The plastic method has been used extensively by engineers for the design of steel structures, including simple beams, continuous beams, and simple portal frames. Traditionally, the analysis is based on the rigidplastic theory whereby the plastic collapse load is evaluated through virtual work formulation in which elastic deflection is ignored. For more complex frames, specialist computer packages for elastoplastic analysis are usually employed. Current publications on plastic design method provide means of analysis based on either virtual work formulation or sophisticated plastic theory contained in specialist computer packages. This book aims to bridge this gap.
Trang 2Plastic Analysis and
Design of Steel Structures
Trang 4Plastic Analysis and
Design of Steel Structures
M Bill Wong
Department of Civil Engineering
Monash University, Australia
Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier
Trang 5Copyright © 2009, Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wong, Bill.
Plastic analysis and design of steel structures/by Bill Wong 1st ed.
p cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7506-8298-5 (alk paper)
1 Building, Iron and steel 2 Structural design 3 Plastic analysis
(Engineering) I Title.
TA684.W66 2009
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2008027081 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
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08 09 10 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Trang 61.3 Statically Indeterminate Structures—Direct Stiffness
2.6 Comparison of Linear Elastic and Plastic Designs 73
2.8 Overview of Design Codes for Plastic Design 752.9 Limitations of Plastic Design Method 76
Trang 73 Plastic Flow Rule and Elastoplastic Analysis 813.1 General Elastoplastic Analysis of Structures 813.2 Reduced Plastic Moment Capacity Due to Force
3.5 Derivation of General Elastoplastic Stiffness Matrices 923.6 Elastoplastic Stiffness Matrices for Sections 953.7 Stiffness Matrix and Elastoplastic Analysis 99
4.7 Distributed Loads in Elastoplastic Analysis 126
5.7 Calculation of Member Forces at Collapse 1555.8 Effect of Axial Force on Plastic Collapse Load 157
Trang 86.4 General Description of the Discrete Plane Frame
8.2 Serviceability Limit State Requirements 219
Contents vii
Trang 10The plastic method has been used extensively by engineers for thedesign of steel structures, including simple beams, continuous beams,and simple portal frames Traditionally, the analysis is based on therigid-plastic theory whereby the plastic collapse load is evaluatedthrough virtual work formulation in which elastic deflection isignored For more complex frames, specialist computer packages forelastoplastic analysis are usually employed Current publications onplastic design method provide means of analysis based on either vir-tual work formulation or sophisticated plastic theory contained inspecialist computer packages This book aims to bridge this gap.The advent of computers has enabled practicing engineers toperform linear and nonlinear elastic analysis on a daily basis usingcomputer programs widely available commercially The results fromcomputer analysis are transferred routinely to tools with automatedcalculation formats such as spreadsheets for design The use of thisroutine procedure is commonplace for design based on elastic, geo-metrically nonlinear analysis However, commercially available com-puter programs for plastic analysis are still a rarity among theengineering community
This book emphasizes a plastic analysis method based on thehinge by hinge concept Frames of any degree of complexity can beanalyzed plastically using this method This method is based on theelastoplastic analysis procedure where a linear elastic analysis, per-formed either manually or by computers, is used between the forma-tion of consecutive plastic hinges The results of the linear elasticanalysis are used in a proforma created in a spreadsheet environmentwhere the next plastic hinge formation can be predicted automaticallyand the corresponding culmulative forces and deflections calculated
In addition, a successive approximation method is described to takeaccount of the effect of force interaction on the evaluation of the col-lapse load of a structure This method can be performed using resultsfrom analysis obtained from most commercially available computerprograms
The successive approximation method is an indirect way toobtain the collapse load of structures using iterative procedures For
Trang 11direct calculation of the collapse load without using iterative dures, special formulations, possibly with ad-hoc computer program-ming, according to the plastic theory must be used Nowadays, thestiffness method is the most popular and recognized method for struc-tural analysis This book provides a theoretical treatment for deriva-tion of the stiffness matrices for different states of plasticity in anelement for the stiffness method of analysis The theory is based onthe plastic flow rule and the concept of yield surface is introduced.
proce-An introduction to the use of the linear programming techniquefor plastic analysis is provided in a single chapter in this book Thispowerful and advanced method for plastic analysis is described indetail using optimization procedures Its use is important in an auto-mated computational environment and is particularly important forresearchers working in the area of nonlinear structural plastic analysis.This chapter was written by Professor Francis Tin-Loi, a prominentresearcher in the use of mathematical programming methods forplastic analysis of structures
In this book, new insights into various issues related to plasticanalysis and design are given, such as the effect of high temperature
on plastic collapse load and the use of plastic rotation capacity as alimit state for plastic design Based on the elastoplastic approach, aninterpolation procedure is introduced to calculate the design forcesand deflections at the design load level rather than at the collapse loadlevel
In the final chapter of this book, a comparison among designcodes from Australia, Europe, and the United States for plastic designmethod is given This comparison enables practicing engineers tounderstand the issues involved in the plastic design procedures andthe limitations imposed by this design method
Bill Wong
Trang 12if any, are being used for daily routine design in engineering offices.This may be because of the perception by many engineers that theplastic design method is used only for certain types of usually simplestructures, such as beams and portal frames This perception dis-courages commercial software developers from developing computerprograms for plastic analysis because of their limited applications.Contrary to the traditional thinking that plastic analysis is per-formed either by simple manual methods for simple structures or bysophisticated computer programs written for more general applica-tions, this book intends to introduce general plastic analysis methods,which take advantage of the availability of modern computationaltools, such as linear elastic analysis programs and spreadsheet applica-tions These computational tools are in routine use in most engi-neering design offices nowadays The powerful number-crunchingcapability of these tools enables plastic analysis and design to be per-formed for structures of virtually any size.
The amount of computation required for structural analysis islargely dependent on the degree of statical indeterminacy of the
Trang 13structure For determinate structures, use of equilibrium conditionsalone will enable the reactions and internal forces to be determined.For indeterminate structures, internal forces are calculated by consid-ering both equilibrium and compatibility conditions, through whichsome methods of structural analysis suitable for computer applica-tions have been developed The use of these methods for analyzingindeterminate structures is usually not simple, and computers areoften used for carrying out these analyses Most structures in practiceare statically indeterminate.
Structural analysis, whether linear or nonlinear, is mostly based
on matrix formulations to handle the enormous amount of numericaldata and computations Matrix formulations are suitable for computerimplementation and can be applied to two major methods of struc-tural analysis: the flexibility (or force) method and the stiffness (or dis-placement) method
The flexibility method is used to solve equilibrium and ibility equations in which the reactions and member forces areformulated as unknown variables In this method, the degree of stat-ical indeterminacy needs to be determined first and a number ofunknown forces are chosen and released so that the remaining struc-ture, called the primary structure, becomes determinate The pri-mary structure under the externally applied loads is analyzed andits displacement is calculated A unit value for each of the chosenreleased forces, called redundant forces, is then applied to the pri-mary structure (without the externally applied loads) so that, fromthe force-displacement relationship, displacements of the structureare calculated The structure with each of the redundant forces iscalled the redundant structure The compatibility conditions based
compat-on the deformaticompat-on between the primary structure and the redundantstructures are used to set up a matrix equation from which theredundant forces can be solved
The solution procedure for the force method requires selection ofthe redundant forces in the original indeterminate structure and thesubsequent establishment of the matrix equation from the compati-bility conditions This procedure is not particularly suitable for com-puter programming and the force method is therefore usually usedonly for simple structures
In contrast, formulation of the matrix equations for the stiffnessmethod is done routinely and the solution procedure is systematic.Therefore, the stiffness method is adopted in most structural analysiscomputer programs The stiffness method is particularly useful forstructures with a high degree of statical indeterminacy, although
it can be used for both determinate and indeterminate structures.The stiffness method is used in the elastoplastic analysis described
in this book and the basis of this method is given in this chapter
Trang 14In particular, the direct stiffness method, a variant of the general ness method, is described For a brief history of the stiffness method,refer to the review by Samuelsson and Zienkiewicz.5
stiff-1.2 Degrees of Freedom and Indeterminacy
Plastic analysis is used to obtain the behavior of a structure at collapse
As the structure approaches its collapse state when the loads are ing, the structure becomes increasingly flexible in its stiffness Itsflexibility at any stage of loading is related to the degree of statical inde-terminacy, which keeps decreasing as plastic hinges occur with theincreasing loads This section aims to describe a method to distinguishbetween determinate and indeterminate structures by examining thedegrees of freedom of structural frames The number of degrees of free-dom of a structure denotes the independent movements of the structuralmembers at the joints, including the supports Hence, it is an indication
increas-of the size increas-of the structural problem The degrees increas-of freedom increas-of a ture are counted in relation to a reference coordinate system
struc-External loads are applied to a structure causing movements atvarious locations For frames, these locations are usually defined
at the joints for calculation purposes Thus, the maximum number
of independent displacements, including both rotational and tional movements at the joints, is equal to the number of degrees offreedom of the structure To identify the number of degrees of freedom
transla-of a structure, each independent displacement is assigned a number,called the freedom code, in ascending order in the global coordinatesystem of the structure
Figure 1.1 shows a frame with 7 degrees of freedom Note that thepinned joint at C allows the two members BC and CD to rotate indepen-dently, thus giving rise to two freedoms in rotation at the joint
In structural analysis, the degree of statical indeterminacy isimportant, as its value may determine whether the structure
7 3
4 6 5
FIGURE 1.1 Degrees of freedom of a frame
Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 3
Trang 15is globally unstable or stable If the structure is stable, the degree ofstatical indeterminacy is, in general, proportional to the level of com-plexity for solving the structural problem.
The method described here for determining the degree of staticalindeterminacy of a structure is based on that by Rangasami andMallick.6
Only plane frames will be dealt with here, although the methodcan be extended to three-dimensional frames
1.2.1 Degree of Statical Indeterminacy of Frames
For a free member in a plane frame, the number of possible ments is three: horizontal, vertical, and rotational If there are n mem-bers in the structure, the total number of possible displacements,denoted by m, before any displacement restraints are considered, is
For two members connected at a joint, some or all of the cements at the joint are common to the two members and these com-mon displacements are considered restraints In this method fordetermining the degree of statical indeterminacy, every joint is con-sidered as imposing r number of restraints if the number of commondisplacements between the members is r The ground or foundation
displa-is considered as a noncounting member and has no freedom Figure 1.2indicates the value of r for each type of joints or supports in a planeframe
For pinned joints with multiple members, the number of pinnedjoints, p, is counted according to Figure 1.3 For example, for a four-member pinned connection shown in Figure 1.3, a first joint iscounted by considering the connection of two members, a secondjoint by the third member, and so on The total number of pinnedjoints for a four-member connection is therefore equal to three In gen-eral, the number of pinned joints connecting n members is p ¼ n – 1.The same method applies to fixed joints
(e) Rigid ( fixed)
FIGURE 1.2 Restraints of joints
Trang 16For a connection at a roller support, as in the example shown inFigure 1.4, it can be calculated that p ¼ 2.5 pinned joints and that thetotal number of restraints is r ¼ 5.
The degree of statical indeterminacy, fr, of a structure is mined by
a If fr¼ 0, the frame is stable and statically determinate
b If fr< 0, the frame is stable and statically indeterminate to thedegree fr
c If fr> 0, the frame is unstable
Note that this method does not examine external instability orpartial collapse of the structure
Example 1.1 Determine the degree of statical indeterminacy for thepin-jointed truss shown in Figure 1.5
No of pins, p = 1 No of pins, p = 2 No of pins, p = 3
FIGURE 1.3 Method for joint counting
No of pins, p = 2.5
FIGURE 1.4 Joint counting of a pin with roller support
FIGURE 1.5 Determination of degree of statical indeterminacy in Example 1.1
Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 5
Trang 17Solution For the truss in Figure 1.5a, number of membersn ¼ 3; ber of pinned joints p ¼ 4.5.
num-Hence, fr¼ 3 3 2 4:5 ¼ 0 and the truss is a determinatestructure For the truss in Figure 1.5b, number of members n ¼ 2;number of pinned joints p ¼ 3
Hence, fr¼ 3 2 2 3 ¼ 0 and the truss is a determinatestructure
Example 1.2 Determine the degree of statical indeterminacy for theframe with mixed pin and rigid joints shown in Figure 1.6
Solution For this frame, a member is counted as one between twoadjacent joints Number of members ¼ 6; number of rigid (or fixed)joints ¼ 5 Note that the joint between DE and EF is a rigid one,whereas the joint between BE and DEF is a pinned one Number ofpinned joints ¼ 3
Hence, fr¼ 3 6 3 5 2 3 ¼ 3 and the frame is an terminate structure to the degree 3
inde-1.3 Statically Indeterminate Structures—Direct
Stiffness Method
The spring system shown in Figure 1.7 demonstrates the use of thestiffness method in its simplest form The single degree of freedomstructure consists of an object supported by a linear spring obeyingHooke’s law For structural analysis, the weight, F, of the object andthe spring constant (or stiffness), K, are usually known The purpose
FIGURE 1.6 Determination of degree of statical indeterminacy in Example 1.2
Trang 18of the structural analysis is to find the vertical displacement, D, andthe internal force in the spring, P.
From Hooke’s law,
f gn1 ¼ K½ nnf gD n1 (1.7)where Ff gn1 is the load vector of size n 1ð Þ containing the externalloads, K½ nn is the structure stiffness matrix of size ðn nÞcorresponding to the spring constant K in a single degree systemshown in Figure 1.7, and Df gn1 is the displacement vector of size
FIGURE 1.7 Load supported by linear spring
Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 7
Trang 19The unknown displacement vector can be found by solvingEquation (1.7) as
Details of the formation of Ff g, K½ , and Df g are given in the followingsections
1.3.1 Local and Global Coordinate Systems
A framed structure consists of discrete members connected at joints,which may be pinned or rigid In a local coordinate system for a mem-ber connecting two joints i and j, the member forces and thecorresponding displacements are shown in Figure 1.8, where the axialforces are acting along the longitudinal axis of the member and theshear forces are acting perpendicular to its longitudinal axis
In Figure 1.8, Mi,j, yi,j ¼ bending moments and correspondingrotations at ends i, j, respectively; Ni,j, ui,j are axial forces andcorresponding axial deformations at ends i, j, respectively; and Qi,j,
vi,j are shear forces and corresponding transverse displacements atends i, j, respectively The directions of the actions and movementsshown in Figure 1.8 are positive when using the stiffness method
As mentioned in Section 1.2, the freedom codes of a structure areassigned in its global coordinate system An example of a memberforming part of the structure with a set of freedom codes (1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6) at its ends is shown in Figure 1.9 At either end of the member,the direction in which the member is restrained from movement isassigned a freedom code “zero,” otherwise a nonzero freedom code isassigned The relationship for forces and displacements between localand global coordinate systems will be established in later sections
Trang 201.4 Member Stiffness Matrix
The structure stiffness matrix K½ is assembled on the basis of theequilibrium and compatibility conditions between the members For
a general frame, the equilibrium matrix equation of a member is
where Pf g is the member force vector, K½ is the member stiffnessematrix, and df g is the member displacement vector, all in the mem-ber’s local coordinate system The elements of the matrices in Equa-tion (1.9) are given as
where the elements of Pf g and df g are shown in Figure 1.8
1.4.1 Derivation of Elements of Member Stiffness Matrix
A member under axial forces Ni and Nj acting at its ends producesaxial displacements ui and uj as shown in Figure 1.10 From thestress-strain relation, it can be shown that
5 6
FIGURE 1.9 Freedom codes of a member in a global coordinate system
Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 9
Trang 21where E is Young’s modulus, A is cross-sectional area, and L is length
of the member Hence, K11¼ K14¼ K41 ¼ K44¼EAL
For a member with shear forces Qi, Qj and bending moments
Mi, Mj acting at its ends as shown in Figure 1.11, the end ments and rotations are related to the bending moments by theslope-deflection equations as
Hence, K62¼ K65¼6EIL2, K63¼2EIL , and K66¼4EIL
By taking the moment about end j of the member in Figure 1.11,
Trang 22Also, by taking the moment about end i of the member, we obtain
1.5.1 Load Transformation
The forces in the global coordinate system shown with superscript “g”
in Figure 1.12 are related to those in the local coordinate system by
Hgi ¼ Nicos a Qisin a (1.14a)
Trang 231.5.2 Displacement Transformation
The displacements in the global coordinate system can be related tothose in the local coordinate system by following the procedure simi-lar to the force transformation The displacements in both coordinatesystems are shown in Figure 1.13
Trang 24Dg e
1.6 Member Stiffness Matrix in Global Coordinate SystemFrom Equation (1.15),
Fg e
FIGURE 1.13 Displacements in the local and global coordinate systems
Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 13
Trang 25An explicit expression for K½ isg
(1.19)where C = cos a; S = sin a
1.7 Assembly of Structure Stiffness Matrix
Consider part of a structure with four externally applied forces, F1, F2,F4, and F5, and two applied moments, M3 and M6, acting at thetwo joints p and q connecting three members A, B, and C as shown inFigure 1.14 The freedom codes at joint p are {1, 2, 3} and at joint q are{4, 5, 6} The structure stiffness matrix [K] is assembled on the basis oftwo conditions: compatibility and equilibrium conditions at the joints
1.7.1 Compatibility Condition
At joint p, the global displacements are D1 (horizontal), D2 (vertical),and D3 (rotational) Similarly, at joint q, the global displacements areD4 (horizontal), D5 (vertical), and D6 (rotational) The compatibilitycondition is that the displacements (D1, D2, and D3) at end p of mem-ber A are the same as those at end p of member B Thus,
ðugjÞA¼ u gi B¼ D1, ðvjgÞA¼ v ig B¼ D2, and ðygjÞA¼ ðygiÞB¼ D3 Thesame condition applies to displacements (D4, D5, and D6) at end q
of both members B and C
Trang 26The member stiffness matrix in the global coordinate systemgiven in Equation (1.19) can be written as
FIGURE 1.14 Assembly of structure stiffness matrix [K]
Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 15
Trang 27F1 ¼ Hgj
Aþ H gi B (1.22a)F2 ¼ Vjg
Aþ V ig B (1.22b)M3 ¼ M gj
Aþ M giB (1.22c)Also, at joint q,
F4 ¼ Hgj
Bþ H gi C (1.22d)F5 ¼ Vjg
Bþ V ig C (1.22e)M6 ¼ M gj
Bþ M giC (1.22f)
By writing Equations (1.22a) to (1.22f) in matrix form using Equations(1.21a) to (1.21l) and applying this operation to the whole structure,the following equilibrium equation of the whole structure is obtained:
Trang 28D1D2D3D4D5D4
Trang 29where the “l” stands for matrix coefficients contributed from theother parts of the structure In simple form, Equation (1.23) can bewritten as
f g ¼ K½ Df gwhich is identical to Equation (1.7) Equation (1.23) shows how thestructure equilibrium equation is set up in terms of the load vectorF
f g, structure stiffness matrix K½ , and the displacement vector Df g.Close examination of Equation (1.23) reveals that the stiffnesscoefficients of the three members A, B, and C are assembled into K½
in a way according to the freedom codes assigned to the members.Take member A as an example By writing the freedom codes in theorder of ends i and j around the member stiffness matrix in the globalcoordinate system shown in Figure 1.15, the coefficient, for example,
k54, is assembled into the position [2, 1] of K½ Similarly, the cient k45 is assembled into the position [1, 2] of K½ The coefficients
coeffi-in all member stiffness matrices coeffi-in the global coordcoeffi-inate system can
be assembled into K½ in this way Since the resulting matrix is metric, only half of the coefficients need to be assembled
sym-A schematic diagram showing the assembly procedure for thestiffness coefficients of the three members A, B, and C into K½ isshown in Figure 1.16 Note that since K½ is symmetric, Kg ½ is alsosymmetric Any coefficients in a row or column corresponding to zerofreedom code will be ignored
1.8 Load Vector
The load vector Ff g of a structure is formed by assembling the ual forces into the load vector in positions corresponding to the direc-tions of the freedom codes For the example in Figure 1.14, the loadfactor is given as that shown in Figure 1.17
1 2 3
FIGURE 1.15 Assembly of stiffness coefficients into the structure stiffnessmatrix
Trang 301.9 Methods of Solution
The displacements of the structure can be found by solving Equation(1.23) Because of the huge size of the matrix equation usually encoun-tered in practice, Equation (1.23) is solved routinely by numericalmethods such as the Gaussian elimination method and the iterativeGauss–Seidel method It should be noted that in using these
6 5 4 3 2 1
Freedom codes 1
2 3 4 5 6
FIGURE 1.17 Assembly of load vector
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
[K g] of member A
[K g] of member C
[K g] of member B
[K ] of structure
FIGURE 1.16 Assembly of structure stiffness matrix
Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 19
Trang 31numerical methods, the procedure is analogous to inverting the ture stiffness matrix, which is subsequently multiplied by the loadvector as in Equation (1.8):
The numerical procedure fails only if an inverted K½ cannot befound This situation occurs when the determinant of K½ is zero,implying an unstable structure Unstable structures with a degree ofstatically indeterminacy, fr, greater than zero (see Section 1.2) willhave a zero determinant of K½ In numerical manipulation by compu-ters, an exact zero is sometimes difficult to obtain In such cases, agood indication of an unstable structure is to examine the displace-ment vector Df g, which would include some exceptionally largevalues
1.10 Calculation of Member Forces
Member forces are calculated according to Equation (1.9) Hence,
f g ¼ K½ def g
¼ K½ Te ½ tf gDg (1.24)where Df g is extracted from Dg f g for each member according to itsfreedom codes and
½ T½ t¼
For the example in Figure 1.14,
Trang 322 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5
displace-2 Assign an arrow to each member so that ends i and j aredefined Also, the angle of orientation a for the member isdefined in Figure 1.18 as:
3 Assemble the structure stiffness matrix K½ from each of themember stiffness matrices
4 Form the load vector Ff g of the structure
i j
FIGURE 1.18 Definition of angle of orientation for member
Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 21
Trang 335 Calculate the displacement vector f g by solving forDD
f g ¼ K½ 1f g.F
6 Extract the local displacement vector Df g from Dg f g and culate the member force vector Pf g using Pf g ¼ K½ Te½ tf g.Dge1.10.1 Sign Convention for Member Force Diagrams
cal-Positive member forces and displacements obtained from the stiffnessmethod of analysis are shown in Figure 1.19 To plot the forces in con-ventional axial force, shear force, and bending moment diagrams, it isnecessary to translate them into a system commonly adopted forplotting
The sign convention for such a system is given as follows.Axial Force
For a member under compression, the axial force at end i is positive(from analysis) and at end j is negative (from analysis), as shown inFigure 1.20
Shear Force
A shear force plotted positive in diagram is acting upward (positivefrom analysis) at end i and downward (negative from analysis) atend j as shown in Figure 1.21 Positive shear force is usually plotted
in the space above the member
FIGURE 1.19 Direction of positive forces and displacements using stiffnessmethod
FIGURE 1.20 Member under compression
Trang 34Bending Moment
A member under sagging moment is positive in diagram (clockwiseand negative from analysis) at end i and positive (anticlockwise and pos-itive from analysis) at end j as shown in Figure 1.22 Positive bendingmoment is usually plotted in the space beneath the member In doing
so, a bending moment is plotted on the tension face of the member
Example 1.3 Determine the member forces and plot the shear forceand bending moment diagrams for the structure shown inFigure 1.23a The structure with a pin at D is subject to a vertical force
of 100 kN being applied at C For all members, E ¼ 2 108 kN/m2,
6 5
8 1
3 2
9 10
E 0
0 0
0 0 0
Trang 35indicate end i (tail of arrow) and end j (head of arrow) Thus, the tations of the members are
0 0 0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9
7 8 10 0 0 0
By assembling from K½ of all members, the structure stiffnessegmatrix is obtained:
Trang 37The load vector is given by
The member forces can be calculated using Pf g ¼ K½ Te½ tf g.Dge
For member 1, where C ¼ cos 90¼ 0 and S ¼ sin 90¼ 1,
L 2 S12EIL3 C12EIL3 6EI
L 2
0 0 0 1:354 10 3
73:9 6:5
; and Pf g4¼
Trang 38The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown inFigure 1.24.
1.11 Treatment of Internal Loads
So far, the discussion has concerned externally applied loads actingonly at joints of the structure However, in many instances, externallyapplied loads are also applied at locations other than the joints, such
as on part or whole of a member Loads being applied in this mannerare termed internal loads Internal loads may include distributedloads, point loads, and loads due to temperature effects In such cases,the loads are calculated by treating the member as fixed-end, andfixed-end forces, including axial forces, shear forces, and bendingmoments, are calculated at its ends The fictitiously fixed ends ofthe member are then removed and the effects of the fixed-end forces,now being treated as applied loads at the joints, are assessed usingthe stiffness method of analysis
In Figure 1.25, fixed-end forces due to the point load and the formly distributed load are collected in a fixed-end force vector Pf gF
uni-for the member as
6.5 6.5 73.
Shear force diagram
Bending moment diagram
FIGURE 1.24 Shear force and bending moment diagrams
Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 27
Trang 39MEi, QEj, MEj, being applied at the joints pertaining to both ends iand j of the member The equivalent force vector is expressed as
f g ¼ K½ de f g þ Pf gF (1.28)Fixed-end forces for two common loading cases are shown inTable 1.1
Example 1.4 Determine the forces in the members and plot the ing moment and shear force diagrams for the frame shown inFigure 1.26a The structure is fixed at A and pinned on a roller support
Trang 40Bending moment at end i, MFi MFi¼12Lw2hðL aÞ3ðL þ 3aÞ c3ð4L 3cÞiBending moment at end j, MFj MFj¼ 12Lw2hðL cÞ3ðL þ 3cÞ a3ð4L 3aÞiP
Shear force at end j, QFj QFj¼ P QFi
Fj¼PabL22Bending moment at end j, MFj MFj¼PaL22b
... under sagging moment is positive in diagram (clockwiseand negative from analysis) at end i and positive (anticlockwise and pos-itive from analysis) at end j as shown in Figure 1.22 Positive bendingmoment... fixed-end, andfixed-end forces, including axial forces, shear forces, and bendingmoments, are calculated at its ends The fictitiously fixed ends ofthe member are then removed and the effects of the...4 Form the load vector Ff g of the structure
i j
FIGURE 1.18 Definition of angle of orientation for member
Structural Analysis? ??Stiffness Method 21