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Tr êng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt – TiÕng Anh 12 GV: Lª Anh Th UNIT SIXTEEN: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS Date:…………… 1 st lesson. Reading 96 th period. A) Aims. To help Ss practise reading a passage about the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. B) Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the passage about the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. C) Materials. Textbook, handouts. D) Methods. Integrated, mainly communicative. E) Anticipated problems. Ss maynot be familiar with the topic. F) Procedure. - 1 - Tr ờng THPT Nguyễn Thiện Thuật Tiếng Anh 12 GV: Lê Anh Th - 2 - Time Teachers activities Students activities 3 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes I) Warm up: - In one minute list out the name of Southeast Asian Nations. - Ask Ss to work in groups then read aloud their answers. - Ask Ss to give remarks if necessary. - Lead in the new lesson. => The Association of Southeast Asian Nations. II) Before you read. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures then answer some questions. - Ask Ss to read aloud then call others to give remarks. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. 1. ASEAN stands for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. 2. Vietnam joined this association in 1995. *Newwords. + accelerate (v) làm nhanh thêm [k'selreit] + stability (n) sự ổn định, kiên định [st'bilti] + respect (n) tôn trọng, kính trọng [ri'spekt] + diverse (a) thay đổi khác nhau [dai'v:s] + forge (v) tiến lên, vợt qua khó khăn [f:d] + integration (n) sự hoà nhập [,inti'grein] + enterprise (n) tổ chức kinh doanh ['entpraiz] - Ask Ss to listen to the teacher. - Ask Ss to read after the teacher then read aloud. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. III) While you read. * Task 1. Fill in each blank with a suitable word. - Ask Ss to read through the passage first then read task 1 carefully. - Ask Ss to read the passage again and pay attention to the words. - Ask Ss to read aloud the answers then call others to give remarks. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. 1. justice 2. GDP 3. diverse 4. integration 5. accelerate 6. enterprises * Task 2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. - Ask Ss to read task 2 carefully and find out keywords. - Ask Ss to read through the passage again to find out the answers - Ask Ss to work in groups then read aloud the answers. - Ask others to give remarks then give corrective feedback. 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. False * Task 3. Answer the following questions. - Ask Ss to read through task 3 and find out keywords. - Ask Ss to read the passage again to find out the answers. - Ask Ss to work in pairs then read aloud the questions and answers. - Go around and offer help if necessary. - Ask others to give remarks then give corrective feedback. 1. The five original member countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand founded ASIAN. 2. The two main goals of the association are to accelebrate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development; and to - Work in groups. - Read aloud the answers then copy. - Look at the pictures then work in groups. - Read aloud the answers then copy. - Find out newwords. - Work in groups then read aloud. - Give remarks then copy. - Work in groups then read aloud. - Give remarks then copy. - Work in groups then read aloud. - Give remarks then copy. Tr êng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt – TiÕng Anh 12 GV: Lª Anh Th UNIT SIXTEEN: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS Date:…………… 2 nd lesson. Speaking 97 th period. A) Aims. To help Ss practise speaking about some countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. B) Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about some countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. C) Materials. Textbook, handouts. D) Methods. Integrated, mainly communicative. E) Anticipated problems. Ss maynot be familiar with the topic. F) Procedure. Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3 minutes 15 minutes I) Warm up: Look at the picture and name out the countries and the capitals. - Ask Ss to work in groups then read aloud the answers. - Ask Ss to give remarks then give corrective feedback if necessary. A. Laos - Vientiane B. Cambodia - Phnom Penh C. Indonesia - Jakarta D. Vietnam - Hanoi E. Philippines - Manila F. Thailand - Bangkok G. Brunei - Darussalam H. Myanmar - Rangoon I. Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur J. Singapore - Singapore II) New lesson. * Task 1. Discuss and write down the name of the country and its capital under each national flag. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read through the passage. - Ask Ss to work in individual then in pairs. - Go around and offer help if necessary. - Ask Ss to read aloud the answers then call others to give remarks if necessary. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. * Task 2. Discuss and use the information in Task 1 and the facts below to talk about some of the ASEAN countries. - Ask Ss to read through task 2 first. - Ask Ss to work in groups and go around to offer help if necessary. - Ask Ss to read aloud their answers and call others to give remarks - Write the answers on the board then give corrective feedback if necessary. - Give some useful expresions. - Work in individuals. - Read aloud then give remarks. - Copy. - Work in individuals then in pairs - Read aloud. - Give remarks then copy. - 3 - Tr êng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt – TiÕng Anh 12 GV: Lª Anh Th 25 minutes 2 minutes + Could you tell me about ? + What is the area of .? + What about its population? + What languages do people in speak? + What kind of money do they use? 1. Malaysia has a total area of 329, 758 square kilometres. Its capital is Kuala Lumpur. It has a population of 24, 014, 200 people. The official languages used in Malaysia are Malay, English, and Tamil. The main religions in Malaysia are Islam and Buddhism, and its currency unit is Ringgit. 2. Thailand has a total area of 514, 000 square kilometres. Its capital is Bangkok. It has a population of 64, 420, 000 people. The official language spoken in Thailand is Thai. Buddhism is its national religion. Baht is the local currency unit. 3. The Philippines are an archipelago of 7, 000 islands lying off the southeast west of Asia. It haas a total area of 300,000 square kilometres. Its capital is Manila. It has a population of 91, 077, 287 people. The main languages spoken in the Philippines are Filipino and English. The main religion in the Philippines is Roman Catholic. The monetary unit of the Philippines is Peso. III) Homework assignment. Ask Ss to prepare “Listening” in advance - Work in pairs then read aloud. - Give remarks then copy. - 4 - Tr êng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt – TiÕng Anh 12 GV: Lª Anh Th UNIT SIXTEEN: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS Date: …………… 3 rd lesson. Listening 98 th period. A) Aims. To help Ss practise listening about the culture and religions of the ASEAN countries. B) Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for the understanding of the passage and listen for specific details. C) Materials. Textbook, handouts. D) Methods. Integrated, mainly communicative. E) Anticipated problems. Ss maynot be familiar with the topic. F) Procedure. Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3 minutes 10 minutes I) Warm up: - Puzzled words. Find the key word. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - Give the rule. + Each group has the right to choose the number one by one, and the teacher reads aloud the questions. Then ask them to give the answer of the questions, if they give the correct answer, they have the right to open the letter. After opening 2/3 columns, ask Ss to find out the keyword. The winner is the group which can give the keyword. The questions. 1. A sport event in Asia that is held every two years. 2. The country joined ASEAN in 1984. 3. A famous old temple in Cambodia. 4. The country that has Twin towers in Asia. 5. The capital of the Philippines. 6. This country is considered to be the cleanest country in Asia. 7. The main religion in Vietnam - Ask Ss to work in 2 groups then read aloud the answers. - Ask others to give remarks then give corrective feedback if necessary. Key word: ENGLISH - Lead in the new lesson. II) Before you listen. * Answer the following question. - Ask Ss to work in pairs and go around to offer help if necessary. - Ask Ss to read aloud then call others to give remarks. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. A. Which ASEAN countries use English as a second language? B. Some countries of ASEAN, which use English as a second language, are the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei. * Listen and repeat. – Ask Ss to read the words in silence then listen to the tape the first time. - Ask Ss to read after the tape then read aloud. - Correct their mispronunciation and give them the meaning of the words if necessary. + Buddhist (n) tÝn ®å ®¹o phËt ['budist] - Work in individuals. - Read aloud then give remarks. - Copy. 1. SEA GAMES 2. BRUNEI 3. ANGCOVAT 4. MALAYSIA 5. MANILA 6. SINGAPORE 7. BUDDHISM - Work in groups. - Read aloud the answers. - Give remarks. - Copy. - 5 - Tr ờng THPT Nguyễn Thiện Thuật Tiếng Anh 12 GV: Lê Anh Th 20 minutes 10 minutes 2 minutes + Buddhism (n) đạo phật ['budizm] + Muslim (n) tín đồ hồi giáo (a) thuộc hồi giáo ['muzlim; 'mzlm] + Catholic (n) tín đồ công giáo, thiên chúa ['kổlik] + entity (n) thực thể, sự tồn tại ['entiti] + predominantly (adv) phần lớn, chủ yếu là [pri'dminntli] + geo-political (a) thuộc địa chính trị [,di:oup'litikl] III) While you listen. * Task 1. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer A,B or C to complete the following sentence. - Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully then guess the answers. - Ask Ss to read aloud the answers then write on the board. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape then work in groups to check their guesses. - Ask Ss to listen again and give the corrective answers. - Ask Ss to give remarks then give corrective feedback. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B * Task 2. Listen again then answer the following questions. - Ask Ss to read the questions carefully then guess the answers. - Ask Ss to read aloud the answers then write on the board. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape then work in groups to check their guesses. - Ask Ss to listen again and give the corrective answers. - Ask Ss to give remarks then give corrective feedback. 1. Tomorrow ( the next day). 2. The US. 3. Around 50 million. 4. In the Philippines. 5. Three- Islam, Buddhism and Catholicism IV) After you listen. -Ask Ss to work in pairs and go around to offer help if necessary. - Ask Ss to read aloud their dialogue and call others to give remarks. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. => Her essay will be about the culture and religions of the ASEAN countries. V) Homework assignment. Ask Ss to prepare writing in advance. - Work in groups. - Guess the answers. - Listen then read aloud the answers. - Give remarks then copy. - Work in groups. - Guess the answers. - Listen then read aloud the answers. - Give remarks then copy. - Work in groups. - Read aloud the answers then give remarks. - Copy. - 6 - Tr êng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt – TiÕng Anh 12 GV: Lª Anh Th UNIT SIXTEEN: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS Date:…………… 4 th lesson. Writing 99 th period. A) Aims. To help Ss practise writing a letter of recommendation. B) Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of recommendation. C) Materials. Textbook, handouts. D) Methods. Integrated, mainly communicative. E) Anticipated problems. Ss maynot be familiar with the topic. F) Procedure. Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3 minutes 15 minutes 25 I) Warm up. – Look at the pictures then make questions and answers. - Ask Ss to work in groups then read aloud the questions and answers. - Call others to give remarks then give corrective feedback if necessary. II) New lesson. * Task 1. – Complete the letter of recommendation with the missing sentences in the box. - Ask Ss to read through task 1 first then help them do. - Ask Ss to work in groups and go around to offer help if necessary. - Give Ss the meaning of some new words if necessary. - Ask Ss to read aloud the answers then call others to give remarks. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. 1. I would like to recommend a well-known place in Vietnam to you. 2. It is about 170km from Hanoi. 3. The beach is an ideal place for swimmers. 4. People here are very friendly and hospitable. 5. I’m sure you will have a wonderful time here in Ha Long Bay. * Task 2. Write a letter of recommendation. - Ask Ss to work in groups. - Go around and offer help if necessary. - Give Ss some useful expressions. + I am very happy to hear that . + On hearing that you are going to + verb, I’d like . + is located/ situated in/ on + Caves, grottoes, mountain, hill, island, islet, spectacular, wonderful, attractive, beautiful, ideal, . + friendly, warm, hospitable, gentle, polite, charming + speciality/ special food. Shrimp, crab, - Ask Ss to write the letter in individuals. - Ask Ss to read aloud their letters then give remarks. - Give corective feedback if necessary. April 14 th , 2009 Dear David, - Work in groups. - Read aloud then give remarks. - Copy. - Work in groups then read aloud the answers. - Give remarks then copy. - 7 - Tr êng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt – TiÕng Anh 12 GV: Lª Anh Th minutes 2 minutes I’m very happy to hear that you are going to spend your summer holiday in the Southeast Asia. I would like to recommend a very wonderful place in Vietnam to you. That is Nha Trang city. Nha Trang is located on a beautiful bay, the Nha Trang bay, which was chosen by Travel and Leisure in two succeeding years as one of the 29 most beautiful bays in the world. Nha Trang is surrounded on all three sides by mountains and a large island on the fourth side. It is famous for its pristine beaches and exellent scuba diving. Nha Trang is not only already popular with Vietnamese tourists, it also attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. When you come here, you can visit many interesting places such as Hon Mun, Bamboo island, Ponagar Tower, and VinPearl etc, lying on clean white sand beach and enjoy the fresh air. There are alot of resorts, hotels, and restaurants along the beach which serve exellent fresh sea food. Nha Trang people are very warm and friendly. They help make this city more beautiful for their hospitality and helpfulness. I think you should come and see Nha Trang this summer. It will be a good time for you to enjoy the sights and relax after hard working days. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Anh Thu III) Homework assignment. Ask Ss to write the passage again at home and prepare “language focus” in advance. - Work in groups then read aloud. - Give remarks then copy. - 8 - Tr êng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt – TiÕng Anh 12 GV: Lª Anh Th UNIT SIXTEEN: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS Date:…………… 5 th lesson. Language focus 100 th period. A) Aims. To help Ss practise using the rising – falling tune and adverbial clause of time. B) Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the rising – falling tune and adverbial clause of time. C) Materials. Textbook, handouts. D) Methods. Integrated, mainly communicative. E) Anticipated problems. Ss maynot be familiar with the topic. F) Procedure. Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3 minutes 15 minutes I) Warm up. – Correcting mistakes - Write on the board some sentences then ask them to find out the mistakes then correct. - Ask Ss to work in groups then read aloud the answers. - Call others to give remarks then give corrective feedback if necessary. 1. When I will see him tomorrow, I’ll give him your address. 2. Do you know what he did after he has eaten his breakfast? 3. As soon as he finish his work, he goes home. 4. Can you help me while I was away. 5. Yesterday when I came there, the train left. => Lead in the new lesson. II) New lesson. 1) Pronunciation. - Listen to the teacher then practise reading the sentences. - Ask Ss to read the sentences in silence first. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape then read after the tape. - Ask Ss to read aloud again then listen to the tape to check up. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. 2) Grammar. * Exercise1. Complete the sentences below. - Ask Ss to read through the exercise then help them do. - Ask Ss to work in individuals then in pairs. - Go around and offer help if necessary then call some Ss to read aloud their answers and call others to give remarks. - Call a student to write the answers on the board then give corrective feedback if necessary. 1. She will phone you as soon as she arrives in Ho Chi Minh city. 2. After the war was over, we started rebuilding the country. 3. They met alot of people while they were on holiday. 4. Before you leave, don’t forget to turn off the lights. 5. I’ll stay till you get back. 6. We’ll come to see you whenever we are in Hanoi. 7. There is a danger of war as long as imperialism exists. 8. Tom sang a merry song as he walked away. * Exercise 2. Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in - Work in groups. - Read aloud then copy. 1. see 2. had 3. finishes 4. am 5. had left - Read in silence. - Work in individuals then in pairs. - Read aloud then give remarks. - Copy. - Read in silence. - Work in individuals then in pairs. - Read aloud then give remarks. - Copy. - 9 - Tr êng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt – TiÕng Anh 12 GV: Lª Anh Th 25 minutes 2 minutes brackets. - Ask Ss to read through the exercise then help them do. - Ask Ss to work in individuals then in pairs. - Go around and offer help if necessary then call some Ss to read aloud their answers and call others to give remarks. - Call a student to write the answers on the board then give corrective feedback if necessary. 1. When he arrives, he will tell us about the match. 2. Before the head teacher arrives, I’ll give the guests their tea. 3. Peter and John are going to play tennis tonight. While they are playing, we’ll go to the beach. 4. Since they got married, they have moved the house twice. 5. As soon as I have finished, I’ll give you a call. 6. After he (had) graduated from university, he joined the army. 7. Can you look after the children while I am out? 8. When I have read this novel, you can have it. * Exercise 3. Combine two sentences, using one as an adverbial clause of time with the given conjunction. - Ask Ss to read through the exercise then help them do. - Ask Ss to work in individuals then in pairs. - Go around and offer help if necessary then call some Ss to read aloud their answers and call others to give remarks. - Call a student to write the answers on the board then give corrective feedback if necessary. 1. Let’s go out before it starts raining. 2. I’ll give you my address when I have found somewhere to live. 3. After he had done his homework, he went to bed. 4. We’ll let you know as soon as we have made our decision. 5. I haven’t met them since I left school. 6. Robert suddenly began to feel ill while he was doing the examination. 7. Kate will come back home after she has finished the last semester. III) Homework assignment. Ask Ss to prepare “ Unit 15 ” at home. - Read in silence. - Work in individuals then in pairs. - Read aloud then give remarks. - Copy. - Read in silence. - Work in individuals then in pairs. - Read aloud then give remarks. - Copy. - 10 - [...]... TiÕng Anh 12 TEST YOURSELF F GV: Lª Anh Th Date:………… 101st period A) Aims: To help Ss estimate their knowledge by themselves B) Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do all the exercises correctly C) Materials Textbook D) Methods Integrated, mainly communicative E) Anticipated problems Too long F) Procedure Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I) Warm up None II) New lesson... the answers then call others to give - Work in groups remarks 10 - Read aloud the - Give corrective feedback if necessary minutes 1 Arab countries answers - Give remarks 2 In textile, toy, shoe, and electronic sectors - Copy 3 70% 4 They depended on their husbands or fathers 5 They access to education and change in economic status 3 Grammar - Use the following phrasal verbs to complete the sentences... to new thoughts on lifestyle At present people no more see a family of very many children, six or more And domestic chores are not a burden for women because they are done by machine Consequently women at present can promote themselves in social life much more easily III) Homework assignment 2 Ask Ss to prepare unit 14 at home minutes - 12 - GV: Lª Anh Th - Work in groups - Read aloud the answers -... on the board answers - Give remarks - Give corrective feedback if necessary - Copy 1 16 November 1945 2 193 3 60 4 teacher- training 5 heritage 2 Reading Read the text then answer the questions that follow - Ask Ss to read through the passage then find out newwords if necessary - Help them read the words correctly - Ask Ss to work in groups and go around to offer help if necessary - Ask Ss to read aloud... enjoy the benefits of education in every level.Women are not confined in the walls of the family with childbearing or childbearing They participate in almost every area of public life Many women have gained the high ranks in social or governmental sectors As a result of this women no longer depend economically on their husbands or families In addition, they do not worry about the number of children thanks... role in the family in comparison with that 50 years ago - Ask Ss to work in groups then read aloud the writing - Ask Ss to give remarks then give corrective feedback if 13 necessary minutes In recent year women’s role has changed dramatically in comparison with that 50 years ago The changes are explicitly seen in may sectors Firstly, in education, women nowadays are well educated, that is they can enjoy... Listening Listen to the passage and write down the missing word or number - Ask Ss to read the sentences first and find newwords if necessary - Ask Ss to work in groups and guess the answers - Work in groups - Ask Ss to listen to the tapescript to check their guess 10 - Read aloud the - Ask Ss to listen to the tapescript again then work in groups minutes - Ask Ss to read aloud the answers then write... sentences below - Ask Ss to work in groups and go around to offer help if necessary - Ask Ss to read aloud the answers then call others to give 10 - 11 - Trêng THPT NguyÔn ThiÖn ThuËt – TiÕng Anh 12 minutes remarks - Give corrective feedback if necessary 1 grow up 2 stay on 3 wait up 4 give in 5 catch up 6 speak up 7 Watch out 8 cool off 9 keep up 9 fall behind 4 Writing Write about the changes in women–s... in social life much more easily III) Homework assignment 2 Ask Ss to prepare unit 14 at home minutes - 12 - GV: Lª Anh Th - Work in groups - Read aloud the answers - Give remarks - Copy - Work in groups - Read aloud the answers - Give remarks - Copy . check up. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. 2) Grammar. * Exercise1. Complete the sentences below. - Ask Ss to read through the exercise then help. corrective feedback if necessary. 1. When he arrives, he will tell us about the match. 2. Before the head teacher arrives, I’ll give the guests their tea.

Ngày đăng: 05/08/2013, 01:25

Xem thêm: Unie 16 E 12



