Psychological testing 7th global edition by gregory Psychological testing 7th global edition by gregory Psychological testing 7th global edition by gregory Psychological testing 7th global edition by gregory Psychological testing 7th global edition by gregory Psychological testing 7th global edition by gregory
Psychological Testing History, Principles, and Applications For these Global Editions, the editorial team at Pearson has collaborated with educators across the world to address a wide range of subjects and requirements, equipping students with the best possible learning tools This Global Edition preserves the cutting-edge approach and pedagogy of the original, but also features alterations, customization and adaptation from the North American version seventh edition Gregory This is a special edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world Pearson published this exclusive edition for the benefit of students outside the United States and Canada If you purchased this book within the United States or Canada you should be aware that it has been imported without the approval of the Publisher or Author Global edition Global edition Global edition Psychological Testing History, Principles, and Applications seventh edition Robert J Gregory Pearson Global Edition GREGORY_1292058803_mech.indd 23/04/14 2:49 PM Psychological Testing A01_GREG8801_07_SE_FM.indd 22/04/14 5:42 PM This page is intentionally left blank A01_GREG8801_07_SE_FM.indd 22/04/14 5:42 PM Seventh Edition Psychological Testing History, Principles, and Applications Global Edition Robert J Gregory Professor Emeritus Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo A01_GREG8801_07_SE_FM.indd 22/04/14 5:42 PM Editor in Chief: Ashley Dodge Acquisitions Editor: Susan Hartman Head of Learning Asset Acquisition, Global Editions: Laura Dent Acquisitions Editor, Global Editions: Vrinda Malik Assistant Project Editor, Global Editions: Paromita Banerjee Editorial Assistant: Amandria Guadalupe Senior Marketing Coordinator: Courtney Stewart Managing Editor: Denise Forlow Program Manager: Reena Dalal Senior Operations Supervisor: Mary Fischer Operations Specialist: Diane Peirano Cover Image: © ADA_photo/Shutterstock Digital Media Project Manager: Tina Gagliostro Digital Media Editor: Learning Mate Solutions, Ltd. 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any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a license permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners The use of any trademark in this text does not vest in the author or publisher any trademark ownership rights in such trademarks, nor does the use of such trademarks imply any affiliation with or endorsement of this book by such owners ISBN 10: 1-292-05880-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-292-05880-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-292-06755-1 (Print) (PDF) British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 Typeset in 10/12 Minion Pro Regular by PreMedia Global USA Inc Printed and bound by Courier Westford in United States of America A01_GREG8801_07_SE_FM.indd 22/04/14 5:42 PM Brief Contents Chapter Implementation and Attributes of Psychological Testing 21 T O P I C A The Nature and Uses of Psychological Testing 21 TOPIC 1B Ethical and Social Implications of Testing 40 Chapter Origins of Psychological Testing 56 T O P I C A The Origins of Psychological Testing 56 TOPIC 2B Testing from the Early 1900s to the Present 69 Chapter Norms and Reliability 82 T O P I C A Norms and Test Standardization 82 TOPIC 3B Concepts of Reliability 99 Chapter Validity and Test Construction 118 T O P I C A Basic Concepts of Validity 118 TOPIC 4B Test Construction 136 Chapter Intelligence and Achievement: Theories and Tests 154 T O P I C A Theories of Intelligence and Factor Analysis 154 TOPIC 5B Individual Tests of Intelligence and Achievement 179 Chapter Ability Testing: Group Tests and Controversies 210 T O P I C A Group Tests of Ability and Related Concepts 210 TOPIC 6B Test Bias and Other Controversies 238 Chapter Assessing Special Populations 267 T O P I C A Infant and Preschool Assessment 267 TOPIC 7B Testing Persons with Disabilities 289 Chapter Foundations of Personality Testing 306 T O P I C A Theories of Personality and Projective Techniques 306 TOPIC 8B S elf-Report and Behavioral Assessment of Psychopathology 333 Chapter Evaluation of Normality and Individual Strengths 360 T O P I C A Assessment Within the Normal Spectrum 360 TOPIC 9B Positive Psychological Assessment 384 A01_GREG8801_07_SE_FM.indd 22/04/14 5:42 PM Brief Contents Chapter 10 Neuropsychological Testing 401 T O P I C A N eurobiological Concepts and Behavioral Assessment 401 TOPIC 10B europsychological Tests, Batteries, and Screening N Tools 424 Chapter 11 Industrial, Occupational, and Career Assessment 452 T O P I C 1 A Industrial and Organizational Assessment 452 TOPIC 11B A01_GREG8801_07_SE_FM.indd ssessment for Career Development in a Global A Economy 477 22/04/14 5:42 PM Contents Preface 15 Chapter Implementation and Attributes of Psychological Testing 21 T O P I C A The Nature and Uses of Psychological Testing 21 The Consequences of Testing 22 Case Exhibit 1.1 • True-Life Vignettes of Testing 22 Definition of a Test 23 Further Distinctions in Testing 25 Types of Tests 26 Uses of Testing 29 Factors Influencing the Soundness of Testing 31 Standardized Procedures in Test Administration 31 Desirable Procedures of Test Administration 32 Influence of the Examiner 37 Background and Motivation of the Examinee 38 T O P I C B Ethical and Social Implications of Testing 40 The Rationale for Professional Testing Standards 40 Case Exhibit 1.2 • Ethical and Professional Quandaries in Testing 41 Responsibilities of Test Publishers 42 Responsibilities of Test Users 43 Case Exhibit 1.3 • Overzealous Interpretation of the MMPI 45 Testing of Cultural and Linguistic Minorities 49 Unintended Effects of High-Stakes Testing 52 Reprise: Responsible Test Use 54 Chapter 2 Origins of Psychological Testing 56 T O P I C A The Origins of Psychological Testing 56 Rudimentary Forms of Testing in China in 2200 b.c. 57 Physiognomy, Phrenology, and the Psychograph 57 The Brass Instruments Era of Testing 59 Rating Scales and Their Origins 62 Changing Conceptions of Mental Retardation in the 1800s 63 Influence of Binet’s Early Research on his Test 64 A01_GREG8801_07_SE_FM.indd 22/04/14 5:42 PM 8 Contents Binet and Testing for Higher Mental Processes 65 The Revised Scales and the Advent of IQ 66 T O P I C B Testing from the Early 1900s to the Present 69 Early Uses and Abuses of Tests in the United States 69 Group Tests and the Classification of Wwi Army Recruits 72 Early Educational Testing 73 The Development of Aptitude Tests 76 Personality and Vocational Testing after WWI 77 The Origins of Projective Testing 77 The Development of Interest Inventories 79 The Emergence of Structured Personality Tests 79 The Expansion and Proliferation of Testing 80 Evidence-Based Practice and Outcomes Assessment 81 Chapter Norms and Reliability 82 T O P I C A Norms and Test Standardization 82 Raw Scores 83 Essential Statistical Concepts 83 Raw Score Transformations 87 Selecting a Norm Group 94 Criterion-Referenced Tests 96 T O P I C B Concepts of Reliability 99 Classical Test Theory and the Sources of Measurement Error 99 Sources of Measurement Error 100 Measurement Error and Reliability 102 The Reliability Coefficient 103 The Correlation Coefficient 103 The Correlation Coefficient as a Reliability Coefficient 104 Reliability as Temporal Stability 105 Reliability as Internal Consistency 106 Item Response Theory 110 The New Rules of Measurement 113 Special Circumstances in the Estimation of Reliability 113 The Interpretation of Reliability Coefficients 114 Reliability and the Standard Error of Measurement 115 A01_GREG8801_07_SE_FM.indd 4/23/14 10:18 AM Contents Chapter Validity and Test Construction 118 T O P I C A Basic Concepts of Validity 118 Validity: A Definition 119 Content Validity 120 Criterion-Related Validity 122 Construct Validity 127 Approaches to Construct Validity 128 Extravalidity Concerns and the Widening Scope of Test Validity 133 T O P I C B Test Construction 136 Defining the Test 136 Selecting a Scaling Method 137 Representative Scaling Methods 138 Constructing the Items 143 Testing the Items 145 Revising the Test 150 Publishing the Test 152 Chapter Intelligence and Achievement: Theories and Tests 154 T O P I C A Theories of Intelligence and Factor Analysis 154 Definitions of Intelligence 155 Case Exhibit 5.1 • Learning and Adaptation as Core Functions of Intelligence 156 A primer of Factor Analysis 158 Galton and Sensory Keenness 166 Spearman and the g Factor 166 Thurstone and the Primary Mental Abilities 168 Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory 169 Guilford and the Structure-of-Intellect Model 171 Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive (Pass) Theory 172 Information Processing Theories of Intelligence 174 Gardner and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences 174 Sternberg and the Triarchic Theory of Successful Intelligence 176 A01_GREG8801_07_SE_FM.indd 22/04/14 5:42 PM Gordon, M., 428 Gorsuch, R L., 158, 336 Goslin, D A., 76 Gosling, S D., 372 Gossage, J P., 255 Gottfredson, G D., 491 Gottfredson, L., 460, 484 Gottman, J., 358 Gough, H., 79, 142, 361, 364, 366, 464 Gould, S., 65, 70 Gow, A J., 263 Grace, J., 422 Graham, J., 339, 342, 343 Graham, P., 256 Grande, T., 342 Gray, B., 450 Gray, C D., 158 Gray, J., 400 Greenberg, R., 308 Greene, E., 44 Greene, J., 144 Greenough, W T., 251 Greenwald, B D., 448 Gregory, R J., 28, 47, 49, 83, 101, 127, 180, 210, 220, 233, 246, 421, 441 Greif, E B., 374 Greve, K., 439 Grieve, A., 271 Grigorenko, E., 178 Grossman, M., 412 Grossman, S., 267 Groth-Marnat, G., 326, 367 Grove, W., 323 Gruber, C., 345 Guaiana, G., 432 Guilford, J P., 62, 93, 115, 171, 172, 316, 388, 390 Guion, R M., 453, 456, 458, 460, 466, 470, 473 Gulliksen, H., 137 Gunning, M D., 336 Gutkin, R B., 245 Guttman, L., 141 Gynther, M D., 334 Gynther, R A., 334 Haager, D., 208 Haaland, K Y., 441 Hachinski, V C., 420 Hack, M., 279 Hackett, G., 484 Haedt-Matt, A A., 359 Haertel, G D., 174 Hagen, E., 214, 257 Haiken-Vasen, J., 279 Hain, J., 436 Haladyna, T M., 345 Hale, J., 275 Hallmark, R., 330 Hambleton, R K., 96, 120, 145, 148 Hammeke, T., 442 Hammill, D., 197 Hamsher, K., 427 Handler, L., 322 Haney, T., 312 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 575 Name Index 575 Hannah, J., 298 Hansch, E., 420 Hansen, J A., 219 Hansen, J C., 488, 489, 494 Hanson, G A., 465 Hanson, M., 456, 457 Hardy-Braz, S., 298 Hare, R., 528 Hargrave, G E., 45, 134, 343, 367 Harlow, S., 376 Harmon, L W., 95 Harowski, K., 442 Harrington, D M., 388 Harris, B., 310 Harris, D., 292 Harris, M M., 471 Harrison, D A., 470, 471 Harrison, P L., 292 Harrison, R., 357 Harsveld, M., 224 Hartel, C., 300 Hass, S., 358 Hathaway, S., 77, 79, 143, 339 Hatton, D., 291 Hautamaki, J., 178 Haviland, M., 110, 112 Hawkins, K., 430, 461 Hawthorne, J., 269 Hayes, P A., 247 Hayes, S., 309 Haynes, S N., 358 Heaton, R K., 439, 441 Hebb, D., 415 Heckerl, J R., 208 Hedge, J., 456, 457 Heilbrun, A B., Jr., 375 Helms, J E., 240 Helson, R., 370, 373 Henry, M., 309 Herbst, J H., 371 Herman, C P., 359 Hernandez-Reif, M., 269 Herrnstein, R., 258 Hersen, M., 347 Hershberger, S., 100 Herzberg, P., 396 Hess, J A., 305 Hesse, E., 370 Hezlett, S., 232, 459 Hiatt, D., 45, 134, 343, 367 Hickcox, M., 359 Hickson, R., 349 Higgins, D M., 386 Higgs, M., 363 Highhouse, S., 468 Hill, B K., 300, 302 Hill, P C., 378 Hill, R., 419 Hilliard, A G., 240 Hintze, J., 355, 356 Hiskey, M S., 292 Ho, W., 431 Hoekstra-Vrolik, S., 297 22/04/14 5:33 PM 576 Name Index Hoepfner, R., 390 Hofer, S., 264 Hoffart, A., 349 Hoffman, F J., 208 Hofmann, S G., 348, 373 Hogan, A E., 254 Hogan, J., 464 Hogan, R., 464 Hoge, C W., 417 Hoge, D R., 377 Holdnack, J., 430 Holland, J L., 480, 490ff Hollander, E., 305 Hollingshead, A., 286 Hollingworth, H., 71 Hollingworth, L., 71 Holmes, T., 123 Holtzman, W H., 322 Holzinger, K J., 158 Homola, G., 418 Hood R W., 378, 379 Hooker, S A., 378 Hooper, S., 291 Hoover, H D., 25, 94 Hope, D A., 348 Horn, J., 169, 171, 263 Horton, A., 425 Hough, L M., 463 Howell, R J., 525 Howieson, D., 191, 414, 424 Hoyer, J., 396 Huang, C., 288 Hubley, A., 424, 450 Huffcutt, A I., 456, 457 Hufford, M., 358 Hughes, J L., 127 Hulin, C L., 470 Hull, J., 368 Hultsch, D F., 302 Humphreys, L., 156, 242 Hunsberger, B., 379 Hunsley, J., 135 Hunter, J E., 127, 224, 248, 454, 460 Hunter, M A., 302 Hunter, R F., 454, 460 Hurtz, G., 463 Hutchinson, M., 296 Hutson, H., 267 Hutt, M., 436 Hyne, S., 493 Iacono, W., 250 Ilgen, D., 452 Iliff, L., 420 Iliffe, S., 397 Inwald, R., 464 Irvin, J A., 490 Itard, J., 64 Ivcevic, Z., 386 Iverson, G., 444, 446 Jaberg, P E., 272 Jackson, A., 288 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 576 Jackson, D N., 211, 244, 334, 389, 392 Jackson, R., 355 Jacobson, J., 279 Jacobson, S., 279 Jako, R., 456, 457, 474 James, W., 378 Jankowski, D., 345 Jarman, R F., 198 Jennett, B., 138, 415 Jensen, A R., 144, 153, 166, 184, 218, 238, 240, 247, 250, 253, 257, 260 Jessell, T M., 406, 407 John, O P., 372 Johnson, C., 395 Johnson, K A., 295 Johnson, R C., 60 Johnson, W., 263 Johnston, D W., 348 Johnston, M H., 245, 322 Johnston, N., 219, 336, 469 Jones, K L., 255 Jones, K., 477 Jorm, A F., 418 Juan-Espinosa, M., 223 Judge, T., 475 Julian, E., 233 Jung, C G., 78 Jung-Beeman, M., 388 Kaemmer, B., 343 Kahn, M W., 323 Kaiser, H F., 107 Kalat, J., 411 Kalberg, W O., 255 Kalemba, V., 341 Kamin, L J., 251 Kamp, J., 463 Kanaya, T., 266 Kandel, E R., 406, 407, 412, 413 Kane, R L., 425 Kapes, J., 487 Kaplan, E., 434, 435, 442 Kapuscinski, A N., 378 Karr, C., 343 Kasten, R., 469 Kaufman, A S., 137, 181, 183, 189, 191, 201, 202, 257, 259, 263 Kaufman, J C., 156, 176, 201, 202, 386, 387, 389 Kaufman, N., 137 Kausler, D., 261 Keel, P K., 359 Keith, L., 295 Keith, T Z., 171 Keller, R., 471 Kelley, T L., 76 Kelly, E L., 457 Kendall, L., 471 Kendrick, S., 242 Kenna, A., 478 Kennedy, C., 445 Kennedy, W A., 257 22/04/14 5:33 PM Kennelly, K J., 38 Kent, G H., 78 Kentle, R L., 372 Keene, R., 302 Kerr, B., 388 Ketron, J L., 157 Khaleefa, O., 219 Kifer, E., 230 Kilinc, E., 293 Killian, G A., 331 Kim, K H., 390, 391 Kim, L I., 247 Kim, W J., 247 Kim, Y., 352 Kimbrough, W., 471 Kinder, E., 438 King, K., 358 Kinicki, A., 477 Kinnear, P R., 158 Kinsbourne, M., 427 Kirby, J., 198 Kirby, K., 442 Kirby, N., 279 Kirkpatrick, L., 379 Kite, E., 67 Kitson, D., 296 Klebanov, P., 259 Klieger, D M., 349 Klimoski, R B., 151, 452 Kline, P., 100, 129, 136, 459, 460 Klinedinst, J K., 345 Klove, H., 441 Koenig, A., 297 Kohlberg, L., 373, 374, 375 Kolb, B., 208, 411, 415 Kolen, M J., 25, 94 Kolevzon, A., 305 Kolts, R., 398 Koluchova, J., 252 Koppitz, E., 436 Kornblith, S J., 353 Koss, E., 419, 440 Kostrubala, C., 298 Kraft, R., 541 Kraijere, D., 304 Kramer, J., 434 Kramer, R., 373 Krikorian, R., 439 Kristjansson, B., 424, 450 Krohn, E., 197 Krokoff, L., 358 Krug, S., 43 Krugman, M., 331 Krumboltz, J D., 484, 485, 486 Kuder, G F., 79, 108 Kuehnle, K., 326 Kula, M., 323 Kunce, C., 455 Kuncel, N., 232, 247, 459 Kunz-Ebrecht, S., 397 Kupfermann, I., 411 Kurtines, W., 374 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 577 Name Index 577 Kurzon, C., 456 Kuskowski, A., 420 Kwate, N., 240 La Rue, A., 409, 419, 420 LaBarbera, D., 491 Lachar, D., 342, 345 Lacks, P., 436 Lah, M I., 325 Lai, T C., 427 Lambert, N M., 304 Lamp, R., 197 Landy, F., , 456, 457, 469, 470 Lane, S., 235 Lang, P J., 349 Lansdown, R., 256 LaPiana, W P., 233 Larrabee, G., 425 Larsen, G., 400 Larson, G E., 225, 460 Larson, L., 489 Lassiter, K., 292, 296, 461 Latham, G P., 458 Lau, B C., 447 Lazowski, L., 450 LeBuffe, P.A., 271 Ledbetter, M., 190, 382 Ledesma, H., 201 LeDoux, J E., 404 Lee, K H., 266 Lee, M S., 212 Lee, S W., 38 Lefcourt, H M., 315, 399 Lehman, R A., 123, 441 Leiter, R G., 290 Leland, H., 304 Lent, R W., 484 LeResche, L., 450 Lesser, R., 405 Lester, B M., 269 Levashina, J., 455 Leverett, J., 461 Levin, H., 439 Leviton, A., 256 Levitt, T., 445 Levy, D., 322 Lewinsohn, P M., 330, 353 Lewis, J F., 95 Lewis, M., 279 Lezak, M., 188, 191, 414, 417, 424, 430, 434, 438, 439, 441 Licht, E., 423 Lichtenberg, P., 431 Lichtenberger, E., 181, 189 Lieberman, M., 373 Lien, M T., 272 Likert, R., 141 Lilienfeld, S., 319 Lin, Y., 38 Lindal, E., 450 Lindenberger, U., 264 Lindzey, G., 319 Linn, R., 235 22/04/14 5:33 PM 578 Name Index Lipsitz, J D., 185 Lishman, W A., 256 Liskow, B., 449 Little, S., 331 Litz, B T., 373 Lofquist, L H., 482, 483 Loftus, E., 547 Loh, C S., 336 Lohman, D., 214, 218 Longstaff, H P., 462 Lonky, E., 269 Lopez, S., 384, 397 Lord, F M., 100, 110, 147 Loring, D., 191 Lovell, M R., 446, 447 Low, W Y., 336 Lowe, P., 38, 241 Lubart, T., 385 Lubinski, D., 490 Lucas, R E., 373 Luckasson, R., 299 Ludke, O., 373 Ludwig, K., 62 Luria, A., 172, 173, 413, 442 Lushene, R.E., 336 Lykken, D., 250 Lynch, E M., 185 Lynn, R L., 219, 260, 265 MacDougall, J., 312 Machover, K., 78, 330 Mack, J., 439, 440 Mackenzie Ross, S J., 256 MacMurray, B., 278 MacPhillamy, D J., 353 Maddi, S R., 312 Maddux, C., 376 Magoun, H W., 408 Mahoney, M., 348 Main, M., 370 Majnemer, A., 269 Mak, M., 432 Malgady, R G., 330 Malizia, K., 278 Malizio, A., 237 Malloy, P F., 422 Malo, S., 457 Maloney, M., 289 Man, D., 432 Manly, T., 427 Manning, W H., 244 Manto, M., 408 Marcus, D K., 256 Mardell, C., 283, 285 Markwardt, F C., 203 Marnic, L R., 437 Martin, J C., 255 Martin, R., 399 Martin, S., 537 Martin, T., 80, 369 Martuza, V R., 120 Masling, J., 322 Masten, A S., 271 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 578 Masters, K S., 378 Masur, D M., 431 Matarazzo, J., 43, 191 Mather, N., 203 Mathias, J., 188, 427 Matson, J L., 300, 305 Matthews, G., 395, 396 Matthews, T., 296 Matthews-Morgan, J., 392 Mattingley, J B., 412 Matto, H C., 200 Maurer, S D., 457 Mausbach, B T., 320 May, P A., 255 Mayer, J D., 307, 386 Mayer, J., 363, 393, 394, 395 Mayers, L., 448 Mayeux, R., 412 Mazer, B., 269 McAllister, T W., 364, 416 McBratnie, B., 438 McCall, R., 24, 277 McCallum, R S., 291 McCaulley, M H., 80, 361, 362 McClearn, G E., 250 McCloy, R., 463 McCord, D., 185 McCoy, B., 58 McCrae, R R., 80, 318, 367, 368, 371, 376, 463 McCullough, M., 397 McDonald, R P., 136 McDowell, I., 424, 450 McGee, R., 428 McGlynn, F D., 349 McGrath, R., 323 McGrath, S K., 279, 280 McGreevy, M., 523 McGrew, K S., 169, 170, 171, 203 McGue, M., 250 McGurk, D., 417 McGurk, F., 241 McHugh, P., 450 McKeachie, W., 38 McKee, A C., 448 McKee-Ryan, F M., 477 McKenzie, R., 127 McKey, R H., 30 McKinley, J C., 77, 79, 143, 339 McLean, C P., 373 McLean, J E., 181, 183, 257 McMillan, D., 534 McNamara, W J., 127 McNeish, T., 331 McNulty, J., 344 McReynolds, P., 62 Mead, A D., 80 Meagher, M W., 352 Mednick, M., 387 Mednick, S., 385, 387 Meehl, P., 127, 339 Meichenbaum, D., 348, 350 Meier, V J., 348 Meisels, S., 282 22/04/14 5:33 PM Melton, G B., 45 Mendelsohn, M., 352 Mendez, M., 423 Mendoza-Denton, R., 318 Menzies, G., 246 Mercer, J R., 95 Merenda, P F., 338 Messiah, A., 449 Messick, S., 120, 127, 135, 389, 392 Mettelman, B B., 428 Mevarech, Z., 174 Meyer, G J., 320, 321 Michael, W B., 107 Middleton, H., 302 Miele, F., 246 Mihura, J L., 320 Milla, S., 357 Miller, F., 450 Miller, H L., 320 Miller, I., 290 Miller, L , 175 Miller, N M., 315 Miller, S D., 80 Miller, W., 450 Millman, J., 144 Millon, T., 344 Mills, C., 219 Milner, B., 410, 415 Minderaa, R., 304 Minskoff, E., 208 Mintun, M., 408 Mirsky, A., 428 Mischel, W., 318 Mitchell, T W., 151 Mitchell, V., 370, 371 Moberg, D., 380 Mock, J., 352 Molteni, M., 304 Montague, M., 174 Montie, J., 280 Moore, E., 50 Moore, J., 445 Moore, R C., 320 Moore, W P., 54 Moreno, K E., 224, 226 Morgan, C D., 78, 326 Morgeson, F P., 455 Mori, L., 358 Morris, M., 488 Morrison, M W., 231, 441 Morrison, M., 105 Morrison, T., 231 Morrow, C., 269 Mortimer, A., 432 Mortimer, J., 420 Moruzzi, G., 408 Moss, P A., 134, 139 Motowidlo, S J., 457 Motta, R., 331 Mount, M., 455 Mountain, M., 439 Moutafi, J., 363 Muchinsky, P M., 463, 466, 471, 473 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 579 Name Index 579 Muldrow, T., 127 Mulick, J., 299 Mumford, M D., 454 Mundfrom, D., 288 Mungas, D M., 335 Munoz, R F., 353 Mur, J., 223 Murphy, K R., 225, 455, 469, 473, 474 Murphy, R., 266 Murray, C., 258, 326, 334 Murray, H., 78 Myers, B., 269 Myers, I B., 80, 361, 362 Myers, T., 300 Myrtek, M., 312 Naglieri, J., 173, 198, 200, 271, 292, 296, 331 Nagy, G., 373 Narvaez, D., 375 Naugle, R I., 201 Naumann, L P., 372 Naveh-Benjamin, M., 38 Needleman, H., 31, 256 Neisser, U., 259 Nelson, V., 277 Nesselroade, J R., 250, 261 Nestor, P G., 370 Nettelbeck, T., 265, 279 Netter, B., 323 Neumann, C., 265, 528 Nevo, B., 122, 151 Newburger, J., 280 Newcomer, P., 203 Newland, T., 297 Newman, J L., 476 Newsome, S., 396 Nezworski, M., 135, 323 Ngari, S., 219 Niaz, U., 451 Nichols, T., 408 Nickel, E., 449 Nieberding, R., 330 Nietzel, M T., 44 Nieuwenhuis-Mark, R E., 451 Nihira, K., 304 Nijenhuis, J., 223, 224 Nilsen, D., 493 NimmoSmith, I., 427 Nisan, M., 375 Nisbett, R E., 250 Nolan, K P., 468 Nolan, R., 312 Norris, G., 440 Norris, M P., 352 Novick, M R., 100, 107, 110, 147 Nowinski, C J., 448 Nugent, J., 268 Nunnally, J., 62, 101, 115, 136, 145, 148, 284 O’Neill, J., 279 Oakes, L., 547 O'Brien, K., 417 Ochse, R., 385, 388 22/04/14 5:33 PM 580 Name Index Odle-Dusseau, H N., 465 Oei, T., 336 Offer, D., 361 Ogard, E., 343 Ogg, J A., 272 Ogloff, J., 528 O'Hara, M W., 353 Oldham, G., 468 Oles, H J., 43 Ollendick, T H., 349 Olsen, B., 349 Olson, G., 368 Ones, D S., 231, 367, 465, 471 Ortner, T., 38 Osborne, R T., 184 Oswald, F., 470 Otis, A S., 73 Ottinger, R., 456 Otto, R., 526 Owen, D., 266 Owens, W A., 454 Ownby, R L., 47 Pagano, J., 269 Paloutzian, R., 380, 382 Pandolfo, M., 408 Panigua, F., 50 Paolitto, A., 200 Pardaffy, V A., 473 Pardini, J., 447 Pargament, K I., 378 Park, N., 547 Parker, J D., 194 Parmelee, W M., 326 Parsons, F., 479 Patience, W., 237 Patterson, C., 256 Patterson, M., 342, 439, 440 Patterson, T L., 320 Pattie, A., 263 Patton, J., 175, 289 Patton, W., 397 Paty, J., 358 Paul, J., 105, 441 Paul, L K., 328, 404 Paulhus, D., 309 Paulman, R G., 38 Paulsen, J S., 422 Pawlow, L A., 352 Payne, A F., 78 Payne, J., 175, 289 Pearlson, G., 430 Pearson, K., 60 Pedersen, N L., 250 Pedrabissi, L., 304 Peery, S., 521 Penfield, W., 405, 415 Pennebaker, J W., 328 Pepple, J., 461 Peretz, H., 476 Perry, J C., 309, 310 Perugini, M., 317 Pervin, L A., 316, 317 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 580 Peters, L., 475 Petersen, D., 357 Petersen, N S., 94 Peterson, C., 396, 547 Peterson, D., 462 Peterson, J B., 386 Peterson, P., 442 Petrila, J., 45 Pettibone, J C., 352 Pfeiffer, S J., 296, 331 Phelps, L., 291, 293 Piaget, J., 156, 373 Piedmont, R L., 367, 381 Piersma, H., 345 Piirto, J., 388 Pilkonis, P A., 352 Pintner, R., 72, 155 Piotrowski, C., 435 Pipes McAdoo, H., 288 Pirozzolo, F., 420 Pittenger, D., 364 Plaisted, J., 442 Plaud, J J., 348 Plomin, R., 250, 279 Pluess, M., 547 Pogge, D., 323 Pohlmann, J T., 218 Polivy, J., 359 Pollack, R H., 65 Pollard, R., 298 Pollens, R., 438 Poortinga, Y H., 247 Pope, K., 112 Popham, W J., 96 Porter, R., 226 Porteus, S., 49, 178, 438 Potenza, M., 540 Potter, E., 464 Potter, J., 372 Powell, B., 449 Powell, S., 449 Powers, D., 232 Poythress, N., 45 Prentky, R., 386 Prewett, N., 201 Prieto, M., 178 Prifitera, A., 430 Primerano, D., 171 Primhoff, E S., 40 Proctor, T., 33 Prout, H., 296 Puhlik-Doris, P., 400 Purish, A., 442 Pursell, E D., 456 Pyle, W H., 72 Qu, P., 293 Quek, K F., 336 Quiroga, M., 223 Rafferty, J E., 325 Rahe, R., 123 22/04/14 5:33 PM Ramey, C T., 253 Ramey, S., 253 Ramos, E., 33 Randels, S., 255 Ranseen, J., 368 Rappoport, L., 280 Rasch, G., 110, 111, 147 Raven, J C., 104, 170, 217 Raven, J., 104, 217 Raymark, P H., 465 Razack, A H., 336 Ready, R E., 422 Reddon, J R., 334 Redick, T S., 448 Redlich, F., 286 Ree, M J., 460 Reese, H., 261 Reglade-Méslin, C., 418 Rehm, L P., 353 Reihman, J., 269 Reilly, K., 444 Reilly, R R., 455, 460 Reinecke, M A., 348 Reise, S., 110, 112, 148 Reitan, R., 104, 408, 413, 417, 425ff Reiter-Palmon, R., 389 Reppermund, S., 248 Reschly, D J., 300, 355 Rescorla, L A., 254 Rest, J R., 373, 375 Revell, A., 264 Rey, A., 430 Reynolds, C F., 352 Reynolds, C R., 183, 240, 241, 244, 247, 257 Rhodes, L., 470 Richards, P S., 267, 376, 378 Richardson, M W., 108 Richmond, J., 286 Ridgeway, V., 427 Rinas, J., 45 Ritter, N., 293 Ritzler, B A., 328 Roberson, G., 439 Roberts, B W., 371, 373 Roberts, J., 291, 450 Roberts, R J., 439 Roberts, R., 395, 396 Robertson, G., 43, 203 Robertson, I., 427, 453, 457, 458, 459 Robins, D L., 305 Rock, S L., 287 Roebuck-Spencer, T., 445 Rogers, B., 237 Rogers, C R., 313 Rogers, R., 341, 355 Rogler, L H., 330 Roid, G., 194, 195, 197, 276, 290 Rojahn, J., 200, 299 Ropacki, M., 444 Rorschach, H., 78, 319ff Rosanoff, A J., 78 Rose, M P., 349 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 581 Name Index 581 Rosenberg, S., 430 Rosenfarb, I S., 320 Rosenman, R., 311 Ross, J., 378 Ross, T., 431 Rossi-Casé, L., 266 Rosvold, H., 428 Roth, P L., 465 Roth, P., 457 Rothstein, M., 336, 469 Rotter, J B., 314, 325 Rounds, J B., Jr., 490 Rowland, K., 475 Rubenzer, S., 367 Rubin, M., 395 Rubin, S E., 349 Ruddock, M., 269 Rue, D S., 247 Rule, W R., 336 Rundmo, T., 312 Rushton, P., 257, 260 Russo, J., 140 Ryan, A., 465 Ryan, J J., 132 Ryan, J., 430, 490 Ryan, M., 462 Ryan, R M., 327 Sabshin, M., 361 Saccuzzo, D P., 219 Sackett, P R., 247, 464, 465, 466 Sadock, B., 361 Sadock, V., 361 Saenz, A L., 241 Sala, F., 395 Salgado, J., 459 Salovey, P., 363, 393, 394, 395 Salvia, J., 204, 291 Samelson, F., 73 Sanderson, C., 368 Sanderson, M., 255 Sandford, J., 428 Sarason, I., 38, 428 Sashidharan, T., 352 Sattler, J., 33, 34, 35, 37, 47, 49, 116, 132, 156, 202, 257, 275, 291, 356 Saul, R E., 423 Saulle, M., 448 Savickas, M L., 483, 494 Scarr, S., 220, 253, 272 Schachtitz, E., 325 Schaie, K W., 130, 168, 262, 264, 369 Schalock, R L., 298 Schatz, P., 447 Schaubhut, N., 488 Schaubroeck, J., 471 Scheier, M., 396, 397 Schell, A., 256 Scherer, I W., 340 Scherer, L., 412 Schermerhorn, S M., 33 Scheuneman, J D., 245 Schiebel, D., 337 22/04/14 5:33 PM 582 Name Index Schiller, J., 401 Schlegel, R., 445 Schmidt, F L., 127, 248, 456, 460, 471 Schmidt, K S., 421 Schmitt, N., 108, 453, 455, 457, 458 Schneider, D L., 465 Schock, H., 292 Schoenberg, M., 430 Schoenrade, P., 379 Schroffel, A., 468 Schubert, D., 342 Schulein, M., 442 Schuler, M., 269 Schutt, R K., 370 Schwartz, J H., 406, 407 Schwartz, J., 296 Schweid, E., 278 Sciarrino, J A., 467 Scott, K G., 254 Scullin, M., 266 Seashore, H., 27, 220 Segal, N., 250, 251 Segall, D O., 224, 226 Seguin, E., 64 Seidman, L., 461 Seligman, M., 361, 384 Sewell, K., 297 Shaffer, M., 471 Shapiro, E., 355, 357 Shapiro, H., 281 Sharkey, K J., 328 Shaw, S., 206 Shayer, M., 266 Sheldon, K., 208 Sheldon, W., 311 Shepherd, P A., 279, 280 Sherbenou, R J., 293 Sherman, E., 80, 430, 434 Sheslow, D., 432 Shiffman, S., 358, 359 Shoda, Y., 318 Shogren, K., 299 Shurrager, H C., 297 Shurrager, P S., 297 Siegler, I C., 371 Siegman, A W., 39 Sigman, M., 265 Silver, J M., 416 Silverstein, A., 304 Silvia, P J., 389 Simon, J R., 36, 155 Singer, M., 280, 296 Sipps, G J., 185 Sisson, E D., 473 Sitarenios, G., 395 Sivan, A., 427, 434 Skarlicki, D., 458 Skeels, H M., 252 Skeem, J., 526 Skinner, B F., 314, 348 Sliwak, R., 464 Sliwinski, M., 264 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 582 Slobogin, C., 45 Smedslund, G., 312 Smith, A., 438 Smith, D W., 255 Smith, G., 547 Smith, H., 441 Smith, J., 382 Smith, L., 382 Smith, M., 256, 459 Smith, P C., 472 Smither, R D., 471, 474, 475 Smyth, J., 359 Smyth, K., 440 Snow, W., 439, 442 Snyder, C R., 384, 385, 397, 545 Solomon, J., 370 Sommerville, J., 427 Song, J., 439 Song, Z., 477 Sonne, J L., 420 Sontag, L W., 277 Soto, C J., 370, 372, 373 Sparks, J., 81 Sparrow, S., 300, 304 Spearman, C., 76, 100, 155, 166, 167 Specht, J., 373 Sperry, R., 404 Spielberger, C D., 336 Spielberger, C., 38 Spitzer, R., 355 Spokane, A., 489 Spreen, O., 80, 209, 427, 430, 434 Springer, S P., 173, 412 Spurzheim, J., 58 St Laurent, C., 323 Stafford-Clark, D., 308 Stanley, J C., 100 Steele, C M., 51 Steer, R A., 135, 141, 352 Steers, R M., 470 Stefansson, J., 450 Stein, L., 344 Stein, S., 393 Stein, T D., 448 Steinweg, D L., 449 Stejskal, W., 323 Stenner, A J., 236 Stephenson, W., 313 Steptoe, A., 397 Stern, R., 443 Sternberg, R J., 155, 156, 157, 176, 178, 231, 385, 386, 388 Stevens, S S., 137, 311 Stewart, A J., 327 Stewart, G., 458, 459 Stewart, P., 269 Stockley, C J., 336 Stokes, G., 454, 455 Stokes, J., 323 Stone, B J., 217 Stone, T., 398 Storandt, M., 419 22/04/14 5:33 PM Stout, J C., 422 Strand, J., 349 Strauss, E., 80, 302, 430, 434 Strayhorn, J M., 256 Strayhorn, J.C., 256 Streissguth, A., 255 Strong, E K., 61, 79, 488 Stroop, J R., 199 Strub, R L., 435 Stuck, A., 451 Sullivan, M W., 279 Summers, B., 218 Sundet, J., 265, 266 Super, C M., 483 Super, D E., 483 Susser, E., 252 Svien, L., 246 Sweeney, J., 425 Swenson, W M., 330 Swider, B W., 459 Swineford, F., 158 Symons, D., 428 Sytema, S., 304 Szondi, L., 78 Tabachnick, B G., 160, 165 Taber, B., 489 Taddei, S., 200 Tai, D., 401 Talkington, J., 353 Tallent, N., 47 Talley, J., 439 Tambs, K., 265 Tamkin, A S., 340 Tan J E., 302 Tasbihsazan, R., 279 Tasto, D L., 349 Tate, R L., 421 Tate, R., 440 Tauszcik, Y R., 328 Taylor, C B., 315 Taylor, C J., 38 Taylor, G., 279 Taylor, J., 37, 50 te Nijenhuis, J., 266 Teare, J F., 296 Teasdale, G., 138, 415 Teasdale, T., 266 Teichner, G., 442 Tellegen, A., 250, 340, 343, 344 Temple, R., 444 Templeton, A R., 259 Teng, S., 57 Terman, L M., 72, 155 Terrell, F., 37, 50 Terrell, S., 37, 50 Thase, M E., 352 Thoma, S J., 373, 375 Thomas, J L., 417 Thomas, M., 398 Thompson, C., 330 Thompson, L A., 279 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 583 Name Index 583 Thompson, M., 291 Thompson, R W., 296 Thompson, R., 488 Thompson, T., 487 Thorndike, E L., 24, 61, 79, 140, 155, 393, 474 Thorndike, R L., 257 Thurstone, L L., 76, 141, 156, 168, 220 Thurstone, T G., 76, 168 Tissot, S., 219 Tobin, M., 331 Tombaugh, T., 424, 450 Tomkins, S S., 326 Tong, E., 359 Tonsager, M E., 48, 135 Torjussen, T., 266 Torrance, E P., 390, 391 Tranel, D., 424 Trautwein, U., 373 Traver, M D., 336 Traxler, A E., 35, 36 Tree, H A., 132 Treffert, D A., 175 Trefflinger, D., 392 Trinidad, D., 395 Trontel, E H., 335 Tröster, A., 409 Trull, T J., 318, 367 Trumbo, D., 456 Tsai, L., 451 Tsang, J., 397 Tsatsanis, K., 291 Tsuang, M., 451, 461 Tucker, G., 201 Tulsky, D., 185, 190 Tureck, K., 305 Turk, A A., 328 Turkheimer, E., 250 Turner, A., 428 Tyson, P., 432 Tzeng, O., 361, 488 Uematsu, S., 405 Ulleland, C N., 255 Ulmer, D., 311, 312 Ulrich, L., 456 Urquhart-Hagie, M., 246 Useda, J., 318, 367 Vagg, P A., 38 Vagg, P R., 336 Vaillant, G., 309 Van de Riet, V., 257 Van de Vijver, F., 224, 247 Van der Flier, H., 224 Van Gorp, W., 442 Van Iddekinge, C H., 465 Vance, B., 296 Vandehey, M A., 477, 483 VanderVeer, B., 278 Vangel, S., 431 Varma, A., 475 22/04/14 5:33 PM 584 Name Index Varney, N., 427, 439 Vaughn, S., 208 Vautier, S., 336 Ventis, W., 379 Vernon, M C., 34 Vernon, P A., 166, 336 Vernon, P E., 168, 251 Viechtbauer, W., 371 Viglione, D J., 320, 323 Villa, S., 304 Villanova, P., 470 Vincent, A., 445 Viswesvaran, C., 471 Vogt, A., 441 Volpe, R., 355 Von Korff, M., 451 Vosler-Hunter, W., 382 Vosvick, M A., 485 Wagner, R., 456 Walberg, H J., 174 Wald, M M., 401 Waldfogel, J., 254 Walker, C., 418 Wallace, C S., 251 Wallas, G., 387 Wallbrown, F H., 212, 214 Walsh, B D., 476 Walsh, W B., 491 Walters, R H., 315 Walton, K E., 371 Wanberg, C., 477 Wanek, J., 464 Wang, J., 220, 263 Wang, M C., 174 Ward, C H., 352 Ward, M., 289 Ward, T., 427 Ware, R., 361 Warner, M H., 463 Washington, J., 295 Wasserman, J., 291 Wasylkiw, L., 318 Watkins, C., 330 Watkins, P., 398 Watson, B., 293 Watson, J B., 385 Watson, P., 427 Watz, L., 292 Weatherman, R., 300 Weber, K., 255 Webster, D., 420 Wechsler, D., 33, 37, 72, 109, 117, 156, 181, 183, 190, 261, 275, 429 Weinberg, R A., 253 Weiner, I., 319, 326, 452 Weiner, W., 409 Weingardner, J., 335 Weinstein, H P., 367 Weir, K., 400 Weis, G M., 272 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 584 Weiss, D S., 325 Weller, C E., 479 Welsh, G S., 340, 343 Werdel, M., 382 Werder, J., 203 Wertheimer, M., 387 Wesman, A G., 144, 220, 242 Westbrook, B W., 376 Whaley, S., 265 Whipple, G M., 211 Whishaw, I Q., 208, 411 White, J C., 257 White, T., 443 Whitehouse, P., 440 Whiteside, L., 288 Whitney, D., 237 Whitworth, R H., 245 Widiger, T., 318 Wielgosz, A., 312 Wiemann, S., 466 Wiesner, W H., 457 Wigert, B., 389 Wiggins, J., 316 Wilkins, J., 305 Wilkinson, G S., 203 Williams, B., 312 Williams, C L., 342 Williams, K M., 200 Williams, M., 412 Williams, R E., 469 Williams, W., 231 Williamson, D., 444 Williamson, L., 457 Willis, S., 130, 262 Wilson, B., 431, 440 Wilson, C., 265 Wilson, M., 260, 355 Wilson, R S., 277 Wing, H., 461, 462 Winter, D G., 327 Wirt, R D., 345 Wisniewski, J J., 292 Wissler, C., 61 Witelson, S., 412 Witt, L., 455 Witteborg, K M., 38 Wolf, A W., 342 Wolf, T H., 65 Wolfe, J., 460 Wolfe, L M., 171 Wolff, K C., 49 Wolfson, D., 104, 408, 413, 417, 425ff Wolpe, J., 348, 349 Wonderlic, E F., 461 Wong, D., 465 Wood, J M., 135, 319, 323 Woodcock, R., 203, 300 Woodward, K., 398 Woodworth, R S., 61, 77 Worth, H., 449 Wortman, J., 373 Wright, C., 297 22/04/14 5:33 PM Wright, L., 312 Wrightsman, L S., 44 Wulff, D M., 378, 379 Wundt, W., 59, 60 Wypij, D., 280 Xu, L., 401 Yama, M., 330 Yazzie, C., 296 Yen, W M., 146, 148 Yerkes, R M., 72, 73, 180, 210 Youngren, M A., 353 Ysseldyke, S., 204, 291 Z05_GREG8801_07_SE_NIDX.indd 585 Name Index 585 Yuan, Y., 280 Yudofsky, S C., 416 Zaslow, M J., 272 Zedeck, S., 124, 139, 150 Zeidner, M., 395, 396 Zeiss, A M., 353 Zelinski, E., 539 Zgaljardic, D., 444 Zhai, F., 254 Zhu, J., 185, 190 Zilberg, N J., 325 Zilha, E., 420 Zimmerman, R., 456 Zuo, L., 392 22/04/14 5:33 PM Subject Index Alcohol abuse, 418 Alcohol dependence, 448 Alzheimer’s disease, 419–420 American College Test (ACT), 229–230 Analogue behavioral assessment, 358 Aphasia, 434–435 Aptitude tests, 76–77 Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), 225–226 Arithmetic (Wechsler subtest), 184 Army Alpha and Beta tests, 72–73 Assessment, 26 Assessment center, 468–469 Assessment of Spiritual and Religious Sentiments (ASPIRES), 381–382 Attentional systems, 407–408 Autism Spectrum Disorders, 304–305 Autobiographical data, 454–456 Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics-4 (ANAM4), 445–446 Basal ganglia, 408 Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-III, 270–271 Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), 352 Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive System (BADS), 440 Behavioral assessment, 347–349 Bender Gestalt Test-II (BGT-II), 436–437 Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test, 461–462 Big Five Inventory (BFI), 372–373 Big Five personality factors, 463–464 Binet-Simon 1905 Scale, 67 Binet-Simon 1908 and 1911 Scales, 67–68, 69 Goddard’s translation of, 69–70 and immigration testing, 70–71 Biodata, 454 Block Design (Wechsler subtest), 186 Brass instruments era, 59–62 CAGE questionnaire, 449 California Psychological Inventory (CPI), 364–367 Campbell Interest and Skills Survey (CISS), 493–496 Career Beliefs Inventory, 486–487 Career development, 478–480 Career development stage theories, 483–484 Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory, 169–171 Cerebellum, 408 Cerebral cortex, 404–405 Cheating on tests, 52–54 Children’s Apperception Test, 328–329 Classical theory of measurement error, 99–102 Clinical judgment, 532–533 Coding (Wechsler subtest), 187 Coefficient alpha, 107–108 Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), 214–217 Cognitive Assessment System-II (CAS-II), 198–200 College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB), 76 Comprehension (Wechsler subtest), 184–185 Comrey Personality Scales (CPS), 338–339 Concurrent validity, 122–123 Construct validity, 127–131 Constructional dyspraxia, 413 Content validity, 120–121 Convergent thinking, 390 Corpus callosum, 404 Correction for guessing, 36 Correlation coefficient, 103–104 Cranial nerves, 406–407 Creativity tests, 385–392 Criterion contamination, 475 Criterion-referenced tests, 96–98 Cultural and linguistic minorities, 49–52 Decision theory, 125–127 Defense mechanisms, 309–310 Defining Issues Test, 375–376 Denver-II, 285–286 Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude-4 (DTLA-4), 197–198 Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning-4 (DIAL-4), 283–285 Devereaux Early Childhood Assessment-Clinical Form (DECA-C), 271–272 Diana v State Board of Education, 502–503 Differential Ability Scales-II (DAS-II), 273–275 Differential Aptitude Test (DAT), 220–223 Digit Span (Wechsler subtest), 183 Divergent production, 390 Draw-A–Person (DAP), 330–331 Durham rule, 523 Duty to warn, 44 Ecological momentary assessment, 358–359 Emotional intelligence, 393 Employment interview, 456–458 Evidence-based assessment, 81 Examinee Feedback Questionnaire (EFeQ), 151–152 Executive functions, 414–416, 437–438 Expectancy table, 95–96 Expert rankings, 138–139 Expert witness, 516 Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), 336–338 Face validity, 121 Factor analysis, 158–165 Fagan’s Test of Infant Intelligence (FTII), 279–280 Faith Maturity Scale, 382–383 Fetal alcohol effect, 255 Fetal alcohol syndrome, 255 Figure Weights (Wechsler subtest), 188–189 Finger Localization Test, 427 Finger Tapping Test, 440–441 Five-factor model of personality, 317–318 Flynn effect, 265–266 Frequency distribution, 84 Frequency polygon, 84 Freudian theories of personality, 307–311 Fuld Object Memory Evaluation, 431 General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB), 223–224 Generational changes in intelligence, 264–266 Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test, 292 Graduate Record Exam (GRE), 231–232 Graphic rating scales, 471–472 Gratitude, assessment of, 397–398 586 Z06_GREG8801_07_SE_SIDX.indd 586 22/04/14 5:34 PM Group tests, 210–237 Guttman scales, 141 Halo effect, 474 Halstead-Reitan Test Battery, 425–426 Happenstance Learning Theory, 484–485 Haptic Intelligence Scale for the Adult Blind (HISAB), 297–298 High-stakes testing, 52–54 Hindbrain, 406 Hiskey-Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude, 292–293 Histogram, 84 History of psychological testing, 56–81 Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment (HOME), 286–288 House-Tree-Person Test (H-T–P), 331 Immediate Post-concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT), 445–448 In-Basket Test, 467–468 Information function, 111–112 Information (Wechsler subtest), 183 Informed consent, 45–46 Integrity tests, 464–466 Intellectual Disability, 298–305 Intelligence age changes and, 260–263 definitions of, 155–158 environmental effects on, 251–254 genetic contributions to, 250–251 infant capacities, 268–272 race differences on, 257–260 simultaneous and successive processing in, 172–174 structure-of-intellect model in, 171–172 teratogenic effects on, 254–256 theory of multiple, 174–176 triarchic theory of, 176–178 Intelligence test(s), 179–202 predictive validity of infant, 277–279 Interactive video in assessment, 537–538 Interest inventories, 79 Interval scale, 137–138 Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP), 302–303 Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS), 234–236 Item-characteristic curve, 147–148 Item-difficulty index, 145–146 Item-discrimination index, 148–149 Item-reliability index, 146–147 Item-response function, 110 Item response theory, 110–113 Item-validity index, 147 Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2 (KBIT-2), 201–202 Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-II (KTEA-II), 202–204 Kuder-Richardson formula, 108 Lake Wobegon effect, 54 Law School Admission Test (LSAT), 233–234 Learning disabilities, 204–209 Left hemisphere language functions, 411–412 Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised, 290–291 Letter-Number Sequencing (Wechsler subtest), 185 Levels of measurement, 137 Lexile measures, 236 Likert scales, 141 Limbic system, 410–411 Locus of control, 314 Z06_GREG8801_07_SE_SIDX.indd 587 Subject Index 587 Malingering, 519 Matrix Reasoning (Wechsler subtest), 186 Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), 393–396 Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), 232–233 Luria-Nebraska Neurpsychological Battery (LNNB), 441–443 Mean, 84 Median, 84 Memory systems, 409–410 Mental retardation (early views), 63–64 Mental status exam, 420–421 Method of absolute scaling, 140–141 Method of empirical keying, 141–142 Method of equal-appearing intervals, 139–140 Method of rational scaling, 142–143 Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT), 236 Midbrain, 406 Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III), 344–345 Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), 450–451 Minnesota Clerical Test, 462 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), 339–344 Mode, 85 Moral Judgment Scale, 373–375 Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II (MAB-II), 211–214 Multitrait-multimethod matrix, 131 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 361–364 NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R), 367–369 Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS), 268–269 Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB), 443–445 Nominal scale, 137 Normal distribution, 86–87 Normal pressure hydrocephalus, 418–419 Norm group 82, 95 Object Assembly (Wechsler subtest), 187 Occupational Information Network (O*NET), 485 Optimism, assessment of, 396–397 Ordinal scale, 137 Origins of projective testing, 77–79 Origins of rating scales, 62–63 Parkinson’s Disease, 409, 420 Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-IV(PPVT-IV), 295 Percentile, 88 Percentile rank, 88 Personal injury, 527 Personality theories, 306–318 Personality coefficient, 318 Personality Inventory for Children-2(PIC-2), 345–346 Personality Research Form (PRF), 334–336 Personality tests, 79–80 Person-environment fit, 480–482 Phrenology, 58 Physiognomy, 57–59 Picture Completion (Wechsler subtest), 185 Picture Concepts (Wechsler subtest), 186 Picture Projective Test, 328 Pleasant Events Schedule (PES), Porteus Maze Test, 178, 438–439 Positive psychological assessment, 384–400 Positive psychology, 384 Primary mental abilities, 168–169 22/04/14 5:34 PM 588 Subject Index Professional testing standards, 40–42 Projective hypothesis, 318 Psychograph, 58–59 Psychometrician, 23 Public Law 114–162 Public Law 119–477 Q-technique, 313 Random sampling, 94 Rapport, 36–37 Rasch model, 111 Rater bias, 474 Ratio scale, 138 Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM), 217–219 Reliability, 99–107 alternate-forms, 105–106 coefficient alpha in, 107–108 measurement error and, 102–103 restriction of range and, 114 speed and powers tests and, 113–114 split-half, 106–107 standard error of measurement and, 115–117 test-retest, 105 unstable characteristics and, 113–114 Reliability coefficient, 103 Religion as quest, 380 Responsible test use, 54–55 Responsibilities of test publishers, 42–43 Responsibilities of test users, 43–48 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, 430–431 Right hemisphere functions, 412–413 Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test (RBMT), 431–432 Rorschach Inkblot Technique, 319–324 Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank (RISB), 325–326 Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB-R), 48–302 Scholastic Assessment Tests (SAT), 227–229 Screening for school readiness, 280–282 Self-Directed Search, 491–493 Self-monitoring, 353–354 Sense of humor, assessment of, 399–400 Sensitivity, 132 Sensory-perceptual exam, 426–427 Sentence Completion Series, 324–326 Similarities (Wechsler subtest), 185 Skewness, 87 Source traits, 316 Spearman-Brown formula, 107 Specificity, 132 Spiritual Well-Being Scale, 380–381 Stability and change in personality, 369–372 Standard scores, 88–90 Standard deviation, 85–86 Standard error of measurement, 115–116 Standard error of the difference, 117 Standard error of the estimate, 124–125 Standard of care, 46–47 Standardization sample, 25 Stanford-Binet, 72 Stanford-Binet: Fifth Edition (SB5), 194–197 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood, 276–277 Stanine scale, 92 Z06_GREG8801_07_SE_SIDX.indd 588 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), 336 Sten scale, 93 Stereotype threat, 51 Strong Interest Inventory-Revised (SII-R), 488–490 Strong Vocational Interest Blank (SVIB), 488 Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, (SCID), 355–356 Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 (SASSI-3), 450 Surface trait, 316 Symbol Search (Wechsler subtest), 188 Szondi test, 78–79 Table of specifications, 143–144 Technical manual, 152 Test Bias, 238–248 content validity and, 240–241 construct validity and, 243–246 definition of, 240 predictive validity and, 241–243 Test fairness, 248–250 qualified individualism and, 249 quotas and, 249 unqualified individualism and, 249 Test(s), consequences of, 22 definition of, 23 group vs individual, 26 norm-referenced vs criterion-referenced, 25 standardized procedure in, 23, 31–32 types of, 26–29 uses of, 29–31 Test administration, influence of the examiner, 37–39 group testing, 35–36 sensitivity to disabilities in, 33–34 Test anxiety, 38–39 Test of Everyday Attention, 427–428 Test of General Educational Development (GED), 237 Test of Nonverbal Intelligence-4 (TONI-4), 293–294 Test utility, 135 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 326–328 Theory of multiple intelligences, 174–176 Tinkertoy Test, 439–440 Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), 390–392 Traumatic brain injury, 416–417 Triarchic theory of intelligence (Sternberg), 176–178 T-score, 90–91 Type A coronary-prone behavior pattern, 311–312 TWEAK questionnaire, 449 User’s manual, 152 Validity, 118–135 concurrent, 122–123 construct, 127–131 content, 120–121 criterion-related, 121–122 predictive, 124 Validity coefficient, 124 Validity shrinkage, 150–151 Variance, 86 Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II (VABS-II), 303–304 Visual Puzzles (Wechsler subtest), 188 22/04/14 5:34 PM Visual system, 413–414 Vocabulary (Wechsler subtest), 184 Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI), 490–491 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV), 189–192 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV (WISC-IV), 192–194 Wechsler Memory Scale-IV, 429–430 Z06_GREG8801_07_SE_SIDX.indd 589 Subject Index 589 Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-IV (WPPSI-IV), 276–277 Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning-2 (WRAML-2), 432–434 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 439 Wonderlic Personnel Test-Revised, 460–461 Work sample, 466 22/04/14 5:34 PM ... from the United States edition, entitled Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications, 7th Edition, ISBN 978-0-205-95925-9 by Robert J Gregory, published by Pearson Education ©... Attributes of Psychological Testing 21 T O P I C A The Nature and Uses of Psychological Testing 21 TOPIC 1B Ethical and Social Implications of Testing 40 Chapter Origins of Psychological Testing 56... Hartman Head of Learning Asset Acquisition, Global Editions: Laura Dent Acquisitions Editor, Global Editions: Vrinda Malik Assistant Project Editor, Global Editions: Paromita Banerjee Editorial