OB3 Leadership - October 2016 Trần Khoa by Khoa Trần FILE KHOA- VIP_T R_N_KHOA_FEEDBACK.DOCX (16.4 3K) T IME SUBMIT T ED 16- NOV- 2016 11:33AM WORD COUNT 852 SUBMISSION ID 38102989 CHARACT ER COUNT 180 II Iindiivudiuall !ev,alllll~rthJIf1I: ~koa; I am 'team members: a leader is the person who has the' abrutllwttyo stead up and g,et: 8,nd {il'ov'ren the Job TOr each M em her, a person w~111Il1le1',1da the gr'o'up to s U (012:$$ So I II)catJo[nJas a [uwme'mbemIb"e'cause' I f.ee,11th1 at I don't have' enough of a Illead,er ,of the' glo'OUiP, did not: have' 'enoug'h confid enoe to stand a mongst tille' ,c[ti"Owd to in spillre' th e' Illwstell1e[r',don II't:halve' the aibii~iitvto g'Dvern mnthe grou p, la'l: dh,o-r~ ~ -_, I ' - W,~a,lk:li1iesses:[mlY ck of confidence wlhle'lUl,ists,lI1ding in front of the crowd to convlnce people about hls presentatlon, My (iOmr[mlrunicat:i'on English slkmilimms not gocd my presentations sheuld not be ~lluem::yand also many errors when reading ElIlglish" D'iiffi,cullt IP,rCl,bllelm:isn, the process ,of wo,rlkai'lll= some' diffi,cilJltlli,es I encountered durii[i1~ thms time was the first time not yet a'IPlpnJ'p'[rliiat'eto tlhe work gn]IIJIP sih,ouilid I slso encountered some dini,clIJltffi'eson the job sea[r',eh1~lI1fmlmlatio0r[n1fI the Web ,a,ndfllnboob" 8,e'cause English skill ~salso we'ak~ sihouilid I stm~b1e1'1mlitl he job, I not have enough oQnfide'nc,e to e'xp'lress and not ve't fluent whelil.standm[ng ln front of the' ,c[n:lwd to s ulPPleme nt tih,emr Enlillish skill, ilt will help me' be' ,confilident wlh,en standilng in frent owthe crowd tOI express tlllJe[lfl'tl.~ yLeader and the te,a[mlmembers Som~ :slollut~Q'li1IsI: have helped me lin fiilnding lnformatlon wlhl'e[n~[ntrouble: peopte help me Ir~'filnr,emlnrf,o[rmaUOIfioIund mn tihe' workinlil process, I need help from the' leader and eve[ry'o[i1,ewhen lt's diffif:ult to have experience mliwl ork for pr'es'e[lfItat:i(D ... blllame~r:.eioJI::.e.IJje_e~ readershiilPhav _ ,of cmJlrage iiimIlmlV groUIP ••••• OB3 Leadership - October 2016 - Trần Khoa GRADEMARK REPORT FINAL GRADE GENERAL COMMENTS /0 Instructor PAGE Article Error Yo