingtransformationdiag ramortime– temperat ureprecipitationplots) w ould bebeneficialfor theCommittee’sconsideration.
500 Mechanical Properties
Testmethodsemployedforthepropertiestestedshall bethosereferencedinorbythematerialspecifications,or shallbetheappropriateA STMtestmethods,recommend- edpractices,ortestmethodsdescribedinacceptedinter- national standards The test methods used shall be indicatedinthedatapackag e.
It is essential to obtain data that accurately represents the effects of key variables such as composition, thickness, mechanical working, and heat treatment Additionally, when applicable, the test data should include strength, toughness, and stress rupture behavior After reviewing the submitted data, the Committee reserves the right to modify the specification requirements as needed.
600 Definitions for Data Collection Purposes
The collection purposes for casting lot involve single production from a master heat, which refers to the quantity of metal with a uniform chemical composition produced through a recognized process from a single primary melt Remelted material is not classified as a separate heat unless it originates from a melt with a different chemical composition A wrought lot is defined as the quantity of metal created by melting, followed by working or heat treatment as a unique batch It is important to note that different lots can originate from the same heat and may be transformed into various product forms, with lot definitions typically outlined in the relevant material specifications.
For all mechanical properties, data must be provided over the required range of test temperatures from at least three heats of material that meet all applicable specifications Data submitted for three heats of one wrought product form may be considered applicable to all other wrought product forms with the same chemistry.
For wrought materials, particularly those with mechanical properties enhanced by heat treatment or forming practices, it is essential to submit data from an additional lot of material that is at least 75% of the maximum thickness requested for coverage If no maximum thickness is specified, supporting information must be provided to demonstrate the suitability of the thickness used for the tested samples.
Whenadoptionofcastproductformsisrequested,data fromatleastthreeheatsforoneofthecastproductforms shallbesubmitted.Thecastmaterialshallbeconsidered asaseparate materialeven ifitsnominalcomposition is thesameorverysimilartothatofanapprovedwroug ht material.
Additionaldataforotherheatstestedtoalesserdeg ree thandescribedhereinwouldbebeneficialtotheCommit- tee’sconsideration.
For time-independent properties at or above room temperature, relevant data must be provided for materials such as steels, nickel alloys, cobalt alloys, and aluminum alloys This data should be presented at room temperature and at intervals of 100°F (50°C), starting from 200°F.
(100°C) t o 100°F (50°C) above the maximum int ended usetemperature,unlessthemax imumintendedusetem- peraturedoesnotex ceed100°F(40°C).Forcopperalloy s, titanium alloy s,and zirconiumalloy s, dat ashallbe pro- vided atroom temperature, 150°F (65°C), and 200°F
(100°C), and then at100°F (50°C) intervals, to 100°F
(50°C) abovet hemaximum int ended use t emperature, unlessthemax imum intendeduse temperature does not exceed100°F(40°C).Thetestmethods shallbeas giv en in ASTM A370, ASTM A1058, ASTM E8, ASTM E21, or otherequiv alentnational orinternationalteststandards.
Inaddition, w henspecified in themat erialspecificat ion, hardness v alues shall beprov ided atroom t emperature andshallbedeterminedasspecifiedinthematerialspec- ificat ion Dat aprovided shallbe expressedint he unit s andt ot he numberofsignificantfigures show nin Table
When the material specification or relevant construction code allows or mandates that yield strength be determined using methods other than the 0.2% offset method, it is essential to report those alternative yield strength values as well.
Ifapproval is desired fortemperatures where time- dependentpropertiesmaybeex pectedtocontroldesig n, time-dependentdata, as itemized below, shall be pro- vided, starting at temperatures approximately 50°F
(25°C) belowthe temperature where time-dependent properties maygovern and extending at least100°F
(50°C) abovet hemaximum int ended use t emperature.
Except ions tot his rule arepermit ted, provided t he in- quirerprovides suitable justification fort hedeviat ion.
The creep–rupture t estmethodshall be in accordance w ithA STME139orotherequiv alentnationalorinterna- tionalteststandard.
For time-dependent tests, the temperature intervals between successive tests must be selected to ensure accurate estimation of the slope of the stress-rupture curves For normally stable materials, such as solid solution-strengthened materials, test temperatures should be spaced at intervals of 100°F (50°C) or less In cases where there is a risk of strength degradation due to metallurgical instability, such as in precipitation-strengthened materials, the stress values should not differ by more than a factor of 10 at any given stress for two adjacent temperatures Reported data should include stress, temperature, time to rupture, and, when available, elongation and reduction of area.
Addit ionalcomment s regardingpost -t estspecimen ap- pearance(e.g.,ox idat ion, necking, interg ranularfracture, etc.), as well as photographs and photomicrographs, maybebeneficial forthe analy sis.
Ex ceptasprovidedfurtherbelow,t helongestrupture time at each testtemperature shall be in excess of
10,000hrforeachrequiredheat.A tleastthreeadditional t est s shallbe conduct ed foreachrequired heatateach testtemperature,atst ressesselected toprov ide short er rupt uretimes butatleast500hr(e.g.,500 hr, 1,400hr, and4,000hr).
Testsofshorterdurationthanabout500hrarenotde- siredforlong -termstress rupture prediction Obv iously , longert imes and addit ional t estdat aare beneficial At successive temperatures, two ormore test stresses shouldbeselectedtobepreferablyidenticalorinaclose rang e.
Alt ernat iv etestplans t hatdev iat e from t hepriorde- scriptionbutachiev etheov erallobjectiv emaybeconsid- ered.Thismay ,inparticular,applytosolidsolutionalloy s forwhichthestabilityofstreng th-controllingmicrostruc- tures iscertain.
For new materials with uncertain strength-controlling microstructures and for familiar alloys used at higher temperatures, it is essential to have creep-rupture data with a duration exceeding 30,000 hours or equivalent service experience While a Code Case may be approved based on shorter test durations, the inclusion of these materials in the BPVC Code sections may be postponed until long-term data or sufficient service experience is available, ensuring that extrapolations from existing databases accurately reflect the material's long-term behavior.
Foratleastt w oheat s,st rain–t ime plot sorminimum creep rate(MCR) datashallbeprovided foratleasttw o t estst resses ateach t estt emperature, includingatleast onest ress foreach materialresult ingin MCRv aluesbe- low3×10
%/hr.Ifitcanbeconclusiv elydemonstrated thatcreeprat edoes notcontrol t hedesign st resses,the creepratedatamaybesparseinrelationtotheabov ere-
A ST M T estMet hodsa nd UnitsforRepor ting
Desig na- tion Title Pr oper ty
Fig ur es Metr icUnits
Tensilestreng thand yieldstreng th ksi 3 … …
Thermalconductivity Btu/hr-ft-°F 3,ex cept2 forx