NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERINGFINAL YEAR PROJECTFACULTY OF CIVIL INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEXCONTENTSPART IARCHITECTURE7CHAPTER I: PROJECT INFORMATION81.1. GENERAL INFORMATION8CHAPTER II: DESIGN SOLUTION91.1. FLOOR FUNCTION91.2. TRAFFIC SOLUTION91.3. VENTILATION AND LIGHTING SOLUTION91.4. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM91.5. WATER AND POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM101.6. SECURITY SYSTEM10PART IISTRUCTURE18CHAPTER I: STRUCTURAL SOLUTION191.1. FEATURES OF DESIGNING HIGHRISE BUILDING191.2. GENERAL SOLUTION191.2.1. Popular solutions for main forceresisting system191.2.2. Analytical diagrams for calculation191.3. STRUCTURAL SOLUTION FOR BEAMS, SLABS AND FOUNDATION201.3.1. Solution for beams and slabs201.3.2. Structural solution for foundation211.4. MATERIALS22CHAPTER II: PRELIMINARY DIMENTIONS OF STRUTURAL ELEMENTS232.1. SLABS232.1.1. Flat slab for 8th to 22nd floor232.1.2. Two way slab232.2. COLUMNS232.1.1. Column C1242.1.2. Column C1A242.3. SHEAR WALL242.4. BEAMS262.4.1. Beams supporting slabs 1st to 7th floor262.4.2. Boundary beam 8th to 22nd floor26CHAPTER III: LOADS273.1. REFERENCES273.2. LOADS273.2.1. Gravity loads273.2.2. Wind loads29CHAPTER IV: INTERNAL FORCES ANALYSIS424.1. REFERENCES424.2. MODEL OF CALCULATION424.3. LOAD COMBINATION424.4. STRUCTURE RIGIDITY44CHAPTER V: COLUMN DESIGN475.1. REFERENCES:475.2. PRINCIPLES:475.3.1. Materials:485.3.2. Internal forces485.3.3. Rebar calculation:485.3.4. Column tie:49CHAPTER VI: DESIGN OF BEAM616.1. REFERENCES616.2. PRINCIPLES616.2.1. Calculation of reinforcement of beam carrying shagging moment:616.2.2. Calculation of reinforcement of beam carrying hogging moment:626.2.3. Calculation of stirrups:636.3. CALCULATION OF BEAM B1 (40X60)636.3.1. Materials:636.3.2. Internal forces:636.3.3. Rebar calculation:636.3.4. Calculate in Excel66CHAPTER VII: DESIGN OF FLAT SLAB687.1. REFERENCES687.2. PRINCIPLES687.2.1. Thickness of slab687.2.2. Calculate the reinforcement697.3. CALCULATION FOR TYPICAL FLAT SLAB – 10TH FLOOR707.3.1. Check deflection and punching condition707.3.2. Calculation of slab reinforcement737.3.3. Design of strengthening reinforcement86CHAPTER VIII: FOUNDATION DESIGN878.1. REFERENCES:878.2. GEOLOGICAL FEATURES:878.2.1. Geological survey878.2.2. Stratigraphy:878.2.3. Ground water level:878.2.4. Allowable settlement:878.3. DESIGN SOLUTIONS OF FOUNDATION:878.3.1. Proposal878.3.2. Foundation solution for 102 Commercial Complex908.3. MATERIAL908.4. BEARING CAPACITY OF BORED PILE:908.4.1. Determine bearing capacity of bored pile by material:908.4.2. Determine bearing capacity of bored pile using Japanese formula:908.4.3. Determine bearing capacity of bored pile based on Meyerhof formula:918.5. BORED PILE QUANTITY AND ARRANGEMENT:948.5.1. Pile quantity948.5.2. Pile arrangement948.6. BORED PILE CALCULATION958.6.1. Hypotheses958.6.2. Load applied on bored pile:968.6.3. Calculation of foundation under column C1A (node 2A)968.6.4. Calculation of combined foundation under 2 columns C1 (axis 2BC)103PART IIICONSTRUCTION110A. GENERAL INFORMATION1111. Architectural solution1112. Structural solution111B. DESIGN OF UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION METHOD1121. Bottomup construction method1122. TopDown Construction1133. Deep basement construction method for 102 Commercial Complex project114CHAPTER: DESIGN OF DIAPHRAGM WALL CONSTRUCTION1151.1. DIAPHRAGM WALL PARAMETERS1151.1.1. Structural parameters1151.1.2. Materials for diaphragm wall1161.1.3. Joint construction methods for diaphragm wall construction1171.2. CALCULATION OF WORKLOAD AND LABOR1181.2.1. Determination of length of excavation step1181.2.2. Guide wall construction workload1191.2.3. Diaphragm wall construction workload1201.3. CONSTRUCTION MACHINE1211.3.1. Seleting grab cutter1211.3.2. Base Carrier Machine1211.3.3. Bentonite mixer1231.3.4. Bentonite pumping machine1231.3.5. Air compressor1231.3.6. Concrete mixer truck1241.3.8. Dumping truck1241.3.9. Excavator1251.4. DESIGN OF CONSTRUCTION METHOD1271.4.1. Primary panel excavation for diaphragm wall construction1271.4.2. Slurry cleaning and desanding for diaphragm wall construction1271.4.3. Construction order of wall panels.1281.5. DIAPHRAGM WALL CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE .1291.5.1. Construction time of executing one wall panel1291.5.2. Labor consumption on siteday1291.6. QUALITY, SAFETY AND ENVIROMENTAL CONTROLS130CHAPTER II: DESIGN OF BORED PILE CONSTRUCTION1312.1. PILING CONSTRUCTION METHOD1312.1.1. About bored pile1312.1.2. Bored pile parameters1312.2. CALCULATION OF CONSTRUCTION PARAMETERS1322.2.1. Excavating soil volume1322.2.2. Bentonite volume1332.2.3. Concrete volume1332.3. CONSTRUCTION MACHINES1332.3.1. Pile boring machine1332.3.2. Bentonite mixer1342.3.3. Bentonite pumping machine1342.3.4. Air compressor1352.3.5. Concrete mixer truck1352.3.6. Dumping truck1352.3.7. Crawler Crane1362.3.8. Excavator1382.4. DESIGN OF CONSTRUCTION METHOD1402.4.1. Machine moving path1402.4.2. Bored pile construction sequence1402.5. CONSTRUCTION TIMING AND MAN POWER1432.5.1. Construction time for one bored pile1432.5.2. Man power1442.6. CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION144CHAPTER III: DEEP EXCAVATION WITH ANCHORED DIAPHRAGM WALL1463.1. LATERAL SUPPORT METHODS FOR DEEP EXCAVATION1463.2. DESIGN OF ANCHOR GROUND CONSTRUCTION1483.2.1. Materials1483.2.2. Calculation of construction parameters1493.2.3. Construction machine1503.2.4. Construction procedure1503.2.5. Organization parameters1513.3. DESIGN OF EXCAVATION CONSTRUCTION1513.3.1. Excavation method1513.3.2. Calculation of workload and labor1533.3.3. Machine for excavation work1533.3.4. Excavation organization156CHAPTER IV: DESIGN OF FOUNDATION CONSTRUTION1574.1. DESIGN OF FORMWORK1574.1.1. Structural component stats1574.1.2. Material for foundation formwork1584.1.3. Calculation of steel formwork1644.2. CALCULATION OF WORKLOAD AND LABOR1674.2. DESIGN CONSTRUCTION METHOD1694.2.1. Foundation construction1694.2.2. Ground floor (3rd basement floor) construction1734.2.3. Massive volume concrete pouring method1744.3. CONSTRUCTION MACHINES1754.3.1. Tower crane1754.3.2. Static concrete pump1774.3.3. Concrete truck1784.3.4. Vibrator1794.5. ORGANIZATION PARAMETERS179CHAPTER V: BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION1815.1. PRELIMINARY METHOD FOR BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION1815.1.1. Basic parameters1815.2. DESIGN OF FORMWORK1835.2.1. Column formwork1835.2.2. Corewall formwork1865.2.3. Beam formwork1905.2.4. Slab formwork1965.3. CALCULATION OF WORKLOAD AND LABOR2005.4. CONSTRUCTION MACHINES AND EQUIPEMENT2035.4.1. Tower crane2035.4.2. Static concrete pump2055.4.3. Concrete truck2065.4.4 Vibrator207CHAPTER VI: CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE2086.1. OVER VIEW2086.2. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE SETUP PROCEDURE2086.3. LIST OF TASKS2096.3.1. Foundation2096.3.2. Basement construction2096.4. QUANTIFICATION2106.5. LABOR CONSUMPTION210CHAPTER VII: SITE LOGISTICS2137.1. OVERVIEW2137.2. CALCULATION2147.2.1. Amount of material for storage2147.2.2. Temporary facilities2157.2.3. Water supply2167.2.4. Power supply2177.3. SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT2187.3.1. Training, implement, examination of safety2187.3.2. Occupational safety in each stage of construction2197.3.3. Safety in working with equipment, machines on site2227.3.4. Environmental management222PART IARCHITECTURE CHAPTER I: PROJECT INFORMATION1.1. GENERAL INFORMATIONProject name:102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEXInvestor:VINACOMIN JSC Location:Nguyen Tuan Street, Thanh Xuan, HanoiFloor count:23Land area2.020 m2Constructed area1624 m2Floor area:102 Commercial Complex is a multifunctioned building, which includes a 7floor commercial block, a 13floor residential block and other functional blocks (pen house, parking area…).Its architectural style among other complex and commercial centers of Thanh Xuan district makes a harmonic view. Since the convenience in traffic, the building is one of the most ideal location for company and business office. CHAPTER II DESIGN SOLUTION1.1. FLOOR FUNCTIONFloorFunction3rd, 2nd and 1st basementParking area1st to 2nd floorCommercial area3rd To 6th floorOffices7th floorTechnical floor8th to 20th floorApartment21th to 22th floorPent house1.2. TRAFFIC SOLUTIONExternal traffic solution: private path around the building.Vertical internal traffic solution: two staircases, three 1350 kG elevators for residents and one 1600 kG elevator for commodity.Horizontal internal traffic solution: corridor system with a minimum of 2.67m wide is convenient and comfortable for residents to move inside the building.1.3. VENTILATION AND LIGHTING SOLUTIONAccording to artificial lighting standard for civil building (TCXD 161986), the building was designed windows for every essential spaces inside. Hence, all of rooms can get sufficient natural light and fresh air.Central air condition system of commercial and office area is arranged on technical floor (7th floor).1.4. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMFire protection system is located at the hallway of each story. Fire hoses have independent pipe with water supply system and has independent pump Moreover, outside of the building have 2 fire hydranrts to supply water when inside water supply system drying protection system is designed follow fire safety standard for high rise buildings.Beside modern smoke and fire alarm, firefighting system is fully equipped at each floor.1.5. WATER AND POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMWater supplying system: Water is taken from the city network. The system includes underground water tanks to meet the demand of residents inside the building. Power for the building is taken from the city network and distributed to floors and rooms respectively. Moreover, the generator is always ready to supply power automatically for elevators and hallway lighting when electricity goes off.Information system such as television, telephone and internet cable are hidden in the plastered wall.1.6. SECURITY SYSTEM102 Commercial Complex is equipped with sophisticated security system with 247 camera at each floor.
NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX CONTENTS PART I ARCHITECTURE CHAPTER I: PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION .8 CHAPTER II: DESIGN SOLUTION 1.1 FLOOR FUNCTION 1.2 TRAFFIC SOLUTION .9 1.3 VENTILATION AND LIGHTING SOLUTION 1.4 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM 1.5 WATER AND POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM .10 1.6 SECURITY SYSTEM 10 PART II STRUCTURE 18 CHAPTER I: STRUCTURAL SOLUTION 19 1.1 FEATURES OF DESIGNING HIGH-RISE BUILDING 19 1.2 GENERAL SOLUTION 19 1.2.1 Popular solutions for main force-resisting system 19 1.2.2 Analytical diagrams for calculation 19 1.3 STRUCTURAL SOLUTION FOR BEAMS, SLABS AND FOUNDATION 20 1.3.1 Solution for beams and slabs 20 1.3.2 Structural solution for foundation 21 1.4 MATERIALS 22 CHAPTER II: PRELIMINARY DIMENTIONS OF STRUTURAL ELEMENTS .23 2.1 SLABS 23 2.1.1 Flat slab for 8th to 22nd floor .23 2.1.2 Two way slab .23 2.2 COLUMNS .23 2.1.1 Column C1 24 2.1.2 Column C1A 24 2.3 SHEAR WALL 24 STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX 2.4 BEAMS .26 2.4.1 Beams supporting slabs 1st to 7th floor 26 2.4.2 Boundary beam 8th to 22nd floor 26 CHAPTER III: LOADS 27 3.1 REFERENCES 27 3.2 LOADS .27 3.2.1 Gravity loads 27 3.2.2 Wind loads 29 CHAPTER IV: INTERNAL FORCES ANALYSIS 42 4.1 REFERENCES 42 4.2 MODEL OF CALCULATION 42 4.3 LOAD COMBINATION 42 4.4 STRUCTURE RIGIDITY 44 CHAPTER V: COLUMN DESIGN 47 5.1 REFERENCES: 47 5.2 PRINCIPLES: 47 5.3.1 Materials: 48 5.3.2 Internal forces 48 5.3.3 Rebar calculation: 48 5.3.4 Column tie: .49 CHAPTER VI: DESIGN OF BEAM 61 6.1 REFERENCES 61 6.2 PRINCIPLES 61 6.2.1 Calculation of reinforcement of beam carrying shagging moment: 61 6.2.2 Calculation of reinforcement of beam carrying hogging moment: 62 6.2.3 Calculation of stirrups: .63 6.3 CALCULATION OF BEAM B1 (40X60) 63 6.3.1 Materials: 63 6.3.2 Internal forces: 63 6.3.3 Rebar calculation: 63 6.3.4 Calculate in Excel .66 CHAPTER VII: DESIGN OF FLAT SLAB .68 7.1 REFERENCES 68 7.2 PRINCIPLES 68 7.2.1 Thickness of slab .68 STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX 7.2.2 Calculate the reinforcement 69 7.3 CALCULATION FOR TYPICAL FLAT SLAB – 10TH FLOOR .70 7.3.1 Check deflection and punching condition 70 7.3.2 Calculation of slab reinforcement .73 7.3.3 Design of strengthening reinforcement .86 CHAPTER VIII: FOUNDATION DESIGN 87 8.1 REFERENCES: 87 8.2 GEOLOGICAL FEATURES: 87 8.2.1 Geological survey .87 8.2.2 Stratigraphy: .87 8.2.3 Ground water level: 87 8.2.4 Allowable settlement: 87 8.3 DESIGN SOLUTIONS OF FOUNDATION: 87 8.3.1 Proposal 87 8.3.2 Foundation solution for 102 Commercial Complex 90 8.3 MATERIAL 90 8.4 BEARING CAPACITY OF BORED PILE: .90 8.4.1 Determine bearing capacity of bored pile by material: 90 8.4.2 Determine bearing capacity of bored pile using Japanese formula: 90 8.4.3 Determine bearing capacity of bored pile based on Meyerhof formula: 91 8.5 BORED PILE QUANTITY AND ARRANGEMENT: 94 8.5.1 Pile quantity 94 8.5.2 Pile arrangement 94 8.6 BORED PILE CALCULATION 95 8.6.1 Hypotheses 95 8.6.2 Load applied on bored pile: 96 8.6.3 Calculation of foundation under column C1A (node 2-A) 96 8.6.4 Calculation of combined foundation under columns C1 (axis 2-B-C) 103 PART III CONSTRUCTION .110 A GENERAL INFORMATION 111 Architectural solution 111 Structural solution 111 B DESIGN OF UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION METHOD 112 Bottom-up construction method 112 Top-Down Construction 113 Deep basement construction method for 102 Commercial Complex project 114 STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX CHAPTER: DESIGN OF DIAPHRAGM WALL CONSTRUCTION 115 1.1 DIAPHRAGM WALL PARAMETERS 115 1.1.1 Structural parameters .115 1.1.2 Materials for diaphragm wall 116 1.1.3 Joint construction methods for diaphragm wall construction 117 1.2 CALCULATION OF WORKLOAD AND LABOR 118 1.2.1 Determination of length of excavation step 118 1.2.2 Guide wall construction workload 119 1.2.3 Diaphragm wall construction workload 120 1.3 CONSTRUCTION MACHINE 121 1.3.1 Seleting grab cutter 121 1.3.2 Base Carrier Machine 121 1.3.3 Bentonite mixer .123 1.3.4 Bentonite pumping machine 123 1.3.5 Air compressor 123 1.3.6 Concrete mixer truck .124 1.3.8 Dumping truck 124 1.3.9 Excavator 125 1.4 DESIGN OF CONSTRUCTION METHOD 127 1.4.1 Primary panel excavation for diaphragm wall construction 127 1.4.2 Slurry cleaning and desanding for diaphragm wall construction 127 1.4.3 Construction order of wall panels 128 1.5 DIAPHRAGM WALL CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 129 1.5.1 Construction time of executing one wall panel .129 1.5.2 Labor consumption on site/day .129 1.6 QUALITY, SAFETY AND ENVIROMENTAL CONTROLS 130 CHAPTER II: DESIGN OF BORED PILE CONSTRUCTION 131 2.1 PILING CONSTRUCTION METHOD 131 2.1.1 About bored pile 131 2.1.2 Bored pile parameters .131 2.2 CALCULATION OF CONSTRUCTION PARAMETERS 132 2.2.1 Excavating soil volume 132 2.2.2 Bentonite volume 133 2.2.3 Concrete volume .133 2.3 CONSTRUCTION MACHINES 133 2.3.1 Pile boring machine 133 2.3.2 Bentonite mixer .134 STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX 2.3.3 Bentonite pumping machine 134 2.3.4 Air compressor 135 2.3.5 Concrete mixer truck .135 2.3.6 Dumping truck 135 2.3.7 Crawler Crane 136 2.3.8 Excavator 138 2.4 DESIGN OF CONSTRUCTION METHOD 140 2.4.1 Machine moving path .140 2.4.2 Bored pile construction sequence 140 2.5 CONSTRUCTION TIMING AND MAN POWER .143 2.5.1 Construction time for one bored pile 143 2.5.2 Man power 144 2.6 CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION 144 CHAPTER III: DEEP EXCAVATION WITH ANCHORED DIAPHRAGM WALL .146 3.1 LATERAL SUPPORT METHODS FOR DEEP EXCAVATION 146 3.2 DESIGN OF ANCHOR GROUND CONSTRUCTION 148 3.2.1 Materials 148 3.2.2 Calculation of construction parameters 149 3.2.3 Construction machine .150 3.2.4 Construction procedure 150 3.2.5 Organization parameters 151 3.3 DESIGN OF EXCAVATION CONSTRUCTION 151 3.3.1 Excavation method 151 3.3.2 Calculation of workload and labor 153 3.3.3 Machine for excavation work 153 3.3.4 Excavation organization 156 CHAPTER IV: DESIGN OF FOUNDATION CONSTRUTION 157 4.1 DESIGN OF FORMWORK 157 4.1.1 Structural component stats .157 4.1.2 Material for foundation formwork 158 4.1.3 Calculation of steel formwork 164 4.2 CALCULATION OF WORKLOAD AND LABOR .167 4.2 DESIGN CONSTRUCTION METHOD .169 4.2.1 Foundation construction 169 4.2.2 Ground floor (3rd basement floor) construction 173 4.2.3 Massive volume concrete pouring method 174 4.3 CONSTRUCTION MACHINES 175 STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX 4.3.1 Tower crane 175 4.3.2 Static concrete pump .177 4.3.3 Concrete truck 178 4.3.4 Vibrator 179 4.5 ORGANIZATION PARAMETERS .179 CHAPTER V: BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION 181 5.1 PRELIMINARY METHOD FOR BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION 181 5.1.1 Basic parameters 181 5.2 DESIGN OF FORMWORK 183 5.2.1 Column formwork 183 5.2.2 Core-wall formwork 186 5.2.3 Beam formwork .190 5.2.4 Slab formwork 196 5.3 CALCULATION OF WORKLOAD AND LABOR 200 5.4 CONSTRUCTION MACHINES AND EQUIPEMENT 203 5.4.1 Tower crane 203 5.4.2 Static concrete pump .205 5.4.3 Concrete truck 206 5.4.4 Vibrator 207 CHAPTER VI: CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 208 6.1 OVER VIEW 208 6.2 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE SET-UP PROCEDURE .208 6.3 LIST OF TASKS .209 6.3.1 Foundation 209 6.3.2 Basement construction 209 6.4 QUANTIFICATION .210 6.5 LABOR CONSUMPTION .210 CHAPTER VII: SITE LOGISTICS 213 7.1 OVERVIEW 213 7.2 CALCULATION 214 7.2.1 Amount of material for storage .214 7.2.2 Temporary facilities 215 7.2.3 Water supply 216 7.2.4 Power supply 217 7.3 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 218 7.3.1 Training, implement, examination of safety 218 STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX 7.3.2 Occupational safety in each stage of construction 219 7.3.3 Safety in working with equipment, machines on site 222 7.3.4 Environmental management 222 PART I ARCHITECTURE STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 CHAPTER I: PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION Project name: 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX Investor: VINACOMIN JSC Location: Nguyen Tuan Street, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi Floor count: 23 Land area 2.020 m2 Constructed area 1624 m2 Floor area: 102 Commercial Complex is a multi-functioned building, which includes a 7-floor commercial block, a 13-floor residential block and other functional blocks (pen house, parking area…) Its architectural style among other complex and commercial centers of Thanh Xuan district makes a harmonic view Since the convenience in traffic, the building is one of the most ideal location for company and business office STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX CHAPTER II DESIGN SOLUTION 1.1 FLOOR FUNCTION Floor Function 3rd, 2nd and 1st basement Parking area st nd to floor Commercial area rd th To floor Offices th floor Technical floor th th to 20 floor Apartment th th 21 to 22 floor Pent house 1.2 TRAFFIC SOLUTION External traffic solution: private path around the building Vertical internal traffic solution: two staircases, three 1350 kG- elevators for residents and one 1600 kG- elevator for commodity Horizontal internal traffic solution: corridor system with a minimum of 2.67m wide is convenient and comfortable for residents to move inside the building 1.3 VENTILATION AND LIGHTING SOLUTION According to artificial lighting standard for civil building (TCXD 16-1986), the building was designed windows for every essential spaces inside Hence, all of rooms can get sufficient natural light and fresh air Central air condition system of commercial and office area is arranged on technical floor (7th floor) 1.4 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM Fire protection system is located at the hallway of each story Fire hoses have independent pipe with water supply system and has independent pump Moreover, outside of the building have fire hydranrts to supply water when inside water supply system drying protection system is designed follow fire safety standard for high rise buildings Beside modern smoke and fire alarm, firefighting system is fully equipped at each floor 1.5 WATER AND POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM Water supplying system: Water is taken from the city network The system includes underground water tanks to meet the demand of residents inside the building STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT 102 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX Power for the building is taken from the city network and distributed to floors and rooms respectively Moreover, the generator is always ready to supply power automatically for elevators and hallway lighting when electricity goes off Information system such as television, telephone and internet cable are hidden in the plastered wall 1.6 SECURITY SYSTEM 102 Commercial Complex is equipped with sophisticated security system with 24/7 camera at each floor STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 10 Epoxy Reinforcement Formwork installation Concrete Formwork dismantlement Formwork installation Reinforcement Concrete Formwork dismantlement Reinforcement Formwork installation Concrete Formwork dismantlement Formwork installation Reinforcement Concrete Formwork dismantlement Reinforcement Formwork installation Wall Column Wall Column Wall Column Wall Column Beam Slab Beam Slab Beam Slab Beam Slab Wall Column Wall Column Wall Column Wall Column Beam Slab Beam Slab Beam Slab Beam Slab Wall Column Wall Column STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 m3 1T 1T 100m2 100m2 m3 m3 100m2 100m2 100m2 100m2 1T 1T m3 m3 100m2 100m2 1T 1T 100m2 100m2 m3 m3 100m2 100m2 100m2 100m2 1T 1T m3 m3 100m2 100m2 1T 1T 100m2 100m2 1879.68 6.55 9.12 3.02 1.40 86.85 69.70 3.02 1.40 5.08 16.30 6.88 16.13 125.12 410.96 5.08 16.30 6.55 9.12 3.02 1.40 86.85 69.70 3.02 1.40 5.08 16.30 6.88 16.13 125.12 410.96 5.08 16.30 6.55 9.12 3.02 1.40 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 20 30 30 40 80 80 60 30 30 40 80 80 60 30 30 218 Concrete Formwork dismantlement Formwork installation Reinforcement Concrete Formwork dismantlement Wall Column Wall Column Beam Slab Beam Slab Beam Slab Beam Slab STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 m3 m3 100m2 100m2 100m2 100m2 1T 1T m3 m3 100m2 100m2 86.85 69.70 3.02 1.40 5.08 16.30 6.88 16.13 125.12 410.96 5.08 16.30 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 40 80 80 60 32 219 CHAPTER VII SITE LOGISTICS 7.1 OVERVIEW Construction site layout is a set of plans that demonstrates planned location of buildings which will be constructed, arrangement of material and technical basis in order to serve construction process and human life within the boundaries of construction site Construction site layout is a very important content indispensable in the “construction organization design” and “construction management plan” files General concept of construction site layout design includes the following issues: + Determine specific location of buildings planned on the land granted to construct + Locate cranes, main equipment, and plants for construction + Design transportation system on the site + Design storage areas on the site + Design auxiliary workshops + Design temporary facilities on the site + Design temporary technical network on the site (electricity, water supply and drainage…) + Design systems of safety, security, and site cleaning Principles to design construction logistics: + Construction site layout must be designed so that temporary technical and material basis provide the best services for construction process, not affect technology, quality, construction duration, labour safety and environmental sanitation + Reduce the cost of constructing temporary facilities by: salvaging / utilizing parts of constructed building, selecting temporary facilities that are low – cost, easy to dismantle and move … Temporary facilities should be located in a favourable position to avoid wasting caused by repeated movement + Designing construction site layout must follow instructions, standards of engineering design, regulations of labour safety, fire safety and environmental sanitation + Gain experience in designing construction site layout and construction site organization conducted before; willing to apply the progress of science, technology, economic management, etc in designing construction site layout STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 220 7.2 CALCULATION 7.2.1 Amount of material for storage Maximum steel consumption in day: 22.93 (T) Because in this project, balanced production line is not possible The consumption of steel is not the same all day Reinforcements are needed for tasks: reinforcement for foundation, reinforcement installation of column, wall and reinforcement installation of beam, slab Therefore, the required area for steel storage is needed to be sufficient for 22.93 (T) plus its 20% In accordance with the construction method of the superstructure part, the amount of formwork used for casting slab and beam must be enough for at least floors Quantity of material in storehouse: + Steel: Q = 27.52 Ton + Formwork: Q = 2580.7 x = 5161.4 m2 Storage areas Fc is the area directly contain materials, calculated by: Fc Q , (m ) d d: the standard material quantity defined by norm contained on 1m of the storage spaces Storage area F, including access for loading, unloading, fire safety…is calculated as below: F �Fc , (m ) α: site using factor for general storehouses: α = 1.5 - 1.7 for closed storage: α = 1.4 - 1.6 for out-door storage spaces: α = 1.1 - 1.2 for large out-door storage spaces: α = 1.2 - 1.3 No Materials Unit Mass Steel Formwork T m3 Storage 22.93 Half out-door 7742.1 Half out-door Norm 1m2 1.5 1.8 Fc m2 34.4 105.41 α F m2 1.5 50 1.5 160 7.2.2 Temporary facilities Man power There are main groups of labor for the construction: STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 221 Group of Main workers (N1): N1=130 workers Group of Supporting workers (N2): N2=25%.N1=33 workers Group of technical staffs/engineers (N3): N3=5%( N1+N2) = staff Group of administration and commercial staff (N4): N4=5%(N1+N2+N3) = staff Group of supporting staffs (N5): security guards, sanitation staff…, N5=5%(N1+N2+N3+N4) =10 staff G=N1+N2+N3+N4+N5 = 190 peoples Temporary facilities area Temporary house for workers : (4m2/worker) S1=(130+33)x4=652 m2 Temporary office for technical engineer and administration and economical staff: S2=50 m2 Temporary house for shower: (25 people/2.5 m2 room) The number of shower room : 190/25 = rooms S3 = 8x2.5 = 20 m2 Canteen : 40m2/100 people S4 = 0.4x190 = 76 m2 WC: 25 people/2.5m2 room The number of WC : 190/25 = rooms (plus WCs for office area) S5 = 10x2.5 = 25 m2 Sick bay: 0.04m2/person S6 = 190x0.04 = 7.6 m2 Security boot : S7 = 6.25 m2 Head-office: S8=40 m2 STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 222 7.2.3 Water supply Water for construction Where: Q1 = 1.2 x Ai x Kg/(8 x 3600) (l/s) Ai is quantity of water for construction equipment Ai:water for curing concrete : Ai=208x200=41600 (l/shift) Kg = 2: unequal usage factor in one hour Q1 = 1.2x(41600)x2/(8x3600) = 3.46(l/s) Domestic water This kind of water used for living activities on-site (canteen, shower, etc.) Q2 = N x B x kg/(8 x 3600) Where: N: is the maximum labors on site B = 15 (l/day): is the quantity of water for worker on site from standard kg = 1.8: unequal usage factor in one hour Q2 = 256 x 15 x 1.8/(8 x 3600) = 0.24(l/s) Water supply for housing unit Q3 = Nc x C x kg x Kng/(24 x 3600) Where: Nc: People live in the site, Nc=193 people C = 50l/day :quantity of water for people in a day from standard kg = 1.5: unequal usage factor in one hour kng = 1.4: unequal usage factor in one day Q3 = 193 x 50 x 1.5 x 1.4/(24 x 3600) = 0.23 (l/s) Water for firefighting Water is also needed for firefighting in the building and housing units, it depends on the number of occupations and the area of the building and units, can be determined about 10-20 litter per second or checked in standard tables Choose Q4=10 (l/s) Total water consumed in a day is STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 223 Q=0.7(Q1+Q2+Q3)+Q4=12.75 (l/s) Water pipe diameter Main pipe D 4Q �12.75 0.12m �V �1000 �1.2 �1000 Selecting diameter of pipe is D=150mm Water sources Water can be taken from the following sources: From water supply system of city for domestic From river for construction The pile system is placed 25cm depth in ground 7.2.4 Power supply Consumed power on construction site Pt 1.1( K1 �P1 K �P2 K3 �P3 K �P4 ) cos cos ΣP= 105.5kW is rated power of machine using engine Concrete mixer: P = 4.4 kW x Vibrator: P = 1kW x 10 Tower crane: P = 66.5 kW x Hoist: P=1.5kW +3.1kW Concrete placing boom: 30kW x cos 0.7 is the power factor �P = 40 kW is required power of manufacturing process (welding machine) = kW: is required power of out – door lighting = 16 kW is required power of in – house lighting Ki is unequal using factor of electrical loads K1 = K2 = 0.7 ; K3 = 0.8 ; K4 = 0.6 Pt 1.1( K1 �P1 K �P2 K �P3 K �P4 ) 187.77(kW ) cos cos STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 224 Power network Use phase electricity network (380V / 220V) The cross section of electrical wire is chosen from the formular: S Where: 100 ��P L (mm ) K �U �U d L: total length of wire around the construction site K=34.5: Factor of using aluminum wire DU = 5% Ud = 380V �P �L S qL2 100 ��P L 10( mm ) K �U �U d Wires are buried 30cm deep and protected by plastic pipe 7.3 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 7.3.1 Training, implement, examination of safety Officers and officials working in the area of construction are covered by the basic training on occupational safety and check on their level, the sense of preserving the occupational safety for themselves and for the surrounding Machines, vehicles, construction equipment put into operation must be checked the safety of device (register certificate) The staffs are checked on their skill and health, to assign task to suit every type of work Who has not passed the training will not operate the equipment requiring professional level To limit the scope of activity and areas of the worker, must have signages All those who not have the task in the region are limited to ensure safety (transformer, breaker electric, etc.) Storages, auxiliary shops must be arranged reasonably, pay attention to fire resistance and safety STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 225 After formwork dismantlement, shores, boards, scaffold must be cleared and arranged into categories For scaffolding when its installation is completed, the technicians must inspect before use People with heart disease, high blood pressure not being assigned work on high level Workers working on scaffolding must wear safety belts, hard hats Don't be running jokes Do not sit on the railing, not climbing the outside the rail When there is rain or wind which is more than level 6, thick fog, not working on scaffolding Scaffolding must be checked before using again Dismantling scaffolding must be instructed by the technical staff Before dismantlement, must clean up tool and materials on the working platform The boards, scaffolds when dismantling are not allowed to throw down from high level 7.3.2 Occupational safety in each stage of construction In concrete tasks: All workers must be trained occupational safety and equipped labor protection The exit under region being poured concrete is banned with signage When constructing at depth greater than 1.5m, the hose for pumping concrete must be fixed to formwork components or working platform When using vibrator, connect vibrator to earth by insulated wire and use the insulated wire connecting from power distribution board to vibrator’s engine Clean vibrator and wrap its wire when not use Workers operating must be equipped insulated boot and other personal protection tools When curing concrete, must use scaffold, not stand on shores or formwork’s edges In reinforcement tasks: Fabricating rebar is done in private sector, having barricades and signage Table for rebar fabrication must be fixed surely, fabricated rebar must put on right place When straightening steel roll by machine, have measures for covering cylinder and avoid rebar to slip to come out before operating Cable top of winch is connected to rebar which needs straightening by special equipment, only dismantle the connection when the winch off Forbid to use the engine for cutting steel segments shorter than 80 cm without the safety devices STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 226 When the installation of reinforcement near power lines, must cut power off, if not, must take measures to prevent the reinforcement touching power line In Formwork and scaffold tasks: During construction, using formworks or scaffolds must follow the design approved by authority Prohibit not to use scaffolding when: does not meet the technical requirements and safety conditions as inadequate anchor hook, ligaments or they are anchored to the parts having poor structural stability Do not use the scaffold or formwork when they are deformed, cracked, and shores when they are placed on which are unstable or likely to slip or structural components not being calculated bearing capacity yet When the erection of scaffolding systems, need to the following: anchor the scaffolds firmly to the building and the location of the anchor hook should be set according to the design When the anchor hook position coincides with the hole in the wall, have to make bracing inside to anchor Dismantling formwork must proceed in sequence and according to the instructions in the design The dismantling area must be fenced to prevent people or vehicles go through Formwork in use is large board combined from smaller plates, ensure they are firm and avoid impact to other structures when installation Must have working platform when installing formwork whose height not exceed 6m and when the installation of formwork height greater than m, delivered to experienced workers Ban placing or arranging the formwork boards or other components of formwork slip surface On the working platform and keep the load allowed and only placed the material on the platform in the position specified, must clean up excess material, waste material on the platform and gathered to the place specified Only dismantling formwork after concrete meets its enough strength, under guidance of technical staffs Dismantling formwork must follow the logical sequence, have measures to prevent formwork falling and fences, signage around the dismantlement area STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 227 When dismantlement of formwork, always observe the status of structure, if there are any phenomenon of deformation, inform the technical staffs to have treatment measure timely In use of power in construction: Electrical workers must be learned, tested and certified satisfactory electrical safety Electrical worker who in a construction area have to master power supply diagram of that area The site must have its electrical network diagrams, have general circuit breaker, breaker segments to be able to cut whole or each sector on site when needed The wires using on site must be insulated wires, are on the column at height of at least 2.5m toward construction plan and 5m toward where the vehicles pass The wires under 2.5 m from the construction plan must be rubber- coated wires All electrical equipment must be protected short circuit and overload protection devices (fuses, relays, aptomat, etc.) must be selected in accordance with the voltage and current of the device or group of devices that are protected When using the electric handheld devices, workers are not on ladder and stand on safety platform For heavy tools, workers have to make hanger or other ways ensuring safety Workers must take gloves, boots and shoes Only the power workers, who are directly assigned to newly repair, match or disconnect electrical appliances off the grid Only open the cover of equipment, any repairs when the power system is off Ban use of fixed lights to be handheld lights The lights at work are set at the positions such reasonably that not cause any troubles to the workers In fire resistance: Comply the rules of fire resistance and take them to the construction site for people to study Place the firefighting equipment as sandbags, water tanks, at the location having combustible materials Layout locations to take the water for fire resistance (well and mobile water tank), ready when the fire occurs Arrange workers who have been trained on fire rescue ready when a fire occurs Storages of materials, offices are equipped with fire protection systems 7.3.3 Safety in working with equipment, machines on site Vibrator: STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 228 Only workers who are assigned operate vibrators When operating, pay attention to the following: Check the power line from the power net to the vibrator Only switch the vibrator on after putting the breaker on, see the vibrator shake then bring it to work Not allow greater ¾ length of the needle vibrator to be deep in concrete When engine stop working, take the needle vibrator out of concrete Do not leave heavy thing on the flexible hose, the radius of curvature of the hose is not less than 40 cm and must not bend into segments The workers operating vibrator only dismantle its needle by specified equipment Not let the water be into the needle and hose When the needle gets jammed or the engine does not turn, must cut the needle form engine right now and inform to technical staff to have treatment 7.3.4 Environmental management Master plan sanitation: Layout the location to wash motorbike and construction vehicles before they go out of the site Spray water on the roads around the site to prevent dust Arrange trucks to transport waste materials out of the site at time allowed of city traffic Arrange dedicated group to industrial hygiene and sanitation activities in and around the site Waste: Wastewater, surface water is collected to makeshift trench connecting to the network of the region, not to the spill Waste at the site must be poured at the regulation location, every week, they are bring out of the site Arrange a private toilet area for the workers in the site and group of people regularly clean to avoid causing pollution to the surroundings Do not burn waste in construction site Noisy and dust resistance Due to site locates near residential areas, so pay attention to environmental problems, noise and dust resistance Time of gathering supplies and vehicles will be deployed appropriately STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 229 Vehicles transporting materials to the site must have canvas covering, avoid sand, rock falling on the road The velocity of vehicles running on site is in limitation of km/h to avoid stirring dust In dry and sunny days, the contractor will spray water against a construction dust and wash for roads around construction sites and residential areas The construction equipment brought to the site must be tested and are the new devices restricting noise The car carrying the materials will be covered with canvas Once out of the site, all vehicles must be cleaned The waste is collected and dumped the right places Vehicles carrying materials must have the canvas cover to resist dust, rock falling on the road Restrict the noise level to the maximum level Control of leaking oil, chemicals: Wastewater, grease, chemicals in the process of construction are treated or led to location regulated, not to spill, cause environmental pollution and bad impacts to the site (absolutely not to grease blended into the material storage yards, sand, stones etc.) End! STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 230 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I have taken efforts in this project However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them I am highly indebted to Assoc Prof Nguyen Hung Phong and Assoc Prof Ho Ngoc Khoa for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project and also for their support in completing the project I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of 56XE for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving me such attention and time My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities Hanoi, June 2016 Student Nguyen Viet Dung STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 231 ABSTRACT The main contents of this report is structural and construction design for 102 Commercial Complex, a complex building in Thanh Xuan, Hanoi The selected structural solution is monolithic reinforced concrete structure due to its high strength capacity and suitability with architectural design As a typical complex building, 102 Commercial Complex consists of parking, office and commercial areas at lower levels and residential units on the upper levels Therefore, the vertical load bearing system, including column, wall and core, may vary to meet the requirement of the architecture Besides, the chosen flat slab option brought huge flexibility to architectural design Bored pile foundation is used to support heavy vertical loads from the upper structures The excavation work is supported with the anchored diaphragm wall around the perimeter of the building Cast-in-place method is applied by using steel formwork system for all concrete structures in 102 Commercial complex (eg Bored pile, column, wall, slab, beam, etc.) Construction site logistics and master schedule are designed and planned in accordance with the harmony of labor, construction duration and technical requirements STUDENT: NGUYEN VIET DUNG ID: 10081.56 232 ... S1 YA RD + 0.000 Y - 3.750 B1 B1 B1 B1 B2 B2 N1 N2 STO REY1 S1 + 0.000 Y b1 YA RD + 0.000 b1 - 3.750 BASEMENT -7 .050 -1 0.350 b2 b2 -7 .050 b3 b3 -1 0.350 a b c d sec tio n c - c sc a l e: 1/200... structural frame 2-2 Design of flat slab of 8th to 21st floor Drawings: Drawing S-01: Foundation design Drawing S-02, S-03: Reinforcement layout of frame 2-2 Drawing S-04, S-05: Slab rebar layout... EMENT G AR AGE G AR AGE B1 - 3.750 YA RD + 0.000 b1 - 3.750 G AR AGE B1 G AR AGE G AR AGE G AR AGE G AR AGE B1 b2 b2 -7 050 G AR AGE SEPTIC TA NK B2 -1 0 350 Y B1 b1 BASEMENT -7 .050 STO REY1 S1 + 0.000