1 . A. book B. good C. wood D. school 2. A. prepared B. organized C. impressed D. proposed 3. A. appeal B. treatment C. peace D. bearing 4. A. intellectual B. women C. epidemic D. accelerate 5. A. low B. cow C. now D. wow 6. A. cough B. enough C. rough D. through 7. A. sees B. runs C. rents D. smiles
TESTYOURSELFFOR 2ND FI NALTERM TEST-GRADE12 Mar kt hel et t erA, B, C, orDony ouranswersheett oi ndi cat et hewor dwhoseunder l i nedpar ti spr onounced di f f er ent l yf r om t hatoft her est A.book B.good C.wood D.school A.pr epar ed B.or gani z ed C.i mpr essed D.pr oposed A.appeal B.t r eat ment C.peace D.bear i ng A.i nt el l ect ual B.women C.epi demi c D.accel er at e A.l ow B.cow C.now D.wow A.cough B.enough C.r ough D.t hr ough A.sees B.r uns C.r ent s D.smi l es Ci r cl et hewor dwhosest r essi spl aceddi f f er ent l yf r om t hatoft her est A.vul ner abl e B.i ndi v i dual C.i nt el l ect ual D.epi demi c A.wi l der ness B.accel er at e C.penal t y D.habi t at A.compet i t i on B.di scov er y C.domest i c D.r eser v e A.i nt egr at e B.wi l dl i f e C.l eopar d D.r hi nocer os A.advocat e B.i ndust r y C.economi cs D.pol i t i cs A.sol i dar i t y B.ent husi asm C.t sunami D.successf ul l y A.compet i t or B.pol i t i cal C.soci et y D.oppor t uni t y Mar kt hel et t erA, B, C, orDony ouranswersheett oshowt heunder l i nedpar tt hatneedscor r ect i ng Ihaven' tmett hem si nceIl ef tschool f ort hr eey ear s AB C D Thenumberofpeopl eki l l edi nr oadacci dent shav ef al l ensi nce2010 A B C D I fy oudon' tknowt hemeani ngofawor d, y oucanl ooki ti nagooddi ct i onar y A B C D 4.Idonotknowwher ecoul dhehav egonesoear l yi nt hemor ni ng A B C D WHOi soneoft heUni t edNat i ons' agencyspeci al i zi ngi nheal t h A B C D You’ r eagr eatdancer Iwi shIcoul ddoasgoodasy oudo A B C D Oneoft hemosti mpor t antmeasur est obet akent opr omot et hedev el opmentofacount r yi st o A B const antcar r youteconomi cr ef or ms C D Appl i cant sar er equi r edt osi tf ort henat i onalent r anceexam bef or eadmi t t i ngt ohi ghereducat i oni nst i t ut i ons A B C D Mar kt hel et t erA, B, CorDt oi ndi cat et hewor dorphr aset hati sCLOSESTi nmeani ngt ot heunder l i nedpar t Thepr i mar ycausesofspeci esext i nct i onar ehabi t atdest r uct i onandcommer ci al expl oi t at i on A.mai n B.bi g C.nat ur al D.common Lookatt hel ov el yboy !Her eal l yr esembl eshi sf at her A.l ookaf t er B.t akeaf t er C.l ookat D.t akeof f 3.Mostoft hem wi l l bej obl esswhent heGamesar eov er A.f asci nat i ng B.odd C.t empt i ng D.unempl oy ed Becauseofanacci dent , myt r nwasdel ay edf orsev er al hour s A.l ookedaf t er B.hel dup C.t ur nedof f D.t r i edout Hy per t ensi oni soneoft hemostwi despr eadandpot ent i al danger ousdi seases A.col ossal B.popul ar C.common D.scat t er ed Theuseofl aser si nsur ger yhasbecomer el at i v el ycommonpl acei nr ecenty ear s A.absol ut el y B.r el ev ant l y C.al most D.compar at i v el y Roget ’ sThesaur us,acol l ect i onofEngl i shwor dsandphr ases,wasor i gi nal l yar r angedbyt hei deast hey expr essr at hert hanbyal phabet i cal or der A.aswel l as B.i nst eadof C.r est r i ct ed D.unl ess Thosewhoadv ocat ef ordoct or assi st edsui ci desayt het er mi nal l yi l l shoul dnothav et osuf f er A.hel p B.admi t C.suppor tpubl i cl y D.det er mi ne Mar kt hel et t erA,B,C,orDt oi ndi cat et hewor dorphr aset hati sOPPOSI TEi nmeani ngt ot heunder l i nedpar ti n eachoft hef ol l owi ngsent ences: 1.Hement i onedi npar t i cul arel ect r oni cs, hi smaj oratuni v er si t y A.onwhol e B.asal l C.i nal l D.i ngener al 2.Ther i v ershoul dbecont r ol l edi nor dert of aci l i t at enav i gat i on A.makedi f f i cul t B.makei mpossi bl e C.makeunpopul ar D.makebusy 3.Exper t shopet hatt hev acci newi l l bemasspr oducedsoon A.pr oducedi ngr eatnumber s B.pr oducedi nsmal l number s C.pr oducedcheapl y D.pr oducedwi t hhi ghcost 4.“ Ourv i ct or yi nt hi sOl y mpi cGameswashar dwon ” A.sof t l y B.act i v el y C.l i ght l y D.weakl y Theyhav enotmadeanyef f or tt oi nt egr at ewi t ht hel ocal communi t y A c oope r a t e B pu t t oge t h e r C s e pa r a t e D c on n e c t 6.Chi nahasbecomet het hi r dcount r yi nt hewor l dwhi chcani ndependent l ycar r i edoutt hemannedspace act i v i t i es A.puti n B.putof f C.puton D.putup 7.Ther ewasal ongper i odwi t houtr ni nt hecount r y si del asty earsot hehar v estwaspoor A.f ami ne B.f l ood C.dr ought D.epi demi c Someani mal smakei dent i cal soundswhent heysensedanger Thus, t heyappeart obecommuni cat i ng wi t heachot her A.l oud B.si mi l ar C.di f f er ent D.f r i ght eni ng Mar kt hel et t erA, B, C, orDonyouranswersheett oi ndi cat et hemostsui t abl er esponset ocompl et eeachof t hef ol l owi ngexchanges Sue: " Il ov ecomi cbooks " Al i ce: " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" A.Yes, i t ' sr eal l ygr eat ! B.Sor r y , Idon' t C.SodoI D.Nei t herdoI Mar y : " Thi sbooki sgr eat !Ican' tputi tdown" -Tom:“ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ” A.Def i ni t el y , I ' v er eadi tsev er al t i mes! B.Idon' tcar e! C.Sur el y , i t ' st er r i bl e! D.Sor r y , It hi nkso Tom: “ y ourhai r st y l ei st er r i f i c, Mar y ” –Mar y : “ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ” A.It hi nkso B.Whydoy out hi nkso? C.Sor r y , Idon’ tl i kei t D.Thanks, t hat ’ sani cecompl ement Ti m“ Iwoul dl i ket oseet hedoct or ” –Jacki e: “ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ” A.Ihopey ouf eel bet t ersoon B.I t ’ shur tal ot C.Neart hest at i on D.Hav ey ougotanappoi nt ment ? Mai :“ Doy oul i kev i si t i ngmuseums? -Nam:“ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ” A.No, I ’ dl ov et o B.No, Ihav en’ t C.Notr eal l y D.Manyt i mes Susan: " Sor r y , Br i ani snother e " Pet er :" _ _ _ _ _ _ ” A.Woul dy oul i ket ol eav eamessage? B.CanIt akeamessaget hen? C.CanIspeakt oBr i an, pl ease? D.CanIl eav eamessaget hen? Mar kt hel et t erA, B, C, orDony ouranswersheett oi ndi cat et hecor r ectanswert oeachoft hef ol l owi ng quest i ons 1.Thi swomanhas_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _herwhol el i f et ohel pi ngot her s A.i ni t i at ed B.appal l ed C.appeal ed D.dedi cat ed Thecr ash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i nt hedeat hsof10passenger s A.r esul t ed B.caused C.l eaded D.happened Endanger edspeci esar epl antandani mal speci eswhi char ei n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.r i sk B.r i sky C.danger D.danger ous 4.Theai m ofASEANi st opr omot ecl osereconomi c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.del egat i on B.i nt egr at i on C.r eput at i on D.mi gr at i on Themaj orgoal ofASEANi st o_ _ _ _ economi cgr owt h, soci al pr ogr essandcul t ur al dev el opment A.cooper at e B.accel er at e C.communi cat e D.oper at e 6.Nowaday s, womenhav egai nedsi gni f i cantl egal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.wr ongs B.r i ght s C.r esponsi bi l i t i es D.wor ks 7.Womenar eonl yaski ngt obegi v enequal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t ot hatofmen A.st at e B.st at us C.si t uat i on D.i deas Themember soft heRedCr osswer ededi cat edt hei rwhol el i f et o_ _ _ _ _ _ t hesuf f er i ngsofhumanbei ngs A.r educt i on B.r educi ng C.r educe D.r educt i v e Peopl eusedt oconsi derwoment obebet t er _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _f orchi l dbear i ngandhomemaki ng A.r egar ded B.sui t ed C.under st ood D.kept 10.Wi t hout_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ al l t henecessar yr esour cesf orl i f ewoul dbedamaged, wast edordest r oy ed A.pr i or i t y B.dest r uct i on C.conser v at i on D.ext i nct i on 11.Ani mal sl oset hei rhabi t atbecauseof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ andpol l ut edenv i r onment A.t hi r st B.cl i mat e C.st ar v at i on D.def or est at i on 12.I t ’ sdi f f i cul tf orwi l dl i f et osur v i v ebecauseoft hegl obal env i r onment al _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.det er i or at i on B.endanger ment C.change D.dest r uct i on 13._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i st heexi st enceofav ar i et yofpl ant sandani mal swhi chmakeabal ancedenv i r onment A.Bi odi v er si t y B.Habi t at C.Conser v at i on D.Ext i nct i on 14.Manyt housandsofspeci eshav ebecome_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.dest r uct i v e B.endanger i ng C.t hr eat eni ng D.ext i nct 15.Whi l ef eedi ng, t hebi r dsar e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t opr edat or s A.popul ar B.danger ous C.v ul ner abl e D.pr ot ect i v e 16.Weneedt oconcent r at e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ourt ar getaudi ence, namel ywomenagedbet ween20and30 A.on B.at C.i n D.about 17._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Chr i st masEv e, peopl eof t enhav epar t i esl at eatmi dni ght A.I n B.On C.At D.Fr om 18.Manymoder nmedi ci nesar eder i v ed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pl ant sandani mal s A.on B.f or C.f r om D.i n 19.Shei snotr eal l yf r i endl y Shedoesnotgetonwel l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _hercl assmat es A.f r om B.t o C.f or D.wi t h 20.Pl ant sandani mal sar er esponsi bl e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _av ar i et yofusef ul medi cat i ons A.f or B.t o C.at D.on 21.Byt het i meIr et ur nt omycount r y , I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ awayf r om homef ort hr eey ear s A.woul dbe B.wi l l hav ebeen C.wi l l be D.hav ebeen 22.ASEANal sowor ksf ort he_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ofpeaceandst abi l i t yi nt her egi on A.pr omot i on B.pr omot e C.pr omot i onal D.pr omot er t h 23.Theappl i cat i onf or m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _bef or e5 May , 2017 A.mustsubmi t B.mustbesubmi t t ed C.musthavesubmi t t ed D.mustbesubmi t t i ng 24.Theyhav ej ustv i si t edt het own_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l ocat i onwasl i t t l eknown A.wher e B.whose C.whi ch D.t hat 25.Manypl antandani mal speci esar oundt hewor l dar enowt hr eat ened_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ext i nct i on A.i n B.of C.f or D.wi t h 26.Thewat erwascol d, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Idi dn' tgoswi mmi ng A.t her ef or e B.but C.howev er D.so 27.Don' tmaket oomuchnoi se, y ou_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _waket hebabyup A.may B.must C.shoul d D.need 28.Iam v er yhappybecausemybi r t hdayi scomi ng_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.cl oseandcl ose B.mor ecl oseandcl ose C.cl oserandcl oser D.mor ecl oser 29.Coul dy ou_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _mybagwhi l eIgot ot het oi l et ? A.t akeaf t er B.l ookaf t er C.l ookat D.hol dup 30.We_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _y ouknowassoonaswehav emadeourdeci si on A.l et B.wi l l l et C.woul dl et D.coul d 31.Thecr ash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t ot hedeat hsof10passenger s A.appal l ed B.l ed C.caused D.r esul t ed 32.Johngoti l l andhadt o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ smoki ng A.gi v eup B.t ur nof f C.getr i d D.putof f 33.Thebomb_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _wi t hal oadbangwhi chcoul dbehear dal l ov ert het own A.gotov er B.bl ewout C.putout D.wentof f 34.Af t erI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _f r om uni v er si t y , Iwi l l j oi nt hear my A.hadgr aduat ed B.hav egr aduat ed C.wi l l gr aduat e D.gr aduat ed 35.Mor eandmor ewomen_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wel l pai dj obs A.ar eget t i ng B.i sget t i ng C.get s D.hasgot 36.I nt hepast , womenusedt obe_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dependentont hei rhusbandsorf at her s A.economi c B.economi cal C.economi cal l y D.economy 37.Themor eIgott oknowhi m, I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l i kedhi m A.t hemuch B.t hemost C.t hewel l D.t hemor e 38.I nmyopi ni on, menar e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _atmaki ngdeci si onst hanwomen A.bad B.good C.bet t er D.t hebest 39.Theav er agewomanear ns_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t heav er ageman A.t hesameas B.assameas C.t hesamewi t h D.ast hesameas 40.He_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ onegol dmedal i nwei ght l i f t i ng A.scor ed B.won C.awar ded D.gai ned 41.I ’ v ej ustmetMar y , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sonst udi esatt hesameschool asy our sdoes A.who B.t hat C.whom D.whose 42.Ihadt of i ni shmyhomewor kl astni ght_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iwasr eal l ysosl eepy A.despi t e B.i nspi t eof C.al t hough D.because 43.Remember_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y ourschool cer t i f i cat eswi t hy ouwhencomi ngt ot hei nt er v i ew A.br i ng B.br i ngi ng C.t obr i ng D.ofbr i ngi ng 44.Nei t herJanenorI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t ot heNewYor kbef or e A.was B.wer e C.hasbeen D.hav ebeen 45.Thehousei sol dandi tneeds_ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.t opai nt B.pai nt i ng C.pai nt ed D.bei ngpai nt ed 46.Wear r i v ed_ _ _ _ _ _ _t ohav esomecof f eebef or ecl ass A.enoughear l y B.ear l yenough C.t ooear l y D.ear l yt oo 47.Mr Ki ml i v esonaboat ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , hedoesnotknowhowt oswi m A.howev er B.mor eov er C.consequent l y D.t her ef or e 48.“ Whencany oucome? ”“ I ’ l l comeassoonas_ _ _ _ _ _ _mywor k” A.If i ni shed B.I ’ df i ni shed C.Iwi l l f i ni sh D.I ’ v ef i ni shed 49.Pupi l sshoul dhav et hei rey es_ _ _ _ _ _ _r egul ar l y A.t est ed B.t ot est C.t est D.t est i ng 50.Johndoesn’ twor k_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _hi sbr ot her A.ashar das B.ashar dl yas C.mor ehar dl yt han D.muchhar dt han 51.Hehadt oexpl nt hel essonv er ycl ear l y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.i nor dert hathi sst udent st ounder st and B.sot hathi sst udent scoul dunder st andi t C.i nor derunder st andi t D.soast ounder st andi ngi t 52.Themor ehet r i edt ohel pher , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _sheseemedt oappr eci at ei t A.t hel ess B.t hemuch C.l ess D.mor e 53.Ican' tf i ndmybookany wher e; I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i tathome A.musthav ebeenl eav i ng B.mustl eav e C.must bel eav e D.musthav el ef t 54 Thehouse_ _ _ _ _ _t hr eey ear sagoact ual l ybel ongedt ous A.sel l s B.wassol d C.sol d D.sel l i ng 55 _ _ _ _ _i nUNESCO’ sWor l dHer i t ageSi t esi n2003,PhongNhaKeBangi snot edf ori t scav eandgr ot t o sy st ems A.Li st i ng B.Hav i ngl i st ed C.Tohav el i st ed D.Hav i ngbeenl i st ed 56 Tour i st s_ _ _ _ _ _f r om al l ov ert hewor l dv i si tt her omant i cr i v er si nI t al y A.t ocome B.come C.comi ng D.came 57 Theuni v er si t yi spr oudoft hei rst udent s, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ear nnat i onal r ecogni t i on A.manyofwho B.manyofwhom C.t hat D.whom 58.Not hi ngwi l l bebet t ert hant hat , _ _ _ _ _ _ ? A.wi l l i t B.won’ ti t C.wi l l t hey D.won’ tt hey 59.Somebodywant edadr i nk, _ _ _ _ _ _ ? A.di dt hey B.di dn’ tsomebody C.di dn’ tt hey D.di dhe 60 Thepol i cemanaskedus_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.hadanyofusseent heacci denthappen B.whet heranyofushadseent heacci denthappen C.i fhadanyofusseent heacci denthappen D.t hati fanyofushadseent heacci denthappen 61.Mycatwoul dnothav ebi t t ent het oyf i sh_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i twasmadeofr ubber A.i fshehasknown B.i fsheshoul dknow C.hadsheknown D.i fsheknew 62._ _ _ _ _ _ _ any onecal l , woul dy oupl easeaskt hem t ocal l backl at er ? A.I f B.Shoul d C.When D.Unl ess 63.Thepl anewoul dhav el andedeasi l y_ _ _ _ _ _ _t het hi ckf og A.unl ess B.butf or C.becauseof D.duet o 64.I t ’ shi ght i me_ _ _ _ _af t erher sel f A.shel ooked B.shel ooks C.herl ook D.herl ooki ng 65." I ' dr at herhe_ _ _ _ _meof fr i ghtnow " A.pay i ng B.pay s C.pai d D.pay 66.Af t ert hedi v or ce, t heydi dn’ tt al kf ormont hs, butnowt hey_ _ _ _ _wi t heachot her A.ar eongoodt er ms B.get t i ngonwel l C.ar egi v i nghand D.ar edoi ngf oral i v i ng 67.AskDav i dt ogi v ey ouahandmov i ngt hef ur ni t ur e.He’ sasst r ongas_ _ _ _ _ A.anel ephant B.amount n C.agor i l l a D.ahor se 68.Idon’ tl i ket oaskpeopl ef orhel pasar ul ebutIwonderi fy oucoul d_ _ _ _ _meaf av our A.make B.do C.f i nd D.pi ck 69.Don’ tt r yt oohar d.Don’ t_ _ _ _ _of fmor et hany oucan_ _ _ _ _ A.eat…chew B.bi t e…swal l ow C.bi t e…chew D.eat…swal l ow Mar kt hel et t erA,B,C,orDony ouranswersheett oi ndi cat et hesent encet hatbestcombi neseachpai rof sent ences 1.Anumberofsuggest i onswer emadeatt hemeet i ng, butmostoft hem wer enotver ypr act i cal A.Mostoft hesuggest i onswhi chwer emadeatt hemeet i ngwer enotv er ypr act i cal B.Anumberofsuggest i onswer emadeatt hemeet i ng, mostoft hem wer enotv er ypr act i cal C.Anumberofsuggest i onswer emadeatt hemeet i ng, butmostofwhi chwer enotv er ypr act i cal D.Anumberofsuggest i onswer emadeatt hemeet i ng, mostofwhi chwer enotv er ypr act i cal 2.Asheear nedmor emoney, Mi keboughtmor ecl ot hes A.Themor emoneyMi keear ned, t hebet t ercl ot heshebought B.ThemostmoneyMi keear ned, t hemostcl ot heshebought C.WhenMi keear nedal otofmoney , heboughtmor eandmor ecl ot hes D.Themor emoneyMi keear ned, t hemor ecl ot heshebought 3.Herl i vi ngcondi t i onswer edi f f i cul t However , shest udi edver ywel l A.Shest udi edv er ywel l t hankst ot hef actt hatshel i v edi ndi f f i cul tcondi t i ons B.Al t houghshel i v edi ndi f f i cul tcondi t i ons, butshest udi edv er ywel l C.Shest udi edv er ywel l i nspi t eofherdi f f i cul tl i v i ngcondi t i ons D.Di f f i cul tasherl i v i ngcondi t i ons, shest udi edv er ywel l 4.Shehasal wayshadagoodr el at i onshi pwi t ht hechi l dr en A.Shehasgotal otoff r i endchi l dr en B.Thechi l dr enhav ehadherast hei rf r i end C.Shehasal way sgotawaywel l wi t ht hechi l dr en.D.Shehasal way sgotonwel l wi t ht hechi l dr en 5.AnneandAl exar ever ygr acef uldancer s Al so, t heyhaveyear sofexper i encedanci ngt oget her A.Notonl yAnneandAl exar ev er ygr acef ul dancer sandt heyal sohav ey ear sofexper i encedanci ngt oget her B.Notonl yar eAnneandAl exv er ygr acef ul dancer sbutt heyal sohav ey ear sofexper i encedanci ngt oget her C.Notonl yAnneandAl exar ev er ygr acef ul dancer sbutt heyal sohav ey ear sofex per i encedanci ngt oget her D.Notonl yAnneandAl exar ev er ygr acef ul dancer sbutt heyal sohav ey ear sofexper i encedanci ngt oget her aswel l Mar kt hel et t erA, B, C, orDony ouranswersheett oi ndi cat et hecor r ectanswert oeachoft hef ol l owi ng quest i ons I tbegant or n, buthedi dn' topenhi sumbr el l a A.Hedi dn' topenhi sumbr el l a, al t houghi tbegant or n B.Heopenedhi sumbr el l adespi t er ni ng C.Hedi dn' topenhi sumbr el l abecausei tdi dn' tr nmuch D.Hedi dn' topenhi sumbr el l abecauseofr n Assoonashewavedhi shand, shet ur nedaway A.Hesawhert ur nawayandhewav edhi shand B.Nosoonerhadhewav edhi shandt hanshet ur nedaway C.Shet ur nedawaybecausehewav edhi shandt ooear l y D.Al t houghshet ur nedaway , hewav edhi shand 3.Pl easedon’ tt al ksol oudl ywhi l eI ’ m st udyi ng A.I ’ dr at hery oudon’ tt al ksol oudl ywhi l eI ’ m st udy i ng B.I ’ dr at hery ounott ot al ksol oudl ywhi l eI ’ m st udy i ng C.I ’ dr at hery oudi dn’ tt al ksol oudl ywhi l eI ’ m st udy i ng D.I ’ dr at hery ounott al ki ngsol oudl ywhi l eI ’ m st udy i ng Ican' tr unasf astasIusedt o A.Iusedt or unmor esl owl yt hanIcannow C.Iusedt or unf ast ert hanIcannow B.Iusedt or unasqui ckl yasIcannow D.Ial way sr anasf astasIcannow 5.“ I ’ l lgi veyouanewbi kei fyoupasst heGCSEexam ”sai dhi smot her A.Hi smot herpr omi sedt ogi v ehi m anewbi kei fhepassest heGCSEexam B.Hi smot herpr omi sedt ogi v ehi m anewbi kei fhepassedt heGCSEexam C.Hi smot herpr omi sedt hatshewi l l gi v ehi m anewbi kei fhepassest heGCSEexam D.Hi smot herpr omi sedofgi v i nghi m anewbi kei fhepassedt heGCSEexam 6.Mostsci ent i st sknowhi m wel l However , ver yf ewor di nar ypeopl ehavehear dofhi m A.Hei st heonl ysci ent i stt hati snotknownt ot hegener al publ i c B.Notonl ysci ent i st sbutal sot hegener al publ i cknowhi m asabi gname C.Al t houghhei swel l knownt osci ent i st s, hei sl i t t l eknownt ot hegener al publ i c D.Manyor di nar ypeopl eknowhi m bet t ert hanmostsci ent i st sdo 7.I ti sexpect edt hatt axi ncr easeswi l lbeannouncedi nt omor r ow’ sbudget A.Theyexpectt hatt axi ncr easesar eannouncedi nt omor r ow’ sbudget B.Theyexpect edt hatt axwi l l bei ncr easedi nt omor r ow’ sbudget C.Taxi ncr easesar eexpect edt obeannouncedi nt omor r ow’ sbudget D.Taxi ncr easesi sexpect edt oannouncedi nt omor r ow’ sbudget STREETPAPERS Thepr obl em ofhomel essnessi sani nt er nat i onal one.I nt hecapi t al ci t i esoft hewor l d, t he( 1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _of peopl ebeggi ngont hest r eet si sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl y( 2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Butal l ov ert hewor l d, homel esspeopl ear e t aki ngt hef ut ur ei nt ot hei rown( 3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bysel l i ng“ st r eetpaper s”t heynol ongerneedt obegf ora( 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Theconceptoft hest r eetpaperi s( 5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.I ti ssol dbyhomel essandexhomel esspeopl ewhobuyi tat a( 6)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _pr i ceof30pandsel l i tt ot hepubl i cf or70p, keepi ng40pf ort hemsel v es.I ft heyhav enomoney , t hent heycangett hef i r stt encopi eson( 7)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _andpayf ort hem l at er Ev er ypapersel l err ecei v est r ni ng andi sgi v enaspeci al ( 8)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _badge 1.A.si ght B.v i si on C.l ook D.v i ew 2.A.usual B.r ar e C.common D.r out i ne 3.A.heads B.shoul der s C.mout hs D.hands 4.A.l i v i ng B.l i f e C.bei ng D.pay 5.A.easy B.st r ght C.si mpl e D.pl n 6.A.f i xed B.st eady C.hel d D.st uck 7.A.cash B.cheque C.cr edi t D.car d 8.A.char act er B.i dent i t y C.manner D.per sonal i t y I SAACNEWTON Si rI saacNewt on, t heEngl i shsci ent i standmat hemat i ci an, wasoneoft hemosti mpor t antf i gur esoft he17th cent ur ysci ent i f i cr ev ol ut i on.Oneofhi sgr eat est( 1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _wast hedi scov er yoft het hr eel awsofmot i on, whi char est i l l ( 2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t oday Butheal sohadav er yunusual per sonal i t y Somepeopl ewoul d( 3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _he wasact ual l yi nsane Hi sf at herdi edbef or ehewasbor n, andhi smot hersoonr emar r i ed.They oungI saachat edhi sst epf at herso mucht hatheonce( 4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t obur nhi shousedown–whenhi sst epf at herandmot herwer e( 5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i nsi de!For t unat el yhedi dnot , andhewentont ogr aduat ef r om Cambr i dgewi t houtbei ngt hr owni nt opr i son I saac’ sf i r st( 6)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _wor kwasat heor yofl i ghtandcol or Whenanot hersci ent i stwr ot eapapercr i t i ci zi ng t hi st heor y , I saacf l ewi nt oanuncont r ol l abl er age.Thesci ent i st( 7)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _f ort hecr i t i ci sm wasamancal l ed Rober tHooke.Hewasheadoft heRoy al Soci et y , andoneoft hemostr espect edsci ent i st si nt hecount r y ( 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, t hi smadenodi f f er encet oI saac, who( 9)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t ospeakt ohi m ov eray ear Thesi mpl ef actwast hatI saacf oundi ti mpossi bl et ohav eacal m di scussi onwi t hany one.Assoonas someonesai dsomet hi ngt hathedi sagr eedwi t h, hewoul dl osehi st emper.Fort hi s( 10)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _hel i v eda l ar gepar tofhi sl i f ei sol at edf r om ot hersci ent i st s.I ti sunl i kel yt hatmanyoft hem compl ned A.pr i zes B.ai ms C.goal s D.achi ev ement s A.f or ced B.used C.obey ed D.done A.t el l B.speak C.ask D.say A.shout ed B.f r i ght ened C.t hr eat ened D.war ned A.y et B.st i l l C.ev en D.now A.di spl ay ed B.r el eased C.shown D.publ i shed A.r esponsi bl e B.r easonabl e C.gui l t y D.at t r i but abl e A.Al t hough B.Howev er C.Despi t e D.Whati smor e A.suppor t ed B.deni ed C.r ef used D.i gnor ed 10 A.r eason B.condi t i on C.si t uat i on D.char act er ... ycl ear l y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.i nor dert hathi sst udent st ounder st and B.sot hathi sst udent scoul dunder st andi t C.i nor derunder st andi t D.soast ounder st andi ngi t 52.Themor ehet r... ngandhomemaki ng A.r egar ded B.sui t ed C.under st ood D.kept 10.Wi t hout_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ al l t henecessar yr esour cesf orl i f ewoul dbedamaged, wast edordest r oy ed A.pr i or i t y B.dest r uct i on... _ _ _ A.hadanyofusseent heacci denthappen B.whet heranyofushadseent heacci denthappen C.i fhadanyofusseent heacci denthappen D.t hati fanyofushadseent heacci denthappen 61.Mycatwoul dnothav