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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NHA TRANG ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP TUYỂN SINH CAO HỌC Môn Tiếng Anh _ I.NỘI DUNG BÀI THI A PHẦN ĐỌC HIỂU : Phần điền từ cho câu: Kiểm tra khả đọc hiểu cấp độ câu Để hồn thành phần thí sinh cần phải nắm vững ngữ pháp có vốn từ vựng 2.Phần đọc hiểu đoạn văn: Kiểm tra khả đọc hiểu đoạn văn theo chủ đề: khoa học bản, môi trường, sức khoẻ, dân số giới, giáo dục Ngồi ra, thí sinh phải viết câu trả lời nội dung ngữ pháp Phần điền từ cho đoạn văn: Kiểm tra khả đọc hiểu đoạn văn theo chủ đề xã hội B PHẦN VIẾT: 1.Xây dựng câu: Kiểm tra khả viết câu đơn câu phức hợp Biến đổi câu: Kiểm tra khả viết câu đơn câu phức có câu trúc tương đương với câu cho C PHẦN DỊCH 1.Dịch từ Anh sang Việt theo chủ đề : Khoa học bản, môi trường, sức khoẻ, dân số giới, công nghệ tiên tiến, giáo dục Dịch từ tiếng Việt sang tiếng Anh theo chủ đề : - Tiếng Anh, sống hàng ngày, sức khỏe, giáo dục + Thời gian làm thi: 120 phút II THANG ĐIỂM A PHẦN ĐỌC HIỂU I Cho trước 25-30 từ cụm từ cho sẵn 15 câu, câu có chỗ trống Thí sinh chọn từ cụm từ thích hợp cho điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu II Cho đọc có nội dung khác Sau có câu hỏi Tổng số 20 câu hỏi Thí sinh đọc trả lời câu hỏi III Cho đọc hiểu khoảng 150- 200 từ, có ĐIỂM điểm cho câu ĐIỂM TỔNG 15 1,5 diểm cho câu 30 1điểm cho 10 10 trống, thí sinh tự tìm từ cụm từ thích hợp điền vào trống để hoàn chỉnh đọc B.PHẦN VIẾT I Xây dựng câu có hướng dẫn theo từ cho trước Tổng số 10 câu II Viết lại câu phải giữ nguyên ý câu cho sẵn III a Dịch câu tiếng Anh sang tiếng Việt b Dịch câu tiếng Việt sang tiếng Anh Tổng số điểm đạt câu 1,5 điểm cho câu 1,5 điểm cho câu 1,5 điểm cho câu 15 15 15 100 III TRỌNG TÂM NGỮ PHÁP Verb tenses : a Present Simple, Prsent Continuous, Present Perfect, Present perfect Continuous b Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past perfect Continuous c Going to future, Future Continuous, will Future, Future Perfect Passive voice Modal verbs : can, could, must, may, shall, should, would, will, ought to Modal Example Uses Can They can control their own budgets We can’t fix it Can I smoke here? Can you help me? Ability / Possibility Inability / Impossibility Asking for permission Request Could Could I borrow your dictionary? Could you say it again more slowly? We could try to fix it ourselves I think we could have another Gulf War He gave up his old job so he could work for us Asking for permission Request Suggestion Future possibility Ability in the past May May I have another cup of coffee? China may become a major economic power Asking for permission Future possibility Might We'd better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now They might give us a 10% discount Present possibility Future possibility Must We must say good-bye now They mustn’t disrupt the work more than necessary Necessity / Obligation Prohibition Ought to We ought to employ a professional writer Saying what’s right or correct Shall (More common in the UK than the US) Shall I help you with your luggage? Shall we say 2.30 then? Shall I that or will you? Offer Suggestion Asking what to Should We should sort out this problem at once I think we should check everything again Profits should increase next year Saying what’s right or correct Recommending action Uncertain prediction Will I can’t see any taxis so I’ll walk I'll that for you if you like I’ll get back to you first thing on Monday Profits will increase next year Instant decisions Offer Promise Certain prediction Would Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me? Would you pass the salt please? Would you mind waiting a moment? "Would three o`clock suit you?" - "That’d be fine." Would you like to play golf this Friday? "Would you prefer tea or coffee?" - "I’d like tea please." Asking for permission Request Request Making arrangements Invitation Preferences Verb patterns VERB + -ing VERB + to + infinitive verb + -ing afford admit agree adore allow (passive) allow appear avoid arrange can´t stand ask carry on attempt consider choose deny dare delay decide (don´t) mind expect enjoy fail fancy forget finish help give up hope imagine learn involve manage keep offer keep on plan postpone pretend practise promise put off refuse recommend seem risk tend suggest threaten eg want He avoided writing the test would like to Keep smiling! eg Did you enjoy reading the I can´t afford to go on book? holiday He denied stealing the purse She´s decided to give I don´t mind helping you up her job He doesn´t allow smoking in It seems to be a nice his house day He recommended staying in He agreed to lend me VERB + object + to +inf advise allow ask beg encourage expect force invite order permit persuade recommend remind teach tell want warn would like eg They invited us to stay in their house She told me to come on time They asked us not to make such a noise that hotel VERB + -ing / to inf - no change in meaning begin continue intend start eg It started to rain / raining some money You are not allowed to smoke here VERB + object + inf - no TO in this structure help let make Let me show you The news made her VERB + -ing / to + inf -change in the meaning REMEMBER doing sth - when you did something and now you remember it; after you did sth Eg I don´t know how the burglar got in I clearly remember locking the door and shutting the windows to sth - you remembered that you had to sth, so you did it; before you did it eg I remembered to lock the door but I forgot to shut the windows TRY doing sth - try something to see if it works or solves the problem eg – I´ve got a terrible headache - Why don´t you try taking an aspirin? to sth - attempt to do, make an effort to sth Eg I tried to keep my open but I couldn´t STOP doing sth - to give up, finish with sth completely eg I stopped smoking two years ago (I don´t it anymore) to sth - stop doing what you are doing at the moment in order to sth else eg I was reading a book The phone started to ring I stopped to answer it NEED doing sth - sth needs to be done about sth else (the meaning is passive_ eg Look at this room It needs painting to sth - it is necessary for me to it eg He put on weight He needs to take more exercise I need to the shopping today REGRET doing sth - I did sth and now I am sorry about it Eg I now regret saying what I said to sth - regret to say/tell/inform you = I´m sorry I have to say… eg I regret to tell you that you have failed the test MEAN doing sth - an impersonal subject, refers to what is involved eg If we catch an early train, it will mean getting up at 6.00 to sth - to intend eg Sorry, I meant to tell you about the party GO ON doing sth - to continue doing the same thing eg The minister paused for a moment and then went on talking about the education 5.Complex sentenses : a Relative clauses b Noun clauses c Time clauses d Conditionals Some other structures: + Get / have something done + Be / get used to + too, very, enough , so, such + Have to verb IV BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH PART I: READING COMPREHENSION TEST 1 Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences anywhere as soon as because did find frightened how how many how much like look up models nowhere produce scientists shake since so which are emergency calls? Call us free on 150 city you think is Europe’s “fashion capital” today – Milan, Paris or another? in many fields are studying way to increase food production we finish eating she takes the plates and glasses to wash them up 10 11 12 13 14 15 you mind if I smoke? Well, I’d rather you didn’t Excuse me Can you tell me to get to the Art Gallery, please? Factories and vehicles waste which goes into the air and rivers Fashion has become a big business and the top have made large fortunes I can’t find him now I don’t remember much about him I don’t know what he looks People hands when they meet for the first time and when they meet after a long time She needed to relax she went on holiday We don’t understand this word! Let’s the word in the dictionary When I saw a thief in the living room I was really You missed the beginning of the film you were late Read the passage and answer the questions below it The ancient Greeks were lucky, it seems The diet of olive oil, garlic, fish, vegetables and bread was very healthy They ate very little meat, fat, or sugar The experts today tell us to eat less meat and more vegetables, fruit, fish, pasta, bread, and potatoes Chicken is healthier than beef because it has less fat Garlic, the basis of French aioli, Spanish gambas al ajillo, Italian bruchetta and Greek tzatziki, also has a good effect on the heart, as well as other benefits, which is perhaps why the ancient Greeks ate so much of it So, if you love your heart, add a little more garlic to your diet! 16 What did the diet of the ancient Greeks mainly include? 17 Does beef have more fat than chicken? 18 Which countries these foods: Aioli and tzatziki come from? 19 What they all have in common? 20 According to the passage, what should we eat more often in order to reduce the risk of heart attack? Read the passage and answer the questions below it A key word in the modern American vocabulary is “stress” Stress is the feeling of anxiety and exhaustion that comes from the pressures of modern living Stress is such a common problem today that many people are turning to one of its most common cures: physical exercise People of all ages and types are exercising: jogging, weight lifting, swimming, and even just plain walking! Is this just a fad, or will it last? 21 How people feel when they are stressed? 22 What is the cause of stress? 23 How can people avoid stress? 24 What words in the passage mean something that removes a problem? 25 What words in the passage mean fashion that is not likely to last? Read the passage and answer the questions below it As in other countries, there are a number of different regional accents in the United Kingdom Apart from Scottish, Welsh and Irish accents, the north, east, west and southwest of England, as well as the Midlands and London, all have their distinctive accents At the same time there is an accent which belongs to no particular region This accent is called the Standard English accent, and is the accent usually taught to foreigners Northerners call it the “southern accent” – with some scorn 26 According to the passage, what other countries and the United Kingdom have in commmon? 27 Name some popular accents that belong to different regions in the United Kingdom? 28 Which region in the United Kingdom does the Scottish accent belong to? 29 What does “it” in “Northerners call it the “southern accent” refer to? 30 Which phrases used in the passage has the same meaning as “many”? Read the passage and answer the questions below it There are 7,000 periodicals published in the United Kingdom Of these, women’s magazines have the largest circulations: Woman (1,300,000) and Woman’s Own (1,200,000) There are magazines and periodicals for almost every trade, profession, sport, hobby or interest The most important periodicals for the more serious readers are: The Economist, which comments on events of international, political or economic interest; The Spectator, a journal with conservative views, which publishes articles on many different subjects, including politics; New Society, which has articles on social matters; New Scientist, which reports on scientific matters in language that non-specialists can understand; Punch, a long-established humorous magazine which also has serious articles 31 What are Woman and Woman’s Own? 32 What word in the passage means the average number of magazines/periodicals sold each day, month, or year? 33 If you are interested in science, which periodical(s) will you read? 34 Can you find a serious article in Punch? 35 Fill in the blank with one suitable word from the passage New scientist is suitable for both kinds of readers – specialist and Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word Manual Rodrigues, 24, a steward on the new Eurostar trains, one (36) the first people to travel through the Channel Tunnel Now the three-hour journey from London (37) Paris is all a day’s work for him He says, “I have to know both cities really well I have found some lovely restaurants!” Eurostar stewards have to be (38) 20 and 35 and physically fit The company trains all new stewards, so they don’t have to have experience in this kind of (39) , but they have to have (40) lovely personality You don’t have to have any qualifications, but you have to (41) fluent English and French to communicate with the passengers Manuel has to wear uniform The company pays for his meals (42) he stays abroad, so he doesn’t hve to worry about restaurant bills “We (43) in Paris at about 11.00 a.m Sometimes we have to come back on the next train, (44) when we don’t have to return until the next day, (45) can go shopping or sightseeing TEST PART 1: READING COMPREHENSION Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences appearing at least come from did she domesticated fined for how I did ask isn’t Japan Japan’s like major impact not All birds have wings, but wings are not Are you better off than you peculiar right senses sounds sustained the way used way what with to birds to be? Birds have two basic types of : songs and calls Computer technology has had a on how people carry out their jobs Even after six years of economic growth, Americans worry about that question I believe that women should have the to serve in the military I have no idea what the weather is in that city Motorists can be for driving recklessly No one know when the dog was first 10 Only once ask for help 11 People attend college or universities many different reasons 12 Religion is very important in Saudi Arabia, but it in Japan 13 Saudi Arabian society is very different from 14 Sociologists study society and it is organized 15 The sea has been rising relative to the land for 100 years Read the passage and answer the questions below it The Nation’s security Bank in downtown San Antonio was robbed last night A safe was blown open and around US$ 800,000 was stolen The robbery took place between midnight and 1:00 a.m The police are looking for two men who were seen getting into a black car near the bank at about o’clock last night They also want to hear from Mr Joe Newman, 52, who worked as a security guard at the bank Mr Newman disappeared just before the robbery and he has not been seen since then 16 How much money was stolen? 17 When did the robbery occur? 18 Why are the two men being looked for by the police? 19 What was Newman’s job? 20 When did he disappear? Read the passage and answer the questions below it The Third world cities are overcrowded But city workers earn two to ten times as much as people in the country So, thousands of more people arrive every year The governments must provide electricity, water, schools, health services, and land for house But poor countries not have the money to it As cities grow larger the problems increase However, some social scientists believe the problems are not hopeless People move to cities because they want to change and improve their lives When they can find jobs they work hard They build nice houses when they have money and send their childen to school These hardworking people help build a better society for the whole country 21 Do people in the city earn better than in the country? 22 Why people move to cities? 23 24 25 Who has to provide health service for these people? What they when they have money? Are these hardworking people helpful to the country? Read the passage and answer the questions below it One of the greatest achievements of modern high technology is the invention of the steam engine Machinery is closely linked with our lives It can extremely complicated tasks for man It can work quickly and accurately; and so it can save time for us and free man from hard work Owing to this, production on large scales can be achieved However, machinery needs to be controlled by people – intelligent and modern – in the era of machinery 26 What is considered a great invention? 27 What does the word it refer to? 28 How can machinery save time for us? 29 What does the author say about people? 30 What types of work are mentioned? Read the passage and answer the questions below it Scientists in many fields are studying ways to increase food production Even with new technology and use of all fertile land, food production from both land and sea can only be doubled There are several reasons There is a limited amount of fertile land The population is increasing, and the distribution of food supply is poor Besides the limited amount of fertile land, there will be a great increase in the need for food and agricultural products In 1980, the population of the world was about four billion In 2000 the figure was over six billion and in the next twenty years, the world’s population will be about eight billion 31 What are scientists in many fields studying? 32 How many reasons of limited food production are mentioned? 33 If we make maximum use of both land and sea can we triple food production? 34 What is discussed in the second paragraph? 35 Was the passage written before 2000? Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word In some countries as many as nice (36) of ten adults read at least one newspaper a day Why so many people (37) newspapers? There are five basic functions of a newspaper: to inform, to comment, to persuade, to instruct (38) to entertain Of the two major categories of newspapers, the popular newspaper and the quality newspaper, the (39) has millions of readers while the latter, only hundreds of thousands Yet the popular papers seem largely designed (40) entertainment Their new coverage contains a lot of comment The quality newspapers put a much higher value on factual information (41) on entertainment It is not only in content that the two types of papers differ, (42) 10 51 How long / holidays / ? 52 You mention / there / be / regular salary increases / perhaps / you / confirm / they / be automatic / ? 53 I / hope / you / not / mind / ask / additional information 54 This / important / me / before / I / make / decision / 55 I look forward / receive / early reply / Yours faithfully, Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one Example: I have been learning English for six years Answer: I started to learn English six years ago 56 She must be kept informed of all these developments That is of great importance It is 57 In spite of the bad weather, the pilot will bring the plane down safely Though 58 Tuberculosis and pneumonia are no longer incurable diseases No longer 59 Tom is sorry he didn’t watch the games last night Tom wishes 60 “Don’t talk while I am explaining the lesson”, the teacher said to his students The teacher told 61 Man has never has such efficient servants as computers Computers 62 They often see him stand by that gate He is 63 I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go out this evening I’d rather 64 Mary, “You can’t borrow my motorbike, Paul” Mary refused 65 Peter is a careless driver If he doesn’t take more care, he’ll have an accident Unless TEST Make all the necessary changes and additions from the following sets of words to make up complete sentences Example: after graduation / he/ offer / good job / good prospect Answer: After graduation he was offered a good job with good prospect 46 Thank you / much / your letter / arrive / few days ago / 47 I / be / lovely / hear / you / 48 I / sorry / I / not / write / such / long time / but / very busy / 49 As you know / we / buy / new house / September / 37 50 I / be / very / bad condition / and / it / need / lost / work / 51 We / finish / most / it / now / and / it / look / very / nice / 52 Peter and I / decide / give / house-warming party / May 3rd / 53 You / think / you / able / come / ? 54 Please / give / me / ring / let / know / you / make / it / 55 I / really / look forward / see / you / again / Love, Jenny Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one Example: I have been learning English for six years Answer: I started to learn English six years ago 56 “I don’t think John will come,” said Bill Bill doubted 57 “I think you should go by train,” he told us He advised 58 “If I were you I wouldn’t trust Peter,” she told John She advised 59 “I’m sorry that I broke the glass,” said Peter Peter apologized 60 “It certainly wasn’t me who took your car,” said Bob Bob denied 61 “Shall we go to Paris for the weekend, John?” Mary asked Mary suggested 62 “You were cheating,” said Carol to Jane Carol accused 63 A burglar broke into our house last week Our house 64 A donkey is less beautiful than a horse A donkey is not 65 A friend lent Geogre the motorbike he rode in the race The motorbike ridden TEST Make all the necessary changes and additions from the following sets of words to make up complete sentences Example: after graduation / he/ offer / good job / good prospect Answer: After graduation he was offered a good job with good prospect 46 There / a few / thing / that / we / consider / 47 My cousin / tell / me / your brother / going / England / study / 48 Though untrained / Shilong / learn / very fast / and / prove / good worker 49 I think / you / speak / manager / 38 50 His brother / always / been / easy-going / adventurous / mischievous / boy / 51 Chapters / teach / Dr Jones / this morning / be / next week’s exam / 52 You / cannot / park / car / no-park zone / 53 make / no difference / whether / she / be / married / 54 Appliance company director / say / last Monday / refrigerator / deliver / soon / possible / 55 far / I know / nothing / / so far / Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one Example: I have been learning English for six years Answer: I started to learn English six years ago 56 The store was opened in 1932 by John John 57 After fighting the fire for 12 hours the firemen succeeded in putting it out The firemen managed 58 Small fishing boats continued to sail out though the coastal guards had warned them Despite 59 He didn’t find anything though he came very early He found 60 Both of his answers are incorrect Neither 61 You can this successfully only with my help Only 62 She couldn’t tell you about that because she felt ashamed Because of 63 Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second son Only when 64 Alice’s strange ideas astonished everybody Alice’s strange ideas made 65 All his suits were made in Paris He had TEST Make all the necessaiy changes and additions from the following sets of words to make up complete sentences Example: after graduation/he/offer! good job / good prospect Answer: After graduation he was offered a good job with good prospect 46 Why/French/lucky/? 47 That / be / question / medical researches / want / answer 39 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 French / eat / more cheese / other Europeans / they / lower rate / heart disease / Cheese / bad / for / heart / because / like butter /it / have / lot / fat / results / research / surprising / good news / wine lovers / everywhere / French / also / biggest wine drinkers / Europe / Drinking wine / food / reduce / risk / heart attack / If you / not / wine / lover / daily / aspirin / has same / results / The ancient Greeks / also lucky / diet / olive oil / garlic / fish / vegetables / bread / very healthy/ Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one Example: I have been learning English for six years Answer: I started to learn English six years ago 56 “You should have waited for us,” the team leader said to John The team leader criticized _ 57 I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later Only when _ 58 Allan regretted asking Arthur to lend him 20 pounds Allan wished _ 59 Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded Despite his 60 Although I pay him very much, this man is never satisfied However _ 61 Amanda finally managed to get a good job Amanda finally succeeded _ 62 April is the hottest month in South Vietnam No other _ 63 Are they going to demolish these old houses Are these _ 64 Are you very tall? Can you reach that picture? Are you tall _ 65 As I get older, I want to travel less The older _ TEST Make all the necessary changes and additions from the following sets of words to make up complete sentences 40 Example: after graduation/ he / offer! good job !good prospect Answer: After graduation he was offered a good job with good prospect Dear Julia, 46 Thank you/lovely letter/which/await/me/I/ return / holiday / yesterday / 47 I/be/glad / hear/ You/ your husband/ be well / and enjoy/ live/ new house/ 48 I / just / have ! wonderful holiday ! some friends / Northern Ireland / 49 We / fly/ London ! Belfast / and / visit/ Lots /interesting places / 50 We / stay / big hotel / look / valley! 51 We/eat/foods/buy/market/close/hotel/ 52 We / spend / most / time ! fish / walk / mountains / 53 Now/ I/ready ! go back ! work / Monday / 54 I/look forward / see / both / you / my brother’s wedding ! September 16th 55 Let’s hope / weather / be fine / Best wishes, Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one Example: I have been learning English for six years Answer: I started to learn English six years ago 56 It seems to me that I met you in Cardiff in 1991 I seem _ 57 I had just arrived home when she came No sooner _ 58 I want you to cook the dinner now I’d rather 59 We could not contact him because he gave us the wrong number If he _ 60 People have talked much but done little about it Much _ 61 He was fool to say that It was _ 62 As soon as I received her letter, I replied to it Upon 63 As soon as the bell rang, all the pupils stood up No sooner _ 64 As television programs become more popular, they seem to get worse The more _ 65 As soon as the teacher came in, they stopped talking No sooner _ 41 TEST Make all the necessary changes and additions from the following sets of words to make up complete sentences Example: after graduation / he / offer / good job / good prospect Answer: After graduation he was offered a good job with good prospect Dear Mrs Smith, 46 I / see / your / advertisement I today’s / Oxford News? 47 I/ like / apply / job / look / your two children / morning / 48 At present / I / be / student / local Technical College / I study / English / 49 Al though / I / only twenty / year / old / I / have / lot / experience / caring children? 50 I / have / younger / brothers / sisters / myself / 51 Last year / I work / London Mother’s Help / ten months / 52 During / time / I / responsible / three-year-old boy / his mother / be / at work / 53 If you / think / I / be suitable / please / ring / me / 72386 / we can / arrange / time / meet / 54 The best time to call / be / p.m / I? be / always / home / that time / 55 I / look forward / talk / you / Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one Example: I have been learning English for six years Answer: I started to learn English six years ago 56 At that time my aunt was looking after the children for us At that time our children _ 57 Barbara plays squash better than Mike Mike doesn’t _ 58 Because his mother was poor, she couldn’t send him to school His mother was too 59 Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldn’t sail The rough sea _ 60 Because there was a late frost, much of the maize crop was spoiled A frost, 61 Before she was 40 she had written 10 novels Her 10 novels _ 62 Belinda felt very depressed but she still went to the party Belinda went to the party _ 63 Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people Betty is devoted _ 64 Betty let Karen keep the kitten 42 65 Karen _ Both she and her father travelled a lot She travelled a lot, as _ TEST Make all the necessary changes and additions from the following sets of words to make up complete sentences Example: After graduation/he /offer/good job /good prospect Answer: After graduation he was offered a good job with good prospect Dear Mr Degama, 46 It / be / my great / pleasure / in form / you / 47 that / your / entry / to competition / have / be / award / First Prize / the / competition judges / 48 Please / accept / our congratulation / for / event / 49 As / you / known / Prize / be / three-week holiday / Britain / 50 51 52 53 54 55 with / all / expenses / pay / plus / a cash sum / 300 pounds / spending money / We / should / be / please / if / you / kindly / inform / us / your acceptance / prize / and / date / be / convenient / your trip / We / intend / make / occasion / The Journey of Lifetime / and let / you see / much / Britain / Please / kindly / inform / us / any particular places / sports / activities / you wish / see / We / / our best / comply / your wishes / I look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely, David Markham (Sales Director) Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one Exam ple: I have been learning English for six years Answer: I started to learn English six years ago 56 Brenda had no idea of her next move Brenda did not know what _ 57 “Bring your swimming things in case it’s sunny” He told her _ 58 But for his help, I would have gone bankrupt If _ 59 But for your unsuspected talents as a mechanic we would have been stranded there for hours If 60 By the end of the week, Harry was well again Harry had got _ 61 By the time we arrive, the other guests will have already started the dinner 43 62 63 64 65 The dinner _ “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter Peter asked if _ “Can I have a new bicycle?” said Anna to her mother Anna asked _ “Can you tell me the way to the railway station, please?” Juan asked a passer-by Juan asked a _ Carol find it easy to make friends Carol has no _ TEST 10 Make all the necessaiy changes and additions from the following sets of words to make up complete sentences Example: After graduation / he / offer / good job / good prospect Answer: After graduation he was offered a good job with good prospect 46 Susan Fisher/ a student / who / about / leave / school 47 I / would / advise / you / learn / foreign / language 48 My advice / that / you /continue / study 49 I / would / recommend / you / get / job / as soon as possible 50 If / you / I /would go / night school / learn / profession 51 It / would / seem / me / your best course / to tell them / how / feet 52 From my point / view / I think / you / call / police 53 In / opinion / you / throw / rubbish / back 54 It / would seem / your best course / is to send / letter /complaint 55 As far as / concerned / best thing / to take / them / court Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one Example: I have been learning English for six years Answer: I started to learn English six years ago 56 The keeper feed the lions at p.m every day The lions _ 57 We got lost because we didn’t have a map If we _ 58 “Where is the station car park?” Mrs Smith asked Mrs Smith asked where _ 59 I’d prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday I would rather _ 60 Without the sun, there would be no kinds of energy 44 61 62 63 64 65 If _ In spite of the bad weather, the pilot will bring the plane down safely Though _ Arthur said he was sorry he had hurt her feeling Arthur apologized _ She bought the house in 1973 She has _ It was such a dull play that she fell asleep The play was It isn’t necessary to shout You needn’t _ PART III: TRANSLATION TEST 1 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 66 Britain is too small and crowded to produce all the food its people need In fact, more than half of Britain’s foodstuffs are bought abroad 67 Every British citizen who is employed has to pay a weekly contribution to the national insurance and health schemes 68 An employer also makes a contribution for each of his employees 69 Today more of Britain’s workers belong to a trade union than in any other major Western country, 70 But this may not be true for much longer because during 1980s the unions lost much of their strength and popularity Translate the following sentences into English 71 Cơ Hoa có nhiều kinh nghiệm cơng tác 72 Cơ Hoa làm việc lâu rồi? Cô làm cho công ty từ năm 2001 73 Cơ Hoa lại chịu khó Cơ khơng ngại làm việc ngồi giờ, kể ngày chủ nhật 74 Cơ Hoa có biết ngoại ngữ khơng? Cô sử dụng tiếng Anh tiếng Pháp 75 Nhưng cô thành thạo tiếng Anh tiếng Pháp TEST Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 66 Environmental problems are often particularly difficult to resolve because they are interrelated with other social issues such as employment levels, profits, and environmental quality 45 67 Often solutions to one problem create other problems just as difficult to solve So solutions frequently involve compromise 68 Women want their independence years ago After a long, bitter struggler they now enjoy the same education and job opportunities as men 69 Building a new factory in this area brings many good things to the community Two examples are more job opportunities for the local residents and better infrastructure 70 Were I to live my life again, I should live just as I have done I neither complained the past nor fear the future Translate the following sentences into English 71 Điều kiện sống (living conditions) châu Âu nhiều so với trước Do mà người châu Âu không muốn rời bỏ quê hương 72 Nền kinh tế chịu ảnh hưởng nhiều yếu tố xã hội (social factors) 73 Rõ ràng rằng, khó khăn mà gặp phải thiếu vốn (lack of capital) 74 Chi phí cho việc chữa bệnh thuốc gây nên (treatment of smoking-induced disease) ngày tăng Vì phủ đánh thuế thuốc cao (set high tax on cigarettes) 75 Canada Mỹ chiếm vùng đất rộng lớn (cover large teritoties) Giữa miền có nhiều khác biệt rõ rệt (distinctive differences) TEST Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 66 Eating and drinking insufficiently or abundantly is both harmful to our health 67 The vitamin necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruit and green vegetables 68 That was nearly impossible for a man in the middle of the nineteenth century to become a doctor 69 Although fire and hot water cause most accidents in the home, many children cut themselves with knives 70 In questions of preserving peace and saving mankind from the threat of nuclear war, let no one remain indifferent or stand aloof Translate the following sentences into English 71 Margaret xin lỗi anh bạn đồng nghiệp (colleague) cầm nhầm (takes something by mistake) ô anh 72 Thấy có phiền khơng em ngồi sang cạnh cửa sổ 73 Trước trở thành giám đốc cơng ty đó, Mike làm nhiều nghề, từ thợ mộc, bán báo thiết kế y phục (clothes designer) 74 Khoa học cho ta biết nhiều mặt trăng (the moon surface) thật dễ dàng tưởng tượng (imagine) lên 46 75 Có nhiều xe máy thành phố nguyên nhân chủ yếu dẫn đến tai nạn nghiêm trọng (serious accidents) nạn kẹt xe thường xuyên (frequent congestions / traffic jams) đường phố TEST Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 66 By the end of this century the computer will touch the lives of everyone, even people in distant villages It is a revolutionary invention 67 The UN has a family of other organizations which try to provide a better life for everyone For example, UNICEF provides food, medical care, and many other services to poor children 68 Perhaps men suffer fore from heart diseases and some other diseases related to the pressures of living and working in a modern society because they not cry enough 69 The Mediterranean has been described as the world’s largest swimming pool However, it can also be described now as the world’s dirtiest sewer, full of rubbish, oil and waste of all kinds 70 For centuries countries have fought each other, and powerful countries have taken control of weaker ones Nevertheless, the UN is attempting to persuade nations to live together in peace Translate the following sentences into English 71 Học ngoại ngữ đòi hỏi kiên nhẫn (requires patience) thực hành đặn 72 Có thể học ngoại ngữ thời gian ngắn, bạn nói viết câu thường dùng (commonly-used sentencces) 73 Mua hàng qua mạng internet (internet shopping) trở nên ngày phổ biến 74 Khoa học cho ta biết nhiều mặt trăng (the moon surface) thật dễ dàng tưởng tượng (imagine) lên 75 Có nhiều xe máy thành phố nguyên nhân chủ yếu dẫn đến tai nạn nghiêm trọng (serious accidents) nạn kẹt xe thường xuyên (frequent congestions / traffic jams) đường phố TEST Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 66 Future cars will pick up the fuel during long journeys from a power source built into the road 67 Cars will automatically be controlled by a computer 68 All the driver will have to is say where to go and the computer will the rest 69 It will become impossible for cars to crash into one another 70 The technology already exists for the car to become a true automobile Translate the following sentences into English 71 Sau phát minh thuốc nổ (invent dynamite) Alfred Nobel trở nên giàu có 72 Tin học ngày trở nên phổ biến không với người lớn mà trẻ em 47 73 Báo cáo trình bày (present) hội nghị quốc tế (conference) tổ chức BangKok vào tháng sáu tới 74 Nếu bạn cần giúp đỡ chúng tôi, xin cho chúng tơi biết 75 Ngày có nhiều người học tiếng Anh Việt Nam TEST Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 66 In most cases, occasional feelings of mild dizziness are no cause for alarm, but are related to a sudden change in position 67 However, if you feel dizzy frequently, the dizziness lasts for a long period of time, or you have dizziness with other symptoms, see your doctor immediately 68 Your doctor may simply recommend that you lie down for a few minutes until the dizziness passes 69 People who are prone to dizziness because they take medications for heart conditions or high blood pressure should avoid sudden changes of position 70 If infection is suspected, your doctor will take a sample of fluid from the ear or sinuses for further study Translate the following sentences into English 71 Giá mà anh khám bác sĩ sớm anh khơng tình trạng xấu 72 Ngoài giá trị dinh dưỡng (nutritional values) sữa tươi, nhà khoa học cho (yoghurt) giüp kéo dài tuổi thọ người (life-span / longevity) 73 Cây cỏ nguồn thức ăn vô tận người mà nhiều loại thuốc quý (precious medicines) chiết xuất (extract) từ 74 Chóng mặt xảy trẻ em người lớn phổ biến trẻ tuổi vị thành niên (during adolescence) 75 Chóng mặt gây rối loạn hệ thần kinh trung ương (central nervous system), hay bệnh hệ tuần hoàn (circulatory system) TEST Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 66 Each year, nearly million migrants move from poor developing countries such as Bangladesh, India, Yemen and Persian Gulf States to wealthier ones 67 As long as high birth rates and poverty continue to place pressure on populations, migrants will continue to move to countries with more resources and greater opportunities 68 While the sending countries may miss the migrants’ contributions, countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom can benefit from migrants with much-needed talent 69 Population growth in some developing countries, such as South Korea, is slowing dramatically, while others continue to grow Therefore, migration across the borders of these developing countries may increase 48 70 Most European countries face the challenge of raising their extremely low birth rates or developing immigration policies that benefit both their country and its immigrants Translate the following sentences into English 71 Ô nhiễm môi trường vấn đề nghiêm trọng mà nhân loại phải đối mặt (face) 72 Khơng khí, nước đất cần thiết cho sống (survival) tất sinh vật (living things) 73 Khơng khí nhiễm nặng (badly-polluted) gây bệnh tật, chí tử vong 74 Nước nhiễm giết chết nhiều loại động thực vật hoang dã sinh vật biển (marine life) 75 Ô nhiễm đất (soil) làm giảm lượng đất đai dành cho sản xuất thực phẩm TEST Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 66 The UN General Assembly is made up of representatives from each member country, who discuss issues related to peace and security and make recommendations 67 The 15-member Security Council has the main responsibility for maintaining international peace 68 Five members - Britain, China, France, the Russian Federation, and the United States are permanent members of the Security Council 69 The remaining 10 members are elected by the General Assembly and serve two -year terms 70 A third organ of the UN, the Economic and Social Council, is responsible for the social and economic work of the UN Translate the following sentences into English 71 Liên Hiệp Quốc tổ chức hội nghị quốc tế lớn, người ta gặp để thảo luận vấn đề giới quan trọng (world issues) 72 Nhiều người tin cách thức tốt để Liên Hiệp Quốc hoạt động cho hòa bình giới thơng qua hoạt động nhân đạo (humanitarian activities.) 73 Liên Hiệp Quốc giúp nước kiểm soát dân số 74 Năm 1988 lực lượng gìn giữ hòa bình Liên Hiệp Quốc(UN peace-keeping forces) nhận giải Nobel Hòa Bình (Nobel Peace Prize) 75 Nhờ nỗ lực UNICEF, tỷ lệ tiêm chủng (immunization rate) trẻ em nước phát triển (developing countries) tăng từ 5% năm 1974 lên đến 89% ngày TEST Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 49 66 What lasers, leaches, tree bark, and old bread have in common? They are all things that people use to make medicine or to help sick people feel better 67 Throughout history people have searched for ways to live healthier and better lives 68 As early as 8000 B.C., people began to experiment with methods of helping sick people 69 Today we have the newest technology, yet we continue to look for ways to improve medicine and our system of health care 70 Scientists have found evidence that prehistoric people experimented with surgery in order to help sick people feel better Translate the following sentences into English 71 Vào năm 410 trước CN, Hy lạp cổ đại, thầy thuốc có tên Hippocrates nhận thức người ta bị ốm lý tự nhiên khơng phải Thượng đế giận 72 Trong kỷ trước nhiều phát minh quan trọng thực lĩnh vực y học 73 Những phát minh cứu sống sinh mạng hàng triệu người khắp giới 74 Nhà khoa học người Anh Alexander Flemming khám phá penicillin, kháng sinh đầu tiên, năm 1928 75 Ngày nay, bác sĩ cứu sống sinh mạng bệnh nhân cách cho họ trái tim hay thận TEST 10 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 66 The quality of the environment in hospitals may play an important role in the process of recovery from illness 67 People who are fascinated can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length 68 A lot of modern medicines are made from plants that were used by medicine men hundreds of years ago 69 Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract 70 When night falls, colors become fainter to the eyes and finally disappear Translate the following sentences into English 71 Lời nói cách giao tiếp quan trọng 72 Cách 880 năm, Cambridge thành phố phát triển lâu trước sinh viên giáo viên đến 73 Câu hỏi thực liệu máy vi tính có chấm dứt việc làm hay không mà máy thay đổi công việc 50 74 Bởi sử dụng cơng nghệ vi tính cách rộng rãi, tăng tốc (speed up) nhịp độ sản xuất (pace of production) 75 Trong thăm dò (survey) gần đây, ba phần tư người hỏi (respondent) cho biết máy tính làm cho sống họ tốt 51 ... ask carry on attempt consider choose deny dare delay decide (don´t) mind expect enjoy fail fancy forget finish help give up hope imagine learn involve manage keep offer keep on plan postpone pretend... be designing the models of tomorrow believe that environmental problems may well accelerate the pace of the car’s development Today, they are students on the transport design course at London... production on large scales can be achieved However, machinery needs to be controlled by people – intelligent and modern – in the era of machinery 26 What is considered a great invention? 27 What

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2018, 21:43

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