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Step by step listening 3 script

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Step By Step Listening Unit (Script) Listening Practice Leanne: Ken: Leanne: Ken: Leanne: Ken: Leanne: Hey, Ken! How are you? How was your summer? It was pretty good How was yours? It was good Wow, I love your new schoolbag Thanks What else did you get for school? I also got these new jeans and this new shirt What about you? What did you get, Leanne? Not much I just got some pencils, books and a ruler My parents said I didn’t need anything else Listening Practice 2 Jack went fishing with his parents during the holiday Lisa went on a ski trip with her friend during the holiday Joe read lots of comic books with his little brother during the holiday Kelly went to the beach and made sandcastles with her sister during the holiday Listening Practice 3 Michelle got a new pencil case on the first day of school Josh got a new book and a pencil on the first day of school Joanne got a new toothbrush and toothpaste on the first day of school Linda got new scissors and glue on the first day of school Listening Practice Girl: Larry: Girl: Larry: Girl: What did you on your holiday, Larry? Well, I went to Canada with my parents Cool What did you do? We saw beautiful water falls and cute beavers I also got these pencils and a ruler from Canada for school Oh, and I this is for you I got this pencil case for you Thank you Step By Step Listening Unit (Script) Listening Practice Sandra: Joe: Sandra: Joe: Sandra: Joe: Sandra: Joe: What did you bring for lunch? Chicken, rice and fish That’s my favorite It smells delicious What about you? I brought spaghetti with meatballs for lunch! They are my favorite There goes the bell What subject we have now, Sandra? Oh, no! We have math and then science I really hate math I wish we had art today instead of math Well, we better get ready for class before the teacher comes Listening Practice 2 My classmate Luke has a younger brother My classmate John has two older sisters My classmate Linda has an older sister and a younger brother My classmate Julie has two older brothers Listening Practice I made lots of new friends in my class Linda’s one of my new friends She told me her favorite foods are fried rice, chicken and nuts She also said that her favorite subjects are English and music, just like me I think we are going to be good friends Listening Practice Julie: I am home, Mom Mom: How was school today, Julie? Did you make any new friends? Julie: Sure I talked to Joanne and Josh today Joanne likes the same food as I She loves scrambled eggs and bacon And her favorite subject is music Just like me! Mom: Really? What about Josh? Julie: He told me he loves noodles, and he is really good at math Mom: You can ask Josh for help with your math homework It sounds like you had a good day today Step By Step Listening Unit (Script) Listening Practice Judy: I don’t have my timetable What class we have now, Brian? Brian: We have art Did you bring your colored pencils, scissors, glue, and sketchbook? Judy: Let’s see I have colored pencils, scissors, and glue Oh, no! I forgot to bring my sketchbook Brian: Don’t worry You can borrow mine Judy: Thank you so much I’ll give it back to you after class Listening Practice Today we have gym Our gym teacher told us to bring a jump rope to class Today I have music My music teacher told me to bring a recorder or a harmonica to class Today I have science My science teacher told us to bring magnets to class Today I have English My English teacher told us to bring a dictionary to class Listening Practice Lucy has science first, then math and English today Kelly has art first, then music and math today Mark has gym first, then science and music today Veronica has English first, then math and art today Listening Practice Wood: Kate: Wood: Kate: Wood: Kate: Hi Kate How are you doing? I am really busy I’m building a model bridge for my science class That sounds interesting What materials did you use for the bridge? I used paper, plastic, and glue Will you show it to the class to let your classmates have a look? Sure! I will show them when I am finished Unit (Script) Step By Step Listening Listening Practice Sue: Mark Sue: Mark Sue: Mark When does your first class start, Mark? It starts at o’clock, and our last class in the morning finishes at 12: 30 What you have then? We have an hour for lunch until 1: 30 How many more classes you have in the afternoon? I have two more classes, and then school finishes at o’clock Listening Practice 2 Andrea has gym at 9:00 Brian has math at 2:30 Ben has English at 1:15 Kelly has music at 1: 40 Listening Practice Hi, I am Barry I love Monday’s timetable! My first class, at 9o’clock is science, and then I have art at 10 o’clock After that I have math at 11 o’clock, and then it’s lunch! At o’clock I have English, and then, at o’clock, I have music My last class at o’clock is gym What a great day! Listening Practice Anna: Greg, what is your morning timetable like? Greg: First I have math, and then I have art After that, I have English What about you, Anna? Anna: First I have music, and then I have gym After that I have English Greg: Who is your English teacher? Anna: Umm… I think it’s Mr Stone Greg: Hey, we’re in the same class! Anna: Cool! What about in the afternoon? Greg: Let’s see I have music and then science for the last class Anna: Our last classes are the same, too I have math and then science Let’s walk home together Greg: Okay Unit (Script) Step By Step Listening Listening Practice Merissa: Kelly: Merissa: Kelly It’s already Friday, Kelly What things did you this week? I walked home with my new friend, Julie, and we had hamburgers for dinner together What about you? Well, I helped my mom the dishes and I helped my dad with the vacuum cleaning this week That was very nice, Merissa! But, it doesn’t sound very interesting Listening Practice Lucy’s week was boring She stayed home doing homework John’s week was exciting He went to his friend’s surprise party and played lots of games David’s week was bad His mom got angry at him because he woke up late every morning this week Joanne’s week was pretty good Her mom bought her a new shirt and sneakers Listening Practice Hi, I am John I want to tell you about my week On Monday, I had so much homework It took me two hours to finish it On Tuesday, I went to the movies with my sister, but the movie was really boring On Wednesday, I went to my friend Mike’s house and played computer games On Thursday, I got a new haircut after school And today, I am going to watch TV after dinner! Listening Practice John: Lisa, what are you going to this Saturday? Lisa: My mom and I will shop for clothes I want to buy a new pink dress, a red sweater and some white socks What about you? John: I’m going to play basketball with my dad, and then, cook dinner for my mom Lisa: That is so sweet of you, John! Unit (Script) Listening Practice Hailey: Wow, look at all of these dolls! How many you have? Step By Step Listening Jody: I’ve got more than thirty Hailey: How long have you been collecting dolls? Jody: I started collecting dolls when I was years old, so I’ve been collecting them for about six years What about you? What you for fun? Hailey: I like knitting I knitted scarves, sweaters and mittens for my family last winter Jody: Maybe you could knit something for one of my dolls Hailey: Yeah! That would be fun Listening Practice 2 My mom’s hobby is baking cookies My hobby is sculpting our family’s faces with soap My dad’s hobby is playing video games with my little brother My brother’s hobby is collecting action figures Listening Practice 3 John collects model trains Sometimes, he shows his models to his classmates Drew's grandpa likes to take photos of her Kelly’s hobby is to collect comic books Jane has a huge coin collection with money from all around the world Listening Practice Cathy: These action figures and robots are so cool! Where did you buy them? I would like to get one of them Joey: I didn’t buy them I made them My hobby is making things like robots and action figures Cathy: You really made them by yourself? Joey: I sure did! Cathy: How many have you made so far? Joey: I have made 10 robots and action figures this year I would like to try making wood furniture with my dad next year Cathy: That sounds wonderful Joey: How about you? What is your hobby? Cathy: Well, I am not good at it, but I enjoy making pottery Joey: I would really like to see your pottery Cathy: Come over to my house next week Joey: I can’t wait! Unit (Script) Listening Practice Mr Brown: Today’s discussion topic is exciting hobbies What hobbies you think are Step By Step Listening extra exciting or fun? Brian? Brian: I think hot air ballooning would be a fun thing to do, but maybe a little expensive Mr Brown: It does look pretty fun Kim, what about you? Kim Well, I think bungee jumping would be exciting Mr Brown: It looks dangerous to me, but definitely fun John? John: I really want to try horseback riding It looks really fun and I love horses Mr Brown: It does look fun John: Mr Brown, tell us what you think Mr Brown: Hmmm… I really want to try racecar driving! I think it would be really exciting! Listening Practice 2 Jake loves windsurfing He goes windsurfing every weekend Jason likes stargazing He always carries his telescope Michelle likes making soap She gives them for a present to her teacher Matthew’s dad likes to bungee jump He likes challenging sports Listening Practice 3 My family enjoys gardening as a hobby My dad’s hobby is parachuting He is very brave My hobby is making teddy bears I have already made three of them My hobby is making and decorating my homepage Listening Practice Lisa: Ben: Lisa: Ben: Lisa: Ben: Lisa: Hey, Ben What is your hobby? I like collecting stamps Why you like collecting stamps? Well, I enjoy learning from different countries Each stamp tells a story of their country Oh, that's interesting How many stamps have you collected? I have over 500 stamps from 60 different countries Wow! That is amazing Unit (Script) Listening Practice Step By Step Listening Jane: Wow! You look healthy lately, Kelly What is your secret? Kelly: Well, I try to play sports a lot Jane: How often you play sports? Kelly: At least four times a week Jane: What kind of sports you play? Kelly: On Monday and Friday, I play volleyball after school On Tuesday and Thursday, I go for a jog after dinner Jane: No wonder you look so fit! Listening Practice I love winter sports like skiing and snowboarding I love playing summer sports like beach volleyball Sweating under the sun feels great I like indoor sports better than outdoor sports One of my favorite indoor sports is Taekwondo I like outdoor sports I think the best outdoor sport is mountain climbing Listening Practice 3 Mary tries to walk to school every morning to stay healthy Mike enjoys playing sports like baseball, volleyball and even tennis to stay healthy Josh goes mountain climbing every weekend to stay healthy Judy’s mom doesn’t like exercising but tries to go for a jog at least twice a week to stay healthy Listening Practice Mom: Don’t you think you are being too lazy lately? You seem like you have gained some weight Maybe you should try to exercise a little Kate: I am exercising Mom I walk to school every morning Mom: That is not exercising It only takes two minutes to get there Why don’t you take swimming lessons? Kate: I hate swimming! Mom: What about basketball? Kate: That sounds okay But I am only going to play it once a week! Unit (Script) Listening Practice Step By Step Listening Josh: What’s wrong, Josh? You don’t look so good Mark: I have a math test next class I get nervous and scared when I have tests Josh: I know how you feel I am scared of taking tests too But what I am really scared of is roller coasters Mark: Really? They are not scary They are fun! Listening Practice I am so scared of big dogs because they can bite me I am scared of swimming at the beach I think sharks will come and bite me I am so scared of tall buildings When I am on a tall building I feel dizzy because I might fall down I am really scared of spiders Their hairy legs are horrifying I can’t even watch the movie Spiderman Listening Practice 3 Kelly is scared of snakes She is scared of their long tongues Jack is scared of mice Whenever he sees mice he shouts Lucy is scared of skunks because they stink so bad Vicky is scared of clowns She hates their big, wide, red mouths Listening Practice Jane: Jake: Jane: Jake: Jane: Jake: Jane: Jake: Jane: Jake: Jane: Hey, Jake! Did you hear that we are going to go on a ski trip to Japan? Really? How are we going to get there? By an airplane of course! Oh, no! I can’t get on an airplane Why not? I am scared of them I’m so worried that they might crash Jake! Don’t worry It won’t crash! I am not going to get on the plane! How are you going to get there? I am going to take a boat Well, good luck I hope you arrive on time Unit 10 (Script) Listening Practice Max: Who is that over there, Kelly? Step By Step Listening Kelly: Who? That’s Julie She’s my best friend Max: What is she like? Kelly: She’s really smart and kind She helps me a lot with my homework, and she also helps me study before tests Max: I would like to be her best friend too Kelly: Well, I can introduce you, but she is shy She doesn’t like talking to boys Listening Practice 2 Brian is a very shy student He doesn’t like talking in front of people Joanne is a smart girl She can speak three languages Peter is a brave boy He saved a cat on the road Kim is a timid girl She can’t watch scary movies Listening Practice Cathy is my best friend She is very smart She speaks English and Chinese as well She also gets good grades in all subjects She is kind too She helps me with my homework after school, but she is very shy She doesn’t like talking to people she doesn’t know Listening Practice Helen: I really don’t like the new girl in our class, Grace Grace: Are you talking about Linda? Helen: Yes I said hello to her yesterday, but she didn’t even look at me Grace: Maybe she couldn’t hear you, or maybe she is shy I don’t think it is nice to talk about someone behind their back, Helen Helen: But she is so mean! On Wednesday I asked her if I could borrow her eraser, but she didn’t say anything Grace: I heard she is from Japan Maybe she couldn’t understand you I think she might find it difficult to make new friends in a new school Wouldn’t you get shy and nervous if you were in her situation? Helen: Well, maybe you are right Unit 11 (Script) Listening Practice Wood: Today we are going to talk about the foods our body needs What food should we eat the most? 10 Step By Step Listening Ben: Lisa: Sure! It’s easy First, chop some onions and lettuce into small pieces Next, wait until the water boils Then put the noodles and chopped vegetables together in the boiling water Finally, put some sauce on to the noodles Can I have some noodles when they’re cooked? They smell delicious Listening Practice 2 Put some milk into the blender and add chocolate Then blend them together Chop some vegetables and meat Put them into the pan and add rice Fry them Cut potatoes into long pieces and fry them in hot oil Chop vegetables and add some chicken then mix them in a bowl Listening Practice Sandwiches are loved by everyone around the world They are delicious and also easy to make First spread some butter on two slices of bread Then put cheese, ham, and bacon on top of the slice After that, add some vegetables like onions and tomatoes Finally, put the other slice of bread on top of them and enjoy your sandwich! Listening Practice Mom: Jake: Mom: Jake: Mom: Jake: Mom: Jake: Mom: Jake: Mom: Jake: Jake, can you help me? Sure What can I for you? Can you please mix that together until it’s smooth? Okay What is this anyway? It’s flour, egg and some milk We are going to make pancakes Yum! I think they are all mixed Now put it on the heated pan until it cooks Mom! It’s cooked! What I now? Flip it over so the other side is cooked well Put them on the dish and add toppings like honey, strawberries and cream Like this? I think both sides are cooked Yes! I think we are ready to eat! That was easy! Next time I can cook it by myself Review (Script) Listening Review Rosa: Lily: Rosa: Lily: Hey, Lily! How was your summer holiday? Pretty good Wow, I love your new dress Thanks, I just got it yesterday 12 Step By Step Listening Rosa: Lily: Rosa: What else did you get for school, Lily? I also got these shoes and glasses So what did you get, Rosa? Well, I only got new books, and a cap Listening Review 2 Today, Lisa has gym Her gym teacher told her to bring inline skates to class Today, Joe has music His music teacher told him to bring his violin to class Today, Melissa has art Her art teacher told her to bring colored pencils to class Today, Jake has English His English teacher told him to bring a book and a pencil to class Listening Review Jane is scared of cats She doesn’t like cats’ sharp claws Kelly is scared of big dogs She thinks dogs will bite her Kate is scared of riding a bicycle She fell off her bike when she was little and hurt her knee badly Joe is scared of taking tests He is worried that he might not get a good grade and make his mom angry at him Listening Review On Monday, Joe ate a pork cutlet, some fish and a banana On Tuesday, he had a hamburger with potato chips, a milkshake and a pear On Wednesday, he ate fried rice, a bacon sandwich and an apple On Thursday, he had some fried chicken, pumpkin soup and a cup of milk On Friday, he had scrambled eggs, baked beans, and sausages Listening Review Many people love spaghetti around the world It is delicious and easy to make You need noodles, vegetables and tomato sauce First put the noodles in the boiling water After that, fry the chopped vegetables with the tomato sauce Then, drain the water from the noodles Lastly, add the sauce That’s how you make spaghetti! Listening Review I made lots of new friends in my class Kate, one of my new friends, told me her favorite foods are dumplings and chocolate cake She also said that her favorite subjects are gym and science like me Unit 13 (Script) Listening Practice Waitress: Male: Waitress: Male: Hi, welcome to Flingers steakhouse Can I take your order? Yeah, I’d like some chicken noodle soup to start with Ok And, I’ll have the steak and potatoes 13 Step By Step Listening Waitress: Male: Waitress: Male: Waitress: Would you like something for dessert? Hmmm I’ll have the apple pie for dessert And anything to drink? I’ll have some grape juice Thanks Sounds good! Listening Practice Joanne ordered mushroom soup for an appetizer, fish and chips for the main dish, and chocolate cake for dessert Randy ordered tomato salad for an appetizer, cream sauce spaghetti for the main dish, and soda Melissa ordered chicken for the main dish, and ice cream for dessert Kate ordered grilled meat with rice for the main dish, cheesecake for dessert, and coffee Listening Practice One of my favorite restaurants is the seafood restaurant next to the bookstore I usually order shrimp salad for an appetizer, salmon steak for the main dish, and chocolate cake for dessert They are always delicious My family goes there at least twice a month! Listening Practice Mom: Let’s go out for dinner! Where you want to go, Beth? Beth: Can we go to the Chinese restaurant! I want to have lemon chicken and dumplings Craig: No! I not want to go there! The main dishes are okay, but they don’t have good desserts I want to go to the steakhouse They have good dishes and desserts as well Beth: Yeah, okay Let’s go there Unit 14 (Script) Listening Practice Teacher: John: Teacher: John: Good morning, class Today’s topic is festivals and holidays around the world I heard that the Japanese celebrate the naked festival called Hadaka Matsuri They celebrate it twice a year Really? What they do, John? Hundreds of men wear underwear only and amongst them hides a fully naked 14 Step By Step Listening Teacher: Craig: Teacher: man They believe the person who touches the man will be lucky for the year Wow! That’s interesting! Who can talk about other holidays or festivals? Germans celebrate Oktoberfest During that festival, people drink beer and eat yummy sausages I would love to celebrate that! Listening Practice 2 On Saint Patrick’s Day, people wear and eat green things People in Spain have tomato fights at La Tomatina On Earth Day, people try to help the Earth by picking up rubbish and planting trees On Halloween, people dress in costumes and go around their neighborhood to ask for candies Listening Practice There are many holidays that are celebrated all around the world One is Christmas! Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December People gather and give gifts to each other Thanksgiving is also celebrated all around the world, but it is celebrated in different days in different ways In Korea, it is called Chuseok It is a three day holiday People return to their hometown and eat lots of food together There are some holidays that are only celebrated in a specific country For example, children’s day and Teachers’ Day are celebrated only in Korea in May Listening Practice Mom: Why you look so worried, Sam? Sam: I have to write a short report about a world festival, but I don’t know what to write about Mom: What about Rio Samba Carnival? Sam: What is that? Mom: In Brazil, people get together and play music and dance the samba They even hold wonderful samba parades Sam: Wow! That sounds wonderful I would really like to be in that festival! Unit 15 (Script) Listening Practice Cathy: Larry: Cathy: Larry: Wow! Where did you take this photo? I took this photo last summer in Spain Why is your family throwing tomatoes at each other? We went there last summer to see La Tomatina Festival It looked fun so we joined in Cathy: That must have been fun! So what happened after the festival? 15 Step By Step Listening Larry: I had to take a bath for two hours to get the tomatoes off my body, but it was exciting! Listening Practice Linda’s best holiday was Mother’s Day She gave her mom a bunch of roses with a card that said “I love you Mommy” on it Jane’s best holiday was Valentine’s Day She got lots of chocolates from different boys Craig’s best holiday was Christmas He got a present from his parents last year Josh’s best holiday was Saint Patrick’s Day He wore green clothes and ate green tea cake and steak covered with green sauce Listening Practice Last April fool’s Day was the worst holiday for me When I was 10 years old, my best friend Josh told me that he was moving to another country I believed him and cried for about an hour The next day, he told me it was a lie I got so mad at him for lying and making me cry, but he started to laugh Listening Practice Craig: Have you ever been to a festival, Judy? Judy: Yes, I have My family went to Japan and we went to the Hinamatsuri festival, which is also known as the doll festival Craig: How was it? Judy: Well, the doll festival was not as fun as I thought It is a festival for moms Craig: Why is that? Judy: They believe dolls have power to fight against the bad spirits So they buy a doll and pray for their daughters well being and float it on the river Craig: That is interesting So what did your mom pray for? Judy: I don’t know She told me it is her secret Unit 16 (Script) Listening Practice Cathy: Come in, Mark! Mark: Wow! Your house is huge, Cathy How many rooms you have? Cathy: There are three bedrooms, a study, a kitchen, a bathroom, a dining room, and an attic in my house Let me show you around This is the study My dad spends most of his time here This is my bedroom And, this is my favorite place, the attic! I spend 16 Step By Step Listening most of my time here! Mark: What you in here? Cathy: I play hide and seek with my sister! Listening Practice 2 Ben’s house has two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom Jessie’s house has a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom Craig’s house has a bedroom, a living room, and a kitchen Kelly’s house has three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms Listening Practice Hi, I am Beth Let me talk to you about my house It has floors It’s really big On the first floor there is a living room, a dining room, a fireplace, a bathroom and a kitchen On the second floor, there are three bedrooms, a bathroom and a study In the yard there is a tree house on top of a huge tree and a swimming pool My family and I love spending time all together in the swimming pool Listening Practice Dad: This will be our new home, Jack Jack: It is in an apartment building Dad: Yes it is Jack: It’s going to be much smaller than our old house I don’t like it Dad: Well, don’t say that until you take a look inside Look it has a big living room, a kitchen, a fireplace, five bedrooms and two bathrooms Jack: I want to use these two rooms for myself, dad! I love this apartment It’s much bigger than the old one! Unit 17 (Script) Listening Practice Wood: Today we are going to talk about your dream house First, let me start with mine I’d want a house with floors I want six bedrooms, a study, and a library on the first floor On the second floor, I want a sauna, a bathroom with a bath tub, and a music room And on the third floor I want a huge living room, a kitchen, and a dinning room Sally: You have to be rich to get a house like that, Mr Wood 17 Step By Step Listening Wood: Josh: I am not finished I want a water fountain in my front yard, and a tennis court and a merry-go-round in the backyard Now who wants to talk about your dream house? I want the same house too Listening Practice 2 Kelly’s dream house has a water fountain in the front yard Sue’s dream house has a swimming pool in the backyard Kate’s dream house has beautiful terrace and a garden Jake’s dream house has a fire place in the living room Listening Practice I want to have my dream house with a great seaside view My dream house will have a terrace and a garden with beautiful flowers I will be reading a book on the rocking chair drinking tea on the terrace My house will also have bedrooms, a kitchen, an attic and a huge living room It would be fantastic if I could have a house like that in the future Listening Practice Mom: What are you doing John? John: I am doing my homework My English teacher told the class to draw our dream house Mom: That sounds fun! So, what is your dream house going to be like? John: I’d like to have my dream house in France It won’t be too big It is going to have a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom But I can see the beautiful river and the Eiffel Tower from my balcony Mom: I think it sounds like a beautiful dream house, John Unit 18 (Script) Listening Practice Jane: My neighborhood is pretty boring It doesn’t have a movie theater Mike: Really, Jane? My neighborhood has so many things It has a big park, a department store, a bookstore, a library, a vet, and even an amusement park Jane: Lucky you, Mike! I really want to live in a neighborhood like that! Listening Practice 18 Step By Step Listening John’s favorite place to go in his neighborhood is the library next to the bakery Ben’s favorite place to go in his neighborhood is the movie theater in front of the park Jessie’s favorite place to go in his neighborhood is the small bakery across from the post office Kelly’s favorite place to go in her neighborhood is the school behind the bank Listening Practice My neighborhood is a nice place to live My family loves our neighborhood It has a park, a playground, a library, a department store, and a museum My dad’s favorite place in the neighborhood is the library He loves to go there and read books My mom’s favorite place is the museum My favorite place is of course the playground Listening Practice Kelly: Jeanie: Kelly: Jeanie: Kelly: Jeanie: Wow! Your neighborhood has so many things, Jeanie Yes It has a bookstore, a grocery store, and it also has a big dinosaur museum My neighborhood only has a movie theater, a seafood restaurant and a post office Well, my neighborhood has almost everything, but not a movie theater Maybe we can go to the movies together and eat dinner at the seafood restaurant That’s a great idea! Unit 19 (Script) Listening Practice Kate: So, how was your trip to America, Jane? Jane: It was great We stayed in New York for two weeks Kate: What was New York like? Jane: It had so many shops and tall buildings It seemed like a really busy city I also saw the Statue of Liberty in New York It was huge Kate: Well, tall buildings and shops don’t interest me I went to Paris, France for a holiday Jane: How was it? 19 Step By Step Listening Kate: Paris is a wonderful city! There are lots of museums, and you can hear beautiful songs everywhere Listening Practice Sydney is a city in Australia It has a famous opera house There is a beautiful white castle called the Taj Mahal in Agra, India Paris is a city in France It has a beautiful river called “La Seine” and a big tower, the Eiffel tower In Cairo, Egypt you can see pyramids and camels Listening Practice Have you been to Hawaii? Hawaii is a place made up of many islands that many people visit for their honeymoon Honolulu is the capital city of Hawaii It’s one of the most famous vacation cities in the world There are lots of tropical fruits to eat and many places to visit The most popular place to go is Waikiki Beach Thousands of people from all over the world come to enjoy the beach You should visit one day and enjoy the beauty of Hawaii Listening Practice Mom: Dad: Mom: Dad: Mom: Dad: Mom: Where shall we go for our summer vacation, John? We can take the kids to Orlando, Florida They will love it Don’t you think Los Angeles is better? They always wanted to go to Hollywood Well I think they’ll like Orlando better Why? That is where the world’s most famous amusement park is, Kate Oh, yes Disney World! I guess you are right They’ll love it Unit 20 (Script) Listening Practice Wood: Today we will be talking about transportation Who can tell me some examples of transportation? Jake: Cars, trucks, airplanes, helicopters and bicycles Wood: Very good What is your favorite type of transportation? Kelly: Airplanes are my favorite transportation They can take me to any place I want to go Wood: Yes, they surely can, Kelly Which transportation you use the most? Ken: Bicycles and buses Wood: Excellent, Ken! 20 Step By Step Listening Listening Practice This type of transportation has four wheels, a steering wheel and two wipers Four to six people can get into this type of transportation Only adults can drive this What is it? This type of transportation has two wheels Both kids and adults use this type of vehicle What is this? This type of transportation can only be used in water We can go to another city and even another country with this type of transportation What is it? This type of transportation has wings Many people can get into this type of transportation People use this to go to other countries What is it? Listening Practice I usually go to school by bus It takes about 10 minutes to go to school by bus When I wake up early in the morning, I ride my bicycle to school It takes about 20 minutes to go to school, but I like riding a bicycle to school because I get to exercise When I wake up late in the morning, my mom drives me to school by car It only takes about minutes Listening Practice Dad: Hurry up, kids! We have to get to the airport by o’clock! Steve_Jeanie: We are ready dad! Mom: Okay let’s go We have to catch a taxi Steve: Are we going to Orlando by taxi? Dad: No We are going to the airport by taxi Steve: So are we going to fly to Orlando? Mom: Yes, we are! The airplane we are going to take will take off at 0’clock Steve: How are we going to go to Disney World from the airport? Mom: The bus will be waiting for us Let’s go to the airport first kids! Let’s hurry! Unit 21 (Script) Listening Practice Kelly: Joe: Kelly: Joe: Kelly: Joe: Kelly: What you want to be in the future, Joe? Well, I am good at writing and drawing, so maybe I can become a writer What kind of writer? I haven’t thought about it yet What about a cartoonist? You can write and draw pictures as well Yeah! That’s a good idea What about you, Kelly? I always wanted to be an actress It’s my only dream 21 Step By Step Listening Listening Practice 2 Josh is good at math He wants to be a math teacher Ken is good at singing He wants to be a singer in the future Catherine likes learning English She would like to be an English teacher Lori is good at building and designing things I think she will be a great architect in the future Listening Practice My mom is a gym teacher She told me that she loved exercising when she was about my age My dad is a photographer He takes beautiful photos My dad’s favorite subject when he was young was art I haven’t thought about what I want to be in the future but my favorite subject is music and I also love playing piano Maybe I can be a pianist in the future Listening Practice Girl: Jason: Girl: Jason: Girl: What you want to be when you grow up, Jason? I'd like to be an engineer in the future What is an engineer? An engineer is a person who builds machines You want to work making machines? People don’t use machines often Why you want to build machines? Jason: Look around, you can see all kinds of machines Refrigerators, microwaves, cars and even toasters are machines everyone uses everyday! How about you? Girl: Well, I really want to be an architect I think it is going to be amazing to have a job as an architect Jason: Why? Girl: Because they build and design beautiful buildings for people I am going to build a beautiful castle like the Taj Mahal one day Jason: That does sound like a wonderful job I hope our dreams come true Unit 22 (Script) Listening Practice Craig: Nancy: Craig: Nancy: Craig: Nancy: I want to be a famous artist like Leonardo Da Vinci Who is that? He is the artist who painted the Mona Lisa Really? I didn’t know that! Who you want to be like, Nancy? Well, I want to be like Britney Spears I think she is the best singer I am going to be a singer like her one day 22 Step By Step Listening Listening Practice Mozart wrote his first music at the age of five He was a musical genius Edison is the first inventor of the light bulb Emma Watson is the famous British actress who starred in the Movie Harry Potter as Hermione Kim Yun-A is a famous figure skater She is only 18 years old now, but she is a world sports star Listening Practice Hans Christian Andersen is the world’s most famous fairy tale writer Some of his bestknown stories are “The Little Mermaid,” “Thumbelina,” “The Little Match Girl,” and “The Ugly Duckling” He loved writing and wanted to become a writer when he was a little boy He made hand puppets and wrote a play for the puppets he made Although his dad was a shoemaker and didn’t have money to educate him, Hans didn’t give up and tried his best to make his dream come true Listening Practice Mom: What are you reading, Kelly? Kelly: I am reading a biography of Helen Keller Mom: She is an amazing person isn’t she? Kelly: Yes How could she become an author when she was blind and deaf? Mom: It is because she tried her best, and she had the best teacher in the world Kelly: Who was that? Mom: Anne Sullivan She taught Helen how to speak She was also blind but she didn’t give up the hope she had for Helen Kelly: I wish I had a teacher like that too Mom: Well, Kelly Do you try your best like Helen Keller did? You don’t even your homework! Kelly: Mom! Unit 23 (Script) Listening Practice Tommy: Hi, Sarah! Where are you going? Sarah: I’m going to the restaurant down the street for my new job Tommy: What kind of job is it? Sarah: I test new menus Tommy: How you test them? Sarah: Easy! I eat the new foods and tell them whether they were delicious or not Tommy: You mean you get to eat all the food and get paid for that? Sarah: Yep! 23 Step By Step Listening Tommy: That is a cool job! I would like to have a job like that too Sarah: You can come along with me and ask whether they have a job for you Tommy: I would love to! Let’s go Listening Practice Mindy’s aunt is a Christmas tree decorator She decorates Christmas trees for department stores Aaron’s mom is a fortune cookie writer She writes things that might happen in the near future on small pieces of paper Hanna’s mom is a jelly donut filler She fills donuts with jelly Mike is a worm picker He picks worms for fishermen Listening Practice My name is Peter, and I have a strange job I am a gum buster I walk around the city and remove gum from sidewalks, benches and walls I only get paid two dollars an hour, but I like my job because I get to be outside all day! Listening Practice Zach: Hi, Jessica I heard your dad has an unusual job What is it? Jessica: He is a furniture tester He works at a furniture factory He tests chairs and couches Zach: Wow, that is cool! Jessica: Yes it is! He has to sit on them and sometimes even sleep on them to see whether they are comfortable or not What about your dad What does he do? Zach: He is a window washer He has to wash all sorts of windows on skyscrapers Jessica: That might be dangerous Zach: It sure is dangerous and unusual Jessica: Well, I have an unusual job too, but it is safe Zach: What is it? Jessica: It’s a dog walker I get to see all the cute dogs Zach: That sounds fun! I want that job too! Unit 24 (Script) Listening Practice David: Do you want to go and watch a movie, Vanessa? Vanessa: What kind of movie, David? David: What about an animated movie like “Finding Nemo”? Vanessa: An animated movie? That’s for kids! I am not a kid! I don’t like animated movies I want to watch an adventure, a fantasy or a comedy David: Hmm What about the movie “Inkheart?” It’s an adventure and a fantasy movie Vanessa: That sounds okay 24 Step By Step Listening Listening Practice 2 This is a movie that takes place in the future This is a movie that tells a love story of a man and a woman This is a movie that has ghosts and monsters come out to scare people This is a movie that makes people laugh a lot Listening Practice Kate loves to watch romance movies Her favorite romance movie is Titanic Ian loves to watch science-fiction movies His favorite science fiction movie is Star Wars Veronica’s favorite kind of movie is musical movies Her favorite musical is The Sound of Music Kim’s favorite kind of movie is horror movies Her favorite horror movie is Scream Listening Practice David: Oh, no! There are no more tickets for Inkheart, Vanessa Vanessa: Well, let’s watch something else I’ve always wanted to watch a romance, but my parents wouldn’t let me David: What about “Shrek?” It’s an animation Vanessa: It is an animation! I said I don’t like animated movies David: It is an animation, but it is about a love story of Shrek and Princess Fiona, so it is also a romance Vanessa: Alright That sounds okay When is it showing? David: It is showing at 12:30, 4:30 and 8:30 Which one you want to go to? Vanessa: 4:30 sounds the best Let’s have lunch first and then watch the movie Review (Script) Listening Review Waitress: Linda: What would you like to order? I would like chicken salad for an appetizer, and spaghetti with cream sauce for the main dish Waitress: What would you like for dessert? Linda: I want a piece of cheese cake Waitress: Would you like anything to drink? Linda: Oh, yes! I’d like a glass of lemonade Thank you Waitress: I will get your food in a minute Listening Review Beth’s house has three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom 25 Step By Step Listening Jake’s house has a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom Kevin’s house has a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom Keith’s house has four bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom Listening Review 3 Kate’s dream house has a tree house in the back yard Sally’s dream house has a sauna and a bath tub Joanne’s dream house has a big library Jack’s dream house has a water fountain and beautiful flowers in the front yard Listening Review Jane loves trying on new clothes Her dream is to become a fashion model so she can try on many clothes Matthew is good at making food He wants to become a cook Cathy loves writing letters and diaries She wants to be a writer Lori is good at drawing and writing She wants to be a cartoonist Listening Review My name is Paul, and I have a strange job I am a video game tester I play the new games and tell how fun or boring they were I love my job because I get to play video games all day! 26 .. .Step By Step Listening Unit (Script) Listening Practice Sandra: Joe: Sandra: Joe: Sandra: Joe: Sandra: Joe: What did... Josh for help with your math homework It sounds like you had a good day today Step By Step Listening Unit (Script) Listening Practice Judy: I don’t have my timetable What class we have now, Brian?... let your classmates have a look? Sure! I will show them when I am finished Unit (Script) Step By Step Listening Listening Practice Sue: Mark Sue: Mark Sue: Mark When does your first class start,

Ngày đăng: 24/01/2018, 04:27

