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Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoang - Que ph Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoang - Que ph ong school ong school Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa ng - Que phong school Match ONE name with a suitable Match ONE name with a suitable picture. picture. GAGARIN PHAM TUAN BUZZ ALDRIN NEIL ARMSTRONG Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa ng - Que phong school NEIL ARMSTRONG GAGARIN BUZZ ALDRIN PHAM TUAN Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa ng - Que phong school Unit 15 Space conquest Unit 15 Space conquest Period 1: Reading Period 1: Reading Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa ng - Que phong school Before you read Before you read Work with a partner. Work with a partner. Ask and answer Ask and answer the following questions. the following questions. 1. 1. Who is the first human to fly into Who is the first human to fly into the space? the space? 2. 2. Can you name the first humans to Can you name the first humans to set foot on the moon? set foot on the moon? 3. 3. Who is the first Vietnamese to fly Who is the first Vietnamese to fly into space? into space? Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa ng - Que phong school 1. The first human to fly into space 1. The first human to fly into space is Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. is Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa ng - Que phong school 2. The first humans to set foot on 2. The first humans to set foot on the moon are Neil Armstrong and the moon are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Buzz Aldrin. Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa ng - Que phong school Pham Tuan Pham Tuan Pham Tuan and Gorbotko Pham Tuan and Gorbotko 3. The first Vietnamese to fly into 3. The first Vietnamese to fly into space is Pham Tuan. space is Pham Tuan. Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa ng - Que phong school New words: New words: - Lift - off Lift - off - orbit (n) orbit (n) - cosmonaut (n) cosmonaut (n) - certainty (n) certainty (n) uncertainty (n) uncertainty (n) - precisely (adv) precisely (adv) - deal with deal with - psychological (adj) psychological (adj) psychological tension psychological tension - telegram (n) telegram (n) - astronaut (n) astronaut (n) - venture (n) venture (n) - honour (n) honour (n) While you read While you read Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoang - Qu e phong school 1. Paragraph 1 A. The tragic accident 2. Paragraph 2 B. The lift-off 3. Paragraph 3 C. Congratulations 4. Paragraph 4 D. A view on earth 5. Paragraph 5 E. Uncertainties 4-C 2-D 5-A1-B 3-E Task 1. Match the headings to the paragraphs [...]... What was done after Gagarin’s death to honor this national hero? A After his death, his hometown of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin B After his death, the Cosmonaut Training Centre at Star City, Russia, was given the nameKhac Tuan _Hoang - honour this national hero Gagarin to Que phong school Teacher : B Both A and B c AFTER YOU READ Complete the summary of the reading passage by putting the words/phrases... temperature? C A, B and “ How would the mind deal with the psychological tension?” 4 What was the speed of his spacecraft in orbit around the Earth? A A It was more than 17,000 miles per hour B It was 17,000 miles per hour C It was about 17,000 miles per hour 5 What couldn’t Gagarin make a new space flight? A Because of a car crash B B Because of a tragic accident C Because there were a lot of astronauts...Task 2 Read the passage again and answer the questions 1 How old was Gagarin when he became the first human being in space? A When he was 25 B When he was 26 C C When he was 27 2 How long was he in space? A 108 minutes B 105 minutes C 100 minutes 3 What question were raised before Gagarin’s space flight? A What would happen to a human being in space? B How would the body react to the extreme changes... the blanks Impossible Gravity in space named after success cosmonaut lasted view On 12th April, 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut became the first human being (2) _ (1) in space lasted Although his flight (3) _ only 108 minutes, its (4) made him a national hero He also became the success first person to eat and drink in zero (5) , and he view wasgravity (6) The Earth in a way that... view wasgravity (6) The Earth in a way that no one had able to done before Unfortunately, a plane crash in March 1968 made Gagarin’s desire of revisiting space (7) _ impossible After his death, his hometown and the Cosmonaut Training Centre at Star City, Russia were (8) named after Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa _him Teacher : Khac Tuan _Hoa . Congratulations 4. Paragraph 4 D. A view on earth 5. Paragraph 5 E. Uncertainties 4-C 2-D 5 -A1 -B 3-E Task 1. Match the headings to the paragraphs Teacher. Because of a car crash B. Because of a tragic accident C. Because there were a lot of astronauts 6. What was done after Gagarin’s death to honor this national

Ngày đăng: 29/07/2013, 01:27

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