Children have to discuss serious things or big decisions with their parents as it shows respect to them.. But these small things can make teens angry because they feel their parents don’
Trang 22 Some parents spend too little time communicating with and listening to their children.
3 Children have to discuss serious things or big decisions with their parents as it shows respect to them
4 Corporal punishment is not allowed since this may cause a serious impact on their children’s development
5 Every home should have a list o f family rules which state expectations for behaviour
6 It is important to inform the family before going out anywhere
I)-M atch a type o f family in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank.
1 Nuclear family A a family where one or more o f the children has been
2 Extended family B it consists o f a husband and wife living and working
together without any child
3 Single-parent family C an arrangement where divorced parents both have
legal responsibility for their children Children may alternatively live with both parents or live with one and have regular visitation with the other
4 Blended family D a family unit in which the grandparents raise their
grandchildren for a variety o f reasons They need to
go back to work or find additional sources of income to help raise their grandchildren
5 Childless family E a family unit which includes grandparents, uncles,
aunts in addition to parents and children
— — 6 Grandparent family F a family where one or more o f the children is legally
a temporary member of the household
7 Homosexual family G a family unit in which a mother or father heads the
family alone
8 Adoptive family Bf a family consisting o f two parents and their children,
not including grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc
9 Foster family I a family in which the adults are the same sex
10 Co-custody family J it is formed when a divorced or widowed parent
Bái tap Tieng Anh 11 - 5
Trang 3II)-Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box There are two extra words.
The benefits o f family management also include:
- bringing family members (1) together
- making it (2) for grown-ups and children to talk
- making everyone more organised and less (3)
- making the most o f (4) time and finances
- helping adults deal with the way children (5) _ _
- providing a w ay o f passing on your family (6)
- helping children develop important social (7) for life
- helping your family find more time to have (8) together
III) -FilI in each blank with ONE suitable word.
There are several steps that can help all family members be consistent to follow the rules
- Parents can (1) about what rules would help their family and agreewhich ones to set
- Parents can post the rules in the house so everyone can (2) them
- Parents can have conversations with other adults who (3) _ for theirchildren about the rules This helps make sure everyone knows what is allowed and not allowed
- Parents can (4) all other members to be consistent in following the rules
- Parents can (§) children about the rules Repeating the rules andposting them in the home are all good ways to make children remember the rules
IV ) -Fi!l in each b la n k in the following sentences w ith the correct w o rd fro m the box
1 Research shows that rituals can strengthen your family’s _ and helppass them on to your children
2 Children object the fact that parents try t o _ curfews and set time asidefor studying sessions
3 A generation gap is usually defined as the difference in values, andbehavior between one generation and the next
4 No hurting anyone’s feelings or body, and asking permission to borrow other people’sbelongings are examples o f behavior
5 As children get older and m o re , the rules can develop with them
6 If household chores are shared, th e is lighter on everyone
7 Family rules m ight include specific bedtimes, chores, _and other behaviors
8 A is a person who tries to persuade people to stop arguing or fighting
9 A _is a person who takes care o f babies or children while their parents areaway from home
10.1 have th re e : two brothers and a sister
6 - Lifu H oàng T ri
Trang 4Families are the most important parts o f our society If the families in a community arestrong, it means this community is much more (1) In my opinion, havingextended families to live together is the best for some reasons.
First o f all, if you live in an extended family, it means there are always some people(2) are willing to help you whenever you need It is very beneficial if you are
in a bad situation For instance, one o f my friends lives with his grandfather He had a terribleaccident last week and his grandfather, who has been retired, looked (3) him all week This experience (4) me think that, extended families are goodfor everyone when they need help
Moreover, living in an extended family (5) an amazing opportunity tospend time together W hen your relatives live far away from each other, therefore, you can see each other only on holidays If you live with your extended family, you will have a (6) to spend more time with them
Furthermore, it is good to live in extended families to share the house expenses If youlive in a city, you must pay rent, gas and electricity (7) as well as for creditcards etc It is really hard to pay them alone, but if you live with your extended family it means, you can share all the expenses
In conclusion, living in an extended family brings a lot o f (8) .Members in extended families can help each other and have a(n) (9) to seeeach other Because o f all these reasons, it is better to live in an extended families than in a(n)
( 10 ) family
V)-Fili in each b la n k in the essay about extended families w ith ONE suitable w ord
V I)-M atch each word (1-8) w ith another word (a-h) to make a compound noun, then fill
in each blank the appropriate word corresponding to the meaning.
1 air 2 back
3 bed 4 country 5 day 6 dead 7 feed 8 run
A : the system for sending letters by plane
E : the time in the early morning when light first appears
G : opinion about something to inform whether it is successful or liked
H. : a long hard piece o f ground where airplanes take off or land
VII)-You are having dinner with people you don’t know well Which of the things below
sh o u ld you do and which shO lfldn'tyou do in your culture?
2 You wait for the others before you start eating
6 You put your chopsticks and spoons on the plate when you finish
Bai tap Tieng Anh 11 - 7
Trang 51 In a park, you (must/mustn’t) _walk on the grass.
2 On a bus, you (must/mustn’t) _talk to the driver
3 In a library, students (may/must) _borrow up to six books
4 In an exam, students (must/mustn’t) _answer all the questions
5 To ride a motorbike, students (must/have to) _ be over 16 years old
6 In a hotel, guests (must/ have to) _use the exit only in an emergency
VIII)-Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentences.
IX)-Ann is still at school Her brother, Ed, left school last year Complete the conversation
with have to /d o n 't have t o and the verbs in the box.
Y ou’re so lucky! You (1) _ :
Yes, I know, but now I (2) _
That’s not so bad A t least you (3)_
Right, but I (4) _
calls It’s boring!
N ot as boring as school! And you (5)_
Well, no, but I (6) _
What about the questions at the interview? I (8)
smart clothes when I go to a job interview. the teacher’s questions all day
to answer those
OK, but you (9)_
Well, I (10)
about the exams
^ good at my job all week, or my boss dismiss me!
For family rules to work well, everyone needs to know, understand, and follow the rules
By doing this, children don’t get confused about the family rules For example, you may feel that jum ping on the bed is a dangerous behavior You set a family rule that, “The bed will be used only for sitting, lying, or sleeping.” If another adult jum ps on the bed, your child may be confused Your child may think this behavior is sometimes okay This is true for parents, grandparents, or any other adult in your child’s life
The number o f rules you set depends on your child’s ability to understand and remember
It is also hard for parents to consistently enforce lots o f new rules For young children, focus
8 - Liiu H o àn g T ri
Trang 6on only two or three of the most important rules at any one time As your child leams a rule and is following it consistently, you can add new rules.
1 Family rules are useful for children’s future life
2 Sometimes a child breaks the rule to experience the world around him
3 All the children who break the rules are stubborn and bad
4 Family rules should be applied the same to all members
5 Young children are interested in new rules and follow them consistently
6 It is difficult to set the same number of rules for all the families
Ill-R ea d the passage about parent teenager problems, and then answer the questions.
Parent Teenager Problems
Parent teenager problems are a common thing in most households Reasons for problems between teenagers and parents vary greatly, and each situation is different another, but there are common reasons for parent teenager problems
First, a teenager is getting bad grades at school This can cause a problem because the parents o f a teen who is not getting the best grades in school will
be worried about him graduating from high school and getting into college Also, if a teen gets bad grades, he probably will not get any scholarships for school, which can be a hardship on parents
Next, a teen is hanging out with a bad crowd A teenager who has friends that do things their parents
do not approve o f can end up doing those things too, and the teen's friends will probably not be received well by the parents
Then, a parent who is very strict with their teenager will probably have problems with him at some point It is important to be firm, but not very firm, since this may make a teenager want to rebel even more
If you are having problems with your parents, you will probably want to fix them Lack
o f communication causes a lot o f problems between parents and teenagers It is important for both parties to communicate You should do things together with your parents, such as going
to a movie or playing board games, or go to a family counselor
Fixing a family problem might seem hard, but as long as everyone communicates his or her feelings, everything should work out in the end
1 W hat are the common reasons for parent teenager problems?
2 W hat are the effects o f bad grades o f a teen at school?
Bai tap Tieng Anh 11 - 9
Trang 73 Why do parents worry when their teen is hanging out with a bad crowd?
4 W hen does a teenager want to rebel?
5 What are the w ays to fix the problems between parents and their teens?
III)-Read the passage about family rules, and then answer the questions.
Just like any institution, a family also needs rules Rules are very important because they keep things in order For a family, rules are as necessary as food and clothing The rules are very important because they maintain peace and order in the family For example, children should respect and listen to their parents
If there are decisions to be made, for example, it is not only the parents who are going to decide especially if the children are already grown up It would be better if everybody is involved in making the decision o f important matters
Rules are needed to maintain a harmonious relationship among family members Parents are there the pillars o f the family and to guide the children to be responsible and practise good values.Rules teach children to become more responsible and have discipline not only at home but especially outside o f the home When there are rules to follow, the children will know what they should and should not do Rules help to avoid conflict and misunderstanding that may lead to fights and aggression especially among children Parents should set rules for the children to follow to avoid quarrels and fights There are times when children fight over simple matters and this happens if the parents do not interfere but when parents set the rules and let the children follow there will be fewer or no conflicts
1 Why are family rules important?
2 Who should be involved in making the decision o f important matters?
3 What is the role o f parents in family life?
4 What are the benefits o f family rules for children?
5 W hat can family rules prevent?
10 - Lrfu H oang T ri
Trang 8Teen Advice Blog Share your worries and opinions with other teens Zoe: Posted yesterday at 17:10
M adonna Fan M other
My problem is my mum! She’s really nice and I get on well with her I sometimes argue with her about little things, but nothing important All my friends love her - she’s great fun When she was at my age, Madonna was really popular and Mum was a fan - she wore miniskirts and leggings, lots o f jewellery, and dyed her hair blond I think she wanted to be Madonna! She was only sixteen so it was okay However, she still wears leggings and short denim skirts now, and I can’t stand it She even uploads photos o f herself onto her homepage, so all my online friends can see her What can I do?
Benny: Posted today at 13:21
You’re lucky to have a cool mum - my mum is so conservative She wears baggy jeans, and long skirts, and she never wears jewellery Although she’s only thirty-seven, everybody thinks she’s older because her clothes are old-fashioned One friend even thought she was my grandmother! Your mum should give my mum some fashion advice!
Jolie: Posted today at 11:10
I agree with you, Zoe My problem is my father He loves T-shirts with bad slogans like,
“This is what a cool dad looks like.” ©
JJR: Posted today at 7:45
I think your m um ’s cool But why are you friends with her online??!!?? She’s your mother, not your friend!',
Zoe: Posted today at 21:01
My mum got me a fantastic new laptop for my birthday, so when she wanted to be my online friend, I couldn’t say no! Sometimes, she’s at work and I’m at home, and she wants
to have a real-time chat with me online! I just go offline I love chatting to my friends, but
I can chat to Mum w hen I get home
Ross: Posted yesterday at 17:26
Zoe, your mum wants to stay young, and why not? Her generation wore denim miniskirts before our generation Y ou say she’s great fun - that’s more important than the clothes she wears Most parents don’t understand the virtual world, but you’re lucky - your mother has
a homepage and knows how to use it I think that’s great ©
Task 1: What is Z oe’sproblem? Circle the correct answer.
A She thinks her m other looks like Madonna
B She wants a new laptop
C She doesn’t like her mother’s clothes
Task 2: Match the underlined words in the text with the definitions below.
IV )-Read the blog, an d do the tasks th a t follow
Bai tap Tieng Anh 11 - 11
Trang 9Task 3: Read the blog again Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Zoe’s friends get on well with her mother
2 Zoe’s mother wears normal clothes for Jier age
3 Benny’s mother looks old for her age
4 Jolie’s father likes slogans
5 JJR thinks it’s okay for Zoe to be online friends with her mother
6 Zoe likes chatting to her mother online
7 Zoe couldn’t say no to her m other’s offer to be her online friend due to her
V)-Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Dating Customs Around the World
Dating is rare in Afghanistan because most marriages are arranged by parents, and schools are separate for boys and girls The opportunities to meet are rare Girls have a 7:00
pm curfew, while boys have an 11:00 pm curfew
It is against the law to date in Iran Teens are separated until they are o f marrying age, then their families introduce them to each other and sometimes a courtship follows
Most teens go out in large groups and don't pair o ff until they are 18 or 19 years old in Australia Girls often ask boys out and pay for the date, too Couples often go to dinner parties, barbecues, or the beach
Dating is usually a group event in Europe In Spain, teens join a pandilla, a club for a group o f friends with the same interests, like cycling or hiking Dating is done one-to-one and both girls and boys ask each other out and split the cost o f the evening's entertainment
In Russia, dates take place at dances or at clubs where teens eat or chat with friends As many as 30 teens m ay come to a cinema to attend a movie together In small towns, teens meet in the streets dow ntown or gather around a fountain
In Japan and Korea, most high school students don't date or go to parties, but spend their time studying instead Dating begins in college, when only boys do the asking and pay for the dates
1 In Muslim countries as Afghanistan and Iran, dating i s
A arranged by parents B introduced by families
2 All o f the following are true about dating in Australia EXCEPT th a t
A they often go out in large groups
B only girls ask boys out and pay for the date
C they are not often in a relationship until the age o f 18 or 19
D the m ost venues for dating are dinner parties, barbecues, or the beach
3 In Spain when having a date, teenagers
A with the same interests often go to a club
12 - Ltfu H oang T ri
Trang 10B go cycling or hiking in pairs
C boys often pay for the cost o f the entertainment
D join a pandilla to enjoy the evening’s entertainment
4 In Russia, teenagers
A meet in the streets near their houses in small towns
B gather around in order to have a fountain
C have dating at cinemas, dances, or clubs
D may come to a cinema when the number o f them is 30
5 In Japan and K orea,
A female college students can ask boys for dating
B most college students concentrate on studying instead o f dating
C dating is very rare for high school students
D high school students often go to parties and share the cost
I)-CompIete the conversation with the correct phrases/clanses below.
sorry A P I think that’s a bit unfair
I really think B E In my opinion
I disagree C F What do you think?
Mum: I’ve told you to tidy your room 100 times!
Mum: Yes, you have Saturday afternoon?
Mum: Well, you could do it now - (3)
II)-C om piete the conversation about fights between teenagers and their parents, using the responses (A-G) given There are two extra ones.
A But these small things can make teens angry because they feel their parents don’t
respect them and aren’t giving them space to do what they like
B But when kids grow up and become teens, they develop their own identity that is different from their parents’
C It can take several years for parents and teens to adjust to their new roles, though In
the meantime, concentrate on communicating with your parents as much as you can
D In m ost families, the fact that kids make their own decisions can cause a lot o f fighting between teens and parents
E For example, if you are willing to clean your room in order to stay out an hour later, both you and your parents walk away with a good deal
Bai tap Tieng A nh 11 - 13
Trang 11F The good new s about fighting with parents is that they get more comfortable with the idea that their teens have a right to certain opinions and an identity that may be different from theirs.
G Oh, a lot The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the posters on your bedroom walls, where you go, and the friends you have
Sam: Nick, what fights are there between a teenager and the parents?
Sam: Right Our parents often make decisions about everything in our lives
Nick: It’s a good thing because small kids need this kind o f protection and assistance
Sam: I agree with you When we grow up, we can make our own decisions Our parents
aren’t used to the new situation yet They only know us as the kid who had everything decided and didn’t mind
_ We want to cover ourwalls with new posters but they don’t understand why we don’t like the childish wallpaper anymore
Sam: Clashes like these small things are very common between teens and parents
Sam: That’s right And parents also get angry because they disagree with the teens’ decisions
I)-Complete the sentences without changing their meanings.
1 It is important for all family members to discuss the rules
All family m e m b e rs _ _
2 It is a good idea for young children to receive lots of encouragement to follow family rules.Young children
3 Children feel safe and secure with the daily routines
The daily ro u tin e s _
4 Every family m em ber shares the household chores The burden is lighter for everyone If
14 - Liïu H oàng T ri
Trang 125 It is a good idea to hold an informal family meeting to give family members a chance to suggest better ways to share household chores.
A My friends encourage me when I am surrounded by problems.
B It teaches me the value o f love, affection, care, truthfulness and self-confidence and
provides me tools and suggestions which are necessary to get success in life
C And my parents never let me stay up so much late at night.
D It helps me in improving my personality.
E I am always willing to tell you all about my family
F And one more thing I have to follow is talking on the phone - that is I have to set a limit to my using o f the phone
G Now I am preparing for the coming tests in several subjects
87 Tran Hung Dao Street Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
25th August, 20
Dear Anna,
I have received your letter and I feel so glad when knowing that you have passed your examinations with good marks You want me to tell you about my family rules, and the
Family rules? It's an interesting topic, isn't it? It may be obvious that every family has its own rules, and mine has a few.
First, I'm allowed to watch TV during my free time, or when I have finished all my homework
Next, my parents don't permit me to go out with my friends without necessary reasons, for example, my friends ’ birthdays.
Besides, I have to take a balanced diet to keep fit fo r my study (3) _
For me, family is very important part o f my everyday life (4)
my life (5)_
It also helps me in shaping
Bdi tap Tieng Anh 11 - 15
Trang 13I have told you something about my family rules How about your fam ily rules? Are you ready
to let me know about it? I am really excited to hear about it And I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes to you!
III)-W rite complete sentences about parent-child conflicts, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms You can add some more necessary words, but you have
to use all the w ords given.
1 Parent-child conflicts/ occur/ many reasons
2 Resolving/ parent-child conflict/ require/ participation/ everyone involved
3 Communication/ very useful tool/ resolving conflicts
4 Parents/ try/ understand/ what/ a child/ think/ instead of/ criticize/ them/ all the time
5 Family rules/ appropriate and fair/ in order/ avoid conflicts
IV)-Write a blog rep ly to Bobby65
My problem is I sometimes argue with my dad When he was young, lie did his homework
in his bedroom w ith no music or TV He thinks I should do the same and he can’t stand it when I do my homework, listen to music, and I’m online, too Although I can understand why
he is worrying, I am very good at multitasking and I always do my homework and get good marks I get on well with my dad, but this is one thing we can’t agree on What can I do?
Note: - multitask (v) = to do different things at the same time
16 - Lifu H oàng T ri
Trang 14ï e ,? i i' ',i.n ut i)
I) -Find the w ord which has a different sound in the p art underlined
II) -Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4 A elegant B argument C compassion D comfortable
III) -Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6 Different people may have different towards clothing because there are no globalstandards
7 Teenage is the period which is full o f excitement, experiments a n d
A conflicts B violence C enjoyment D opposing
8 She considers people to be the products o f the values a n d _ o f the society they live in
A norms B requirements C situations D behaviours
9 Conflict or fighting between parents also has a n egative on children’s sense ofsafety and security
10 is the state o f being a father
A Father B Father-in-law C Fatherhood D Fatherland
11 According to the school regulations, y o u go to school on time on the weekday
12 Children _ break the rules, or quarrel with parents
13 “Y o u _ come back home before curfew, or you’ll get punishment, son.”
14 We _ do fun things together as a family on a regular basis
15 Y o u spit in any situation, or anywhere
IV) -Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box There are some extra words.
Bài tâp Tiéng Anh 11 - 1 /
Trang 15Generation gap is a problem o f many people, and almost everybody experiences it Every generation has (16) _ , conflicts and problems with other generations.Every next generation understands the m odem world better They study new(17) better and faster than previous generations Be sure that yourchild understands everything and knows a lot about m odem life.
Parents think that they know everything about the world and want to save their children from negative influence o f the world and society in particular They want to prevent negative experience o f their children But just the opposite thing happens The protest is the
(18) _ o f teens on such care.But what should be done to maintain positive atmosphere in the family? First o f all, parents should understand that their child is a well-formed(19) that has his/her own needs Some o f these needs should besatisfied You must explain to your child what is wrong A happy and understanding family is always ready to support a child
And a child should always remember that its parents are the only people whom it can always rely on Parents are the only people that will help you in any (20) _
V)-Choose the w o rd o r p h ra se am ong A, B, C o r D th a t best fits the b la n k space in thefollowing passage
Generation GapGeneration gap is a popular (21) used to describe the wide differences betweenmembers o f younger generation and their older A generation gap exists when older andyounger people don't understand each other (22) their experiences, their opinions,habits, behaviour and life conditions Generation gap can exist between two, or even three generations in a family, between mature and immature generations
Firstly, there are some different opinions between parents and children o f their career,education and love People live in the old society always think they should (23) everything for their children from selections of primary school to job, and then finding a wife
or a husband for their children There are many things children want but their parents think (24) are unnecessary That causes misunderstanding and (25) _gaps
Secondly, the young generation thinks differently from the old generation does They can
be affected by many new fashion (26) Life is more modem now, so fashion likerecreation, entertainment, clothes, and hairstyle has to be changed to become more(27) for busy life The young generation likes listening to pop, rock, hip hop music,but the older generation likes listening to classical music, folk songs There are always gaps between generations
Next, the older generation has more experiences than the younger: they know what is right, what is wrong b u t the younger will comment, deny everything without any experiences.(28) , in some cases, the young generation makes foolish mistakes because o f having
no experiences
In short, parents seldom listen to their children and children always think parents are so strict and conservative To shorten these distances or to (29) this big barrier, parents
i 6 - Liiu H oang T ri
Trang 16and children should sit together and talk or discuss like friends The young generation canlearn experiences from the old one, and the old generation need to refresh their (3ft) toreceive the new lifestyle If everyone can do that, the gaps will be filled.
27 A available B suitable C corresponding D accustomed
29 A clear away B clear off C clear up D clear out
VI)-Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question
It is generally accepted that teenage is a difficult period o f life for the teenagers and even for the parents Frequent fighting over the most trivial things is one main characteristic of every household with a teenager
Parents expect their children to come back home earlier What parents consider the reasonable time limit is not accepted by their teens Curfew and time restrictions become one
o f the main reasons for fights
Teenage is a time when a lot o f kids want to show their independence The problem arises when parents, fearing the safety o f their teens, often refuse to give them their own bikes or motorbikes This, o f course, leads to more fights
A decrease in grades due to increasing difficulty level o f school work, newer subjects, more socializing is very common among teens but their parents are not sympathetic Parents try to impose studying rules and insist that their teens finish their homework before going out This makes the situation worse
That children spend too much time on the phone is one complaint that most parents have The age of smartphones has ensured that kids put their smartphones above almost everything else Parents, however, worry that teens spending too much time on their phones lose out on family time and real hum an interaction, besides harming their eyes
Teenagers develop a taste for unhealthy but delicious fast food, while parents believe that
a growing body needs proper nutrition As cold drinks, burgers and pizzas replace wholesome, home cooked meals, parents worry Moreover, teenage is a time when kids become more and more conscious o f their weight and body image To achieve the ‘ideal’ thin body type, girls often starve themselves and skip meals O f course, this also leads to a lot of arguments between parents who try to convince their daughters that proper meals are more important than being thin
31 Teenage is a difficult period o f life for both the teenagers and the parents because _
A children always do the most trivial things in every household
B parents expect their children to come back home as they would like to
C children spend too much time on their phones, talking to their friends
D parents don’t understand what their children think and believe
Bài tâp Tiê'ng Anh 11 - 19
Trang 1732 Children would like to have their own bikes or m otorbikes
A to satisfy their parents
B to show their independence
C lose out on family time and real human interaction
D to avoid curfew and time restrictions
33 All o f the following are the results why there is a decrease in grades EX C EPT
A sympathy from parents B newer subjects
C higher level o f school work D social life
34 Parents believe th a t
A teenagers love unhealthy but delicious fast food
B children should have a good shape rather than proper nutrition
C a growing body requires proper diets and nutrients
D cold drinks, burgers and pizzas become more popular
35 The main idea o f the passage i s _
A different tastes between parents and children in food
B common reasons why teenagers fight with parents
C curfew and tim e restriction on children
D development o f physical and mental aspects during teenage
VII)-Complete the conversation about fights between teenagers and their parents, using the responses (A-G) given There are two extra ones.
A Parents w ant their teens to join the soccer team, but teens don’t want to
B I have been in such a situation I always try harder when I get any bad grade, so my results are getting better and better
C For example, sometimes I want to be able to stay out late with my friends, but my parents say no
D The most important thing is that teens know the requirements parents have for them are to make them have success in their future
E My parents want me to keep my room tidy all the time, and if I don’t they will get upset w hen our guests come over
F Parents w ould be worried about safety, health and money, while teens feel like they are not as important as their sibling
G Teenagers only want the freedom to dress themselves every time they go out, but parents have a list o f clothes they consider inappropriate
Mai: Have you got any conflicts with your parents, Anna?
Anna: Yes, I d o n ’t like the way my parents keeping treating me like a child (36)
Mai: I think parents would like to make all decisions for their children and they think
it’s good for their kids They don’t know that teens think they are being treated like a child
Anna: That’s right (37) _
20 - Lviu H oang T r i
Trang 18Mai: The same to me Sometimes I have so much homework to do, so I try to finish it
before tidying my own bedroom My parents misunderstand that it is due to laziness I think the clothes we are wearing can lead to serious problems between parents and their teens
Mai: I’m lucky that my parents don’t impose any rule on my clothes But my parents
get angry when I get bad grades in any subject
Mai: I think parent shouldn’t set very high expectations or goals on their kids
VIII) -Coinplete the sentences without changing their meanings.
41 My parents expect me to speak in a polite voice to other people
It is m y parents’ wish that I
42.1 am expected to get home by curfew
45 It is likely to be more effective to have a few clear and specific rules than a long list
A few clear and specific ru le s _ '
IX) -Write complete sentences about ways to solve parent-child conflicts, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
46 Parents/ more authority, power, and influence/ children
47 Parents/ set/ limits/ acceptable and unacceptable behaviour/ children
48 A relationship/ mutual respect/ be developed/ parents/ children
49 Each person/ conflict/ want/ or/ need/ something different/ what/ the other person/ think
50 Parents/ always want/ best things/ their children/ but/ they/ also respect/ their children’s privacy/ their thoughts/ bedroom/ phone calls
Bài tâp Tiéng A nh 11 - 21
Trang 19-
I)-Find the w o rd w hich has a different sound in the part underlined.
3 A compassion B progress C discussion D pressure
H)-Choose the w ord which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4 A studious B respectful C financial D extended
III) ~Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6 A child comes to his parents to see that th e y his needs, desires, and ambition
7 Children learn from how they see their p a re n ts : when parents are getting alongwell, their relationship supports their child’s development
8 Knocking on closed doors before entering can be a great way for children to practice
A respecting B respectful C respective D respected
9 Parents should teach children a b o u t by establishing a rule about knocking onclosed doors before entering
10 Going into any argument, both sides know that either one is going to change the other’s _
11 During the examination, students keep silent and focus on their own papers
12 W e make decisions together about what to do for special events such as birthdays
13 Parents ask too many questions about where children go and what they do
14 Y o u discuss family issues with all family members, including children
15 Y o u put the knife in your mouth - it’s very dangerous
IV) -Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box There are some extra words.
Today's generation lives and breathes technology The child's toys are likely to be electronic in nature, such as computer games to teach letters and numbers The older
22 - Lưu H oằng T rí
Trang 20generation grew up in a time when handwritten letters meant something and texting was a(16) word Grandparents are usually going to be (17)
if the children are texting at the dinner table or checking their smartphone email during amovie or family reunion This is seen as (18) to others in the room.Older people do not understand the social networking phenomenon and many are disturbed by the lack o f privacy with which the younger generation lives Privacy seems to have (19) _ meaning for today's children and even adults
Most young people change careers at least once if not more often during a lifetime, andfreelancing is becoming a (20) alternative to the nine-to-five workingweek Younger family members can become "permanent students", looking for more and more education
V)-Choose th e w o rd o r p h rase am ong A, B, c o r D th a t best fits the b lan k space in thefollowing passage
Generation gap refers to the difference in the ways o f thinking and perception in the people o f two different generations which results in behavioral differences, and sometimes,(21) _between them In other words, it is the difference in the thinking o f the people o fthe older and younger generations that creates the (22) of understanding betweenthem The most common example o f generation gap is seen in the family between parents and their children It is not only because o f the gap in age but also because o f the way parents (23) to a particular situation
Advancement technology has led to the generation gap in this modem world Children tend to spend most of their time with their digital devices and busy with social media that they do not discuss their problems with theirparents The Internet (24) solutions tomost o f the problems that children needn’t asktheir own parents for help, (25) the
Generation gap occurs not only between parents and children but also between teachers and students Students are likely to enjoy the classes o f an open-minded teacher, who showsmutual (26) to the students The teachers, who tend to keep their students underunnecessary strict disciplines and practise hard ways to make them obey the orders, areusually disliked by the students This narrows minded thinking, especially (27) in theteachers o f the older generation, eventually creates a gap between the students and teachers.Another difference is the use o f technology Young teachers tend to use more digitaldevices in class for their lessons that has a good (28) on the students Students takemore interest and participate actively in the class discussion An old teacher has (29) frequent use o f electronic devices that makes lessons boring, which is not enjoyed by the students and it creates a gap between them
To (30) the generation gap, parents or teachers must be close to their children.They should show interest and give time to the children, have open communication, and allow the child to feel free in all the situations
21 A opposition B wars c conflicts D sympathy
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 - 23
Trang 2124 A sets B allows C shows D provides
VI)-Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each question.
Generation Gap: Causes and Solutions
Parents have a common complaint that their children after a certain age tend to disrespect them They look for more freedom and enjoy the company o f their friends rather than staying
at home These all are the changes when the kids grow from teenagers to adulthood This is the time when they want to be treated as big but the parents still consider them small They want to take their own decisions but they can’t because parents are there to take any important decisions about their children So these issues sometimes create a problem and this is when the generation gap comes in
There are lots o f activities which interest the kids more but parents are not willing with it Instead o f arguing w ith children and avoiding the discussion, it will be good that parents take
a step forward and talk to their children
Parents are the best friend o f their children as they act as both good parents and friends
As parents have spent a large amount o f their time with their kids, so it is necessary that parents understand w hat their children are saying and how it can affect their life Any suggestions coming from parents can never be wrong, so teenagers should trust in them as they always want their children to progress in life
Communication is the best way to bridge the gap and find a perfect solution Parents should sit with their children and talk about their needs so that parents know their children’s expectations Parents can also listen to their problems and look for a solution which is best for them Parents mustn’t force them to do anything without interest but make them aware of their duties so that they do it willingly As you are dealing with teenagers, you need to keep yourself in their situation and then think about it
If parents feel that their children are disrespecting, they then tell that if their children want respect, they need to give it to other people too This is a lifetime lesson which they need to learn as it is not limited to their home but also when they go out and work in any organization.Children must understand their limitations If they go beyond that, it will be difficult for them It is the duty o f the parents that they make their kids understand their limitation and define a boundary for them This is done for the benefit o f the children so that they know what
is right and what is w rong for them
31 One o f the main reasons o f the generation gap is th a t
A children can m ake their own decisions
B children were not able to make their own decisions
c the problems o f the generation gap to be small
D children are being treated as a child
32 Teenagers should trust their parents because
A parents are their best friends and they always want their children to make progress
B children understand what they are saying and what can affect their life
24 - Lưu H oằng T rí
Trang 22C parents always treat their children as they are still young, and listen to them
D parents have spent a large amount of their time at work and at home with their kids
33 In order to bridge the generation gap, one can do all o f the following EX CEPT
A parents should have chats with their children to know their children’s expectations
B parents should listen to their children’s problems and look for a solution
C parents don’t have to force their children to do anything without interest
D parents should make their children aware o f their duties so that they do it willingly
34 In order to solve the problem o f disrespect from children, parents should show th at
A children should go out more often and work in any organization
B if children want respect, they need to show it to their parents too
C parents are not willing with their children’s inappropriate activities
D parents are there to take any important decisions about their children
35 One o f the solutions to the problem o f the generation gap is th a t
A parents make their children know their limitations and their own boundary
B parents must understand their limitations and define a boundary for them
C children should know what is right and what is wrong for both parents and children
D children realized that if parents go beyond their limitations they’ll have problems
VH)-Complete the conversation, using the responses (A-G) given There are two extra ones.
A My friends get the permission to do modem appliances, but I cannot get the
permission for
B Besides the curfew, there is a comparison fight Everyone hates to be compared.
C We love our parents, but misunderstandings have become a daily thing.
D A ccording to our parents we never eat healthy food; they think we are only
surviving on burgers and fries
E So our parents are cool with us wearing short dresses, but when that dress turns out to be super short, the lecture is beginning!
F Yes, my parents keep shouting at when I spend time on social networks communicating with my friends
G We have grown up and want to stay out late with our friends, but our parents say no
Nam: Do you live in a nuclear or an extended family, Sam?
Sam: I live in a nuclear family with my parents and my younger sister
Nam: Is there a generation gap in your family?
I feel that I am being treated as a child
Bai tap Tieng Anh 11 - 25
Trang 23Nam: Parents often set the curfew, and when kids don’t show up parents get worried
The worry slowly changes into anger and that leads to an argument
Sam: (39) _ _
My parents sometimes compare
me with others I don’t like it Well, you do know what will follow
Nam: I agree w ith you No two people are the same Do your parents allow you to use
the new hi-tech appliances?
Sam: (40)
Nam: I see W hen parents try to stop teens from using these devices, they feel angry
VM )-CompIete the sentences w ith o u t changing their meanings.
41 Children can take part in the rule-making process
Children are allo w ed ; _ ■
42 It is useful for m any fam ilies to write down a set o f rules about how family members are expected to behave
Many fam ilies f in d •
43 Many parents think that it’s a good idea to make the rules public by sticking them on the fridge.Many parents think that th e y •
44 It is necessary for young children to get supervision and support to follow family rules.Young children w ill _ •
45 It is important for a family to have rules about safe behaviour, including rules about alcohol use, dating and curfew
A family m u st _•IX)-Wriif<“ frtiMpltd-E cs ip* » if"’ yhouf n,£ fam ily rules, using the w ords/ phrasesgr/eit m ib en e on s i i « m ; you ndd iom e m ore necessary w ords, b u t you have
to use all the w o rd s given
46 Rules/ help/ your family members/ get along/ better/ and/ make/ family life/ peaceful
47 Effective rules/ positive statements/ how/ your family/ want/ look after/ and/ treat its members
48 Family rules/ help/ children/ young people/ learn/ where/ limits/ be/ and/ what/ expected/ them
49 It/ important/ involve/ all members/ the family/ much/ possible/ when/ developing/ family rules
50 As/ children/ get older/ they/ contribute/ even more/ decide/ what the rules/ be/ as well as/ the consequences/ breaking them
2 6 - Lcfu H oàng T ri
Underline the words that could be contracted in the following conversation Then rewrite it, using the contracted forms
Linda: Hi, Susan I have not seen you for ages What are you doing here so early in the morning?
Susan: Hi, Linda I am going to work I have worked for a student dating website for two weeks.
Linda: What is your job?
Susan: I am improving people’s profiles Many people do not know what to write about
themselves and they have sent very boring profiles
Linda: What will you do in the near future?
Susan: I am surfing the Net to get a new job The company says they will give me a job offer
next week
I)-Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the correct word/phrase from the box.
1 _ ^ _without attraction is the kind o f love we feel for best friends
2 Have your brother and Mary in a _ ?
3 She met her husband through a _ agency
4 My youngest uncle and I have n e v er _ before
5 Ann is always the person to lend a _ ear if you have problems
6 She has ju s t _ with her boyfriend
7 When two people are , they become friendly again after they haveargued
8 He has asked her out on a _
9 The counsellor gave us some helpful tips on ways we could talk to Nick without starting a
Trang 25II) -Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
1 From 9-11 years, a teenager might start to show more independence from the family and
m o re _ in friends
2 Friendship helps you gain confidence, provide emotional _
3 Having good friends in life allows you to share your thoughts, dreams, fun times,problem s, _ and failures
4 When you talk to someone new, ask them questions about themselves a n d _they like to do
5 Interestingly, m en prefer women who are a s _as them becauseboth men and w om en rate the importance o f intelligence equally
III) -Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1 Tom sounded when I spoke to him on the phone
2 The garden lo o k s since you tidied it up
3 Your English is improving It is getting
4 The chef tasted the meat before presenting it to the President
A cautious B more cautious C cautiously D much cautiously
5 He did not come and she looked rather
6 I’ll feel when my exams are over
7 Although the dish smelt , he refused to eat saying that he was not hungry
8. The fish tastes I w on’t eat it
9 The situation looks We must do something
10 He seemed to me a bit today
IY)-Rewrite the following sentences, using the cleft structure wIt is/was that" to emphasize the underlined words or phrases.
1 Welsh boys gave hand-carved wooden spoons to girls as a symbol o f their love
2 Dating was done around a bonfire within China’s Dai ethnic group
3 Many teenagers spend a lot o f time thinking and talking about being in a relationship
28 - Lufu H oàng T ri
Trang 264 Friends can have a great influence on teens’ choices.
5 Teenagers are going through lots o f physical and emotional changes at high school
6 Your family plays a big part in the way your child thinks about teenage relationships
I)-R ead Phong’s story and the counsellor’s answ er, and do the tasks that follow.
Phong: In my school, everyone has a few different groups of friends, such as in our own class
I used to be rather popular in my class, if being popular meant that most o f the girls in my class were my friends and generally liked me Then I fell out o f this friendship with my “best friend” because there were stuff about each other we didn't like, I guess, and we just stopped hanging out together After this, I started hanging out with this other clique in class I was quite close with However, this clique was not really popular in our class The clique was more on the "losers" side, although individually I guess most people were okay with them As time went by, I found m yself feeling more and more embarrassed to be in the same clique permanently as them I was not the most popular student in my school, but I think I was more
on the popular side because I knew quite a lot o f people in our level and I was on the football team at school, where I think being in a sport made us more on the popular side Furthermore,
I felt more and more unappreciated in my clique I didn't think they really appreciated my presence, and it feels like my being there or not made only a little difference to them, although I'm not sure if this is true They also always left me out in conversations, which I really hate, and this makes me feel really sad
Counsellor: I think you should be around people you like or want to be The group being unpopular is not a reason to leave them If you are good enough then, you can make the group popular Choose friends who make you feel comfortable Don't move in groups based on popularity or you may never have people who truly appreciate you Make good friends even if they are a few Don't compare your group with others or people may not trust you
Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank.
1 stuff (n) A a small group o f people with the same
2 hang out (phr v) B not include someone
3 clique (n) C a thing or group o f things that one is talking
4 leave someone out (phr v) D to recognize the good values o f someone
5 appreciate (v) E to spend a lot of time in a place
Bai tap Tieng Anh 11 - 29
Trang 27Task 2: Read the text again, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 Phong broke up w ith his best friend because they had different tastes
2 Being popular in his school meant m ost o f the girls in his school were his
friends and liked him
3 Phong felt unhappy because the group he was in was not popular in his class
4 Being in a school sport team may make a student become popular
5 Being present w ith other members o f the group or not didn’t make any
difference to Phong
6 The counsellor thought that a member could make the group popular with
his own talents
7 You shouldn’t jo in a group only due to its popularity
8 The counsellor advised Phong to join in the group which truly appreciate him
If you have had an experience like this, don’t worry It is called peer pressure and it happens to everybody However, people have different reactions Confident people refuse to do tilings they don’t want
to do, but shy and anxious people often give in It may
be because they want to be liked It may be because they worry that their friends will make fun o f them, or perhaps they are just curious about trying something new W hatever the reason, some people end up doing _ _ _ things they really don’t want to do
It is hard being th e only one who says no and the question is - how do you do it? Firstly, you must decide what you believe in If you think that missing maths, or smoking, or going somewhere you know your parents wouldn’t like is a bad idea then the answer is simple Don’t
do it It is your decision, not anybody else’s You don’t need to shout and scream, but you must
be confident and you m ust be firm You need to say, “No, thanks I don’t want to do that.”
O f course, being o n your own against everybody else is very hard, so it can really help to have at least one other peer, or friend, who will say no too Choose your friends carefully You want friends to support you when you are in trouble You don’t want people who will always agree with the majority Remember, the most popular people aren’t always the most trustworthy
However, peer pressure is not completely negative You can learn a lot from people of your own age They can teach you great football skills or the best w ay to do your maths
3 0 - Lưu H oằng T rí
Trang 28homework And don’t forget you can tell them things too and that always feels great So, find friends who have similar interests And remember, friendship isn’t about feeling depressed It
is about sharing experiences and having fun
Task 1: Some words are explained in the text Try to fin d the m eanings o f the following words.
Task 3: Choose the best answer.
6 What does Dan suggest doing?
A cheating in the maths test B going in town after school
7 The text describes people who give in to peer pressure a s
8 What does the word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
C going out with friends D doing things you don’t really like
9 What quality does the writer recommend in a friend?
A generosity B popularity C strength D loyalty
10 The writer suggests it is a good idea to find friends
A do a variety o f activities B have things in common with you
III)-Do the quiz and then look at the key What sort of friend are you?
1 If my friend has a problem, I
A listen to him/her and try to understand
B go out with him/her and have some fun
C tell him/her what to do
2 If my friend thinks his/her homework is difficult, I _
A try to help him/her to understand it
B say “D on’t worry - it’s only homework”
C tell him/her to ask the teacher for help
3 If my friend is ill, I usually _
A visit him/her
B send him/her a “get well soon” text
C tell him/her how to get better
Bdi tap Tiing Anh 11 - 31
Trang 294 If I don’t like m y friend’s clothes, I _
A don’t tell him /her - it’s not important
B say “your clothes are interesting”
C say “I don’t like your clothes”
5 If my friend is a bit late, I _
A wait for him /her
B don’t get angry because I’m always late
C text him/her and say “Hurry up!”
6 If it’s my friend’s birthday, I usu ally
A make something for him/her
B choose a fun present for him/her
C choose a useful present for him/her
B Teenagers constantly use their mobile phones to send or receive text messages
C If parents want to know something, keep open communication, and actually talk to their children about their concerns
D Parents have to trust children and respect their personal stuff if they want to keep a good relationship with them
E Well, I’m no t in favour o f it, because parents should respect their children’s privacy
F If parents think that their children are old enough to have a cell phone, they should be trusted w ith it
Mai: Do you think it’s a right thing for parents to check their children’s text messages?
Mai: M any parents say that they always respect privacy but they don’t want their children
get negative impact from their friends
Mai: Can you o ffer anything to solve the problem?
3 2 - Liiu H oàng T r i
Trang 30Mai: That’s right Instead of reading the texting, parents speak to their children in a
caring way, and their children will appreciate It Have your parents ever read your phone messages, Ann?
Mai: Y ou’re lucky My parents always trust me, and let me keep my cell phone
Ann: Your parents are right (5)
Ann; (3)
I) -Compiete the online posting, using the sentences (A-F) given There is one extra.
A Communication is the good way to settle any conflict
B All my life I was only doing my best to please her as much as I can
C I felt that she was denying my love for her.
D I was shocked
E I was a master in hiding these hurts and pains
F Why not talk to me about this?
One day I leam t that my daughter had confided to one o f her close friends that she felt frightened by her mum My daughter was referring to me! (1) _ How could she experience our relationship like that?
But how could she share something personal like that to her friend? (2) _
_ I felt so hurt by my daughter!
(3) I led my lifesuch that she would be happy with me, be proud o f me and finally give me the love I deserve
I felt that my daughter did not even see all my efforts to please her and all the sacrifices I
made (4) In my
worse moments, I felt that I meant nothing to her
I wish m y daughter were a “real” one with suitable feelings and emotions to her mother
Current mood: upset ©
1 My mum? extremely strict/ and/ she/ not let/ me/ do anything
Bai tap Tieng Anh 11
Trang 31-2 I/ never/ go out/ m y friends/ because/ she/ always/ say/ no.
3 1/ not going/ sneak out/ because/1/ know/ it/ wrong
4 I/ good grades/ school/ and/1/ the top/ my class
5 She/ overprotective mother/ and/ my dad/ often work/ far/ home
Counsellor’s answer:
6 Thank you/ reach/ us/ our website
7 It/ sound/ things/ really difficult/ you/ home
8 It/ so upset/ you/ not/ feel trusted/ your mum
9 I think/ you/ sit dow n/ talk/ her/ what/ you/ thinking
10 You/ talk/ a trusted adult/ your uncle or aunt/ or/ school counsellor
N ote: - sneak out (v) = to go somewhere secretly
I)-Find the word w hich has a different sound in the part underlined.
2. A reconciled B sympathetic c benefit D talented
II) -Choose the w ord which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4 A profile B promote c prefer D regret
III) -Choose the best answer A, B, c or D to complete the sentences.
6 O nline services have helped lots o f single people to find future husbands or wives
7 She felt very upset after she broke with her boyfriend
34 -■ Lưu H oằng T rí
Trang 328 Teens all over the world notice passionate feelings o f in romantic relationships.
9 Parents often feel they have lost any sort o f or influence over their child
10 Teenagers hate any restrictions on their growing and ability to decide for themselves
11 She just needed someone who would lend a (n ) ear to her once in a while
12 It is my closest frien d can help me get over difficulties
13 To b e good terms with someone is to have a good relationship with someone
1 4 _ friendship that you should try to build up in order to have true values
15 I t like you are going through a hard time in your life
IV)-Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box T here are some extra words.
Parental disapproval o f romantic relationships is very common, for a variety o f reasons.Your parents may have (16) regarding whether or not you are truly ready
to date or if the person you are interested in might not be a good influence They may also not
be ready to admit that their child gets close to (17) _ If you're dealing with
this, try to discuss your (18) ' calmly with your parents Listen to themand be ready to follow some rules about your relationship If your parents forbid you fromseeing the person, you should obey their (19) You can still see yourboyfriend or girlfriend at school and remain friends If you stay friends until after you graduate, you can start dating again since you'll be old enough to make your own(20) While this may be hard to accept at first, it will work out in thenear future
V)-Rewrite the following sentences, using the cleft structure "It is/was that" to emphasize the underlined words or phrases.
21 Dating is left for the college years in Japan
22 Girls are to buy boys white chocolate on Valentine’s Day in Japan
23 The bov must give the girl twice as much chocolate
Bai tap Tieng A n h 11 - 35
Trang 3324 A South Korean boy often holds his girlfriend’s handbag during a date.
25 Once married, the South Korean man expect his wife to be a more traditional woman
VI)-Cfaoose the w ord among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Online Dating
Dating people online has become an extremely popular custom that has developed asmore and more people have figured out the (26) o f using the Internet as a way o ffinding love People o f all ages submit to dating online, teens and adults (27) searching for that special person by setting up (28) on online dating sites and browsingthrough other people’s profiles On dating websites, singles are provided the (29) oflearning a few things about various potential partners, making their decision o f contacting them based (30) dating profile descriptions and photos
Out o f the m any countries where people practise online dating, the United Kingdom isperhaps the keenest on online dating (31) most English people prefer to browse on theInternet in order to find (32) instead o f trying to meet other persons in bars, clubs,parks or at parties
Dating may vary across the globe, yet as time passes, people develop (33) datingcustoms, such as dating with the help o f the Internet Although this (34) o f dating ismostly practised in the Western civilization, no one can tell for sure what other customs will emerge as the world changes, and whether strict dating will come against some people’s right
o f choosing whatever partner they see (35) for themselves
VII)-Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each question.
Mr and Mrs N elson have two children, Lara 10 and Peter is 16 Mrs Nelson first discovered that Peter was getting into trouble when school rang her to say that he hadn’t turned up that day, o r the day before She realized right away that he had been truanting.Peter’s behaviour was causing conflict in the house and Mr and Mrs Nelson were both concerned They had different views o f how they should deal with Peter’s behaviour and this led to rows that upset the whole family They decided to prevent Peter from going out with his friends, but this just m ade him more stubborn and he would continue to miss school and stay outside his curfew
3 6 - Lưu H oằng T rí
Trang 34Over the coming weeks, family life became more and more difficult Mr and Mrs Nelson felt that they could no longer do this on their own and asked the school to help The school arranged for Peter to talk to someone he trusted, and they made an agreement for him
to start gradually attending school again He was also given some time to catch up with the work he had missed
As he started to talk it through, Peter realized that he had been unhappy at school for a while He admitted that he had felt lonely since his best friend moved away and another group
o f friends had persuaded him to skip school As he missed more and more school, it became harder to go back
Peter was encouraged to tell his parents how much he missed his friend and that he wanted to spend time with his dad playing football or fishing Mr Nelson thought he had grown out o f that a long time ago but was pleased to spend time with Peter again
Mr and Mrs Nelson tried to notice every day when Peter achieved his goal o f attending school, being on time and remembering to do his homework It took a little longer for Peter’s friendships to return to normal and Peter has had to leam to prove him self trustworthy to his parents, but gradually Mr and Mrs Nelson are learning to trust Peter again
36 The conflict in the Nelsons was due to the fact th a t
A Peter had been truanting at school
B. Peter was getting into trouble at school
c they paid too much attention to Lara
D they didn’t agree on the solution to Peter’s problem
37 W hen Mr and Mrs Nelson applied severe punishment to Peter,
A Peter stopped going out with his friends
B. it had no effect and made the* situation worse
c he missed his friends and stayed outside his curfew
D the family didn’t know how to deal with his behaviour
38 The school applied all the following things to help Peter EXCEPT th a t
A they helped the Nelsons solve the problem on their own
B. they agreed to allow him to come back to school
c , they helped him to catch up with his study
D they tried to make his communication with his friends better
39 The reason why Peter got into trouble was th a t
A it became harder for him to miss school
B. he couldn’t talk about his problem at home and at school
c , some o f his friends had negative impact on him
D he wanted to move away with his best friend
40 The best solution to Peter’s problem was th a t
A he went fishing with his dad again
B. the school and family have helped and trusted him
c he could do his homework and go to school on time
D it took him a long time to have normal friendship again
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 - 37
Trang 35V III)-C om plete the conversation about teenagers’ privacy, using the responses (A-F)
given There is one extra.
A The boy realized his mistake and said that he would never do that again
B. She came to me a couple o f times to ask for advice because she got into a situation that she didn’t know how to deal with
C But the boy asked my daughter to go to the cinema to see a film which was not for
teenagers, and he also used some flirting words
D. I asked my daughter to have a chat to tell him that the most important thing that they have to concentrate on is their study
E But one day, I realized that one o f my elder daughter’s friends sent inappropriate messages to her
F Respecting their privacy is all good, but sometimes it’s necessary for us to check
w hat’s happening with them, especially something bad with them
Mrs Smith: O f course not I w on’t read their messages We should respect our children’s
Mrs Smith: Oh, right Sometimes we need to know anything risky to happen to our
Mrs Van: I let m y two girls, 12 and 16, have cellphones, use Facebook and Instagram
(42) _
Mrs Smith: I think they should only text messages about their study or matters in their class
Mrs Van: That’s right (43) _
Mrs Smith: Do they maintain their friendship after that event?
_ They are still good friends now
IX)-Complete the online posting, using the sentences (A-F) given There is one extra.
A She noticed my mum being busy all the time while Dad was doing nothing.
B. My father is not lazy, but he always tries to help US a lot with our study at school,
c The sad thing is that Ann and I ended up in a similar situation as our mum did
D. Ann and I got groceries, and helped with cleaning and other chores from a very young age
E And while recovering from bad health and applying for another job, he stayed at home
F Your dad has no reason to do anything while she is dominantly active.
38 - Lưu H oằng T rí
Trang 36When my sister Ann and I were growing up, my mum was always busy and working a couple
o f jobs at the same time, Our dad’s health was bad, and he was unemployed (46)
Mum cooked our meals, did laundry and paid the bills (47)
My aunt, who is my mum ’s older sister, once visited us for a week (48) _ My aunt turned to me andArm and said, “Because o f your m um ’s activity, she totally prevents your dad from doinganything (49) _
I think my aunt does not know everything, and she misunderstands my fam ily’s situation Iwish my mother would explain it to her (50) _ _ My dad also “holds up half o f the sky”
T E S T 2 (U N IT 2)
\ _ J
I) -Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
2 A advice B reconciled C incident D decisive
3 A contact B initiative C interact D lifetime
II) -Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4 A attitude B argument C relevant D assistant
5 A interact B concentrate C counsellor D influence
III) -Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6 If you have any problems, go to Ann She'll alw ays a sympathetic ear
7 Teenage depression is a problem that impacts every aspect o f a teen’s life
8 They were fin ally with each other, after not speaking for nearly five years
A reconciled B persuaded C interested D fond
9 Rapid changes in personality, falling grades, constant sadness, anxiety, or sleep problemscould indicate depression, bullying, or another health issue
10 Teenagers do not have to work a n d on their favorite study, club activities andgoing out
11 With their many similar tastes, he found her a m o st companion
12 To people who don't know him he probably rather unfriendly
Bài tâp Tiéng Anh 11 - 39
Trang 3713 The fact that teens focus more on their friends may leave their p aren ts hurt.
14 He is 16, but he o fte n younger
15 Understanding the impacts of dating on teen years can help parents in their with teens
A access B expression C communication D behaviour
IV)~FilI in each blank in the passage with the correct w o rd from the box There are some extra words.
Dating in Iran is n ’t funny at all, simply because there is no dating scene to be found InIran, marriages are m ostly arranged by parents, who casually ( 1 6 ) eachother's son and daughter over coffee If the parents like each other and if they both agree thatone can (17) _ good care o f the other, a formal introduction o f the guy andthe girl will (18) _ Not long after that, the engagement party will be(19) _ , but contact between the couple should still be minimized until afterthe wedding day and there is no such thing as kissing or holding hands until then Casualdating in Iran is strongly disapproved, and as a woman, it (20) _ her value,which, in turn, risks rejection from a m an’s parents
V )-Rew rite the following sentences, using the cleft stru c tu re “It is/was that" to
em phasize th e u n d e rlin e d w ords or phrases
21 Dating is not allowed until the age o f 15 in Central and South America
22 In Italy and Switzerland, teens gathered for parties at a home and slept there when the party was over
23 People in the N etherlands have fewer dating rules than any other places in the world
24 Kissing is considered as a part o f getting to know each other in Brazil
25 A girl’s parents often do a background check on her boyfriend in Italy
4 0 - Ltfu H oàng T ri
Trang 38V I)-Choose the w o rd among A, B, C or D th a t best fits the blank space in th e following
R om antic Feelings of Teenss ^ Mature! ProcessTeens face strong pressures to date, as well as get involved in a romantic relationship Aromantic relationship is one that involves feelings o f (26) In fact, over half o f teens inthe United States report dating regularly (casual dates with one or more partners at different times) whereas a third claim to have a steady dating partner Young teens usually hang outwith friends who are the same (27) as they are As they reach the mid-teen years (age14-15 years), they start having relationships with friends o f the opposite sex Such relationships are likely to be friendships or physical attractions Although most romanticrelationships among 12- to 14-year-olds (28) less than 5 months, by age 16relationships last an average o f 2 years In the early teen years, dating is more superficial - forfun and (29) In the older teen years, youth are looking for intimacy, companionship,affection, and (30) support
Desiring a romantic partner is a natural, expected part
o f (31) However, involvement in a serious orexclusive romantic relationship in the early teen years can(32) problems True romantic relationships are aboutintimacy, or communicating detailed, personal information verbally, and physical contact and closeness Some believe a teen first needs to form an identity and know who she or he is(33) developing a healthy intimate relationship Otherexperts feel that romantic relationships are a way for teens to learn more about (34)
M any young teens are still defining themselves and romantic relationships may be based on a(35) _sense o f intimacy - in other words, teens don't know themselves well enough toshare who they are with someone else
VII)-Read the passage about the effects o f teenage relationships, and then answer the questions.
Different relationships affect teenagers in various ways Friends impact teenagers almost the same amount as their parents Teenagers go to their friends for help or to ask questions that they could not ask their parents about Most o f the time their friends give them good advice In most cases they tell their friends how to dress and act when being around certain people
Love relationships just make it even harder for a teenager to get a good education Some start to fail in school because they are hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend instead o f doing their work
Bài tâp Tiéng A nh 11 - 41
Trang 39Parents have a big influence on teenagers because their children look up to them and the majority o f them grow up to act and do things just like their parents did with them Children who have experienced a family break-up may have lower achievements than children brought
up in an intact family
As previously stated, teenagers are affected by many relationships which involve their friends, family, and their love relationships The relationships affect them so much that most teenagers change their ideas about how they should live their lives in a different way and to change their future goals They should be influenced to help themselves or to help others
36 Teenagers go to their friends in order t o
A impact them in various ways and the same amount
B. ask for help or advice that their parents can’t give them
c have different relationships that their parents can’t offer
D ask how to dress w hen being around certain people
37 Love relationships m ay make a teenager harder to get a good education because
A their boyfriend or girlfriend may make them fail in school
B they tell their boyfriend or girlfriend how to dress or how to act
c they try to do their work instead o f hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend
D they hang out w ith their boyfriend or girlfriend instead o f studying
38 All o f the following statements about parents’ influence on teenagers are true EXCEPT
th a t
A achievements o f teenagers from a family break-up are always low
B. parents have a great impact on teenagers
c most teenagers grow up to act and do things just like their parents
D a family break-up may have a negative effect on teenagers
39 Relationships c a n
A help others to form relationships
B. help teenagers to decide the future goals in love relationships
c influence teenagers in many aspects o f their lives
D help teenagers to follow their future goals with their friends and family
40 The main idea o f the passage i s
A the effects o f love relationships on teenagers’ study
B. the impact o f relationships on teenagers’ lives
c the role o f parents in their children’s lives
D the impact o f relationships on adults and teenagers
yiII)-C om plete the conversation between Linda and Dr Dawson, using the responses
(A-G) given There are two extra ones.
A According to the arena rules, teens aged 14 and up are allowed to attend alone.
B. Schooling is your top priority now
c A sixteen-year-old girl is not old enough to go to London alone without the company
o f your family
D How can you attend their concert in London?
E You must graduate from high school, and during the time you can develop your musical talents and skills in order to become a great singer
F She thinks I've ruined everything but I am doing the right thing
G Do you get your parents’ permission?
42 - Lưu H oằng T rí
Trang 40Linda: Good morning, Dr Dawson I have a problem that P d like to ask you how
to solve it
Dr Dawson:
Yeah, Pm willing to help you W hat’s the problem?
P m a fan o f a famous rock band, HAIM They are touring in January and playing a concert in London
Linda: I plan to take the train to London, and spend the night at my friend’s house
before coming home You see, their performance is rather late
Dr Dawson: (42)
Linda: My mother is not happy about this plan as she feel I’m too young and she’s
worried that people will be drinking at the concert
Dr Dawson: Your m other’s right, Linda (43)
You should ask your mother
to go with you
Linda: I’ll talk with her later, but the problem is that my mum doesn’t like the
band I’d like to join the band after the concert I sent them my own CD, and they enjoyed it very much
Dr Dawson: I can’t believe it (44)
Dr Dawson:
But it’s the chance o f a lifetime HAIM wants to get one more member You should wait (45)
Linda: You’re right I’ll try to ask my mum to go to London with me I’ll do my
best so that one day I’ll make my dream come true
IX)-Write an online posting, using the words or phrases below to make complete sentences Add more words, if necessary.
Re: My friend, Mary
by Ann » Tuesday, 3 Oct 2 0 at 8.30 p.m
Current mood: I’m so embarrassed!
46.1/ think/ my friend Mary/ developing/ eating disorder
47 She/ always/ talk/ me/ that/ she/ would like/ be/ fashion model
48 She/ go/ a diet/ a month/ and/ she/ sometim es/ skip/ meals
49 Her parents/ always/ follow/ her wish/ and/ they/ not see/ negative effects/ her diet
50 We/ try/ ask/ the school counsellor/ explain/ side effects/ skipping meals/ her
Bai tap Tieng Anh 11 - 43