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Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in Banking Sector: A Study of Listed Banks Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in Banking Sector: A Study of Listed Bank Abstract: The aims of this study are to investigate the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting practices of the listed banking companies in Bangladesh and explore the potential effects of corporate governance and company specific characteristics on CSR disclosures The study conducted a content analysis of all the listed banks operating in Bangladesh and analyzed the factors affecting CSR reporting of the sample companies The results showed that CSR disclosure is positively significant with the bank size, board size and the amount of CSR while it is negatively associated with firms' profitability and the age of the company It also revealed that, to varying degrees, all listed banks' practices social responsibility in an unstructured manner and need to adopt a comprehensive format for CSR reporting such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Reporting, Disclosure, Listed Bank, Banks, Bangladesh Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE 4 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Aim of the Study 1.3 Objectives of the Study 1.4 Hypotheses 1.5 Scope of the Study 1.6 Limitations of the Study CHAPTER TWO 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical framework 2.2 Prior Studies in bangladesh CHAPTER Three 10 Corporate Social Responsibility practices in Bangladesh 10 CHAPTER FOUR 13 METHODOLOGY 13 4.1 Sample Selection 13 4.2 Index Construction 13 4.3 Data Collection 13 4.4 Scoring of Disclosure 14 4.5 Explanatory Variable 14 4.5.1 Firm Size 14 4.5.2 Profitability 15 4.5.3 Bank Age 15 4.5.4 Board Size 16 4.5.5 Amount of CSR 17 4.6 CSR Disclosure Model Specification 17 4.6.1 Model: 17 4.6.2 Control variables: 18 CHAPTER FIVE 19 ANALYSIS and FINDINGS 19 5.1 Analysis 19 5.2 Test of Hypotheses 21 CHAPTER SIX 24 CONCLUSION and RECOMMENDATION 24 REFERENCES 26 Appendix 27 8.1 Check list for CSR Reporting Index 27 8.2 CSR Index and Ranking of Banks according to Index 28 8.3 Listed Banks and their relevant data 29 CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not only an act for humanity but also to provide better working conditions to an organization's employees, to pay remuneration, to give regular leave, to care as a human beings and to care social and economic environment Business organizations in the society are accountable to apply different socially required activities not only for shareholders concern but also for different external parties CSR reporting practice may be an important part in the financial reporting while it provides information to different stakeholders and social reporting would provide information relating to whole environmental concern to the society The system of providing information may vary from time to time, company to company, industry to industry, country to country but the common media of providing information are financial statements Anyway, there is no uniquely accepted theoretical framework for corporate social and environmental reporting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting practices vary by business, by size, by sector and even by geographic region The area of CSR reporting is quite broad and it includes all the good practices that increase the business improvement and can serve the interest of all stakeholders Bangladesh is a developing country and thus compared to international competitiveness and demand, the CSR practices and standards are being implemented in Bangladesh inadequately Still now we are a long way and are lagging behind For better and enhanced performance CSR rules and reporting implementation is now become need, not merely demand 1.2 AIM OF THE STUDY  The main aim of the study is to determine the essential contents of the CSR of the Banking sector 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY  To identify the relationship between the bank size and the level of CSR reporting  To assess the relationship between the profitability and the level of CSR reporting  To find the association of the bank age with the disclosure of CSR information  To detect the relationship between the size of board of directors and the CSR disclosure  There is significant positive relationship between the amount of CSR and the level of CSR reporting 1.4 HYPOTHESES The following hypotheses be tested:  H1: There is a significant positive relationship between the bank size and the level of CSR in annual reports of listed banks  H2: There is a significant relationship between the profitability and the level of CSR in annual reports of listed banks  H3: The age of the bank has significant association with the disclosure of CSR information  H4: There is significant positive relationship between the size of board and CSR disclosure  H5: There is significant positive relationship between the amount of CSR and the level of CSR reporting 1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study concludes CSR activity in case of corporate arena Here it is also stated about the procedure of corporate CSR reporting as per Central Bank rules, local culture, and Company Act, 1994 The experiment was done on DSE, Bangladesh Bank and corresponding bank’s websites In this report I have focused on the both qualitative and quantitative data which include annual reports, director’s report, auditor’s report, newspapers, articles, magazines and periodicals In this report I have also focused how the listed Banks participated in their CSR activities The listed banks play the vital role in our social culture by their CSR activities which I have focused in this report I have also discussed the factors which influence the CSR reporting practices of listed banks of Bangladesh 1.6 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY In preparing this thesis paper I have faced some problems such as Lack of adequate knowledge and conceptual framework of CSR  Manipulation of CSR information by management contained in the paper  Lacking of auditing process which is related to time and evidences  Different CSR policies and methods are maintained in different organization  Lack of proper understanding about the CSR information that are needed for the society  Lack of proper understanding about the quality of CSR information which are needed for the society  Lack of available information about different management bodies  Lack of practicing CSR Act for this Bank  Time constant  Lack of proper CSR reporting guidelines CHAPTER TWO 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Bangladesh has a long history of philanthropic activities from time immemorial These philanthropic activities included donations to different charitable organizations, poor people and religious institutions The CSR World Wide portal conclude that, in Bangladesh Civil society, business people and politicians view CSR in terms of philanthropy, particularly in the schools and the health care sector (Miyan, 2006) There is a growing trend for investors to direct their money towards explicitly socially responsible organizations According to Peter A Heslin and Jenna D Ochoa (2008) "The amount invested in ''green'' mutual funds in the U.S rose 695% in the last six years During the last three years, the amount of money invested in clean energy has reached U.S $70.9 billion globally." The primary goal of any economy is to maximize the material wealth of nations (Adam Smith), production and distribution of wealth (John Stuart Mill), to maximize material wealth and material welfare (Alfred Marshall), satisfaction of the human needs with the scarce means (Lionel Robbins) But now a day, the objective of a firm is not only consistent with those scholars but also incorporates social, ethical and environmental concerns Therefore the primary objective, the purpose or use for which, firms exist is to ensure the subsistence of mankind and sustenance of the Earth containing the mankind Some authors have argued that the stakeholder perspective of CSR ought to extend to the concept of accountability Drawing from the works of other academics broadly describes accountability as the requirement or duty to provide an account or justification for one’s actions to whomever one is answerable and narrowly as being pertinent to contractual arrangements only where accountability is not contractually bound there can be no act of accountability In modern era, business activities are moving around the society visualizing sustainable development It is not only a promotional activity but also an ethical dilemma The concept of corporate social responsibility accommodates a wide variety of achievements and initiatives that covers the moral and ethical concerns such as the code of conduct and good governance The aim for corporate social responsibility is to have an overall positive impact on society through a socially responsible conduct It also includes the voluntary integration by the companies of social and environmental concerns towards the commercial activities and the relationship with stakeholders Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept wherein companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis The important aspect of this responsibility is voluntarism Businesses are expected to recognize the opportunity and the responsibility to set high standards for protecting the natural, human and economic environment of the citizens in their areas of operation For the customers, the CSR is important to ensure that the organizational policies add value to the customer satisfaction and earn their loyalty Aside from the broad commitment to social welfare, there is an assurance that the products and services offered to consumers are of the highest quality and that these products and services are provided with due regard for the welfare of employees 2.2 PRIOR STUDIES IN BANGLADESH Couple of observational studies are done on the CSR in Bangladesh Chowdhury and Chowdhury (1996) remarked in their study that some driving organizations in Bangladesh willfully give some data about social matters Additionally, the significance of relating (whatever a social obligation they have performed) social obligation execution had not been perceived by the concerned administration of test organizations They additionally found that CSR primarily limited to workers' welfare, commitment to government, operational exercises and business extension instead of group advancement, human asset improvement, and environment Belal (2001) and Imam (2000) showed that there was a low level of CSR reporting in Bangladesh Once more, Belal and Owen (2007) presumed that social reporting practices were truant in Bangladesh Early studies give a to a great extent distinct record of corporate social revelation in creating nations like Bangladesh Hossain et al (2004) presumed that Bangladeshi organizations are reporting an amount of revelations on human asset despite the fact that this sort of exposure is not compulsory from any administrative power CSR exposures in Bangladesh are intentional in nature and generally subjective They likewise specified that the revelation of social data made by recorded organizations in their corporate yearly reports in Bangladesh is extremely disappointing Sobhani et al (2009, p 179) finish up, all things considered, that the nature and degree of disclosure‖ were typically poor, and cognizance of social obligation is as yet slacking when contrasted with that of created countries Khan et al (2009) uncovered that the chose saving money organizations did some CSR providing details regarding a deliberate premise and client bunches favored CSR reporting and might want to see more divulgence A large portion of the past studies consider single timeframe By embracing a longitudinal methodology covering quite a while and concentrating on the same organizations over that period, this examination plans to give more clarifications and a clearer perspective about the pattern of exposure practice utilized by keeping money organizations Besides, past studies demonstrated that there was a low level of CSR reporting in Bangladesh There is an understood goal from various partners gather that corporate houses ought to spend on societal prosperity and they get a kick out of the chance to investigate such data in organizations' money related explanations The above conflicting data gives inspiration to promote longitudinal study Along these lines, the specialist has persuaded to affirm whether there are any upgrades in CSR reporting status of the recorded Banking organizations in Bangladesh Variable Measurement Diverse systems for firm size have been utilized as a part of the divulgence writing, for example, absolute resources, all out deals, the quantity of representatives and business sector capitalization Various studies join some measure in one measure while others utilize one measure In any case, there is no standard to choose the finest intermediary of firm size The study measured firm size by the log of aggregate Assets and in light of the hypothetical and experimental confirmation, the present study anticipate: H1: There is a positive noteworthy relationship between firm size and the level of CSR in yearly reports of the listed banks in Bangladesh 4.5.2 Profitability Organizations are prone to feel greater while unveiling good instead of unfavorable data, since one of the targets of data revelation is to raise offer costs Scholars found the positive relationship in the middle of productivity and exposure Interestingly, it is stated that organizations confronting a log jam in income tend to expand their exposure on issues identifying with the divulgence Be that as it may, past specialists found that the relationship between the gainfulness and exhaustiveness of revelation is not huge Variable Measurement In the present study, the return on equity (ROE) is utilized as an intermediary for the firm productivity and expects that: H2: There is a huge positive relationship in the return on equity (ROE) and the level of CSR revelation in yearly reports of recorded banks 4.5.3 Bank Age Corporate age is identified with its phase of improvement and development More established, settled organizations are required to unveil a great deal more data in their yearly 15 reports than more youthful organizations More established organizations with more experience are prone to incorporate more data of their yearly reports keeping in mind the end goal to upgrade their notoriety and the picture in the business sector There is need to attention to three elements that might add to this marvel Firstly, more youthful organizations might encounter rivalry, besides, the expense and the simplicity of social affair, preparing, and spreading the required data might be a contributory element, lastly, more youthful organizations might not have a reputation on which to depend on open revelation It is discovered organization age as the basic variable in clarifying the degree of exposure practices In any case, it is found that age does not have huge effect on social obligation divulgence Variable Measurement In this study, bank age has considered by the quantity of years passed from posting and the accompanying speculation is hence testedH3: Bank age has huge positive relationship with the exposure of CSR data H3: Companies those have half or more proprietorship to a specific gathering disclose significant CSR divulgence than alternate organizations 4.5.4 Board Size Board size might control the level of CSR divulgence The power of exposure is a key decision made by the top managerial staff They likewise detail arrangements and methodologies to be trailed by directors It is contended that the board size needs to be decreased to enhance board adequacy, while to keep up the organization hypothesis rationale, it is prescribed to raise board size and inverse contention is that a more noteworthy number of executives on the board might diminish the probability of data asymmetry In the meantime, enormous load up's future more differentiated that would help the organizations to secure basic assets and decrease ecological instabilities Different studies said that board size does make a difference on the corporate execution and corporate revelations 16 Variable Measurement According to Bangladesh corporate administration code of 2006, recorded organization's board size ought to be least to most extreme 20 That is the reason, this study treated board size by the quantity of individuals from the board H4: There is a critical positive relationship between board size and CSR divulgence 4.5.5 Amount of CSR The amount of CSR expended by the banks influences the level of CSR reporting The management get inspiration to disclose CSR information if they CSR expenses There is high possibility of higher reporting if the amount of CSR is higher Variable measurement All most every banks CSR activities The amount of CSR expended by banks is taken as the figure for the variable Amount of CSR H5: There is significant positive relationship between the amount of CSR and the level of CSR reporting 4.6 CSR DISCLOSURE MODEL SPECIFICATION The accompanying different straight relapse model is utilized to examine the relationship in the middle of determinants and degree of CSR divulgence in Bangladesh 4.6.1 Model: The following multiple linear regression model is used to investigate the association between determinants and extent of CSR disclosure in Bangladesh: LCSRR = 𝜷𝟎 + 𝜷𝟏 LN_Total_Assets + 𝜷𝟐 ROE + 𝜷𝟑 LN_AGE + 𝜷𝟒 _LN_Board_SIZE + 𝜷𝟓 LN_CSR_Amount + Є Where, 𝛽0= Intercept Є = Random error term Dependent Variables: LCSRR = Level of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting 17 4.6.2 Control variables: Table 1: Control Variables Determinants Bank’s Size Variables Measurement Techniques LN_Total_Assets Natural Log of Total Assets Bank’s Profitability ROE Return on Equity Bank’s Age LN_Age Natural Log of the Number of years passed since listing Board Size LN_Board_Size Natural Log of the Number of members in the Board CSR Amount LN_CSR_Amount Natural Log of the CSR Anount 18 CHAPTER FIVE ANALYSIS and FINDINGS 5.1 ANALYSIS To test whether there is a significant difference in the extent of CSR disclosure in selected period, non-parametric test were conducted The study also used regression analysis to test the interrelationship between the various independent variables and the overall CSR disclosure index The assumptions underlying the regression model were tested for multi-linearity based on the correlation matrix Table shows the descriptive statistics of the CSR disclosure level of the Listed Banking Companies in Bangladesh at 2014 This fulfills the research objectives to find out the extent of CSR reporting Table 2: Descriptive Statistics for CSR Disclosure Mean 0.805333 Standard Error 0.021844 Median 0.8 Mode 0.72 Standard Deviation 0.119647 Sample Variance 0.014315 Kurtosis -0.43811 Skewness -0.20412 Range 0.48 Minimum 0.52 Maximum Sum 24.16 Count 30 19 Average CSR reporting index is 8053 which indicates that the listed banks report averagely 80.53% of their total CSR activities Table 3: Descriptive Statistics for Regression Variables Level_of_ LN_Total_As CSR_Rep sets ROE LN_Age LN_Boa LN_CS rd_Size R_Amo orting N Mean unt 30 30 30 30 30 30 8053 12.053947 11706 2.694846 2.576588 4.0273 5470458 3282022 1.18679 Std Deviation 11965 6086774 04010 Skewness Std Error of -.204 -1.995 -.628 010 -.727 172 427 427 427 427 427 427 -.438 10.474 -.256 -1.376 -.336 1.438 833 833 833 833 833 833 Skewness Kurtosis Std Error of Kurtosis From the Table it is found that the overall data set is not normally distributed As a common rule, the standard skewness of the data needs to be within ±1.96 (Gujarati, 2003) It is observed that the minimum CSR skewness is -1.995 which exceeds the range of ±1.96 proving that the data are not normally distributed Additionally, with respect to the standard kurtosis the data set is not normally distributed Any data set is to be called normally distributed if the standard kurtosis fall in the range of ±3 (Gujarati, 2003) Besides testing for normality, it is important to check for multicollinearity, homoscedasticity and heteroscedasticity Observing the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) it is found that there is no problem of multicollinearity or heteroscedasticity Bacause, according to Gujarati (2003), any data set is to be said normally distributed if VIF is less than 10 20 Table 4: Collinearity Statistics of Variables Model Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF LN_Total_Assets 701 1.427 ROE 930 1.075 LN_Age 936 1.069 LN_Board_Size 819 1.221 LN_CSR_Amount 834 1.200 a Dependent Variable: Level_of_CSR_Reporting Here the maximum VIF is 1.427 So there is no problem of multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity 5.2 TEST OF HYPOTHESES The coefficients of the independent variables show the direction and the magnitude of the relationship of the dependent variable The results show that the CSR disclosure is positively associated with bank size, board size and the amount of CSR while it has negative association with bank's profitability and the age of the bank The positive relation means that CSR disclosure increases with the increase of the firm size, the number of the board of director and the amount of CSR On the other, hand, the negative relations mean that the CSR disclosure decreases as the companies passed the number of years from its listing and facing slowdown in its profitability 21 Table 5: Multiple regression-Model Summary Std Error of the Model R R Square 740a Adjusted R Square 547 Estimate 453 08853 a Predictors: (Constant), LN_CSR_Amount, LN_Age, ROE, LN_Board_Size, LN_Total_Assets Table 6: Multiple regression Coefficients Coefficients Model B Std Error t Sig (Constant) 619 334 1.853 076 LN_Total_Assets 006 032 190 851 ROE -.246 425 -.579 568 LN_Age -.066 031 -2.135 043 LN_Board_Size 024 055 433 669 LN_CSR_Amount 064 015 4.220 000 a Dependent Variable: Level_of_CSR_Reporting According to the results indicated in table 5, there is a significant relationship between CSR disclosures and bank age and the amount of CSR at 5% level of significance That means data provide evidence that bank age and the amount of CSR affect the CSR disclosure On the other hand, there is an insignificant relationship between CSR disclosure and the bank size, bank's profitability, and board size It indicates data provide little or no evidence of the association between CSR and firms' size, profitability and number of board members The adjusted R Squared of the models explains how much of the changes in the dependent variable explained by the changes in the independent variables The R Square is 547 which indicates that 54.7% of total variations in dependent variable is explained by the regression 22 equation The adjusted R Squared is 0.453 indicating that 45.3% of the variation in total CSR disclosure in the annual reports of investigated companies can be explained by the proposed model in the current study However, the results of the panel regression analysis does not accept firm characteristics hypothesis- Firm's Profitability, and found an insignificant negative relationship with CSR disclosure The results also does not accept and found an insignificant relationship between CSR disclosure and corporate governance hypothesis –board size Moreover, it does not accept firm characteristics hypothesis, company age and found an insignificant negative relationship with CSR disclosure Level of reporting 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 Level of reporting 0.00 23 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION and RECOMMENDATION This study has examined whether the extent of CSR in the annual reports of Bangladeshi listed banking companies changes over time and whether there is any association with two groups of variables: firm characteristics and corporate governance Consistent with previous studies, content analysis is adopted to achieve the objectives Descriptive analysis of the longitudinal study and the results of non-parametric test indicate significant differences in the extent of CSR disclosures in the period of study Some of the reasons identified choosing to engage in CSR includes central bank guidance enhancing corporate image, and receiving government support Regression analysis is used to explain variability in the dependent variable with the explanatory variables The study finds two firm characteristics: bank size and bank's age and two corporate governance control variables: the board size and the amount of CSR to be significant repressors that help to explain variability in CSR practice of Bangladeshi banking companies Some banks are incurring CSR expenditure directly from their own budget, while a few others are doing so through separate entities established as foundations supported by contribution from the CSR expenditure allocation of the banks concerned All banks reported CSR program adoption by decisions at the board of director's level; there is no report where the company took stakeholder consultations in drawing up or implementing CSR programs It also revealed that, to varying degrees, all listed banks' practices social responsibility in an unstructured manner and need to adopt a comprehensive format for CSR reporting such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) As after issuing of Bangladesh Bank guidance, disclosure in CSR increases significantly As this guidance (voluntary in nature) is only applicable to the banking sector, now it is time to think regulatory authorities of Bangladesh to think - "Whether CSR disclosure be mandatory or not?" The findings of this paper are subject to several limitations First, this study examined the CSR disclosure practice of banking companies listed in the SEC for the year and as such, may not be generalized to the whole country and to the other periods Studies in the future could test the influence of these variables on CSR disclosure in total countries and even in other countries At the very least, though, future research can use the 24 findings of this study as a baseline in order to judge trends Secondly, the study focused on only disclosures in corporate annual reports although it is known that management utilizes other mass communication mechanisms Hence, future research may consider disclosures in other media such as newspapers, the internet, and in-house magazines Thirdly, due to the availability of data, developing accurate proxies for firm characteristics, corporate governance dimensions in the CSR models, and selection of variables is included in the model Future research may consider cultural proxies and corporate governance dimensions such as qualification and share ownership of the board of directors Moreover, further research could be conducted on the banking sector to discover the motivation behind such voluntary disclosures of corporate social information in company reports 25 REFERENCES i Azim, Ahmed, & Islam (2009), ‘Corporate Social Reporting Practice: Evidence from Listed Companies in Bangladesh‘, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, vol 102, pp 130-145 ii Azim, Ezaz, & Brian (2011), ‘Corporate Social Disclosure in Bangladesh: A Study of the Financial Sector‘, International Review of Business Research Papers, vol 72, pp 37-55 iii Ms Tanzian, A Salat & Shafiq (2015), ‘Corporate social responsibility: An Opposite view’ iv Rumana (2014), ‘Corporate Social Responsibility in Bangladesh: Practice and Perpetuity’ v Gary, Clare, & Sidney (1995), ‘Factors Influencing Voluntary Annual Report Disclosures by U.S., U.K and Continental European Multinational Corporations‘, Journal of International Business Studies, vol 26, no 3, pp 555-572 vi Chowdhury & Chowdhury (1996), ‘Corporate social accounting: we really need it?’ The Bangladesh Accountant, April- June, 90-100 vii Akhtaruddin (2005) “Corporate mandatory disclosure practices in Bangladesh‘, The International Journal of Accounting, vol 40, pp 399– 422 viii Bangladesh Bank (2014-2015), Annual Report, available at: http://www.bangladeshbank.org ix Bangladesh Bank (2013-2014), Corporate Social Responsibility Performance reporting by banks on gender equality issues, DOS Circular Letter No 6, available at: http://www.bangladesh-bank.org x Bangladesh Bank (2014), GBCSR circular no 07, dated December 22, 2014 xi Wu, Meng-Wen & Chung-Hua (2013), ‘Corporate social responsibility in the banking industry: Motives and financial performance‘, Journal of Banking & Finance, vol 37 xii Khan, MHUZ, Halabi, AK & Samy (2009), ‘Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting: a study of selected banking companies in Bangladesh‘, Social Responsibility Journal, vol 5, no 3, pp 344 – 357 xiii Kabir (2003), ‘Corporate social responsibility in Bangladesh‘, The Financial Express of Bangladesh xiv Yunus, Kabir, & Rahman (2015), ‘Corporate Social Responsibilities and Related Disclosures: A Study on the Listed Banks in Bangladesh’, World Journal of Social Sciences Vol xv Masud, Hossain (2012), ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Practices in Bangladesh: A Study of Selected Private Commercial Banks’ xvi Gujarati (2003), Basic Econometrics, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, London xvii Deegan (2000), Financial Accounting Theory, Australia, McGraw-Hill 26 Appendix 8.1 Check list for CSR Reporting Index SI Issues no if Yes, if No CSR Policy approvement by the board Is there any separate CSR unit/Foundation Is there any CSR budget approved by the board Is there any previous CSR commitments Is there any priority sector lending Is there any provision for restricting CSR allocation in favor of related person/entity Direct social interventions conducted by the bank CSR in Education sector CSR in Health sector 10 CSR in Disaster Management 11 CSR in protection of Environment 12 CSR in Cultural Welfare 13 Infrastructure improvement in remote/underprivileged areas 14 Income generating activities for the underprivileged population 15 Supplementing initiatives of Civil Society Organizations (CS0s), NGOs and institutions involved in social and environmental improvement including: 16 Promotion of Art, cultural, literary 17 CSR in Sports and Games 18 Recreational facilities for the underprivileged 19 Agriculture 20 SME 21 Green Finance 22 Conservation of energy in the conduct of business operations 23 Discussion of the company’s efforts to reduce energy consumption 24 Donations to the charity 25 Others 27 8.2 CSR Index and Ranking of Banks according to Index SL no Name of the Banks Total Index Rank AB 20 0.80 15 AIBL 21 0.84 12 Bank Asia 22 0.88 BRAC 18 0.72 20 CITY 20 0.80 15 DBBL 24 0.96 Dhaka 20 0.80 15 Estern 18 0.72 20 EXIM 24 0.96 10 FSIB 21 0.84 12 11 ICB 19 0.76 18 12 IFIC 18 0.72 20 13 Islami 25 1.00 14 Jamuna 18 0.72 20 15 Mercantile 24 0.96 16 MTB 13 0.52 30 17 National 16 0.64 28 18 NCC 17 0.68 26 19 One 22 0.88 20 Premier 22 0.88 21 Prime 21 0.84 12 22 Pubali 17 0.68 26 23 Rupali 18 0.72 20 24 Shajalal 23 0.92 25 SIBL 25 1.00 26 Southeast 23 0.92 27 Standard 18 0.72 20 28 Trust 22 0.88 29 UCB 19 0.76 18 30 Uttara 16 0.64 28 28 8.3 Listed Banks and their relevant data 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bank's Amount Name of CSR AB 49.94 AIBL 45.00 Bank Asia 239.84 Brac 2.45 City 32.40 DBBL 1075.00 Dhaka 62.23 Eastern 24.41 EXIM 324.60 FSIB 119.60 ICB 20.01 IFIC 46.63 Islami 524.52 Jamuna 16.09 Mercantile 53.00 MTB 14.50 National 21.05 NCC 20.00 One 34.55 Premier 130.20 Prime 131.20 Pubali 130.14 Rupali 30.78 Shahjalal 69.00 SIBL 65.10 Southeast 92.28 Standard 48.30 Trust 79.50 UCB 48.70 Uttara 23.36 Leve l of repor Total ting Assets ROE Age 0.80 256815.00 0.0718 31 0.84 210439.79 0.1280 16 0.88 182730.94 0.1409 10 0.72 204593.00 0.1411 0.80 177227.52 0.1070 28 0.96 215993.50 0.1620 13 0.80 158748.00 0.1592 14 0.72 172124.00 0.1093 21 0.96 232411.86 0.1135 10 0.84 204512.65 0.0360 0.76 14022.94 0.0300 24 0.72 156338.00 0.1567 28 1.00 765241.00 0.0885 29 0.72 139895.43 0.1372 0.96 168474.13 0.0911 10 0.52 116301.00 0.1574 11 0.64 256537.46 0.1066 30 0.68 135159.52 0.1087 14 0.88 121820.00 0.1288 11 0.88 111576.40 0.0975 0.84 256349.00 0.0937 14 0.68 248386.50 0.1343 30 0.72 268078.40 0.0400 28 0.92 126758.00 0.0660 1.00 153737.47 0.1568 14 0.92 236608.40 0.1651 14 0.72 119931.70 0.1266 11 0.88 145346.12 0.1733 0.76 266100.74 0.1707 28 0.64 140810.30 0.1141 30 29 Bo ard LN of LN of siz Total LN of Board e Assets Age size 12 12.4561 3.4340 2.4849 20 12.2570 2.7726 2.9957 16 12.1158 2.3026 2.7726 12.2288 1.9459 1.9459 15 12.0852 3.3322 2.7081 12.2830 2.5649 1.9459 18 11.9751 2.6391 2.8904 11 12.0560 3.0445 2.3979 17 12.3563 2.3026 2.8332 13 12.2284 1.7918 2.5649 9.5484 3.1781 1.9459 10 11.9598 3.3322 2.3026 17 13.5479 3.3673 2.8332 20 11.8487 2.0794 2.9957 14 12.0345 2.3026 2.6391 11.6639 2.3979 1.9459 12 12.4550 3.4012 2.4849 15 11.8142 2.6391 2.7081 11.7103 2.3979 2.1972 15 11.6225 1.9459 2.7081 20 12.4543 2.6391 2.9957 15 12.4227 3.4012 2.7081 12 12.4990 3.3322 2.4849 18 11.7500 1.9459 2.8904 15 11.9430 2.6391 2.7081 13 12.3742 2.6391 2.5649 15 11.6947 2.3979 2.7081 10 11.8869 1.9459 2.3026 20 12.4916 3.3322 2.9957 14 11.8552 3.4012 2.6391

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