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Special experience The OAO "Rosselchosbank" (Russian Agricultural Bank), founded by the state in 2000, was the basis for the national credit and financial system as a contact point for producers of the agroindustrial complex and acquired a wealth of experience in the creation and dynamic expansion of the credit portfolio To acquire the reputation of a reliable and dignified partner on the domestic and foreign money markets so that one could approach the most important task entrusted by the State to act as a basic instrument for supporting lending for priority national projects, Promoting the development of small farms in rural areas and intercultural communication between the subjects of the Russian Federation According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the share of bank loans in various sectors is 50 to 90% of the credit facilities of all Russian commercial banks In order to move closer to the mass of potential borrowers, the Bank has expanded its branch network, developed a number of unique credit products, taking into account the peculiarities of agricultural producers, which simplifies lending procedures and provides comprehensive advice Despite the positive development, the Bank is now faced with certain difficulties, both objective and subjective The main part of this project is the granting of loans under the priority national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex" Here, only the main problems are listed, the solution of which is in the first place: The main problems with the use of loans are difficulties in contracting, as well as in the pledging of property and the non-payment of subsidies A particularly high proportion of the nonpayment of subsidies is recorded by agricultural consumer cooperatives The reasons for the non-payment of subsidies vary: a certain part of the borrower simply did not request the payment, the proportion of documents not submitted in due time or not properly filed is also substantial The proportion of cooperatives whose documents have been accepted, but where the disbursements are delayed, is high Very serious difficulties are caused by the excessive checks carried out by the various control bodies, exten- sive examinations, visits by the officials in the establishments, requiring the submission of the documents proving the appropriate use of the loan (eg delivery notes of all kinds) But from where a simple villagers should take delivery notes, once the development of the Agrarmarket is taken into account! Here, the government, the bank and all stakeholders are called upon to make joint efforts to promote a civilized development of the agricultural market with the associated attributes and not to prepare the ground for all kinds of corruption and bribery The unprofitable nature of many farms, the lack of collateral or other foundations for the protection of loans also proves to be problematic Added to this is the inability of the administrative bodies to effectively support local projects (lack of qualified staff for the evaluation of projects, business plans, new agricultural and information technologies) From the outset, the Rosselchosbank has favored lending to citizens from rural areas as one of the main directions of their work In resolving this issue, the Bank devoted its full attention to the political and socioeconomic importance of this project In order to streamline the functioning of the agricultural credit mechanism, close cooperation between the authorities and the credit institution is required An important point in the social development of rural areas is the organization of social protection and the recovery of citizens in rural areas Therefore, the bank is currently developing credit products that can be targeted to achieve these goals The problem with the queues at the operating cash registers was solved by expanding the branch network The OAO "Rosselchosbank" does its utmost to expand its branch network for more customer proximity At present, the bank has 78 regional offices and more than 1100 additional offices In addition, there are more than 200 authorized representatives of the bank, which carry out some of the activities in lending in the areas where there are no additional banking branches One of its main tasks is to provide the Bank with the extension of access to credit resources for the population to ensure the development of productive activity and the safeguarding of personal needs; Promoting the creation of new jobs and reducing poverty in rural areas through the development of a credit and financial system; Improving the efficiency of the secondary business, the social protection of the rural population under the conditions of market economy; Reducing the gap between urban and rural areas in the provision of objects of the social sphere and the engineering infrastructure; Creating the foundations for increasing the prestige enjoyed by rural life; Support for the solution of the overall social tasks in the field of migration policy The implementation of the priority national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex" allows the bank to adjust in its long-term plans Today, the bank's main strategic goal is to create a universal financial and credit institution whose primary specialization is the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation The extent of this development can not be overestimated It should be pointed out here that only Russia needs to build a ground caterpillar, the installation of a ruble payment system, the financing of high-tech energy saving projects for farmers (biodiesel, biogas) In an environment where the Russian Federation is a member of the WHO, and the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products must be combated, the most modern banking products have to be used to increase the importance and efficiency of the "Rosselchosbank" agricultural bank You must be prepared for this This readiness expresses itself primarily in the vector and the intensity of the development of the bank Improving the bank's presence in the regions, improving the quality of management, perfecting the informative and technological support of the Bank's activities, supplementing the development of a strategy of the Bank, taking into account the turbulent socio-economic changes in rural areas and taking into account the changes The vector of organizational development ... representatives of the bank, which carry out some of the activities in lending in the areas where there are no additional banking branches One of its main tasks is to provide the Bank with the extension... products must be combated, the most modern banking products have to be used to increase the importance and efficiency of the "Rosselchosbank" agricultural bank You must be prepared for this This... the development of the bank Improving the bank' s presence in the regions, improving the quality of management, perfecting the informative and technological support of the Bank' s activities, supplementing

Ngày đăng: 23/05/2018, 14:48
