ASSEMBLY SECOND EXTRAORDINARY SESSION 10 - 15 September 1964 and FOURTH SESSION 15 - 28 September 1965 RESOLUTIONS AND OTHER DECISIONS (RESOLUTIONS 69 - 107) First published in 1966 by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION Albert Embankment, London SEI 7SR Printed by the International Maritime Organization, London 10 ISBN 92-801-1006-3 IMO PUBLICATION Sales number: IMO-035E Copyright © IMO 1966 NOTE: The name of the Organization as it appears in this publication was changed to "INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION" by virtue of amendments to the Organization's Convention which entered into force on 22 May 1982 TABLE CONTENTS OF Page AGENDA OF THE SECOND EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION Date adopted 1964 Agenda item 15 September Adoption of the agenda 10 September Appointment 10 September 14 September Title Number Amendments to Articles 17, 18 and 28 of the IMCO Convention A.69(ES.II) OTHER DECISIONS of the Credentials Committee Majority required for adoption of Amendments to Amendments of Articles 17, 18 and 28 of the IMCO Convention AGENDA OF THE FOURTH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBL Y RESOLUTIONS Number Date adopted Title 1965 Agenda item A.70(IV) Amendment to Article 28 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization 28 September 28 10 A.71(IV) Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly consequent upon Amendments to Articles 17, 18 and 28 of the IMCO Convention 28 September 27 1I A.n(IV) Amendment to Rule and Rule of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly 28 September 29 12 A.73(IV) Presentation of the Final Accounts and Audit Report for the Second Financial Period 22 September 24 13 A.74(IV) Working Capital Fund 24 September 15 13 A.75(IV) Amendments of the Financial Regulations 22 September 23 14 A.76(IV) Apportionment 24 September 14 16 A.77(IV) Arrears of Contributions 24 September 15 17 A.78(IV) Facilitation of Travel and Transport 27 September 10 18 A.79(IV) Arrangements for an International on Load Lines in 1966 24 September 11 18 A.80(IV) International 27 September 19 A.81(IV) Approval of the International Goods Code 27 September 20 A.82(IV) Approval of the Code of Safe Practice for Bulk Cargoes 28 September 22 of Expenses among Member States Conference Code of Signals Maritime Dangerous Number Title Date adopted Agenda item Page 1965 A.83(IV) Acceptance of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 and of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1960 27 September 22 A.84(IV) Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 27 September 23 A.85(IV) Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Agents other than Oil 27 September 24 A.86(IV) Implementation of the recommendations on treatment of shelter-deck and other 'open' spaces 27 September 24 A.87(IV) Convening of an International Conference on tonnage measurement 27 September 25 A.88(IV) Intact stability of Fishing Vessels 27 September 25 A.89(IV) Training of Seafarers 27 September 26 A.90(IV) Navigation in the Strait of Dover 27 September 26 A.91(IV) Emergency Position-Indicating 27 September 27 A.92(1V) Radiocommunication requirements for the Ocean Data Service of the Inter-governmental Oceanographic Commission 27 September 28 A93(IV) Lights and Shapes for Dracones 27 September 30 A94(IV) Nuclear Ships 27 September 30 A95(IV) ~r~sinO~anicAreu 27 September 31 A.96(IV) Red Sea Lights 27 September 32 A.97(IV) Adoption of the Report of the Maritime Safety Committee 28 September 32 A.98(IV) Work Programme 24 September 13 33 A.99(IV) Work Programme of the Organization 24 September 13 34 A.1 OO(IV) Printing Fund 24 September 13 39 A.101(IV) Budget for the Fourth Financial Period 1966/1967: Staff Establishment 24 September 13 39 A102(IV) Participation in the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance 27 September 43 A.103(IV) Agreement between FAO and IMCO 27 September 20 44 A.I04(IV) Relations with the Host State 24 September 19 48 A.105(IV) Relations with non-Governmental 27 September 21 48 A.106(IV) Status of the IMCO Convention 28 September 49 A.l07(IV) Broadcasts from Stations outside territorial waters 28 September 30 50 Adoption of the Agenda 15 September 50 Election of the President and Vice-Presidents 15 September 50 Appointment 15 September 50 Radio Beacons Organizations OTHER DECISIONS: of the Credentials Committee Date adopted Agenda item Page 1965 15 September 51 Approval of Report of the Council 16 September 51 Election of Members of the Council 20 September 16 51 Election of Members of the Maritime Safety Committee 20 September 17 51 Election of Members of the Staff Pension Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization 20 September 18 51 Relations with the United Nations, Specialized Agencies, IAEA and other International Organizations 22 SeptC'mber 20 52 Simla Rules 24 September 12 52 IMCO Headquarters Accommodation 24 September 25 52 Publications and Public Information 24 September 26 52 Red Sea Lights 27 September 52 Code of Safe Practice for Bulk Cargoes 27 September 52 International 27 September 53 28 September 31 53 Appointment of Additional Committees Maritime Dangerous Goods Code Determination of the Date and Place of the Fifth Session of the Assembly in 1967 STATUS OF THE CONVENTION ON THE INTER-GOVERNMENTAL CONSULTATIVE ORGANIZATION AS OF 28 SEPTEMBER 1965 MARITIME 54 AGENDA OF THE SECOND OF THE EXTRAORDINARY SESSION ASSEMBLY Opening of the meeting by the President, Dr Nagendra Singh (India) Adoption of the agenda Establishment of the Credentials Committee Report on the application of Article 42 of the IMCO Convention (loss of vote) Consideration of proposed amendments to Articles 17, 18 and 28 of the IMCO Convention (proposals by the Guvernments of Brazil, France and the Malagasy Republic) Any other business RESOLUTION RESOLUTION A.69(ES.Il) AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES 17, 18 AND 28 OF THE IMCO CONVENTION THE ASSEMBLY, RECOGNIZING the need (i) To increase the number of members on the Council, (ii) To have all members of the Council elected by the Assembly, (iii) To have equitable geographic representation of Member States on the Council, and CONSEQUENTLY HAVING ADOPTED, at the second extraordinary session of the Assembly held in London on 10- 15 September 1964, the amendments, the texts of which are contained iI1 the Annex to this Resolution, to Articles 17 and 18 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, DECIDES to postpone consideration of the proposed amendment to Article 28 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization to the next session of the Assembly in 1965, DETERMINES, in accordance with the provisions of Article 52 of the Convention, that each amendment adopted hereunder is of such a nature that any Member which hereafter declares that it does not accept such amendment and which does not accept the amendment within a period of twelve months after the amendment comes into force shall, upon the expiration of this period, cease to be a Party to the Convention, REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the Organization to effect the deposit with the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations of the adopted amendments in conformity with Article 53 of the Convention and to receive declarations and instruments of acceptance as provided for in Article 54, and INVITES the Member Governments to accept each adopted amendment at the earliest possible date after receiving a copy thereof from the Secretary-General of the United Nations, by communicating an instrument of acceptance to the Secretary-General for deposit with the Secretary-General of the United Nations A_N_N_EX The existing text of Article 17 of the Convention is replaced by the following: The Council shall be composed of eighteen members elected by the Assembly The existing text of Article 18 of the Convention is replaced by the following: In electing the members of the Council, the Assembly shall observe the following principles: (a) six shall be governments of States with the largest interest in providing international shipping services; (b) six shall be governments of other States with the largest interest in internatiom,1 seaborne trade; (c) six shall be governments of States not elected under (a) or (b) above, which have special interests in maritime transport or navigation and whose election to the Council will ensure the representation of all major geographic areas of the world 15 September 1964 Agenda item OTHER DECISIONS ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Assembly approved the agenda for the second extraordinary session 10 September 1964 Agenda item APPOINTMENT OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE The Assembly appointed a Credentials Committee composed of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, the Malagasy Republic and Yugoslavia 10 September 1964 Agenda item MAJORITY REQUIRED FOR ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO AMENDMENTS OF ARTICLES 17, 18 AND 28 OF THE IMCO CONVENTION The Assembly decided that amendments to amendments should be adopted by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting 14 September 1964 Agenda item AGENDA OF OF THE THE FOURTH SESSION ASSEMBLY Opening of the session by the Head of the Indian delegation Adoption of the agenda Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly Status of the Convention (IMCO membership) Establishment of the Credentials Committee Establishment of committees of the Assembly as necessary and assignment of items to Committees Report of the Maritime Safety Committee, transmitted of the Convention Role of IMCO in prevention of pollution of the sea by chemical products Report of the Council to the Assembly on the work of the Organization since the previous regular session of the Assembly Technical assistance by the Council in accordance with Article 30 10 Facilitation of travel and transport 11 Proposed international 12 Simla Rules 13 Work Programme and Budget for the fourth financial period 1966/67; 14 Apportionment 15 Working Capital Fund 16 Election of members of the Council, as provided in Article 17(c) and (d) of the Convention 17 Election of members of the Maritime Safety Committee as provided in Article 28 of the Convention 18 Election of members to the Staff Pension Committee of IMCO 19 Relations with the Host State 20 Relationship with the UN, Specialized Agencies, lAEA and other international Agreement between F AO and IMCO 21 Relations with the non-governmental 22 Staff Regulations (as necessary) 23 Proposed amendment of the Financial Regulations conference on load lines Staff Establishment of expenses among Member States organizations organizations; 24 Presentation of the final accounts and audit report for the second financial period 25 IMCO headquarters 26 Publications and public information 27 Amendments to Articles 17 and 18 of the Convention (Status of ratifications); consequential amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly 28 Consideration, in accordance with Assembly Resolution A.69(ES.II), of the proposed amendment to Article 28 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization 29 Amendment to Rule of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, proposed by a Member State 30 Supplementary agenda items (if any) 31 Determination of the date and place of the fifth session of the Assembly in 1967 accommodation RESOLUTlONS RESOLUTION A.70(lV) AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 28 OF THE CONVENTION ON THE INTER-GOVERNMENTAL MARITIME CONSULTATIVE ORGANIZATION THE ASSEMBLY, RECOGNIZING the need to increase the number of members of the Maritime Safety Committee and to modify their method of election, CONSEQUENTLY HAVING ADOPTED, at the fourth regular session of the Assembly, an amendment, the text of which is contained in the Annex to this Resolution, to Article 28 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, DETERMINES, in accordance with the provisions of Article 52 of the Convention, that the amendment adopted hereunder is of such a nature that any Member which hereafter declares that it does not accept such amendment and which does not accept the amendment within a period of twelve months after the amendment comes into force shall, upon the expiration of this period, cease to be a Party to the Convention, REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the Organization to effect the deposit with the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the adopted amendment in conformity with Article 53 of the Convention and to receive declarations and instruments of acceptance as provided for in Article 54, and INVITES the Member Governments to accept the adopted amendment at the earliest possible date after receiving a copy thereof from the Secretary-General of the United Nations, by communicating an instrument of acceptance to the Secretary-General for deposit with the Secretary General of the United Nations 10 ARTICLE I Co-operation and Consultation FAO and IMCO agree that with a view to facilitating the effective attainment of the objectives set forth in the Constitution of FAO and the Convention on IMCO within the general framework established by the Charter of the United Nations, they will act in close co-operation with each other and will consult each other regularly in regard to matters of common interest ARTICLE II Reciprocal Representation l Representatives of FAO shall be invited to attend the meetings of the IMCO Assembly and to participate without vote in the deliberations of the Assembly and of its commissions and committees with respect to items on their agenda in which FAO has an interest Representatives of IMCO shall be invited to attend the meetings of the FAO Conference and to participate without vote in the deliberations of the Conference and of its committees with respect to items on their agenda in which IMCO has an interest Representatives of FAO shall be invited to attend the meetings of the Council of IMCO and the Maritime Safety Committee, their sub-committees or commissions, and to participate without vote in the deliberations thereof with respect to items on their agenda in which FAO has an interest Representatives of IMCO shall be invited to attend the meetings of the FAO Council, its committees or commissions, and to participate without vote in the deliberations thereof with respect to items on its agenda in which IMCO has an interest Appropriate arrangements shall be made by agreement from time to time for the reciprocal representation of FAO and IMCO at other meetings convened under their respective auspices which consider matters in which the other organization has an interest ARTICLE III FAO-IMCO Joint Committees FAO and IMCO may refer to a joint commission or committee any question of common interest which it may appear desirable to refer to such a committee Any such joint commission or committee shall consist of Member Nations and Associate Members or of representatives designated by each Organization, the type of representation and number of members being decided by agreement between the two Organizations TIle United Nations and other specialized agencies may also be invited to attend the meetings of joint commissions and committees and to participate without vote in their deliberations The reports of any such joint commission or committee shall be communicated to the Director-General of FAO and the Secretary-General of IMCO for submission to the appropriate body or bodies of the two Organizations Any such joint commission or committee shall regulate its own procedure 45 ARTICLE IV Exchange of Information and Documents Subject to such arrangements as may be necessary for the safeguarding of confidential material the fullest and promptest exchange of information and documents shall be made between FAO and IMCO The Director-General of FAO and the Secretary-General of IMCO, or their authorized representatives, shall, upon the request of either party, consult with each other regarding the provision by either organization of such special information as may be of interest to the other ARTICLE V Co-operation between Secretariats The Secretariat of IMCO and the Secretariat of F AO shall maintain a close working relationship in accordance with such arrangements as may have been agreed upon from time to time by the Director-General of FAO and the Secretary-General of IMCO ARTICLE VI Administrative and Technical Co-operation IMCO and F AO agree to consult each other from time to time regarding the most efficient use of personnel and resources and appropriate methods of avoiding the establishment and operation of competitive or overlapping facilities and service ARTICLE VII Statistical Services In view of the desirability of maximum co-operation in the statistical field and of minimizing the burden placed on national governments and other organizations from which information may be collected, 1MCO and F AO undertake to avoid undesirable duplication between them with respect to the collection, compilation and publication of statistics and to consult with each other on the most efficient use of information, resources and technical personnel in the field of statistics ARTICLE VIII Personnel Arrangements FAO and IMCO agree that the measures to be taken by them, within the framework of the general arrangements for co-operation in regard to personnel matters to be made by the United Nations, will include: (a) measures to avoid competition in the recruitment (b) measures to facilitate interchange of personnel on a temporary or permanent basis, in appropriate cases, in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their services, making due provision for the retention of seniority and pension rights 46 of their personnel; and ARTICLE IX Financing of Special Services If compliance with a request for assistance made by either organization to the other would involve substantial expenditure for the organization complying with the request, consultation shall take place with a view to determining the most equitable manner of meeting such expenditure ARTICLE X Implementation of the Agreement The Director-General of F AO and the Secretary- General of IMCO may entcr into such suppl~ mentary arrangements for the implementation of this Agreement as may be found desirable in the light of the operating experience of the two organizations The liaison arrangements provided for in the foregoing articles of this Agreement shall apply as far as appropriate to the relations between such branch or regional offices as may be established by the two organizations as well as between their central machinery ARTICLE XI Notification to and Registration by the United Nations In accordance with their respective agreements with the United Nations, FAO and IMCO will inform the Economic and Social Council forthwith of the terms of the present Agreement On the coming into force of the present agreement, in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII, it will be communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for filing and recording in pursuance of Article 10 of the Regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations on 14 December 1946 ARTICLE XII Revision and Termination This Agreement shall be subject to revision by agreement between FAO and IMCO The Agreement may be terminated by either party on 31 December of any year by notice given to the other party not later than 30 September of that year ARTICLE XIII Entry into Force This Agreement shall come into force on its approval by the Assembly of 1MCO and by the FAO Council, subject to confirmation by the FAO Conference 27 September 1965 Agenda item 20 47 RESOLUTION A.I04(IV) RELATIONS WITH THE HOST STATE THE ASSEMBLY, RECALLING its Resolution A.56(III) adopted at the third session approving the principle of an agreement between the Organization and the Government of the United Kingdom supplementing the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, RECALLING FURTHER that the Secretary-General was invited to communicate the text of the Resolution to the Government of the Host State and to initiate discussions on a detailed formulation of the Organization's privileges, facilities and immunities as well as measures for implementing them, HAVING NOTED with satisfaction that the discussions have begun and that a clarification of existing laws, regulations and measures of implementing is now nearing completion, HAVING FURTHER NOTED that any increased advantage to the Organization derived from the conclusion of the agreement foreseen may require the modification of the law of the Host State regarding IMCO in particular, and inter-governmental organizations in general, COMMENDS the Government of the United Kingdom for the clarification so far achieved and for its willingness to contemplate the necessary legal measures for supplementing the standard clauses of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, REQUESTS the Government of the United Kingdom and the Secretary-General on behalf of the Organization to continue these discussions with a view to an early fulfilment of Assembly Resolution A.56(III), FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General of negotiation to report to the Council on the succeeding stages 24 September 1965 Agenda item 19 RESO LUTION A.I 05(IV) RELATIONS WITH NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS THE ASSEMBLY, TAKING NOTE of Part XII of the IMCO Convention and in particular of Article 48, RECALLING that Rule of the Rules Governing Relationship with N~n-Governmental International Or3anizations requires that the Assembly approve consultative status granted by the Council to such organizations, RECALLING FURTHER that Rule 10 of the same Rules provides for periodic review of the list of non-governmental international organizations in consultative status with IMCO and a report to the Assembly on the continuation of such status, 48 HAVING CONSIDERED the request of the Council at its fourteenth session to approve the grant of consultative status to the International Commission on Illumination as a body which is able to make a substantial contribution to the work of the Organization, and HAVING FURTHER CONSIDERED the Council's determination that the continuation of the consultative status of the Organizations on the list under review at its fourteenth session is necessary and desirable, APPROVES the decision taken by the Council in conformity with Rule of the above-mentioned Rules to grant consultative status to the International Commission on Illumination, and APPROVES the report of the Council made in conformity with Rule 10 27 September 1965 Agenda item 21 RESOLUTION A.I06(IV) STATUS OF THE 1MCO CONVENTION THE ASSEMBLY, NOTING that the Government of Cuba has deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations an instrument of acceptance, subject to a reservation, of the Convention on the InterGovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization, FURTHER NOTING the transmittal, by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, of the text of the reservation contained in the Cuban instrument of acceptance to the Organization for its consideration, RECALLING that the Council, acting in conformity with Article 27 of the Convention, requested that Member Governments be informed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the receipt of the reservation and be invited to communicate their observations concerning it, NOTING ALSO that, during the course of the present session, a communication was received by the depositary on 24 September 1965 from the Government of Cuba stating that the reservation incorporated in the instrument of acceptance was withdrawn and replaced by a declaration to accompany the definitive deposit of the instrument of acceptance, NOTING FURTHER that Member Governments have not had an opportunity cations of the communication in question, INVITES the Secretary-General to request the Secretary-General of the United Nations (a) to circulate the said communication (b) to solicit their observations thereon; and (c) to inform him of the conclusions resulting from such consultation, INVITES the Secretary-General to examine the impli- to Member Governments; of IMCO to report to the Council 28 September 1965 Agenda item 49 RESOLUTION A.I07(1V) BROADCASTS FROM STATIONS OUTSIDE TERRITORIAL WATERS THE ASSEMBLY, BEARING IN MIND the provisions of Chapter V of the International Life at Sea, 1960, Convention for the Safety of CONSIDERING (a) that the operations of broadcasting stations on board ships outside territorial waters are increasing; (b) that such operations are in conflict with the provisions of the Radio Regulations annexed to the International Telecommunication Convention, 1959, and may adversely affect radio communications contributing to the safety of life at sea; (c) that an Agreement for the Prevention of Broadcasts transmitted from stations outside Territorial Waters was signed, subject to ratification, by a number of governments at Strasbourg in January 1965, REQUESTS the Secretary-General to investigate the question of broadcasts from stations outside territorial waters, in conjunction with the International Telecommunication Union and other organizations concerned, and to report to the Assembly through the Maritime Safety Committee 28 September 1965 Agenda item 30 OTHER DECISIONS ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Assembly approved the agenda for the fourth session 15 September 1965, Agenda item ELECTION OF THE PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS The Assembly elected by acclamation the following delegates to hold office until the fifth regular session of the Assembly: President of the Assembly: Mr Jean Morin (France) First Vice-President: Mr L Dancevic (Yugoslavia) Second Vice-President: Mr Y.K Quartey (Ghana) 15 September 1965, Agenda item APPOINTMENT OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE The Assembly appointed a Credentials Committee composed of Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Ireland, the Malagasy Republic and the Philippines 15 September 1965, Agenda item 50 APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES The Assembly appointed, in addition to the Credentials Committee, a Committee on General and Legal Matters and an Administrative, Financial and Programme Committee 15 September 1965, Agenda item APPROV AL OF THE REPORT OF THE COUNCIL The Assembly adopted the Report of the Council on the work of the Organization since the previous regular session of the Assembly, submitted in accordance with Article 24 of the IMCO Convention 16 September 1965, Agenda item ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL In accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of the Convention, the Assembly elected India and Sweden, for the purposes of Article 17(c) of the Convention, from among the panel of governments determined by the Council; and further elected the Malagasy Republic and Australia from among the Member States of the Organization for the purposes of Article l7( d) of the Convention The Council is accordingly composed of the following States: Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, the Malagasy Republic, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the United States of America 20 September 1965, Agenda item 16 ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE The Assembly, in conformity with Article 28 of the Convention, elected the following eight members from among the largest shipowning nations: Greece, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Norway, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the United States of America The Assembly further elected the following six members from among other nations having an important interest in maritime safety: Argentina, Canada, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands and Pakistan 20 September 1965, Agenda item 17 ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE STAFF PENSION COMMITTEE OF THE INTER-GOVERNMENTAL MARITIME CONSULTATIVE ORGANIZATION The Assembly, in conformity with Article XX of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, re-elected Baron de Gerlache de Gomery (Belgium) as member and Mr E Lysakowsky (poland) as alternate member to serve on the Staff Pension Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization during the next two years 20 September 1965, Agenda item 18 51 RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED NATIONS, SPECIALIZED AGENCIES, IAEA AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS The Assembly noted the joint report drawn up by the Secretary-General and Mr Prebisch and expressed the hope that the best possible relations would be established with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), that questions which had hitherto come within the competence of IMCO would continue to be submitted to it, that collaboration with other interested organizations would develop and that, when necessary, agreements would be concluded with a view to avoiding any duplication or overlapping 22 September 1965, Agenda item 20 SIMLA RULES TIle Assembly took note of the intention of the Government of India to convene a Conference on the Simla Rules 24 September 1965, Agenda item 12 IMCO HEADQUARTERS ACCOMMODATION The Assembly noted that the Secretary-General tion A.61(IIl) had carried out the task assigned to him under its Resolu- 24 September 1965, Agenda item 25 PUBLICATIONS AND PUBLIC INFORMATION The Assembly took note of the Secretary-General's report on publications and public information 24 September 1965, Agenda item 26 RED SEA LIGHTS The Assembly took note of the declaration of the United Kingdom Government with regard to future expenditure on the lights prior and subsequent to the entry into force of the International Agreement on the Red Sea Lights 27 September 1965, Agenda item CODE OF SAFE PRACTICE FOR BULK CARGOES The Assembly took note of the statement made by the observer from the International Chamber of Commerce wherein consultation on future amendments was requested The Assembly decided to refer the matter to the Maritime Safety Committee with a request that contact be made with the International Chamber of Commerce when revision of the Code of Safe Practice for Bulk Cargoes was envisaged 27 September 1965, Agenda item 52 INTERNATIONAL MARITIME DANGEROUS GOODS CODE The Assembly invited the Secretary-General to inform the Economic Commission for Europe of the reservations expressed by certain representatives with regard to the system of labelling proposed in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 27 September 1965, Agenda item DETERMINATION OF THE DATE AND PLACE OF THE FIFTH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY IN 1967 The Assembly decided that its fifth session should be held in London in the autumn of 1967, the actual date to be decided by the Council 28 September 53 1965, Agenda item 31 DATE OF RECEIPT OF THE INSTRUMENTS OF ACCEPTANCE STATE Philippines Poland Republic of Korea Romania Senegal Spain Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Arab Republic United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Yugoslavia November 1964 16 March 1960 10 April 1962 28 April 1965 November 1960 23 January 1962 27 April 1959 20 July 1955 28 January 1963 27 April 1965 23 May 1963 25 March 1958 24 December 1958 17 March 1958 14 February 1949 17 August 1950 12 February 1960 55 ... 18 and 28 of the IMCO Convention (proposals by the Guvernments of Brazil, France and the Malagasy Republic) Any other business RESOLUTION RESOLUTION A .69( ES.Il) AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES 17, 18 AND. .. present Resolution to the notice of the Governments of Ecuador, Haiti and Honduras and to report to the Council 24 September 1965 Agenda item 15 17 RESOLUTION A.78(1V) FACILITATION OF TRAVEL AND. .. and its Annex as well as six Resolutions adopted by the Conference and, in particular, Resolutions and concerning respectively establishment of an ad hoc working group and future work on facilitation,