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Optimizations for ultra small and wide incident angle metamaterial perfect absorbers at low frequency

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ThesisfortheDegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy Optimizationsforultra-smallandwide-incidentanglemetamaterialperfectabsorbersatlowfrequenc y by BuiXuanKhuyen February 2018 DepartmentofPhysicsGrad uateSchoolHANYANGUNI VERSITY ThesisfortheDegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy Optimizationsforultra-smallandwide-incidentanglemetamaterialperfectabsorbersatlowfrequenc y by BuiXuanKhuyen SupervisedbyProfesso rYoungPakLee SUBMITTEDINPARTIALFULFILLMENTOFTHER EQUIREMENTSFORTHEDEGREEOF DOCTOROFPHILOSOPHY AT HANYANGUNIVERSITYSE OUL,SOUTHKOREA February 2018 ©BuiXuanKhuyen,2018 HANYANGUNIVERSITYDE PARTMENTO F PHYSICS December2017 TheundersignedherebycertifythattheyhavereadandrecommendtotheG rad uateSchoolforacceptance a t h e s i s e n t i t l e d " O p t i m i z a t i o n s foru l t r a - s m a l l andw i d e - i n c i d e n t a n g l e metamaterialperfectabsorbersatlowfrequency"byBuiXuanKhuyen in part ia l f u l f i l l m e n t oftherequirementsfortheDegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy ChairmanofCommittee:Prof.JooYullRhee :J-·d ExaminingCommittee:Prof.ChaffwanOh Prof SangJin Sin Prof YoungPak Lee Acknowledgments Iw o u l d l i k e t o t a k e thisopportunitytothankthosep e o p l e : withoutt h e i r h e l p s a n d s u p p o r t s , thisthesiswouldhavenotbeenpossible.Mygreatestthanksmustexpresstomysup erv i sor , ProfessorYoungPakLee,forhisinvaluableguidance,andendlessencouragementoverpast fouryears.Iamveryproudtohavetheopportunitytostudyunderh i s supportsinthisfieldofmetamateri als.My gratitudealsogoestotheq- PsiLaboratory,D e p a r t m e n t ofPhysics,HanyangUniversityforprovidingmeafina ncialsupportintheprofessionalresearchenvironment Iw ou l d l i k e to thankA s s o c i a t e ProfessorV u D i n h La m wh o hase nc o ur a ge d i n myc u r r e n t researches,andDr.NguyenThanhTungwhohasalwayssharedwithmemanyu s e f u l suggestionsandresearchexperiencesinmetamaterials.Itwouldliketoexpressmyd e e p t h a n k f u l n e s s t o ProfessorJ o o Y u l l R h e e a n d ProfessorK i W o n K i m f o r l o t s o f i n t e r e s t i n g discussionsinmystudies.Itisalsoapleasuretothanktheformerandcurrentmemberso ftheqP s i Laboratorya s w e l l a s myfriendsa t H a n y a n g U n i v e r s i t y f o r thef r i e n d s h i p anda llthesupportsinpastfouryears.Inaddition,Iwouldliketothanktomyc l o se friends,bothnewand old,farawayandnearbyfortheircontinuousencouragements,w h i c h arethegreatmotivationsof mylife.Thankyouall Finally,Iowemydeepestgratitudetotheencouragement,thesupport,andthelovefrommyparents, mywifeandmygrandfather I Contents ListofFigures V Abstract IX Introduction 1.1 Historicaloverview 1.2 Frameworkofthethesis .3 Theoreticalbackground 2.1 Materialclassification 2.2 Metamaterialsandeffective-mediumtheory 2.3 Electromagnetic-parameterretrievalfrommetamaterials 2.4 Electricandmagneticresponsesinmetamaterials 11 2.5 Impedancematching 16 2.6 Metamaterialperfectabsorbers 18 Simulationandexperimentofmicrowavemetamaterials 22 3.1 Numericalsimulation 22 3.2 Fabricationtechnique 23 3.3 Measurementconfigurationintheradioband .24 Reducingthesizeofsingle/dual-bandMPAbyincreasingtheeffective inductance of the patterninthe UHFband 26 4.1 Introduction .26 4.2 Metamaterialmodelandfabrication 26 4.3 Mechanismofperfectabsorptionat400MHz .28 4.4 ExaminationonMPAfordifferentincidentradiations 32 II 4.5 Realizationofdual-bandperfectabsorptionviaself-asymmetricstructure 34 4.6 Summary 36 Scaling downthesizeofMPAbyincreasingtheeffective capacitancev i a t h e effective couplingcross-sectionoftopandbottomlayersin theV H F band 37 5.1 Introduction .37 5.2 Metamaterialschemeandexperiment 37 5.3 Physicalmechanismoftheperfectabsorptionat250MHz 38 5.4 Estimationfortheperfectabsorptionatawideobliqueincidentangle .40 5.5 Summary 42 Miniaturizationforsingle/dualbandMPAbyintegratingtheparasiticcapacitorsandthethroughinterconn ectsin theVHFband43 6.1 Introduction .43 6.2 Proposeddesignandmeasurement .43 6.3 Mechanismoftheenergyconsumptionofincomingelectromagneticwaveat102M H z 46 6.4 Investigationontheperfectabsorptionforwideincidentangle 50 6.5 Realizationofthedual-bandMPAbyutilizingsuper-cellstructure 50 6.6 Summary 52 Studyontheminiaturizationfordual/triplebandMPAbyutilizingonlyparasiticcapacitorsintheUHFband 53 7.1 Introduction .53 7.2 Metamaterialmodelandexperimentalsetup .53 II 7.3 Mechanismanalysisoftheperfectdual-absorptionpeakat305and 360.5MHz 54 7.4 Valuationofthedual-bandperfectabsorptionforwideincidentangle 58 7.5 Extendedstudyontriple-bandperfectabsorption 59 7.6 Summary 61 Conclusionsandperspective 62 Listofpublications 66 Bibliography 68 II ListofFigures Fig.2.1Materialclassificationsbasedonsignofεandμμ Fig.2.2DiagramforSparametersmeasurementson(a)ahomogeneous1Dslab(b)aninhomogeneousasy mmetric1Dslaband(c)asymmetricinhomogeneous1Dslab.A singleunitcellofstructureha sathicknessofdμ 10 Fig.2.3 (a)Lattice ofthinmetallicwiresand(b)itseffectivepermittivity(withradiusr=5 mandperiodici tya=40.0mm) 12 Fig.2.4Unit-cellstructureofseveralelectricelements: (a)singleSRR(b)CWand(c)e q u i v a l e n t - c i r c u i t model 13 Fig.2.5Schematicofthemagnetic-resonantelementsas(a)unitcellofCWPstructureand (b)equivalentLC-circuitmodel.SimplifiedLCcircuitmodelsfor(c)magneticand( d ) electricresonantfrequencies,respectively 16 Fig.2 ( a ) Schematico f u n i t c e l l f o r t h e f i r s t M P A ( b ) D i s t r i b u t i o n s o f Ohmica n d dielectriclossesattheresonantfrequency .19 Fig.3.1FabricationprocessofMPAsamples 24 Fig.3.2Schematicofthereflection-measurement 25 Fig.4.1(a)UnitcelloftheproposedMPA.Photosofthefabricated(b)single-peakand(c)d u a l b a nd samples.Insetsin(b)and(c)aretheunitcells, correspondingtothes i n g l e - p e a k andthedual-bandMPAstructures,respectively.(d)Experimentalsetu p forthemeasurement 27 Fig.4.2(a)Simulatedandmeasuredabsorption spectraofthesingle- peakMPA.Redandb l u e dashedarrowsdisplaytheFWHMvaluescorrespondingtothesi mulatedandt h e experimentalabsorptionspectrum,respectively.Inducedsurfacec urrentson (b) thefrontand(c)thebacklayersat400MHz.3-dimensionaldistributionsof(d) themagneticenergy,(e)theelectric energyand(f)thepower lossattheresonantf r e q u e n c y 28 Fig.4 ( a ) E q u i v a l e n t circuito f t h e discussedM P A ( b ) S i m u l a t e d a n d calculateda b s o r p t i o n frequenciesaccordingtothera diusofthequarterofdisk(r)andthew id t h o f slenderw i r e ( w).R e d squareandbluet r i a n g l e symbolsr e p r e s e n t t h e simulatedresults,whilethecalculatedresultsare denoted in blackdotsand greendiamonds 30 Fig.4 ( a ) Simulateda n d ( b ) measureda b s o r p t i o n s p e c t r a o f t h e singlepeakM P A accordingt o the i nci de nta ngl e of E M w a v e f or TE po l a r i z a t i on ( c ) T he sa m e simulatedabsorptionspectraforTMpolarization 33 Fig.4.5(a)Dependenceoftheabsorptiononthegap(g2)ofproposeddual-bandMPA (b)Simulatedabsorptionspectraaccordingtothepolarizationangle(ϕ)ofEMwave.T h e insetistheschematicviewofvaryingpolarizationangleϕ.Inducedsurfacec u r r e n t s onthefrontandthebackmetalliclayersattwoabsorptionpeaksforϕ= (c) -45oa n d (d)45o.Redand blackarrowsaredesignated forthecurrentflowsont h e surfaceoffrontmetalliclayeratlowandhighabsorptionfr equencies,res pe cti ve ly 35 Fig.5.1(a)Structuralspecificationsoftheunitcell.(b)Zoomedimageof2 ×2u n i t cells forthefabricatedsample.(c)Arrangementfortheexperimentalsetup 38 Fig.5.2(a)SimulatedandexperimentalabsorptionspectraofthesuggestedMPA.D i s t r i b u t i o n s of (b)the inducedsurfacecurrentsonthetopandthebottomlayers,3- dimensional(c)magneticenergy,(d)electricenergyand(e)powerlossat250M H z .39 ...ThesisfortheDegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy Optimizationsforultra-smallandwide-incidentanglemetamaterialperfectabsorbersatlowfrequenc y by BuiXuanKhuyen SupervisedbyProfesso... Optimizationsforultra-smallandwide -incident- angle metamaterialperfectabsorbersat lowfrequency BuiXuanKhuyenD epartmentofPhysicsThe GraduateSchoolHanyan gUniversity Inrecentyears,theadvancesinmaterialsciencehavecontributedtothedevelopmento... 7.2 Metamaterialmodelandexperimentalsetup .53 II 7.3 Mechanismanalysisoftheperfectdual-absorptionpeakat30 5and 360.5MHz 54 7.4 Valuationofthedual-bandperfectabsorptionforwideincidentangle

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2018, 00:46

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Mục lục

    Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

    List of Figures V

    Optimizations for ultra-small and wide-incident-angle metamaterial perfect absorbers at low frequency

    1.2. Framework of the thesis

    2.2. Metamaterials and effective-medium theory

    2.3. Electromagnetic-parameter retrieval from metamaterials

    2.4. Electric and magnetic responses in metamaterials

    3.3. Measurement configuration in the radio band

    4.2. Metamaterial model and fabrication

    4.3. Mechanism of perfect absorption at 400 MHz


