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  • 6. Become More Independent

  • 10. Network for Your Future

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cause and solution of pollution Smoke from chimneys, factories, vehicles or burning of wood basically occurs due to coal burning; this releases sulphur dioxide into the air making it toxic The effects of air pollution are evident too Release of sulphur dioxide and hazardous gases into the air causes global warming and acid rain; which in turn have increased temperatures, erratic rains and droughts worldwide; making it tough for the animals to survive We breathe in every polluted particle from the air; result is increase in asthma and cancer in the lungs • Water pollution is a major issue Many industries dump wastes into rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams in an attempt to hide wastes from EPA inspectors These water sources feed major crops and food becomes contaminated with a variety of chemicals and bacteria, causing rampant health problems Noise pollution is caused when noise which is an unpleasant sound affects our ears and leads to psychological problems like stress, hypertension, hearing impairment, etc It is caused by machines in industries, loud music, etc Light pollution occurs due to prominent excess illumination of an area It is largely visible in big cities, on advertising boards and billboards, in sports or entertainment events at the night In residential areas the lives of the inhabitants is greatly affected by this It also affects the astronomical observations and activities by making the stars almost invisible Use public mode of transportation: Encourage people to use more and more public modes of transportation to reduce pollution Also, try to make use of car pooling If you and your colleagues come from the same locality and have same timings you can explore this option to save energy and money Making Sustainable Energy Choices Turn off lights and electronics when you are not in the room You can also unplug them for even more energy savings Plugging electronics into a power strip is also a good strategy because you can easily turn off the power strip and turn off all of the electronics at the same time Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling Buy used items whenever possible By buying used products, you will help reduce the demand for new materials to be created You will also save money Check local thrift shops, used furniture and appliance stores, and local ads to find used items Choose items with minimal packaging The packaging used to protect food requires new raw materials and energy to create Buy foods that use minimal packaging, such as bulk items or unpackaged produce If you must buy something that is packaged, try to choose items with the least amount of packaging possible Use fewer and environmentally friendly chemicals Chemicals we use to wash our homes, cars and even our bodies get washed down the drain and into the sewer system, but they often end up in the groundwater These chemicals aren't good for the plants and animals that make up our ecosystems, and they aren't healthy for human consumption, either Whenever possible, use natural, healthy alternatives to chemicals Don't use pesticides and herbicides These powerful chemicals are sprayed directly over the ground, and when it rains they seep deeper and get into the groundwater You probably just want aphids to stop eating your tomatoes, but spraying the garden with pesticide will a lot more than that when it gets into the groundwater that humans and other organisms need to survive What are the benefits of studying subjects like arts and music at school? Musical training helps develop language and reasoning: Students who have early musical training will develop the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning The left side of the brain is better developed with music, and songs can help imprint information on young minds A mastery of memorization: Even when performing with sheet music, student musicians are constantly using their memory to perform The skill of memorization can serve students well in education and beyond Emotional development: Students of music can be more emotionally developed, with empathy towards other cultures They also tend to have higher self esteem and are better at coping with anxiety 12 Music builds imagination and intellectual curiosity: Introducing music in the early childhood years can help foster a positive attitude toward learning and curiosity Artistic education develops the whole brain and develops a child’s imagination 13 Music can be relaxing: Students can fight stress by learning to play music Soothing music is especially helpful in helping kids relax 18 Kids can learn teamwork: Many musical education programs require teamwork as part of a band or orchestra In these groups, students will learn how to work together and build camaraderie Tourism is becoming a good source of revenue to many countries Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of exploiting this resource Advantages • It brings in money This is probably the main advantage of tourism and the reason why it has been promoted so much in recent years in developing countries especially Whether in developing or developed countries, the income generated can make up a significant proportion of the national income • It provides jobs for the locals Hotels, bars, transport, shops, and restaurants all need staffing Tourism can provide much-needed employment for people • It raises the profile of the place generally Tourism gives the locality a chance to show itself off and raise its profile in the world • It can provide a incentive for investment in infrastructure such as roads and rail networks, as well as funding local medical and education facilities • It can provide economic incentives for a place to preserve, regenerate, and provide upkeep in their urban and wildlife areas • Visitors promote international links, which can provide more business and cultural connections in the medium to long term Economic benefits - Tourism can provide direct jobs to the community, such as tour guides or hotel housekeeping Indirect employment is generated through other industries such as agriculture, food production, and retail Infrastructure development such as airports, roads, schools, hospitals, and retail areas have the potential to benefit the local community and can aid economic development by allowing more trade and better flow of goods and services Social benefits - Tourism can bring about a real sense of pride and identity to communities By showcasing distinct characteristics of their ways of life, history and culture, tourism can encourage the preservation of traditions which may be at risk of Environmental benefits - Tourism provides financial support for the conservation of ecosystems and natural resource management, making the destination more authentic and desirable to visitors It also adds more value to the local tourism business Disadvantages • Tourism can often cause environmental damage with things like pollution and forest fires Even if tourists behave responsibly, the sheer number of the them can cause problems Things like ancient buildings, monuments, and temples often struggle to cope with the vast amounts of tourist traffic and they suffer wear and tear or damage • The commercialization of culture can undermine the soul of a tourist destination Local traditions that have a rich cultural heritage are reduced to wearing costumes and putting on acts for the tourists in return for money • Tourists can often lack respect for local traditions and culture, not following local dress standards, getting drunk in public, or behaving rudely or inappropriately towards locals • Although often jobs are created by tourism, most are relatively low level, such as bar work, hotel service, restaurant serving, and so forth They also have little prospect for promotion • Tourism jobs are quite commonly seasonal and insecure with no extra benefits, such as pensions, sick pay, or health care Some areas can be inundated with visitors during busy times, and then virtually deserted for many months • Often times, most of the tourism industry (travel companies and hotels, for one) in a developing country is actually owned by big foreign companies They make the major profits, leaving local businesses with relatively little benefit What are the possible effects of living long on an individual and on the whole society? there are groups of people who consider long life has benefits on the individuals and the society The main reason for believing this is that the society is able to utilise the experience of the matured people for the growth of the economy of the country Furthermore, this group of grown-ups can help the young people to take mature decisions in their personal as well as professional life Thus, the positive implications of rising in the life span of the people on the masses and the society are clear On the contrary, old people can become a burden on the family and on the government More funds would be required to meet their medical, housing and other living expenses dispersed to them in the form of pensions and other funds.Moreover, their way of living results in conflicts with the youth which disturb the family environment and relationship For instance, senior people don't like noise and they tend to sleep early, which give rise to conflicts when adolescent want to celebrate late night parties • • • • • A rise in age-related chronic illness Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases will cause more death and illness worldwide than infectious or parasitic diseases over the next few years In developed nations, this shift has already happened Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are expected to almost double every 20 years, as life expectancy increases Special challenges for less developed nations Poorer countries will carry the double burden of caring for older people with chronic diseases, as well as dealing with continued high rates of infectious diseases Increasing need for specialized health care workers With millions more older people needing health care, specialized doctors, like geriatricians, will be necessary to help seniors worldwide By 2030, it is estimated that 36,000 geriatricians will be needed in the United States alone As of 2008, there were only about 7,000 practicing geriatricians Increasing need for long-term care The number of sick and frail elderly needing affordable nursing homes or assisted living centers will likely increase Health care costs increase As older people stop working and their health care needs increase, governments could be overwhelmed by unprecedented costs In the United States, another baby boomer turns 60 every eight seconds Medicare coverage, which seniors can tap at age 65, could be pushed to its breaking point How to pay for the upcoming elder boom is a subject being debated in capitals around the world today Crime rates are increasing at an alarming level What are the causes of this problem? Lack of love Being raised in a dysfunctional family, or coming from a disadvantaged background, or feeling discriminated, none of it alone can cause crime There are so many others in the world with such conditions, but nevertheless don't turn to crime However they cause the lack of love and respect for others Poverty Poverty is often blamed for leading to crime, however underneath is something more vital - society bombards us with commercial values, making us want more and more material things, to the point when some would anything (including criminal acts) to get them Unemployment is another factor in this category that contributes to crime through looking ways to earn money by any means possible Drugs and alcohol Some social factors pose an especially strong influence over a person's ability to makechoices Drug and alcohol abuse is one such factor The urge to commit crime to support a drughabit definitely influences the decision process Income and education Many prisoners could not read or write above elementary school levels, if at all The mostcommon crimes committed by these inmates were robbery, burglary, automobile theft, drugtraffickin g, and shoplifting Because of their poor educational backgrounds, their employmenthistories consisted of mostly low wage jobs with frequent periods of unemployment People mustmake a choice between longterm low income and the prospect of profitable crime Gaining furthereducation, of course, is another option, but classes can be expensive and time consuming Whileeducation can provide the chance to get a better job, it does not always overcome the effects of abuse, poverty, or other limiting factors What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad? PROS 2) New friends Studying at a new university means meeting lots of new people and the opportunity to make new friends Because this will be a unique experience, you’re more likely to appreciate the friends you make The bonds you make will be lifelong, which will be incredibly useful for when you finish uni and want to travel Need a place to stay during travelling? Well, now you have friends who live in those places 3) Learn a new language What better way to learn a new language than to be immersed in it completely? The best way to practice is to talk to native speakers - and you’ll have no shortage of those if you study abroad Being surrounded by native speakers affords you the chance to immerse yourself in the language, which can expedite your retention and fluency Furthermore, if you travel to a country in which the primary language is one you’ve studied in school, you can add to your vocabulary colloquial words and phrases that may not appear in the textbooks Become More Independent Studying abroad removes you from the normal support network that you are accustomed to back home While on the one hand, being away from friends and family can seem daunting, it is also a chance for you to hone your own skills and gain some independence Whether it’s washing your laundry or buying groceries, you will learn to take responsibility for your actions When you return home, your increased independence will be very useful – it can help you in your job search, at home, or in your day-to-day routines 10 Network for Your Future In addition to making friends, you can also form professional contacts while abroad Generally speaking, course loads tend to be comparatively lighter while studying abroad, so this can be an ideal occasion to intern, work part-time, or volunteer while you’re studying Consult your college or university to see whether they help you find internships or work placements abroad Sometimes, you can even get credit from your home institution When you’re finished working abroad, be sure to ask for a recommendation letter to testify that you worked abroad, and to share with future prospective employers CONS 1) Homesickness You may be used to being away from your family while you’re at uni, but being in a different country is a whole other ball game Not being able to pop home for visits during a quiet weekend or spend the holidays being pampered by your parents can definitely affect you if you’re not ready to take this step However, with video-calling sites and apps, like Skype and FaceTime, homesickness is a lot more manageable today 2) Lonely It can be a very isolating experience if you don’t settle in well and make friends It’s much more important to be able to put yourself out there and make more of an effort to join groups, attend socials, and initiate conversation, as you won’t already have a group of friends If you’re not ready to be this outgoing, then studying abroad probably isn’t for you just yet 3) Expense Factoring in flights, accommodation, travel money, and living costs, the price of a year abroad can snowball without you realising Living costs tend to be higher so, even if you budget well, you’re probably going to end up blowing all of your savings regardless Unless you’ve been planning this for a long time, you will most likely spend the rest of your time at uni scraping by 4) Falling behind in your studies It’s hard enough to remember you’re at uni to learn on a normal day Add being in a brand new country into the equation, and it makes it almost impossible to stay motivated enough to focus on assignments and revising It’s also important to remember the modules won’t be exactly the same as back home, so you could be missing valuable information

Ngày đăng: 19/02/2018, 18:56



