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Rousseau’s rejuvenation of political philosophy

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RECOVERING POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY ROUSSEAU’S REJUVENATION of POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY A New Introduction NELSON LUND Recovering Political Philosophy Postmodernism’s challenge to the possibility of a rational foundation for and guidance of our political lives has provoked a searching re-examination of the works of past political philosophers The re-examination seeks to recover the ancient or classical grounding for civic reason and to clarify the strengths and weaknesses of modern philosophic rationalism This series responds to this ferment by making available outstanding new scholarship in the history of political philosophy, scholarship that is inspired by the rediscovery of the diverse rhetorical strategies employed by political philosophers The series features interpretive studies attentive to historical context and language, and to the ways in which censorship and didactic concern impelled prudent thinkers, in widely diverse cultural conditions, to employ manifold strategies of writing strategies that allowed them to aim at different audiences with various degrees of openness to unconventional thinking Recovering Political Philosophy emphasizes the close reading of ancient, medieval, early modern and late modern works that illuminate the human condition by attempting to answer its deepest, enduring questions, and that have (in the modern periods) laid the foundations for contemporary political, social, and economic life The editors encourage manuscripts from both established and emerging scholars who focus on the careful study of texts, either through analysis of a single work or through thematic study of a problem or question in a number of works More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/14517 Nelson Lund Rousseau’s Rejuvenation of Political Philosophy A New Introduction Nelson Lund Antonin Scalia Law School George Mason University Arlington, Virginia, USA Recovering Political Philosophy ISBN 978-3-319-41389-1 ISBN 978-3-319-41390-7 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41390-7 (eBook) Library of Congress Control Number: 2016948399 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 This work is subject to copyright All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made Cover illustration: © GL Archive / Alamy Stock Photo Printed on acid-free paper This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer International Publishing AG Switzerland For Mara and Jack, my rejuvenators TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS I have relied on the Pléiade edition of Rousseau’s works (cited as O.C.) and on R.A. Leigh’s edition of his correspondence (cited as Corr Comp.) The translations are my own, though I have consulted and borrowed freely from a variety of English editions English translations of Rousseau’s works, keyed to the Pléiade pagination, can be found in Masters and Kelly’s The Collected Writings of Rousseau, and in Victor Gourevitch’s editions of Rousseau’s political writings For the convenience of the reader, I have included parallel citations to Allan Bloom’s popular English translations of the Letter to d’Alembert and the Emile For Greek sources, I have relied on the Oxford Classical Texts The translations are my own, but I have consulted and borrowed freely from several English editions, especially Thomas L. Pangle’s translation of the Laws vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mara Lund and Jack Lund have supported me in ways that are far too diverse, profound, and immeasurable to recount My gratitude to them could never measure up to what they have given me Farther back in time, three academic advisors indulgently reviewed my first attempts to write something about Rousseau: the late Thomas McDonald, the late Richard Kennington, and Harvey C.  Mansfield Decades later, Leon Kass encouraged me to renew my efforts, and I might not have done so without his influence For helpful comments on drafts of one or more chapters, I owe special thanks to Daniel Doneson, Robert A.  Goldberg, David Leibowitz, Brenda Leong, Craig S.  Lerner, Jack Lund, John O.  McGinnis, and an anonymous reviewer With incomparable generosity, Mara Lund and Stephen G. Gilles read multiple drafts of every chapter, saved me from an infinity of errors, and set standards that I could only hope to satisfy This project was facilitated by the liberality of my former Dean, Daniel D. Polsby, who judged that it was an appropriate way for a law professor to spend part of his time Melanie Knapp was enthusiastically relentless in providing all the research assistance I could have hoped for, and Jane Barton provided excellent administrative assistance Timothy W. Burns has been unfailingly generous and helpful throughout the publication process The book incorporates revised versions of four previously published essays: “Philosophic Anthropology in Rousseau and Elizabeth Marshall Thomas,” in Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver: Honoring the Work of Leon R. Kass, ed Yuval Levin, Thomas W. Merrill, and Adam Schulman (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2010); “Greatness of Soul and the ix CHAPTER Conclusion Rousseau adopted as his motto a line from Juvenal’s Satires, translated as “To consecrate one’s life to the truth.” When he first proclaimed this motto, he said that he wrote to be useful to others without soiling his writings with an eye to his own views or interests (d’Alembert, O.C., 5:120n, Bloom, 132n) He referred to the motto repeatedly, and the last allusion to it was followed by a lengthy discussion of lying.1 I cannot justice here to the relationship between Rousseau’s devotion to the truth and to the welfare of others.2 Instead, I will briefly address his continuing usefulness to us Rousseau is often studied in order to understand the progress of modernity, for elements of his thought appear to foreshadow a great diversity of subsequent developments The French Revolution Communism Fascism Contemporary communitarianism Romanticism and its vision of the sensitive artist as a moral preceptor Montessori schools and related forms of child-centered education The hippies of the 1960s and the quasi-religious environmentalists of today The animal rights movement Depth psychology and our contemporary culture of public confessions The politics of compassion and political leaders who take on the role of public comforters Many of these innovations have had extremely pernicious effects Emile, O.C 4:558, Bloom, 260 (in connection with the Profession of Faith of the Savoyard Vicar); Mountain, O.C., 3:683 (epigraph); Reveries, fourth walk, O.C., 1:1024 The best treatment I have seen is Christopher Kelly, Rousseau as Author: Consecrating One’s Life to the Truth © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 N Lund, Rousseau’s Rejuvenation of Political Philosophy, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41390-7_7 267 268 N LUND It is, therefore, tempting to dismiss Rousseau as the mad father of mad fantasies This is a mistake The poisonous fruits of Rousseau’s supposed influence all rest on distorted extensions of some aspect of his thought They are, moreover, better seen as the results of inner weaknesses in the Enlightenment project, which Rousseau only diagnosed The technological advances and political reforms triggered by the Enlightenment have brought unquestioned material benefits to mankind Nevertheless, we can see before us countless signs of the corruption that Rousseau saw emerging in eighteenth-century Europe Atheism has begun to dominate the West The egoism at the heart of Enlightenment philosophy is reflected in the ongoing collapse or redefinition of the family and in declining birthrates that threaten a kind of social suicide It is also reflected in a politics suffused with crony capitalism, interest-group feeding frenzies, and a voracious appetite for government entitlements that has proved politically uncontrollable even while it appears financially unsustainable Rousseau did not propose a political cure for the corruption that he saw in Europe, and he offers no such remedy for the ills of our time But he does offer an incisive analysis of the underlying causes Properly understood, that analysis does not invite us to abandon the sober political teachings of John Locke, Adam Smith, or the American founders But neither does the respect they are owed refute his diagnosis While cautious in proposing political reforms, Rousseau was bold in promoting moral reform He attacked the Enlightenment’s false promise of a happiness attainable through the rational and egoistic pursuit of wealth and power Even within the kind of society promoted by Enlightenment thought, he believed, it was possible for people to find a refuge from the corrupting influence of modern philosophy The key institution that made this possible was traditional family life Rousseau used all of his literary skill to defend and ennoble that institution, and thus to reinforce “the small fatherland that is the family” which supports liberal political societies like our own For all his desire to be useful to others, Rousseau was no mere sermonizer, or what we might call a cultural critic or public intellectual “[W]hen I desired to learn, it was in order that I myself might know (pour savoir moimême) and not in order to teach” (Reveries, third walk, O.C., 1:1013) His efforts to be useful to the public had a foundation in the most uncompromising personal search for the truth, which led him to acknowledge many truthful elements in Enlightenment philosophy The wackier intellectual movements that are superficially Rousseauan are not signs of his madness, CONCLUSION 269 but rather of intellectual deficiencies in later thinkers He is not responsible for the inner weaknesses in modern liberal societies, and his exposure of those weaknesses did not cause the dysfunctions and dissatisfactions of our time Those who aspire to defend and preserve the American republic, as Rousseau sought to serve the Republic of Geneva, need more than pious appeals to the authority of our founders, or to libertarian theories of natural rights And they certainly need more than proposals for public policies that promise to promote economic growth It is an open question whether anyone or anything can prevent an irremediable deterioration of America and the West more generally It should therefore be especially significant for us that Rousseau did not write only for the public, or for those who want to serve the public Rousseau also spoke to those who are, like himself, impelled to learn solely in order to know For them, his analysis of politics and the human soul can help to rejuvenate political philosophy as an entrance to philosophy as a way 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2009 Species: A History of the Idea Berkeley: University of California Press Williams, David Lay 2007 Rousseau’s Platonic Enlightenment University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press Wokler, Robert 1978, Summer Perfectible Apes in Decadent Cultures: Rousseau’s Anthropology Revisited Dædalus 107(3): 107–134 Zuckert, Catherine H 2009 Plato’s Philosophers: The Coherence of the Dialogues Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press INDEX A Alexander the Great, 183n37 amour-propre, 13, 27, 55–9, 75, 145 Anti-Federalists, 214, 244, 255n75 Athens, 1, 44, 45, 93, 117, 124, 129, 243 conscience, 173, 175, 182, 182n36, 185–90 Cooper, Laurence D., 232n30 Cranston, Maurice, 116n45, 117, 149, 186n42, 189n45, 207n61, 253n69 B bonobos, 54n29 Buffon, 15, 40n3 Burke, Edmund, 2, 213, 214n1 Burns, Timothy W., 79n68 Butler, Melissa A., 136n81 D Darwin, Charles, 17n13, 36n39, 41n4, 61n43, 78n66, 81 dueling, 144, 145 C Calvin, John, 129n70, 243 Cantor, Paul A., 133n73 Censorship, 266 cercles, 140, 140n87, 141 chimpanzees, 17n14, 53, 54, 59n41, 85n78 Clay, Diskin, 94n9 E Encyclopedia, The, 43, 116, 117 Euripedes, 79 F Federalist Papers, 213, 214n1, 244n52, 246, 256n77 Flaumenhaft, Harvey, 115n43 Fossey, Dian, 37n42 Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refers to footnotes © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 N Lund, Rousseau’s Rejuvenation of Political Philosophy, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41390-7 279 280 INDEX Fralin, Richard, 247n57, 248n59 Franklin, Benjamin, 14, 15n7 Fukuyama, Francis, 240n47 G Galdikas, Biruté, 37n42, 52 general will, 231, 233–7, 239, 243–5, 246n55, 248, 248n59, 250, 252, 253, 256, 262, 266 Glaucus, 31, 47n14, 122 Goodall, Jane, 10n2, 37n42 gorillas, 54, 59n41, 74n62 Gourevitch, Victor, 15n9, 28n28 H Hamilton, Alexander, 259, 263 Hendel, Charles W., 141n88 Homer, 49n16, 78, 79, 79n68, 89, 100n17, 121, 195, 196 Huntington, Samuel P., 241n48 J Jefferson, Thomas, 214n2, 217 Jesus, 116n47, 185n41, 191, 191n47, 192, 192n49 Juvenal, 267 K Kelly, Christopher, 16n11, 177n27, 267n2 Klein, Richard G., 17n14, 40n2, 41n4, 54n28, 82 Kochin, Michael S., 110 L Laertius, Diogenes, 79n68 Leibowitz, David, 93n6 Lerner, Craig S., 266n93 Lettres portugaises, 139n85 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 15n8 liberum veto, 253, 256, 256n78 Lincoln, Abraham, 254n74 logos, 49n16, 95 Ludwig, Paul W., 113n40 Lycurgus, 10n1, 94n11, 102, 105n24, 164–6, 243, 249n60, 251, 251n65, 252 M Machiavelli, Niccolò, 257, 257n80, 257n81 Madison, James, 15n7, 214n1, 244n52 magician-Socrates, 162, 164, 169n17 Marshall, Lorna, 16, 22n21 Marshall, Terence, 59n40 Masson, Pierre-Maurice, 62n44 Masters, Roger D., 55–60 McKeen, Catherine, 105n23 Meier, Heinrich, 49n16 Melzer, Arthur M., 44n9, 234n35, 237–42 Mikalson, Jon D., 117n48 Mithen, Steven, 66n48, 82, 84n73, 85n76, 89n86 Molière, 137 Montaigne, Michel de, 249n60 Montesquieu, 2n1, 94n10, 213, 248, 248n58, 256n77 Morrow, Glenn R., 94n9, 94n10 Moses, 44n9, 243 Munn, Mark, 97n13 N natural law or law of nature, 47, 182, 182n36, 186, 222, 228 natural right or right of nature, 37, 169, 216–31, 232n31, 256n78, 269 Neanderthals, 86–7 INDEX Nietzsche, Friedrich, 5, 225 nocturnal council, 109–11, 115, 115n43, 144 Numa, 244n52 O Okin, Susan Moller, 111n34 orangutans, 52–4, 57–8, 59n41, 74n62 P particular will, 234, 235, 235n36, 244, 245, 246n55, 266 perfectibility, 28, 28n28, 48, 54–6, 60, 62 Pericles, 114n41 Pliny, 40n3 Plutarch, 2, 94n11, 105n24, 128n69, 152, 168, 203, 225, 256 pre-Socratic philosophy, 5, 46, 97n13 R Racine, 130 Rousseau Confessions, 4, 10n3, 73n61, 150, 151nn4–6, 174, 177n29, 178n31, 185n40, 207n61, 209n62 Dictionary of Music, 77n65 Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, 10n3, 16n11, 91, 115, 143n92, 147n96, 249n60 Letters to Malesherbes, 33n34, 225 Letter to Philopolis, 48n15 New Heloise, The, 123n54, 138, 140n86, 149, 150, 150n2, 151n5, 184, 185n39, 189, 194, 207, 214n2, 254n72 Preface to a Second Letter to Bordes, 10n3 Preface to Narcisse, 137 281 Reveries, 29n29, 173n23, 174n25, 177n28, 267n1, 268 Savoyard Vicar, 56n33, 59n40, 172–92, 201, 267n1 On Theatrical Imitation, 118–24 S Saunders, T.J., 105n23, 111n34 Savoyard Vicar, 56n33, 59n40, 172–92, 201, 267n1 Saxonhouse, Arlene, 111n34 Schwartz, Joel, 242n50 Sedley, David, 72n57 Seneca, 158n12, 207 Servius, 244n52, 250 Shakespeare, William, 130–6, 137n82 Shell, Susan Meld, 26n24, 128n68 Silver, Morris, 249n60 Silverthorne, J.M., 92n1 slavery, 9, 50, 50n18, 99, 100, 100n17, 101, 101n18, 102, 208, 249, 249n60 Smith, Adam, 81n70, 163n15, 186, 230n28, 239n45, 242n49, 268 Solon, 244n52 Strauss, Leo, 1–4, 28n28, 45n11, 73n60, 93, 96n12, 101n19, 126n61, 257n81 T Thucydides, 105n24, 114n41 thumos, 38, 144, 145 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 2, 5, 15n7, 101n18, 225 Tribunate, 264–6 Tyrtaeus, 123n56 V van Schaik, Carel, 52, 53n26 Velkley, Richard L., 15n9 Voltaire, 124, 130, 176 282 INDEX W Wells, Spencer, 18n15, 18n19 Williams, David Lay, 3–4 X Xenophon, 36, 64n47, 112n35, 192, 192n48, 196n53, 206n59, 210 Y Yanomami, 27 Z Zuckert, Catherine H., 97n13 ...Recovering Political Philosophy Postmodernism’s challenge to the possibility of a rational foundation for and guidance of our political lives has provoked a searching re-examination of the works of past... thematic study of a problem or question in a number of works More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/14517 Nelson Lund Rousseau’s Rejuvenation of Political Philosophy. .. mingled in them John Locke, Of the Conduct of? ?the Understanding © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 N Lund, Rousseau’s Rejuvenation of Political Philosophy, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41390-7_1

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