a ) T h e fo l l o w i n g i n fo r m a ti o n p r o v i d e s g u i d a n c e to C o d e u s e r s fo r s u b m i t ti n g te c h n i c a l i n q u i r i e s to th e a p p l i c a b l eB o i l e r a n d P r e s s u r e V e s s e l ( B P V ) S ta n d a r d s C o m m i tte e ( h e r e i n a fte r r e fe r r e d to a s th e C o m m i tte e ) . S e e th e g u i d e l i n e so n a p p r o v a l o f n e w m a te r i a l s u n d e r th e A S M E B o i l e r a n d P r e s s u r e V e s s e l C o d e i n S e c ti o n I I , P a r t D fo r r e q u i r e m e n ts fo rr e q u e s ts th a t i n v o l v e a d d i n g n e w m a te r i a l s to th e C o d e . S e e th e g u i d e l i n e s o n a p p r o v a l o f n e w we l d i n g a n d b r a z i n g m a te r i a l s i n S e c ti o n I I , P a r t C fo r r e q u i r e m e n ts fo r r e q u e s ts th a t i n v o l ve a d d i n g n e w we l d i n g a n d b r a z i n g m a te r i a l s ( “ c o n s u m a b l e s ” ) to th e C o d e .T e c h n i c a l i n q u i r i e s c a n i n c l u d e r e q u e s ts fo r r e v i s i o n s o r a d d i ti o n s to th e C o d e r e q u i r e m e n ts , r e q u e s ts fo r C o d e C a s e s ,o r r e q u e s ts fo r C o d e I n te r p r e ta ti o n s , a s d e s c r i b e d b e l o w :(1 ) Co de R e visio n s. C o d e r e v i s i o n s a r e c o n s i d e r e d to a c c o m m o d a te te c h n o l o g i c a l d e ve l o p m e n ts , to a d d r e s s a d m i n i s tr a ti ve r e q u i r e m e n ts , to i n c o r p o r a te C o d e C a s e s , o r to c l a r i fy C o d e i n te n t.(2 ) Co de Ca se s. C o d e C a s e s r e p r e s e n t a l te r n a ti ve s o r a d d i ti o n s to e x i s ti n g C o d e r e q u i r e m e n ts . C o d e C a s e s a r e w r i tte n a s a Qu e s ti o n a n d Re p l y, a n d a r e u s u a l l y i n te n d e d to b e i n c o r p o r a te d i n to th e C o d e a t a l a te r d a te . Wh e n u s e d , C o d eC a s e s p r e s c r i b e m a n d a to r y r e q u i r e m e n ts i n th e s a m e s e n s e a s th e te x t o f th e C o d e . H o we v e r , u s e r s a r e c a u ti o n e d th a tn o t a l l r e g u l a to r s , j u r i s d i c ti o n s , o r O wn e r s a u to m a ti c a l l y a c c e p t C o d e C a s e s . T h e m o s t c o m m o n a p p l i c a ti o n s fo r C o d eC a s e s a r e a s fo l l o w s :( a ) to p e r m i t e a r l y i m p l e m e n ta ti o n o f a n a p p r o ve d C o d e r e vi s i o n b a s e d o n a n u r g e n t n e e d( b ) to p e r m i t u s e o f a n e w m a te r i a l fo r C o d e c o n s tr u c ti o n( c) to g a i n e x p e r i e n c e wi th n e w m a te r i a l s o r a l te r n a ti v e r e q u i r e m e n ts p r i o r to i n c o r p o r a ti o n d i r e c tl y i n to th eC o d e(3 ) Co de In te rp re ta tio n s( a ) C o d e I n te r p r e ta ti o n s p r o vi d e c l a r i fi c a ti o n o f th e m e a n i n g o f e x i s ti n g r e q u i r e m e n ts i n th e C o d e a n d a r e p r e s e n te d i n I n q u i r y a n d Re p l y fo r m a t. I n te r p r e ta ti o n s d o n o t i n tr o d u c e n e w r e q u i r e m e n ts .( b ) I f e x i s ti n g C o d e te x t d o e s n o t fu l l y c o n v e y th e m e a n i n g th a t w a s i n te n d e d , o r c o n v e y s c o n fl i c ti n g r e q u i r e m e n ts , a n d r e vi s i o n o f th e r e q u i r e m e n ts i s r e q u i r e d to s u p p o r t th e I n te r p r e ta ti o n , a n I n te n t I n te r p r e ta ti o n wi l l b e i s s u e di n p a r a l l e l w i th a r e vi s i o n to th e C o d e .(b ) C o d e r e q u i r e m e n ts , C o d e C a s e s , a n d C o d e I n te r p r e ta ti o n s e s ta b l i s h e d b y th e C o m m i tte e a r e n o t to b e c o n s i d e r e da s a p p r o vi n g , r e c o m m e n d i n g , c e r ti fyi n g , o r e n d o r s i n g a n y p r o p r i e ta r y o r s p e c i fi c d e s i g n , o r a s l i m i ti n g i n a n y w a y th efr e e d o m o f m a n u fa c tu r e r s , c o n s tr u c to r s , o r O w n e r s to c h o o s e a n y m e t h o d o f d e s i g n o r a n y fo r m o f c o n s tr u c ti o n th a tc o n fo r m s to th e C o d e r e q u i r e m e n ts .(c) I n q u i r i e s th a t d o n o t c o m p l y wi th th e fo l l o wi n g g u i d a n c e o r th a t d o n o t p r o v i d e s u ffi c i e n t i n fo r m a ti o n fo r th e C o m m i tte e ’ s fu l l u n d e r s ta n d i n g m a y r e s u l t i n th e r e q u e s t b e i n g r e tu r n e d to th e I n q u i r e r wi th n o a c ti o n .
AS M E B PVC I I D M - SE C TI O N I I M ATERI ALS 201 ASME Bo i l e r a n d Pr e s s u r e Ve s s e l C o d e An I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o d e Par t D P ro p e r t i e s ( M e t ri c ) Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard,” or any other marking including “ASME,” ASME logos, or the Certification Mark shall not be used on any item that is not constructed in accordance with all of the applicable requirements of the Code or Standard Use of ASME’s name, logos, or Certification Mark requires formal ASME certification; if no certification program is available, such ASME markings may not be used (For Certification and Accreditation Programs, see https://www.asme.org/shop/certification accreditation.) ‐ Items produced by parties not formally certified by ASME may not be described, either explicitly or implicitly, as ASME certified or approved in any code forms or other document AN I N TERN ATI ON AL CODE 2017 ASM E Boi ler & Pressu re Vessel Cod e 017 Ed i ti on J u ly 1, 017 II M ATERI ALS Part D Properti es (M etri c) ASM E Boi ler an d Pressu re Vessel Com m i ttee on Materials Two Park Avenue • New York, NY • 001 USA Date of Issuance: July 1, 2017 This international code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards and it is an American National Standard The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large ASME does not “ approve,” “rate,” or “endorse ” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assume any such liability Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals The endnotes and preamble in this document (if any) are part of this American National Standard ASME collective membership mark Certification Mark The above ASME symbol is registered in the U.S Patent Office ASME ” is the trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers “ No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 56-3934 Printed in the United States of America Adopted by the Council of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1914; latest edition 2017 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Copyright © 2017 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All rights reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Sections Foreword Statement of Policy on the Use of the Certification Mark and Code Authorization in Advertising Statement of Policy on the Use of ASME Marking to Identify Manufactured Items Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees Personnel Summary of Changes List of Changes in Record Number Order Cross-Referencing and Stylistic Changes in the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Subpart Stress Tables Statement of Policy on Information Provided in the Stress Tables Guideline on Locating Materials in Stress Tables, and in Tables of Mechanical and Physical Properties xiii xv xvii xvii xviii xxi xl lvi lviii 1 Subpart Physical Properties Tables Introduction 802 802 Subpart Charts and Tables for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure 843 Mandatory Appendix Basis for Establishing Stress Values in Tables 1A and 1B Derivation of Allowable Stress Values 976 976 Mandatory Appendix Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity Values for Tables 2A, 2B, and 4, and Allowable Stress Values for Table 1-100 2-100 2-110 2-120 2-130 Derivation of Stress Intensity Values Criteria for Materials Other than Bolting: Tables 2A and 2B Criteria for Bolting Materials in Table for Use With Section III (Class and Rules); Section VIII, Division 1; Section VIII, Division (Part 4.16 Rules); and Section XII Criteria for Bolting Materials in Table for Use With Section VIII, Division 2, Part and Annex 5.F; and With Section III, Subsections NB and WB Mandatory Appendix Basis for Establishing External Pressure Charts General Basis of Charts in Subpart Background and Development of Theory Design Basis Criteria for Allowable Stresses Procedure and Responsibility for Chart Development Alternate Procedure for Determining Allowable Compressive Stresses References Mandatory Appendix Guidelines on the Approval of New Materials Under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 3-100 3-200 3-300 3-400 3-500 3-600 3-700 3-800 3-900 5-100 5-200 5-300 5-400 5-500 Code Policy Application Chemical Composition Metallurgical Structure and Heat Treatment Mechanical Properties iii 978 978 978 978 979 981 981 981 981 981 981 982 984 987 987 988 988 988 989 989 989 5-600 5-700 5-800 5-900 5-1000 5-1100 5-1200 5-1300 5-1400 5-1500 5-1600 5-1700 5-1800 5-1900 5-2000 5-2100 Definitions for Data Collection Purposes Required Sampling Time-Independent Properties Time-Dependent Properties Low-Temperature Properties Toughness Data Stress – Strain Curves Fatigue Data Physical Properties Data Requirements for Welds, Weldments, and Weldability Long-Term Properties Stability Requests for Additional Data New Materials Checklist Requirements for Recognized National or International Specifications Publication of Recognized National or International Specifications CEN Specifications 989 989 989 990 990 992 992 992 992 992 993 993 993 995 995 995 Mandatory Appendix 7-100 7-200 Guidelines on Multiple Marking of Materials Background Guidelines 996 996 996 Mandatory Appendix Standard Units for Use in Equations 998 Mandatory Appendix 10 Basis for Establishing Maximum Allowable Stress Values for Tables 5A and 5B 10-100 Derivation of Allowable Stress Values 999 999 Nonmandatory Appendix A General Metallurgical Changes That Can Occur in Service Uniform Corrosion Localized Corrosion Metallurgically Influenced Corrosion Mechanically Assisted Corrosion Environmmentally Induced Embrittlement and Cracking Mechanical Damage Mechanisms 1001 1001 1002 1009 1012 1013 1014 1015 1019 Nonmandatory Appendix B Developing Nominal Composition Designations for ASME Code Materials A-100 A-200 A-300 A-400 A-500 A-600 A-700 A-800 B-100 B-200 B-300 B-400 B-500 Nonmandatory Appendix C C-100 C-200 C-300 Nonmandatory Appendix D D-100 Issues Associated With Materials Used in ASME Code Construction Background General Guideline for All Materials Guidelines for Developing Nominal Composition Designations for Ferrous Materials Guidelines for Developing Nominal Composition Designations for Nonferrous Materials Summary Guidance for the Use of U.S Customary and SI Units in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Use of Units in Equations Guidelines Used to Develop SI Equivalents Soft Conversion Factors Guidelines for Rounding Minimum Specified Tensile and Yield Strength Values and for Establishing Anchor Points for Tensile and Yield Strength Trend Curves in Tables 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5A, 5B, U, U-2, and Y-1 Minimum Tensile Strength and Minimum Yield Strength Columns iv 1021 1021 1021 1022 1022 1023 1024 1024 1024 1026 1027 1027 D-200 D-300 Nonmandatory Appendix E E-100 FI G U RES G CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 CS-4 CS-5 CS-6 HT-1 HT-2 HA-1 HA-2 HA-3 HA-4 HA-5 HA-6 HA-7 HA-8 HA-9 HA-10 CI-1 Selecting Anchor Point for Tensile and Yield Strength Trend Curves for All Situations in Which the Minimum RT Specified Values in One Unit System Are Not Precise Conversions of the Units in the Other System Significant Figures in the Allowable Stress, Tensile Strength, and Yield Strength Tables in Section II, Part D and in Code Cases 1028 Material Data for Stress Analysis in the Time-Dependent Regime Introduction 1029 1029 Geometric Chart for Components Under External or Compressive Loadings (for All Materials) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Carbon or Low Alloy Steels With Specified Minimum Yield Strength Less Than 207 MPa Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Carbon or Low Alloy Steels With Specified Minimum Yield Strength 207 MPa and Higher Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steels With Specified Minimum Yield Strength 260 MPa and Higher for Temperatures 150°C and Less Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for SA-537 Thickness 64 mm and Less Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for SA-508 Class 1, Grades and 3; SA-508 Class 2, Grade 2; SA-533 Class 1, Grades A, B, C, and D; SA-533 Class 2, Grades A, B, C, and D; or SA-541 Grades and Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Carbon Steel With Specified Minimum Yield Strength of 138 MPa Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Quenched and Tempered Low Alloy Steel With Specified Minimum Yield Strength of 689 MPa and Thickness 64 mm and Less Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for SA-508 Grade 4N, Class or SA-543 Types B and C, Class With Specified Minimum Yield Strength of 689 MPa Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Austenitic Steel 18Cr– 8Ni, Type 304 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Austenitic Steel 16Cr– 12Ni – 2Mo, Type 316 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Austenitic Steel 18Cr– 8Ni– 0.035 Maximum Carbon, Type 304L Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Austenitic Steel 18Cr– 8Ni– Mo – 0.035 Maximum Carbon, Type 316L Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Austenitic– Ferritic Steel 18Cr– 5Ni– 3Mo S31500 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Austenitic Steel 21Cr– 11Ni – N S30815 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for SA-564 Type 630 H1150 (17Cr– 4Ni – 4Cu S17400) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Austenitic– Ferritic Steel 25Cr– 7Ni– 3Mo – 2W– 0.28N S39274 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Austenitic Steel 25Cr– 7.5Ni – 3.5Mo – N – Cu –W S32760 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Austenitic Stainless Steel 24Cr– 17Ni – 6Mn– 4.5Mo – N S34565 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Cast Iron v 1027 844 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 CD-1 CD-2 NFA-1 NFA-2 NFA-3 NFA-4 NFA-5 NFA-6 NFA-7 NFA-8 NFA-9 NFA-10 NFA-11 NFA-12 NFA-13 NFC-1 NFC-2 NFC-3 NFC-4 NFC-5 NFC-6 NFC-7 NFC-8 NFN-1 NFN-2 NFN-3 NFN-4 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Cast Ductile Iron With a Specified Minimum Yield Strength of 275 MPa Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Cast Ductile Iron With a Specified Minimum Yield Strength of 200 MPa Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 3003 in O Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 3003 in H14 Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 3004 in O Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 3004 in H34 Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 5154 in O Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 5454 in O Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 1060 in O Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 5052 in O Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 5086 in O Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 5456 in O Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Alloy 5083 in O Temper Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Welded Aluminum Alloy 6061 ‐ T6 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Welded Aluminum Alloy 6061 ‐ T4 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed Copper, Type DHP Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Copper– Silicon Alloy C65500 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed 90 – 10 Copper– Nickel Alloy Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed 70 – 30 Copper– Nickel Alloy Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Welded Copper– Iron Alloy Tube C19400 (SB ‐ 543 Welded) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for SB ‐ 75 and SB ‐ 111 Light Drawn Seamless Copper Tubes, Alloys C10200, C12000, C12200, and C14200 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed Copper, SB ‐ 75, UNS C12200, Temper 050 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Aluminum Bronze Alloy C61400 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed Low Carbon Nickel N02201 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed Nickel N02200 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed Nickel – Copper Alloy N04400 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed Nickel – Chromium – Iron Alloy N06600 vi 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 NFN-5 NFN-6 NFN-7 NFN-8 NFN-9 NFN-10 NFN-11 NFN-12 NFN-13 NFN-14 NFN-15 NFN-16 NFN-17 NFN-18 NFN-19 NFN-20 NFN-21 NFN-22 NFN-23 NFN-24 NFN-25 NFN-26 NFN-27 NFT-1 NFT-2 NFT-3 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Molybdenum Alloy N10001 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Molybdenum – Chromium – Iron Alloy N10003 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Iron – Chromium – Molybdenum – Copper Alloy N08825 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed Nickel – Iron – Chromium Alloy N08800 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed Nickel – Iron – Chromium Alloy N08810 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Low Carbon Nickel – Molybdenum – Chromium Alloy N10276 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Solution Treated Nickel – Chromium – Iron – Molybdenum – Copper Alloy N06007 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Chromium – Nickel – Iron – Molybdenum – Copper– Columbium Alloy N08020 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Iron – Chromium – Silicon Alloy N08330 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Chromium – Molybdenum Alloy N06455 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Molybdenum Alloy N06002 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Molybdenum Alloy N10665 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Annealed Nickel – Chromium – Molybdenum – Columbium Alloy N06625 (SB ‐ 443, SB ‐ 444, and SB ‐ 446) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Molybdenum – Chromium – Iron – Copper Alloy N06985 Having a Minimum Yield Strength of 240 MPa Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Molybdenum – Chromium – Iron – Copper Alloy N06985 Having a Minimum Yield Strength of 207 MPa Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Work‐ Hardened Nickel Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel – Chromium – Iron Alloy N06600 (Specified Minimum Yield Strength 276 MPa) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Solution Annealed Ni– Cr– Mo – Cb Alloy, Grade N06625 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Cold Worked Nickel – Iron – Chromium Alloy N08800 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Nickel Alloy N06230 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Stress Relieved Nickel Alloy N02200 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Alloy S31277 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Alloy N06035 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Unalloyed Titanium Grade (UNS R50550) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Unalloyed Titanium Grade (UNS R50400) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Titanium Grade (UNS R50250) vii 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 NFT-4 NFT-5 NFT-6 NFZ-1 NFZ-2 3-500.1 3-500.2 3-500.3 3-700.1 E-100.2-1 E-100.4-1 E-100.4-2 E-100.4-3 E-100.4-4 E-100.4-5 E-100.5-1 E-100.5-2 E-100.5 ‐ E-100.5-4 E-100.5-5 E-100.7-1 E-100.7-2 E-100.7-3 E-100.7-4 E-100.7-5 E-100.7-6 E-100.15-1 E-100.15-2 E-100.15-3 E-100.16-1 E-100.16-2 E-100.16-3 E-100.16-4 E-100.16-5 E-100.17-1 E-100.17-2 E-100.17-3 E-100.18-1 E-100.18-2 E-100.18-3 E-100.18-4 E-100.18-5 Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Titanium Grade Alloy (UNS R56320) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Titanium Grade 12 Alloy (UNS R53400) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Titanium Grade 38 (UNS R54250) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Zirconium Alloy (UNS R60702) Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed for Zirconium Alloy (UNS R60705) Temperature Limits for Application of Section II External Pressure Charts for Cylinder Under External Pressure Temperature Limits for Application of Section II External Pressure Charts for Cylinder Under Axial Compression Temperature Limits for Application of Section II External Pressure Charts for Sphere Under External Pressure Normalization of Test σ – ε to σ y m i n and E c o d e Permissible Time/Temperature Conditions for Material That Has Been Cold Worked >5% and