New vocabulary: lake, snake, like, don’t like, leg, jet, zebra, van
Materials required for the lesson: Textbook (page 60); Board CD Picture; Alphabet cards, cards
with words from the lesson.
Time, materialsand steps
Warm up
5 minutes - Divide class into two groups
- Review the last lesson by showing some picturesof a dog, cat, and turtle.
-Pay attention to thepictures
- Use a piece of paper to hide a picture and thenslowly lift the paper up to reveal the picture Askchildren to speak out the name of animals in eachpicture
-Call out the name ofthe animals in eachpicture in English.
Teacher’s presentation
15 minutesTextbook,picture, alphabetcards, CD
*Activity 1: Listen and chant.,
1 Teach the new word: rat, like, swim, lake byshowing pictures of a rat, a swimming girl, a lake,an apple
- Show a picture of a rat and ask students: “Is it arat?”
1 Answer theteacher’s questions:con chuot, co gai dangboi, cai ho, qua taoYes, I like
This is a rat/ a girl isswimming/ a lake/ anapple
- Show pictures of a rat, a swimming girl, a lake,an apple and ask students: What is this? Do youlike the apple?
Trang 2- Repeat after theteacher.
-Ask the students to look at the pictures in theirbooks and describe what they see in the picture.
-Look at the pictures intheir books anddescribe in L1 whatthey see.
- Give Ss some pictures of a rat; a swimming girl,a lake, an apple so that they will raise them whenthey chant.
- Repeat after theteacher and raisepictures T gives
- Ask them to stand up.
- Play the CD again with pauses and have studentsuse their pictures to chant along.
- Stand up
- Listen and use theirpictures to chant afterthe pauses.
-Divide the class into 5 groups and give eachgroup a name of one thing: group 1 is a cat, group2 is a rat, group 3 is a girl, group 4 is a lake, group5 is a snake
- Play the CD again, and ask them to stand upwhen hearing the name of their own group.
- Listen and stand upwhen hearing the nameof their group.
*Activity 2: Listen and say
-Hold up alphabet cards with / l/, /j/, /z/,/v/ /n/letters: for the children to repeat
- Look at the teacher,listen and repeat
-Stick the alphabet cards above and the pictures ofa rat; a swimming girl, a lake, an apple on the walland board around the classroom.
-Look at the picture.- Read aloud the sounds and the words that contain
these sounds And ask students to repeat and pointto the picture on the wall respectively
Ex: /z/ Zoko /n/ snake /j/ Jake…
-Read aloud thesounds and the words-Repeat and point thepictures
- Play the CD and ask the students to listen.
- Play the CD again and pause at each sound andhave students point to the correct letter on the wall
- Listen to the CD- Point to the correctletter on the wall and
Trang 3and board the board.
- Have students play the game: face to face -Listen to the teacher’sinstruction.
- Call two students of two groups to come to thefront of the class: ask one student to say a sound(Ex: /z/), and invite other student to say the wordthat contain that sound (Ex: Zoko).
- Two students cometo the front of theclass, one say a sound,and one say a word.- And continue the game with other sounds and
Students’ practice
5 minutes
textbook, CD,picture
*Activity 3: Look and listen Then connect andwrite.
- Stick 4 pictures of a wolf, a girl, a queen, a rat onthe board.
- Write “zebra”, “jet”, “van”, “leg”, “nine” acrossthe board as separate letters
- Pay attention to theboard
- Play the CD and have students listen to thesounds.
- Ask one student to connect the letters on theboard with a line.
- Listen to the sounds- Connect the letters onthe board with a line.- Ask students to look at their books.
- Play the CD again and have them connect theletters in their books.
1, zebra 2, jet 3, nine 4, van 5, leg
- Look at their books- Connect the letters intheir books.
Students’ production
7 minutes *Activity 4: Underline l, j, z, v, n
- Point to the chant on the board and invitestudents to underline the letters
Trang 4sound /z/ first to underline sounds intheir books.
- Continue to call other students to underline othersounds left.
- Ask them to use different colors to underlinesounds of the chant in their books.
- Move round class and monitor the students’activity.
Answers: Zoko, And, Zaza, like, in, lake, don’t,
Guessing game:
- Divide the class into two groups: group A and B.- Turn back to student and write in the air thesound /z/, /j/, /v/, /n/ .and have students guesswhat sound it is
- Work in teams
-Listen to the teacherand spell out thewords.