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eyes open 2 workbook

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ONLINE PRACTICE ACCESS CODE INSIDE V icki Anderson with Eoin Higgins © © © © © © © Starter Unit page Money matters page Our heroes page 17 Strange stories page 27 At home page 37 Visions of the future page 47 Life choices page 57 Look out! page 67 Having fun! page 77 Speaking extra page 87 Language focus extra page 95 Family ★ Put th e le tte rs in o rd e r to m ake fa m ily w o rd s mum umm dda madrang en.rpast leunc rtborhe fewi trisse natu 10 sicuno 11 dradngad 12 baunsdh -k ★ M atch th e w o rd s in Exercise to m ake pairs wife husband u n c le - _ g n d m a - _ d a d - _ brother - _ ★* •6 Complete the definitions My mum and dad are mv parents My aunt's husband is m y _ My granddad's wife is m y _ My aunt's children are m y _ My grandma and granddad are m y _ My dad's wife is m y My mum and dad's child is m y _ o r Subject pronouns and be ^(^ircie)th e correct options Where a m Q /y o u ? Is / Are you from Canada? Daniel am / is my cousin He / They is 14 My sister's birthday are / isin May My grandparents are / is inJapan She's / They're on holiday My brother and I am / are at the zoo We / They are not at school I am / is at the cinema Are you / he at the shops? ★ i f C om plete th e sentences and q ue stio ns w ith th e correct fo rm o f be A re you at home? This my mum W e best friends they from England? His sister _ in my class I from Edinburgh, Scotland you in the school football team? My new d o g called Bob Possessive's Com plete th e sentences w i t h 's in th e correct place s My mum a car is red Our cousin house is in the city Is this your granddad piano? What's your dad name? My best friend birthday is in October His sister dance classes a.re on Monday Is our dog nose brown? Where is my brother T-shirt? Starter Unit School subjects there is/are and som e and any Look a t th e pictures and co m p lete th e crossw ord w ith th e school subjects ★ ★ Find fiv e m ore differences b e tw e e n Picture A and Picture В and w rite sentences Use there /s(n'f) / there are{n't) dow n across 'о ф M atch th e school subjects w ith th e sentences ICT Geography French History Maths PE Science English Music 'Let's talk about the year 1914.' 'What does je m'appelle mean?' In Picture A there are three books In P icture there are two. _ H isto ry 'OK, run around the gym ten tim e s ' 'Turn on the computers, please.' 'Let's play it again and listen to the piano.' 'Water is hydrogen and what?' 'What is 15 x 147?' 'Where are the Rocky Mountains?' „ 'Let's look at the verb to be.' _ S tarte r Unit _ _ _ ! _ Ц Starter Unit & i t ( Circle)th e correct o p tio n s and co m p le te th e sentences w ith some o r any The re (JsrV^) /a r e n 't any , cheese in the fridge A re /Is there giraffes in the zoo? Is there / Are th e r e T-shirts in your bag? There is / a r e fruit in the kitchen There isn't / a re n't _ boats on the river Is there / Are there pasta in the cupboard? There is / a re good photos on your mobile phone There isn't / a ren't money in my bag Present simple: affirmative and negative * ( C ird e )th e correct w o rd s in th e g m m a r tab le l/You/We/They watch / watches TV He/She/It finish / finishes at five We d o n 't / doesn't like carrots She d o n 't / doesn't like bananas ★ ★ C om plete th e te x t w ith th e pre sen t sim ple fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets have g o t * ( £ irc jg )th e co rre ct o p tio n s IQve) / 's got a new computer Have / Has you got a mobile phone? My sister have / has got a TV in her room ‘ W e 've / 's got a pet cat His name is Peru Have / Has he got your phone number? They've / 's got two houses in the city She haven't / hasn't got a brother Our d o g 've / 's got a tennis ball We haven't / hasn't got a big family Sports and activities A * P ut th e le tte rs in o rd e r to m ake sports and a c tiv itie s Then co m p le te th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm o f play, o r go Do you play basketball at your school? (sblaltabke) in the I'd like to evenings, (gyoa) in the mountains W e _ every winter, (gisnki) Can y o u _ ? (yalolblelv) every* My brother Saturday, (duoj) in the A lot of people _ sea in Ireland, (fnruisg) My family sometimes _ in the lake, (mgnswmii) at the skate park Let's _ later, (aasgbtdkineor) with Do you often your friends? (libogwn) but my 10 I want t o brother's got my bike, (liccgyn) My family loves (love) sport We all _ (play) one sport or more My dad _ (play) tennis every Saturday My mum _ (go) to the gym and (do) yoga twice a week 16 (do) karate after school and every weekend 17_ (go) skateboarding with friends My brother8 _ (play) basketball and he (train) four days a week We often 10 (go) to see him play We 11 _ (not watch) sport on TV because we 12 _ (not like) watching TV S ta rte r Unit Starter Unit Present simple: Yes/No questions ( Circle) th e correct w o rd s in th e g m m a r table C om plete th e q ue stio n s w ith th e correct q u e stio n w o rd fro m th e box How often What When Where Who Why Where Do you / You like karate? V - , Yes, I / does No, I d o n 't / doesn't He / Does he play tennis? Yes, he / does No, he d o n 't / doesn't A В A В 3• A В A В A В A В A В ★★ Complete the questions and answers w ith the correct form of Do you your homework in the evening? Yes, I _ Harry and Gina go cycling on Saturdays? No, th e y _ Nina like Geography? No, she _ your friends go skateboarding? Yes, the y _ they use the Internet to study French? No, th e y _ your brother karate? Yes, he _ your teacher show videos in English class? No, she ★ Match the question words w ith the words in the box how often frequency what _ when _ where _ who _ why _ In London does he studv? English and Maths thev plav sports? Once a week does he ao cvclina with? His brother vou like skateboardina? Because it's fun does she plav vollevball? In the park does he ao to drama class? On Saturdays f r ( jlirc ie )th e co rre ct w o rd s in th e g m m a r ta b le Going swimming with my friends is always / always is good fun We go sometimes / sometimes go to the sports centre on Saturdays Present simple: Wh- questions person object/thing place frequency time reason (vou / live) Adverbs of frequency Where you live? ★ ★ Put th e w o rd s in th e correct o rd e r to m ake sentences football / play / school / at / We / always We always play fo o tb a ll a t school. _ Football / sometimes / matches / long / are / very never / me / with / My dad / chess / plays We / often / Saturdays / on / go / cycling dictionaries / use / English class / usually / We / in are / His / really interesting / books / always Vocabulary Shops Find te n shops in th e w o rd search e I < r p r I с V e n m e p r d z с b m t t g I r q s> с d s h e u s h У e P h s X 0 m a d e i n e u i r j b d с t e r s t b 0 к s h p t m n p I с e u w z m e e i V с I t h e s t n с n e i I r m e r P t s u P e r m a r к e t s n e w s a g e n t b Why don't you go to th e to buy a book for your dad's birthday? We're going to th e to buy fruit, vegetables and some other things I like the guitars in th is Five words that go with shop shop shop shop shop C om plete th e te x t w ith w o rd s fro m Exercise There is a shopping centre in my town, but my friends and I don't often go there It's got a newsagent where you can buy magazines or birthday cards, and a couple o f with jeans and T-shirts, but nothing cool for teenagers My mum and dad love the because you can find everything you need there There are some shops I like There's a with great trainers, and there's also an 5_ with lots of tablets and smartphones, but they're a bit expensive My favourite is the _ because it plays all the new songs, and a lot of young people go there & C om plete th e ta b le w ith th e w o rd s fro m Exercise s p o rts ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith w o rd s fro m Exercise 1 You can buy trainers and boots in a shoe shop I need some aspirin from th e My favourite shop is th e because it sells magazines and chocolate I like th a t because it's got great T-shirts and cheap jeans I'd like to look at some laptops - let's go to the shop One word that goes with store store Four words that are ONE word W rite a b o u t a sh o p p in g centre you kn o w C o m plete th e sentences a b o u t it It's got a big departm ent sto re There's a where you can buy _ a n d _ I like th e _ because it's got I don't go to th e because it hasn't g o t My mum and dad like th e because U nit Language focus Present continuous * ( £ ircie )th e co rre ct w o rd s in th e g m m a r ta b le Present simple vs continuous ★ * ( Circle) th e co rre ct w o rd s in th e te x t My sistgr and 11try / (are tryin g )an experiment at the moment - no shopping for a month! Usually Mum 2gives / is giving me pocket money on Saturday and my friends and 13go / are going shopping in the afterrfoon, but this Saturday is different My friends 4shop / are shopping for clothes and things but I 5w rite / 'm w ritin g this blog at home Why? Well, 16have / am having a lot of things that I never 7w ear / am w earing This month my sister Jane and 18p ut / are p u ttin g our pocket money in our money boxes for our holidays, and we 9do / are doing lots of other things Shopping all the time is boring! ★ ★ if W rite th e questions in th e present sim ple o r present co ntin u ou s and answ er th e m fo r you W h a t/w e a r/a t the moment? What are you wearing a t th e moment? _ I’m wearing SheCjsJookinJ)/ looking at boots in the shoe shop They n ot buying / a re n 't buying those T-shirts Are you coming / You are coming with us? Yes, I'm / 1am No, we a re n't / isn't To talk about facts, habits and routines, use the present simple / continuous To talk about an action in progress, use the present simple / continuous ★ ★ C om plete th e co nve rsa tio ns w ith th e p re sen t c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets Joe: Bob: Joe: Bob: Joe: Bob: Hi Bob We're meeting (meet) outside the shopping centre Where are you? (sit) on the bus Where are I2 you? Outside the shopping centre Ian and (wait) for you now I3 OK There':s a lot of traffic The bus (not go) very fast (not stay) here a Well, w e long time It's cold! Where's the bus now? (come) into Mill Street, It6 so see you in two minutes ★ ★ C o m plete th e q ue stio n s and s h o rt answ ers w ith th e co rre ct fo rm o f th e pre sen t co n tin u o u s Use th e w o rd s in th e box you sell we have he look you spend they buy Lisa wait W here/usually/buy your clothes? you / listen to music? What / you / listen to? ^ D ^ p lo r e extrem e adjectives i f i f C o m plete th e d e fin itio n s w ith th e huge great wonderful brilliant boiling awful amazing freezing is he looking fo r a book in English ? Yes, he is Yesr your old video aames? for €5 each that CD? No, lunch now? No, just a drink No She's late Yes, It's a present in the cafe? you / reading / a good book / at the moment? £20 on a T-shirt? u n it 1 When something is very good we say it's g re at _ When it's very hot, we say it's When something is very big, we say it's When it's very cold, we say it's When something is very bad, we say it's or Listening and vocabulary Money verbs Listening Match the verbs in the box w ith the correct definition sell spend save earn buy borrow get money from working get money from someone'to keep for a short time what a shop does pay money to get something specific use money for something, not only in shops keep money so you can use it in the future earn ★ Complete the sentences w ith the verbs fro m Exercise 1 I'm trvina to save mv pocket monev for а new smartphone Jane wants to all her video games for €10 each Can I €5 from you until tomorrow? Some people a lot of money on clothes How much money does a shop assistant ? I want to some new skates this year ★ ★ ★ W rite th e answ ers to th e q uestions Use th e pre sen t c o n tin u o u s and th e w o rd s in brackets What are you doing on ebay? (sell / my computer) I’m selling my computer. _ Why are you going to Helen's house? (borrow / her dress) Why are you in the sports shop? (buy / new trainers) What are you doing? (spend / five pounds / sweets!) Why are you cleaning your dad's car? (earn / money / a new phone) ★ © Я Ш Listen to th e co n ve rsa tio n b e tw e e n Gemma a n d h e r m um W h a t is Gemma's p ro b le m ? (Circle) th e correct o p tio n a clothes b money с her brother Why are you putting money in that box? (save fo r/n e w bike) * * Q « a Read th e sentences Listen again and circle th e correct o p tio n s Gemma wants to buy a pair of jeans(onTine) / at the shopping centre Gemma's pocket money is £50 / £30 a month Gemma / Gemma's b ro th e r saves money Gemma says she needs more money than her brother because she's older / he only buys video games The cinema costs £5 / £ 10 Her mum tells Gemma to w o rk in th e ir house / get a babysitting job Gemma likes / doesn't like her mum's idea Gemma's mum gives her more money / a job u n it Language focus (don't) w ant to, would(n't) like to, w ould prefer to ('Circle) th e correct o p tio n s ^Л/ o u lj)/ Do you like to save more money? Would you prefer / w a n t the black T-shirt or the white one? I'd w a n t / like to go to the electronics shop to see some new mobile phones She doesn't w a n t / w o u ld n 't prefer to borrow money from her sister Would you like / w a n t to go to the bookshop? I w o u ld n 't like / d o n 't prefer to buy a new car 2 a b с (not) enough + noun M atch th e q u e stio n s w ith th e answ ers Does your friend want to come with us? _c_ Would you like to listen to music? Would Barry prefer to go to the sports shop? Do they want to invite Paul to come shopping? Would Mary and Arthur like to go to a cafe? Would Claudia prefer to the exam today? Yes, he would No, they wouldn't No, she doesn't ★ ★ Match the sentence beginnings (1-6) w ith the sentence endings (a-f) We can't make a cake because They're not dancing here because I can't all my homework because A lot of people were still hungry because We can't all study for the exam because We want to buy,a new tablet b u t a b с d e f _e_ _ _ _ _ _ there wasn't enough food, we haven't got enough money, there isn't enough space, I haven't got enough time, there aren't enough eggs, there aren't enough books ★ ★ ★ Read the problems and w rite a sentence w ith (not) enough There are five T-shirts in the shop and 20 people want to buy one There aren ’t enough T -shirts in the shop ■ d Yes, she would, e Yes, I would, f Yes, they i've got £20 and these jeans cost £15 There are a lot of children in this town and there's only one small park C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm o f th e verbs in th e box We've got 10 bottles of water for 100 people sell spend play §e earn buy I don't want to go to a bookshop more money We'd really like _ I wouldn't like _ a lot of money on a phone some new Yolanda would prefer not trainers video games They want C om plete th e sentences w ith y o u r o w n ideas I'd prefer to e a t She's got 30 minutes before her class to this exercise We're going to make sandwiches for 30 people but we've only got 25 slices of bread ^ E ^ p lo r e adjective prefixes ★ ★ A d d th e p re fix un- to th e a djectives and m atch th e m w ith th e d e fin itio n s friendly happy usual tidy fair I wouldn't like to be I don't want to go I really want to be In the future I would [ sad different or not common not nice to another person not wanting to help someone when the rules are not the same for everyone when things are not clean or not in the right place helpful unhappy Speaking extra Asking for and offering help ★ ★ # E C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n in Exercise w ith th e w o rd s in th e box Then liste n and check ★ C o m plete th e sentences fro m th e Real ta lk v id e o in th e S tudent's Book w ith th e w o rd s in th e box garden quieter expensive space rooms I'll give Shall course hand light Focus on pronunciation They're usually bigger so there's more I think houses because they can b e Flats are small and they sometimes don't get m uch It has a lot o f and it's really comfortable There isn't usually a with a flat Houses near the centre of big cities are really ★ © E l Listen to th e q ue stio ns Do th e y go up o r d o w n ? Listen and repeat Cap you give me a hand? Can you put this on the shelf? Can you me a favour? Can you help me with this? ★© к а Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n W h a t d o Nick and Lisa p u t in th e freezer? Nick: Come on, the computer's ready Let's play Lisa: Hang on I can't My dad did the shopping ★ ★ © H Listen and a n sw e r th e q uestions Conversation 1: How does the boy help the woman? and he wants me to put it all away Nick: OK, I'll give y o if Lisa: Great That way we'll finish sooner Nick: put the milk and cheese in Conversation 2: What did Sarah leave at school? the fridge? Where will Helen go later? Lisa: Yes, please! Nick: Anything else? Lisa: We should put the ice cream and the pizzas Conversation 3: What does the boy have to do? Nick: ! Lisa: And I need to wash all this fruit What does the girl want? Nick: Sure: Put it all in the sink and Lisa: Oh and another thing Can you me in the freezer me a hand? ? Connor: My mum says I should tidy my room before I go out Jonas: Well, she's right I 'll _ you a hand Connor: OK, let's see The books shouldn't be on the floor I should put them all up on that shelf Jonas: Here, that Oh look, The Lord o f the Rings Did you like it? Connor: Yes, it's really good Can you _ me a favour? Jonas: Yes, o f Connor: Can you give me a _ and put this blanket in the wardrobe? Jonas: _ I put this pillow in there as well? Connor: Yes, please! 90 Nick: Sure Lisa: Can you start making lunch? I'm hungry! Nick: Ha ha! Come on Mario is waiting! ★ Read th e co nve rsa tio n W h a t d o C onnor and Jonas p u t in th e w a rd ro b e ? Speaking extra ★ ★ ★ © E l Listen again and co m p le te th e co nve rsa tio n ★ ★ © к а Listen again and check y o u r answ ers Then liste n and re p e a t th e co nve rsa tio n Speaking extra Asking for and giving instructions ★ M atch th e sentence halves fro m th e Real ta lk v id e o in th e S tudent's Book I don't have a phone It's more important to my mum It's not really important to me I use it for the games and the apps My mum tells me to take it with me a b с d e so she can call me any time she wants, and I watch my favourite TV programmes on it whenever I go out so it's not important to me at all I usually leave it at home ★ ★ О к а Listen and a n sw e r th e q uestions Conversation 1: What does the girl want to see? ★ ★ © ж я C om plete th e co nve rsa tio n in Exercise w ith th e w o rd s in th e box Then liste n and check y o u r answ ers have Now, you have to scroll down the list Then, you click on the name And just click on the green button ★© fa Listen to th e co n ve rsa tio n W h y does H ugh's dad p u t his hand on th e screen? Dad: Dad: Hugh: Dad: Hugh: ★ Read th e co nve rsa tio n W h a t does Daniel teach his g n d d a d to d o on th e ta b le t? Dad: Granddad: Daniel: Granddad: Daniel: Granddad: Daniel: Granddad: Daniel: Granddad: Daniel: First First, click on this icon Now, look for the name of the person Conversation 3: What are.they trying to do? Granddad: Daniel: that's Listen to th e in stru ctio n s Do th e y g o up o r d o w n ? W hich in s tru c tio n goes d o w n ? Listen and repeat How does she start playing? Granddad: Daniel: how â ôa Hugh: That looks exciting What is it? It's a tablet It's a kind of computer Oh I see How does i t ? It's easv you need to press the button on the top This one? Yes it Now if you swipe your finger across the touchscreen, it'll turn on the apps Apps? Yes look, vou ju st to touch one with your finger Oh but, what is it? It's a game It's called Dogs in Space Oh no! How I turn the music down? Find the button on the side OK it is Then press it a few times So I stop it? Press the button at the top again Oh, what's that noise? I just got an email work Focus on pronunciation Conversation 2: What does the girl need to to get on to the website? Granddad: Daniel: Grandad: Daniel: here Hugh: Dad: Hugh: Dad: Hugh: Dad: Hugh: Dad: I want to get on this social network How i _ ? Let's see First, you create a profile Err a profile OK, that? Click here and put in your name and all your information All this? No You only have to put in the things with the red stars: your name, your email and a password Now, scroll down and just click on 'Create Profile' Oh, I see _ ? Yes! That's it If you click here, you'll get an email OK, here it is It says 'confirm your profile' How I confirm my profile? Just click on the link in the email I see! Thanks! And put your hand on the screen and say 'Hello', your friends will say 'Hello' too OK 'Hello?' Haha! Very good, Dad, but you don't really have to that! Hey! ★ ★ ★ © E l Listen again and co m p le te th e co nve rsa tio n ★ ★ © E l Listen again and check y o u r answ ers Then liste n and re p e a t th e co nve rsa tio n Speaking extra 91 Speaking extra Agreeing and disagreeing Julie: Absolutely! Young people who go to university can get better jobs because they know more things Alex: Yes, 16 you're right But they should be able to get a job when they leave school if that's what they want to ★ P ut th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake sentences fro m th e Real ta lk v id e o in th e S tudent's Book know / yet / don't / 1/ going / what / I'm / to go / to / and / Chinese / I'm / going / to / university / study ★★ © E l C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n in Exercise w ith th e w o rd s in th e box Then liste n and check player / going / be / a / I'm / football / to / professional w ith around / I'm / motorcycle / going / world / to / b u y /a / rid e /a n d /th e ★ ★ © E l Listen and a n sw e r th e q ue stions Conversation 1: What does the girl think about education? Conversation 2: Does the boy agree with the girl? Which word does he use to describe homework? Conversation 3: What is the topic of their discussion? ★ Read th e co n ve rsa tio n H o w m any sta te m e n ts d o A le x and Julie discuss? agree about some different topics Julie: Alex: Julie: Alex: Julie: Alex: 92 people's lives and I need you to tell me if you agree or disagree with them OK Go on then Let's see, first statement: Young people should get married later, for example, after university or when they have a job Do you I'm not agree I think young people should get married when they want or when they're old enough to get married in their country OK, next one: Too many young people go to university What's your ? No, 14 I think young people should be able to continue their studies when they leave school if they want to I agree you And here's the last statement: Going to university helps you get a better job Speaking extra suppose sure opinion Focus on pronunciation ★ # K Listen Do th e w o rd s and phrases go up o r d o w n ? Listen and repeat Absolutely I agree with you I suppose you're right: Maybe, but I also think it's difficult I disagree ★©El Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n W here is Jessica g o in g ? Reporter: Excuse me! Can you give us five Jessica: Reporter: Alex: OK, I want you to give me your opinion Julie: Sure What topics? Alex: Well, I have some statements about young disagree Jessica: Reporter: Jessica: Reporter: Jessica: Reporter: Jessica: Reporter: minutes? We'd like to know your opinion on some different topics OK What are the topics? Well, here's the first one: Life is more difficult now than it was for your parents Do _ ? No, _ I think life is easier now, especially because of technology OK _ think life will be easier in the future than it is now? Maybe, but 14 _ we'll have a lot of problems especially with the environment Thanks Next one: We'll probably live on other planets in the future What's s _ ? _ ! There are too many of us here on Earth! you're right But where would we go? I don't know but right now, I'm going home Oh, yes, thanks for your time Bye! ★★★©El co nve rsa tio n Listen again and co m p le te th e Speaking extra Reacting to news ★ M atch th e sentence halves fro m th e Real ta lk v id e o in th e S tud e nt's Book I fell out of a tree and I've broken my leg twice I cut my hand I've sprained my wrists I was playing in the kitchen a b с d e a lot of times playing volleyball, on a broken glass last week and it still hurts, but I can still run faster than all my friends, and I burned my hand on the oven, sprained my ankle when I was five * ★ © к а Listen and a n sw e r th e q uestions Conversation 1: What happened to David last week? * ★ О к а C o m plete th e co n ve rsa tio n in Exercise w ith th e w o rd s in th e box Then liste n and check y o u r answ ers up shame d o w n ? Listen and repeat Oh no! What a shame! I'm sorry to hear that! Lucy: M atthew : Conversation 3: Where did Charlie go on holiday? M atthew: Lucy: Liam: Abby: Liam: Abby: Liam: Abby: Liam: Abby: Liam: I'm going to study Physics Well done! That's2 Thanks I'm really excited What have you been to? Well, I cut my knee while I was playing football at school Look! Oh no! How did you that? I don't know really - 1fell over and another boy kicked me with his boot When I got home, I couldn't move my leg What a _ ! When did it happen? Last Monday It's getting better now but can't play football for a few weeks I'm sorry to _ that So, tell me about your new university up o r How amazing! That's fantastic! Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n W h y c a n 't M a tth e w g o to London? Lucy: Abby: Hi, Liam, how's i t ? Liam: Fine thanks, Abby How about you? Abby: Yeah, not bad I've got a place at university going ★©ка Conversation 2: What's wrong with Lisa? ★ Read th e co n ve rsa tio n Did s o m e th in g g o o d happen to Liam o r A bb y? hear Focus on pronunciation ★ О к а Listen Do th e phrases go What part of her body did Anne burn? fantastic M atthew : Lucy: M atthew : Lucy: M atthew : Lucy: M atthew : Lucy: M atthew: Lucy: M atthew: Hi, Matthew, ? Oh, hi, Lucy, fine thanks How about you? Not bad, yeah I've just been in that shop over there I was trying on dresses for a wedding ! Are you getting married? No! It's my brother He's getting married in June in London In London? ! So em, Matthew, ? Not a lot really Studying, you know I didn't pass my Maths exam so I have to it again in June ! In June? Yeah, I'm going to take the exam on June The 5th? ! Why? Well, that's the day my brother's • getting married and well, I wanted to invite you to come to London with me Me? Really? Oh sorry I have to my Maths exam! Well, r_ , Matthew Yes Me too ★★★© КЗ Listen again and co m p le te th e co nve rsa tio n ★★©ка Listen again and check y o u r answ ers Then liste n and re p e a t th e co nve rsa tio n Speaking extra 93 Speaking extra Suggesting and responding ★ C o m plete th e sentences fro m th e Real ta lk v id e o in th e S tudent's Book w ith th e verbs in th e box wore celebrate invite took go on don't I always a big party and everyone in my class I prefer t o _ my birthday at home with my family I usually a trip with my friends or family Everybody _ pink and all the food was pink too I didn't celebrate it I _ an exam idea shall * © E Listen to th e que stio ns Do th e y go up o r d o w n ? Listen and repeat How about having a party? Let's watch a film Why don't we have a meal? What about meeting some friends? Where shall we go tomorrow? ★ # K B Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n W h a t w ill Julie a t th e p arty? What are they going to on Saturday? Mike: You know it's Dad's birthday in two weeks? He's 55 Julie: Oh, yeah! ? Mike: Well, I was thinking have a surprise party? Julie: _ ! We can invite all the family and a few friends Mike: OK, but where shall we have it? Our house is too small Julie: calling Uncle Dave? He's got a big house and a big garden It's big enough for about 20 people Mike: Yes, I'm sure he'll agree Julie: What about asking Mum and Auntie Jean to make some food? Mike: OK, ? But we'll have to help them Julie: Help them? You know I can't cook I think organise the music Mike: You can organise the music but you have to talk to Uncle Dave too Julie: Uncle Dave loves me! I'm sure he'll say yes Conversation 3: What would the girl prefer to do? What they decide to eat? ★ Read th e co nve rsa tio n W here are Ella and M a ry g o in g ? W hy? W h a t we on Sunday? Sunday? Why? It's my birthday Don't you remember? Oh, yeah! have a party with everybody from our class Ella: OK, why not? Where? Mary: W hat having it at your house? Ella: My house isn't big enough I think I'd _ go out Mary: OK, how about meeting everyone from school for a meal somewhere? Ella: That's a nice ! Why _ we go to that new pizza restaurant in town? Mary: Fantastic I'm excited already! Ella: OK, let's call the others Ella: Mary: Ella: Mary: Speaking extra about What are they going to do? 94 rather Focus on pronunciation Conversation 2: Why is tomorrow a special day? Let's have * * © Ш Listen and a n sw e r th e q uestions Conversation 1: ★ ★ ©Ш З C om plete th e co nve rsa tio n in Exercise w ith th e w o rd s in th e box Then liste n and check ★ ★ ★ © кш co nve rsa tio n ★ * © К З Listen again and check y o u r answ ers Then liste n and re p ea t th e co nve rsa tio n Listen again and co m p le te th e Language focus extra Subject pronouns and be _ ? ? _ ? C o m plete th e q u e stio n s w it h o r are Then m atch th e q u e s tio n w ith th e answer When is vour birthday? c_ _ your friends at home? How o ld your aunt? _ What tim e _ it? _ _ you from Chile? _ _ a b с d e Present simple: affirmative and negative W m e sertences w ith th e correct fo rm o f th e present sim ple t * ' ce fr~ bike to school ас*" г пае ~ry hike to school. _ No, they aren't, It's 10 o'clock, It's on June, No, I'm not She's 48 My ^ e rc s f z iay / basketball in the school team V :eacтег g o / swimming in the sea every day Possessive #s W e /n o th a v e /lunch at home V oad / no: логк / near here A d d 's o r #to th e correct place in th e sentences Martin л pencil case is black andwhite My best friend bike isin the sports hall My parents names are Cristina and Robbie My cousin friends are in my class My three friends books are on the floor Present simple: questions there is/are + som e and any M atch th e sentence halves There isn't с Are there _ There aren't _ There's Is there ■> a b с d e you arc c *rends/ snowboarding / Do / go / ? lunch /W h a t time /yo u /h a v e / / ? D o e s /m u m /s k iin g /g o /y o u r / ? any orange juice in that bag? some water in the canteen, any milk on the table, any computers in your school library? any dictionaries in our classroom Have g o t + a/an Read a b o u t Rachel, Ben and Tom's th in g s and co m p lete th e ta b le w ith answ ers a b o u t yo u Use th e in fo rm a tio n to w r ite Yes/No q u e stio n s w ith have and s h o rt answ ers Rachel Ben and Tom You a dog or a cat / A a laptop X Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r t o m ake q u e stio n s and w rite th e answ ers you / Л '-е'е / live / ? Where dc you rve?I live near my school. _ dinner, zaz / Does / TV / after / your / watch / ? Adverbs of frequency Circle th e correct w o rd s I^Tten pTaJ> play o fte n volleyball in the summer My sister and usually / usually our homework in our bedroom I am sometimes / sometimes am tired on Monday morning We sometimes go / go sometimes surfing It is never / never is hot in December / Has Rachel g o t a dog o r a c a t? Has Rachel g o t a laptop? Yes, she has _ ? _ Language focus extra 95 Language focus extra Present continuous: affirmative and negative Spelling: C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e present c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e ve rb in brackets Lots of people are shopping in the mall today, (shop) I for a new dress, (look) My m u m a magazine in the cafe (read) She _ coffee, (not drink) My brother a computer game, (play) W e _ a lot of money, (not spend) fo rm o f th e ' Л de get look s make run write Add -ing Remove the -e and add -ing Double consonant and add -ing doing W rite q u e stio n s using th e pre sen t co n tin u o u s W h a t/y o u /b u y What are you buying ? Who / she / meet W t/Je n ny/w a tch What / Joe / wear ? Present continuous: Yes/No questions Read w h a t M a ria , Judy and Tim are d o in g and c o m p le te th e ta b le w ith answ ers a b o u t y o u Use th e in fo rm a tio n to w r ite Yes/No q ue stio n s and s h o rt answ ers in th e present c o n tin u o u s Maria Judy and Tim visit the mall X / study grammar ✓ X You eat not talk visit They often' the mall on Saturdays My m u m books in that shop Joe on his mobile right now ? W h y /w e /w a it not We are eating pizza right now I my homework at the moment ? C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e present sim ple o r pre sen t c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e ■verbs in th e box buy Where / they / go C o m plete th e ch a rt w it h th e verbs in th e box Present simple vs continuous Present continuous: Wh- questions -ing form (don't) w ant to, would(n't) like to, w ould prefer to ( f ir c ig )th e co rrect o p tio n s I don't (w a n ty like to go to school today Jack likes playing football but he'd w a n t / prefer to go swimming today Would you w a n t / like to come with me? I wouldn't like / prefer to judo We've got Maths and English homework today I'd w a n t / prefer to English first (not) enough + noun C o m plete th e sentences w ith enough and th e w o rd s in th e box r — —— money milk paper chairs time - Is Maria visiting the mall ? 96 Language focus extra No she isn ’t There isn't enough paper for everyone I'd like to buy a skateboard but I haven't got 7 Sit down, everybody Oh sorry, we haven't got We can't go to the bookshop now We haven't g o t _ It's late Have you g o t for three glasses? Language focus extra w as/were: affirmative and negative was/were: questions C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm o f was o r were At school, 11 wasn’t (not) very good at sport but 12 good at dancing My friends all crazy about football They _ (not) interested in dancing I saw • my first ballet when _ 12 years old _ Jake good at sports at school? _ У _ A ey in the supermarket this m o n - ; ' Nd J / _ -e unfriendly at the party? amazing It' C o r-p te te th e q ue stio ns w ith th e p ast sim ple o f oe anc * ' rrte th e sh o rt answ ers * c rs you in judo class yesterday? Past simple: affirmative and negative W rite sentences in th e p ast sim ple Tim / play / football / yesterday Tim played fo o tb a ll yesterday. _ Joanna/go skiing/last winter га/? yesi£r334 Past simple: Wh- questions • Gina and Tony / grow up / in Canada We / not want / to practise the piano / last weekend W rite a q ue stio n fo r each answ er Use th e past simple What drink ? I / not play / tennis / at school / when I was little Nicky / not win / the singing competition / last week Past simple: irregular verbs W rite th e p ast sim p le o f each verb had have make become write get see Past simple: spelling I drani sc*~e -nonade W here ? a concert He ? When The school at am W h o ? She met тег ssste^ W h a t ? We ate s o re sandwiches W h y ? We sta.ez a: ':~ ^e because it was raining Past simple: Yes/No questions Read w h a t Helen, Sam and A b b y d id last w e e ke n d and co m p lete th e ta b le w ith answ ers a b o u t you Use th e in fo rm a tio n to w rite Yes/No q ue stio ns and s h o rt answ ers in th e past sim ple C o m plete th e ch a rt w it h th e p ast sim ple fo rm o f each verb eat pizza like stop dance study try wait go shopping Add -ed waited Add -d Remove the last letter and add -ied Double the last consonant and add -ed «с*-' cousin Julia in Paris last year? ✓ ~-e ooiice officers at your school / | Helen j Sam and Abby | X / ✓ You X Did Helen e a t pizza ? No she didn’t 7 7 Language focus extra 97 Language focus extra Past continuous: affirmative Past continuous: Yes/No questions C om plete th e sentences w ith th e past c o n tin u o u s fo rm s o f th e verbs in th e box cook chase drink read steal talk buy watch Read w h a t Jessica, Luke and Nina w e re d o in g a t pm ye ste rd a y and co m p le te th e ta b le w ith answ ers a b o u t yo u Then use th e in fo rm a tio n to w rite Yes/No q ue stio n s and s h o rt answ ers w ith th e past co n tin u o u s At pm yesterday afternoon Peter was reading a book Julie on the phone Jason and A ngie dinner .w e TV .I a cup of tea the burglars the money my parents _ a new car the d o g _ the cat around the house watch TV / homework • / -1 X - Was Jessica watching TV ? No • she wasn’t ? ? _ ? _ ? _ ? Past continuous: negative C om plete th e sentences w ith th e n e g a tive fo rm o f th e past co n tin u o u s Use co n tra ctio n s Peter wasn’t playing f ootba 11 (play) Julie emails, (write) Jason and Angie _ in the garden, (sit) We our bikes, (ride) a sandwich, (eat) The burglars _ any noise, (make) My parents _ to the shop, (walk) The d o g _ in the park, (run) Past simple vs continuous Past continuous: И/Л- questions W rite Wh- q u e stio ns w ith th e past c o n tin u o u s What were you doina ? (you / do) Where ? (they / go) Who ? (she /ta lk to) Why ? (he / leave) Where ? (Jacky / sit) What ? (your friends/watch) Why ? (they / go) Who ? (she / meet) C o m plete th e sentences w it h th e past sim ple o r th e past co n tin u o u s I was reading (read) in bed when I _ (hear) a loud noise in the street No o ne _ (watch) when the burglars (break) into the bank The money (disappear) while the guards (have) lunch While we (watch) TV, the alarm (go) off When we (look) out of the window, police officers (enter) the bank The burglars _ (count) their money when the police (catch) them cou!d(n't) C om plete th e sentences w ith co u ld /co u ld n 't and th e w o rd s in brackets I could speak French when I was five, (speak) She because she was afraid of water, (not swim) Sam the top shelf because he was too short, (not reach) the piano when he was small? (Tony, play) W e because he spoke very quietly (not hear) a bike when you were a child? (you, ride) 98 Language focus extra Language focus extra П Comparatives must/mustn't Comp le te th e sentences w ith m ust or m u s tn 't and the verb in brackets You — w f lf c t a f r during the lesson, (talk) Y bu _ your homework on time, (do) C o m plete th e ta b le w ith th e co m p a tive fo rm s o f th e w o rd s in th e box comfortable expensive interesting safe tall Add -r or -er nice You _ (eat) You Y ou Y ou _ more + adjective more comfortable sandwiches in the classroom your friend's homework, (copy) o r the chairs, (stand) ,caref Jly to the teacher, (listen) should/ shouldn ’t C om plete th e sentences w ith th e co m p a tive fo rm o f th e w o rd s in brackets My house is smaller than your house, (small) Jack's room is Katrina's room, (tidy) take Laura's homework is _ Abby's homework, (good) the old hotel This new hotel is _ (comfortable) the armchair, (expensive) The sofa is _ W rite s u p e rla tiv e sentences w ith th e w o rd s b e lo w The New South China Mall / large / shopping centre / world The New South China Mall is the largest shopping centre in the world. _ Vostok in Antarctica / cold / place on Earth My bedroom / good / room in the house This is/co m forta b le / chair I'm not /b a d /student /in our class Comparatives and superlatives ( C irde)th e correct fo rm A: I think New York is more exciting / e best news ever! I'm _ to speak! Ift to have a shower It's after nrwdnight- to go to the beach Let's go ITs 51x500*19 nstead This lactoo s _ to ta

Ngày đăng: 16/12/2017, 08:45

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