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SPEAKING Term – 45 periods Course book: Discussion A to Z Lecturer in charge: Mai Xuân Nghiêm, M.A UNIT 1: FAMILY I WARM UP: II DEVELOPING YOUR VOCABULARY: PATERNAL SIDE Paternal great-great-grandfather = Ông tổ nội Paternal great-great-grandmother = Bà tổ nội Paternal great-grandfather = Ông cố nội Paternal great-grandmother = Bà cố nội Paternal grandfather = Ông nội Paternal grandmother = Bà nội Father = Cha (formal) Dad = ba (south & middle) or bố or thầy (north) Your father‘s older brother = Bác His wife = Bác Your father‘s younger brother = Chú His wife = Thím Your father‘s older sister = Bác Her husband = Bác Your father‘s younger sister = Cô Her husband = Chú MATERNAL SIDE Maternal great-great-grandfather = Ông tổ ngoại Maternal great-great-grandmother = Bà tổ ngoại Maternal great-grandfather = Ông cố ngoại Maternal great-grandmother = Bà cố ngoại Maternal grandfather = Ông ngoại Maternal grandmother = Bà ngoại Mother = Mẹ (formal) Mom = má (south) or mạ (Hue) or bu (north) Your mother‘s older brother = Cậu His wife = Mợ Your mother‘s younger brother = Cậu His wife = Mợ Your mother‘s older sister = Má (south) or Dì Her husband = Ba (south) or Dượng Your mother‘s younger sister = Dì Her husband = Dượng Page of 65 YOUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY Older sister = Chị Younger sister = Em (gái) Older brother = Anh Younger brother = Em (trai) YOUR RELATIVE Relatives = Họ hàng cousin = họ Older female cousin = Chị họ Younger female cousin = Em họ Older male cousin = Anh họ Younger male cousin = Em họ BLOODLINE ORDER First = Cả or hai Ex: Eldest brother = Anh cả, anh hai Second = ba Ex: Second older sister = Chị ba Third = tư Ex: Third younger paternal uncle = tư Youngest = út Ex: Youngest sister = em gái út Page of 65 III SUGGESTED IDEAS: Modern society has successfully ensured equality of opportunity for men and women Nowadays women are no longer restricted to doing household' chores or raising children only They are no longer viewed as inferior creatures by men, and most modern societies have ceased to regard them as second-rate citizens Now women enjoy the same education opportunities as in most parts of the world Women can succeed in any job that men have ever done More and more women have gone to work and proved themselves capable and excellent workers They have contributed their share to the family budget and the development of the nation When the mother goes to work, the financial situation of the family will improve because the burden of supporting the family will be shared by both working parents Page of 65 Women will feel economically independent by going to work She will have more status in the family and more active participation in the decision-making process as regards the family affairs The husband is an important factor in helping his wife in doing her professional work and fulfilling' her household duties He should be thoughtful and considerate towards her He should encourage and exhort her to accomplish her job satisfactorily and give her advice and guidance in times of troubles or difficulties He should share ill the housework and the job of child care so as to 8ive her more time and energy for her professional Interests Other members of the family such as the couple's parents should also show consideration and appreciation of the working mother's professional interest An altitude of sympathy and encouragement will be a great source of help in enabling her to complete the dual task of being a housewife and a wage-earner The wife should, first and foremost, win the husband‘s consent and sympathy in making arrangements for her to pursue her career At the same lime she shouldn't neglect her wifely duties such as doing the household chores or raising children The husband may help to some extent, or they may have a house servant (home help), or buy household appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers to lessen the amount of housework With an understanding husband, a fair and just share in doing the household duties, love and mutual respect as well as reciprocal help and interest in each other's career, the wife will be able to pursue her career and at the same time successfully preserve her traditional image as wife and mother IV QUESTIONS TO DISCUSS: What is a family? Who should be a bread winner in a family? What should young people before getting married to create a good family? Who is the person who teaches you right from wrong in your family? Who should housework? What you think about this saying: ―blood is thicker than water‖? V CONCLUSION: UNIT 2: FRIENDSHIP WARM UP: Friendship vocabulary ACTIVITIES Be a Friend to Others and Yourself Give people more than they expect and it cheerfully Memorize your favorite poem Page of 65 Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have, or loaf all you want When you say, "I love you," mean it When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye Be engaged at least six months before you get married Believe in love at first sight Never laugh at anyone's dreams People who don't have dreams don't have much Love deeply and passionately You may get hurt, but it's the only way to live life completely In disagreements, fight fairly No name calling Don't judge people by their relatives, or by the life they were born into Teach yourself to speak slowly but think quickly When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why you want to know?" Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk Call your mother Say, "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze When you lose, don't lose the lesson Follow the three "R's": Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it Smile when picking up the phone The caller will hear it in your voice Marry a person you love to talk to As you get older, his/her conversational skills will be more important Spend some time alone Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer Read more books Page of 65 Live a good, honorable life Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time Trust in God but lock your car A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life Do all you can to create a tranquil, harmonious home In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation Don't bring up the past Don‘t just listen to what someone is saying Listen to why they are saying it Share your knowledge It's a way to achieve immortality Be gentle with the earth Pray or meditate There's immeasurable power in it Never interrupt when you are being flattered Mind your own business Don't trust anyone who doesn't close his/her eyes when you kiss Once a year, go someplace you've never been before If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living It is wealth's greatest satisfaction Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it Live with the knowledge that your character is your destiny Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon FRIENDSHIP QUIZ You don't actually have to take the quiz Just read straight through, and you'll get the point Take this quiz: Name the five wealthiest people in the world Page of 65 Name the top five news stories five years ago Name ten presidents or leaders of the biggest countries in the world Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor or actress Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners How did you do? The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday These are no second-rate achievers They are the best in their fields But the applause dies Awards tarnish Achievements are forgotten Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners Here's another quiz See how you on this one: List a few teachers who aided your journey through school Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile Think of a few people who have made you feel, appreciated and special Think of five people you enjoy spending time with Name half a dozen heroes whose stories have inspired you Easier? The people who make a difference in your life are not the most powerful ones, nor have the most money or awards They are the ones that care I DEVELOPING YOUR VOCABULARY: a To make fun of someone b to annoy continuously c to comfort d to ease e Similar things gathered together to study or to show to others f Friendship a rare thing and not all are capable of it g Conditions of friendship h Unselfish love i Constancy j Loyalty k Mutual confidence l Mutual sympathy II SUGGESTED IDEAS: Everyone has a number of acquaintances; but no one has many friend~ For true intimate friendship is not common; and there are many people who seem to be incapable of it For a friendship to be intimate and lasting, both the friends must have some very special qualities First comes unselfish love, which is the very essence of friendship A man who is engrossed in his own interests and feelings may, no doubt like to have an unselfish friend who will admire 'him, serve him and always study his interests But friendship is a two-sided affair Page of 65 and lives by give-and-take and no friendship can last long which is all give on one side and all take on the other A selfish person is incapable of true friendship The love and service must be mutual Constancy is another important condition of friendship But some people are constitutionally fickle they take up an interest with enthusiasm but they soon tire of it and feel the attraction of some new object Such changeable and uncertain people are constitutionally incapable of a lifelong friendship with anyone Two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them We not think much of a man that dares not stand up for his friend when he is criticized behind his back; nor of the man who readily believes rumor and gossip against his friend Suspicious natures, and those who are easily influenced by reports and whispers, can never make good friends There must be implicit confidence between friends, so that each can feel that he can tell the other his most intimate secrets without any fear of his being misunderstood' or betrayed But there are talkative and communicative people, who cannot keep a secret, either their own or those of others to save their lives; and such will never keep a friend long Loyalty, There must be perfect sympathy between friends - sympathy with each other‘s aims, likes, joys, sorrows, pursuits and pleasures And where such mutual sympathy does not exist, friendship is impossible There is "a friend that sticks closer than a brother." III QUESTIONS TO DISCUSS: a Who is a friend? b What are the qualities of a good friend? c How can you recognize she or he is your good friend? d What you think about this saying: ―a friend in need is a friend indeed‖? e Should you lend your friend money? f Do you need a friend in your life? IV CONCLUSION: Unit 3: Love Warm up: TRUE LOVE Moses Mendelssohn, the grandfather of the well-known German composer, was far from being handsome Along with a rather short stature, he had a grotesque hunchback Page of 65 One day, he visited a merchant in Hamburg who had a lovely daughter named Frumtje Moses fell hopelessly in love with her But Frumtje was repulsed by his misshapen appearance When it came time for him to leave, Moses gathered his courage and climbed the stairs to her room to take one last opportunity to speak with her She was a vision of heavenly beauty, but caused him deep sadness by her refusal to look at him After several attempts at conversation, Moses shyly asked, "Do you believe marriages are made in heaven?" "Yes," she answered, still looking at the floor "And you?" "Yes I do," he replied "You see, in heaven at the birth of each boy, the Lord announces which girl he will marry When I was born, my future bride was pointed out to me Then the Lord added, 'But your wife will be humpbacked Right then and there I called out, 'Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy Please, Lord, give me the hump and let her be beautiful.'" Then Frumtje looked up into his eyes and was stirred by some deep memory She reached out and gave Mendelssohn her hand and later became his devoted wife In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two V DEVELOPING YOUR VOCABULARY: Cohabitation (n): sống thử Sacrifice (v): hy sinh Interpersonal (adj): cá nhân với Associated (adj): kết hợp, kết giao Lust for (n): thèm khát, ham muốn Lust (v) :thèm khát, ham muốn Infatuation (n): làm mê đắm, mê tít Engaged (adj): đính ước, đính VI SUGGESTED IDEAS: Page of 65 In love, we never has room for failure If you not have the luck to be responded to love - that does not mean that you were lost When in love with one of his heart, I will never tasted Most people in over the world think that love is everything It‘s true All of them can‘t live without love We always need someone next to me, take care of you, encourage, and share all sadness or happiness And that person is my girlfriend or boyfriend even husband or wife Therefore, love is never end and it always a popular topic which many composers and writer use for their works Love is a strong feeling that you have when you like somebody so much Love is a feeling of a strong affection and attraction for somebody There are some feelings of love: sad, fun, missing, angry, jealous, happy, upset, and so on Love is something you can't really explain It's something that's just special and personal, and not the same as any other two people's For me, love is waking up in the morning, and sleeping at night with him on my mind It's feeling like he's the only person in the world worth looking at, it's melting at the sound of his voice or his laugh, and the little smile on his face when you something stupid It's always having him on your mind, and always missing him when you're not with him, and not wanting to be with anyone else It's like, feeling butterflies in your stomach every time you see them and feeling like the most special girl in the world knowing someone as perfect as him would look at you twice, and tell you he loves you It's so much more than that, but I can't explain how it feels But whatever it is, it's both the best and the worst thing in the world Love is when you feel like nothing else in the world matters but this person Love is when this person is always on your mind and pops up in your head at the most random times Love is when you don't think you could live without this person in your life Love is happiness Love is something that one does not have a form, but it makes us feel happy or miserable It can connect two strange people together LOVE is the most easiest and childish way to express deep feelings LOVE is interpersonal relationship with romantic overtones Interpersonal love is most closely associated with interpersonal relationships Such love might exist between family members, friends, and couples You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving Sacrificial love requires that we give what we value most: our hearts, minds, souls, and strength Real love does not always follow our natural inclinations; it is not an impulse from feelings Love is something we crave, something we want, and when we have it, we're full of joy, it seems like our life is perfect When that love is torn away from us, our mood goes down into the darkest pit, we feel miserable and it hurts as hell VII QUESTIONS TO DISCUSS: What is love? How you get love? How you keep love? How you avoid love? What are the aspects of love? What age should a boy/ a girl love? Why? Page 10 of 65 Return train tickets Hanoi- Lao Cai- Hanoi (soft sleeper with air- condition, berths) Local English/French speaking tour guide Entrance fee & permission to visit the hill tribe village Trip excludes: Travel insurance Pre-post accommodation in Hanoi Other meals & drinks Admission fees during free time Personal expenses such as shopping; telephone, laundry and bar bills etc Tips and gratuities All other services not made on the written form II QUESTIONS: Do you like travel? Do you that travel can help you learn more? Where you like to go? Do you like to be tourist guide? Why? Do you think that tourism is an industry? What make us successful in tourism in Vietnam? UNIT 10: SOCIAL EVILS WARM UP: Between July and September 2007 we asked the public to consider what social evils face the UK today The list below is the result of a web survey of 3,500 people and discussions with groups whose voices are not usually heard It reveals a strong sense of unease about some of the changes shaping British society Page 51 of 65 Participants highlighted the following concerns about how we seem to live our lives: a decline of community; individualism; consumerism and greed; a decline of values Against this backdrop, people identified some more concrete social evils: decline of the family; young people as victims or perpetrators; drugs and alcohol; poverty and inequality; immigration and responses to immigration; crime and violence Feel free to leave your comments on any of the above pages We are particularly interested in hearing about any possible solutions you have in mind I VOCABULARY: - Evil ['i:vl] (n) : , - smuggling ['smʌgliη] (n) : - gambling ['gæmbliη] (n) : - drug addiction : nghiện thuốc - prostitution [,prɔsti'tju:∫n] (n) : mại dâm - alcohol addiction : nghiện rượu - STDs = Sexually transmitted diseases : bệnh lây qua đường tình dục - Decline [di'klain] (n) : - Obsessed əb'ses] (v) : - Shameful ['∫eimfl] (adj) : - Isolate ['aisəleit] (vt) : cô lập, cách ly - Threaten ['θretn] (vt) : đe dọa, hăm dọa - Involve [in'vɔlv] (vt) : - Poverty ['pɔvəti] (n) : - Victim ['viktim] (n) : - Deal drug : buôn ma túy - Crime [kraim] (n) : - Hostage ['hɔstidʒ] (n) : tin Page 52 of 65 - -Prostitution: mại dâm -Prostitute: gái mại dâm -STDs = Sexually transmitted diseases: bệnh lây wa đường tình dục -Obsessed: ám ảnh -Shameful: đáng xấu hổ -Treatment: điều trị -Expense: chi phí -Isolate: lập -Brutal: thơ bạo -Threaten: đe doạ -Broken up: đổ vỡ -Spoil: làm hư hỏng -Pervert -> pervertion : biến thái II SUGGESTED IDEAS: We‘re living in a modern life with development of science, technology, education and trade We have a lot of chances to widen knowledge, communicate with other countries, and cooperate with many businessmen all over the world Besides, development of media, kinds of entertainment make human life rich and various But they also lead us to get social evils easily So, what are social evils? How can we solve that problem? And how should we behave with them? Today, we discuss about this topic together Some kinds of social evils: 1.Gambling 2.Drug addiction 3.Prostitution 4.Alcohol addiction 5.Pornography addiction II Effects: 1.A prostitute can no more be a virgin when she gets married and easily gets STDs (especially AIDS ) 2.An alcohol addict easily gets serious diseases of liver, kidneys, 3.A drug addict's health is soon weakened and his money is wasted on expensive drug A gambler doesn't want to work to earn an honest living He spends most of his time in gambling activities and easily become broke A pornography addict is always obsessed with dirty pictures or sexual activities This makes him a shameful and immoral person -> pervert Page 53 of 65 Prostitution causes shameful gossip and great treatment expense if she gets AIDS Her family is isolated by neighbors She can transmit STDs to men and these men transmit to their lovers or wives An alcohol addict often has brutal behavior to everybody His family is threatened to be broken up A drug addict can transmit AIDS to other addicts When he needs money to but drug, he easily becomes a thief or robber A gambler can spoil other people or his family He easily becomes a criminal if he loses all money 10 A pornography obsessed person can commits sex crimes such as rape, sex abuse, and sexual perversion III QUESTION TO DISCUSS: What are SOCIAL EVILS? Can you tell me some social evils in Vietnam? What‘re the reasons why people are corrupted easily? How evils affect on our society? How can we move towards a better society and away from these? Have you ever seen any practical social evils around you? Why people use drug and alcohol? How should we behave with the people who had got evils? IV CONCLUSION: We‘re in danger of losing sight of what is important in life, like kindness, playfulness, generosity and friendship The immaterial things can‘t be bought and sold As a young citizen, we should know how to face with social evils and how to avoid them We ourselves should that Page 54 of 65 UNIT 11: CELEBRITY WARM UP: MANE THESE CELEBRITIES: Page 55 of 65 Page 56 of 65 Page 57 of 65 Page 58 of 65 Page 59 of 65 VOCABULARIES: Celebrity (n): su noi tieng: nguoi noi tieng Famous (a): noi tieng Devote (v): cong hien fad (n): trao luu Well-known:noi tieng Effort (v): no luc trend (n): xu huong Attractive (a): thu hut,hap dan ability(n): kha nang Rich (a): giau co style (n): phong cach Popular (n):noi tieng,pho bien success(n): su cong Self-important (n): tu cao tu dai media (n): phuong tien thong tin dai chung Confident (n): tu tin quality (n): pham chat Beautiful (n): xinh dep impression (n): su an tuong Lovely (n): dang yeu art (n):nghe thuat Friendly (n): than thien facility (n):kha nang Modern (a): hien dai paparazzo (Ns): nhung tay san anh scandal (n): vu be boi fan (n): nguoi ham mo INTRODUCE: As we know, celebrities not only succeed in one or some fields but also make the new fads and trends for young people They are singers, actresses, politicians, doctors, ect Their names are everywhere such as in newspaper, magazines, internet and some other the other media So, why they become famous? That is a result of training themselves seriously In fact, they are who have their abilities and they devote those abilities to their society, community Next, why can they make a new fad and trend? We realize that we often imitate the habits, the styles of celebrities because we love them, we are their fans Maybe we want to like Page 60 of 65 them That is the reason why the well-known people become more and more famous Let's me discover their interesting things then! The golden age of celebrity rumors may be coming to an end As Britney Spears spreads her legs to the world and Nicole Richie gets arrested driving north in the southbound lane, truth may at last have outstripped semi-fiction Today's celebrities have so little left to hide But fear not, scandal-mongers! The past remains a bottomless well of salacity In tribute, we present our picks for the forty best celebrity rumors ever Dive in But be careful This stuff doesn't wash off Kiddie idols meet grisly end Did you hear that Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Mario Lopez (Zack and Slater from Saved by the Bell) died in a car accident? You may have around 1993, when rumors of the stars' demise spread like wildfire across the nation's middle schools (We won't implicate our middle school by name, but we did have an honest-toGod moment of silence in English class.) Of course, the stars of Saved by the Bell are all doing fine, and have gone on to lucrative careers in amateur porn (Dustin Diamond), amateur dancing (Mario Lopez), and amateur porn-dancing (Elizabeth Berkeley) But the public's thirst for grisly death rumors about beloved stars has not been sated; in 1999, Blue's Clues host Steve Burns suffered a "heroin overdose," and just a month ago Tom Hanks "fell off a cliff." — Gwynne Watkins 39 J Edgar Hoover cross-dressed FBI director J Edgar Hoover was such a mean sonof-a-bitch it's no surprise that people whispered about him Rumors that Hoover was gay or a crossdresser have circulated for decades; one claim comes from Anthony Summers' 1993 biography Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J Edgar Hoover Susan Rosenstiel, the ex-wife of liquor-industry chair Lewis Rosenstiel, claimed she had seen Hoover in a dress, stockings, heels and wig at a party hosted by gadfly lawyer Roy Cohn This seems fairly unlikely; historian Athan Theoharis notes that anyone as secretive and power-obsessed as Hoover would never have been so blatant about a predilection that could be embarrassing We may never know the truth — Peter Smith Page 61 of 65 38 Milton Berle had the biggest penis in Hollywood You can die satisfied when your enormous penis has been mentioned, even tangentially, in the New Yorker Milton Berle got just that honor, though he'd already kicked off; a 2002 story about the Friars Club memorial roast of Berle features Freddie Roman remarking, "We are here to honor Milton Berle, who passed away on March 27th On May 1st and May 2nd, his penis will be buried." The New Yorker story is a fitting homage to Berle's colossal member, which for many years was, indeed, the talk of the town Berle and the big penis shared many adventures; most famously, writer Alan Zweibel alleged that Berle had shown him his penis during rehearsals for his infamous Saturday Night Live appearance Zweibel confirmed the penis's large size 37 Stevie Nicks' alternate cocaine-delivery method Supposedly, Fleetwood Mac's gypsy songstress, hoping to spare her vocal cords from her severe blow habit, got a little help from a coke-strawbearing groupie Nicks tends to be pretty forthright about her history of cocaine abuse, and she denies this story But that doesn't mean that it didn't happen We all know "Gold Dust Woman" was autobiographical, but maybe the phrase "roadie blowing coke up my ass" didn't fit the rhyme scheme — PS 36 Marisa Tomei won an Oscar by mistake Many critics have their complaints about Marisa Tomei's Best Supporting Actress win for My Cousin Vinny in 1992 — so many, in fact, that a rumor materialized to explain it According to lore, the presenter of the award, Jack Palance, couldn't read Vanessa Redgrave's name on the envelope and blurted out the name of the last nominee he had announced: Tomei Other versions claim Palance uttered the wrong name because he was too stoned to know better, or because he had a crush on Tomei Journalist Steve Pond, who covers the Oscars for Premiere, addresses the story directly in his book, Page 62 of 65 The Big Show: High Times and Dirty Dealings Backstage at the Academy Awards He writes that PricewaterhouseCoopers representatives "have very clear instructions that if a presenter opens the envelope and says the wrong name, they are to walk on stage, stop the show and announce the correct winner." Tomei quieted the chatter (somewhat) by receiving another nomination for In the Bedroom in 2001 — Kristin Gangwer 35 Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen beneath the Pirates of the Caribbean According to rumors, Uncle Walt was many things besides the father of Mickey Mouse: a Nazi, an antiSemite, a communist The most persistent tale, though, is that Disney was so obsessed with immortality that he made arrangements to have himself cryogenically frozen after death Ever since Disney shuffled off this mortal coil in 1966, popular myth has found him frozen beneath the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in California's Disneyland Two biographies, Marc Eliot's Walt Disney: Hollywood's Dark Prince and Leonard Mosley's Disney's World, have kept this rumor alive and kicking But though cryogenic freezing was a popular topic in the late '50s and early '60s, there's no evidence whatsoever that Disney had any specific interest or even knowledge of cryogenics, outside of dodgy anecdotal evidence Who knows? Maybe one day Disney will be re-animated and will go on to rule the world with his legions of cartoon anthropomorphs enforcing his terrible will We've seen Epcot Center It's possible — John Constantine Page 63 of 65 34 Prince Harry's father is not Prince Charles It was clear — and tacitly accepted — that after only a few years of marriage, Prince Charles and Princess Diana were cheating on each other Prince Harry was born in September 1984, and after the public glimpsed his puglike features and red hair, rumors began to circulate that he was the product of Diana's affair with army officer Major James Hewitt Diana publicly admitted her liaison in 1995, but insisted that she met Hewitt too late for him to be Harry's father Hewitt too claims that he first met Diana in May of 1986, when Harry was twenty months old Simone Simmons, a former close friend of the Princess, wrote Diana: The Last Word, a book serialized in The Sun In it, she clamed that Diana was forced to carry out paternity tests on both Harry and his brother, Prince William The tests reportedly showed that both boys were fathered by Prince Charles — Catrinel Bartolomeu 33 Napoleon's Bonaparte is a collector's item A number of famous penises are said to be floating about the world, having various adventures long after their owners went toes-up John Dillinger's is said to be in the Smithsonian, and the Russian Museum of Erotica proudly boasts Rasputin's But the Holy Grail of infamous dongs is that of Napoleon Bonaparte Bonaparte's autopsy was performed in 1821 by his personal doctor, in the presence of seventeen witnesses, including seven British doctors and a priest Organs removed from Napoleon included his heart, which he requested be delivered to his wife, and his stomach, which the assembled experts agreed was ridden with cancer and the cause of Napoleon's demise Accounts of the autopsy claim the penis was small (guy couldn't catch a break), but there's no mention of its removal In 1916, the priest's descendants sold off a collection of Naploeonic relics that included "the mummified tendon taken from Napoleon's body Page 64 of 65 during the post-mortem." The memento has since changed hands a number of times; the latest story is that American urologist John Lattimer bought it at auction in 1977 Lattimer defends its authenticity today, but it's hard to disagree with Sir Arthur Keith's 1913 argument that, given the number of witnesses at the autopsy, someone probably would have noticed if his penis went missing — JC QUESTION: 1.Who is a celebrity? According to you, what are the qualities of a famous person? Which is the best? Why? What are the differences between celebrities and normal people? Do you would like to become a well-known person? Why? It is said that:" Celebrity looks like two blade knife‖ What you think? 6."Celebrities don't be faithful in love‖ Do you agree? Explain 7.It is said that:‖ Scandals make the celebrity‖ What you think? If you become a famous person, what will you to win everyone's heart more or will you stop because that's enough? Should you love a celebrity? Why? 10 According to you, which elements make celebrity? CONCLUSION: In short, each person has an idol yourself Sometimes, the works bring us the entertainment, the relaxation and sometimes it has some bad factors which influence on us We should have the selection intelligently for ourselves If you are a person who has a lot of the ambitions, celebrity is what you want On the contrary, if you satisfy with your life, being a normal person is the happiest thing for you Trust me! Page 65 of 65 ... job are: preparation, presentation and performance Page 14 of 65 Preparation: Research the company Get as much information about the company, job and industry as you can Don''t just rely on a... the company''s major clients are, what the company does and the names of people in key positions like the CEO Then make sure you mention some of this information at the interview Contact the company... to maybe invest, I use stock screeners at businessweek .com or morningstar .com, or I hear about a stock on TV or stumble onto an interesting company on message boards at Yahoo! Then I look them

Ngày đăng: 18/01/2018, 13:22

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