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Ôn tập anh 9 đầy đủ

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¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 «n tËp tiÕng anh 9 Häc kú ii( ¤N THI CHUYÓN CÊP) A- THEORY THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE 1-Formula a. Affirmative: I, you, we, they + have + PP He, she, it + has +PP Note: PP = past participle (quá khứ phân từ) ( =V-ed: V có quy tắc, =V3: V bất quy tắc) b. Negative: I, you, we, the + have not (haven’t) + PP He, she, it + has not ( hasn’t) + PP c. Interrogative: Have + I, you, we, they + P.P ? Has + he, she, it + P.P ? 2-Use a. Một hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ nhưng còn tiếp tục đến hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Thường đi với : since (từ khi); for (được bao lâu). Ex1: She has lived here since 1987 Ex2: They have swum for 1 hour b. Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, không xác định rõ thơi gian. Thường đi với: already, ever . ( before), never . (before), not, yet, several times, many times . Ex1: She’s been to Japan several times. Ex2: I have never worked in that company before. c. Một hành động vừa mới xảy ra. Thường đi với : lately, just, recently, in recent weeks/ months / years Ex1: My uncle has just come back form Americ Ex2: They have done the assignment in recent weeks. HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE 1-Formula a. Affirmative Subject + V-ed/ V2 ( V có quy tắc: V+ “ed”; V bất quy tắc; lấy cột thứ 2 trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc) b. Negative Subject + did not (didn’t) + bare-infinitive c. Interrogative. Did + subject + bare-infinitive ? Note: The simple past form of ‘to be’ * Affirmative: You, we, they + were ; I, he, she, it + was * Negative You, we, they + were not (weren’t ) I, he, she, it + was not (wasn’t) * Interrogative Were + you, we, they ? Was + he, she, it . ? 2-Use a. Một hành động đã hoàn tất tại một thời điểm nào đó trong quá khứ. Thường đi với: yesterday, last . ( last week, last year ), . ago (3 days ago, ), in 1999, in 1987 Ex1: She was here yesterday. Ex2: They didn’t learn Chinese 3 year ago. b. Một thói quen ở quá khứ. Ex1: They often went fishing when they lived in the country. Ex2: Jack always got up at 3:00 am last year. HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIếNG ANH 9 c. Mt hnh ng ó hon tt trong mt khong thi gian xỏc nh trong quỏ kh ( from . to ) Ex: From 1981 to 1983, my older brother worked as a journalist PASSIVE VOICE 1-Gerund rule Active: S + V + O Passive: S +to be + PP +( by +O) Động từ chính của câu chủ động ở thì nào thì tobe phải chia ở thì đó (PP: Past participle) Note: - t t cõu ch ng thỡ (tense) hay th (form) no thỡ be cõu b ng thỡ hay th ú. - Khi ta khụng xem ngi thc hin hnh ng (does) l quan trng, thỡ by object cú th b i. ( eg. does=personal pronoun: he, she, they, we, people; no-one ) Example: a.The simple present She cleans the floor everyday. ( S + V / Vs / es . ) Passive: The floor is cleaned everyday. (S + am/is/are/ +PP .) b.The present continous. Mr.Baker is repairing the car Passive: the car is being repaired by Mr Baker. ( S + am/ is/ are + being + PP .) c.The present perfect HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 Someone has stolen the bicycles ( S+ has/have + P.P .) Passive: The bicycles have been stolen ( S+ has/have + been + PP .) d.The simple past Where did they find the drugs ? ( S + V2/ V-ed) Passive: where were the drugs found ? ( S+ was/ were + PP .) e.The past continuous They were preparing luch when I came there yesterday (S+was/were + V-ing ) Passive: Luch was being prepared when I came there yesterday.( S+ was/ were + being + PP .) f. The past perfect She had written almost ten pages by 3:00 pm. ( S+ had + PP .) Passive: Almost ten pages had been written by 3:00 p.m (S+ had been + PP .) g. Will/ would, shall/ should, can/ could, may/might must, have to, be going to, used to, Active: S+ will/would, shall/ should . + bare-infinitive + object Passive: S + will/would, shall/shoul + be + past participle (+ by object). Ex: Police will destroy these drugs. Passive: the drugs will be destroyed by police. 2-Special cases a. Active: s1+ verb1( say/believe/think ) (that) +S2+verb2 . Passive: Cách 1: It + be + PP (verb1) + s2 + verb2 Cách 2: S2+ be+ PP (verb1) + to- infinitive (verb2) . Ex: People say that he is crazy. Passive: It said that he is crazy HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 He is said to be crazy. b. Negatives Ex1: No-one has cleaned the floor lately. Passive: The floor hasn’ t been cleaned lately Ex2: We didn’t do anything about it. Passive: Nothing was done about it. c. Who + V + object ? Passive: - By whom . ? - Who by ? Ex: Who wrote this novel ? Passive: - By whom was this novel written ? - Who was this novel written by ? d. It + be + adjective + to-infinitive + sth Passive: It + be + adjective + for sth + to be + PP Ex: It is important to finish this exercise. It is important for this exercise to be finished e. Bare-infinitive + object Passive: Let + object + be + PP S + be + allowed / advised/asked/ supposed/ + to infinitive Ex1: Please open the door Let the door be opened Ex2: Turn on the light You are supposed to turn on the light. f. Causative form ( thức mệnh lệnh) Active: HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 - She + have + sb+ bare-infinitive + st - S + get + sb + to- infinitive + sth Passive: - S + have + sth + PP - S + get + sth + PP Ex1: She has had someone repaint the car She has had the car repainted Ex2: They got me to do the housework They got the housework done. RELATIVE CLAUSE Introduction ( giới thiệu). Mệnh đề quan hệ/ mệnh đề tính từ là mệnh đề phụ trong câu (không thể đứng riêng một mình). Nó bắt đầu bằng: a. relative pronouns (đại từ quan hệ) : WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHOSE, THAT. b relative adverbs (trạng từ liên hệ) : WHERE, WHEN, WHY. Ex1: A man who dares to do it dares to do anything. Ex2: We talked to the man who was from Beijing. 1-WHO * Thay cho danh từ, đại từ chỉ người, có chức năng của một chủ từ. * Lưu ý “Who” trong cấu trúc: Noun/ pronoun (person) + who + verb . Ex1: The man has met your boss.He come from Italy. subject → The man who comes from Italy has met your boss relative clause Ex2: We have met the girl. She studies in the shool. → We have met the girl who studies in the school. HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 relative clause 2-WHOM * Thay cho danh từ/ đại từ chỉ người, có chức năng của một đối từ. * Lưu ý: “Whom” trong cấu trúc. Noun / pronoun + whom + subject + verb Ex1: We like the man. You talked to him yesterday. object We like the man whom you talked to yesterday relative clause Ex2: Is that the man ?. You have been waiting for him. object Is that the man whom you have been waiting for ? relative clause 3-WHOSE * Thay thế cho sở hữu cách (possessive cases) * Xuất hiện trong hai cấu trúc. - noun/ pronoun + whose + noun + verb - . noun/ pronoun whose + noun + subject + verb Ex1: The girl looks disappoited. Her examination result its so bad. The girl whose examination result is so bad looks disappointed. Ex2: That is the girl. I took her hat by mistake yesterday. That is the girl whose hat I took by mistake yesterday. 4-WHICH * Thay thể cho danh từ, địa từ chỉ vật * Có thể làm chủ từ hoặc đối từ * Lưu ý các cấu trúc. - noun / pronoun + which + verb - noun/ pronoun + which + subject + verb . Ex1: She show me the table. It was made by her father. She shows me the table which was made by her father. HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 Ex2: Do you like this car ? Mr. Tan bought it last month. Do you like this car, which Mr.Tan bought last month ? Note: “Which” có thể được sử dụng để thay thế cho một mệnh đề đứng trước nó (= and this/ and that) Ex: Tom is so lazy, and this makes Mrs. Green worried. Tom is so lazy, which makes Mrs. Green worried. 5-WHERE * Thay cho trạng từ, cụm trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn (place) (eg.here, there, in that place ) * Thường xuất hiện trong cấu trúc: noun/ pronoun ( = a place) + where + subject + verb Ex: We visit the hospital. We were born there/in that hospital We visit the hospital where we were born. 6-WHEN * Thay cho trạng từ, cum từ chỉ thời gian (time) (on that day, in the year .) * Thường xuất hiện trong cấu trúc : noun / pronoun (= time ) + when + subject + verb Ex: She will never forget the day. She first met him on that day She will never forget the day when she first met him CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 1-Điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai (ĐKI) ( possible condition at present or in future ) If clause : simple present Main clause : will/shall/can/may + bare-infinitive Ex1: If it rain, we won’t go for a picnic Ex2: Our natural resources will disappear if we do not conserve them Notes : - Ta có thể sử dụng mệnh lệnh ở mệnh đề chính. Ex: If you drink, don’t drive HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 - Ta có thể sử dụng “should” ở mệnh đề điều kiện để tỏ ý nghi ngờ. Ex: If he should call, tell him I will ring back. - Dạng rút gọn ở mệnh đề điều kiện (if possible, if necessary, if so ) Ex: If necessary, I will help you. -Ta có thể sử dụng dạng mệnh lệnh để thay cho mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện. Trong trường hợp này, giữa hai mệnh đề thường có các liên từ như sau: and, or, else, otherwise. 2-Điều kiện không xảy ra ở hiện tại (ĐK II) (present unreal condition ) Main clause: would/could/might + bare-infinitive If clause: simple present Ex1: If she had wings, she would fly to an island Ex2: He would build more houses if he were a king. Note: - ‘If I were you/I were in your position .’được sử dụng để khuyên nhủ. Ex: If I were you, I would accept the invitation ( = You should accept the invitation ). - “Were to + bare –infinitive” có thể được sử dụng để thay thế động từ ở “simple past” trong mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện Ex: If I were to ask him nicely, he would help us. GERUND The gerund is used as a subject, a complement, an object of a verb or an object of a preposition ( danh động từ được sử dụng như một chủ động, bổ túc từ, túc từ của một động từ, hay túc từ của một giới từ) . Ex1: Seeing is believing ( S= gerund) Ex2: Her hobby is listening to music ( complement = gerund) Ex3: They have finished doing exercises ( object = gerund) Ex4: We are font of playing football (Object of an preposition = gerund) Note: Danh động từ theo sau các động từ: to enjoy, to mind, to avoid, to finish, to practise, to suggest, to postpone, to delay, to imagine, can’t help/stand . Lưu ý cách sử dụng của các động từ : HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 • Forget + to-infinitive : quên (sẽ/ phải) làm gì Forget + ing : quên đã làm việc gì. Ex1: She forgets being taken to the zoo by her father when she was six Ex2: Don’t forget to shut the door before leaving. • Remember + to-infinitive : nhớ ( sẽ/ phải) làm gì; Remember + V-ing : nhớ đã làm gì Ex1: They always remember going to cinema together. Ex2: They remember to have a test on Wendnesday. • Stop + to-infinitive : dừng ( một việc) lại để làm gì; Stop + V- ing : dừng làm một việc gì. Ex1: This moring , I saw Mr.Pike in the street, so I stopped to greet him Ex2: The teacher asked us to stop talking • Need + to- infinitive: cần làm gì ( active); Need + V-ing: cần được ( passive) Ex1: We need to repair the car. Ex2: The car needs repairing. - Lưu ý cấu trúc: a. S + spend + time + V-ing = It + take + s.b + time + to-inf b. To-inf/ V-ing + be + adj/ noun = It + be + adj/ noun + to-inf = S + V+ it + adj / noun + to-inf CLAUSE OF REASON +Mệnh đề chỉ lý do là mệnh đề phụ bắt đầu bằng các liên từ chỉ lý do như BECAUSE, AS, SINCE. Ba chữ này đều có nghĩa vì, bởi vì nhưng cách dùng khác nhau. Ví dụ: a) Because - Because he was sleepy, he went to bed. – He went to bed because he was sleepy. Anh ấy đi ngủ vì anh ấy buồn ngủ. Mệnh đề phụ có chữ because có thể đứng trước hoặc sau mệnh đề chính. Tuy nhiên phải chú ý nếu mệnh đề phụ đi trước phải có dấu phảy (,) ngăn cách nó với mênh đề chính HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn [...]... 1 89 I will put your gloves back in your drawer → 190 Have you seen Philip lately? → 191 When did you receive my letter? → 192 Mr Speed is dictating 3 letters to Ann → 193 I found the book boring → 194 Jack felled a tree in the garden yesterday → 195 ... preparing lunch → 196 The house was dirty because we hadn’t cleaned it for weeks → 197 People say that they bought this shop last year → 198 He wants her to write an article HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 → 199 My parents encouraged me to apply for this... 90 .Easter is a festival People will have a lot of fun in this occasion 91 .Quynh Dao is a famous writer Quynh Dao’s works are widely read all over the world 92 .Nam is an excellent student His father’s death made him sad a lot 93 .Teacher’s Day is a day All the students show their gratitude to their teacher on that day 94 .Australia is a cotinent It consists of many kind of animals all over the world 95 .Vu... nữa mà phải là danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ Đề thi đại học thường u cầu các em lựa chọn giữa các liên từ/ cụm giới từ Để làm đúng được dạng bài này các em phải quan sát xem sau từ cần điền là mệnh đề hay danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ Phần 2: Một số liên từ và cụm giới từ thơng dụng trong các đề thi đại học 1 Besides (giới từ) có nghĩa là “bên cạnh” Nó đứng trước danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ Ví dụ:... EMAIL: Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 - Sau because of là danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ: Ví dụ: I didn’t go to school because of rain 8 Reason why và reason for: (lý do) - Sau reason why là một mệnh đề: Ví dụ: The reason why grass is green was a mystery to the little boy (Lý do tại sao cỏ màu xanh là một điều bí ẩn đối với cậu bé) - Sau reason for là danh từ: Ví dụ: The reason for the disaster... fence? → 95 .This well-known library attracts many people → 96 .All students attended the meeting → 97 People say that he is intelligent → 98 .He can’t repair my bike → 99 .Mary has operated Tom since 10 o’clock → 100 This is the second time they have written... won’t buy Passive and Active voice 91 .A group of students have met their friend at the railway station → 92 .They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home → 93 .The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow → 94 .How many trees did they cut down to build that fence? → 95 .This well-known library attracts... Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 A reason by B reason on C reason why D reason for 8 We have to start early we won’t be late A so that B that C because D because of 9 She came in quietly not to wake the baby A as if B so as C such as D if so 10 He was offered the job his qualifications were poor A despite B in spite of C even though D Whereas GIỚI TỪ VÀ THANH NGỮ THÔNG DỤNG HTTP://WWW.VIOLET.VN/MAINHATLE...¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 b) As - As she was free, she came to see me Vì cơ ấy rảnh rỗi, cơ ấy đến thăm tơi c) Since - Since he doesn’t like music, he never goes to the concert Vì anh ấy khơng thích nhạc, anh ấy khơng bao giờ đi xem hồ nhạc Mệnh đề since và as ln đứng trước mệnh đề chính +Ngồi ra, đồng nghĩa với... Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 a wouldn’t be b wouldn’t have been c hadn’t been d would have been 87.I’d have told you if I ………… the book a had seen b would have seen c saw d see 88.If we had known your new address, we………… to see you a came b would have come c would come come 89. If I found a wallet in the street, I ………….take it to police a will b should c would d shall 90 .I ………….that coat if I were . Mainhatle4@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIếNG ANH 9 c. Mt hnh ng ó hon tt trong mt khong thi gian xỏc nh trong quỏ kh ( from . to ) Ex: From 198 1 to 198 3, my older. , he never goes to the concert Vì anh ấy không thích nhạc, anh ấy không bao giờ đi xem hoà nhạc. Mệnh đề since và as luôn đứng trước mệnh đề chính. +Ngoài

Ngày đăng: 01/08/2013, 05:42

