In her Scottish family Rachel has got tw o brothers, but Ruby is an 'o n ly child'.. Ruby often visiL Rachel, and their parents are now friends.. Rachel and Ruby have got long, dark hai
Trang 2Eyes Open "|
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Trang 3E y e s O p e n
Trang 4Language focus extra page 95
Trang 5behind in in fro n t o f between next to ©я
th e clock w it h th e phrases in
1 five p a s t
a quarter past f ive past half past
a quarter to tw e n ty past tw e n ty-five to
th e tim es.
2 The pizza is _the football and the television
5 The taxi is the bus
4 The pizza is the burger
6 The football is the taxi
Starter Unit 3
Trang 6Starter Unit
Classroom objects
1 ★ ★ Look a t th e pictures and c o m p le te th e
crossw ord.
this, that, these and those
2 ★ ★ ★ W rite sentences fo r p ictures 1-6.
Here are y o u r / yours shoes, Ben
Patricia and Amanda are at th e ir / th e irs house in the mountains
This isn't y o u r / yours pen It's her / hers
Is this book o u r / ours or th e ir / theirs?
4 W rite th e co rre ct possessive a djective s in
Hunger Games series.
Richard and Danny with5
football shirts Danny
is Yeovil and Richard is Manchester United
Colin’s photo is unusual.It’s «
Trang 7Personal possessions and
с are Pedro and Johnny,
d are from my city,
Days of the week
5 ★ Find th e seven days o f th e w e e k in th e
Trang 8Starter Unit
Months and dates
1 ★ Put th e le tte rs in o rd e r to m ake m o n th s.
2 W h ich m o n th s are n o t in Exercise 1?
3 ★ ★ © E l Listen and <cirde)the correct
6 ★ ★ W rite th e n a tio n a litie s
1 Maria Sharapova's from Russia
She's Russian
2 Justin Bieber's from Canada He's
3 Nicole Kidman's from Australia
in fo rm a tio n
1 Rihanna is from th e U5A She's an
American singer Her language is English
2 Neymar and Kaka are footballers from
They a re footballplayers Their first language is _
3 A ntonio Banderas is an actor fr o m _
He speaks a n d
4 Simon Baker, the actor in The Mentalist, is from
He's a Hollywood actor in America,but he's n o t _
5 Agnieszka Radwariska is a tennis player from Her first language is
Speaking review
8 ★ C o m p le te th e c o n v e rs a tio n w it h th e w o rd s
in th e box.
repeat course spell r ight Sorry j
A: So, your first name is A le x ,1 rig h t ?
B: Yes, that's right.
A: And what's your surname?
B: Gallagher.
A: 2 _ ? Can you 3 _ that,
B: Yes, o f 4 _ It's Gallagher.
A: How do you 5 _ that?
B: G-A-L-L-A-G-H-E-R.
Starter unit
Trang 9Family and frie n d s
1 ★ Find 11 m ore w o rd s fo r p e o p le in y o u r life
1 My mother's father is my granddad
2 Your aunt's son is y o u r _
3 The other people in his football team are his
4 Her dad's brother is h e r
5 My class teacher's students are my
6 Your favourite person to be w ith is your
5 ★ itr ir D ra w y o u r fa m ily tre e and add names
W rite a t least fiv e sentences a b o u t y o u r fam ily.
Jane and K atie are my cousins.
M a r t a Ig n a c io
M a n u e l E le n a
G a b r ie l
unit 1 7
Trang 10Language focus 1
have got: affirmative and n e g a tive 5
1 * ( Chxfe) t h e correct w o rd s in th e gra m m a r
ta b le
★ ★ C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n a b o u t each
p ictu re W rite th e co rre ct answ er.
1 i, You, We, They have / has got brown hair
2 He, She, It have / has got green eyes
3 I, You, We, They h a v e n 't / h a sn 't got red hair
4 He, She, It h a v e n 't / h a sn 't got blue eyes
1 A: Have you gotfair hair?
B: No, I haven’t.
^ (c irc lg ) t h e co rre ct w o rd s
I ’fv e g o t)/ 's g o t a big family 12 've g o t / 's g o t one
brother and tw o sisters My b ro th e r3 've g o t / 's g o t
a girlfriend My parents 4 has g o t / have g o t a lot of
brothers and sisters, so we 5 've g o t / 's g o t twelve
cousins - all boys! We 6 h a v e n 't g o t / h a sn 't g o t a
big house, so fo r fam ily parties everyone visits our
grandparents They 7 's g o t / 've g o t a great house
we a dog?
co u sin long, dark hair?
(X) one car He
^ ( E j t p l o r e a d j e c t i v e s
6 ★ ★ (€ jrc je ) th e co rre ct w o rd s
4 I
8 cars at the m oment!
( / ) blue eyes but my mum and dad _ (X) blue eyes Their eyes are brown
My g ra n d m a _ ( / ) blue eyes
have got: questions and sh o rt
( Circle) th e co rre ct w o rd fo r each q u e s tio n
M a tch th e q u e s tio n s w ith th e answ ers.
a Yes, it has
Lionel Messi is a footballer He's very(g o o d )/ bad I'm from Russia It's a very big / sm all country Your English is very good You're lucky / unlucky This is my new mobile phone I love it! I'm really hap p y / u n h a p p y w ith it!
Shhh! Be q u ie t / noisy!
★ ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith th e
o p p o s ite o f th e adjectives in th e b o x w ith un-.
(H a v e )/ Has you and I
got a mobile phone? -—
Have / Has your
grandparents got a car?
Have / Has Paris got
a metro?
Have / Has you got
a bike?
Have / Has Lady Gaga
got blue eyes?
Have / Has Marc Gasol
No, they haven't
f No, she hasn't
Poor Bob! He's really
8 unit 1
Trang 11Listening and vocabulary
Describing people
1 ★ M a tch th e p ictures w ith
1 spiky, fair hair _
2 long, dark hair
3 short, curly hair _
2 ★ ★ Look a t th e p ictures b e lo w C o m p le te th e
sentences w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
fa ir ta ll short (x3) dafk
brown long curly
1 Usain Bolt (1 m 95) is tall and he's got short,
4 ★ M atch th e nam es w ith th e in fo rm a tio n
1 Jane is a an identical tw in
2 Owen is b an only child
3 Connor is с one of five brothers and sisters
5 ★ ★ ★ Q ШI Listen again W rite Jane, Connor o r Owen.
3 4
is friends w ith his/her family,
is a good student
th e d e scriptio n s.
3 * ★ Q m Listen to th re e tee n a g e rs ta lk in g
a b o u t th e ir fa m ilie s W rite Owen, Connor o r
Jane u n d e r th e co rre ct pictures.
Unit 1 9
Trang 12bea uty use w onder colour care
1 W hat a beautiful cat! Is it yours?
2 B e _ I There's a car!
3 I like the Hunger Games books They're
2 ★ ★ ★ W rite sentences a b o u t Joanna's fa m ily
1 My mother / short / curly hair / me
My m other has sh o rter and curlier hair than me.
2 My father / old / my mother
3 My brother / young / me
4 I / tall / my father
5 My b ro th e r/fu n n y / me and my dad
6 I / intelligent / my m other and father
7 My mother / thin / my father
8 My brother / good at / football / my dad
4 My new bike is yellow, red, blue and green! It's ve ry _
5 If you d o n 't understand a w ord, here's a dictionary It's ve ry _
10 unit 1
Trang 13★ Read th e te x t a b o u t Ruby and Rachel
A n s w e r th e q ue stio ns.
1 Which is the correct picture?
2 Where are they from?
3 Where do they live?
4 What's their favourite hobby?
jby Taylor and Rachel Storr are very unusual They are
id e ntica l twins, but they've got different parents The
vins are from China, but they are adopted They both
i Scotland, Ruby near Aberdeen, and Rachel in
Edinburgh, 150 km away In her Scottish family Rachel has
got tw o brothers, but Ruby is an 'o n ly child' Ruby often
visiL Rachel, and their parents are now friends
Both girls have got tw o 'families': their parents, an
'aunt' and 'uncle' (the other twin's parents) and eight
Rachel and Ruby have got long, dark hair and brown eyes
They p e n 't just identical, they are mirror-image twins
Rachel writes w ith her right hand and Ruby writes with
her left hand, for example Their favourite hobby is art
and they both love clothes Ruby wears Rachel's clothes
and R dcflt wears Ruby's clothes, and they play a game
with their grandparents called 'Am I Ruby or am I Rachel?'
-Their grandparents haven't got any idea!
2 ★ ★ W rite the words in b o ld italics from the
te x t next to the definitions.
1 A child w ith no brothers
or sisters A n _
2 Brothers or sisters w ho look the same and havethe same birthday
3 An interest A
4 Very different or strange
3 ★ ★ Read the te x t again Are these sentences true (7) or false (Я)?
1 Rachel and Ruby live in the same family _F
2 One of the twins lives in England
3 They've got four grandmothers
4 They've got the same hair and eyes
5 Ruby and Rachel use the same hand to w rite
6 They've got the same interests
7 Their grandparents think the game thatRachel and Ruby play is easy. _
4 ★ ★ ★ Read the sentences and w rite Ra fo r Rachel, Ru fo r Ruby or В fo r both.
1 She's from China.
2 She lives in Edinburgh
3 She hasn't got any brothers or sisters
5 She writes w ith her right hand
6 She wears the other girl's clothes
5 ★ ★ ★ W hy are Ruby and Rachel unusual? Find tw o or three things in the text.
W rite them down.
: - Д Д
: If you see a word you d o n 't know, d o n 't stop : reading You d o n 't need to know every word : to understand a text If you continue reading,: sometimes you can understand the new word
u n it i 11
Trang 14A d escrip tion o f a person
1 Read th e d e s c rip tio n W h a t is Shakira's h obby?
My favourite singer is She's 37 years old and
she's from Colombia She's g o t b ro w n eyes and quite long, w a vy fair
hair She's n o t very tall b u t she's very pretty She's also very intelligent
She speaks Spanish, English, Italian, Arabic a n d Portuguese!
Shakira is a singer a nd she's g o t a lot o f prizes fo r her music But
she's also a really am azing dancer Her husband is the FC Barcelona
footballer Gerard Pique and they've g o t the same birthday,
3 February They've also g o t a son called Milan Her hob b y is
collecting rings - she's g o t over 200 o f them She's also g o t tw o
organisations that help children I love Shakira!
2 Read th e d e s c rip tio n again A n s w e r th e
q ue stio ns.
1 W hat nationality is Shakira?
2 Flow many languages does she speak?
4 Put th e w o rd s in th e co rre ct o rd e r to m ake phrases.
1 very / girl / а / pretty
A very pretty girl
2 intelligent / really / wom an / a
3 When is her birthday?
4 What's her son's name?
5 Flow many organisations does she have?
3 re a lly /fo o tb a lle r/a /a m a z in g
4 h a ir/ not very /lo n g
5 funny / he's / quite
5 W rite fiv e sentences a b o u t people yo u k n o w
w ith th e m o d ifie rs in A and th e adjectives in B
n o t very quite really veryВ
long tall young pretty intelligen t funny
1 My friend Carolina has got quite long hair.
3 4 5
12 unit 1
Trang 15I like cheese, tomatoes and pasta.
My sis te r is tall and she has pot long hair.
Join sentences 1-3 w it h and. Then p u t and in
sentences 4 -6
1 My brother likes football He goes swimming
2 My dad is very tall He is very funny
1 0 M ake note s a b o u t a person y o u k n o w
o r som eone fam ou s Use th e h eadings in Exercise 9.
1 1 W rite a d e s c rip tio n o f th e person in Exercise
10 Look a t page 19 o f th e S tud e nt's B ook to
h elp yo u.
3 My friend has got a dog He's got a cat
4 He likes basketball, tennis, music
5 My mum speaks French, German, Spanish
6 She's got long hair, big blue eyes, a brown hat
7 C o m p le te th e sentences w ith he's o r he's got.
1 quite tall w ith short hair
2 not very young b u t
very good at football
3 dark brown eyes
4 tw o brothers and one sister
5 very good-looking and funny
6 a very expensive laptop
• Are there modifiers before the adjectives?
• Are the grammar, spelling and punctuation correct?
Do y o u need t o w r ite a second d ra ft?
8 Read th e d e s c rip tio n o f Shakira again.
Find in te re s tin g facts a b o u t her.
9 Look aga in a t Exercise 1 Put th e h eadings in
th e same o rd e r as th e in fo rm a tio n in th e te x t.
where th e person is from relationships age
favourite things name physical appearance
2 5
Unit 1 13
Trang 16Ш ал
Family and friends
1 Look a t K athy's fa m ily tre e Label it w it h th e w o rd s in th e box.
dad uncle (x2) grandma granddad aunt (x2) b rother cousin (x3) mum sister
1 Cassandra isn't short She's tall
2 She isn't young She's _
3 Her hair isn't long It's _
4 Her hair isn't curly It's _
5 Her eyes aren't green T hey're
6 Her hair is n 't _ It's dark
Total: 5
Luke 1 ’s g o t tw o brothers He 2 one sister He 3 a pet
Sally4 a brother She_5 _ tw osisters She 6 _ a dog
Luke and Sally7 _ computers and they8 _ mobile phones
Total: 7
Trang 175 Choose th e co rre ct o p tio n
My family's not big and it's not small 11 ’vegot
tw o sisters.2 _ names are Holly and Lola
They're both 3 than me Holly's g o t long,
really funny Herstraight hair and she 4 _
favourite thing is 5 skateboard Lola's
g o t short brown hair and she's very intelligent Her
favourite thing is her laptop My dad 6
brothers or sisters but my mum's got one sister
Her name's Olive She's got one son 7
name's Michael Michael 8 _ favourite
thing is his bike He's y o u n g e r9 us and
he's noisier than 10 too!
My cousin is fo u r years old She's very o ld /
My father's brother is my a u n t / uncle
His brother's hair is short and s p ik y /
g o o d -lo o k in g
My mum's parents are my g ra n d p a re n ts / cousins
Louise has got fa ir / b ro w n eyes
Our teacher's very ta ll / curly
My b ro th e r's / sister's name is Tom
London is in B rita in / B ritish
My dad's w ife is my m um / uncle
My mum's sister is my a u n t / uncle
My uncle's son is my cousin / sister
My classmate's hair is very ta ll / s tra ig h t
Total: 11
7 C om plete th e p h o n e co n v e rs a tio n w it h th e
w o rd s in th e box.
Just a minute Hello?
Can I call you back? Hi, it's Katie
2 _ How are you?
Hi Katie I'm fine thanks You?
I'm OK thanks Have you got Colin's email address?
Yes, I have It's on my phone 3_
I've got it now It's colinfrench@netmail.comGreat Thanks I've got a question about our science homework
Sorry, but I haven't got time at the moment.Sure Speak in an hour?
Great Bye
Total: 4Total: 58
Trang 18Get it right! Unit 1
6 Kim and Julie are my favourite cousins They're identical twins
7 The twins wear unusuals clothes and they've got beautifull hair
8 The parties at my grandparents' house are wonderfuls!
have got
Remember that:
• we use have / Ve with I, you, they, we
• we use has / 's with he, she, it
• we always use g o t after have in affirmative and
negative sentences and in questions
• we don't use got after have in short answers
1 Find and c o rre ct fiv e m ore m istakes in th e
co n ve rs a tio n ,
g o t
Simon: Hi, Lara, have you^a big family?
Lara: No, I haven't My family is small I not got
brothers or sisters
Simon: Have you got a dog?
Lara: Yes, I has and I love him! He's got curly
brown hair and he's very funny I play with him every day
Simon: Have your house got a garden?
Lara: Yes, it has It's really beautiful You have
got time to visit me?
Simon: No, I haven't got I've got homework!
Spell it right! A<
• we use more + adjective with two or more syllables
We don't use more + adjective + -er
more-beauttfulef —► more beautiful
3 C o m p le te th e te x t w it h th e c o rre ct fo rm o f
th e a dje ctive s in brackets.
Remember that:
• we never add s to adjectives when we describe
more than one thing
• adjectives with -fu l have only one /
2 A re th e sentences correct? C orrect th e
2 His bedroom is very colourfuil and tidy
3 We go to the same school but we've got different
4 Dictionaries are very usefuls books
5 She's g o t blues eyes and red hair
My sister is older and 1 thinner (thin) than meand she's got longer hair than me It's 2 (curly) and 3 (red) too I also think she's4 _ (pretty) than me But my friends thinkshe isn't Her clothes are 5 _ (dark) thanmine and she's better at netball than me I thinkshe's 6 _ (intelligent) than me, too But I'mfunnier than her and I think I'm happier than her.She hasn't got a lot o f friends
16 Get it right! 1
Trang 19People th in k w e play fo o tb a ll all day b u t it's
n o t tru e This is o u r d a ily ro u tin e :
e _ in the sports hall or we've gotfootball training After training we 8h
a s and then we have dinner at9.30 A fter that we've got TV, games or theInternet and at 11.00 we 9g
t b _ It's a long day!
3 ★ ★ ★ Is y o u r d a ily ro u tin e s im ila r to V ictor's?
W rite sentences to com pare y o u r ro u tin e w ith
V ictor's.
V ictor g e ts up a t 6 4 5 1 g e t up a t
4 ★ ★ W rite a t least fiv e o th e r a c tiv itie s y o u
d o a fte r school o r a t th e w e e k e n d Use a
d ic tio n a ry if necessary.
Unit 2 17
Trang 20Language focus 1
Present sim ple: a ffirm a tiv e and negative
1 A ( C ird ej th e co rre ct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r ta b le
1 I, You, We, They g o / goes to the cinema
2 He, She, It fin is h / fin ish e s at six o'clock
3 I, You, We, They d o n 't study / d o e s n 't stu d y music
4 He, She, It d o n 't e a t / d o e s n 't e a t a lot
2 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e te x ts w ith th e co rre ct fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets.
Elias an d Paul are eleven They
1 go (go) to a secondary school in
Germany T hey2 _ (not wear) a
uniform T hey3 _(study) English,
Latin and 13 other subjects They4 _
(start) school at 7.30 and 5
(finish) classes at 1.30 pm Elias and Paul
(not have) lunch at school
_ (eat) at Paul's house with
_ (work)
T hey7
his family Elias's parents!
all day A fter lunch, Paul and Elias 9_
(play) sports or games o r ,0
their homework They 11
their school!
(do) (love)
^ J^ ;p lo re prepositions of time
3 ★ (C ircle) th e co rre ct w o rd s.
1 (O n J /A t Monday 4 A t / O n night
2 In / A t 7 o'clock 5 In / A t the weekend
3 I n / A t June 6 In / On the morning
4 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e sentences w it h in, on o r at.
W hat do you d o _ the weekend?
My birthday is _ 6 March
★ ★ ★ C o m p le te th e sentences w ith y o u r
o w n ideas.
1 A t lunchtime at school I usually
2 I never wake up on Saturdays
3 I always get dressed
4 I usually have b re a kfa st
5 I always do my hom ework
Bo-Bae is twelve She 1 goes (go) to school in South Korea
She 2_ (wear) a uniform Her school3 _
(teach) five subjects English is one Bo-Bae4 _(like)
Science and Technology She 5 (start) school at 8 am
and sh e 6 _(have) a 50-minute lunch break School
7 _ (finish) at 4.30 She8 (not go)
She 9 (eat) dinner at school and then she
10 (study) at a 'hagw on' (after school academy)
until 9 pm - this is normal! She 11 (not
study) at the weekend
18 unit 2
Trang 21Listening and vocabulary
After school activities
1 ★ Put th e le tte rs in o rd e r to m ake n in e a fte r
school a c tiv itie s W rite th e m w it h th e correct
play music
He works long days
He goes to bed early
He loves dancing
3 shecs 4 gwinmism 3 ★ ★ G ® ® Listen again M a rk th e sentences
tru e (7) o r false (f).
1 He's got a tu to r in the hotel
2 Noel lives in New York for one week and at
gets up 9 0 0
has breakfasthas lunchhas dinnergoes to bed
6 ataker
5 rat secsals
7 denac seaslsc 8 lobtolfa
Unit 2 19
Trang 22Language focus 2
Present sim ple: Yes/No questions
1 i @ ) th e correct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r
ta b le
1 Do / Does I, we, you, they speak English?
2 Yes, I, we, you, they do / does
3 What time do I, we, you, they goes / g o to bed?
B: Yes, they do
4 A: chess? (vou / like)
B: No, I don't
5 A: to school in the eveninq?
(Bo-Bae / go)
B: Yes, she does
6 A: tennis at school? (vou all / plav)
B: No, we don't
★ ★ C o m p le te th e s h o rt a nsw ers to th e
que stio ns.
1 Do they play baseball in Cuba?
Yes, they do.
2 Does school finish at tw o o'clock on Friday?
1 W hat(5o)/ does we wear in our new karate class?
2 Where d o / does she w ant to go after school?
3 W ho d o / does I ask about after school activities?
4 W hat tim e d o / does you usually get up?
5 When d o / does the next class start?
6 Where do / does Lauren and Carla go to school?
Adverbs of frequency
5 ★ W rite th e a dverbs o f fre q u e n c y in order.
sometimes usually always never ofte n j
1 O 0 % 9 0 % 7 5 % 40% o%
_ _ _ never
6 ★ ★ W rite p re sen t sim p le sentences w ith th e
p ro m p ts Use a dverbs o f frequency.
1 Eric / play baseball / at the weekend (75%)
Eric o fte n plays baseball a t th e weekend. _
2 I / be / q u ie t/a t parties (90% )
3 Anna and Rebecca / be / late fo r class (0%)
4 We / go / to a restaurant / on Saturdays (40%)
5 Cati / do her hom ework / in bed (100% )
6 My cousins / visit us / in the holidays (75%)
drink shower snack dinner
1 I always have b re akfa st before I go to school.
2 A fter school, I usually have a sandwich fo r a
3 In the evening, I always have
w ith my fam ily and then I go to bed
4 I usually have a o f w ater after I playtennis
5 When I get up in the morning I always have a _ and brush my teeth
8 ★ ★ ★ W rite a response w it h th e w o rd s in brackets.
1 A: W hat a great football game! I'm thirsty!
B: Why don’t you have a drink ? (have a drink)
2 A: W hat do you do when you wake up?
3 A: Are you hungry?
4 A: It's 7.30 I've got tw o pizzas
5 A: W hat do you before you leave the house?
Trang 23★ ★ Complete the sentences w ith the words
in b o ld italics from the text.
1 You go to a theatre to see a _
2 _ are something people try to win
3 There are tw o or th re e _ in a schoolyear
4 You have a _when people often meet
to do an activity together
5 You can go swimming in a _
6 A person w ho plays music is a _
1 ★ Read th e te x t a b o u t a fte r school a c tiv itie s
W rite th e a c tiv itie s fo r p ictures 1-6.
★ ★ Read th e te x t again a n d ( circie) t h e
co rre ct o p tio n s
1 Misaki goes to juku days a week,
a three (b) four с five
2 Chloe has dance classes
a tw o days a week b three times a week
с at the end of term
3 Chloe d o e s n 't very well
a dance b w rite с draw
4 M ikko d o e s after school activities
a tw o b three с four
5 M ikko doesn't p la y _
a music b games с sports
6 Jorge does athletics days a week
a tw o b three с four
★ ★ ★ W h o says the se sentences?
W rite Misaki, Chloe, M ikko o r Jorge.
1 'I can play Happy Birthday on the guitar.'
2 'The w ater is very cold!'
3 'The photos of the show are on my Facebook page.'
4 'Where are my running shoes?'
5 'M y teacher has a concert tom orrow '
6 'W hat colours can I use in my drawing?'
★ ★ ★ W h a t e x tra school a c tiv itie s d o yo u and y o u r frie n d s do? W rite a b o u t y o u r
w e e k ly ro u tin e
•ШЛЯНВИ1 Ask your teacher or use a dictionary if you don't understand a w ord in a text and the words around it d o n 't help
During the week, a lot of Japanese students go to juku (a homework club)
after school My friends and I go there three days a week and on Saturday morning We learn Maths, Science and English I also go swimming - my school has a big swimming pool
! love dancing and when I finish school
I have dance classes on Mondays and Wednesdays At the end of the term we have a show - we dance in front of all our parents and friends On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Art classes I’m not very good at drawing!
I like playing music so I have music classes after school I play the guitar and my teacher is a rock m usician
I also play chess and our school has
a chess club We sometimes have
com petitions with other schools.
Unit 2 21
Trang 243 always go home after school □
5 always watch TV after dinner □
C o n n e c to r s —
-4 ( Circle) th e co rre ct o p tio n s
A fter school, I do my hom ework !(anc?) / b u t I watch
TV We always have some hom ework 2and / b u t we
d o n 't always have a lot I sometimes help my mum and dad w ith the dinner 3and / b u t I d o n 't really
know how to cook! A fter dinner I read a book Aa n d/
b u t play the violin I d o n 't chat online 5and / b u t
I send messages to my friends on my mobile phone
5 C o m p le te th e d a ily a c tiv itie s w it h a w o rd fro m th e box.
| do (x2) brush have (x3) go (x2) get (x2) j
I get up at 8.00 every morning I have
some breakfast and I walk to school with
my friends Claire and Isabelle I finish
school at 2.30 in the afternoon but I
don’t always go home On Mondays and
Wednesdays, I play tennis after school
On Fridays, I go to dance classes On
the other days, I usually watch TV after
I do my homework Sometimes at the
weekend Claire comes to my house and
we play video games and talk about
well, everything! I have m y dinner
at about 7 o ’clock but I don’t always
watch TV after dinner It’s very boring!
Trang 25Writing Ш
6 C o m p le te th e sentences w ith have o r
have got.
1 _I _ a shower before I go to school
2 I _ a very fast computer
3 I _ a lot of interesting books about
Use time expressions (at 8 o'clock, before school,
In the morning) to say when you do things.
7 Complete the sentences about your daily
activities w ith time expressions.
W rite some things you d o n 't do and say why
I don’t play sport because I don’t like it.
8 W rite sentences w it h th e w o rd s b e lo w
1 play football after school X / d o n 't like it
I don’t play football a fte r school because I don’t
• Are the spelling and punctuation correct?
Do y o u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?
3 watch TV in the evening X / it's boring
4 play video games X / 1 like chess
5 go swimming X / it's very co ld !
unit 2 23
Trang 26at 8.30 am and finish at 3 pm In the evening,
/ _ mg homeimrk and loatch TO.
fo o tb a ll ebess dance drama
art swim m ing karate
1 I w ant to play a game Let's play chess
2 I w ant to paint pictures Let's have
3 I w ant to learn to fight Let's do
4 I w ant to learn the tango Let's have
5 I w a n t to be an actor Let's do
б I w a n t to go to the sea Let's go
7 I w ant to go to the park Let's play
2 Jake A rt and Music, (not study)
3 Jenny football at school, (play)
4 T hey _ near us (not live)
5 I lunch at home, (have)
6 Y o u _ to school by bus (not go)
3 A: your parents _ you
w ith your homework? (help)
B: Every day.
Total: 6
5 Complete the questions w ith a question w ord from the box and do or does.
When Where (x2) W ho W hat W hat t ime
4 A: you live w ith?
B: My mum and dad
5 A: you do at the weekend?В: I do sport
6 A: your best friend live?
B: In Moscow
Total: 5
Trang 27A dverbs o f fre q u e n cy
6 ( Circle) the correct options.
1 I early in the morning
@ usually get up b get up usually
2 I tennis at the weekend
a play often b often play
3 I late fo r school
a am never b never am
4 I happy on Saturday morning
a always am b am always
5 I _ lunch w ith my friends
a sometimes have b have sometimes
Total: 4
Language b u ild e r
7 Complete the conversation w ith the missing
words ( Circle) the correct options.
D ebbie:1 any brothers or sisters?
Scott: Yes, 12 _ I've got one brother.3
brothers and sisters have you got?
Debbie: 14 any brothers or sisters How often
5 sport?
Scott: 16 swimming with my brother after
school What about you?
Debbie: 17 tennis! 8 to the sports centre?
Scott: Yes, I d o 9 do you play tennis?
Debbie: A t the p a rk.10 house is near the park
Scott: My 11 house is near the park, too Let's
play tennis together one day
Debbie: OK!
1 (a ) Have you got b You have got
8 Circle th e co rrect o p tio n
1 I have (juricK) / exercise at school w ith my classmates
2 They live in Paris They're Spanish / French
3 Steve plays / does karate on Tuesdays
4 My eyes are green and my sister's eyes are
9 I never play chess / s w im m in g w ith my friends
10 My sister's hair is very in te llig e n t / curly
3 days / the classes / are / W hat / ?
4 about / you / the / know / Do / classes / ?
Total: 3Total: 55
Trang 28Get it right! Unit 2
Present simple: affirmative,
negative and Yes/No questions
Remember that:
• with the present simple we use's with he, she and it.
• we use doesn't, not don't, with he, she and it.
• we use do or does in Yes/No and Wh- questions
1 Find and c o rre ct fo u r m ore m istakes w it h th e
p re se n t sim ple.
Dylan Taylor ёеп-'4л get up early fo r school, he
doesn't go to school by bus, and he doesn't wear
a school uniform ; in fact, he d o n 't go to school at
all! So w hat does he do every day? Well, Dylan is
home educated - he study at home and his dad is his
teacher! So, w h a t does he study? His dad teach him
subjects like Maths and Science, and Dylan studies
other subjects on the Internet w ith a tutor
'You like school at home, Dylan?'
'It's good and bad: my dad's a great teacher, but I
haven't got any classmates - only my little sister, and
she's one year o ld !'
2 C orrect th e m istakes in th e q ue stio ns.
1 W hat you w ant to do?
What do you want to do?
2 Do he have a shower in the morning?
3 You have dinner at 8 o'clock?
4 When goes he to bed?
5 Does he likes music?
6 W hat tim e you do your homework?
7 Does school starts at 9 o'clock?
Prepositions of time
Remember that:
• we use on, not m, with days and dates
/ The dance class is on Friday / on 31st January.
X The dance class is in-Friday / in 31st January.
• we use at, not to, with time
/ Come to my house a t five o'clock.
• we use in, not on, with periods in a day
/ Lily does exercise in the morning.
X Lily does exercise on the morning.
• we use at, not in, with 'night' and 'the weekend'
X I do my homework in night /Чп-the weekend.
3 Choose th e c o rre ct p re p o s itio n s
1 The class is on / a t /(T n) the morning
2 He usually studies on / a t / in night
3 It's on / a t / in Wednesdays and Fridays
4 The first class is on / a t / in 15th April
5 It finishes on / a t / in 12 o'clock
6 I d o n 't do hom ework on / a t / in the weekend
7 David goes to school on / a t / in the afternoon
8 My birthday is on / a t / in 2nd March
Spell it rig h t! Time word:
Remember to spell these time words correctly
tomorrow tomorow usually usualyafternoon afternoom weekend week end
4 Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 Paul plays football on Tuesday
2 I allways brush my teeth after
3 I usualy have lunch at school _
4 A t the week end I d o n 't do
5 I do exercise fo r tw o houers every
6 The barbecue starts at eight oclock _
7 Do you w ant to go to the park
8 I've got a class in five minuts _
26 Get it right! 2
Trang 29Places in a school
1 ★ Put th e le tte rs in o rd e r to m ake
te n places in a school W rite th e m
u n d e r th e co rre ct p ictu re canteen
pssrot lhal yarbril
2 ★★ Complete the te x t about Dani's
Tuesdays w ith words from Exercise 1.
On Tuesdays we've got a long day It starts in the
1 main hall w ith everybody together Then we go
to the 2 fo r our English class A t break
time I sometimes go to the 3 outside to
play football w ith my friends A fter the break we've
got study-hour in the 4 _ I have lunch in
the 5 - the food is horrible! - but after
lu n ch we go in the 6 _ and chat or play
basketball In the afternoon we've got an ICT lesson in
the 7 The day finishes w ith experiments
in the 8 - I'm not very good at these,
so I'm always happy when I go home and relax!
3 ★ ★ ★ W rite sentences a b o u t y o u r fa v o u rite places in y o u r school W hen do y o u g o the re ?
I like the library I som etim es go there a fte r school and do my homework I t ’s very big with a lo t o f books and four or five com puters with the Internet.
4 W rite a t least fiv e o th e r places in a school Use a d ic tio n a ry if necessary.
5 ★ ★ '★ W rite a t least fiv e sentences a b o u t
y o u r p e rfe c t school.
Unit 3 27
Trang 30Language focus 1
can fo r a b ility and perm ission
1 t*r ( Circle) th e co rre ct w o rd s
Is your school strict?
A lice: Well, yes and no At break time we 1(can)/ can't decide where
to go We2 can I can't stay in the classroom or go outside to the playing field, but we 3 can I can't
go out to the shops and of course
we 4can I can't go home!
K arl: Yes, the teachers are very strict! We 5 can / can't talk in class and so we 6 can I can't ask questions We 7 can / can't listen to the teacher and copy from the board
on social networking sites, of course!
We 10 can Ican't work in groups in class too I like that
★ ★ W rite can o r can't and th e verbs in
1 Usain Bolt can run 100 m very quickly, but he
can’t run a marathon, (run/run)
In many states of the USA y o u _
when you're 16, but y o u
3 ★★ ★ W rite q u e s tio n s w ith can and th e
c o rre ct answ ers.
1 children / study at home / in your country?
Can children s tu d y a t home in yo ur country?
4 ★ ★ Put th e w o rd s in th e correct o rd e r to m ake
questions A n s w e r th e questions fo r you.
1 you / speak / Can / Chinese / ?
Can you speak Chinese ? Yes, I can.
2 you / Can / swim / ?
3 talk / in / your / to / Can / you / friends / class / ?
4 you / do / Can / karate / ?
a distance of 12 m (travel/jump)
4 W e _ our mobile phones to school,
but w e them in class, (take/use)
^ J-^ p lo re nouns and verbs
5 ★ * ( Circie) the correct words.
1 I like swimming It's good (exercise) / exercising
2 I go to tra in in g / tra in on Wednesdays
3 We have football practice / practise tom orrow
4 Be careful here, please! No ru n / ru n n in g !
5 When my study / studies are over, I w ant to get a job
28 Unit 3
Trang 31Listening and vocabulary
School subjects Listening
1 ★ ★ Use th e clues to c o m p le te th e crossw ord.
F г e n с h
1 People speak this language in France
4 In this subject you sing or play instruments
8 You learn about countries and the physical world
in this subject
9 You do this in the sports hall or on the playing
2 This is about im portant events in the past,
3 You learn about computers in this subject
5 You learn about Physics, Chemistry and Biology in
this subject
6 You practise this subject in this book
7 This subject is about numbers
hom e e d u c a tio n Tick ( / ) th e th in g s in th e lis t
th a t Rachel does.
a She studies w ith a home tutor □
с She watches documentaries □
f She does science experiments □
3 ★ ★ ★ © ' Listen again and a n s w e r th e que stio ns.
1 W ho does Rachel organise her w ork with?
Her mum. _
2 Where can she find inform ation fo r projects?
3 Where can she visit museums?
4 Where does she go w ith other home-educated children?
5 W hat are her favourite subjects?
6 W hy can't she do experiments at home?
Unit 3 29
Trang 32Language focus 2
(don't) like, don't mind, love, hate
+ ing
1 ★ Put th e verbs in th e co rre ct box.
hate love like d o n 't like d o n 't mind
1 I love listen / lis te n in g to music
2 She hates s ta rt / s ta rtin g school at 8.00
like, love, don't mind, hate +
object pronoun
5 ★ ★ ★ A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s w ith like, love, don't mind, hate and an o b je c t p ro n o u n
1 Are you a fan of Justin Bieber?
Yes, I like him,
2 Do you like learning English?
3 Do you like the singer Taylor Swift?
4 Are you interested in History?
5 Do you like cats?
3 ★ # W rite sentences w it h th e p ro m p ts.
1 I / not like / do / hom ework at the weekend
/ don’t like doing homework a t th e weekend.
2 He / love / play / football / friends
3 We / hate / watch / documentaries
6 Are you a fan of Taylor Lautner from Twilight1
l ° re adjectives
6 Try to im p ro v e y o u r w r itin g by using sentences w ith a djectives C o m p le te th e b lo g
w it h th e sentences in th e box.
4 Isabel / like / have / art classes
5 Peter / not mind / play / chess U
It's an interesting subject
He's b rillia n t! It's really boring!
I'm a really fast swimmer He's really slow!
-Everyone likes the school 1 i t ’s great.
A t my school we study different subjects I love Science.2 But I hate Maths 3 But my favourite subject is History because of our teacher, Mr Langley.4
We do lots of sports I like swimming 5 I also play football with my friend Freddy He's not a very good player.6 But we have fun.
7 ★★ ★ C o m p le te th e sentences w ith y o u r o w n ideas Then te ll y o u r partner.
Trang 331 ★ Read a b o u t Eton C ollege W hich o f the se 2
th in g s is n o t in th e te x t?
1 the history o f the school □
2 a student's daily routine □
3 famous people from the school □
★ ★ M a tch th e w o rd s in b o ld ita lic s in th e
te x t w it h th e d e fin itio n s
1 These teachers w ork w ith one student
2 You play rugby or football on these
3 To talk about something
4 A school where students sleep, eatand go to class
5 A sport where you sit in a boat andmove it w ith your arms. _
6 Places where you can do special
★ ★ M atch th e num be rs in th e te x t w it h th e
m eanings.
1 1440 -v a the number of libraries at Eton
2 1,290 j b the number of British Prime Ministers
3 £30,000 [ from Eton
4 19 - с the year when Eton started
5 9 d the cost of the school for a student
e the number of teachers at Eton
f the number of students in the school
★ ★ ★ A re these boys s tu d e n ts a t Eton?
Tick ( / ) Yes o r No.
1 'I don't wear a uniform in my school.'
2 'Hurry up! The beak's com ing!'
3 'M y name's Sebastian and I'm 11 years old.'
4 'M y tutor's name is Mr Harris.'
5 'There are 50 boys in my house.'
6 'M y school has only got one Science lab.'
In England a 'public school' is
a private independent school
One famous public school is
Eton College, opened by King
Henry VI in 1440 The school
and the uniforms are very old
Eton is a boarding school
for 1,290 boys aged from 13
to 18 It costs £30,000 a year,
but a lot of parents want their
children to go there To go to Eton College you need to
take an exam A lot of famous people are from Eton,
including 19 British Prime Ministers, and Princes William
and Harry
Boys have got a simple study-bedroom and join a 'house'
of 50 students They've got 35 classes (called 'divs' by
the boys) a week, with 10 or 20 students, and they also
discuss their work with personal tutors There are 160
teachers, or 'beaks'
Eton is a very big school with amazing facilities It has
got nine libraries, three theatres, an Olympic row ing
lake and a lot of football and rugby pitches It has got
an art building, 24 Science labs, and even a Natural
History Museum!
Trang 34How are you doing? My new school (Seven
Oaks Academy) is amazing! My class is
small so the teachers have time to help
everyone We decide the subjects we want
to study in class, and we can work on
projects together in groups.
We’ve got an IT room so we can find the
information we need (we don’t use course
books), and we can use tablets in class -
but I haven’t got one ® You know I love
Science so I spend a lot of time in the
science lab This school’s really different from
the old one I love it!
How are things at your new school?
2 Read th e e m a il again M a rk th e sentences
tru e (7) o r false (F).
1 Simon likes his new school
2 There are a lot o f students in his class
3 He doesn't study any subjects
4 Simon has got a lot of books
5 Liam is at a new school
3 Look back a t Sim on's em ail W h a t in fo rm a l
It's asap Bye 's Hey 've
1 Jane
of me with my new friends from school.
got big classrooms and the teachers are friendly so I’m happy.
What’s your new school like? Write to me
5 j
for now.
32 unit 3
Trang 35: M ake it b e tte r! / / /
: Use so to give the reason fo r something
: The teachers are friendly so I’m happy.
5 Join th e sentences w it h so.
1 I love playing football I spend a lot o f time
2 The school is small There aren't many teachers
3 I've got a tablet I can find inform ation in class
4 We've g o t a school uniform We can't wear jeans
5 The school isn't near my house I take the bus
6 Match the questions w ith the answers.
1 What's the name o f the school?
2 Are the teachers nice?
3 W hat subjects do you study?
4 How do you study?
5 W hat facilities has it got?
6 Are the classrooms good?
a Yes, they are They're big and old w ith posters
on the walls,
b We d o n 't use course books and w e w ork in
с Forest High,
d They are very friendly,
e It's got a theatre and a swim m ing pool,
f Maths, English and we can study three languages
: M ake it b e tte r! / / /
: Address the reader - say thanks fo r his/her email,
: ask questions, etc
7 Read Sim on's em ail again Find exam ples o f
addressing th e reader.
8 W hich o f these sentences does n o t address
th e reader?
1 How are you doing?
2 As you know I'm not good at Maths
3 The teachers are all very nice
4 Thanks fo r your email
5 Do you like your new school?
9 Read Sim on's em ail again Tick ( / ) th e th in g s
1 0 Im a gine y o u are a t a n e w school Look a t th e
to p ic s in Exercise 9 and m ake notes Include som e g o o d th in g s and som e bad th in g s
1 1 W rite an e m a il to Sim on a b o u t y o u r n e w school Look a t page 41 o f th e S tud e nt's Book
t o h elp yo u
1 2 Check y o u r w ritin g Can y o u say YES to th e
q uestions?
• Are the topics from Exercise 9 in your email?
• Are there questions and sentences addressing the reader?
• Are there good things and bad things?
• Are the spelling and punctuation correct?
Do y o u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?
Unit 3 33
Trang 36Places in a school
1 Circle th e co rre ct w o rd s
1 We have lunch in the science lab / ^ a n te e fp
2 We study ICT in the IT ro o m / m a in hall
3 You can read lots of books in the p la y in g fie ld /
lib ra ry
4 We play football on th e p la y in g fie ld / in th e
IT ro o m
5 The headteacher sometimes talks to everyone in
the m ain ha ll / library
6 We have PE in the sports h a ll / lib ra ry
7 We learn about how the w orld works in the
sports hall / science lab
8 We spend most o f the school day in the lib ra ry /
i me us him Ft her you them
1 I can't eat this food Do you w a n t _
2 Ruth is late Can you c a ll _
3 We can't speak English Can you help
4 I d o n 't like bananas Do you lik e _
5 Where is the main hall? Can you tell
Trang 37(don't) like, don't mind, love, hate
(© / watch films)
Total: 5
Vocabulary builder
6 ( Circle the correct options.
1 I use m y to listen to music
a guitar © M P 3 player с console
2 I'm from Brazil I speak
a Portugal b Portuguese с Portugalese
3 Your mother's brother is your
a cousin b aunt с uncle
4 My favourite colours are green a n d
a curly b long с brown
5 I usually have before I go to school
a dinner b lunch с breakfast
6 I alw ays _my hom ework in the evening
7 I _late on Saturdays - at 10 am
a go to bed b get up с have lunch
8 We d o _at school on Fridays
7 C om plete th e co n v e rs a tio n w it h th e m issing
w o rd s (C ircle) th e co rre ct o p tio n s
7 use them to play games?
No, we 8 _ How about you?
I can play games on my computer at home
I use m y 9 game console when he's out
10 got some new computer games Doyou want to come over and play 11 _?
Yes, please! 12 do you live?
1 (a) Do you like b You do like с You are like
1 A: Hi, M um Can I go to Dana's house tonight? A: Great, thanks M um !
A: Why not?
B: Yes, you can.
B: Because your grandmother's here tonight B: No, sorry I'm afraid you can't, Sandra.
Total: 6 Total: 60
Trang 38Get it right! Unit 3
can fo r a b ility and perm ission
Remember, we use the infinitive without to after
/ He can speak three languages
X He can to speak three languages.
X He can speaking three languages.
X He can speaks three languages.
Read th e co nv e rs a tio n Find and co rre ct fo u r
m ore m istakes.
Find and co rre ct fiv e m o re m istakes w it h can.
Hi, Daniel, I want to paint my bedroom
on Saturday Can you helping Ame?
No, I can't help you on Saturday, I've g o t football practice :-(
Can you to come on Sunday?
Yes, I can visiting you in the afternoon
OK We can to buy some snacks, too
I haven't g o t any old clothes for painting Can you giving me some?
/ I study French I really like it.
X I study French I really like.
• we use him for boys and men, and her for girls
and women
/ That's John's sister I really like her.
X That's John's sister I really like him.
• for animals and things, we use it (singular) and
them (plural)
Jack: This is a photo of people at my school
Do you know them?
Emily: No Who is that? Is she your teacher?
Jack: Yes, that's Mrs Miller I really like Н т л
She teaches English
Emily: Do you like English?
Jack: Yes, I love! What about you?
Emily: I don't mind it What about French?
Do you study that?
Jack: Yeah but I hate it
Emily: Who's your French teacher?
Jack: That's him I don't like He's very strict!
Emily: Do you like the people in your class?
Jack: Oh, yes I love They're brilliant! We have
great fun
Emily: And who is this girl?
Jack: Ah, that's Maria She's beautiful I really like
3 U n d e rlin e and c o rre ct th e m ista ke in each sentence.
1 A t my school w e study diffrent subjects
d iffe re n t _
2 I think Geography is an intresting subject
3 History is about im portent events in the past
4 Football is greate I love it!
5 W hat are your favorit subjects?
6 A lot of famouse people are from Eton
36 Get it right! 3
Trang 39W hat do teenagers in the UK like to eat? W hat
do we hate? I think I'm typical I d o n 't eat breakfast because I d o n 't have time I just drink
a glass o f 1 milk Then, I usually eat a 2 sandwich at break tim e because
I can't w a it until lunch! I eat a lot of w hite 3 My mum says this is unhealthy
I love Italian food, and fo r lunch at school Ioften have 4 o r 5 I
d o n 't really like vegetables but I sometimes eat 6 I like their orange colour!
My favourite meal is chilli con came I cookthis w ith my dad You just need 7 ,8 and 9 _ It's really good!
3 ★★★ Read the clues and w rite the names of the food.
1 These are long, straight orange vegetables,
Trang 40singular and plural.
2 C o untab le / U n co u n ta b le nouns have no plural
3 We use a/an w ith a s in g u la r c o u n ta b le / an
u n c o u n ta b le noun
4 We use some w ith a ffirm a tiv e / n e g a tive
plural and uncountable nouns
5 We use any w ith a ffirm a tiv e / n e g a tive
plural and uncountable nouns
2 ★ ★ ( Circle; th e c o rrect fo o d w o rd s
1 I've got a (Eana~ng)/ carrots in my bag
2 Have we got any banana / cheese?
3 Joe's got an m ilk / egg fo r breakfast
4 We haven't got any bread / apple
5 They've got some c a rro t / m eat, but they haven't
got any rice / ve g e ta b le
6 We've got some oranges / apple
4 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e sentences w it h one o f th e
w o rd s fro m th e box.
lunch problem ftm snack breakfast party
1 I always have fun at my sister's house
because there's lots to do there
2 My brother wants to cook dinner for my parents
tonight but he has a He can't cook!
3 Can I have a fo r my birthday nextmonth?
4 I know dinner is at 6 o'clock but I'm hungry now
Can I have a _ ?
5 We have _ at 7.00 every m orning We
have eggs or toast
6 I usually have at school I eat fish ormeat w ith rice
a/an, some and any
★ ★ C om plete th e te x t w ith a /a n , some o r any.
Andres Ramos is a footballer He loves meat, but
he doesn't eat a lot these days, and he doesn't eat
1 any takeaway food Here's w hat he's got
drink 14 _fizzy drinks,
We’ve got some milk in the fridge I’ve got some water in my room.
★ ★ ★ Plan y o u r m enu fo r to m o rro w Use Exercise 3 as an exam ple W h a t d o y o u eat
fo r each meal? Use a d ic tio n a ry if necessary.
Breakfast: an egg, some bread and some orangejuice.