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DSpace at VNU: Quantifying the Tourism Value of Halong bay

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VNU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Nat., Sci., & Tech., t.XVIII, N°4, 2002 QUANTIFYING THE TOURISM VALUE OF HALONG BAY Tran Due Thanh Department of Tourism Studies, College o f Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU N guyen Thi Hai Departmen t o f Geography, College o f Science, VNU R ese a rc h p ro b lem Q uang Ninh, a north-eastern province of Vietnam, is rich not only in economic potential, bu t also in tourism attractiveness Ha Long Bay, located in Quang N inh province and recognised in 1994 and in 2000 by UNESCO as a world heritage site, represents a major role of economic growth Indeed, for many centuries tourists from various countries have marvelled at the beauty of Ha Long Bay In order to achieve its full potential, Quang Ninh has defined some specific orientations towards tourism These aim mainly at increasing the speed of development of the in frastru ctu re necessary to support an increasing flow of tourists, both national and international In th e m arket place, individuals exercise choice over consumption goods and services by comparing the price of the good with their willingness to pay for th a t good If th e ir willingness to pay is greater th an the price of the good, they will purchase the good However, because of its characteristics, there is no price attached to the environment It is therefore not possible to use m arket prices and infer from consumers' behaviour the value they attach to the environment Nonetheless, the need for economic evaluation of environmental impacts remains crucial Indeed, simply p u rsu in g efficient policies and investing in efficient projects and programs requires th a t environmental impacts be evaluated This is particularly tru e of the planning process: a planning process th a t ignores environm ental values will lead to a path of development detrim ental to environm ental quality and over-exploitation of n atu ral resources M eth o d o lo g y The method assum es weak complementarily between the environmental asset and consumption expenditure This implies th a t when consumption expenditure is zero, the m arginal utility of th e public good is also zero So if travelling to a forest becomes so expensive th a t no one goes any more, th e marginal social cost of a decrease in th e quality of t h a t forest is also zero 61 62 Trần Đức Thanh, Nguyễn Thị Hải M easuring the area u n d er this second stage dem and curve gives an estimate of consumers' surplus This value is most usually reported as consumers' surplus per visit If the log of visits is regressed on travel costs etc, th en this has the convenient property th a t the reciprocal of th e trav el cost coefficient gives consumers' surplus per visit R e su lts 3.1 O v e r a ll f e a tu r e s o f th e s a m p le About 600 copies of questionnaires were prepared and distributed by working group, only 507 were gone in to analysis (table 1) As we mentioned before, the survey should be done during at least one year, one tourism cycle life Since the survey was done in a p artic u lar tim e of the year, it could not capture entire variety of tourists, in p articu lar this was not a tourism season for Vietnamese nationals and it made it difficult to select th e representatives of all th e provinces of Vietnam However this sample num ber may provide a sound basis to estim ate the tourism dem and and at statistically significant level and result of th e analysis on this data set can be tru st 3.2 S ocio -eco n o m ic c h a r a c t e r is ti c s o f th e in te r v ie w e e s It is interestin g to note t h a t 95% of the interviewees are of age from 18 to 55 About 30% of which are of age from 36 to 55 T hat may be explained by long trip to Ha Long T able Age of the Respondents Age Respondents S hare From 18 to 25 179 35 From 26 to 35 146 29 From36 to 55 152 30 From 55 to 60 14 Above 60 10 507 100 U nd er 18 Total Two factors th a t play important role to the assessment of the quality of the survey are education and occupation The person who has a defined education background and who has constant income has generally conscious behaviour toward envừonment problems Among the respondents, 62% have university degree or higher 63 Q uantifying the tourism value o f Halong Table Education level of respondents Respondents Share 152 30 40 290 57 M aster 14 Doctor 11 Total 507 100 Education P rim ary Secondary High school U niversity M ost of th e visitors have high education th a t m akes us to hope a good behaviour on th e environm ent problems If education is a conscious factor, income is m aterial one, th a t influences to th e decision of to u rists to travel The median income of domestic visitors is $145 as shown in th e table T able Income of respondents Respondents Share

Ngày đăng: 15/12/2017, 01:05