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onthionline.net Name: Test 15 minutes- Grade Class: 6A School year: 2010-2011 Mark(s) Teacher’s ideas: I.VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: (5ms) * Circle the best answer: ……… does Ly go jogging? > once a week a) How long b) How How long are they going to stay? c) How often a) for a week b) once a week 3.What is the ……… like in the summer? c) one times a week a) season It is……… in the fall c) hot b) weather a) cold b) hot 5.She is going to stay ……… her grandmother c) cool a) in b) with 6.How often you aerobics in the winter? c) at a) I never b) Yes, I ……… place is Minh going to visit? c) I aerobics a) Where b) Which We……… our bikes on the weekend c) How a) ride sometimes II b) sometimes ride c) sometime ride READING: (2.5ms) Hello My name is John I live in Nhon Chau The weather is always changing I like hot weather I usually go swimming in the summer I’m going to visit Nha Trang beach with my friend, Nam We are going to stay in a hotel for a month A True( T) or False( F): It is warm in the summer He’s going to visit Nha Trang citadel Nam and John are going to stay in a hotel for four weeks onthionline.net B Answer the questions: Which places is John going to visit in the summer?  What does John when it’s hot?  III WRITING:(2.5ms) Reorder the sentences by following words: is / Tuan / going to / some /bring /food  often / we /go fishing / the / spring / in  is /it /cold /winter /in /the  -Good luck to you   onthionline.net Name: Test 15 minutes- Grade Class: 7A School year: 2010-2011 Mark(s) Teacher’s ideas: I.VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: (5ms) * Circle the best answer: She doesn’t like fish, and …… does her mother a) either b) so 2.He drinks too……… water today c) neither a) a few b) much c) many 3.I have a lot of pineapples, but only …… pineapples are ripe a) a few b) much 4.She added a little salt …… the spinach c) many a) of 5.I’d like ………… b) to c) with a) some ………… the beef b) any c) a few a) to slice 7.He plays volleyball ……… b) slice c) slices orange juice a) bad b) good 8.I ate bread and eggs for breakfast ………… I a) Neither did III c) well I b) So did c) didn’t either READING: (2.5ms) Yesterday, Hoa and her mother went …(1)….the market They wanted to …(2)… some vegetables They bought some… (3)… and cucumbers Hoa likes them and …(4) … does her mother They are her mother’s favorite vegetables A Fill in the gaps: a) for b) to c) of onthionline.net a) buy a) spinach a) neither b) bought b) spinachs b) so B Answer the questions: Where did Hoa and her mother go?  What is her mother’s favourite vegetables?  III WRITING:(2.5ms) Reorder the sentences by following words: should / visit / I / my grandmother / Friday / on  is / she / a / runner / quick  am / I / drama club / going to /go / to / the  -Good luck to you   c) buy to c) spinaches c) too onthionline.net Nhon Chau secondary school Test 15 minutes- Grade Name: School year: 2010-2011 Class: 8A Mark(s) Teacher’s ideas: I.VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: (5ms) * Circle the best answer: Every one……….when I came home last night a) slept b) was slept Mrs Nga is always……… her umbrella c) was sleeping a) lose b) losing c) to lose While her husband was visiting the Statue of Liberty, Mrs Quyen…… shopping a) go b) went c)gone This is a……… where the heads of four American presidents are carved into the rock a) San Francisco b) Mount Rushmore c) Mount Everest 5……………is based on the description of Saint Nicholas in the poem A visit From Saint Nicholas poem a) Clement Clarke Moore b) Christmas Eve Christmas songs first……….in towns and villages c) Santa Claus a) performed b) were performed Viet Nam is a………….country c) was performed a) exporting-rice b) rice - export “The pipes are broken,” the plumper said c) rice - exporting He said the pipes………… a) was break II READING: (2.5ms) b) were broken c) was broken onthionline.net Antipater of Sidon thought there were the seven wonders of the world, except the Great Wall of China The pyramid of Cheops in Egypt is the only wonder you can still see today My friends, Hung and Nam, had gone there While Nam was looking at that pyramid, Hung climbed up it A True( T) or False( F): Nowadays, the pyramid of Cheops is not seen by people The Great Wall of China is the wonder Antipater of Sidon thought Antipater of Sidon built the seven wonders of the world B Answer the questions: What did Hung while Nam was looking at the pyramid of Cheops ?  How many were the wonders of the world Antipater of Sidon thought ?  III WRITING:(2.5ms) Complete the following reported questions with the correct form of the verb: “ Were you at school yesterday?” Tram said Tram asked me……………………………………………………………… “ The Great Barrier Reef was a World Heritage Site two years ago,” Hung said Hung said…………………………………………………………………… -Good luck to you   onthionline.net Name: Test 15 minutes- Grade Class: 7A School year: 2010-2011 Mark(s) Teacher’s ideas: I.VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: (5ms) * Circle the best answer: She doesn’t like fish, and …… does her mother a) either b) so 2.He drinks too……… water today c) neither a) a few b) much c) many 3.I have a lot of pineapples, but only …… pineapples are ripe a) a few b) much 4.She added a little salt …… the spinach c) many a) of 5.I’d like ………… b) to c) with a) some ………… the beef b) any c) a few a) to slice 7.He plays volleyball ……… b) slice c) slices orange juice a) bad b) good 8.I ate bread and eggs for breakfast ………… I c) well I onthionline.net a) Neither did b) So did c) didn’t either B READING: (2.5ms) Yesterday, Hoa and her mother went …(1)….the market They wanted to …(2)… some vegetables They bought some… (3)… and cucumbers Hoa likes them and …(4) … does her mother They are her mother’s favorite vegetables B Fill in the gaps: a) for a) buy a) spinach a) neither b) to b) bought b) spinachs b) so B Answer the questions: Where did Hoa and her mother go?  What is her mother’s favourite vegetables?  III WRITING:(2.5ms) Reorder the sentences by following words: should / visit / I / my grandmother / Friday / on  is / she / a / runner / quick  am / I / drama club / going to /go / to / the  -Good luck to you   c) of c) buy to c) spinaches c) too onthionline.net ... Name: Test 15 minutes- Grade Class: 7A School year: 2010-2011 Mark(s) Teacher’s ideas: I.VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: (5ms) * Circle the best answer: She doesn’t like fish, and …… does her mother a)... Neither did III c) well I b) So did c) didn’t either READING: (2.5ms) Yesterday, Hoa and her mother went …(1)….the market They wanted to …(2)… some vegetables They bought some… (3)… and cucumbers... Where did Hoa and her mother go?  What is her mother’s favourite vegetables?  III WRITING:(2.5ms) Reorder the sentences by following words: should / visit / I / my grandmother / Friday / on

Ngày đăng: 12/12/2017, 08:02

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