Lislen and choose the best answer 1 What s Mike going to wear today.. Listen and choose the besl answen 1 What is the weather going to be like ihis weekend!. d**gr: I am going to play so
Trang 1f ,,' r*
i il
{ i i
': .;!4, l
Trang 3b lts warm and cloudyd" lt's warm and snowy
A Listening Fractice I '**"
1 Listen and choose the best answer
1) What js the weather llke in spring?
a lt's warm and sunny1-c.'1t's warm ana windy
2) What is the weather like in summer?
a lt's hot and cloudy
i'"e,1t's not ana sunny
3) What is the weaiher like in fatt?
{";lt's cool and breezy
c" li's cool and hoi
B, Li$teninB Frac*ic€ g
1 Lisien and match.
4) What rs ihe weather like in winter?
a, lt's hot, cloudy and rainy b, tt's cotd, windy and foggy
c rl') cold snoilv and rarqy ' d r''5 uo o sno*) a.o fogg!
r rides her bicycle a ong the river t
l\ Ma* rdhes snotrme- uith oao
goes for a picnic to the park
Practice the dialog below
; What is the weather like in sprtng?
i,i ltls warm in spring
:r Whai do you like to do insprinq?
2 Ask and answer with
your friend about what the
weathea is like Ior eachseason,
n List€nin$ Fra*tica 4 ;* u
'1 Listen and choose the best answer
1) What is Karen s favodte season?
a, spring
2) Why does she ltke this season?
a, She can fly a kite
G.bhe can go to the beach
3) What season does Bob iike,
a spfing b, summer
4) Why does he like thls season?
a He can celebrate Chrislmas
I c, tle can ce elrate gat oween
b" She can eai lois of ice cream
d She can go skiing
b He can see the leaves change colors
d, He can catch buttedlies
L Listen to the diatog again and filt in the blanks.
wrar is rre wealher ,1e - spring ,ii,,.i, tts worm and windy in,, rt:i, Whai is the WeCthef lke in Summer
-i:::)r, rt,s hot and sunny in
i:iir , j what is the weothet like in foll
.;:r jr: tt,s COOI and breeZy
r,, !ii Whai is the weother tike n winter
;,,ir: tt,s cold snowy and foggy
Trang 4Ke€e* What is the weather like in spring?
Km**: What is the weather like in summer?
J*stu lt's hot and sunny in summer.
Kmte,: What is the weather like in fall?
#esfux lt's cool and breezy in fall.
ffimt*: What is the weather like in winter?
*F*sh* lt's cold, snowy, and foggy in winter.
,,Mck 3
1 Jessie likes to go for a picnic in the park in spring.
2 Kelly likes to ride her bicycle along the river in summer.
3 Mark likes to go to his grandparent's farm and pick apples in fall.
4 Jake likes to make snowmen with his dad in winter.
1 Lisa goes to her grandfather's house in spring.
2 Mark loves winter because he likes sledding.
3 Lucy's family watches movies in summer.
4 Mike goes back to school in fall.
.M5 ffi*fus Karen, do you like Spring?
Kxr*m; No, I don't like spring lt's too windy I like summer I love going to the beach on hot,
sunny days What about you, Bob?
ffiefu; I like fall because we celebrate Halloween and get lots of candies.
Semsepcxs effid ldtieaqtue- ffi
Trang 5&" ld$e$ffi-*S qu*$ti*ns
1 Talk about the questions below
1) How rs the weaiher today?
2) How was the wealheryesierday?
S" Key ld*rdx
1 Write the words under the correct picture.
hoi couds ratn windv
& L;st**isg Fre*tise f ,**
1 Listen and choose the besl answei
1) How is the weather today?
s lt's sunny and cloudy1'e, !ts sunny and hot
2) What ls the man go ng to take tomotrow?
a, sunglasses b an umbrella
b lts sunny and w ndy
d, lts cloudy and windy
3) Whai season do you th nk ihe speakers are iatkinq about?
&, Li$teft,n$ Slya*ti*6 & ,i* u
1 Listen and match.
1) Monday 2) Tuesday
S, List*tri*S Pr6etic€ 4 E".*,
1 Lislen and choose the best answer
1) What s Mike going to wear today?
a" pants and a hat
1 r, Sunglasses, shods, and a hal
2) What do they need to take lomotrow?
b, boots
1 Praclice lhe dialog below
- How is the weather today?
'' lt is wrndy loday'' How was ihe weatheryesterday?
: lt was hot yesterday.
2, Now ask and answer with
your Iriend about how the weather was lhis week.
b, sunglasses, shods and a ra ncoat
d sunglasses shods, and pants
e rmbre as d, a sunscreen3) What is the weather go ng to be like on Friday?
a lt is go ng to be sLnny and rarny h, I is go ng to be sunny and hot
a" it is going to be windy and rainy d tt s going to be windy and cool
- .j*lfu,
i E.- @:_ 11
*o," "*ffi4u,
'1 Listen to the firsl dialog again and fill in the btanks" i** e
How sthe weother ioday ?
It is sunnY and hot today.
What was ihe weathT trke yesierday?
11 was hotter rhan todoy
How about tomotrow?
: I heard 1 is going to fain tomorow
r,:i wemust ioke our umbrellos lomorrowthen
_, 1t we-ct my roincoct
Trang 6W*rm*m; How is the weather today?
f#*ms It is sunny and hot today.
ffi*mmm: What was the weather like yesterday?
fu$mmx lt was hotter than today.
W*mmm; How about tomorrow?
ffiam: I heard it is going to rain tomorrow.
2 These are clouds The rain falls from the clouds.
3 This is wind The wind is blowing the tree's leaves.
4 This is snow Snow is cold and white.
1 This is the sun The sun is hot.
1 Monday was hot and sunny.
2 Tuesday was foggy.
3 Thursday was cold and snowy.
4 Friday was rainy.
,,ffi@k g
,$emmsee; Mike, have you watched the weather forecast?
ME$q*x Yes Today's weather is great lt's sunny and hot l'm going to wear my sunglasses, shorts, and a hat today.
d*a*xme; How about tomorrow?
fu$*kex Tomorrow is going to be a rainy day We need to take our umbrella On Friday, it's
going to be windy and cool.
d*mmpe*: Wow! You sound like a weather forecaster, Mike.
ffiEk*; I watch it every morning when l'm having breakfast.
f*sceE {s tPt* ffid*atg**-? ffi
Trang 7& tqarm-up Que$tlqns
1 Talk about the questions below
1) What are you going io do this summer?
2) What do you like aboul summer?
a, sping {ils, *
2) Where s Steven going th s summer?
a" He ls going to the school
i c.lle s oono to h s orandDa ents house3) What is Joey go ng to do lhis summer?
1 Listen and choose the besl answen
1) What is the weather going to be like ihis weekend?
a, lt is going to be rainy
i 1i\t is going to oe very not
2) What was their plan forthe weekend?
a, They were going io go for a walk
e, They were going io go swimming
3) What are they going to do?
a They are going to the movies
(_!,)hey are qoing to go swimming
b lt is going to be windy
d, lt is going to be sunny
b, They were going to go to the movies
';,"rhey were going io go fishing.
b, They are go ng to go fshing
d, They are go ng io stay home
h He ls going to the park
d, He is going to Joeys house
Trang 8@
.mrmeX to
#**px Summer is here Let's have fun, Steven!
$tewem; Yep! lt's summer! l'm going to go to my grandparent's house What are you going to
do this summer, Joey?
d**gr: I am going to play soccer in the park with my friends.
stswem: cool! can ljoin you when I get back from my grandparent's house?
1 I love swimming when it's hot.
2 I love making sandcastles at the beach in summer.
3 I love eating ice-cream in summer.
4 Sometimes I water the garden in summer.
1 Mike likes summer because he can go to his grandparent's house and help them water the flowers.
2 Joanne likes summer because she can go fishing with her dad.
3 Josh likes summer because he can play badminton in the park.
4 Jim likes summer because he can go camping with his dad in the mountains.
&$rEs I guess we have to change our plan lt is going to be too hot to go fishing.
ffimg: How about going swimming in the lake?
$sjiel*src*r *s ${*tE ffi
Trang 9A lfferffi-u$ Guastieil*
1 Talk about the questions below
1) What are you go ng to do this winter?
2) Whai do you like aboLt winler?
3) What do you wear n wtnter?
A, Liste*iftS Fr**tice * ,i"*,0
1, Listen and choose the besl answer
1) What season ls it in February in Canada?
a, lt is Summer
c, li is Fal .2) Where s Melissa cal ing from?
;'f,)r i" w;nt",
d, ll is Sprnq
a, China
fligustar a3) What is NOT tue about wnter n Canada?
1 Listen and answer the following questions.
1) Whal is the weaiher going to be llke tomotrow?
lnswsr: lt is going to SnoW
2) Whai two th ngs is Nancy qoino lo do tomotrow?
AnsBe[ She is go]ng to make
3) What is Jake going to do tomorrow?
Ailswer: He is going lo stay home
L Practice the dialog below
, What are you going io do lhis wlnier?
:: I am going lo decorate a Christmas lree
What do you like aboui winter?
'i We celebrate Christmas n winler.
' What do you wear in winter?
:' I wear a scaaf, mlttens, a sweater
and boots n winier
2 Now ask and answer with your friend about winter
'1 Listen to the first dialog again and Iill in the btanks
,ir.)Mto -r '-"'r .whoi"rh;s?
Hi, I am Melissa How are you?
I I r i I am goodl How aboui you?
I am grect I what is the weother ,,0" n Conodo
It.s cold and snowy r.s winter
Ir is snowing n Februory r 11;s surTllnar in Austrolio Summer
"orus u,",,n Conodc ,nn doys
I wish coutd See rhe SnOW n ConodO
Trang 10-rek 14
ffi#8tue; This is Mike speaking Who is this?
ffiEk*; I am good How about you?
ffi#*Efreem: I am great! What is the weather like in Canada?
ffifrke; It's cold and snowy lt's winter.
ffi#e$a*sma lt is snowing in February? lt is summer in Australia.
ffiEk-*s Summer comes later in Canada The days are short and the nights are long in winter.
talking to you I better go Bye!
1 I like winter because I can go sledding.
2 I need to wear a hat and mittens in winter because it is really cold.
3 I like winter because I can have snowball fights with my sister.
4 I like winter because I can go skiing with my friend.
GSI k@k 16
1 Tom wears his blue coat, pants and his grey hat in winter.
2 Maria is going to decorate a Christmas tree this winter.
3 Bobby and Adam are going to make a snowman this winter.
4 Linda is going to go ice-skating this winter.
to be like tomorrow, Nancy?
Fdem*g; I heard it is going to snow all day tomorrow l'm going to make a snowman and then
go ice-skating.
d*ke* I hate winter lt's too cold I have to wear thick clothes like jumpers and coats I'm just
going to stay home and watch cartoons.
lsi -Wr.*t'+*y1 Er- ltt ':-itz+.",r'.tEt *; ffi
Trang 11Jl !.l,arm-up Suestiams
1 Talk about the questions below
1) Whal thtngs do you do at the park?
2) When do you oo to the park?
3) How often do you go to the park?
B Key \,Jerds
1 Write the words under the correct picture,
swlng ffi
t lSl, c*-
3) Jessic and Mike 4) Kate and Jim
i b afhey are going to the park
d, They are going io school
1 Listen and choose the best answer
1) How isthe weathertoday?
a, lts warm and sunny b lls warm and cloudy_
i?.)ts warm anA wtncy d tt,s warm and €iny
2) Where are they going?
a, They are golng to the playground
E, They are going lo the gym
3) What happened to Arian's kiie?
a li fell because the kite was too old
f-t)!t nrote Uecause tle sting was not stong enough
c lt broke because the wind was too strong
d ltfel because it hrithe tree
Trang 12glYrj
.ffiB* 18
fuemffim*: lt's great weather today.
ffi$6fi; Yes! lt is lt's nice and warm.
ffid$$x Sure! Let's go to my house first.
fi*emremer Why?
ffiE$€x I want to take my bicycle, my kite and also my dog to the park.
H*emmme: Okay Let's hurry.
1 Cathy is picking a flower in the park.
2 Jessy is riding her bicycle in the park.
3 Emma is playing on the swing in the park.
4 Leo is walking his dog in the park.
*., 'cgfl
1 Craig goes to the park in the afternoon to play soccer with his friends every weekend.
2 John goes to the park to play games with his friend after school.
3 Jessica and Mike go to the park in the morning to play tennis once a week.
4 Kate and Jim sometimes go to the park to have a picnic during lunchtime.
ffi* 21
ffieBem Hold your string up high and run faster, Brian.
F*Ber: I think it is flying way too high Stop running! lt looks like it is going to fall.
Fs€*e'e I guess the string wasn't strong enough Let me fix it.
ffirEmmr lt's warm and windy today- What a perfect day to fly a kite.
Trang 13Ansurer Key
4,, Warm-uS *uestB$fls
'r, Talk about the questions betow
1) What d d you do on your tast summer vacaiion?
2) What are you goinq io do ihis summer vacatjon?
1 Wrile the words under the correct picture.
-rh ' 9 anurpne jsr nq sandLastte o,re,.q
-te,h-a,,ffg ffi#dffi [:&E.*
t] 9n9rk9!!19 ?l gmu!9111q!i po!"k a) h1ki49
1 Listed and match.
'r What did you do on your last
summer vacation?
r::, I went io Jelu lsland tasi
I What are you going to dothis summer vacaUor?
I I want io go there agarnl
2 Now ask and answer with
your lriend about plans for
the sumfrer.
1 Listen to the first dialog again and fiil in the btanks ;-^ * ,f.:,,: Whaiareyo! going todothis Summer Dean"
ir.,'r: lwanttogototh" beoch tomake Sondcostles I atsowaniiogo
rorhe Gmusement pork wtth my fomily and
eot 1o1" oi ice c?ecm and cotion condy
What about you?
r ,::j My dod said we are noi going onywhere ,6;"
:,: , Why not?
Because we spent too much money in Au5trclio tasr
Too bod
Maybe I can jusl stay home and reod ots 01
D t-isteniftS Fr*etice 4 "ri*
1 Lislen and answer the tollowihg questions.
1) Where ls Leslie going this summer?
Answer: she and her fami y are going to the Cofibbeon fslondS
2) What s she qoinq to do there? Listthem
answer:6 See o dolPhin show
s 6o snorkeling
s 6o soiling
3) What did Josh do last summer?
Answeil He wenr ro Disney Lond ast summer
4) What is Josh qoing to do this summer?
'a*sweriHeisgoingtospendiimeonihe plOyground orrn" pork
",- ,,,",'""#
Trang 14u G*l
% e .l&@k 22
#*rs*s What are you going to do this summer, Dean?
ffi*mc?; I want to go to the beach to make sandcastles I also want to go to the amusement
park with my family and eat lots of ice-cream and cotton candy What about you?
#mme: My dad said we are not going anywhere this summer.
dam*s Because we spent too much money in Australia last summer.
ffi*amr Too bad.
1 I am going to the amusement park this summer vacation.
2.1am going to go hiking in the Rocky Mountains for summer vacation.
3 I am going to go to the movie theater to watch a movie this summer.
4 I am going to go fishing with my parents this summer.
&.@Gf 24
1 Kate stayed home last summer vacation.
2 John went snorkeling last summer vacation.
3 Michael went for a swim at the beach last summer vacation.
4 Cathy went camping last summer vacation.
%" M*25
#msha What are you going to do this summer, Leslie?
$ esEE*; My family and I are going to the Caribbean lslands.
going to have lots of fun.
d*sfus Wow! Lucky you!
#msfu: I did I think l'm just going to spend most of my time on the playground or the park this summer.
Siias*rcter tj+++t!+r: ffi
Trang 15A*swer Key
&, List*nin6 Fra$ti*s t ,;l* *
1 Listen and choose the best answer,1) Whal does Josh like to do on the weekend?
s, go io the zoo
c go toihe park2) What does Brian Iike io do on the weekend?
6 He llkes to go to the depafrmenl slore io buy some food
/.;,:lle likes io go to the depaftment store to buy new ctothes
s, He likes to go to the book store to buy some books
d, He ikes 10 go io the movies3) What does Brian's dad I k€ 10 do on ihe weekend?
b, He likes io read{_.,11e ikestopaycomputergames d.HelikesloplaywithBrian
1 Listen and answerthe following questions.
1) Whatdoes Yuna ike to do afterdinne,
Answert 516 , kp 'o oo hFr homewofk dler
2) What does Craig like io do afrer d nner?
AnsweriHeikestogofora wolk wiihhts
3) Whai does Julie s grandmother llke io do n the allernoon?
inswsrr Her srandmolher likes io wotch television
n,n" offernoon
F.r.* dF
! *,r:#.i -ijdlE++F:ll9''
'! Listsn to the first dialog again and fill in the b:anks ** ,"
Hi .:o"nt
Hi , arian lt is already fridoY today
Yeahl What do you like to do on lhe weekend Josh?
weil Iriketo90iorhe movie thealT 1o watch atfloVi€ wnat aoout you?
l r ke to so to the deportment store with my
Does your dod riru go ng ro tn dePortment store ioo?Nor reaily He r kes ro ploy computer gomes
1 Practice lhe dialog below
r What do you like to do afrer school?
I I ke to p ay wiih my dog after school
'i What do you hke to do afrer dinner?
:i I like to read after d nner.
,r What do you ike 1o do on the
4) Whai do Jake s parents like to do on the weekend?
Aft6wsr: They llke lo gO to the ZO0
&, A-iste*iftfi Fyasti*e 4
1- Listen and circle true or {alse
1) Mark doesn t llke staylng ai home on Saturdays
2) Lucy wants to go for a picnic to ihe park
3) N4ark doesn't want to go to the park
Trang 16u ,@f;j
#,, ,,.mmok 26
Sr$am; Hi, Josh!
*$*slr: Hi, Brian! lt is already Friday today.
dersh; Well, I like to go to the movie theater to watch a movie What about you?
ffirE*mr I like to go to the department store with my dad to buy new clothes.
*$ash: Does your dad like going to the department store too?
ffirEamx Not really He likes to play computer games on the weekend.
,I.$tuek zz
1 Max likes to play with his friend at the playground after school.
2 Lucy likes to play hide and seek with her friends after school.
3 Alex likes to jump rope at the park after dinner.
4 Sarah likes to play with her doll in her bedroom after dinner.
meX Ze
1 B: What do you like to do after dinner, Yuna?
G: I like to do my homework after dinner.
2 G: What do you like to do after dinner, Craig?
B: I like to go for a walk with my dog.
3 B: What does your grandmother like to do in the afternoon, Julie?
G: She likes to watch television on her couch,
4 G: What do your parents like to do on the weekend?
B: They like to go to the zoo with me on the weekend.
* Goil
"* ffi6k 29
ffimr$qx Hello?
fua*cAr: Hi, Mark lt's Saturday What are you doing?
fiff*rk Oh, hi Lucy! l'm reading I like to stay home and read books on Saturdays.
&-excy: Really? I was going to ask you to go to the park with me for a picnic.
ffimrk; Well, I can read my book at the park.
fuw*gr Okay Meet me at the park by 1 o'clock.
ffimrEqr Okay See you then.
USE+et $3e Vuuq LHke t* ffia? ffi
Trang 171 Talk about the queslions betow.
1) What do you do in your free time?
2) Whal does your family like to do in their free Ume?
E, Key l4lerds
1 Write the words under the correcl
& Listeoisg Frsoliee r - .
1 Listen and choose the best answer
1) Whal are the gids do ng?
4 They are p aying dominos
#.)hey are playino btioo
2) What does Steven have to do?
a fin sh his homework and read
e, clean h s room and walk his dog3) What do the glrls want to do?
6, do his homework
c, feed his dog
E, Lise*fiim$ Prscq!*e E i*o
, L,sten and check the correct picture.
h frnlsh h s homework and go for a log
fo.)ini"n nls lome*ort and watk hls dos
{3.loln hlm warking hls dos
d, walk home together
b, They are playing h de and seek
d, They are playing tag
iqY ii:iijlf,i, i;:lal
Listen, choose and write the correct words for each sentence
1) Mike ikes to take a nop wth h s puppy in his free time
2) Jane likes to coll hef friendS in her free time
3) John likes to go ro the park and exelcise in his iree rim€
1,", *r., ",,r ,.*4(!.iiii.)
4) Kelly likes to play with her dOljS in her free time
*" List*nifiS Frmetie* 4 *"n u"
1 Lislen and choose the best answer
1) What s Vlvian drawi.g?
c, animats at the zoo
ii.\"lrt "lu ,"ra.
2) What does Rosa do tn her free ume,
a" reads or goes to the zoo
L'b-!dec re !-" oi.e lo.l olavg.ound cnd ta p L-rao
c, rdes her bike to the park and takes p ctures
d^ rides her b ke or reads
3) What does Rosa take pict!res of?
l Practice the dialog below
What do you do in yourfree time?
; I I sten io music n my free time,
, What does your lamtly like to
do in ihef free time?
luy dad ikes to watchtelevislon My mom likes
to read l\ly brother ikes
10 play wth the cat
2, Now ask and answer wilh your lriend about your free lime.
1 Listen to the lirst dialog again and fi[ in the btanks,What are you Mo doing -l
weie PloYing brngo
Do you want 10 join us?
treallywantto bu|havero finish y homework and
wolk my dog
You have a dog
your dog ?[4e tool
Trang 18€€ce*ms What are you two doing?
**EE*; We're playing bingo.
#ae*g; Do you want to join us?
sE*c*m: I really want to, but I have to finish my homework and walk my dog.
dac5$e; You have a dog? Can I join you walking your dog?
dudga Me too!
St*w*m; Sure You just have to wait until I finish my homework.
#wHEe & #*xdg* Okay.
1 Lucy's brother listens to music in his free time.
2 Lucy does her homework in her free time.
3 Lucy's dad likes to go for a jog in his free time.
4 Lucy's mom writes letters to her family in her free time.
1 Mike likes to take a nap with his puppy in his free time.
2 Jane likes to call her friends in her free time.
3 John likes to go to the park and exercise in his free time.
4 Kelly likes to play with her dolls in her free time.
6* , &@@k 33
ffiesex What are you doing, Vivian?
W$wEears l'm drawing.
W$w$*mr I draw the characters in this adventure story I am reading What about you, Rosa?
What do you like to do in your free time?
ffimsmx Well, I ride my bicycle to the park and take pictures of animals I see in the park.
W$urfrmffi* That sounds like a good way to spend your free time.
*j**= 13.:: 7t-tz+ {}s.* ist'"{xtcr Fr*+
"i*t*? ffi
Trang 19I
1) Gets up al 6 o'clock in the morn ng
2) Take the bus to work at 7: 303) Finishes work ai 5 o clock
4) Feeds his dog and has dinner at 6 30 '
Trang 20* {ffi1
".- , maet ga.
dmHEe; When do you wake up in the morning?
ffitew*m: I wake up at seven o'clock in the morning.
#cs$Eer What do you do?
ffitewem: I pack my schoolbag, eat breakfast, and brush my teeth.
St*qrem* I go to school at 8:30.
-$m*fres What subjects do you have today?
S€ew*mr I have art, math, and music.
.*ffiek gs
1 G: When do you have lunch , Craig?
B: I have lunch at 12:30 in the afternoon.
2 B: When do you play with your friends, Sue?
G: I play with my friend at 6:30 in the evening.
3 G: When do you get up, Mark?
B: I get up at 7:30 in the morning.
4 B: When do you go to bed, Julie?
G: I go to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening.
My teacher, Mr Brown, is a busy man He gets up at 6 o'clock in the morning He takes the bus to work at 7:30 He gets ready for his class at 8:30 His classes finish at 5 o'clock, and
then he goes home He feeds his dog and has dinner at 6:30.
ff#n ffir*tqrmr Today we are going io tutt about your daily routine Who wants to talk?
#axdp I do! I wake up at 8 o'clock, have breakfast and then go to school School starts at
9 o'clock and finishes at 3 o'clock I come home and watch cartoons until 4 o'clock From 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock, I do my homework, and after that, I have dinner from
5 o'clock to 6:30 At 7 o'clock, I go for a jog until B o'clock, and then I take a shower From 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock I read a book and go to bed.
*u*dg: Yes, it sure is, but I am not busy from 10 to 8.
Sffin ffir*qwm* Why is that?
daedps That's because I am sleeping!
ffimi$y EEertcB!* ffi
Trang 21Answer Key
&" Wffrm-s*S Gue€tisns
1 Talk about the questions below
1) What is your favofite spod?
2) s it an indoor spod or an oLtdoor spod?
B, K*y Sfcrds
1 Wrile the words under the correct picture,
boL r.e bJs(erh
*" Li*tenimq Fr*6!iee S a*oo
1 Listen and answer the following
questions-1) Where can basketbal be played?
answe* lt can be ptayed boih indoors
2) How do we play basketba l?
afrs$err we bounce ihe bat and
shoot rt in the net.
3) What is the person on the other teatr going to do?
asseefi He / she is go ng to block
* Listenins Pr**tics A #.*.
'l Listen and choose the best answet.
1) How often does Nancy take her baltet iessons?
& L;stening Fre*tic€ f i**ru
1 Lisien and match.
Georg a?
' oiv I kpc w mrr'9 opcaJ56 1e l.[6( qorlq I Lo r^e wa er ;;"
&, !-;stsnins Pr**tice &
1, Listen and match.
1) Judy ,
2) Max,: -'
3) John ,; .
2) Georgia hkes indoor spons
3) Kate onlv likes outdoor spo(s
2 Now ask and answer with your triend about your favor,ie sport,
1, Listen to the first dialog again and fill in the blanks 'em
!; r r ,, Today we are going to latk about your fovorite SPorts
whai rs your fovoriie SPort
tove indoor sports
I lke indoor sports too but I atso lrke outdoor
sports rhat is why I rove to ploy bosketboll
because il can be ptayed indoors uno
","o outdoors , ,ou bosketboll 1oo, Kate but my favorite spod is tennis
2) How long has she been iearning bai e1?
3) When drd she stafrtaking ba lel lessons?
a when she was four years ojd b when she was frve years old
c ln"r re w"s s.' )ear, ord d ahel :.e sds te )ed-S old
Trang 22Y*xegr: My favorite sport is swimming I love going into the water.
ffir' ffin.mwmps What about you Georgia?
ffie*rgEmx My favorite sport is bowling I love indoor sports.
Km**; I like indoor sports too, but I also like outdoor sports That is why I love to play
basketball because it can be played indoors and also outdoors.
ffir ffir'ewg?: I like basketball too, Kate, but my favorite sport is tennis.
1 Judy likes going to her ballet lessons She likes to exercise inside.
2 Max's favorite sport is surfing because he loves the beach.
3, John likes playing ping-pong because he doesn't have to worry about getting sunburn.
4 Jane's favorite sport is skiing She loves sliding down the mountains.
Basketball is an enjoyable sport that is loved by many people lt can be played indoors and even outdoors Basketball is an easy and fun sport lt is all about bouncing the ball and
running with your ball to shoot it into the net But, you must be careful because the person on the other team is going to block you and your ball.
#Hmm#E*x Nancy, are you still taking ballet lessons?
ffimmey: Yes, I am taking them twice a week.
ffi$mc,cd*m: How long have you been learning ballet?
ffi*max#Eas Do you mean that you started when you were 6 years old?
ffi*reegr; Yes, I love ballet and l'm thinking about becoming a ballerina.
Trang 23'1 Talk about the questions below.
1) What spofts do you I ke to watch?
2) Who s vour favorite athlete?
S Key W6rds
1, wlile the words under the correci picture.
A" Liatsrift# Prsrtise f ;"**
1 Listen and choose the best answeL1) What spofr does Bobby ike to watch?
It, basketbail2) Who ls Bobby s favoite ath eie?
s Michae Phelps
ie.'l"art Cnan Uo3) What is Michael Phelps famous for?
s baseball{ c Ewmmrng
Practice the dialog below
- What spods do you like to watch?
: I ike to walch figure skat ng
Who is your favoriteathlete?
f,ly favoriie athlete is Kim
,${ { -,
B, Listexing Prs*ti*e 4 i"*,.
'1 Listen and answer the following questions.
1) Whal spof, are the boys goinq to play?
An$wer: They are qoinq lo ptay Soccer
2) Why does Tom play it often?
- Answeil He wants to loln the best Soccef
3) Where are ihey going to play soccer?
Answer: They are going lo play on ihe SocceT field
2, Now ask and answer with your lriend about your favorite athlete.
1, Listen to the Iirst dialog again and rill in the blanks p* 4?
" Hey Bobby whal sports do you like ,o wotch
' like ,o wotch boseboll ,, who rs your foVorite boseball player ?
i, I think park chan Ho is ihe best I who is your fovorite
othlete pete?
, N4y fovorite othlete
' ,'"nu", ,hetps th nk he is thebest swimmer in rhe wodd
Trang 24* .ffifl
@_ , .E@@k 42
ffimbby: I like to watch baseball.
Fet+* Who is your favorite baseball player?
ffiohfuy; I think Park chan Ho is the best! who is your favorite athlete, pete?
1 Tiger Woods is the richest golf player in the world.
2 David Bechkam is one of the most famous soccer players in the world.
3 Maria Sharapova is the tennis player who won many tennis matches.
4 Kim Yu Na is a famous Korean figure skater.
1 B: What sports do you like to watch?
G: I like to watch swimming.
2 B: Do you like to watch baseball?
G: No, not really, but I love watching car racing.
3 B: Do you like watching boxing?
G: No way! lt is too cruel I like watching tennis matches.
4 B: Do you like watching figure skating?
G: Not really, I like watching basketball.
YenE?: Hey, Kyle Let's play soccer!
fi{p$*: Sure, Tom You seem to play soccer often!
'$bmx I want to play for Manchester United some day.
KyEe; What is that?
Tsnm lt is the best soccer team in England!
Kg*e: Really? I would like to play for that team too.
?bmc Let's play on the soccer field at school.
!Vhe :s Hsssnp g6y*r+t* &t*.rB+ta*l
Trang 25A" Lis?*sim$ Prasti$e t '#**
1, Listen and check.
1) What items did the boy buy?
'1 Write the wordsunder the correct picture,
2 Listen again and choose the best answer a"S16 i-il.t oo2) How much s the tennis €cket?
a s 60 i1.t *
3) How much are ihey rn total?
a, $ 50 b $100
S, Li$t*filn& Sr**tiec * ri-*r,.
1 Listen and circle lrue or false,
1) The girl needs a swmsuit goggles and a cap forswimming2) The boy needs ski poles and goggles for his ski trip
3) The boy needs a new palr of sneakers ior p aying basebatt
4) The gI needs a helmet, nl ne-skates, and knee pads
'1 Listen and answer the following questions.
1) What s the boy looking for?
An6Eer: He ls looking for a bodminton
2) How much money does he have?
An$e€r, He has $40
3) How much ls the badminton racket?
A*suer: tt is $35
4) What color racket did the boy buy?
Alsw€* He bought the g?een
1 Practice the dialog below
- What spod are you good at?
' am good at inline-skating.
' Whai lhings do you need?
:, I need a pa r ol nline skates
knee pads, and a helmet
2 Now ask and answer with your friend about the sport you aregood al and things you need to play the sport.
Listen to the Iirst dlalog again and I;il in the btanks" am ro
can help you?
, n""o nu* Sneokers
, , Then these sneokers *,u 6o
How much are they?
They are $60 Do you need anyihing e se?
d,io jp6o d tennls rOCket
rr is $50 And rhe sneokers arerhey are $110 ariosether
& H#ernr-uF Sua$ti{ns
1" Talk about the questions below
1) What spod are you good at?
2) \ryhat things do you need to p ay lhal spod?
0 l-i$teHin$ Pract;*e $ il* qr
'1 Listen and check the correct picture.
n reGk 46
#Eerk; Can I help you?
#frerkx Then these sneakers will do.
ffiew$sEx How much are they?
#Eerkl They are $60 Do you need anything else?
ffiewEmr I also need a tennis racket.
#Eerk; Here you are.
ffiewEpe: How much is this?
Tmcfi 47
1 I need a swimsuit, swimming goggles and a swimming cap for swimming.
2 I need ski poles and goggles for a ski trip.
3 I need a bat, a glove and a ball to play baseball.
4 I need a helmet, inline skates and knee pads to inline-skate.
3 B: Excuse me, where are the volleyballs?
M: They are next to the tennis rackets.
4 G: I need a new pair of knee pads for inline skating.
M: How about these pink ones?
.ffisk 49 ffi*sgrs Excuse me I am looking for a badminton racket.
ffimgr Well, I don't want to spend too much I only have $40.
ffiem* What about this one? lt is $35 We have them in green, blue, and red.
ffi*px I will take the green one.
P+E tl't* #pesre+ Sc+r* ffi
Trang 272 Write the words under the correct picture.
3, Listen and circle true or false ril*
1) Kate is going io go to the zoo during w nter vacation
2) John s going to go stedding dur ng winter vacat on
3) [/'l]chael is going lo go swimming during summer vacalon
4) Lucy is going to go fishing this summer vacaUon
1 Talk about the lollowing questions with your panner and write the answer
1) What is vour favoile season?
4 Listen and answer the following questions ** ,.
1) What does Joanne like to do after schoot?
au6wci: She tikes lo ploy Soccer with her friends at the Pofk
2) Whai does Luke I ke lo do after he lntshes his homework?
aess67; gs 11ks.1 feod books
3) Whal does Ben like to do afrer eaUng dinner?
Answer Ben likes 10 wotch television
4) What does Cra g tike 10 do on the weekenct?
Answer: Cra g tik€s to go for a wolk with his pupPy
5 Listen to the dialog and filt in the btanks
I love outdoor sports one or the outdoor
that I I ke to Ploy 15 SoCCer I sometmes
we I ke to ping pong
2) How was lhe weathef this week?
3) Whal do you like to do in spnnq / summer/ fall / winter?
1) What do you do rn your free tme?
5) What is your daily rouline? (When do you wake up / qo to school / eat?)
6) What is your favorite spod and who is yourfavorite ath ete?
Anss€.: Leanne tikes Summer
2) Whaidoes Leanne ikelodo in summe,
3) Whatseason does Joanne like?
an6we.: Joanne likes winter
Trang 28$cript re
L*setm*s No, I do not like spring, but I like summer because I can eat lots of ice-cream What
2 Today is very sunny and hot.
3 Today is very windy.
4 Today is snowy and cold.
1, Kate is going to go to the zoo during summer vacation.
2 John is going to go sledding during winter vacation.
3 Michael is going to go hiking during summer vacation.
4 Lucy is going to go fishing during summer vacation.
1 Joanne likes to play soccer with her friends at the park after school.
2 Luke likes to read books after he finishes his homework.
3 Ben likes to watch television after eating dinner.
4 Craig likes to go for a walk with his puppy on the weekend.
* G!r{
s*-., fuGt 54
I love outdoor sports One of the outdoor sports that I like to play is soccer I sometimes play
indoor sports with my little sister We like to play ping-pong.
1 Today is very foggy.
#*rr ; t " +f ffiP
Trang 29&, lryaym-sS &uesti**s
1 Talk about the questions below
1) Whai food drd you ea1 toCa.\,?
2l Was il heaithy or uheaithy?
S S*y W$rdsi
& i"is*+*in$ Fr6*t!*s $ **,,
1, Listen and check.
l) What does Mr Brown usualiy have for breakiasi
1 Wrile the words under the correct picture.
' grain iood mufiilrs satn werqhr , candies iasrtood
3)Who eats a healihy breakfast?
& Li$t*ni** Prs#tie* * ;ia,
1 Listen and circle lrue or false
' rhe bo, I ar boted pqq dnd n t ,o.b ear.d-r2) The girl has fruil and yoguft for lunch r.ue3) Polato chips, hamburgeE, and pizzas are healihy foods Tr4e4) We should eai fve pieces of lruil or vegetabtes a day r.*m I
* l"isteftiftS Fr*rti$e * 'i;;_*"
1 Listen and check the correct picture.
1 Listen and answer the Iollowing questions,
l) Why did John gain we ght?
aoswer: He sa ned weight because he ate too much unheollhy food
2) What can John flnd n the cupboard?
Answey: He can find iots of gfoin food n the cupboard
3) Whal are some examples ol grain food?
arsw€n some exampte" rr" cereol rice
"no breod
4) Whal can John flnd n the fridge she[?
Answeri He can tind vegetables and fruits
5) Whal lood does John want?
An$uer: He wanis ice,crea(A ccndies chocolcte
1 Practice the dialog below
Whai food d d you eal today?
' i had plzza for breakfast.
I had an egg sandwich for lunch
I had ace with flsh for d nner
/ Was ii healihy or unheatthy?
' The pizza was unhealthy bui iheegg sandwtch and the rce withfsh were healihy
2 Now ask and answer with
your friend about healthyand unhealthy food you had
'1 Listen to the first diatog again and fiil in ihe btanks
What do you usuatly ec
th;-How aboul You Sle\e._
usua ly have bacon