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Anh 10, ôn tập Unit 9- 14

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English 10, Revision: unit 9- 13 I, Give the correct form of verbs: 1. We (finish) our dinner half an hour ago. 2. The farmers (work) in the field now. 3. Mrs. Green always (go) to work by bus. 4. My parents (live) in London. They (be) there for 20 years. 5. She (sit) under a tree when it (begin) to rain. 6. How many times you (see) him since he went to Edinburgh? 7. Rivers usually (flow) to the sea. 8. My brother (work) in this factory since 1998. 9. The boys (break) a window when they (play) football. 10. He (play) football since he (be) ten years old. 11. How often you (read) a newspaper? 12. The manager just (close) the store the moment before I (arrive). 13. At 4 P.M yesterday? Well, I (work) in my office. 14. When we (see) Mr. Taylor tomorrow, I (remind) him of that. 15. At present, that author (write) a historical novel. 16. Light (travel) faster than sound. 17. Listen! I think someone (knock) at the door. 18. If it costs too much, I (buy) a small one. 19. If you (drive) more carefully, you wouldn’t have so many accidents. 20. If I (make) that mistake again, my teacher (get) angry with me. 21. If I spoke English, my job (be) a lot easier. 22. If he (go) to London yesterday, he (meet) his old friends. 23. If we (know) who he was, we (invite) him to speak at our meeting. 24. If they had invited us, naturally we (go) to the party. 25. When she (ring) the office yesterday morning. Tim already (go out). 26. He said if he (know) the whole story, he (act) differently. 27. When I got to the bus- stop, the bus (just leave) 28. If I (know) we would have (wait) so long, I (buy) a book. 29. We were all looking forward to (have) dinner together. 30. Where you (go) if today (be) Sunday? II. Pronunciation 1) A. four B. your C. tour D. course 2) A. books B. students C. things D. delights 3) A. cuts B. livesC. business D. roles 4) A. one B. follow C. horror D. across 5) A. championB. chairman C. characterD. which 6) A. cup B. become C. considerD. city 7.A. hitB. hourC. honor D. exhaust 8.A. business B. compose C. easily D. serious 9. a. cook b. bookc. door d. football 10. a. small b. bag c. match d. hat 11. a. hour b. here c. hello d. house 12. a. match b. black c. jacket d. table 13.A. campfireB. part C. animal D. natural 14.A. furnitureB. cure C. lecture D. picture III. Rewrite sentences: 1. Keep quiet or I’ll scream. ⇒ Unless 2. Unless he phones immediately, he won’t get any information. ⇒ If 3. I will come here next week. I will phone you. ⇒ If . 5. Today isn’t Sunday. The pupils can’t go swimming. ⇒ If . 6. We got lost because we didn’t have a map. ⇒ If 7. We didn’t have enough rain, so we could not grow rice. ⇒ If 8. His friends were late so they missed the train. ⇒ If . 9. We have no ladder so we can’t get over the wall. -> If 10. That book is too expensive. So I’m not going to buy.->IF 14. People drive very fast; that’s why there are so many accidents. -> If 15. It’s raining, so we can’t have lunch in the garden. -> If IV, Choose the correct answer: 1) The United Kingdom is divided…. 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.(A. between/B. among / C. into/ D. for) 2) Carnivores are animals which .(A. eat meat/B. eat plants/C. swim very fast/ D. live on the bottom 3) The sea is polluted, which . sea plants and animals. (dangers/ dangerous/ dangerously/endangers) 4) The starfish live on or depend …. the bottom.(A. in/B. for/C. on /D. of 5) The life… of sperm whale can be up to seventy years.(A. period/B. length /C. distance/D. span 6) Hydroelectric dams in Vietnam have provided power … .… millions of homes and businesses. A. for B. to C. with D. of 9) Without plants, most water would … as soon as it falls.(A. run off/B. run after/C. run away/D. run by 10) Wildlife all over the world is in .(A. risk B. danger C. threat D. death 12) We were very at his success.(A. surprised B. interested C. keen D. fond 13) There is a large of animals that live in Nairobi National Park.(A. vary/B. various/C. varied/ D. variety 14) Cuc Phuong National Park . over 200 square kms of rainforest.(A. contains/ B. holds/C. gets/D. covers 15) The … has threatened many of the animals in this park.(A. population/ B.remain/C.increase/D.contamination 16) Van Cao is a well-known ……( A. band B. music C. musician D. song 17) Jack Dawson is a person in the film Titanic.(A. decade/ B. character /C. cinema / D. scene 18) If you know English, you can . with people in the world.(Aentertain /B.communicate /C.lull/ D. delight 19) Tom and Jerry is a(n) . film. ( A. action B. science fiction C. love story D. cartoon 20) Music can ………ideas, thoughts and feeling.(A. play /B. express/C. talk/ D. compose 28) Films have been around for more than a century.(A. one thousand years/B. one hundred years/C. a year/D. ten years 29) ……………….is the traditional music of a country. A. Pop music B. Jazz C. Folk music D. Classical music 22) I ………… thriller films to action films.(A. enjoy/B. like/C. would rather/D. prefer 33) London … an area of 1610 square kilometers.(A. have B. gets /C. covers D. fills 34) This is the oldest building … the village.(A. in B. of C. by D. to 35) There are …… tall offices and apartment buildings in New York. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of 1.Last week my class went….an excursion to Thay pagoda.( A. on B. in C. for D. to 2.People can go to Nairobi National Park to learn to recognize the different species of plants and animals. A. what B. how C. where D. when 3.Peter: Would you like to go for a drink with me this Sunday evening? David: Yes,………………. (A. I like B. I go C. Sorry, I can’t D. I’d love to 4.Do you feel like…… dinner together in my house this afternoon?(A. eat/B. to eat/C. eating D. eats 5.This bridge……………… 2 years ago.(A. built/B. have built/C. was built/ D. was building 6.The best time to visit Cuc Phuong National Park is from October to April when the …….season is over. A. rain B. raining C. rainy D. rained 26. Many animals are --- for their fur or other valuable parts of their bodies. (A killed/ B. died/ C. killing/D. dying 28. Paper money ----- for over a thousand years. (A. used /B. is used /C. has used/ D. has been used V. Reading: Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each blank. Nowadays people .1…… more aware that wildlife all over the world is in 2………. Many….3 of animals are threatened, and could easily become extinct if we do not make an effort to ………4 them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are 5…for their fur or …6…other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught alive and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is that their …7….- the place where they live- is disappearing. More land …8 for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were. …9. use powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these …10.pollute the environment and harm wildlife. The most successful animals on earth- human beings- will soon be the only ones left, unless we can solve this problem. 1. A. wereB. areC. isD. have been 2 A. dangerB. threatC. problemD. vanishing 3. A. formsB. moreC. speciesD. things 4. A. harmB. safeC. serveD. protect 5. A. done B. hunted C. chased D. bought 6. A. in B. to C. from D. for 7. A. place B. house C. habitat D. cage 8. A. uses B. is using C. is used D. are used 9. A. Foresters B. Farmers C. Workers D. Hunters 10.A. chemicals B. fertilizers C. fishing netsD. dama English 10, Revision: unit 9- 14 ( Sheet 2) I. PHONETICS 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1A. something B. think C. without D. thank 2.A. those B. they C. themselves D. theatre 3 A. family b. library c. my d. seventy 4. A. tease B. leader C. instead D. peace 5. A. phone B. orphan C. Stephen D. photo 1. A. scholar B. school C. choral D. chicken 2. A. chronic B. chemistry C. character D.cheque 3. A. good B. gin C. large D. age 4. A. village B. forget C. bridge D.edge 5. A. skin B. key C. chain D. christmas II.Conditional sentence – (If clause) :Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form. 8. If they (receive) the news sooner, they’d have written to John. 9. Jimmy isn’t home right now. If she (be) at home right now, I (visit) her. 10. Linda wasn’t at the hotel yesterday. If she (be) at the hotel yesterday, I (call) her. 11. It’s too bad because Helen isn’t here. If she (be) here, she (know) what to do. 12. Jack failed in the examination because he didn’t study. However, if he (study) harder, he (pass) it. 13. If I (be) here now, I would help him. 14. I shall buy a pencil if I (have) enough money. 15. Unless Tom (take) his library book back tomorrow, he has to pay a fine. 16. Would you mind if you suddenly (win) half a million pounds? 17. I (lend) them some money if they (ask) me III.Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. The movie on TV last night made me ……A. bore B. boring C. bored D. boredom 2. Mai and I have decided to have a party. We .lot of people.(A. will inviteB. are invitingC. invited D. are going to invite 3. I ………… thriller film to action film.A. like B. prefer C. would rather D. enjoy 4. I find horror films really ………… A. disgust B. disgusts C. disgusting D. disgusted 5. The cinema changed completely at ………… end of ………… 1920s. A. an-the B. the-Ø C. Ø- the D. the-the 6. The children were________ by Walt Disney films. A. fascinating B. fascinated C. fascination D. fascinate 7. “The Spy Returns” is a very ………… film about a wealthy man who visits Italy. A. exciting B. excited C. excitement D. excite 8. People all over the country were__by the news of the victory.A. excitedB. interestingCfantasticD. exciting 9. All the fans jumped about in__when their team scored the final penalty. (exciting/excited/excitingly/excitement) 10. The baby was____of being left alone in the room.(A. terrible B. terrified C. terrific D. terrifying 11. What a______ experience! A. terror B. terrify C. terrified D. terrifying 12. Don't let children see______films. (A. horror B. horrifying C. horrified D. horrible 13. We were_______by the terrible accident.A. horrible B. horror C. horrific D. horrified 14. His foolish mistakes_______ all of us.A. amusing B. amused C. amusement D. amuses 15. To the great___of all the audience, the actor's beard fell off.A. amusementB. amusing C. amuse D. amused 16. The audience got________with his performance.A. boring B. boredom C. bored D. bore 17 Many laws ---in nature’s defense.(A. are passed B. have passed C. are passing D. were being passed 18. The international football ….is held every four years.A. match B. contest C. tournament D. game 19. I wonder where Mai is. She should ------here by now.(A. be/ B. to be/ C. being/D. have been 20. The new road ---- and built last year. (A. planned/ B. was planned /C. was planning / D. had planned 21) World Cup is consider the most popular event in the world. (A. the continent/B.the region/C.the globe/D. the nation 22. It was not until 1937 … the southern most source of the Nile River was discovered. A. when B. which C. that D. while 23) Which do you prefer. Action films …love stories?(A. but B. and C. with D. or 24) Germany was the ………………… of the 2006 World Cup. The 18 th World Cup was held there. A. trophy B. host nation C. continent D. tournament 25) The World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world.(competed/regarded/witnessed/organized 26) In the final match, our school team defeated the visiting team by 4… 3.(A. against/B. with C. up D. to 27) Our actions express our love more than any words we do.(A. perform B. show C. create/D. help 28. Tam --more if he ---more time.(A. will read-had /B. would read-has/ C. read-had/ D. would read-had 29. The heat of the sun ---- transmitted to the earth by radiation.(A had/ B. was/ C. has / D. is 30) Uruguay defeated Argentina in the final match and became the first …………….….…in history of the World Cup. (A. victory B. champion C. championship D. hero 31. You ----- stop smoking, you know. It is bad for you.(A. must/B. should /C. ought/ D. would 32) New York was … by the Dutch in 1624.(A. found/B. finding C. founded D. finded Questions 6-20: These are incomplete sentences. 33.Don't ask such_________questions!A. embarrass B. embarrassment C. embarrassed D. embarrassing 34. Young men often enjoy________films.A active B. acting C. action D. acted 35. This kind of music was very …. in the 1940s.A. liked B. popular C. preferred D. favourite 36. Germany was the … nation of the 2006 World Cup final.A. held B. hold C. host D. house 37. Uruguay … Argentina in the final match of the first World Cup.A. wined B. passed C. managed D. defeated 38. Brazil became the first team to … the trophy five times.A. succeed B. win C. beat D. bite II. Put a, an or the in the numbered blanks . (1m) This morning I bought (1) ………… English book and (2) ……………… . dictionary.(3) …………… . English book is in my bag, but I don’t know where I put (4) ……………… . dictionary. IV. WRITING1. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1) What would you do if you have chance to travel in the submarine? 2) If I had known that you were ill, I had gone to see you 3) Have the students be told about the changes of their timetable yet? 4) You should bring an umbrella in order protect yourself from rain. 5) When does your daughter practice singing all day for? – to become a singer. 6) Why we don’t go to the cinema for a change tonight? 7) The students were interesting in taking a field trip to the National Museum. 8) It was not until his father came home which he did his homework. 9) You’d better visit Hue, which used to be a capital of Vietnam. 10) Can you call me at 7,00 because I will leave tomorrow? 11) There’s someone at the door. Are you going to open the door for me? 12) My bike, whom I left at the gate, had disappeared. 13) In spite of the car was cheap, it was in good condition. 14) It was surprised to see my old friends again after a long time. 15) My boyfriend, which hates country music, refused to go to the concert with me. III. GRAMMAR Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence. 1) Why didn't you go camping last week? If you there, you would have had a lot of fun. A. were being B. have been C. had been D. was being 2) What if you had had a day off yesterday? A. would you have done B. would you do C. will you do D. you would have done 3) If I . you, I wouldn't accept the invitation.( A. had been/B. were/C. are/ D. has been 4) He would visit us if he . in town.(A. will be/B. was/C. were/D. would be 5) If you didn't stay up late, you get up earlier.(A. can/ B. could/C. will/D. can 6) If I heard from Jack, I . let you know.( A. will/B. would/C. shall/D. had 7) If I knew her number, I . her.(A. phone/B. will phone/C. would phone D. had phoned 8) If they were rich, they . buy a castle.( A. will/B. can/C. would/ D. were able to 9) If you . this glass, you would have to pay for it.(A. broke/ B. break/C. have broken/D. had broke 10) If you . French, which language would you study? A. were studying B. are studyingC. weren’t studying D. have been studying 11) The road in front of your house (A. repairs /B. is preparing/C. is being repaired D. repairing 12) When we arrived, the winner of the art competition . a prize. A. awarded B. were being awarded C. was awarding D. was being awarded 13) When we came, the stadium .( A. was being filled/B. has filled/C. filled/D. is being filled 14) New machines used on this farm.( A. have/B. are being /C. being D. were being 15) The examinations next month.( A. will give/B. will have given C. would have givenD. will be given 16) I went to the library last night. (A. for studying B. studying/ C. to study D. to studying 17) It was not until 1980 that they . to learn English.(A. began/B. begin/C. didn’t begin/D. to begin 18) I got . envelop this morning. There was 500.000$ in … envelop. A. the/ the B. a/ an C. a/ the D. an/ the 19) ……did you buy this book? – I bought it yesterday.(A. When/B. What C. Why D. Who 20) They have just bought some paint. They …………………… their house this afternoon. A. be going to paint B. will paint C. to painting D. are going to paint 21) Yesterday she heard ……………. news. She was so ……………… that she couldn’t say anything. A. surprising/ surprising B. surprised/ surprisingC. surprising/ surprised D. surprised/ surprised 22) I do not think Robert . the gold medal.(A. is going to win/B. is winning C. will win D. won’t win 23) Peter has practiced playing the piano …the piano contest next week. A. in order enter B. to entering C. to enter D. to not enter 24) ……………… you stay there? – I spent three wonderful weeks there. A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How often 25) It was not until I was 15 years old that I ………… how to ride a bicycle. A. learned B. had learned C. was learning D. is learning 26) It is an …game. ( A. excitement B. exciting C. excited D. excite 27) are you learning Chinese for? – To sing Chinese songs.(A. When/B. Where/C. What/D. Why 28) . …earth moves round ……sun.(A. The / the/ B. A / a C. An / the D. An / an 29) He is very ….in my story.(A. interestingly B. interest C. interesting D. interested 30) She took a bus …….be late. ( A. in order to not/B. to not/C. so as not to D. A & C 31) We are going to visit Ha Noi, … is the capital of Vietnam.(A. which /B. that/C. where/ D. Ø 32) … living in the country, Mr. Lam is working in the city.(A. Although /B. Despite /C. In spite /D. But 33) I couldn’t sleep …. very tired.(A. although I was/B. despite I was/C. in spite of /D. despite of being 34) We know a lot of people … live in London.(A. which/B. that/ C. whom / D. whose 35) I enjoy living in the city … everything is expensive.(A. although/ B. but/ C. despite/D. in spite of PART II. VOCABULARY: I, Give the correct form of word: - Ed / - Ing: 1. His view on movie rather …………………… (surprise) 2. The explanation was ……………… I got …………………(confuse) 3. Our encouraging words made him …………………… (please) 4. His …………………… story causes great fun. (amuse) 5. John is a …………………… student. (work hard) 6. …………… (speak) English is different from …………… (write) English 7. She's always ……………… while going out with him. (embarrass) 8. It's a ……………… (bore) work, so you'll get ………… (tire) of it. 9. Are you …………………… (excite) when you see new films? 10. That it is hotter and hotter makes us …………………… (tire) III. TENSES 1. You (have) any brothers or sisters? 2. My father (like) coffee, but he (not like) milk. 3. Your mother (like) music? – Yes, she (like) soft music, but she (hate) pop music. 4. Where your grandparents (live)? – They (live) in the suburb of the city. 5. My brother sometimes (not do) his homework after supper. 6. Let’s (go) to the cinema tonight. 7. My house (have got) a big garden. There (be) some kinds of trees in it. 8. I’d like (have) cheese and sandwiches for my lunch. 9. you (know) that boy? - Yes, he (be) a friend of my brother’s. He (phone) his parents every day from this box. 10. Do you know that man who (smoke) there? 11. She paid for her ticket and (leave). 12. What (happen) to you yesterday? 13. I (wash) my hair before breakfast this morning. 14. Mr. Davy (work) in the same place for thirty - five years and he is not planning to retire yet. 15. We (understand) it after the teacher (explain) it to us. 16. They (build) that bridge when I was here last year. They (not finish) it yet. 17. Excuse me, you (speak) English? 18. What Tom (do) when you saw him? 19. When the alarm rang, Frank (jump) out of bed quickly. 20. I saw a bad accident while I (wait) for you on this corner. 21. The war (break) out three years ago. 22. Up to the present, George (do) good work in this class. 23. What (happen) if there (not be) gravity? 24. I advised him (stop) thinking about it. 25. It is raining now. It (rain) for 2 hours. 26. She usually (ask) her grandmother (tell) her that story. 27. The film on TV last night was very sad. It made my mother (cry). 28. When I first met him he (study) painting. 29. I’m afraid George (not be) here. He (go) to the hospital to see his grandparents. 30. – You (see) Tom today? - No, it is nearly a week since I last (see) him. 31. When it (start) to rain, I still (try) to start the engine. 32. At this time tomorrow, we (leave). Mother (pack) our things now. . Hunters 10.A. chemicals B. fertilizers C. fishing netsD. dama English 10, Revision: unit 9- 14 ( Sheet 2) I. PHONETICS 1. Choose the word whose underlined part. English 10, Revision: unit 9- 13 I, Give the correct form of verbs: 1. We (finish) our dinner

Ngày đăng: 01/08/2013, 05:42



