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ASSEMBL Y FIRST SESSION - 19 January 1959 RESOLUTIONS AND OTHER DECISIONS (RESOLUTIONS - 20) Published in 1959 by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION Albert Embankment London SE1 7SR Printed by the International Maritime Organization, London 10 IS8N 92-801-1002-0 ISSN 0534-624X IMO PUBLICATION Sales number: Copyright © IMQ-027E IMO 1959 NOTE: The name of the Organization as it appears in this publication was changed to "International Maritime Organization" by virtue of amendments into force on 22 May 1982 to the Organization's Convention which entered TABLE OF CONTENTS AGENDA OF THE FIRST SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS: Number Title Date Adopted (1959) Agenda item Page Resolution A.I (I) Approval of the Appointment of the SecretaryGeneral by the Council January lO(a) ] Resolution A.2 (I) Acceptance of Duties under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1948) Revision of the Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1948) January IOU) Resolution A.3 (I) Acceptance of Duties in connexion with the International Code of Signals January IO(k) Resolution A.4 (I) Acceptance of Duties in connexion with the Establishment of the Group of Experts on the Unification of Maritime Tonnage Measurement January 10(1) Resolution A.5 (I) Status of the Convention on IMCO 12 January Resolution A.6 (I) Report of the Credentials Committee 13 January Resolution A.7 (I) Agreement on Relationship with the United Nations 13 January lO(i) Resolution A.8 (I) Acceptance of Duties under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil (1954) 13 January IO(m) Resolution A.9 (I) Election of Members of the Maritime Safety Committee, as provided in Article 28 of the Convention 15 January II Resolution A.IO (I) Report of the Assembly on the Final Text of the Annex to the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies 16 January 15 Resolution A.ll (I) Relationship with other Specialized Agencies and other International Organizations 16 January lO(n) Resolution A.12 (I) Election of Members of the Maritime Safety Committee 19 January 11 Resolution A.13 (I) Adoption of Rules of Procedure for subsequent Sessions of the Assembly 19 January 12 iii Number Title Date Adopted (1959) Agenda item Page Resolution A.I4 (I) Financial Regulations of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization 19 January lO(f) 10 Resolution A.IS (I) Staff Regulations of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization 19 January lO(g) 15 Resolution A.I6 (I) Review of Expenditures and Approval of Accounts of the Preparatory Committee 19 January lO(d) 23 Resolution A.I7 (I) Dissolution of the Preparatory Committee 19 January ]3 23 Resolution A.IS (I) Staff Establishment and Adoption of the Budget for the first financial period 19 January lO(c) 24 Resolution A.I9 (I) Staff Establishment and Adoption of the Budget for the first financial period 19 January lO(c) 25 19 January lOCh) 25 January January January 19 January 6 14 26 26 26 26 Resolution Relating to the Working Capital Fund Resolution A.20 (I) Apportionment States of Expenses among Member Other Decisions: Election of the President Election of the Vice-Presidents Appointment of a Credentials Committee Date of the Second Assembly IV AGENDA OF THE FIRST SESSION I Opening of the session by the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee and presentation of the Report of the Preparatory Committee to the Assembly (e) (f) (g) (h) Adoption of the agenda (i) Status of "the Convention · on the Inter-Govern menta 1Mantime Consu 1tatIve rgamzatIOn Adoption of provlSlonal rules of procedure for th e A ssembly (J.) Establishment of the Credentials Committee of the Assembly (k) OF THE ASSEMBLY Initial financing of the Organization Financial regulations Staff regulations Apportionment of expenses among Member States Agreement on relationship with the United Nations Acceptan c e of duties under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1948) - revision of the · ' R egu1atIOns lor Preventmg c 0lliSIOnsat Sea (1948) I' Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly (1) Confirmation of invitations to States which are not members ofIMCO but which are Members of the United Nations or of any of the specialized agencies, to inter-governmental organizations and to non-governmental international organizations, to be represented at the Assembly by Observers (m) (n) Acceptance of duties in connexion with the International Code of Signals (International Radio Conference - Atlantic City 1947) Acceptance of duties in connexion with the establishment of the group of experts on the unification of maritime tonnage measurement Acceptance of duties under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil (1954) Relationship with other specialized agenciesandotherinternationalorganizations Establishment of additional com~ittees of t?e Assembly as necessary, and electIOn of chaIrmen t hereo f 11 Election of members of the Maritime Safety ·d d· ' Commi·tt ee, as prOVI e m ar t ICIe 28 of th e · Conven t IOn Election of members ofthe Council, as provided in article 17 of the Convention 12 AdoptIOn of rules of procedure for subsequent sessions of the Assembly 10 Presentation of the Report of the Council on its first session (a) Approval of the appointment of the Secretary-General by the Council (aa) Admission of new members (b) InitIal work programme of the Organization (c) Staff establishment and adoption of the budget for two years (d) Review of expenditures and approval of accounts of the Preparatory Committee 13 Dissolution of the Preparatory Committee 14 Determination of the date of the next regular session of the Assembly 15 Final text of the Annex to the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the specialized agencies, 1947 16 Any other business v Resolution A.4 (I) Further resolves that until the Member States ACCEPTANCE OF DUTIESIN CONNEXION WITHTHE have had an opportunity of expressing their views, ESTABLISHMENT OFTHEGROUPOF EXPERTS ONTHE the representatives of India shall be free to take UNIFICATION OFMARITIME TONNAGE MEASUREMENTpart, without vote, in the proceedings of this Assembly The Assembly, 12 January 1959 Takmg note of the desire of the United Nations to A gen d a I'tem transfer to the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization functions concerning the unification of maritime tonnage measurement, as Resolution A.6 (I) described in resolutions 298B(XI), 645B(XXIII) and REpORTOFTHECREDENTIALS COMMITTEE 687(XXVI) of the Economic and Social Council' Noting further that such functions fall within ~he The Assembly, scope of the Organization; Approves the report of the Credentials Committee, ,C.0nsidering that the Organization is ready and wIlling.'to undertake such functions' DecIdes to take over from the United Nations those functions, along with any resources and obligations in connexion therewith, that will be transferred by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in accordance with resolution 687(XXVI) of the Economic and Social Council; Instructs the Secretary-General of the InterGovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization: (a) to negotiate mutually acceptable arrangements with the Secretary-General of fhe United Nations for the transfer of such functions by the United Nations and their acceptance by the Organization and (b) thereafter to take over such functions from the United Nations Recommends that the Maritime Safety Committee establish, at its first session, a sub-committee on Tonnage Measurement, to be composed of those countries which have expressed to the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations their willingness to make experts available, at the expense of the respective countries, together with any other nations, members of the Organization, which may express a similar willingness in accordance with article 39 13 Januar 1959 Y A gen d'a Item Resolution A.7 (I) AGREEMENT ON RELATIONSHIP WITHTHEUNITEDNATIONS The Assembly, A the recommendation of the CouncIl concermng the Agreement on Relationship with the United Nations, Noting with satisfaction that the General Assembly of the United Nations has approved the draft Agreement, Noting further that article XIX of the Agreement provides that 'it shall come into force on its approval by the General Assembly of the Organization', Approves the Agreement as negotiated by the Preparatory Committee and approved by the Council B Noting that the United Nations expanded programme of technical assistance (EPTA) renders aid to governments, at their request, in certain fields within the competence of the Organization, Noting further that the Secretariat of the United Nations has been providing the technical advice with regard t~ the implementation of requests from governments m those fields, Recognizing the desirability of IMCO being kept informed ,of these activities in the maritime field, and of bemg afforded an opportumty of presenting '' ' It S vIews on t he tec h mca I matters Involved, Requests the Secretary-~eneral of IMCO, with the approval of the ,CouncIl, to ~ake appropriate arrangements for this purpose wIth the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations and the Executive Havin~ January 1959 Agenda item 10(/) Resolution A.S (I) STATUSOFTHECONVENTION ONIMCO The Assembly, Having noted the contents O f Assembl y paper 1MCO A I R ' th e Instru/ / / ev I/Add 1, c0 ncermng ment of Acceptance of the Convention submitted for deposit with the Secretary-General of the United Nations by the Government of India on Ja 1959 nuary , Resolves to request the Secretary-General of the conside~ed Chairman of the Technical Assistance Board United Nations to circulate the document to Member States of the Organization, and 13 January 1959 Agenda item lO(i) Resolution A.S (I) those ACCEPTANCEOF DUTIESUNDERTHE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONFORTHE PREVENTIONOF POLLUTION OF THE SEA BY OIL (1954) obligations in connexion therewith, that will be transferred by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in accordance with resolution 687(XXVl) of the Economic and Social Council; Instructs the Secretary-General of the InterGovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization: (a) to negotiate mutually acceptable arrangements with the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the transfer of such functions by the United Nations and their acceptance by the Organization, and (b) thereafter to take over such functions from A The Assembly, Taking note of the functions and duties conferred upon the Organization by the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, done at London on 12 May 1954 and by its Annex A; Notingfurther that article XXI of the Convention provides that 'the duties of the Bureau shall be carried out by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland unless and until the Inter-Governmental Maritime · Consu ItatIve rgamzation comes into being and takes over the dutIes assIgned to it under the Convention signed at Geneva on the 6th day of functions, along with any resources and the United Nations; Requests the Maritime Safety Committee to provide the necessary machinery therefor in accordance with article 29b of the Convention 13 J.anuary 1959 • A genua 1t em IO()m Resolution A.9 (I) March 1948 ~nd thereafter, the duties of the Bureau shall be earned out by the said Organization'; Decides to accept the duties and to perform the functions conferred upon the Organization by the aforesaid Convention of 1954, providing it is understood by the Governments parties to the Convention that the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization will not be in a position to convene a conference of the contracting Governments prior to 1961; Requests the Maritime Safety Committee to provide the necessary machinery therefor in accordance with article 29b of the Convention; Instructs the Secretary-General to take over the duties and functions pertaining to a secretariat, which had been carried out so far by the Government of the United Kingdom under article XXI of ELECTIONOF MEMBERSOF THE MARITIMESAFETYCOMMITTEEAS PROVIDED IN ARTICLE28 OF THE CO~VENTION The Assembly, Desiring to elect the eight members ofthe Maritime Safety Committee which shall be the largest shipowning nations, Having taken note of the list prepared by the Secretary-General showing the registered tonnage of each member of the Organization; Resolves that a separate vote shall be taken for each of the eight places on the Committee; that the voting shall be in the order in which the nations appear in the Secretary-General's list, and that those eight nations which first receive a majority of votes in favour shall be declared elected 15 January 1959 • A genua 1t em 11 the Conv~ntion and to receive all relevant documents WhICh this Government will transmit to the OrgamzatlOn 111 thIS respect Resolution A.tO (I) B The Assembly, Taking note of the desire of the United Nations to transfer to the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization functions concerning the REPORTOF THEASSEMBLY ON THE FINAL TEXT OF THEANNEX TO THE GENERALCONVENTIONON THE PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIESOF THE SPECIALIZEDAGENCIES collection and dissemination of technical informati on about oil pollution, as described in resolutions 298B(XI), 537A(XVIII) and 687(XXVI) of the Economic and Social Council; Notingfurther that such functions fall within the scope of the Organization; Considering that the Organization is ready and willing to undertake such functions; Decides to take over from the United Nations A The Assembly, Accepts the standard clauses of the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the specialized agen

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