OB3 Portfolio Organization Behavior 3: Leadership Instructor: Ms Vo Thuy Nhat Minh Student: Nguyen Thi Kim Anh Submission date: 13 July 2018 1| OB3 Portfolio 2| OB3 Portfolio After accomplishment of the grouping and selecting members, my group was named Genius team, and consisted of members which included Dang Khoa, Tran Vu, Do Toan, Minh Thu, Cam Ly, and me This was quite difficult for us to be able to choose a suitable leader as we had just known each other for the first time However, after the first discussion slot, we chose Tran Vu become the leader because we all felt that Tran Vu was the best person who suitable for this position I didn’t run as a team leader, because I felt I still had some shortcoming that would have a negative impact on teamwork I could understand and analyze the theory very quickly; however, I sometimes worked meticulously I always asked for everything to be almost absolute Otherwise, I would felt uncomfortable and maybe that would create pressure for my team I had had soft skills which could communicate easily with people, understood and motivated them However, I still hot-headed in some cases In my view, throughout the working institution had actually appeared the problems that affect the performance of the work Each group might had specific problems, and our problems was that negative team-work skills and restricted knowledge of some members in group They couldn’t understand clearly about the theory learned, other didn’t have teamwork skills or speaking skills They usually absent from important group meetings This was negatively impact a lot of on the performance of the teamwork that was the reason why the deadline being slower than planned To fixed this problem, our team leader and me had proposed some solution was that we had established deadline earlier for other had more motivation; And let them had made choice about concepts which they confident that they could a good job About me, I had felt that in the process of teamwork, I always fulfilled my role and responsibility I always completed the work on the deadline of the group, and attended in the classroom to absorb the best what the instructor taught, to be able to apply to the presentation better Besides, I also had need to improved my English communication skills become more better I think if I could improved this kill, my study had been more easily That means mightbe I had found a better job in future 3| OB3 Portfolio 4| OB3 Portfolio I did MBTI test few day ago and the result was ENFJ-T (The Commander) Steve Jobs (2005) had a nice saying about ENFJ, that a while is confined, so don’t waste it living someone else’s lifestyles Don’t be trapped by way of dogma — that is living with the consequences of different human’s questioning Don’t allow the noise of others’ evaluations drown out your very own inner voice And maximum vital, have the braveness to observe your heart and instinct They one way or the other already realize what you genuinely want to emerge as Everything else is secondary I feel this result is relatively consistent with my personality The One Think You Need to Know is a book of Marcus Buckingham, which was written in 2005 The most interesting thing about this book I want to share is interesting information concerning the behaviors that create an establishment for leadership and managerial success According to Buckingham, managers should recognition on capitalizing on worker specialty (Buckingham, 2005, p.58) A manager ought to familiarize him or herself with the talents and abilities of a worker and use that understanding to direct the individual inside the route of organizational goals Marcus Buckingham has a good saying in the book that is “You need to make knowledge and serving the individual employee your first priority as a supervisor, so employees will agree with you sincerely care about them and are invested in their achievement” (Buckingham, 2005, p.58) The following four assistance are critical to successfully of this book that I think it will help me improve my leadership style better in the future The first is choose the right people, it means the leader need to understand the abilities, talents, and personality developments need in each of employees to achieve organizational goals After that use structured interviewing strategies to identify applicants that meet these needs The second is clearly define behavior expectations The leader will give a clear attention for employees, in order that they understand the elements that define excellence for their activity Next is encourage and shape behavior with reward; when define behaviors critical to process achievement, support employees who showcase these behaviors with frequent and honest reward Other employees will watch what receives praised, so set the bar high for excellence and reward the stairs in the direction of it and reward those who attain it And the last is demonstrate caution and concern; the leader need to Create strong bonds of 5| OB3 Portfolio believe and admire among their own self and each worker only, then leader are able to count on them to forge similar bonds with each other and with clients An employees’ believe in leader is constructed on a basis of feeling understood and believing which the leader care about and are invested in his or her achievement Because I am not the leader of the group in Organization Behavior 3: Leadership, so I would like to share about the other group activities that I assumed the position of leader and how I apply the assistance to the group activities I've applied four assistance during group activities in the way how to managing members in group, and give the parts that match their ability Foremost, I always engage with partners; I try to construct a comfortable environment to working without pressure I communicate with them about the course of the assignment and requested for theirs comments Then, our group will discuss the problem in the task, find out the key words and main ideas that my group has to find information for our assignment Finally, I select the suitable and possible members for the task And I was person that designing PowerPoint due to the fact I has the potential to design better than the other members 6| OB3 Portfolio Reference Lists: Jobs, S (2005) Commencement Address Presented at: Stanford University Pierce, Jon L and Newstrom, John W (Ed.) (2010) The One Thing You Need to Know: About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success New York: Free Press Appendix: The author also believes control and leadership are separate and awesome roles requiring differing behaviors a good way to achieve success While management should recognition on distinctiveness, leadership should begin with an imaginative and prescient and capitalize at the commonplace A leader has an obligation to make people who are being led see and accept as true with in his or her imaginative and prescient via tapping into individuals’ not unusual desires for protection, community, readability, authority and recognize (Buckingham, 2005, pp 59-60) 7| ... believes control and leadership are separate and awesome roles requiring differing behaviors a good way to achieve success While management should recognition on distinctiveness, leadership should... my study had been more easily That means mightbe I had found a better job in future 3| OB3 Portfolio 4| OB3 Portfolio I did MBTI test few day ago and the result was ENFJ-T (The Commander) Steve.. .OB3 Portfolio 2| OB3 Portfolio After accomplishment of the grouping and selecting members, my group was