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eyes open 2 workbook

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5 To talk about facts, habits and routines, use the present simple / continuous.. 6 To talk about an action in progress, use the present simple / continuous.. sell spend save earn buy bo

Trang 1


V icki Anderson with Eoin Higgins

Trang 3

5 i f C o m p le te th e sentences and q u e stio n s

w it h th e co rre ct fo rm o f be.

2 This my mum

3 W e best friends

4 they from England?

5 His sister _ in my class

6 I from Edinburgh, Scotland

7 you in the school football team?

8 My new d o g called Bob

Possessive's Family

3 ★ * Complete the definitions.

1 My mum and dad are mv parents

2 My aunt's husband is m y _

3 My granddad's wife is m y _

4 My aunt's children are m y _

5 My grandma and granddad are m y _

• 6 My dad's wife is m y

7 My mum and dad's child is m y _

o r

Subject pronouns and be

4 ^(^ircie)th e correct options.

1 Where a m Q /y o u ?

2 Is / Are you from Canada?

3 Daniel am / is my cousin He / They is 14

4 My sister's birthday are / is in May

5 My grandparents are / is in Japan She's /

They're on holiday

6 My brother and I am / are at the zoo We /

They are not at school

7 I am / is at the cinema Are you / he at the shops?

C om plete th e sentences w i t h's in th e correct place


1 My mum a car is red

2 Our cousin house is in the city

3 Is this your granddad piano?

4 What's your dad name?

5 My best friend birthday is in October

6 His sister dance classes a.re on Monday

7 Is our dog nose brown?

8 Where is my brother T-shirt?

Trang 4

Starter Unit

School subjects

1 Look a t th e pictures and co m p le te th e

cro ssw o rd w it h th e school subjects

ICT Geography French History

Maths PE Science English Music

1 'Let's talk about the year 1914.' H is to ry

2 'What does je m'appelle mean?'

3 'OK, run around the gym ten tim e s '

4 'Turn on the computers, please.'

5 'Let's play it again and listen to

6 'Water is hydrogen and what?'

7 'What is 15 x 147?'

8 'Where are the Rocky Mountains?' „

9 'Let's look at the verb to be.' _

1 In P icture A there are three books In P icture 3

there is/are and som e and any

3 ★ ★ Find fiv e m ore d ifferences b e tw e e n Picture A and Picture В and w r ite sentences Use there /s(n 'f) / there a re{n't).

4 S ta rte r U nit

Trang 5

Starter Unit

& i t ( Circle)th e co rre ct o p tio n s and co m p le te

th e sentences w it h som e o r any

1 The re (JsrV^) / a r e n 't any , cheese in the


2 A re /Is there giraffes in the zoo?

3 Is the re / Are th e r e T-shirts in your

2 * ( £ irc jg )th e co rre ct o p tio n s

1 IQve) / 's got a new computer.

2 Have / Has you got a mobile phone?

3 My sister have / has got a TV in her room

4 ‘ W e 've / 's got a pet cat His name is Peru

5 Have / Has he got your phone number?

6 They've / 's got tw o houses in the city

7 She haven't / hasn't got a brother

8 Our d o g 'v e / 's got a tennis ball

9 We haven't / hasn't got a big family

Sports and activities

3 A * P ut th e le tte rs in o rd e r t o m ake sp orts

and a c tiv itie s Then c o m p le te th e sentences

w ith th e co rre ct fo rm o f p la y, do o r go.

1 Do you play basketball at your school?

1 l/You/We/They watch / watches TV

2 He/She/It finish / finishes at five

3 We d o n 't / doesn't like carrots

4 She d o n 't / doesn't like bananas

5 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e te x t w it h th e p re sen t sim p le

fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets

My family 1 loves (love) sport We all

2 _ (play) one sport or more My dad3

_ (play) tennis every Saturday My mum4

_ (go) to the gym and 5

(do) karate


(do) yoga twice a week 16

after school and every weekend 17_

skateboarding with friends My brother8 _(play) basketball and he 9 (train) four days

a week We often 10 (go) to see him play

We 11 _ (not watch) sport on TV because

we 12 _ (not like) watching TV

brother's got my bike, (liccgyn)

S ta rte r U nit 5

Trang 6

Starter Unit

Present simple: Yes/No questions

1 ( Circle) th e correct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r

tab le

1 Do you / You like karate?

2 Yes, I do / does No, I d o n 't / doesn't

3 He / Does he play tennis?

4 Yes, he do / does No, he d o n 't / doesn't

2 ★★ Complete the questions and answers

w ith the correct form o f do.

1 Do you do your homework in the

evening? Yes, I do

2 _ Harry and Gina go cycling on

Saturdays? No, th e y

3 _ Nina like Geography? No, she

4 _ your friends go skateboarding?

Yes, th e y

5 _ they use the Internet to study

French? No, th e y

6 _ your brother do karate? Yes, he

7 _ your teacher show videos in English

class? No, she

Present simple: Wh- questions

3 4 ★ Match the question words w ith the

words in the box.

person object/thing place

fr equency time reason

1 how often frequency 4 where _

2 what _ 5 who _

3 when _ 6 why _

4 C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s w it h th e co rre ct

q u e s tio n w o rd fro m th e box

How often What When Where Who Why Where

V - ,

В In London

В English and Maths

3 A • do thev plav sports?

В Once a week

4 A does he ao cvclina with?

В His brother

В Because it's fun

1 football / play / school / at / We / always

We always play fo o tb a ll a t school. _

2 Football / sometimes / matches / long / are / very

3 never / me / with / My dad / chess / plays

4 We / often / Saturdays / on / go / cycling

5 dictionaries / use / English class / usually / We / in

6 are / His / really interesting / books / always

Trang 7

1 It's got a big departm ent s to re .

2 There's a where you can buy

_ a n d _

3 I like th e _ because it's got

4 I don't go to th e because it hasn't

g o t

5 My mum and dad like th e because

You can buy trainers and boots in a shoe shop

I need some aspirin from th e

My favourite shop is th e because itsells magazines and chocolate

I like th a t because it's got greatT-shirts and cheap jeans

I'd like to look at some laptops - let's go to the

Why don't you go to th e to buy abook for your dad's birthday?

We're going to th e to buy fruit,vegetables and some other things

I like the guitars in th is

C om plete th e te x t w ith

w o rd s fro m Exercise 1

There is a shopping centre in my town, but my friends and I don't often go there It's got a

1 newsagent where you can buy

magazines or birthday cards, and

a couple o f 2 withjeans and T-shirts, but nothing cool for teenagers My mum anddad love the 3 because you canfind everything you need there There are someshops I like There's a 4 with greattrainers, and there's also an 5_ withlots of tablets and smartphones, but they're abit expensive My favourite is the 6 _

because it plays all the new songs, and a lot of young people go there

U nit 1 7

Trang 8

2 They n o t buying / a re n 't buying those T-shirts.

3 Are you coming / You are com ing with us?

4 Yes, I'm / 1 am

No, we a re n 't / isn't

5 To talk about facts, habits and routines, use the

present simple / continuous

6 To talk about an action in progress, use the

present simple / continuous

2 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e c o n ve rsa tio n s w it h th e

p re se n t c o n tin u o u s fo r m o f th e verbs in


Joe: Hi Bob We're 1 m eeting (meet)

outside the shopping centre Where areyou?

Bob: I 2 (sit) on the bus Where are


Joe: Outside the shopping centre Ian and

I 3 (wait) for you now

Bob: OK There':s a lot of traffic The bus

Joe: Well, w e 5 (not stay) here a

long time It's cold! Where's the bus now?

Bob: I t 6 (come) into Mill Street,

so see you in two minutes

5 ★ ★ if W rite th e questions in th e present sim ple

o r present co ntin u ou s and a n sw e r th e m fo r you

1 W h a t/w e a r/a t the moment?

What are you wearing a t th e moment? _ I’m wearing

2 you / reading / a good book / at the moment?

3 W h e re /u su ally/bu y your clothes?

4 you / listen to music? What / you / listen to?

3 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s and s h o rt

answ ers w it h th e co rre ct fo rm o f th e p re sen t

c o n tin u o u s Use th e w o rd s in th e box

^ D ^ p lo r e e xtre m e adjectives

6 i f i f C o m p le te th e d e fin itio n s w it h th e

you sell we have he look

you spend they buy Lisa wait

Yes, he is.

Yesr for €5 each

2 When it's very hot, we say it's

3 When something is very big, we say it's

4 When it's very cold, we say it's

5 When something is very bad, we say it's

my friends and 13go / are going shopping in the afterrfoon, but this Saturday is different My friends 4shop / are shopping for clothes and things but I 5w rite / 'm w ritin g this blog at home Why? Well, 16have / am having a lot of things that I never 7w ear / am w earing This month my sister Jane and 18p u t / are p u ttin g our pocket money in our money boxes for our holidays, and we 9do / are doing lots of other things Shopping all the time is boring!

8 u n it 1

Trang 9

Listening and vocabulary

1 Match the verbs in the box w ith the correct


sell spend save earn buy borrow

2 get money from someone'to keep

4 pay money to get something specific

5 use money for something, not only

3 Can I €5 from you until tomorrow?

4 Some people a lot of money on


5 How much money does a shop assistant


6 I want to some new skates this year

★ ★ ★ W rite th e a nsw ers to th e q u e stio ns

Use th e p re sen t c o n tin u o u s and th e w o rd s

1 What are you doing on ebay? (sell / my computer)

I’m selling my computer. _

2 Why are you putting money in that box? (save

6 Why are you cleaning your dad's car? (earn /

money / a new phone)

4 ★ © Я Ш Listen to th e c o n v e rs a tio n b e tw e e nGem m a a n d h e r m um W h a t is Gem ma's

p ro b le m ? (Circle) t h e co rre ct o p tio n

a clothes b money с her brother

5 * * Q « a Read th e sentences Listen againand circle th e co rre ct o p tio n s

1 Gemma wants to buy a pair of jeans(onTine) /

at the shopping centre

2 Gemma's pocket money is £50 / £30 a month

3 Gemma / Gemma's b ro th e r saves money

4 Gemma says she needs more money than her brother because she's old er / he only buys video games

5 The cinema costs £5 / £ 10

6 Her mum tells Gemma to do w o rk in th e ir house / get a babysitting job

7 Gemma likes / doesn't like her mum's idea

8 Gemma's mum gives her more money / a job

u n it 1 9

Trang 10

Language focus 2

(don't) w ant to, would(n't) like to,

w ould p refer to

1 ('Circle) th e correct o p tio n s

1 ^Л/ o u lj)/ Do you like to save more money?

2 Would you p refer / w a n t the black T-shirt or the

white one?

3 I'd w a n t / like to go to the electronics shop to

see some new mobile phones

4 She doesn't w a n t / w o u ld n 't prefer to borrow

money from her sister

5 Would you like / w a n t to go to the bookshop?

6 I w o u ld n 't like / d o n 't p refer to buy a new car

2 M a tch th e q u e s tio n s w ith th e answ ers

1 Does your friend want to come with us? _c_

3 Would Barry prefer to go to the sports shop?

4 Do they want to invite Paul to come shopping?

5 Would Mary and Arthur like to go to a cafe?

6 Would Claudia prefer to do the exam today?

a Yes, he would d Yes, she would,

b No, they wouldn't e Yes, I would,

с No, she doesn't f Yes, they do

(not) enough + noun

5 ★ ★ Match the sentence beginnings (1-6)

w ith the sentence endings (a-f).

1 We can't make a cake because _e_

3 I can't do all my homework because _

4 A lot of people were still hungry because _

5 We can't all study for the exam because _

6 We want to buy,a new tablet b u t _

a there wasn't enough food,

b we haven't got enough money,

с there isn't enough space,

d I haven't got enough time,

e there aren't enough eggs,

f there aren't enough books

6 ★ ★ ★ Read the problems and w rite

a sentence w ith (not) enough.

1 There are five T-shirts in the shop and 20 people want to buy one

2 i've got £20 and these jeans cost £15.

3 There are a lot of children in this town and there's only one small park

4 We've got 10 bottles of water for 100 people

5 She's got 30 minutes before her class to do this exercise

6 We're going to make sandwiches for 30 people but we've only got 25 slices of bread

4 C o m p le te th e sentences w it h y o u r

o w n ideas

1 I'd prefer to e a t

^ E ^ p l o r e adje ctive pre fixes

7 ★ ★ A d d th e p re fix un- to th e a d jective s and

m atch th e m w it h th e d e fin itio n s

2 different or not common

3 not nice to another person

4 not wanting to help someone

5 when the rules are not the same for everyone

6 when things are not clean or not

in the right place


Trang 11

Reading f iRead th e t e x t a b o u t a n e w su p e rm a rk e t W h a t is d iffe r e n t a b o u t it?

On the walls of an underground station in central Seoul, South Korea,

there are a lot of pictures of food and drinks: bananas, meat, rice,

coffee, even pet food But these are not advertisements This is the

world’s first ‘virtual’ supermarket, called Homeplus.

The supermarket is unusual because you use the special Homeplus

app on your smartphone to go shopping When you want to buy

something, you use this app to scan the barcodes of the products

you want You put them in your online shopping trolley and then you

pay by phone You haven’t got any heavy bags to carry because the

supermarket delivers everything to your house for you

South Koreans like shopping online and millions of them have

smartphones, but are they ready for this type of shopping? ‘Young

Koreans use their smartphones to do a lot of different tasks every

day,’ says a Homeplus virtual store manager ‘Our customers work

really hard and don’t have enough time to go to the supermarket

Our store helps them save time.’ So, is this the future?

3 A n is a small computer program on

your phone or tablet

4 When you call a pizza company, it normally

the pizzas to your house

5 A is something you put your food in

at the supermarket

3 ★ Read th e te x t again A n s w e r th e

que stio ns

1 Where is the supermarket?

I t s in an underground s ta tio n in Seoul.

2 What can you buy at the supermarket?

3 What do you need to buy things here?

C o m p le te th e a d v e rtis e m e n t fo r

H om eplus w it h w o rd s fro m th e te x t


We help you save time!

Trang 12

I have the same problem! Try writing down everything you

buy for a week and how much it costs Do you spend a lot on

food and drink, for example? Don’t spend money on things

you don’t need Make a sandwich at home, and don’t buy

sweets every day

Put some money in your money box when you get it Ask

for five £1 coins so you can do this Sometimes I try to earn

some money from my family Maybe you can do jobs, for

example, wash the car or water the plants But be realistic -

£5 isn’t a lot!

Good luck,


2 C o m p le te th e ta b le w it h Gina's advice

w rite down everything

you buy fo r a week

Im peratives —

3 Look back a t Gina's em ail W rite th e p o s itiv e and n e g a tiv e im p e ra tiv e s th a t g o b e fo re the se w o rd s

1 Try writing down

2 _ spend money

3 _ sweets every day

4 _ for five £1 coins

5 _ realistic

4 Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake sentences

1 saving / every / Try / week / something •

Try saving som ething every week. _

2 extra money / work / Do / at home / some / to earn

3 things / Don't / silly / money / on / spend

4 extra money / things / Try / to get / selling

5 borrow / friends / from / Don't / your / money

Useful language

12 u n it 1

Trang 13

I buy sweets and chocolate.

I earn lots of money b u t I spend it all!

I’d like to 00 to Australia so I’m saving my pocket


5 C o m p le te th e sentences w it h and, or, b u t,

o r so

1 Don't spend all your pocket money so

you can save some every week

2 Don't buy sweets, w a te r


3 Make your own sandwich _bring

your own water

4 Try selling some books CDs

5 I get £5 a w e e k I spend it all!

6 C o m p le te th e sentences w it h th e correct

p re p o s itio n

1 Don't spend a lot of money on sweets

2 A sk your pocket money in coins

3 Don't borrow money your friends

4 Would you like to sell this me?

5 I'm trying to save money my



9 Read th e q u e s tio n in th e em a il b e lo w Use th e

in fo rm a tio n in Exercise 8 and m ake notes

Hi everyone,

I want to earn some money for my summer holidays

I need some ideas!


-: If a friend has a problem, say you understand

: and wish them good luck

: I understand yo ur problem B e s t o f luck w ith it.

7 Read th e sentences W h ich ones say yo u

u n d e rs ta n d {U) and w h ic h w is h som eone

g o o d luck {GL)1

2 I totally understand the problem t

5 I wish you luck. _ _

8 Read Gina's e m a il again and tic k ( / )

th e in fo rm a tio n she includes

A friendly comment to start the email

A nice way to finish the email

Own experience

Suggestions about what to do

Asking for more information

A reason why something is/isn't a good idea

• Do you start by saying you understand and end

by wishing them luck?

• Are there positive and negative imperatives?

• Do you join sentences with and, or, b ut or so?

• Do you use the correct prepositions?

• Are the spelling and punctuation correct?

Do y o u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?

U nit 1 13

Trang 14


1 ( Circie) th e co rre ct o p tio n s

A bookshop sells(book|)/ sweets

A chemist sells medicine / newspapers

A newsagent sells shoes / comics

A sports shop sells trainers / books

A music shop sells guitars / computers

An electronics shop sells laptops / CDs

A supermarket sells fo o d and d rin k / pianos

A shoe shop sells posters / shoes

A department store has g o t / hasn't g o t

spend save earn seW buy borrow

I want to se ll my old computer and

a new one 13 some

of my money every week because I don't usually

4 _ all of my pocket money At the

weekend, 15 money doing jobs in the

garden for our neighbours I can also 6 _

some money from my mum and pay it back later

Total: 5

Language focus

Present continuous

3 C o m p le te th e c o n v e rs a tio n w it h th e p re se n t

c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e verbs in th e box

drink leave not answer not work

buy wait walk eat

That's nice of you! Thanks! 13

hot chocolate at the moment and Sarah 4 _ a cake

Where's Peter? He 5 _ his phone

That's because his phone6 _ He'shere He 7 into the cafe right now

Great! 18 the shop now See you

(not go) with us She usually3 (go)

to her friend's house But today we 4 _

(not go) anywhere.-We 5 (stay) athome My sister6 (make) a cake

17 • (write) in my blog and Mum8 (listen) to music We 9 _

(not spend) a lot of time together at home Wesometimes10 (talk) to each other only

by phone or text! So today we 11 (do)

something different It's a nice change!

1 A: Do vou want to go shopping?

В: I don't like shopping I 'd to playvolleyball

A: Would you Saturday?

A: I think I'd to sell my bicycle

B: Great because I to buy it!

A: I haven't got enough money I'd

to borrow some from you but I'd _

not to pay it back until next month

B: What? No way!

Total: 9

14 U nit 1 Review

Total: 7

Trang 15

(not) enough + noun

6 C om plete th e sentences w ith enough and th e

1 I want to make lunch for my friends but we

haven't got enough food

2 My parents would like to go snowboarding this

year but they haven't g o t

3 I need to call my grandma this morning but I

haven't g o t

4 We'd like to start a school volleyball team but we

haven't g o t

5 Have we g o t to make a pizza?

6 The teacher is angry because the students don't

d o

spend newsagent bowling bookshop save borrow skiing chemist cycling yoga earn supermarket department store basketball buy skateboarding karate sell

them online How about

to the sports shop in town,

in town on Saturdays andthere's a shop on my way home

Have you g o t8 pairs of

4 a do you buy b you buy

5 a usually buy b buy usually

What about this one?

I'd 3want / prefer a red one

A red one? Here you 4be / are

Can I try it on?

Yes, sure How is it?

It's great How 5much / money

Trang 16

• we use adverbs of frequency with the present simple.

• we use the present continuous to talk about actions

in progress at the time of speaking

• we use at the moment and (right) now with the

present continuous

1 C orrect th e in co rre c t sentences

1 At the weekend, I'm often going shopping

A t the weekend, I o fte n go shopping.

2 I'm helping Mum in the kitchen right now

3 Alex isn't here - he visits a friend at the moment

4 I've got some important news! Are you listening?

5 In my country, we are drinking a lot of tea

(don't) w ant to, would(n't) like to,

w ould p refer to

Remember that:

• we use the infinitive with to after w ant, w ould like

and w ould prefer.

/ I w ould like to go shopping.

X I would like going shopping-.

• we use w ould, not do, to make questions with

w ould like and w ould prefer, but we use do to

make questions with want.

/ W ould you like to come to the supermarket?

X Do-youlike-to come to the supermarket?

2 ( C irde ) th e co rre ct w o rd s

Jack: Hi, Emily.1 Do /<ffiouTc£>you like to come

shopping with me? I w a n t2 buy / to buy some new clothes for my holiday

Emily: OK But 13 d on 't / not want to go to the

shopping centre in town 14 w ould / w ill prefer to go to the department store It has better clothes

Jack: OK We can walk to the department store,

or would you 5 w ant / prefer to go by bike?

Emily: Well, I think I'd like6 going / to go by bike

Jack: Is 3 o'clock OK? O r7 w ill / would you

prefer to go a bit later?

Emily: Yes, 3 o'clock is fine See you then! Bye!

Remember that:

• we use very to make adjectives stronger.

• we don't usually use very before extreme adjectives / It's very h o t in July, but in August it's absolutely

b o ilin g !

X It's absolutely-hot in- July,-but in August it'svery


3 Match the sentence halves.

1 Our holiday in England was absolutely

2 I'm watching the new Batmanfilm It's very

3 Let's go to the beach It's absolutely

• 4 The new shopping centre is very

5 My friend's new bedroom is absolutely

6 Open the window It's very

a big d boiling!

b huge! ’ e good,

с hot in, here f .amazing!

Spell it rig h t! The -ing form

Remember that:

• for verbs ending in -e, we remove the e before

we add -ing: give —► giving.

• for verbs ending with one vowel and one consonant, we double the final consonant:

every day in the holidays

video games Let's go

Trang 17

A: What do you want to do when you leave school?

В: I want to be rich and famous! When I was little,

I wanted to be an 1a rtist / Castronau£> and travel

to the moon, or a 2vet / nurse and save animals'

lives or work in a zoo!

A: Oh, so what are you good at?

B: Not a lot! I like acting, but I'm not very good and I

can't play the guitar

A: So you don't want to be a 3musician / fire fig h te r

or 4an actor / a police officer?

B: No! I don't think so I don't think I'm very creative

A: Well, what about a 5nurse / scientist - then you

can help people get better

B: No, I think that's a difficult job I'd really like to be

6an artist / a dancer and paint beautiful pictures

1 They move to music You can see them in the

theatre or at a concert, dancer

2 They find people who do bad things. _

3 They play the guitar, the piano or another instrument. _

4 You can see them in the theatre, on TV or in films

5 They work in a hospital, helping doctors

6 They paint pictures or make beautiful things

7 They help animals when they're sick. _

8 They travel to space and they sometimes stay there for a few m onths. _

9 They study and work in universities or laboratories. _

10 They help people when a building is on fire

4 V- Choose t w o o r th re e jo b s W h a t is

g o o d a b o u t th e m ? W h a t is n 't v e ry g oo d ?

W rite a t least fiv e sentences

I t 5 a very in te re stin g job A s c ie n tis t needs to

Trang 18

Language focus 1

w as/w ere

1 (Circle?)the co rre ct w o rd s

1 I/He/She/It was / were there

2 УоиЛЛ/еЖпеу was / w ere there

3 I/He/She/It w asn't / w e re n 't there

2 Bill Gates and Paul Allen (X)

interested in finishing their university studies They

( / ) only interested in computers

Before h e _ ( / ) an actor, Hugh

like him They _

footballers but Kaka

( / ) both very good ( / ) better

Past simple: affirmative and


circ le ) th e co rre ct w o rd s

1 l/You/He/She/ltA/\^hey staying / stayed there

5 k k i Y our frie n d Paul lo s t s o m e th in g last w e e k A n s w e r th e q u e stio n s w ith fu ll sentences using th e w o rd s in brackets

1 What did he lose? (tablet)

He lo s t his ta b le t.

2 When did he lose it? (last Friday)

3 What happened? (leave / on the bus)

4 Did he find it again? How? (Yes / the driver / pick

it, up)

5 How did he get it back? (go / bus station / get it)

Time expressions

6 O rd e r th e sentences w it h tim e expressions S ta rt w ith th e m o st recent

a I went to the shop yesterday.

b I did my homework this morning _1_

с They couldn't play the piano when they were little ,

d My parents visited Rome four days ago.

e They went snowboarding last m onth. _

^ E ) ; p lo r e expressions w ith make

past tense fo r m o f th e verbs in th e box

be not be d fe p n o t fin d go have not have

look open phone pick say see take

Six m onths ago 15-year-old Courtney Barwick

1 dropped her wallet outside a restaurant W hen

she got home, s h e 2 _ for it in her bag, but it

3 _ there C ourtney went to the restaurant,

but s h e 4 _ the wallet She didn’t expect

to see it again, but she was lucky Someone saw it,

5 _ it up and 6 it to a bank.

The w allet7 _

in it, so the bank 8_

C ourtneys phone num ber her to tell her they had her wallet The next day, s h e 9 to the

bank to get it W hen she 10 _ the wallet,

she 11 _ $20 inside it, and a note The note

12 _ ‘Surprise!’ and i t 13 _

a surprise, because when C ourtney lost her wallet, it

14 _ any m oney in it!

1 My homework was really bad

2 I like cooking so I sometimes help

3 When I was at summer camp last year,

4 OK, you don't know what to do,

5 I want to do something amazing

6 Before you go out,

a I made lots of friends,

b so I can make history,

с because I made a lot of mistakes,

d so can I make a suggestion?

e make sure you do your homework,

f my mum to make a cake

18 U nit 2

Trang 19

Adjectives of character Listening

1 Use th e clues t o c o m p le te th e cro ssw o rd

Listening and vocabulary

з ★ * # к а Listen to th e ra d io in te rv ie w

w it h a t e e n a g er called Jonah W h a t hap p en e d

to h im ? (C irde )th e co rre ct o p tio n

a He was ill on a survival course,

b He saved his friend from the river,

с He survived a bear attack

4 The accident happened before / a fte r dinner

5 When Jonah saw the bear, he did / d id n 't do what the instructors said

6 The attack was very fast / slow

7 The rescue helicopter arrived th a t n ig h t / in the

m orning

8 Tracey Smith was a teacher / a student with the group


1 She always makes people laugh

4 He didn't laugh or smile at all

6 She is always happy and smiling,

dow n

1 The new student talked to lots of people

2 He gave me some of his food

3 Mark didn't say anything all evening

5 Ellen wasn't afraid of the snake

6 My friend never gets stressed

( Circle) th e co rre ct w o rd s

My tw o best friends are Chris and Adam They

are very different Chris and I are always laughing

because he is very 1 (fu n n y ) / brave, but Adam is

very 2cheerful / serious He doesn't smile much

A lot of people think he is unhappy but he isn't,

he's quite 3cheerful / kind really! He is also a very

4brave / q u ie t person, especially at school, where

he doesn't talk much Chris is the opposite He's

5frie n d ly / calm to everyone and never stops talking!

I'm not good at Science like they are, but they

are both really 6kind / serious and help me with

my homework or before an exam Last term I was

nervous before a Physics exam! Chris and Adam

never panic They told me to be 7frie n d ly / brave,

stay 8q u ie t / calm, and do the exam And they were

right, it wasn't a difficult exam and I passed!

Trang 20

2 ★ ★ Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake questions

Then w r ite th e answ ers You can check y o u r

answ ers on page 20 o f th e S tudent's Book

1 Columbus / born / was / Where / ?

2 Anne Frank / during / was / the Second World

What did M arie Curie win in 1 9 0 3 ?

2 Christopher Columbus made his fourth and final voyage in 1502

3 Anne Frank and her family lived in those small rooms for two years

1 -4 Tim Berners-Lee studied at Oxford from 1973 to 1976

5 Marie Curie was born in Poland in 1867

6 The USA made Columbus Dav a holiday in 1937

5 ★ ★ ★ Im a gine y o u are in te rv ie w in g Tim Berners-Lee Read th e answ ers and w r ite th e

co rre ct q u e stio ns

I was born in England

6 the / What / of / Tim Berners-Lee's / name / was /



Past simple: questions

I studied Engineering at Oxford University

I called it the World Wide Web because I knew it

was for the whole world

Oh, yes I made lots of mistakes - like the '//' in web addresses It's really not necessary!

3 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s to a te e n a g e r

w h o sailed across th e A tla n tic alone Use th e ~

q u e s tio n w o rd s and w o rd s in brackets to ^ ^ E ^ p lo r e th e s u ffix -ness

How long How many What When Where

sCirclg) th e a d jective s in th e b o x th a t d o n o t add -ness to m ake a nou n

Atlantic? (you/ decide)

to sail across the

? (the trip / take)


sad favourite tidy kind funny

Ш brilliant happy big weak


a lot of sharks?

all day? (you / do)

the trip? (you / finish)

7 ★ ★ Complete the sentences w ith words from Exercise 6.

1 His uncle has a very serious illness


3 Thank you very much for y o u r _

4 Brendan felt a great when his catdied

5 Liam's very good at football - his only is his left foot

6 My grandmother always said th a t _was the most important thing in life

U nit 2

Trang 21

Here are some recent winners:

Every autumn a TV channel organises

the Pride of Britain awards ceremony

The awards celebrate people who

make the world a better place and

in sp ire others The winners are ordinary

people, but they all did something

extraordinary The programme shows a special film

about each winner They are children, teenagers

and adults, from six to 95 years old The public,

charities and the emergency services (firefighters,

police, etc.) send in the names of people they want

to win, and famous actors, politicians and singers

present the awards

Child o f Courage:


Teenager o f Courage:


Jack has cerebral palsy and

needs a w heelchair, but

he still hopes to become a professional comedian He

first p e rfo rm e d at a party for

his parents, and then posted the video on YouTube He often makes jokes about his

d is a b ility

Great Bravery: LUCY GALE, 33Lucy, a taxi driver, saved two drivers after their cars crashed

on a train crossing She then moved one of the cars off the crossing seconds before

an express train passed, and stopped a terrible train crash

When a bull attacked Tom's dad on their farm, Tom drove

the farm tra c to r (for the first

time!) at the bull and saved his dad's life

1 Read th e te x t a b o u t a special TV pro g ra m m e Tick ( / ) th e kin d o f p e o p le in

th e p ro g ra m m e actors and singers [ ] sportspeoplechildren [ / ) brave people [ J

1 A person who can't walk needs a wheelchair

2 A _ is a large form of transport weuse on a farm

3 A _ is an illness or injury that makes itdifficult to do things other people can do

4 Sometimes you want to do something because someone _ you to do it

5 When we say we admire someone and showthem how much we like them, w e _them

6 When someone _ , they tell otherpeople stories or jokes, dance or play a musical instrument for them

4 Read the te x t again ( Circle) the correct answer fo r each question.

1 When can you see the Pride o f Britain awards


@ once a year b every four years

с in the summer

2 What type of people win awards?

a famous actors b people who helped others

с politicians

3 Who doesn't send in names of people to win the awards?

a the public b singers

с police or ambulance workers

4 Who saved tw o people?

5 Who doesn't usually use anything with wheels?

6 Who wants to be famous one day?

Trang 22

A description of a person you


1 Read P atrick's d e s c rip tio n o f a person he

adm ires W h y w a s Ju d ith b y th e river?


One person I admire is Judith, a girl who lives

on my street She’s older than I am but she’s

in my sister’s class and they’re in the same

swimming club as well

She’s got a dog so she often takes it for

walks by the river at the back of our house

Last winter a small boy fell into the river and

couldn’t swim Judith heard him scream and

didn’t stop to think Although the water was

very cold, she jumped in to rescue him The

boy disappeared under the water, but Judith

stayed calm and pulled him out A neighbour

saw them and went to help them get out of

the water They were both fine after they got

warm again

I admire her because she saved the boy’s life,

but she says it was nothing special! She is very

brave The boy’s parents think she is a hero

and I agree

Read th e d e s c rip tio n again A n s w e r th e

q u e stio ns

1 How does Patrick know Judith? _

2 Why did the boy scream? _

3 What did Judith do?

4 What happened when they were in

the water? _

5 What does Judith think about what

Useful language C o n n e cto rs

3 Look back a t th e te x t W h ich w o rd s does Patrick use to jo in these ideas? W here d o th e y

go in th e sentence?

1 My sister and Judith are in the same class They are in the same swimming club

and (in the middle), as well (a t the end) _

2 She's got a dog She often takes it for walks by the river


3 The water was very cold She jumped in to rescue him

4 I admire her She saved the boy's life

4 Join th e sentences using th e conn e cto rs in brackets

1 The bag was very heavy He carried it for her (although)

Although the bag was very heavy, he carried it

fo r her.

2 We live in the same street We go to the same

school, (and, as well)

3 We both like music We decided to start a band together, (so)

4 The man couldn't get up the stairs He was in a wheelchair, (because)

Look back a t th e te x t Find a postrophes and

m atch th e m w ith th e ir uses

1 They^re my sister* s best friends

2 Shes a real hero-because she saved the boys life

3 Were in the same class so were the same age

4 Life wasnt easy for her and she didnt have a lot of money

5 Id like to be like him when Im older

22 U nit 2

Trang 23

■(2 2 Ш 5 3 Ш 1

Make it b e tte r! / / /

Use the infinitive with to to explain the purpose

of an action (why someone did something)

I went to th e shop to buy some bread.

C om plete th e sentences w ith th e in fin itiv e

fo rm o f th e verbs in th e box



10 Choose a person y o u k n o w and a d m ire to

w r ite a b o u t Use th e th in g s in Exercise 9 and

m ake notes


11 W rite th e d e s c rip tio n Look a t page 27 o f th e

S tud e nt's Book to h e lp yo u

make become rescue help find out earn

1 She heard a airl shout so she ran to help



3 He studied very hard a doctor


5 He climbed the tree the cat

6 Gary went slowly sure he didn'1

Make it b e tte r! / / /

Write about the person's character - use

adjectives to say what the person is like

M y a un t can be q uite serious b u t she’s very

kind, too.

.8 Read th e sentences W h ich o ne does n o t

describe som eone's character?

1 She's really friendly and she talks to everyone

2 Linda is kind and always finds time for her friends

3 My uncle is very brave but he doesn't think so

4 He's quite young and he's tall and strong

5 Robbie always tells jokes - he's really funny

9 Look back a t Patrick's d e s c rip tio n O rd e r th e

th in g s he ta lk s a b o u t

what other people think of him/her

who th e person is why you admire them

how you know the person what the person did

the person's character

• Do you use connectors to join sentences?

• Do you use the infinitive with to to explain the


• Do you use apostrophes correctly?

• Are the spelling and punctuation correct?

Do yo u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?

Trang 24

w as/w ere and past simple:

affirmative and negative

3 Steven doesn't like talking He's very calm / quiet

4 Jessie always helps me with my homework

He's very kind / stubborn

5 Jenny isn't nervous about exams She's very calm /

3 Complete the sentences w ith the past form

of the verbs in brackets.

1 I was born in Switzerland and I

to school in France, (be, go)

2 Bill _ Science but h e _ good atlanguages, (study, not be)

3 Jane _ around the world a n d _

a book about her journey, (sail, write)

4 M aria _ _ music but she

a famous singer, (not study, become)

5 Danny _ good at art, but_h e

to be an artist, (be, not want)

24 U nit 2 Review

Trang 25

Past simple: questions

4 W rite a q u e s tio n f o r each answ er

1 A: W here/born?

Where were you born?

В: I was born in Italy

2 A: What / study?

B: She studied Geography

З А : / good at sport?

B: No, they weren't good at sport

4 A: / play tennis at school?

B: Yes, we did

5 A: W h a t/y o u r book about?

B: My book was about mountain climbing

Jake: 13 in the music shop on

Saturday mornings I t 4 really

busy on Saturdays

Cheryl: Do you like 5 there?

Jake: Yes, 16 But yesterday

17 up late and then I

8 late for work

Cheryl: Oh no!

Jake: The manager9 _ very happy!

Cheryl: Do you play 10 _ musical


Jake: Yes, 111 _ to play the guitar

1 a are you doing (b) did you do

6 Choose th e co rre ct o p tio n s

1 You can sometimes extra pocketmoney by washing cars

2 A studies Chemistry, Physics, orBiology

a scientist b dancer с writer

3 You can usually buy magazines in

a a shoe shop b a newsagent

с a clothes shop

4 Bill isn't scared He's very _

a serious b cheerful с brave

5 I'm trying t o money by not buyingchocolate

6 creates pictures and paintings

a An actor b An artist

с An astronaut

7 Nina helps other people She is very

8 You can buy medicine in _

a an electronics shop b a sports shop

look may That th ink- maybe s u re

Luke: Who do you 1 think it is?

Oli: I'm n o t2 _ He3 _ be a


Luke: No, he doesn't4 very sporty

Oli: OK, then 5 _ he's a singer

Luke: 6 's possible

Total: 5

Total: 50

U nit 2 Review 25

Trang 26

it right! U nit 2

w as/w ere

1 C o m p le te th e te x t w it h was o r w ere.

Yesterday, my mum 1 was at the shopping mall

all afternoon My dad and my brother2 _

at a football match So 13 at home alone

I watched a couple of programmes on TV, but they

4 boring I texted my friends, Anna and Maria,

but they 5 both busy I started my homework,

but i t 6 too difficult

Spell it rig h t! Shopping words

Remember to spell these clothes and shopping words


shopping shaping trainers trainners

expensive spensive T-shirt T-sb+f

w as/w ere-, questions

Remember that:

• we make questions with was/were before the


/ Were you at home last night?

• we make information questions with the Wh-

question word + was/were + subject.

/ Where were you last night?

• we make questions with how many + subject +

was I were.

/ How many students were in your class?

X How many were students in your doss?


Remember that:

• we use a or an to talk about a person who does a

particular job

/ My brother wants to be a firefighter.

X My bro ther-wants- -to-be ft refig h ter.

• we use a before consonants and an before vowel


3 Read th e te x t A d d a o r an in th e co rre ct places

My friend James has got two brothers Their dad is ? famous artist and their mum is vet But the brothers don't want to be artists or vets James wants to be actor because he loves the theatre His brother, Paul, would like to be firefighter or astronaut, but he isn't tall enough, so he wants to be police officer And his younger brother, Michael, loves music, but he can't

be singer, because he can't sing But he plays the piano very well, so, maybe he will be musician

Expressions with make

Remember, some nouns have make before them, but other nouns have do before them.

/ I want to make a cake for my sister's birthday.

/ Police officers make sure people don't do bad


things-.-2 Read th e sentences a b o u t a party W rite th e

co rre ct q u e stio n s Use w as/w ere.

1 I was at a party on Saturday night

Where were you on S aturday nictht

2 The party was at Mary's house

3 No, I wasn't late I arrived at 8 o'clock

4 There were 20 people at the party

5 Yes, Peter and his brother were at the party

6 I was at the party for three hours

7 Yes, all the people at the party were happy

4 Complete the sentences w ith m ake or do.

1 Arturo didn't do his homework yesterday

2 I'd like t o _ a suggestion

3 What job do you want t o when youleave school?

4 What sports do y o u in your freetime?

5 I want t o _ friends with new peoplefrom different countries

6 They like speaking English, but they often mistakes

7 Sara is ill, so she c a n 't the exam

8 She works hard and helps people because she wants t o _ a difference

26 Get i t rig h t! 2

Trang 27

Strange stories


Дсйоп verbs

: ~d seven m ore a c tio n verbs in th e w o rd

:^ = 'ch W rite th e m u n d e r th e co rre ct p ictu re

i didn't see the bag on the floor so I _it

They _ their friend across the park

the thieves at the airportThe police

with all the money

My sister _ Mont Blanc last summer.It's 4,810m high!

When I saw the big dog, I It wasenormous!

The th ie f _ out of the window

My little brother my mobile phoneunder the sofa for a joke It wasn't funny

3 C o m p le te th e s to ry w ith th e correct

fo rm o f th e w o rd s in Exercise 1

Why did my English teacher1 chase

me around the school? There was no time tothink 'You c a n 't2 me,' I said!

13 out of the window into theplayground and 4 away I tried tojump over the PE teacher's bicycle but it wastoo high and 15 over and hurt myleg I got up quickly, went to the car park and6 behind the French teacher's car TheEnglish teacher7 on to the car next

me and 8 his books at me He wasshouting my name: 'Justin! Justin!' Then I woke

up in my English class The teacher smiled at

me and said, 'You fell asleep, Justin!'

4 W rite fiv e sentences w ith th e verbs inExercise 1 a b o u t yo u o r som eone y o u kn o w

When I was six, I fe ll over some books in my bedroom.

U nit 3 27

Trang 28

2 iz ★ Look at the picture and w rite sentences.

Past continuous questions

3 C o m p le te th e d e te c tiv e 's q u e s tio n s w ith

th e w o rd s in th e b o x and th e past c o n tin u o u s Then c o m p le te th e s h o rt answ ers

the men / carry you and your friends / play the w om an/ wear yo u /w a tch the m an/drive

1 Was th e woman wearing glasses?

No, she wasn’t .

4 к 'k ^ W rite q u e s tio n s w ith th e past

c o n tin u o u s A n s w e r th e m fo r yo u

1 W h a t/yo u /w ea r/ye ste rd a y?

What were you wearing yesterday?

I was wearing a red T -shirt and black jeans.

2 What / you / do / at eight o'clock./ this morning?

3 Who / you / talk to / on the phone / all afternoon?

4 you / listen to music / an hour ago?

When the object appeared in th e s k y

1 we / play / football in the garden

We were playing fo o tb a ll in the garden.

2 my friend / catch / a ball

3 my sister / climb / a tree

4 my mum / talk / to a friend on the phone

5 a c a r/d riv e / down the street

6 our dog / chase / the car

my neighbour / cut / the grass

expressions w ith look

k + Match the sentence beginnings (1-5)

w ith the sentence endings (a-e).

1 Tom was looking after his little brother _c_

3 Lydia was looking for her mobile phone

4 We were looking at some photos

5 Some people say I look like my mum _ •

a when we saw something really funny,

b when I saw my mum drop the cake,

с because his parents were at work,

d but other people say I look like my dad

e when she found some money

8 the police officers / help / an old lady

Trang 29

Adverbs of manner Listening

1 The weather is bad so drive slow ly

2 We played very _ so the other team


3 He saw a big elephant so he ran away

4 The mountain was very high so we walked up it

5 I d id in my exam because I studied

a lot

6 We spoke _ so nobody could hear us

7 I was listening to music q u ite until I

remembered my homework!

8 It wasn't a high wall so we climbed over it

C o m p le te th e sentences w it h th e

a dverbs fro m Exercise 1

1 It wasn't difficult to pass the exam

I passed the exam easily

2 We didn't drive fast.

We drove

3 We weren't being noisy

We were talking very

4 I'm not very good at playing the guitar

I play the g uita r _

5 He wasn't sad when he was singing

He was singing _

6 They are very good at volleyball

They play volleyball very

4 о Listen to V icky ta lk in g to her frie n d

1 Vicky said sorry because

a she was late

she didn't go to Mel's house yesterday

2 The name of the book was

b Cornelia Funke.

3 It was a good book so Vicky

a was reading until six o'clock,

b didn't stop until the end

4 Prosper and Bo ran away

a to stay together

b to find their mother

5 They went to Venice because

a it was.their mother's favourite place,

b they knew some children there

6 The Thief Lord took things from

a Barbarossa

b people with a lot of money

7 Vicky says she liked the story because it w a s

a surprising

b magical

8 Vicky doesn't tell Mel the end of the story because

a it's very complicated

b she wants Mel to read the book

Trang 30

Language focus 2

Past simple vs continuous

1 M atch th e p arts o f th e sentences to

m ake rules

1 We use the past simple

2 We use the past continuous

a to talk about an action that was in progress in the


b to talk about a short, finished action in the past

on the wall in his father's kitchen The painting looked

like something he once 2 saw / was seeing in a book

about the famous French painter Paul Gauguin His

father 3to ld / was te llin g him he found the painting

many years ago on a train when he tra v e lle d / was

travelling to Paris His son read about the painting

on the Internet and 5fou n d o u t / was fin d in g o u t

that it was really a painting by Gauguin The police

discovered the interesting story behind the painting

A man 6 w e n t / was going to an old lady's house to

clean the windows While the old lady7 made / was

m aking some tea, the man took the painting off the

wall and 8 le ft / was leaving the house quietly While

he 9sat / was sitting on the train, he realised he

10 d id n 't kn ow / w asn't know ing what to do with

the painting so he left it carefully on the seat

A: What's the Loch Ness monster?

B: Well, in Scotland there's a lake called Loch Ness They say a monster lives in the lake but nobody

Why do they think there's a monster in the lake? Well, someone took a photo in 1937 In thephoto you 2 see a long neck and

a head above the water And there's a video from 2007 as well A man said he 3 _see something long and black in the water but

he 4 _ see what it was Scientistsspent many years looking in the lake but they •5 find anything

A: Are there any other photos of it?

B: Well, a man was looking at maps on his computer

in 2014 and said he 6 _ see something

in a photo of the lake

A: I'd like to go there

B: You 7 _ go there because it's inScotland and ydu hate the cold!

Past simple, past continuous and


5 ★ ★ ★ Read th e co n v e rs a tio n and w r ite

q u e s tio n s w ith th e past sim p le , past

Policeman: 3Man: Well, 1 couldn't see much, only a very

big object and bright lights

Policeman: 4Man: No, 1 didn't see anyone else

^ D fc p lo r e nouns w ith -e r

6 W rite th e nam es o f th e p e o p le w ith -e r.

could past couldn't subject

We use could and couldn't + infinitive without to

to talk about ability in th e

Questions: Could + + infinitive?

Trang 31

Read th e a rticle W h a t w a s in th e w a te r?

In March 2014, islanders on Gran Canaria

.vere looking at the sea when they saw

a big yellow object It was long, with a

.ellow tail and it was in the water near

:he coast They called the emergency

services - the police, ambulances and the

coast guard

The emergency services told the

newspapers that a plane was in the

Atlantic Ocean about one kilometre from

:ne coast of Gran Canaria

At about 3 pm, the BBC and other TV

channels around the world began to

report that a Boeing 737 crashed into

the sea Workers in the control tow er at

the airport in Gran Canaria confirmed

the reports: ‘We are missing a plane!’

one airport worker said Another plane

:hat was flying over the area also saw the

plane in the water

A helicopter and a boat went out to sea

to rescue the passengers but when they

arrived, they found nothing There was

only a large tugboat - a boat that pulls

other boats across the sea

Finally, the emergency services confirmed

the false alarm It was not a plane - just a

boat that looked a bit like a plane Nobody

knows what happened to the ‘missing

plane’ from the airport!

2 M a tch th e w o rd s in b o ld w it h th e 3

d e fin itio n s

1 A building at an airport where

they watch planes c o n tro l tow er

3 The land near the sea _

4 When someone thinks

something is going to happen

b They called the emergency services

с A helicopter and a boat went to the plane

d TV channels said a plane was in the sea

e People saw a plane in the sea _1_

f Airport workers said a plane was missing

4 ★ ★ к Do y o u k n o w any stories a b o u t false alarm s? Can yo u in v e n t one? W rite fiv e sentences

U nit 3 31

Trang 32

A story

2 Read th e s to ry again A n s w e r th e q u e stio n s 4

1 What was Glen James doing when he found

the bag? _

2 What was in the bag? _

3 Who did Mr James give the bag to ? _

4 How much did the website raise for Mr James?

1 One day last summer a woman was walking

in the park 2 she found a lost dog

3 _ , she didn't know what to do becaishe had a sick child She didn't think she could locafter a dog and a child, so she put a poster up in her village, but nobody came to collect the dog

4 _ , one afternoon 5 _ she'working in her garden, the dog started to make l(

of noise She followed it into the kitchen and fouiher son on the flo o r.6 , the doctors sher son almost died but the dog saved him beforcwas too la te 7 , the woman decidedkeep the dog because it saved her son's life

Be ca re fu l w it h th e s p e llin g o f th e past sim ple W rite th e past sim p le fo rm s o f the se verbs

1 Read th e story W h a t d id M r James do?

One day last year, a homeless man, Glen James, found a bag in the door of a shop while he was walking around

a shopping centre in Boston

At first, he didn’t know what

to do, but when he opened the bag he saw it had

or job Finally, they raised over $140,000 from people all over the world Mr James said ‘I’m really surprised and

so happy This is going to change my life.’

32 U nit 3

Trang 33

Make it b e tte r! / / /

Describe your (or the other person's) reaction or

feeling when something happens

I was really surprised when I heard th e news

about Grandma.

C om plete th e sentences w it h th e w o rd s in

the box

sad frightened happy angry surprised

1 When I saw the huge present, I was very


2 He's because his brother broke his

new tablet

3 When my cat died, I felt really

4 I was really because, finally, I found

my mobile phone

5 When he saw the snake, he was very

’ Read th e s to ry in Exercise 4 again and m ake

m ake notes You can use y o u r im a g in a tio n o r

w r ite a b o u t a tru e story

9 W rite th e story Look a t page 39 o f th e

S tud e nt's B ook to h elp y o u

• Do you spell the past simple forms correctly?

Do y o u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?

U nit 3 33

Trang 34

3 Review


Action verbs

1 ( Circle)th e correct options.

1 The th ie f(ju m p e J )/ th re w out of the window

2 The burglars hid / clim bed over a wall

3 A neighbour ran / chased the thief into the garden

4 The thief fell over / th re w and broke her arm

5 He caught / hid the money in a tree

6 He th re w / chased the newspaper in the bin

I T o taiiT

Adverbs of manner

2 Put the letters in order to make adjectives

Change them to adverbs to complete each


1 I looked carefully for my keys, (farlecu)

2 It was cold so I walked hom e (kuqic)

3 We found the address (saye)

4 We lost because we weren't playing

8 I did very in the exam My parents

were angry, (dba)

I T o ta lly

Language focus

Past continuous

3 Complete the interview w ith the correct form

o f the past continuous.

Detective: 1 Were you watch in и (watch) from

Peter: Yes, h e 6 (carry) a black bag

Peter: No, they8 , but they

(walk) quickly

Total: 8

Past simple vs past continuous

4 ( Circle) th e corre c t o p t ions

1 We ate /<^yere e a tm j)d in n e r when the lights

w e n t / w ere going off

2 We slept / w ere sleeping when the thieves broke / w ere breaking into the house

3 One thief fe ll / was fa llin g over while he ran / was running away

4 The police fo u n d / w ere fin d in g the moneywhile they searched / w ere searching the garden

5 One thief drove / was d riving away in a car while the police d id n 't look / w e re n 't looking

4 *the guitar very well when he was ten,but he 5 the piano Now he's 14 and hecan do all of these things What about you?

Total: 4 I

34 U nit 3 Review

Trang 35

a saving b selling с spending

3 I sometimes buy this magazine at the

a chemist b shoe shop с newsagent

4 Larry talks to everybody He's very

5 I love animals so I'd like to be a _

6 A m an over the wall into our


a chased b climbed с caught

7 I did my hom ew ork _ so I didn't make


a carefully b easily с badly

8 He's got three cameras He looks _

a photographer

9 When he saw the police officers, h e _

so they couldn't find him

10 I _ listening to music in my room last


~ Total: 9

Language builder

7 (Circie)th e correct words.

Kim: 1 you watch the detective

show on TV last night? I t 2 _

really good!

Bill: No, 13 _my homework

14 a test this morning But Ilove detective shows W h a t5 _

it about?

Kim: A group of thieves stole 6 _

diamonds and the police 7 _

understand how they did it

Bill: W hat8 in the end?

Kim: I don't know The final episode is on this

evening Do you want to watch it together?Bill: OK!

3 a did b was doing с am doing

7 a weren't b couldn't с aren't

8 a happened b happen с was happening

Total: 7


8 C o m p le te th e co nv e rs a tio n w it h th e w o rd s in

th e box

next do strange weird did What

A: Somethina1 etranae happened yesterdav

he helped me to stand up

A: Well, 1 said thanks, of course

A: 1 picked up my bag and when 1 stood up, theboy was gone There was nobody in the park

Total: 5

Total: 54

U nit 3 Review 35

Trang 36

Past simple vs past continuous

Remember that:

• we use was or w ere + -ing to talk about an action

that was in progress in the past

/ The dog was chasing the cat.

X The dog chasing the cot.

• we use the past simple to talk about completed

events and actions in the past We never use was or

w ere + past simple.

/ The dog chased the cat.

X The dog was chased the cot.

• we usually use w hile with the past continuous and

when with the past simple.

/ The dog was chasing the cat when the man

We went to the beach last weekend Three of my

cousins 1 were came / ( camg) with us And our dog,

Charlie, of course! I t 2 rained / was raining when we

left the house, but while w e 3 driving / were driving

there, the rain stopped At first, everybody4 was

wanting / wanted to do different things My parents

wanted to sit and read My cousins5 were decided /

decided to go swimming in the sea We really

6 enjoyed / were enjoyed our day at the beach

I hope you had a good weekend, too,



Remember that:

• we use the infinitive without to after could(n't).

/ The test was easy I could answ er all the


X The test was easy I could to answer all the


• we never use the past simple after could(n't).

/ They couldn't open the door.

X They-couldn't opened the door.

• we use could(n't), not can('t), to talk about ability

in the past

/ I'm sorry you couldn't come to my house


X I'm sorry youcan-’t-come to my house yesterday.

2 A re th e sentences correct? C orrect th e

• we use an adverb to describe a verb or an action

/ He looked carefully at the picture.

X He looked careful-at-the picture.

• we use an adjective after be with an imperative / Be careful! That water is very hot.

X Be corefullyi-That-water is very hot.

3 C o m p le te th e sentences w ith a w o rd fro m

th e box Change th e a d je c tiv e to an a d v e rb if necessary

3 Be ' ! I'm trying to study

4 He plays the piano very It soundsawful!

5 Did you listen to what the teachersaid?

6 I did my homework because Iwanted to go to the cinema

7 He climbed the wall because he'svery tall

Get it rig h t! 3

Trang 37

At home


Things in the home

1 ★ Look at the pictures o f the things in the

home W rite the words in the correct column

Some words can go in more than one column.

1 Where's my dictionary? It isn't on my desk

or on th e with the other books

2 My dad has two on his bed because

he says it's comfortable but I only have one

3 In winter, I always sleep with a b ig tokeep warm

4 Houses in the UK usually have on thefloor

5 My little sister can't see herself in our bathroom _ because she's too short

6 My mum and dad have got a lot of clothes so their _ is full

7 Can you get the sugar? It's in th e inthe kitchen

8 When I wake up in the morning, I open the _ and look outside

★ ★ ★ M a rk and Jane are in th e ir n e w house

b u t it's em p ty Read th e sentences and w r ite

w h a t th e y need to buy

1 'We haven't got anywhere to

2 'There's nothing on the floorand it's very cold.' _

3 'We've got plates and glasses for the kitchen but nowhere to

6 'We've got nothing on the b e d '

7 'I need a place to work andsomewhere to put my books.' ,

8 'I can't believe we can't washthe plates and glasses!' _ _

★ ★ ★ W h a t's y o u r fa v o u rite ro o m in y o u r hom e? W h y d o yo u lik e it? W h a t fu r n itu re does it have? W h a t o th e r fu r n itu r e w o u ld yo u lik e to have? W rite a t least fiv e sentences

M y favourite room is my bedroom I like i t because

i t ’s a big, sunny room.

U nit 4 37

Trang 38

big expensive «eh tall ugly unusual

1 We use comparative adjectives to compare

2 To form the comparative of short adjectives (one

syllable) we a d d

3 To form the comparative of long adjectives (two

syllables +) we use before the


When the adjective has tw o syllables and ends

in -y, we remove the -y and a d d to

form the comparative

2 ★ ★ W rite c o m p a ra tiv e sentences

1 The Empire State Building / high / the Eiffel Tower

The Empire S ta te Building is higher than the

E iffel Tower.

2 Buckingham Palace / big / the White House

3 His desk / expensive / all our furniture

4 A bed / comfortable / a sofa

5 The hotel in Santiago / good / the hotel in Buenos


6 Gail's room / tidy / Kerry's

3 ★ Choose th e co rre ct o p tio n s to co m p le te

th e g ra m m a r ta b le

1 To form the superlative of short adjectives (one

syllable) we add -e r/^e sT ) _

2 To form the superlative of long adjectives (two

syllables +) we use more / m ost before the


3 When the adjective has two syllables and ends

in -y, we remove the -y and add -e s t/ -ie st to

form the superlative

Best / The best and w o rst / the w o rst are

irregular superlatives

★ ★ ★ W rite th e sentences in th e com parative

o r s u p e rla tiv e

1 Mount Everest / high / mountain / in the world

M ount E verest is th e highest m ountain in th e world.

2 This p illo w /s o ft/th a t pillow

3 The library / quiet / place in the school

4 The beach / relaxing / place to go in the summer

5 A holiday in New York / good / a holiday at home

6 My dad's car / small / my mum's car

^ E jt p lo r e expressions w ith do

6 ★ ★ M a tch th e sentence b e g in n in g s (1 -6 )

w it h th e sentence e n d in g s (a -f)

1 Could you do me a favour?

2 Can I help you with your homework?

3 My dad can't play football with me

4 I didn't go out on Saturday because

5 Paul was really tired last night because

6 We put all the food in the cupboard

a I was doing my homework all day!

b after we did the shopping,

с Could you give me that book on the shelf?

d because he's doing the housework,

e he did sport for three hours,

f I like doing Maths

The billionaire Mukesh Ambani is 1 th e ric h e s t

man in India He and his family live in a house call

Antilia, in Mumbai, India Antilia c(one billion dollars! It's2 house in the world - a tower with

27 floors It's also 3 _family home in the world There a three floors of gardens and it has4 _ garage in a familyhouse too, with space for 168 cars, all for Mr Ambani's family oi six! Antilia is modern, but

it isn't beautiful In fact, many people think it's

’ building

in Mumbai I'm not sun about that, but it'sprobably6 billionaire's house in the world!

U nit 4

Trang 39

Listening and vocabulary

The room with the most appliances in our house is the kitchen I use the 1 cooker every evening to make dinner

We also use the 2 once a day to wash ourclothes, and the 3 every day to clean theplates

Of course, we always use th e 4 to keepour food cool and fresh When my mum cooks, sheoften puts extra food in the 5 She says

it can stay there for months One thing I never use is

th e 6 _ My mum hates this too, so my daduses it for his shirts and my T-shirts

Another thing I use every day is the 7 _

on my desk - it helps me to see my books because my room is quite dark And when it's cold, I sometimesuse th e 8 to stay warm! I've got long hair

so I also use m y 9 every day


★ ★ M a tch th e w o rd s fro m Exercise 1 w ith

th e sentences

You use this when your hair is wet

This washes your clothes.


It keeps food cool and safe to eat

It helps you see in the dark.

You use this when your house is cold

It cleans the plates and glasses. _

It makes your clothes look nice.

You use this to cook your dinner. _

You can leave food in it for a long time

4 ★ © E l Listen to the conversation between Elia and Nick W hat are they talking about?

Listen again Mark the sentences true (7) or false (f).

1 Ella and Nick are brother and sister _T_

4 Both flats had tw o bathrooms _

5 Ella likes the first flat better. _ _

6 Nick and Ella usually catch the bus to school

7 Their mum and dad want to plan a new

8 Nick isn't sure the flat is big enough _

U nit 4 39

Trang 40

Language focus 2

m ust/m ustn’t, should/shouldn't

1 ★ (Circle) the correct words.

We use must, m ustn't, should and shouldn't +

We use should and shouldn't to give advice /

ta lk a bo u t o b lig a tio n and p ro h ib itio n

★ C o m p le te th e sentences w it h m u st o r

m u s tn 't and a v e rb fro m th e box

do eat forget keep learn

leave put remember

★ ★ ★ Complete the second sentence so it has

the same meaning as the first Use should,

s h o u ld n 't, m ust o r m u s tn 't.

1 It's a good idea for them to try feng shui

They should tr y feng shui.

2 It's not a very good idea to do her homework in the kitchen!

1 My parents say I must he quicker in th e bathroom

We m u st keep our room tidy.

Your brother his homework while

he's watching TV

Y ou

after dinner

Y ou _

the plates in the dishwasher

your books and papers all overthe living room

to turn off the oven

how to cook more than pizza!

to bring me your dirty clothes

_ all the biscuits That's too

^ D t p l o r e verbs w ith up o r down

6 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e sentences w ith th e co rre ct

fo rm o f th e verbs in th e b o x and up o r d o w n

★ ★ Com plete th e te x t w ith should o r shouldn't.

Feng shui is the old Chinese art of organising your

home to bring good health and energy Here are some

ideas about how to improve your house:

• In the bedroom you 1 should always clean

under the bed so you don't have negative energy

You 2 keep anything there The bed

3 _ never be close to the door or under

go lie come (x2) put

1 Why did you climb that wall? You should

come down now.

2 Oh no, it's raining Can y o u _


3 We woke up early and watched the sun


a window

In the living room you 4 _ put a mirror

on the wall to give your house more energy, and

you 5 have a plant to show love

The colour red is good luck, but you 6 _

You look tired Why don't you go and on your bed?

The shops are near here.

of the road and turn left

to the top

have too much of it because it can make people

nervous Finally, you 7 leave space

around the things in the house so energy can move

around the room

Do these things and you 8 have any


40 U nit 4

Ngày đăng: 16/12/2017, 08:45



