prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book prepare 7 student s book
Trang 3
1 Creative minds 2 Addicted to fashion
Culture Fashion design
3 Allin the mind
4 Take a deep breath Biology The heart Review 1 5 Past times 6 Strong emotions Culture Colours around the world 7 Telling stories 8 Agreat place to live Literature Poetry Review 2 9 Being positive 10 Surprise! Culture World music 11 The family unit 12 Making a difference ICT Crowdsourcing Review 3 13 Leading the way 14 Getting there
Culture Cultural highways
15 The bigger picture
Trang 4
Creative Online, films, music, media, Four to watch: young, talented minds ®.g cast, soundirack and creative
page 10 © Word profile not
BaAddicted to —_—_Adiective + preposition, "The bíg question: fashion ©:g aware of, loyal to © Word profile point
page 14
Culture Fashion design page 18
ĐẠIl in the Abstract nouns, e.g creativity, Humans: The smartest species?
mind intelligence © Word profile smart
page 20
@Take a dee| ‘Stress, e.g feel dizzy, lose your Under pressure?
breath e appetite ' ® Word protile control
page 24
Biology The heart page 28 Review 1 Units 14 page 30
Past times History, e.g ancestors, myth: ‘A good night's sleep?
os 32 @ Word profile take |
@Strong Expressing emotions, Whan fear becomes phobia
emotions ‘ag cheerlul furious
page 36
Culture Colours around the world page 40
Telling stories Verbs of movement; sounds, The Bruce-Partington Plans by
page 42 2g burst, whistle Sir Acthur Conan Doyle
© Word profile patient
A great place to study Q@A great place Community, e.g industrial,
remote © Word profile make
to live
page 46
Literature Poetry page 50
©Being positive Collocations, e.g have ago,
Review 2 Units 5-8 page 52
Your future looks bright or
make a difference does it?
ppt © Word profile hold
W Surprise! Phrases with in, out of, at, by:, Flash mob fun?
page 58 e.g at fault, by accident, in secret
Culture World music page 62
Simple, continuous or perfect
Present perfect (simple and continuous)
The grammar of phrasal verbs
Trang 5VOCABULARY 2 WRITING LISTENING AND SPEAKING | EXAM TASKS | VIDEO “Anessay (1) Organising 6 Listening The boy who wore a skirt to school Speaking Interviews (Introducing an opinion
_ Listening Talking about stress
Speaking Offering help
Listening Everyday situations
© Word profile thing
Speaking Favourite things
Listening A new skate park
Speaking Comparing photographs Comparing and contrasting
Listening A radio phone-in
Speaking Surprising news Expressing surprise
© Word profile expect
Reading and Use of Creative minds English part 7 '
Writing part 1
‘Speaking part 1 Fashion
Trang 6ST CT ST Who do you think you are?
'® Word profile all
QO The family Phrasal verbs: Relationships, unit ig, count on, take after
Page 64
Making a Communication and effect,
difference 9.g amuse, inspire
page 68
ICT Growdsourcing page 72
WLeading the —_ Leadership and achievement, way 8.9 adventurous, stand out
page 76
Getting -Phrasal-verbs, e.g break down,
there cool down page 80
Culture Cultural highways page 84
WThe bigger — Global issues; Nouns and verbs, MYPs @ ee (UK Youth
© Word profile key
picture e.g elect, support page 86
New and ‘Advertising: Nouns and verbs,
improved! 2.g.aimed at, logo page 90
Geography Tourism page 94
‘Making The media, e'g gossip about,
Secs highlight the need for
page 98
®Start-up The world of work, h
e.g flexible working hours,
padels0e work shifts
‘Culture Fair play page 106
Points of Opinions and beliefs,
L4 e.g bear in mind, hard to deny
page 108 Word profile mind
€Speak up Idioms, e.g break the ice,
page 112 cross your mind
Economics A school business page 116
Random acts of kindness © Word profile as
Review 3 Units 9-12 page 74
‘Three Dot Dash © Word profile lead
Young, independent and on
Guerrilla marketing © Word profile no
Review 4 Units 13-16 page 96
Could you be a citizen journalist? © Word profile date
The big decision © Word profile balance
Explaining your brain
‘Teen-speak’ —We love it! @ Word profile standard
Trang 7—_ oe Gompound adjectives, e.g long-distance, well-built
‘ both, either, neither
Phrasal verbs with up,
e.g keep up, speak up
Reporting verbs, e.g confess, Insist H Phrases with ih, 2.9, in general, in secret † Adverb + adjective collocations, €.g environmentally friendly, well-balanced Phrasal verbs, e.g bring up, leave out Word pairs, e.g now and then, sooner or later Plural nouns Commonly confused words Pairwork page 130 An article (2) Varying sentence structure
Listening The violinist in the Underground Speaking Discussing options
Keeping talking
A review (1)
Listening Travel problems Speaking Making decisions @ Word profile break An essay (3) Linking words (1) Listening Advertising Speaking Expressing opinions A review (2) Language for reviews
Listening Unique Tees
Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing
An essay (4)
Linking words (2)
Listening Eight everyday situations Speaking Taking turns and negotiating
Word profiles page 132 Vocabulary list page 139
Trang 8COMPRA Start each unit by talking about you, your life and the unit topic ftr0qrcfb Focus on the different meanings of important words and phrases { Easy to find exam tasks eer %| %ftfupppctub Give your Opinion on the topic in the text Gaymscdiziiarp Take the grammar challenge and learn from common mistakes (rŒotrfft3 Leorn useful
tips to help you WED Watch interviews
plan and check with teenagers
Trang 9iterature fom * GRY SV (rfcơ Work together †o expand your learning Chninidyg Engjh, Exam profile 2 H Era fot Sacre sem Etrn(rcfff Read useful tips, practise techniques, then try a taster exam task [ft Check your progress Eu)
CRED Watch teenagers
doing speaking tasks in an exam situation
Look through your book and do the quiz with your partner Q Whatis the topic of Unit 4?
In which unit can you find a picture of the footballer, Gareth Bale?
§ In which unit can you find a photo of the British parliament building?
@ On which page can you find out how to look after your heart?
6 Can you find a famous Colombian singer? Who is she? What page is she on?
Trang 10
‘U Creative minds
VOCABULARY Online, films, music, media
4 Read the qulz and note down your answers, Check the meaning of the wartis
1 Have you got a website, or blog, or
do you record a poticast?
How offen do you fost conwnaits on Websites? Mave you @ver reviewed a movie or TV show
Which actor plays your favourité film or TY oharactir?
Cary you rerramber a good scene from a film
you've sean recently?
Boos your favourite tilt fave an all-star east or unknown actors?
Have you ever bouent the Saundtwan to d movie or TV ser|8S!
Do you (hii you have a good singing yulea?
Have you aver dompagad of written a piece of music yoursall?
Do you ever learn (he iyries to Songs brat
are in the charts?
Have you ever torwad a band? What
instriiment do you play?
Do you tead mocern Westsellers, or do you prefer (he eiawaica?
What's your layoutite series of books? Are (here Tint eesions of any books
you like?
2 Discuss the quiz questians
A: Have you got 4 website, or blag, or do you record a podeast?
B; /'ve got @ blog It’s abaut computer games But I've
never recorded a podcast
3 Match the creative jobs to the definitions
ctor editor novelist TV presenter 1 reviews things and shares (heir opinion about them
Someone who
2 corrects and changes text (na book, 3 Iells the actors in a film or play what to do
4 writes fictional books 5 introduces a show
4 Ci You will hear five people talking about their Jobs Match each speaker to a job in exercise 3
5 ©1012 Listen again and make notes about each
job Then discuss the questions below
1 Which job do you think is the easlest/hardest2 Why? 2 Which job do you think is he most interesting? Why?
1 Read the questions Then read text A about a
talented young person Which two questions
telate to text A?
Which person
7 was inspired by a famous book?
2 discovered a talent after watuhing a film?
3 took up a new hobby in order to do something well? 4 used ä Video Website to enter a competition?
§ provided information about their private life that Was Well received’?
6 was confident thal (heir work Would be taken seriously?
7 hada parent who Was Initially unsupportive of
their idea?
8 benefited from a highly unusual form of education? 2 © Read the whole article For the remaining
questions In exercise 1, choose from the people (B-0), The people may be chosen more than once
3 Complete the sentences with the highlighted
words in the texts
1 The Olympics is a change to see many athletes at
the ol their career
2 Lucy is she can sing, but her voice is awful! 3 They a competition to design their website 4 Do people like Emerson and Nancy give you the
to get creative?
5 Mark has the to be a great singer,
9 jAck‹|E EvANcne ‹ was while watching the musical version
of Phantom of the Opera on TV that Jackie Eyancho found her passion for music She started singing the songs around her home and revealed a surprisingly mature singing Voice, Jackie started entering local singing contests and after seeing the reaction of audiences, her parents realised her potential
From there, Jackie's life changed dramatically Her mum started uploading Jackie's performances to the web to share with her ever-increasing numbers of fans Jackie used the clips to enter an audition for the TV shaw, America’s Got Talent and won
a place onthe show! Although she wasn't quite good enough to win the show — she finished in second place = it was an incredible achievement Since the show, she’s
workwd asa professional singer She's released several albums, toured the US and even
starred in a Hollywood thriller,
ŒĐ Maney Vi Fan When Nancy Yi Fan moved to the US from China, aged seven, she spoke hardly any English, She learned by reading classics, she says, {t took her two years to write her first novel, Swordbird When she had! finished it, she emailed acopy to
several leading publishers in the US, Without an agent, book proposals are rarely read, but Nancy believed in her ability to succeed And she did - a year later, at the age of 12, she was a published novelist with a bestseller Now, Nancy has not only completed all triree books in the Swordbird series, but also translated! them into Chinese herself, The inspiration tor Nancy’s series came from a dream and her love of birds, The story is 2bour @ world full of birds, at war over a lack of food, Nancy even trained in martial arts in order to write the fight scenes more accurately,
EMERSON Spanrz As a child, Emerson Spartz read a lot, Instead of having to
help around the house, he and his brother were told to read biographies of successful people, At just 12, Emerson persuaded his parents to let him leave school and teach himself
at home, Very few children of his age do this, but it quickly proved successful for him
While Emerson was reading the first novel in the Harry Potter series, he came up with the Idea of Mugg/enet — a Website and online forum for Potter fans He livitiched the website
wher He was still just 12, Over the next five years, Emerson and his parents watched in amazement as the website grewrto receive, at its PEAK, 50 million Visits every month
Emerson even wrote a book for fans on the famous wizard Now Emerson is running his ‘ewe company, Spartz Media The company owns over 20 popular websites especially ` ajmed at young people
ry Tom CASSELL tom caseltis an entrepreneur who has tured a hobby
Into a living, A massive fan of computer gaming, Torn had the idea of filming a
, game and commenting on the action while he was playing, But just as popular as \ Tomn’s comments-on the game itselt, were the details he gave about what he was
, Upto personally, At first, Tom's father wasn’t conwireel the project would be
successful However, When one video got 3,000'a day, he changed his \ mind) tt took three years, but Tom's online video channel now has millions of
vewers He'travels widely, promoting his videos and is a well-known figure in - the video-garning world For Tom, this is just the beginning ‘I've got three \ ultimate goals 1h (He —a job in the games industry, ta travel the world and _ x \ create my ow) house I'm going'to bulle my awn dieam gaming house,’
& Word profile mot Talking points + TU“ = h = T + cite I ee
J © Brrysis think pecale aye naturally
My day-ta-day work's 10) all as excilg a6 peaple think, sleatvé, or can they tay to be
—_ “IEBIivE?
She wasr’) quite good ørrnuphị tơ Win (le =hoW, Woat other qyaliiestie young
mm Pacple nears ip, order ty suceeded?
| have to be up at four, mint lo menice bemng
Trang 12
GRAMMAR Simple, continuous or
4 Match the examples to the meanings
1 Since the show, she’s worked as 4 profassional
2 When ste nad finished it, she emailed a copy to several leaping publishers in the US, Now Emerson is running his own company
The cornpany awns aver 20 popular websites
While Emerson was reaciing the first novel, He launched the website when he was still
Just twelve
an action in progress in the present b arvaction in progress In the past
c araction that started in the past and continues into the present
d a tact or state in the present
2 a single completed action in the past
f apast action which links back further in the past Complete the rules with continuous, perfect
‘or simple We use the;
@ present or past for permanent states:
and for ragular or completed actions,
b present of past for actions or states (hat are iy progréss oF unfinished
G present or past far actions of states that connect two time periods
3 Grammar raterence page 148
3 Choose the correct sentence or response Can you explain your choices?
4 We cide't have lid to speak to Jack for jong
@ When we atrived, he had left
b Whien We arrived, he was leaving
2 | did nothing yesterday
a | spent the entire day sleeping, b I've spent the entire day sleeping @ Whal are you up to at the moment?
@ | offen reviow lilms online,
b |'m reviewing a film aniline
4 tm laoking torwate to the axl book |n the
8 | read all the others b |'ve read all the others,
5 This actor Is often in policenthriliers
a Yes, he's playing lots ofcharacters like this b Yes, he plays foto characters like this Ø Corpus challenge 4 Choose the correct verbs, VOCABULARY Spelling 1 Choose the correct spellings
1 It quickly proved siuimcesful / successful for him 2 She revealed a suprisingly / surprisingly mature
singing vaice,
3 Nancy believed / belived in her ability to succeed 4 Although / Althought she wasn't quite good enough to
win the show, it was an incredible achievement
5 The company owns over 20 popular websites
especially / expecially almed at young people Match the types of spelling mistakes to the
misspelled words in exercise 1, Write the correct spellings a single consonant instead of a double successdil b wrong letter: © letters in wrong order) d missing letter(s):, @ axtra letter!
Underline and correct the spelling mistakes What
type of spelling mistakes are they?
4 | would prefer more of 4 chaise \1 school subjects 2 Nowadays It's rarely manesary to Use public phones 3 | was bored from the bagiining and couldn't wait untill it
was avel,
4 We were delightéd to recieve the award
§ The government isn't doing enough about the
Trang 13
WRITING An essay {1)
1 Discuss the questions
1 What creative subjects do you do at school? 2 Do you spend as much time on creative Subjects as
acadamic subjects?
2 Read the task, What is the essay question?
3Ä Read the Prepare box and the jumbled paragraphs of
the essay Match the paragraphs to the plan In your English class you have been, talking about different school subjects, Now your English teacher has
asked you to write an essay
Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for
Your bựn( of view,
Subjects such as drama and music are just as important as maths and tanguages Do you agree?
ee ee
Notes Write about:
} which subjects ara important in your country 2 whial subjects are Useful for a career a (your own (dea)
Đ TW 4U, tb (é clearlu necessar {or pveruone to ntidy dcddemic subjects but, ab the same time, creative subjects are often ignored by schools They deserve a more pignificant role in children’s
B This is an Interestiny question which Many people
Hola Strong opinions about, In most schools im
MY vountey, students have far tore {essons in
Pye like maths and languages than creative Subjects such as dryama, and flisic, Rurthenniore,,
many students study po create subjects after HIE age of 15, Write your essay using all the notes and giving
GB However, others feel that without music and, drama, students may never get to express their creative sides They might never discover their
talent for singing, playing musical instruments or Ẻ acting Many of the highest academic achievers |
have a creative side For instalied, Einstein
loved music as much as he loved physics, oe
® acadenic subjects ape important, Almost Fveryone will need maths
and Foreign language skills in their future
Working life ÍĐ(CÐRfuSE, (cụ, people will be
lucky or talented Gnough to ear a living as a
Professional musician op an actor, `
4 Which of the highlighted expressions
in the essay introduces: @ a general opinion? b at additional idea? © a different idea? d an example? @ the conclusion?
5 Read the task and answer the questions,
In your English class, you have been talking about the role of education, New your English teachor has asked you to write an essay reasons for your point of view,
Schools should teach practical skills, such as managing money and applying | for jobs, as well as academic subjects Ỉ
Do you agree?
Notes Write about:
1 the Importance of academic subjects ) | 2 the difficulty ol learning practical skills | {your own idea)
1 Do you agree or disagree wilh the statement? 2 What arguments support the statement?
3 Whal arguments are agalnst the statement? 4 Whatare your conclusions?
© © Write your essay _
* Use your the questions in exercise 5_
* Organise your essay into the paragraph plan in the Prepare box,
* Use the expressions in exercise 4,
= Gheck your spelling and gramtnar
* Write 140-190 words
Trang 14«| Addicted to fashion
VOCABULARY Adjective + preposition
* I'm not all that o(eree Aoou what
© You shouldn't be ef{joal at the way
+ O11 Read what four young people say about
fashion Match the sentence halves of the extracts,
Listen and check & I've never been j\isn aleut a frlend's
» dress serise People can ba valy sensitive about their appearance
© others think of my dress sense, | just
Wear whatever | like,
© others dress It's up to individuals to
choose how they want to look
| Tm aware ©f What's in fashion
* I'm easily presser by designer labels
> I'M pretty adventurous tte ® my taste in clothes, but I'd never wear fur © My favourite is Prada © because | read blogs like models.corn,
1 There's no point in being loyal toa 1) [certainly wouldn't be estou of a friend 12 I'm fairly decisive about whal to buy, Ahmed 4 {'m addicted to clothes Shopping
2 | don't waste tim worrying about what
else might be available
& just because they had an expensive
brand of trainers,
© particular brand, You should feel tree to wear anything that looks good,
5 | do need to be cautious about spending
6 I'mabsoliitely hopeless at making
4 decisions about clothes
b J just cart stop,
© too much though
2 Cins Answer the questions Listen again and 3 check Are the sentences true or false according to the
text? Correct the false sentences,
1 One particular colour has always been associated 1 Where doos Emma buy most of her clothes?
2 What did Alimed have to da when he accidentally with girls (Maltea) spent too much?
2 lis worth paying more tor a good brand of trainers
3 Why dogs Dan like wearing conventional clothes? (Hallie)
4 Whal does Sata think of brands and labels? ' 3 People might make fun of you [or Wearing
fashionable traliiers (Halla)
3 Which Statements in exercise 1 are true for your Discuss your answers, 4 | try nat to jucige people by what hay wear (Musa)
4 Your clothes can change yaur mood (Isabel) A ‘Tin aware of What's in Fastivy) because | pend 3 Than plo:
6 Cheap-clothes can look as Qood as more
8 tet 7 Panne Tm un seek Mata an expensive fastiion items, (Isabel)
7 Clothes can tall ather people about the wearer
@ Replace the underlined Phrases with the
1 Look at the photo of a clothing stall at Camden highlighted words in the text
Lock Market Would you enjoy shopping here? 1 Your earrings are absol Utely beautiful Why? / Why no?
2 | like Wearing interesting and unusual clothes
2 Road the text quickly, Which ‘Big Question’ are all five people answering? 3 | Tike faiy traditional, ordinary clothes, nothing
foo unuswial,
1 Do people warty too much about fashion? * Gore eg af pockets: It looks very
2 Does fashion actually matter? 4
5 He was wearing a suit ina popular 9 Are you aware of the latest fashions’? well-designed style
Trang 15
bur lim more worrled about other
ponple's rerible dress sense! |'ve been reading an article abour the history of fashion, It made sere good points; like who says
lie is fow boys antl giik i5 Ípr girls? In fart, 100 years age, pink
was a hoys' cilourand blue was for girls! And what about skitts for men? They're comfortable anid fifietarial, bur men in the
West never weal them
We tentl co think of fashion as fast-moving, bur It aciually
changes superslowly, Men have been Weating shirts, ties
ond suits for centuries Similarly, woren’s dress has changed very little during the past few hundred years, except forthe
introduction of trousers in the 1950s, You see some weird tuft
on the catwalks, Hit i féal life clothes are baring | reckon It’s
fime tora fashian revolution! Tato Ver | cahft sland labels, Everyone al my
school warits designer labels, but Lcun’t understand why people are Willing to pay hundreds of euros for top brands
when cheaper ones ae really fo different Irs hard to kiow
what to de-a¥ school! I you have cheap clothes, people might
tease you, but if you have really expensive clothes, there's always the worty that someone might try to steal them The :
point ls, logos and brands cause all kinds of problems
it made some good points
Clothes actually make me happy a point up to There's 10 paint in spending loads ot money on fashion The pullil is, logos and brands cause all kinds of problems
Why do you think that some people ara-so
concerned about fashion?
Do you think thet clothing can affect a person's
mood? How?
In what ways do you think the clothes somaane
wears show theif personality?
I'm pretty relaxed about my clothes and | cartainly
don't depend on anyone's advice about what fo Wear: | tend to go fora canventianal look, clothes that feel great and that
you can wear anywhere I've been relaxing at home, 50 l'n
wearing something casual; a pair of old Levis and a tennis shirt
with a pocket onthe chest, | appreciate elasslt design, butt
don't think clothes matter that much Underneath the mask,
we're all human beings and we're all individuals, | sometimes
find myself making judgements about people based on their
clothes, butt quickly stop myself I's imipartant fo ignere
someone's appearance and concentrate on the person inside
Clothes actually make me happy - up toa point!
Ihave clothes to sultevery mood, occasion and season Fashion is important because il helps people to express their individuality and identity, ‘High’ fashion — theclothing supermodels wear on the catwalk is associated with Paris, Milan, New York, Lonclon, burevery country has developed iS own fashion industry and its own look There's no pvintin
spending loads of money on fashion Most gaod malls sell
clothes that-are inspired by Ihe catwalk, so you ean still buy clothes that look Stuart but they cost ten times less, With fashion, there’s something for everyone
Some peuple
aren't interested jn haw they look, but everyone wears same
Iurm of clothing and their clothes jake a statement | think clothes matter because your choice af elothes influences
how others think of you Jake m6, for example, I'm really inte ‘alee nTatve clothing, | avoicl chain shops iy malls | go for small,
independent shops antl second hand clothes from markets,
\collect badges, I've been laoking for same 1950s American badges but they're all much too expensive, So what da my clothes say about me? They say I'm an individual | think
independently I'm original | hove my awn style What do your
clothes say about you? †
= F
Trang 162 Match the pairs of sentences
GRAMMAR Present perfect simple and
1 Match the examples to the rules
4 Men have been wearing shirts, les and suits for
2 Every country has developed its own fashion industry and its awn look,
3 Women’s dress has changed very little during the
past few hundred years
4 /'ve been relaxing at home, so |'m weating
something casual
We use the present perfect simple for: @ apast action with a present result
b an action that happened in a time period that is not yet complete
We use the present perfect continuous for: © an action that started in the past and is still
d= an action (still continuing or just completed)
that explains a present situation,
+ Grammar reference page 149
1 Vogue magazine has published 2 Vogue magazine has been publishing
@ only one superlong magazine — with 916 pages! b fashion magazines since 1892
3 My wardrobe’s almost empty I've been getting rid 4 | used to have loadg of jackets, but I've got rid
a of (hem all, sorry
b of lots of old clothes recently 1's a nice feeling! & Anna works for Gucel, She has been
designing -
6 Anna works for Gucci, She's designed a handbags for 15 years
b hundreds of beautiful bags
Complete the sentences Use the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs
1 I'm cold We, outside without jackets, (sit) 2 Stella McCariney some ðf lashloris
most interesting designs, (produce)
@ \ haven't put your clothes outside to dry yet, It all afternoon, (rain) eres
4 Look!! some new shoas! (buy) 5 | your blog all week, It's brilliant, (read)
6 ‘You're late!’‘I'm sorry | in the queue, (walt)
4 Make five sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in the box Compare your sentences,
| haven't been blogging far long, | think | wrote
my first about three months ago
©.Corpus challenge
VOCABULARY Verb + preposition
14 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box apologised for depending on do without heercef laughat compared with cope with
people wearing onesies
Ihaven't heard, of ‘onesies! “xa
You still haven't losing my scarf | hate it when people my uniform
Clothes these days are very cornfortable
a century ago
4 |hate my parents for money to buy clothes 5 Maria can't going to crowded shopping centres 6 leant, buying new clothes at least once a month 2 Ask and answer questions using verb + preposition phrases
Trang 17| USTENING
k ' 1 You will hear part of a TV chat show, Look at the
ait) picture and discuss what the people might talk
2 Cin Listen and check,
3 Ou Listen again and answer the questions 1 What new dress regulations did Chris Bennett's
school introduce?
2 Why did the school decide to ban shorts? 3 What did ihe rules about school clothing fail to mention? 4 Where do men wear clothes that are similar to skirts? 5 How did the school respond when Chris wore a skirt? 6 When did the school agree to a debate on the subject?
7 What point did the school make in the debate? 8 What was the result of the debate?
4 Discuss the questions
1 Do you think schools and colleges are right to ban some items of clothing? Why? / Why not?
2 What are the good and bad points about uniforms
in schools and at work?
1 > You will hear Sophia and Pavel doing an
interview Read the interview questions, then listen
Which question does the interviewer not ask?
1 What's your name and where are
you from?
@|2 How long have you lived here/there? 3 What do you like most about your
4 What do you do after school? 5 Do you like shopping?
6 What else do you like doing in
your free time?
2 ©:‹: Read the Prepare box, Who uses each
phrase? Listen again and write S (Sophia) or
P (Pavel)
3 Prepare for a short interview about yourself * Make notes on your answers to the questions in
exercise 1
* Add a few extra ideas for each answer
* Review the questions Think about what tenses and relevant vocabulary you can use for each answer
4 © Work in pairs interview each other
* Ask the questions from exercise 1 You can add other questions during the interview,
» Answer using phrases from the Prepare box
Addicted to fashion
Trang 18Se pe ea Fashion desig BFA TRIVIA
@ Mary Quaril, who Invented the
Miniskirt in the 1960s, entered the BFA Hall of Fame in 1990 for her ietime contribution to fashion 1 Match the pictures to the words in the box Then read
the text What are the British Fashion Awards? | high heels menswear mi .== =
© Alexander McQueen was named
Designer of the Year four times
between 1996 and 2003,
© Kim Jones has won the BFA for the best menswear on four different oceasioris, in 2006, 2009, 2011
Ohice a year, the British Fashion Council rolls out the
fed carpet for the British Fashion Awards
@ slarstudded ayant lo honaurdha nation's most lalenled, crualive desipnars
} The BFC fold its first awercls ceremony In 1984 with
P the introduction af its Designer of the Year Award, |he
first winner Was a Young designer named Katharine
Hamnat!, who croatect Tshirts wilh bold, captfaversial » Slogans, sush as ‘Slop anid ‘Think! ane ‘Make Trade Farr’,
Five year: When the AFC decided ta add rnore
categories, the British Fashion Awards were hay Alon with the year's best designer, [hy ceremony honours the best menswear and the best ae cessories, ; `
such as shoes, hats and Jewellery, There is also an award ur
for (he Best Brand, which Violoria Beckham wor in 20L1
for her self named company, Every year there js alsa an dward lor Outstanding Achieverrient ta recognise designers who Haye Mmade-af impact on the global fastian industry,
IN 2012, this award wert ta Manolo Blahnik for his
SPectagular designs of high-heel shoes and nther footwear
The BFAs also include Emerging Talent Awarus for the (post promising new designers of ready-to-wear collections,
menswear.and accessories, Fittingly, there is also an
award for the year’s best fashion model with bast winners
including supermodels Kate Moss and Agyness Deyn 2 Read the sentences Are they true or false? `
Correct the false sentences,
1 The BFA is an annual awards ceremony
2 The lirst British Fashion Awards were in 1989 \ 9 There are only awards for fashion designers,
4 Manolo Blahnik designs shoes: \ 4 Mary Quant won a special award in 1990
3 Answer the questions with information fram the text 1 How many awards did the BFC give in 19847
Trang 194 lead the success stories of two rising stars Complete them with the words in the boxes
Teat A
animal brand = British = own simple — uniforms:
founded customers house furniture comfortable — bright
5 In pairs, discuss the questions
4 What do you think it takes to become a successful designer?
2 Stella's father is very famous Do you think this helped her career? Why? / Why not?
3 Do yoy think fashion designers should use any animal products?
6 ©i.06 Listen to a podcast about the British
designer Christopher Raeburn Take notes,
7 1,0 Use your notes to choose the correct
words, Listen again and check
1 Christopher Raeburn uses a lot of artificial / recycled materials for his fashion designs Raeburn is famous for reusing / designing military uniforms for his collections
He finished art school in 2008 / 2008 Raeburn has / doesn’t have his own company, He makes clothes for men / men and women His designs are usually not practical / simple Raeburn's clothes are made in Asia / the UK
A Stella McCartney first became famous as the daughter of Paul McCartney, a
member of the (1) band,
The Beatles However, Stella 15 now well known as
a talented fashion designer, Her clothes are cool
and modern, with clean, (2)
she never uses (3) or fur, Stella showed her first collection (i) 1995 and established her (4) lines and prodiicts like leather fashion house
six years later, Her (5) includes
womerisweat, as well as accessoriés and
sportswear For the 2012 Olympics, Stella
designed (6) for the British athletes,
although some people thought they were too
® Jonathan Saunders, a designer from Scotland, i5 an up-and-coming name in British fashion, Famous for combining (7)
colours and bold prints, Saunders’ clothes are
also (8) and easy to wear His most
famous (9) , include women like Michelle
Obama and the actress Sienna Miller,
Jonathan studied
(10) and
textile design before
entering the world of fashion At first, he created prints for famous designers, like Alexander McQueen, Then he
thee, his own
Jonathan Saunders brand in 2003, In addition to running his business, Jonathan also designs
clothing for the Pollini fashion (12) in Italy
Write a protile of a fashion designer Answer the questions below
Where is the designer from?
What do his/her designs look lke? When did he/she start in fashion?
Trang 20
1 Cin Read the paragraph about a podcast
Choose the correct abstyact nouns, Listen and check
THE Debate
(s there finally | agrme nant / forture in
the debate over * intelligence / mature vs Nurture?
Are we born with a personality that
never changes and with a fixed amount of 4 intelligence / development?
In other words, \s our! agreement /
fortune in life dictated by our genes
~ Ine ‘nature’ argument? Or do we
start life as a blank sheet? Does our social and (ntellectual * fortune / development come from our life
experiences — the ‘nurture view?
New reasearch appears to suggest that both sides In the debate might be right,
2 Cis Listen to Sara and Ahmed talking about
“THE Debate! Are the sentences true or false?
Atimed has already listened to 'THE Debate} According to the podeast, everyone has the gsnes fo become @ professional foothaller
You need the fight genes and the right anvironment
to be successful
Accarding to the podcast, people can become more intelligant by working hard,
3 Oro Complete the sentences with the abstract
nouns in the box Listen again and check,
determination pellet coacerltrallon luck success creativity
They discussed what you need to achieve
In life
You need the
That was a common
You could be born with the
Students who have the to study hard, can
actually become more intelligent, Il you really try to Improve your ., develop different parts of your brain
in the past
to be @ great
.you can
to be born with the right genes
4 Complete the sentences with the correct abstract
n jouns from exercises 1 and 3
Have you got the to work hard and be successful?
I'm Sure you'll win | wish you good ! Are good exam results really a proof of ? Reading helps to Improve your
She is lovely, {t's in har to be kind
5 Discuss the questions 1 2 What is your opinion about the nature vs nurture debate? # What do you think are signs of intelligence? READING
1 Look at the photos and read the title of the article,
In what ways are humans smarter than other species? Read the article quickly and check your ideas 2 4 ` Z—————
Six sentences have been removed from the
article, Read sentences A-G and notice the Underlined words What do you think the words might refer to?
A Some psychologists have trained one to
recognise Over 1,000 nauns!
B Howéver, research suggests that they can't put
individual words together to form sentences C It was using a rock to crack open a shellfish
D Ttisthe moment when they realise that an image
ita reflection is actually of themselves
E || has got a bigger brain, but bratn size doesn't equal intelligence,
F This happens whether or tol thiay belong to the same farnily
The lalter involves being able tu imagine what it must be like lo be jn another's siluation Read the example answer, Notice how the
underlined words can help you to decide on the
correct answer
1G: "The latter’ cefers to ‘empathy’ two lines
before te, áp 'Empodjl` + also mentioned un Ore sentence following He gap
© Choose from seniences A-F the one which
fs each gap 2-8) Use the undedined words
to help you decide There is one extra sentence
whieh you do not need to use,
5 Find the 12 animal species |1n the text In what
ways are they intelligent?
6 Find the eight Aighlighted nouns in the article,
Trang 21solo to he Griant Many animate are
andtore vel co this reyzurarion in surprising anct
charming ways; whales an Sing dolphins enjoy showing
off with balls ang rubber rings, parrots Gale yale buys {hnguaye ald, apparently, an ociopus Has even leatmed to-
fil OF a jar| This demanstrates acertaln amount
s[rlETetftlttiIfurl, but dods it mean anitnals are actually
iMfellioerit, he Hunan?
There are hye communly- recognised signs of Intelligence;
{rhe ability ro rake sie use a tool,.2) problem-solving,
Wihealillity to communicate ahel understand, 4) the
Sapacity for abstraer thpudghit (for example, selding,
fumbles Up) and 5) psychaingical qualities suclias
solhawareness andeempathy The former of thee
psyehnlorjical ryudlities 14 the ability to realine that you
die an individ! Whois sapandie fron other individuals
signs of efpatly
FAG Most chitetran start lu streiw bast foo 2 very early age
weestors started wing stone baols manethan 2,5 milla years ago, Scientists used to beliewe that anly
furpdilis frossesséd itis skill, lou) rowarlays wee kraow
(hats0ifie animals alo Use tools, Chimpanzees øAr1 altts Usual ones; fron) bushes ia collect ants, ia pointed Sicks lov Use as Weapons Brown bears rub stones against
ft [Uit từ rerfiave dirt aneldeart skin, Fven.a tropical Ash
was filed recently using a tect) 2
Both understanding and producing language aré.obvious
signe otintelligerce Although adog can't taÌR, !t car1
indentwn commends a | |itcan also unclerstanc
wei riosin Commandsin English: like Tauelt the ball HUMANS: THE SMARTEST species
orblek the bore up! ineluding
conmibinations of verb + haun that It
hasn't heard before This is similar
lo the Understanding of a hliman chilclaged twa,
Most animals €an communicate
with each other by singing, barking and sơ ơn When piarrgts hear human language they ean pick ibup and repeatit, often to
oreat comic effect, [4 | |Sorne
chimpanzees can ‘talk’ to humans:
using Sign language, but what they car) say |s fairly limited, Only humans
calluse complex language with grammar
There is an Interesting test for selfawareness — the mirror test :
For humans, the mirtor stage occurs at about 75=|8iienths old is] - [mm test this with animals, scientists draw coloured spot on
en animal's face, Ar animal that recognises (self ina mitvor always Í
tries to touch or remaye the spout Mast animals can't recognise themselves in the reflection ina mirror = not even dags, Only elephants, dolphins and great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and
Orang-utans) reallse they are oking sethenselves ima inirror,
Perhaps the Harcest (melligence test of all is for empathy Empathy is extremely rare in animals, but elephants ane said) to display it, They are aware oF others in the group and care for then wher they are ill,
andadults Work tagetherta protect yating ones | | Elephant
behavlaur such as this ls Taselnating, but (he chingpangee is by far the
clevaiest animal overall; Some baby chimps have even beaten people |
ina memory test of numbers on a computer screen! But even though
chimpanzees are goad at problem-solving and abstract thought, '
Ihey can't light fires, cook food, make €lathes of send rackets into | space, which makes humans the smartest species.on earth
EPp Word profile smart
Humans: the smartest species?
` | need a smart jacket for my interview
-\ | wish | had a smart phone
In which ways are human beings not
the smartest species?
To what extent do humans depend on animals?
Does mankind show animals enough respect? How? / Why not?
Trang 22GRAMMAR The grammar of Phrasal verbs 4 Make questions using youand the tallowing Ì I i 1 Underline the Phrasal verbs In the examples, Mae Separate tho verh arte the particle:
1 snd a wien up-to His.reputation ïn nin 0 you / ever hand in / hameworle/ late
2 i 2
2 Dolphins enjoy showing off 1 ĐH havided homework: in Late?
2 They cara for them when they are ji), ủ
2 geLon will / everyone in your family
4 They have the capacity for adding nurnibers up 8 clear bo / at hame 5 When paresis tear humar Janguage, hey can pick 4 jolnin/ hàn g tá
it up and repeat it gets
5 took forward to / summer holidays
2 Match the phrasal verbs in exercise 1 to the types of phrasal verb in the rules
5 Ask and answer the questions you wrote in
exercise 4,
@ phrasal verbs without an object ‘There are foul types of phrasal varb:
Our car brake down last hight b separable phrasal verbs with an object
(awhtohedton the TV OR | Switched Ihe TY oft | switthad Haft
(NOT p-awetioma-eitil, }
© inseparable phrasal verbs with an object
Can ile clea) with pis fobiam2
Can you deal witty re
(NOT Garr retin dlanlfltzrrrnhlernell-wwile3) do (separable thres-part phrasal verbs
Iìn lowlelenty forward te the yaeskend Ø,Corpus challenge
VOCABULARY Verb + fo infinitive
1 Read the examples Which verb can't be followed
by an object?
| I've persuaded my friends te fenc ime some money I've persuaded my friends not to worry about me 2 Do you Want me to stay a little longer?
> Grammar reterence page 150 Do you want to stay a little longer? | don't want to stay any langer,
2 Road the email, Choose the correct phrasal verbs don’t want you f0 stay any longer
In one answer, both options are possible,
9 They tend to go shopping on Saturdays They tend nat to go stopping on Sundays | have some bad news about my visit I'M really
sorry but | need to ‘ut off il / put it off again, It's my best friend’s birthday party the same weekend and I'm helping to organisa the party | have to be there and | can't really *.get it out a? get out al it I's such a pity, I've been“ /ooking forward to it / looking it forward to, I'm sorry to “let down you / let you down \'ve even bought my train tickets | can't gat a refund, so I'll have to *thraw them away / throw away ther), which is abit annoying! Are you free 30th May? | think | can get away then, I'd love you to °show around me / show me around the city Maybe you could 7 book us in / book in Ue ata restaurant | will came next time, | promise! By the way, "pass on ny thanks / pass my thanks on to yo\lr brother for the book he lant me 2 Complete the table with the verbs jh the box Use a dictionary ta help
advise tgree ask beg” sneourage
expect force help hope — intenct persuade plan pretand relUise femind tend want warn
3 Discuss the questions
41 When was the last time you refused to do something?
2 How would you persuade a friend to help you with
a job?
3° What are you planning to do this Weekend?
4 What do you intend to do when you leave school?
Trang 23
WRITING An jnformal later or email
' 1 Discuss the questions,
4 What new skills have you learned recently? 2 Whatis the best way to learn a new skill?
2 Read the task, then read Dan's email, Has Dan
answered al] Raj's questions?
You liave received en email from your Inend, Raj Can you help me with my class project? | have
to write about the ways in which people learn &
new skill, Please tall me about a skill you have ledtned recently How have you developed this skill? What aspects of it have you found difficult?
'Woulil you recommend other teenagers to take
upithe sama skill?
Thanks, Raj Write your email
Hi Fa
Its great to hear fronryou Actually, got a Iteguard qualification Garler this yoar, so now jt spending most Saturdays down at the beach We're (here to help swimmers and
surlers Who get into difflauitias anc this could ba pretty seary without any training, right?
Anyway, to gal qualified, | did a course at
iy local pool, | fackan I'm a strong swimmer
| and |'Vo always been guile fil, 60 the physical
paris of the gourse wete fing, but | found + call (he stuff on first-ald techniques really
challenging, 'm fine with tall new though anid |'ve picked up loads-of practical tips from
the more experianced guys I'm working with, “Yall Need to ba 16 for Iifequard training Plus
you must be I) yood shape The thing is, other people will be relying on your strangth and {Itness in tisky situations and you can't let them down Keep in touch 3 Read the Prepare box Then read Dan's email again Find: a an opening expression b aclosing expression © four phrasal verbs:
d four other examples of informal language
liv Informal letters ane emails,
* use an informal opening axprassion
Haw nice to yet your news! II'S gieal ta heaf front you
Thanks for your omall,
use informal exprassions to aad Imai
To start with Also PIB, — se informal language and phiasal verbs lreckon Tha trig IS
lise contracted (arms
don't, can), wouldn't
Lise an informal closing expression
Take care Wille spon Lave Keep in touch
4 Find informal sentences and expressions in
the email to match the formal! sentences and
expressions below,
7 \twas Very pleasing lo receive your arail 2 Our job is to agsist swimmers and surfers who
experience difficulties,
3 This could be rather daunting without training 4 [tis also important that you hava ä qood level of
5 Dan has not answered the tinal question in the task Write a fourth paragraph to Dan’s email, answering this question
I'd recommend, becoming a lifeguard because ——
6 Read the task and plan your answer,
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Niki,
Can you help me with my school project? | need to find out about people's earliest memories, What are your most important childhood memories? Why do you think you have remembered them? Which recent experiences would you like to be able to recall in the future?
Write back soon! Niki
Write your letter
7 & Write your letter to Niki
Answer all of Niki's questions
‘Userthe tips in the Prepare box (Check your grammar and spalling
Trang 24G5 Take a deep breath VOCABULARY Stress
faint løeldlzzy get ina panic
go over and over something In your mind
have ai upset Stomach — have difficulty sleeping lose your temper / get bat-temperad
lose your appetite
3 Discuss the questions,
1 When was the last time you lost your temper? 2 Do you ever yet Into a panic about exams? 3 Have you ever had difficulty sleeping? When? 1 READING
Read the headings for a article on stress Do you agree or disagree? Compare your answers in pairs, a Stress is for adults, Hot people my age
A bil of stress helps te to get things done | know how to deal with stress,
{V's not my fault thal | gal stressed,
Everyone gets strassed {ror time to time It's no big deal
Read the article quickly Match the headings in
exercise 1 {0 Parts 1-5 of the article Use the
sentence(s) in bold at the end of each paragraph to help you choose the heading that follows
Read the article again Complete the sentences
with either two oF three words
1 The article suggests that most teenagers have fewer reasons than adults
2 The author beliaves that strass |g about more deadlines,
3 Hormones released in stressful situations can both » Our anergy levels,
4 The article strongly racommends finding time in your dayetorday life and also to relax § Psychologists advise people to try and see
Trang 25c9 4] 30g35 ie for adults, nat people my age,
Which of these two tyaes of people are more stressed: a
‘obrent who hae te gu to wark to earn money to pay bills
ind Bring up\a family, ona teenager who has to-go to schaol fondly? Surveys report thier 7526 of aclults say they fea!
Stressed oy) At least three occasions every week However, Sn astonishing 85% of Wefagers between 14 ancl 17 say the same thing, What's more, a third of the girls and half of jhe hoya believe the pressure is there every single day: In
(Ne ag2 grotip, the three most frequent causes ol stress are
Sulioolwork, parents anid problems with friekds But isn't
Wis just partof life?
Vary Taw of is would Say we never get stressed But what does stress mean te) you? Is ita piece of work you need to
‘nish farschool? Perhaps it's a class you mustn't be late tor
Wf athess Was |Ust about emaciines, we would arobably be able ta keap Mt under control However, fer most people it's
‘bigger than this, And it can be avery big deal, But could we
getylel it from) pur lives? Do we actually want to?
7 fe cerca
Whurl wa as stressed, cuir bocly tesponcls to the danger by releasing chésriicals called hormones They tamporarily
Merease our heart rate and boost our energy levels,
Thatisinds of years age we used this energy
to avoid getting eaten! So, in small doses,
oniitiy tind stress can motivate them Bur
constant étréiss can have the opposite
aflect, Zadina to feelings of anxiety:
At this point, hormones actually lower our energy levels and we risk
suffering from.a whole range of health problems, So how do we ayoid this situation?
—p Word profile control
The instructor had to use his controls to stop the car
The reason is that these things are beyond our control, but we can control how we react to them
{almost lost control of the car
Cece eey
Mast o! us-know the basics of how to handle stress: we should take regular exercise and gat healthily, Sleep is also important According ta some reports,
teenagers ought to get over nine hours every might!
Do you} But fighting stress needn't be boring You
must also make some time in your Schedule for jun, preferably with friencl, and also a little quiet time, relaxing by yourself Spend time around positive people, whe dan't get you down Look into volunteering —helping.other panplecan help you
foal less stressed, And i you're getting in a panic, slop what you are deing and take several deep breaths, Pause fora moment and think about all the good things in your life, So have you tried that? Is
everything (or everyene) still stressing you out? A common belief is thal mur stress comes from all)
the things we have to-do because of other people
Howeven some psychologists believe jt's more helpful ta think of stress a5 how we react to the things that sttess Us, The reavon is that these things are beyond our control, but we can control how
we tdact lo them, 50 aitotlte7 way 4! fighting stress
is to look for the positive in situations When your
parents say you can't go away lor the weekend,
think of it opportunity todo something at home You don't have fa do something
yau hate - choose something you enjoy
but don't always Nave time to do And
is that difficult homework due in next
week? You do have to do jt, yes, You can’t control it But maybe you could see it as a challenge rather than a chore,
alking, points,
L3 boy
Trang 26
GRAMMAR Modals (1): Necessify and obligation
41 Read the examples and complete the rules with
some of the bold verbs
1 You don't have to do something you hate
2 We should take regular exercise
3 Teenagers ought to get nine hours of sleep 4 Fighting stress needn't be boring
5 | need to finish this work for school We use: a or ought to for advice, b for necessity, c (haven't got to) or needn't for lack of obligation > Grarwnar reference page 151 ———
2 © Complete the second sentence so that jt has‘a similar meaning to the first sentance, using the word given Use between twa and five words Ằ S4 0 [t would be a good idéa If | went to bed early tonight; SHOULD
| altoiild,.9@,f, bed early tonight
1 Glare knew that she had tobe hama hy ten, NECESSARY
Clare knéw that for herto be home by tery,
2 My tennis coach says that | must attend
additional training sessions, NEED
My-tenriis coach says that training sessions than before
3 You are under no obligation to attend the extra,
‘classes, HAVE
You attend ta extra classes
4 Durschool makes us wear a uniform, HAVE
We a uniform af shoal
3 Read the examples and complete the rules with
the bold verbs
Teenagers Maye to study
You mustn't be jate for class,
You must inake time to have fun, You can’t go oul
for obligation 6 Of for prohibition,
Ðr Wher the obligatian or prohibition comes from ourselves,
or when the obligation or
prohibition comes from someone else
4 Choose the correct verbs When both answers
are possible, can you explain the difference in meaning?
1 Simon needs / must contral his temper more 2 You mustn't / don't have to use my things without
asking first!
Sha told me In secret so you mustn’t/ don't have to Say a word
4 Everyone must / has to deal with stress sometimes 5 | haven't done any exercise for ages | must /
have to do some this week,
Ø,Corpus challenge
5 Complete the sentences with your own ideas
1 _Ireally should 4 Every day | have to
2 At school we clon't 5 Students mustr't have to 6 My parents say |
3 Tomorrow | must gant
VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs; health
1 Read the examples and match the bold phrasal
yerbs to the meanings
1 You mustn't stay up so lalef
2 It's taken me weeks lo get over this flu a Arguing with my friends really gats ne down 4 I'mtrying la cut dawn on sweet thihgs
§ We al! came down with faod poisoning in the
evening, 80 we couldn't go aul,
/f | stand up very quickly, | sometimes pass out, eat or drink less or reduce something
filake someone feel unhappy
gel better after an illness or an unhappy event
faint or become Unconscious
bacanie ill
# remain awake later than Usual moooo
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the phrasal verbs in exercise 1, Then discuss the
0 What kinds of things geb you dwwn,.?
1 How offen: a week do you past midnight? 2 Does it take you a long fime to arguments
with good friends?
8 Da you know anyone who atthe sight of blood?
4 Have you ever An illness because you've beer oulside in the cold fortag long?
5 Would you like to -anything In your diet?
Trang 27
3% 110 veu villl hear Emma talking about stress
Read the sentences carefully Then listen and
decide which sentence is true for Emma, A | don't really sulter from stress,
B Schoolwork and tamily get me stressed the most, © | have a range of ways to deal with stress, B The future is my biggest cause of stress, E Exercise is my main way of fighting stress
F (don't like haw | behave when |'m stressed,
G | followed someone's advice on a technique for deallrig with stress
H Arguing with my brother makes me stressed
2 Now read what Emma said Find and underline the
part that tells you (he right answer
I's not a big deal, but!
do get stressed — almost
cilways over exams, The
first thing that happens
| is | lose my appetite and partly because of
thet, | reckon, | get a bit
bad-tampered | da g
variety of things ta keep the stress under control
—Htalk to my parents
1 abn! whetever’s worrying me, | avoid staying
up late, | even doa bit of sport, And all these things help, Within day I've usually got
—= =ncdl =
' ayer whatever it is, or I've moved! on to
: something else, | try not te let things get
Ine down Ìn generol- -
3 Read the rassons why A~D Ìn exercise 1 are true or not true for Emma Work in pairs and decide
why E-H are not true
A Not true Emma says she does get stressed 6 Not true, Exams stress her, but she only mentions
talking to her parents,
C True, Emma says she does a variety of things to keep the stress under control
D Not true She doesn't mention the future
4 Cin ® You will hear four more teenagers talking For questions 2-5, choose from the
list A-H In exercise 1 what each speaker says, Use the letters only once There are three extra letters which you do not need to use, Speaker 1 Speaker 4 Ay Speaker 2 [L ]z| spsaker5 5 Speaker 3 [_l3 NG
4 ©iiz Listen to the conversation, What is Dan
going to to for Sara? Offering help 2 Cir Listen again and complete the phrases shall like need sure
1 \ take the games for you?
2 Are you ? That'd be fantastic, thanks, 3 I'll text you when | leave here, if you
4 Thanks, but there's no
3 Cis Listen to a conversation between Dan and his mother, Answer the questions
a Who offers to help who?
b What offers are made?
¢ What does Mrs Fisher really warm Dan to do?
4 ©1113 Read the Prepare box, then listen again
Which phrases do Dan and Mrs Fisher use? Making offers Would you like Me to ” Latine Stall | ? JII- you like: Refusing offers ts OK, | can do i myself
No don't worry, | can manage thal,
Thanks, but thare’s no need
Accepting offers Ifd be ureat if you could,
Are yqu suré? That'd be fantastic, thanks
5 write down all the things you need to do this week
Which of them could someone else help with?
6 Work in pairs, Then change roles
Student A = Tell Student B about youriist
Student B Make offers lo Student A
Student A Respond to the offers appropriately
A: /'ve gat lo finish a project, get some new trainers
and gel a birthday present for my dad
8: Let me help you with your dad's birthday present A; (td be great it you could
Trang 281 Read the text Then label the diagram with the words In the box, dt 1 left
ogpillariee = leftartery = leftatrium lungs
right artery onghtatlum septum vein ventricle |
Heart structure and function Arteries, capillaries Your heartisanatural pump thatpushes and veins
blood around your body, It has two sides’ Blood circulates through
that are divided by a thick wall called your body ina closed
the septum, Both sides are dividectinto aystem of tubes palled
two closed spaces called chambers-The Atevien aneayeinel ties
upper nh: 2 HỆ cu bi S Jower chamber is the ventricla- arteries carry blood away from the heart aha dividé into
The right TT ng 2010190116 branches of smaller tubes,
body This blood is deoxyqenated —it' ‡ a
not pies much oxygen (O,),First,ihe The smallest tubes, called
right atiam pumps the blood ta the right capillaries, are thinner than a if
ventricle Then the right ventricle pumps human hair, The walls of the |
it to the lmgs where it picks up new capillaries are go thin that ị exygen from the siz that you breathe oxygen can pass through ly y
Whe Jolt abstumtacetned cxyoenatacd them and inte the cells -k rG /
blond from the lungs-2nd pumps itinto «of your body Your cells £ i
{lie Jef yeutticle Then theleft ventricle also release carbor dioxide 4
Plimps the blood atcundthe rest ofyour — (CQ.,) and other waste products ,
body This blood carries oxygen toallof —_into the blood Then the blood a a >, -your botiy's other cells flows back to your heart through
the veins carrying away the
Check your pulse waste products,
* Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day, or 35 million times a year! Check your heart rate by feeling the pulse in your wrist Use the fingers of your other hand, Don’t use your thumb because it also has a pulse, » Your heart isa double pump, When you check your pulse, you'll notice
two beats close together The first beat is made by the left and right
atrilim together, The second is made by the left and right ventricles,
2 How does blond move through the circulatory system? Number the parts in order, starting with the itings
a vat ventricle a right ventricle = g atterios
b caplilarids e fight ateum h _veins carbon dioxide (CO,) a waste
„ loft atrium, { 1 lungs gas that your hody produces 3 Answer the questions with Information trom the text In exercise t,
7 What separates tie right ard left sides of the heart? 2 Which ventricle purnps out deoxygenated blood?
3 Where does your humar blaod become oxygenated?
atrlum afi Upper chamber of
the heart (plural atria)
cell the smallest living part of
your body
oxygen (O,) a gas that your badly reeds to live
teleasé let something go out
4 Why can oxygen go through the walls of capillaries? Desay
5 What tubes carry waste away from the body's cells? eee 8 lower chamber of ear
6 Which beats first: the right ventricle or right atrium?
Trang 29
’ 4 Read the text Match four of the sections to the pictures
Do you ‘your hea VE:
dy ‘Your heart needs protein to build new muscle Be sure (eeat healthy, proteln-rich foods, like fish, white meat, eggs, beans, nuts
and seeds Avoid eating too much red meat - it contains a lot of fat Try to eat five servings of fruit and vegetables eyery day They contain vitamins and minerals that your heart needs to
work properly, The rest of your body will also thank you!
ft, Be careful not to overeat When you carry too fiutkvextta weight, your heart has to work harder than necessary, However, being teo thin isn’t good for you either Keep a healthy balance!
Don't eat too much fat or |
sall, Some fat builds up in your arteries and veins,
pausing heart disease, Too much salt makas your body ad _
petain water, which increases your blood pressure Your heart is a powerful
muscle, but itneeds regular exercise to stay
strong and healthy You should do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to give your heart a
workout So get moving! 3¬ % a .— "” eo
5 Read the text in exercise 4 again Then read the sentences L ù { Give yourself a score for each sentences from 1 (= never) to
= 5 (= always) Discuss your answers with a partner 4 [feed my heart with carbohydrates and proteins 2 | have five servings of fruit and vegetables a day 3 | try to maintain a healthy, balanced body weight 4 | avoid food that has a lot of unhealthy fat or salt 5 | lead an active lifestyle by doing sport and exercise 6 Cun Listen to an interview Make notes on what Karen
eats and how much exercise she does What does the dietician say about Karen’s diet and lifestyle?
How well do you care for your heart? Write a
paragraph about your lifestyle
1 How can you improve your eating habits?
What sport do you enjoy doing? | Do you exercise or go to a gym?
Does school cause a lot of stress for you?
Does anyone in your family smoke?
|s the air clean in your town or city?
Trang 30REVIEW! 1 l=
Units 1-4
VOCABULARY 5 Complete the quotations with the noun form of
1 Match the words te the meanings Jete ghen h i
i) without ambition is a bird without wings
INTELLIGENT Salvador Dali, artist
is just connecting things, When you ask crealive peopls how they did something, they feel a little guilly because they did't really do it, they just saw something’ CREATIVE
€n official list of the most popular songs each week Sleve Jobs, inventor
write a piece of music Ân aplar te ore thing in the world, You are all alone with your
LẠ 8 mieaeRge 01.8 Website and imagination, and that's BỊ you have 2 Correct two words in each group that are spelled CONCENTRATE
wrongly James Dean, actor
1 ambitious / arguement / jealous / tommorraw ‘| think computer Viruses should count as life |
2 confortable / especially / 1eceive / seperate think it says Something about human that 3 Ceiling / height / reciept / wiegh: the only forn of life we have created so far is
4 accomodation / necessary / oportunity / successful purely destructive’ NATURAL Stephen Hawking, scientist
3 Complete the dialogues Use the correct form of ‘Shallow men belleve in Strong men
the pairs of words In the box belinve In cause and.effect’ LUCKY
Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer cast character the charts
compose lyrics post
@ person represented ina film, play or story 1
2 all the actors in a film, play or show 3 the words of a song
bothered (nope cautious/do impressed / glanoe
faalous /Gonpare ean / hear GRAMMAR
4 A Have you from Joe recently? 6c
No, andl | don't want to He was really to haoss the corrert verbs
me the last time | saw him
I! says Nava that the manager ts about Lady Gaga nate} Alonso's chances of playing on Saturday has called a teenager
Oh, no We can't without him We'll losel Tavl Gevingon, tha thưa a
es mee sh pi my ‘clever’ sister journalism, :
jo you ever ge of her’
Sofia has never had trouble with exam whee as on
sttess Bolt/Ơn Non sos " fashion blog, Style
No, but She never gets about anything herself and wrtot wake ee was posting pictures of
| was really by Alex’s project AI first, people na esoriptions of her clothes,
Y8, | only aLIL yeslerday, but it looked #6 te bung the Site was a fake and that
amazing few years, aie An Mại stilt up But within a
4 Choose the correct verb to complete each phrase thousands of readers arvana ky oa
1 catch / have / feel an upset stomach designers were asking Tavi for her ti) x
2 drop/ lose / forget your temper the blag grew Rookia— an online magazine a0 3 take / think / go over and over things in your mind “has been running / is running since she we i 4 lose / fee! / be your appetite The magazine is proving extremely emule K 5 have / get / feel difficully sleeping "already inspired | has sliaagiỳ nace Ae it 6 have / go! get ina panic At the age of 16, Tavi# gưt Í was getting het f ee
role i i
‘ene and hopes to do more acting in {t's hard nat to be impressed by Tavi—she
? didn't h
Trang 31nN tủ Ð?% Œ ®% a 4
7 =Complete the sentences Use the present perfect
simple or continuous, Use one verb in each pair
of sentences
{can come out now | my revision
Sorry | didn't reply to your text, |
Yau look hơi „0U 2
you ever a marathon’?
Dan to Help me with this maths for hours,
but | still con't understand jf,
b | dolliq more exercise, bul it doesn't
seem Ip help
a Clate
b Where have you bean? |
you several times today;
B Rewrite the undertined parts of the sentences
with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box and a pronoun if necessary
you all morning
LỠ,Gorpus challenge
40 Tick the two sentences without mistakes
Correct the mistakes in the other sentences
1 For a long time badminton is my favourite sport, 2 By the time we arrived there, he has disappeared, 3 |-surfalready lor @ years and | think | am quite good at It
4 (ama Very good basketball player, because | have been playing sire | was six
5 | have twa cats at home, Whan | lound them 8
months ago, they were very simall, | picked up
them and took ham fo the vet
6 We try to find a goou place to slay for a couple of days
7 Firstot all, you musnt panic, '
8 | told her that she hadn'l (o talk about it to anybody ' ũ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 threw away, Cale across paas Olt hand out Jook after ®takedUip | don't believe that, | think you {avented il! mode ib up
Look at this old computer | found it in the garage
Ha lost consciousness when he saw the blood
The teacher yave me the papers and asked me to
uistiipute {her
('ve got a cold, | bagame ill with it yesterday, My brother's elaven, | take care of him sometimes: | don’t have any BVOs pow.! got tic of them recently 9 Choose the best verb to complete each semence, You | get ina panic, It will only make things worse
A haven'tgotto B don'thave to C mustn't
You be more adventurous with food Just
try things
A musin't B need © should
We're on holiday next week, so | come to your party
A can't B mustt € dont have to I'm exhausted, | go to bed earlier!
A needn't B shouldnt c must Rob how if he wants to get the train
A oughttoleave B oughtleave C oughtto leaves | know that next week is your birthday You remind me
A don't have to B mustn't C cant
come down with
14 W Compiste the second sentenaa so that it
‘has a sinilar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word
given You must use betwee two and five
words, including the ward given, Here is an example ( 0 | started writing this blog tour years ago, BEEN Jwe ,Weent lung: this, hhog fer four years, 1 Simon hes goat I|y so can't be here COME Simulla§ ĩĩ {lu 50 can't be here 2 It's been a long time since | spoke to Jo FOR
Jo and | a long time 3 | found it difficult to control my skis at first
Trang 32SD) Past times 1 Read the quiz questions and guess the meaning of the words,
2 ©1415 Answer the questions In pairs Listen
and check Whal extra Information do you hear?
Make notes,
3 Discuss the questions
1 In which decade and century Were you born? What about your parents?
2 How different would your life be without the internat? What would you have to do differently? 3 Which other inventions have had the biggest
impact on you? And on society? Why?
1 Read tho example answer (0) in the Hirst
paragraph of the text, Whal other word could
you use instead of if?
2 © Read the first paragraph again, For questions 1-8, think af the word which best
{its each gap Use the Ideas below to help » Look at the Words before and after each gap
* Use only one word in each gap
» There may be more than one correct answer, i V Œ quiz ° On which continent did our earliest ancestors live?
a Africa) b America ¢ Asia
| €) wnich civilisation came first?
| a Ancient Greece b the Roman Empire o the Kingdom of Rgypt
8 Which tribe of women from an ancient myth
gave their name to a South American river? a the Amazons 'b the Centaurs ce the Titans €)} in which century was the car invented? a 18th century b 19th century ¢ 20th century
Ấ tà 1900, which country had the most citizens?
a Russia b India c China,
© wnicn city nad the most inhabitants in 1900?
a New York b London e Tokyo
@) in which decade was television first
broadcast to the public? a 1980s b 1950s ¢ 1970s Qe When was the internet, lawmched publicly? a 17B b 1895 6œ 2005 3 Read the questions and discuss possible answers, 1 What allarnativas can you think of to an eight-hour sleep? How did sleeping habits charge after the invention of artificial lighting?
How do the sleep patterns of different cultures and
differant age groups compare? What is a'siesta’?
What is a ‘body-clock'? 2
4 Read the rest of the text and check your answers,
5 Complete the sentences with the highlighted
words in the text How long da you He was physically and
| never realised, but it same school
Can't you remember to bring your own phone? You're asking if you Gan borrow mine
I'm not tired, Let's a bit later
sleep at night?
Trang 33ines micelle eap agally’ becomes frustrate sleep straighle gltt I0 net (3) @ panic about things’ in you!
Sleep is something we te!
They used to take (he opportunity to visit each other
lt was the perfect time to take |! Rasy,
Maybe we should take [nie Bccount what cur
body clock is telling us
al J§Efphgft0will2ff\)
patter NS also \
Talking points v
‘Wnatis*a good night's sleep"?
What might ba the advantages.and
disadvantages of mora |Informal-sieap patterns? | What difiicultias might someone have if they
-work at night and sleepy all day?
Do yous ike tne idea of ling ina 24-7 society? ed
Past times “để
Trang 34
GRAMMAR Present and past habits
41 Read the examples, thon complete the rules with
the correct verb forms
31 Balween sleeps, people would lie awake and chat
2 The two-sleep habill used to be quite widespread, 3 They used to take the opportunity to visiteach other 4 My brother was always waking me up early when | was younger 5 Jeenagers ate constantly finding excuses to slay up lala
6 Individuals sleen whenever they feel lire, 7 I'm sleeping a lot because |'m getting aver an
past continuous present continuous (x2)
present simple used io would
We use:
a for present habits and states
b (without an adverb) for temporary
preserit habits
c ,, +always/constantly tor annoying
presan( habits,
d Jor past habils and states
e ,, for past hatits (but not past states), + always/canstantly for past Habits, especially lo criliise or complain,
> Gramm feterence page 152
2 Read the text and choose the correct words
ma Truy + , LỆNG,
Most people eat/ are eating three meals a
faa Inthe US and parthem Euupe: akg fh dinner, but mealies” constantly change
ae uneven ` rows and Lalin America, people litsome parts of Asta " hava / are having
in Se aa Se snack and
» Bul GUT eating hahits
ei wel bso tego diferent Lite pan
With ors, My harem ae by tans of orektast
and "ara alvrays tellin / ware always telling ma that it the Inost imonrtant inal of the day, Breakfast is h facta wlatively new woneayt, Tha Ra 0
used Wary constantly! were consti
heir health, T 0ey ngựay neve
breaktast, 1)
big tiranklist balu
stil change are.sHil they ate in a rush, ang Nowadays nh Perhaps, after a ‘breakfast’ is going ta Unit s
3 write a sentence for each situation Use the
grammar ron exercise 1,
0 something {hat really annoys you
My best friend: is always Using my phone!
4 Something that you do every day 2 a habit from when you were younger 3 something that you do that annoys others 4 sornething you're doing lemporarily
5 a tact about you that was true ten years ago, but not any longer
Corpus challenge
VOCABULARY Expressing frequency
1 Complete the lists with the words and phrases in the box, from time to time occasionally rarely rtagularly seldom 'alth@rtiite- corIstantly most days/weeks/monttt (every) once in a While always all the time often samotines almost never
2 Read the rule about expressions of frequency
Then answer the questions
Single adverbs usually go before the main verb: You're constantly sleeping
Phrases go al the beginning or eid of a clause
I sleep badly every onne Ina while
From time to time, ) stay up all-night
How aften do you, 4 watch historiaal tiinis?
2 argue with people? 3 sleep later than iam? 4 complain about things? 5 play gamas on your phone? 8 enter competiions?
Write six sentences about yourself, three true and three false, Use an adverb or phrase expressing frequency, Then work jn pairs Can your partner
guess which are false?
lẨm constantly losing ma mabile!
Trang 35
WRITING § An article (1) 1 Discuss the questions
1 What articles have you read recently, in magazines or online?
2 Can you remember any of the titles?
3 What do you think makes an article interesting? s
2 Read the task and answer the questions
You have seen the following announcement in an
international students’ magazine: Have YOU got a talent? Write an article about your talent — is it a physical talent (e.g a sport) or an ability (e.9 programming or memory)? Say how you first noticed it, how it developed and how you would like to develop it in the future
Send us your article and see your name in print
Write your article
1 Where is this article going to appear? 2 Whois going to read it?
3 What is the topic?
4 Do you think the article should be serious or chatty intone?
3 Read the Prepare box Then read the article and
choose the best title
SS aa —
a Why | wanted to take up cycling Tu b Apassion tor cycling " forget the day Ì gọt my firs 2 š
œ Tips [or eyelìhg = years old and | fall in love wi om then on, | used to cycle
Inan article: ng like the sense of freeciom
= choose an interesting title F om eyelingy 15 there? You can g9 l
® organise your ideas into paragraphs and atany time you want | ae
» inclide-a topic sentence for each paragraph, club and saon | was i en
whith tells the reader what the paragraph Is ‘and racing against adult ders ‘ | siarted tơ win, Can you Imagine
was amazing!
i couraged me to ta : Mane They think | havea
1g, Mim quite fit and competitive ° Sr inihe hours needed to do
m training avery day and \'ve already
ational competitions:
nis to wear the Team
about: | = usé a lively, chatty style,
|» use interesting descriptive language
| « address the reader directly, for example by asking ‘questions
4 Underline the topic sentences in paragraphs a—c_ Write a topic sentence for paragraph d
5 Read the article again How does the writer
address the reader directly?
er yd ree Ta
làn oi try inthe Olympic Gane ara
6 & Look at the task in exercise 2 again TP i Games An | Write your article © me | EU PL Áy 3 |
* Use the tips in the Prepare box
Trang 36
‘1 Match the questions to the pictures
a Do you go to school in the morning feeling bright and cheerful? b Are you generally an optimistic or
pessimistic person?
t Have you ever been scared while watching a film or TV show?
d Have you ever felt furlous with
someone, but not said anything? e What environmental problems are
you most concerned about?
2 Complete the table with the adjectives in exercise 1 READING
1 Read Part A of the article, ignoring the gaps Which fears are mentioned?
2 @® Read Part A of the article again and decide
which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap, A beginning 8 birth € slat D origin A universal B complete C shared D united Aphases stages C times D points A develop 68 grow € expand D progress Aunique 6 rare € unlikely D small Aemerge Breveal Ccalise D find A take B have Cc fix D keep A condition B impact © }iit D implication
3 Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7
4 Cis Listen to Sara, Anmed, Emma and Dan, — Nom ewe Nao How are they feeling? Choose the correct words & A up B over C into Don
and complete the sentences
1 Sara's ted up with / anxious about 3 Read Part @ of the article, Write the correct names,
2 Ahmed's bad-tempered about /anxlous about 1 Who was abandoned in a public place?
3 Emma's relieved about / over the moon sbour_ 2 Who recently had a bad experience at a friend's
4 Dan's getting depresmea / Irritated because house?
5 Emma's down #bout/ content witr not 3 Whose parents thought their fear was normal?
6 Dan's pennified of / fed up with sore kind of 4 Who has been accepted for further education?
5 Who almost gol into trouble with the law because
5 Add the words in exercise 4 to the table in of their phobia?
exercise 2, Use a dictionaryto help you, 6 Whose phobia has made them more sociable?
6 Discuss when you last felt - 4 Match the highlighted words in the text to the
* relieved about something meanings,
= over the moon about something having your attention taken away Irom something
* fed up with someone 2 1 making you worried ar upset
* irritated by something 3 very large in amount or degroe * anxious about something 4 stupid
Trang 37it oie
becomes J9
Soma fhars, such asa fearol heights, are (1) to almost all manmnats, Other
leurs like @ fear of mice, are Specific to humans and’in thls case possibly resull fram (2) when thase rodents cafrled deadly diseases
As we (8) older, our fears change Under the age-of seven, tears frequently
include inonsters Or the dark, By ten, children fear events thal are reel - though
extremely (4) to happen = like murder or war For teenagers, social tears haginr
fo (4) a such as looking foolish In frant of friends, The vast majority of us are able fo (6)
olhers @ fear car! get alot control and have a significant (7) a phobia, Wher this haswens a felar hes urnect (8)
child, Jacob nM used 16 be terrified of the
dark, Until the ageof eight, he spent most nights in his paiants! oor and insisted on leaving a light on-His
paratits never suspected a problem) —after all, such
fears ara common among young kids Bul Jacob has
never aot used ty sleeping inthe dark and is now 16
He sill Sleeps with a lighton, which |g fine, of course However, Jacob's nyelephobia ean occasionally make
very(läV life difficult,
‘| was at a birthday party last Week Someone tumed
the lights out while the candles on the cake wera being
lit! Jacob says.'Even though | knew there was no danger, | got extremely upset!
Jacab can't explain the reasons behind his phobia However, many phoblas result from a distressing experiance in childhood
[T3 Why do you think some people sulfer from
phoblas such as scolionophabla?
Do you think fear is a useful emotion? Why?
our fears under control, However, far
on thelr Ives,
pan-y | Claudia Jannings believes that her aumphabia « the fear or being alone - comes trom
an Incident wher she was ten She and her mum were
shopping ina department store, Suddenly her mum got an urgent phone call {rom work and bacame distracted, She loft the shap quickly and simply torgot her daughter was with) her Obviously Claudia was in teats until her mum
ralurned and she’s suifered from autophobia ever since,
Although Claudia hasrit entirely got over her fear, she's now used to heraulophobia and has several strategies she Uses (0 cope with it ‘Reading or listening to music definitely help, Plus:! deliberately make lots of friends so
I'm almost always with someone’
Both nyctophobla and autophobia are common But other phobias are quite unusual = and, jn some cases, possibly difficult to balleve,
Fsychologist Nigel Gove says scolignophobia has baen racognised since the 1960s Children who suffer from this will feel extreme anxiety about going to schaal — with symptoms such ae headaches and feeling physically sick For over three years, William Garr experianced just this, Atone point, the school threatened to take William's parents to court for keeping their child athome, When his parents demonstrated that William was studying at home, the school eventually agraed to help, Now, after a period of psychological treatment, William Is a typical 18 year old and is about fo laave hame far university,
‘One of the worst things about that time was the fact that my schoo! didn't belleve me, saysiWilliam "They thought! was trying to get out of studying — when, in fact, I've always enjoyed learning:
Strong G202
Trang 38GRAMMAR be/getused to
4 Read the examples and the rules Whal kinds of
words can follow be/get used to?
1 Although Claudla hasn't entirely got over her fear,
she's naw used to her autophobia,
2 Jacob has hever get Used to sleeping i the dark
& Weuse be/gel used ti ibout how
familiar something is tor someone
If you are used to something, you are familiar with it You have experienced it often enough for it to sear normal to you and it is no longer
Il you get Used fo something, yal become
familiar with it
+ Grnrtirrzir rzÐefer\c page 153
2 Choose the correct words,
4 [eel exiausted, Int not / don't get used to staying
u so late
2 Ar firs) we found il hard, but now were / we ger
used to'speakiig Frglish in-class all (he time
3 | catrt be / gĩt used to that website now they've redesigned tt Il’s so canfising!
\\ ok me several days tobe / get used to the time change when we went to the US an holiday
Qur school slarls at 730 so |'ve always been / got
used to.getting up Satly,
nn being / getting used te our pew teacher, bul | Still miss oll old one,
3 Imagine a friend trom another country is coming
to live in your country What will they have to get ised to? Wrile sentences, Use the ideas below
and your avi ideas daily routine ood people TV You might find ib difficult to get used to our sense of humour
4 Rear the axamples Which example describes a
past hatit or stale7
1 She's used to being alone now 2 / used to be terrified of spiders,
5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using used
Use between twa and five warts
Inthe past, | was petrified nf dogs | - : BEtrified of dogs My new school tio longer feels strange to me L my new school Josie Is ro fonger worried! about alaeping in the dark
Josie in the dark now In the past, | was afraid of heights
lbusgui e: afraid of heights
Did Mark become accustamad to the cold weather
in Finkana?
Did Matk the cold weather in Finland?
VOCABULARY Adverbs; type and position
1) Match the examples to the types of adverbs
1 Fears frequenily inelucle monsters or the dark He slept in his parents’ room
} was ala birthday parly last week
Jacob can't explain (Ne reasons behind his phobia However, many phobias
She left the shop quickly,
Reading or listening to music definrtely help adverbs of lime frequency adverbs adverbs of certainty adverbs of manner adverbs Of place connecting adverbs (which link to a previous sentence) sun r*honow an
Where in a sentence (beginning, middle or end) are the adverbs in exercise 1 usually used?
Write the sentences with the adverbs in the
correct positions More than one answer is sometimes possible,
1 He can sing (beautifully)
2 | have been afraid of insects (never) 3 I'll get used to it (probably)
4 | had an upset stomach, | had difficulty sleeping
(as a result)
| get anxious about homework (from time to time) !'ve been getting bad-tempered., (lately)
If we leave now, we'll be home (by nine) She left home (a few minutes.ago, definitely) We have lunch (always, at midday)
Trang 39
4 You will hear people talking in tive ditferent
situations, Read the questions, Underline the key words that might help you get the correct
41 You hears student talking about her dearee
‘What does she thinks about studying 7
A {i's more enjoyable than she thought It would be
B She finds (He research fascinating
It's going to be very useful for har career 2 You overhear a conversation between two
{riends, Why does the boy think his parents will be annoyed?
A Thera are a Jot of passwords on his phane B He's missed the bus,
© They kaep warning hin about losing things
You heara girl leaving a voicemail message for her trend, Why is she calling?
A {o find out whata lest will cover
B to suggest doing some ravision togather © (o check some dates she's Not Sure about
‘You overhear two {rlends talking about @ schoo! project What does the teenager say about his
project? [
A He's feeling optimistic about its progress,
B He's concerned he's rot galing to finish it in time
© He's finding it difficult to understand the
5 You heara father talking to his daughter on the
phone How Is he feeling now?
A furious:
-B concerned C relieved
2 Đ 1117 & Listen For questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B or C)
3 ©1117 Listen again and check your answers A
The thing is they're always telling me
not to put stuff down is a
_ its a good thing you told me to put that password on it
The main thing for me is that I'm actually into what |'m studying
.¡ page 144
SPEAKING favyourile things
1 110 Listen to Ahmed and Sara talking about
their best and worst days of the week Which
person is more like you?
2 Oise Who says these phrases? Listen again and write A (Ahmed) or 5 (Sara),
41 What normally happens is 2 Virtually every Monday
3 Asatulo, |
4 Nine times out of ten,
5 with the exception of
3 Oi Listen to Emma and Dan Complete the
1 Two of Erima’s favourite subjects are 2 Emma gets on really well with the 3 Dan rarely does his homework on 4 Dan has a bit of a phobia of
4 tt Read the Prepare box, then listen again
Which phrases do Erma and Dan use?
Work in pairs Interview each other Use phrases
from the Prepare box
1 Which is your best/worst day of the week? Why? What normally happens on this day?
2 Which is your best/worst time of the year? Why? What generally happens at this time?
3 What's your favourite lesson at school? Why? 4 Describe a typical weekend for you
Trang 40== VCittire ela i Ue tu | When British people ale angry, they say they ¢) see green a) see blue —b) see red
2 $n Spain, many people think the calaur yaliow is c) depressing a) unlucky —h) fashionable 1 Green is considered a lucky colour in a) Ghina b) Malaysia 4 In European countries, purple is associated with 0] liealllt a) royalty b), money ø} lIelaiÌ a) pink a) black os 5 Which colo apart from vec and yellow is often used for warning signs? b) blue 6 Objects thal absorl all he colours of light look b) grey 6) 0/4116 CG) white 7 The most popular colour around Ine world Is a) glean a) exciting 2 Read the text Check your answers to the quiz in exercise 1 b) brown c) blue & In English, a grey area’ is somelting , b) uneertain 6) frlahtaning COlLOUr ~EBCONNECTIONS SS B L i js thé typical colour TA - 8
of clanr skies and wator it's coneidered ta bea relaxing, culm colon and it's often
nesociavedl wilh peace, Perhaps
for thet reason, blue is the world’s most popular coleur, On
the negative side, blue suggests
gold tamperatures, a8 well as low
anergy In English, for example,
poople Who are sad or dapreswed
say they ‘feel blue"
R R EF {gs the golour of Plante, 80 it's pften associated with Life and growth In treland, poeple think {ts a lucky colour and in Japan, it Tepiesente eternal life, However,
grout also has negative meanings an Engligh, [t's the colour of envy
‘the green-eyed monster - and people's fhods ‘turn green’ when
thay tee! glrlt
PIIRPILE °- : unnsual colour
in nature, Some minerals ate
purple and there are plants with purple Howars, Hut They aren't common, In Hurape, purple has been the colour of royalty since:
ancient times, when purple dye
for clothing was tare and very oxpeneive: It wad often made from
a spouial type of shellfish
RED is the colour of blood, so
it's often associated with life, energy and strong feelings,
For example, many people's
faces turn ted When they are feeling nervous, embarrasses] or excited In English, peopie also say they ‘see red’ when they feel angry Red objects jump out at us because they appear to he cluser than thay really are
is the colour
of sunlight, so it's often asaociated with wath and happiness: It’s also the most intenge colour, which means
bright shades of yellaw can be
irritating, like too mach sunlight, Yellow is unlucky In some countries, such as Spain, while in
Inca, it’s associéted with wealth
and business,
of lively red anid cheerful yellow,
mnki8g it a bright colour that catches our attention, Ths also the colour of healthy foods, like
oranges, carrots and pumpkins, Because of its high visibility, urange is often used for warming signs and for amergency equipment, like lifejackets
BLACK ia neutral because \t absorbs all the
colours of light 1's associated
wilh darkness and night, as well
as mystery and the unknown In
many countries, black is a serious
eolows associated with death and
sudness, but also with elegance
and authority
is the colour
BROWN š: and autumn leaves which makes
ita neutral, reassuring colour It's also the eclovr of many foods, such as bread, wuts and chocolate However, many people consider
brown plain and boring, especially
for clothes
Ị HE ig the colour of th WH [© fresh snow, so it’s
often agsaciated with cleanliness
aud purity, In the US, it's the
typical colour of wedding dresses However, white also suggests emptinoss and im some countries,
like Japan, it's linked to death and
6A EY is the colour of foggy days, when we can’t see
clearly, Grey is barween black and white, making it the most neutral