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Melton robert wallace schlesinger spycraft (v5 0)

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Cấu trúc

  • Title Page

  • Copyright Page

  • Dedication

  • Foreword

  • Preface


  • CHAPTER 1 - My Hair Stood on End

  • CHAPTER 2 - We Must Be Ruthless


  • CHAPTER 3 - The Penkovsky Era

  • CHAPTER 4 - Beyond Penkovsky

  • CHAPTER 5 - Bring in the Engineers

  • CHAPTER 6 - Building Better Gadgets


  • CHAPTER 7 - Moving Through the Gap

  • CHAPTER 8 - The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword ⠀愀渀搀 匀栀椀攀氀搀)

  • CHAPTER 9 - Fire in the Arctic

  • CHAPTER 10 - A Dissident at Heart

  • CHAPTER 11 - An Operation Called CKTAW


  • CHAPTER 12 - Cold Beer, Cheap Hotels, and a Voltmeter

  • CHAPTER 13 - Progress in a New Era

  • CHAPTER 14 - The Age of Bond Arrives

  • CHAPTER 15 - Genius Is Where You Find It


  • CHAPTER 16 - Conspicuous Fortitude, Exemplary Courage in a Cuban Jail

  • CHAPTER 17 - War by Any Other Name

  • CHAPTER 18 - Con Men, Fabricators, and Forgers

  • CHAPTER 19 - Tracking Terrorist Snakes


  • CHAPTER 20 - Assessment

  • CHAPTER 21 - Cover and Disguise

  • CHAPTER 22 - Concealments

  • CHAPTER 23 - Clandestine Surveillance

  • CHAPTER 24 - Covert Communications

  • CHAPTER 25 - Spies and the Age of Information


  • Appendix A - U.S. Clandestine Services and OTS Organizational Genealogy, 1941-2008

  • Appendix B - Selected Chronology of OTS

  • Appendix C - Directors of OTS

  • Appendix D - CIA Trailblazers from OTS

  • Appendix E - Pseudonyms of CIA Officers Used

  • Appendix F - Instructions to Decipher the Official Message from the CIA on page xxv

  • Glossary

  • Notes

  • Selected Bibliography

  • Acknowledgements

  • Index

  • About the Author

Nội dung

Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Foreword Preface SECTION I - AT THE BEGINNING CHAPTER - My Hair Stood on End CHAPTER - We Must Be Ruthless SECTION II - PLAYING CATCH-UP CHAPTER - The Penkovsky Era CHAPTER - Beyond Penkovsky CHAPTER - Bring in the Engineers CHAPTER - Building Better Gadgets SECTION III - IN THE PASSING LANE CHAPTER - Moving Through the Gap CHAPTER - The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword (and Shield) CHAPTER - Fire in the Arctic CHAPTER 10 - A Dissident at Heart CHAPTER 11 - An Operation Called CKTAW SECTION IV - LET THE WALLS HAVE EARS CHAPTER 12 - Cold Beer, Cheap Hotels, and a Voltmeter CHAPTER 13 - Progress in a New Era CHAPTER 14 - The Age of Bond Arrives CHAPTER 15 - Genius Is Where You Find It SECTION V - PRISON, BULLET, PASSPORT, BOMB CHAPTER 16 - Conspicuous Fortitude, Exemplary Courage in a Cuban Jail CHAPTER 17 - War by Any Other Name CHAPTER 18 - Con Men, Fabricators, and Forgers CHAPTER 19 - Tracking Terrorist Snakes SECTION VI - FUNDAMENTALS OF TRADECRAFT CHAPTER 20 - Assessment CHAPTER 21 - Cover and Disguise CHAPTER 22 - Concealments CHAPTER 23 - Clandestine Surveillance CHAPTER 24 - Covert Communications CHAPTER 25 - Spies and the Age of Information EPILOGUE Appendix A - U.S Clandestine Services and OTS Organizational Genealogy, 1941-2008 Appendix B - Selected Chronology of OTS Appendix C - Directors of OTS Appendix D - CIA Trailblazers from OTS Appendix E - Pseudonyms of CIA Officers Used Appendix F - Instructions to Decipher the Official Message from the CIA on page xxv Glossary Notes Selected Bibliography Acknowledgements Index About the Author Praise for Spycraft “Stuffed with stories about chemical taggants, forged documents, physical and psychological disguises, software beacons that reveal the location of a cell phone or a laptop, about long-range surveillance cameras and ivory letter-opening knives, this extraordinary, detailed, accurate book tells more about what spies really do, the risks they run, and their schemes to avoid them, than all the James Bond stories put together Essential for any serious student of spycraft.” —David Kahn, author of The Codebreakers “Spycraft is the inside story of how ‘the wizards of Langley’ exploited science and technology to level and then dominate the battlefield in CIA’s spy wars with the KGB As a CIA historian, I wrote the classified history of OTS at the request of Robert Wallace Spycraft omits very few details of the classified history while adding many more fascinating accounts based on interviews with the men and woman who helped win the Cold War.” —Benjamin B Fischer, former CIA chief historian “A comprehensive and historic work that is both captivating and enlightening Impeccably researched and written with authority by these masters of intelligence, Spycraft offers the greatest of spy stories —true tales of espionage that are often more compelling than our favorite movie spy thrillers.” —Danny Biederman, author of The Incredible World of SPY-Fi; writer/director, Hollywood SpyTek; executive director, SPY-Fi Archives “Reliable, readable, indeed often fascinating account of the CIA’s use of high-tech gadgets and machines to acquire secrets overseas A must for the intelligence library, as well as for anyone interested in the security of the United States.” —Loch K Johnson, Regents Professor, University of Georgia, and senior editor of the international journal Intelligence and National Security “A classic and no one who pretends to know anything about intelligence operations can afford not to read it.” —James F Morris, Major U.S Army (Ret.), author of War Story and The Devil’s Secret Name “Aptly describes the history of OTS and the many exciting, important, and at times dangerous work of OTS officers who work hand-in-hand with Agency operations officers in the clandestine world of espionage This is an excellent book that often reads like a spy novel All the better because it is true!” —Mike Howard, general manager, Microsoft Global Security, twenty-three-year CIA veteran “Will long stand as the definitive reference on CIA spycraft Names, dates, and details of advanced technical gadgetry, collection operations, covert action, and even organizational infighting—it’s all here Forget James Bond’s famous ‘Q’ and Hollywood; this is the most remarkable and revealing book ever published about the history and technology of spying in the Cold War through today’s War on Terrorism.” —Peter Earnest, executive director, International Spy Museum “A fascinating study of CIA espionage operations.” —Jeffrey T Richelson, author of The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology “A significant and heretofore neglected slice of the CIA’s sixty-year ‘story.’” —David M Barrett, author of The CIA and Congress: The Untold Story from Truman to Kennedy ALSO BY (OR CO-AUTHORED WITH) H KEITH MELTON Ultimate Spy U.S Government Guide to Surviving Terrorism: Compiled from Official U.S Government Documents Spy’s Guide: Office Espionage The Ultimate Spy Book CIA Special Weapons and Equipment: Spy Devices of the Cold War OSS Special Weapons and Equipment: Spy Devices of World War II Clandestine Warfare: Weapons and Equipment of the SOE and OSS ALSO BY ROBERT WALLACE Nine from the Ninth DUTTON Published by Penguin Group (USA) Inc 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3, Canada (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.); Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England; Penguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd); Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd); Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi—110 017, India; Penguin Group (NZ), 67 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, North Shore 0632, New Zealand (a 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Melton, H Keith (Harold Keith), 1944- II Schlesinger, Henry R III Title JK468.I6W35 2008 327.1273—dc22 2007046734 Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers and Internet addresses at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors, or for changes that occur after publication Further, the publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party Web sites or their content http://us.penguingroup.com For the families of TSS, TSD, and OTS who served their country with patience, courage, and honor through quiet, unheralded support of the Spytechs Office of Technical Service crest, 2001 HTLINGUAL operation Hughes OH-helicopter hypnosis I.D.E.A identity documents impersonal exchanges See also dead drops Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) incendiary devices See also explosives industry partnerships See manufacturers and manufacturing of spy gear inflatable aircraft infrared photography Insectothopter Interim One-Way Link (IOWL) Internet investigations of the CIA Jack-in-the-Box device Jacob, Richard Jameson, Pat and Nicaragua and terrorism in the Middle East in Vietnam Javaman explosive Johnson, Clarence (“Kelly”) Johnson, Lyndon Johnson, Quentin junks in Vietnam Kalugin, Oleg Kaptisa, P Kennan, George Kennedy, John F and assassination plots and Cuba on national defense and Penkovsky and Vietnam Kennedy, Robert key duplication KGB cars of counterintelligence operations of and forgeries intelligence war against and Penkovsky and Peterson and postal censorship recruitment campaigns and TRIGON Khrushchev, Nikita Kilby, Jack Killian, James Kirk, Alan Kirkpatrick, Lyman Kissinger, Henry Knight, Jack Kodak Koecher, Hana Koecher, Karl Krasnaya Pakhra Nuclear Weapons Research Institute Krassilnikov, Rem Kremlinologists Krueger, Richard Kudryatsev, Sergei Lambreth, Martin Land, Edwin landscape restoration Langley Headquarters laser-engraving laser surveillance system Le Carré, John liaison Liberator pistol Libya Limpets ship explosives Linn, Tom Lipton, Brian lock picking LOSS radio transmitter and receiver Lovell, Stanley Platt and document fabrication and Donovan legacy of and MKULTRA research and private-partnership model recruitment of expertise technical emphasis of L-pills Lumumba, Patrice MAGIC audio surveillance detection device Maheu, Robert mail surveillance Manners, Robert manufacturers and manufacturing of spy gear See also specific businesses Maryland Research Laboratory (MRL) Match Box Cameras McCone, John McMahon, John McNamara, Robert media Meister and Bollier AG (MEBO) Melton, H Keith memory storage device Mendez, Antonio J “Tony,” mercury cell battery technology Meyer, Cord MHCHAOS microdots Middle East mind control See MKULTRA program miniaturization mining of neutral waters Ministry of Defense (Soviet) Minox cameras compared to Tdemand for limitations of operating diagram of Penkovsky Mint, Brian Miscellaneous Weapons of National Defense Research Committee missile gap MKULTRA program Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh Mole (Hood) Mole train explosive money deliveries Montes, Ana Belen Moore, George Curtis more-or-less-invisible (MLI) writing instruments Moscow, as technical proving ground Motel Kit MOTH project movies and television shows featuring espionage moving-car deliveries Muggeridge, Malcolm Nail Pusher National Development and Research Committee (NDRC) National Intelligence Estimates National Photographic Interpretation Center National Security Act of National Security Agency Nehring, Gene nerve gas New China News Agency The New York Times Nicaragua NIIR (Scientific Research Institute of Radio) Nixon, Richard noise, containing Nondiscernible Microbioinoculator Nonlinear Junction Detector (NLJD) nonofficial cover (NOC) program North Korea Nosenko, Yuri Ivanovich Noyce, Robert Numeiri, Jaafar Office of Development and Engineering (OD&E) Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) Office of Research and Development (ORD) Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) Office of Security Office of SIGINT Operations Office of Special Operations (OSO) Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Office of Technical Service (OTS) and assessment tools and BUSTER and CKTAW development formation of name change organizational elements of and personal computers role of and terrorism Ogorodnik, Aleksandr (TRIGON) O’Neal, Everett one-time pad one-way voice-link (OWVL) Operational Aids Division Operation Cold Feet operations and compartmentation and covert communications (covcom) and operations/TSD relationship and reluctance regarding technology requirements for technology Oppenheim, E Phillips Orkin, John oscilloscopes Pan Am Flight paper paramilitary operations Park, Richard, Jr Parker, Stan Parr, Bill on backlit maps on beacons on Dien Bien Phu siege on Hi-Standard pistols and Nicaragua and terrorist bombs on thermos concealments passports Pavitt, Jim Pearson, Drew The Penkovskiy Papers Penkovsky, Oleg Vladimirovich capture of intelligence provided by surveillance of voluntary service of work style of pen, poisoned Pentax cameras perceptions of OSS Peretrukhin, Igor Peter Mic Peterson, Martha Philby, Harold “Kim,” Phillips, David Atlee Phonak phone cards photoreconnaissance See also cameras and photography pinger pipes for transmission surveillance poisoned pen police shelter audio surveillance Polyakov, Dimitri Fedorovich (TOPHAT) Pope, Allen Popov, Pytor postcards power consumption Powers, Francis Gary POWs (prisoners of war) Pravda printing private sector research See also manufacturers and manufacturing of spy gear P.R Mallory Company probing Project -ray incendiary devices The Protocols of the Elders of Zion provocations psychological warfare operations public address systems Publications Review Board of the CIA public perception of espionage Puppy Chow guard dog tranquilizer Questioned Documents Laboratory (QDL) radios Rand Corporation Rayborn, William F “Red,” Reagan, Ronald recruitment and assessment and audio surveillance of “blue bloods,” in the digital age influence on technology of priority of and Russian volunteers and Saxe in Soviet Union See also specific spys, such as Penkovsky remote on-off switches restoration and reconstruction work rights of American public RM-batteries robotic devices rock concealment Rockefeller Commission rocket attacks Roosevelt, Franklin Rounds, Bruce RS-radios Ruben, Samuel Russell, Seymour appointment to technical services and audio surveillance of embassy and covert communications leadership of and operations/TSD cultural division and recovered Cuban prisoners and recruitment of personnel and Saxe safes and safe cracking Sasha satellites Satyr radio transmitter and receiver Saxe, George in Alaska and dead drop concealment recruitment of special assistant to the chief appointment and stripping-film image delivery Saxe, (continued) and TRIGON on TSD in Moscow Scharansky, Anatoly Schlesinger, James Scoville, Herbert Seacrest, Ken groundwork for CKTAW installation of CKTAW seashells, exploding secrecy Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) secret writing advances in and denied-area operations in envelopes and imprisoned techs and mail surveillance microdots and Operational Aids Division training on and Vietnam POWs security, internal Semtex sex dolls Sheymov, Viktor Shockley, William short-range agent communications (SRAC) devices Shumway, Frank signal masking systems silenced caliber automatic pistol silent call Silent Hammer Sisler, George “Ken,” situation room Skyhook air-ground extraction device Slatkin, Nora Smith, Walter Bedell smoking pipes for transmission surveillance Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Somoza, Anastasio South America Soviet Bloc Soviet/East European Division Soviet Russia Division (SR) Soviet Union airborne radar and reconnaissance system aircraft weapons system audio surveillance of capabilities of and Central America Churchill on counterintelligence operations of and Cuban missile crisis embassies in forgeries or disinformation from GRU (Glavnoye Razedyvatelnoye Upravlenie) mail surveillance management of talent missile capabilities Moscow, as technical proving ground NKVD (forerunner of the KGB) and Penkovsky quality of intelligence on security exercised by state of technology in and Strategic Arms Limitations Talks surveillance by and technological challenges of TSD threat of speakers wired as microphones Special Operations Executive (SOE) spike concealment Sputnik SRR-transmissions surveillance Stalin, Joseph State Committee for the Coordination of Scientific Research Work Station Stephenson, Sir William Stevenson, Adlai Stingers pistol Stockdale, James B Strategic Arms Limitations Talks Strategic Services Unit stripping film Sudan suicide bombers suicide devices surreptitious entry surveillance and concealment requirements and countersurveillance in digital age and disappearing from sight discreet surveillance Fiberscope device photography(see also cameras and photography) protocols of Soviets stationary and mobile surveillance Trojan horse operations See also audio surveillance and devices Surveillance Radio Transmitters (SRTs) Susskind, David Szuminski, Walter “Wally” detained imprisoned medal for bravery operation return to U.S trial taggants Taliban Tear Gas Pen technical collection platforms Technical Services Division (TSD) backgrounds of recruits and daily operational briefings facilities of formation of innovative audio surveillance options mission of name change(see also Office of Technical Service) operations/TSD relationship and Vietnam Technical Services Staff (TSS) budget for facilities of formation of and private contractors staff of and Vietnam telephones television speakers wired as microphones Tenet, George J terrorists and terrorism and audio surveillance Black September terrorists frequency of terror strikes funding of in the Middle East network of Pan Am Flight and special missions team of OTS suicide bombers tactics of technical support of and tracking devices and travel document forgeries weapons of Tessina cameras testing equipment Texas Instruments T-camera theoretical research Theremin, Lev Sergeyevich thermos concealment The Thing Thompson, Llewellyn Time Delay Pencils explosive fuses “time on target,” Tolkachev, Adolf G approaching the CIA exfiltration option handwriting analysis intelligence provided by Tolkachev, (continued) and KGB motivation of technological solutions employed by Tomlinson, Richard T-camera TOOs (OTS technical operations officers) “Tooth Fairy,” TOPHAT Touré, Ahmed Sékou tracking devices training programs for personnel trains transistors transmitters and bullet bugs Satyr radio transmitter and receiver signal masking systems size of SRTs (Surveillance Radio Transmitters) transnational intelligence issues travel documents TRIGON Triple Tube Rocket Launcher Trohan, Walter Trojan horse operations Truman, Harry truth serums Tupac Amaru Revolutionary movement (MRTA) Tupolev, A N Turner, Stansfield typewriters U-reconnaissance United States, operations within U.S Army U.S Army Security Agency U.S Army Signal Corps U.S Army Special Forces U.S Congress U.S Department of State U.S Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) U.S Naval Intelligence Vance, Cyrus VENONA Vietnam and Dien Bien Phu exfiltration plans and food rations and French Indochina War gear created for and Ho Chi Minh Trail status of war in technical support in training of guerrilla fighters unconventional warfare of and weapons Walker, Lemuel wall installations of audio devices War Department (later the Department of Defense) Washington Times-Herald Welch, Richard “Who Me?” harassing agent wires, hiding wiretaps See also CKTAW wiretap Wolfe, Alan D wood block audio concealments Woolsey, R James Woolworth pistol Wright, Peter Wynne, Greville Xerox Yemokhonov, Nikolei Yurchenko, Vitaly Sergeyevich Zaid, Mark Zodiac rubber raft ZR/RIFLE Cuban program ABOUT THE AUTHORS Robert Wallace is the former director of the CIA’s Office of Technical Service and lives in Virginia A recipient of the CIA’s Intelligence Medal of Merit, Wallace founded the Artemus Consulting Group in 2004, providing management and intelligence counsel to corporate and government clients He is also a contributor to the oral history program of CIA’s Center for the Study of Intelligence H Keith Melton is an internationally recognized author, historian, and expert on clandestine devices and technology He is the technical tradecraft historian at the Interagency Training Center in Washington, D.C He has assembled the world’s largest collection of espionage devices and lectures widely throughout the U.S intelligence community and abroad He resides in Florida Henry Robert Schlesinger is an author and journalist who has covered intelligence technologies, counterterrorism, and law enforcement His work has appeared in Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Technology Review, and Smithsonian magazine He lives in New York City The authors can be contacted through their Web site at www.ciaspycraft.com ... of Penguin Group (USA) Inc First printing, June 2008 Copyright © 2008 by Robert Wallace, H Keith Melton, and Henry R Schlesinger All rights reserved Photos on page 449; first insert, page (bottom):... Intelligence All other images provided by the Melton Archive REGISTERED TRADEMARK — MARCA REGISTRADA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Wallace, Robert Spycraft: the secret history of the... Spycraft: the secret history of the CIA’s spytechs from communism to Al-Qaeda / Robert Wallace and H Keith Melton with Henry R Schlesinger p cm Includes bibliographical references and index Directorate

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