t "hơi stmating and engaging ig board gomes with ‘dectrone spinners Rascards ond posters Digital tory Cards ore cho nctoded with bide and Tew speech "bưêble and ö n2 ö story tecture wh
Trang 5
‘Tee Actrty Book prondetrhodorcenteet ond conotcaten ofthe language presented i the Paps ‘ook Rt conta controied ond freer practice pss Dpersonatacton and trterIstanng od Yeading txts
Bs orgonsed os flows
1 A Welcome nit of our lessons, for use after the ‘oxresponding Pupils Book popes
1 Bight un och Seed nt ben lexen (r the
1 A Picture Dictionary tthe back ofthe bok to oid ‘pep in remembering the target lnquoge
TH detate of when tows the Acity Book are en (he teacang notes
“he Access code printd ot the back ofthe book ges (pops end porents enque ond sae acess to Spoce [ne Ontne vs the arnet
Trang 6
progress tests for och unt and practice tests esting (four sits reading wring tatenng specting) ng
‘question types tram external exons (CYL Toney and ET fer scr00%s) Auto recorions are provided on the
‘ass endo CDs ond teaching notes, on answer bry and (pope to record tet rests are proved ot the Bock of (he Teachers Book,
Trang 7
‘ands Active Teach proves software for ws ono
Inceroctve Wiieeboard(TWB) ‘ond @ "How to POF watthrough wth integrated tots I eases cossrcom
‘monogement as contains ect leks toa of the apis ond Actrty Book popes Stay tronsormed
to create more coportundies the pup teacher and the material Tncuder hase for wtarctin between
‘and reveo! crower nes to further proctie acts
(2d games that recycle the language of the unt and
‘Prewous units, ond tins to oxo and video content
‘without the need of «separate CD or DVD ployer t "hơi stmating and engaging ig board gomes with
‘dectrone spinners Rascards ond posters Digital tory Cards ore cho nctoded with bide and Tew speech
"bưêble and ö n2 ö story tecture where pups own
stories cm be made with ths own Speech babies for
tie nthe dessroom
‘On each evel of don Acuxe Teoch there ae out amated sory epeodes Each epnade cn be used
to renferc and extend the language ofthe course
focusing onthe topics nd ngage of two uns
There are songs troduced ty thre young presenters
Sty, Jock and Abert And there ore anmated showing further e0 eohz or the Sooxe luan stores,
“ractert Korooke versions oe avon for of the
songs You on ano dowrsaad etble verons oo the tests and audioscrts from the Test Bookie
Saxty-two pages of shotacope metered are ofered na
‘the Active Teac to gre mama Rexbety od variety
‘theoughoxt the teactang year The moter ches: (9 A Wecame unt pretaccpetie
1 Seven photocopies inciode games putties ond octies vocabulary for exe n each une These
‘ants mi story cores phonics eter ond wordcards ‘aswell os mater fr exploring the CLR and osturet
‘here the unt 1s Thee photocopies for use with the fst lessons
‘© A temple for oletierthot con be writen to parents
"se 27 prowded ot wach vet The tsioe plan and Games
Secon nthe Teachers Bock ceary expian tow
‘ese con be ws tr helping mth reading ond Maroy, cogs games and ection
== —="O, The cetwear Ea nen tem xaos set treo occ
Siem os toc Ook cna parton (Sescarie cette peeing eacay nt air
Ta entrvesr
The story cords contin a trome from the Sgoce bien story ond teactong note comer Beare iter
“tmÓ Afer eeeneg octvtes plus te audoxcri for {he story treme The story cords cream Ad cores, ‘mating them ecsy to we een marge ose
Trang 8
Pups wil need e box ẹ olergefolđe to store the work wich they howe done throughout the yer They should [a hee name on the portiona Cover ued he Pretocopeties ih then ck nto the outset thee ox ot on the Active Teach decorate at
Trang 10
‘The Actety Book prondes addtional practice tr punts
Trang 11
utes nd gốc support recye structures trom previxs lessor cad ew langage
‘The values topic fo the ut suey ie tothe
‘ends sammared pape There sso Home-School athe Velues bax onthe Pps Book Unk suggestion
‘Connected withthe vues top to encourage perms meter
Trang 12
ees} esse — SEL) W&H®⁄†——
Trang 14
Posters con poy ty role the Engh ngage lesson {5 they ore such 2 power vise tok They can be aeble wy ts toon pups cteroon owen to eset {to comonaate ond extend the lnpunge Srey arm .@6đen te hien posters hep devi 3 pues speaking obity os they ceerxt s 2y seexoleg
chờ tế authentic Tewari! scenes The rearactve posters prone even gear scope pets ond opts
la He che te ecceeev con be mend rou ed mee vty of con therefore be proctined
(a cler reference for pups m the Pups Book ey grammar pont cored nthe at oe proved
Goren reference Pù sẻ euantnszbetaa xen
2 Point ton object and mate a staternent Pups ‘cm hy Yes cx No df the information correct oF Incorrect, € Tas is my becroon
1 Intacms or pair, pups con write down 25 many words os pose fr ets eh poster
Adstional grammer practic an Ben acco the The often pet Hoopla, appears on one ofthe Pugs’
Boca popes from Space Island Onine (The location of this featire ech ut hoki @ ctu of on tem
‘ates fom unto uit) Pups hve to fd the tas
‘at Hoop is boing erie cick on ond complete the supplementary longuage activity based onthe
vocabulary of the unt The lesson ates i the Teachers
Book gve the precise location of each onine Coe
“Te vt epeesarttin vel 3 con be sed to ck pus progress rou of he Onto stn or
‘Space Istand Onine to check where thy hove located
‘ears presented each ust of the Pups Book (rder to poy the supplementary vocstdary gare otto Stim longuogeprodacton Pups ore token further
‘eto Spoce stand on they meet new racers ew ot represented the storie i the Pups Book
stows te ne man areas whch the ph we
+ Thekesnderene
© The sports reno
© The food fctory Beeranay ond
= The cpartment bck
or The spaces
“The Ponics poster stows osummary of sounds covered forthe evel broken Swe unt byt
Trang 15
‘io contains 0 Language 00 enguage point Momest - short focus ot
1 Song Paps wotch tan ond ftw the actions As thy (Grom more confident, they con jn withthe song,
1 Story Wotch the story ASA pups Inappened i the story Watch again stopping ot hy ‘posts ond out them about the language the eget L8) what
CF the story Ask pups to oct out the story Assign {the roles of Zah and ihe to confident specters
‘nc let other pups play the other parts Encourage {her to say 24 mach f the Gclogue os thy con ond
‘rome them where necessary + Language Moment The enforces ¢ crmmon `."
at home Actty Book a wernon ofthe Actty
ot contains the aces fom the pied
SG ha
Ws %*
© Atte beginning of each lesson uit of trợ cứ ‘bups where they aren Space Island nine ond to
potat on the map Ths cows instant feedback 2s 12
‘which pupis are engaging withthe Online {sand and which puts are perhaps progressing ot o ierent
Speed to others
‘Ask pups one by ane to come up and point ‘orticdar colour Pot to ie
Trang 16
Toba r wat parts 3congE [ag gn to eter nb Socom ands
boven teed mame tose par cae nwt ans
To becaefrsor li —— wah cpprored tina
To become tr hegre boa Sos Ho
1 Steckth earning, The Ow idand'sefoyoe lecrrng takes pace cost without the pup be ‘aware of Rother thon repectng the ype of tasks ont
tse Pps Book pes tar a teractions wath
‘arate the cdrerture They oe presented (with rec-wort-the tks ghing them 2 ere : c2 rggeneSosy mueortue rronexce chen
me ae aa leatremely movesing Lesreng tes Be Na _— ¬ Stee [throug expanse te target lens! ates cern of ee
a ety 2053 “eee ten mo ee ‘ets va tpeech babble aque the tare Dictionary ond mepiementry tanquage games
‘emma C Coma ML ad Ge 5503 A Gee Sloe —~
Ta Toco on moa Oomenn Neằnn hs Ccen
Trang 17
.AB tưọchen xi nhe S0 mhoZAof ĐỊN coứn 0 ‘Space island Unit 1 Lesson Plan 1+ Protesice Boom wil now appecr too tome questions Hove the pups ope onthe answers (gre the pups watering con wich they con BCR uP ghen the sects) Ate the convection he wil
Deforeseecting them When the report 8 comeset, (ond cory opt oe,
‘hoon « pup to read £ cloud tothe om Ths con® Aernatvely ‘be found cn the Mission Log cart in the rwentory boy ontine wth the whale cas, rect pup 0 invuat once you howe comelatd cn example {tthe top right ofthe screen Cick on Examine read the repert trometer hormewert (oF shored computers or hove them acess the tak ot
‘Pups con than toh tothe supplementary ‘his seane— the Insect Inspector, wearing bee character © End th lesson os dete nthe main esson notes Costume A the clas (1) # they know wy She wearing tes costume (So se lends and doesnt
+ Cary tis out porto Leon 5 ter the ppt ove completed he Pup Book and Actty Book
‘cover (fvpit o9 ove croc found the book! nine ek em ht Hoopla halting won the
Book pope ot the end fasion 8 og) end roy hom ttre Comet Sperry {Gagne acy toyed onthe vocaoury oh et
‘The may taka some ime as there are it of Bangs {tw covnt When everyone agrees on the ont th opi shoud ext the photo view ick on the park Ieper ogo and eect the correct ona: Repeat |
‘cl ele qoesions oe ansmered correo,
Trang 18
f troce the charters wth the character sary ‘ards Hold therm ip one to time ond Hay 09 Ts Press Boom
1 Hold wp the carts gan for pupts to se the —
© Ask pups to look ot the pctares on PB pp 6-7 Encourape pupts to guess wat the story 0 about
OG * Held up the Spoce stand poster nd soy Th Space ten end ree
Tuten Te pops (1) tht tery ore going to fellow the otvestres ton the wand int dfterentploces of Protessoe Boom Rote and Horry and cobac things
‘© Ask the pups to open thee Pps Books Focuscn the pictures Pant to the charters frome 2 ASK © Divide the clas into three groups and ssn @ oracar to each one Grou read thir pars 0 © 1s Rowe nope? (Yess Is Haxry happy? (ol Tok pps ass rom thew sete
to poy oxtention tothe facet ofthe chasren nthe petares
Trang 19
‘Ask pupils who would eto te the pats of Ha
Rose and Professor Bioom Invite vounteas tothe
.rot the đen to ot ot the story Use prop tot youve brought to dost you wah Encourage tone of
‘vole ond expressions to motch those the pctres
Ending the lesson
* Discus wth pupils (Lt) who thei favourite character ‘sand why Encourage them to pred wt
‘gong to happen nthe story: What things does the Protessoc want to find and what she going to do
(For Audoscgt sep 46)
.oyecuơn cơn te spocrdvo n 0e story: Ask whet they sy when they meet new trend Ect
‘Hato Tm ome Tm ge) What your same?
‘© Ask pons to look ot he characters i the actare ‘end ty to remember the stry so fr Port tothe (Stterentcoorortert and ook W203 oes”
OG Listen, pot ond repect Py cig Pap te od poet oe Kha
« NT vrengg nợ ho ert tan len tac
= Thun song derene
Taine om oe gn oa Ầ
Trang 20
Ending the lesson ‘OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES
* Pry (D104 and ung the quest song Dice tne cons | Mame game Ply Nome (see 298) xing the
sto two groups ond ok each group to sng ctanate | CHIM es marng the words ey ng ery cond
For Keys seep 44 For Audionript sae 4:
1 Pray Ming members ee p 200
©G tien ond point
ai tzna peckcx hy prpơ Ty pet Rc thế
= Tet ps they mant tobe turns to goes the mamber the rang hạ cae
1 Popup the gore Wh arcu the ast and help
Ằ— Reve
‘Focus onthe rambers PS Activity 3 Reo the amber’ for papi To poet lọ hers thew Books "92g o ancond te or pup to eck
OG ster + Poy te norông pups tolsten Phy & 2 second and rept:
time for pupa to repack Sacorectromoer
„wx 6;
1 hay the recrting cond tre ly popấttø/inim—— Cho dong vấn ther sfooetenlDefntrowef ove to work ou the ‘ond write Sow Bet pts
‘the mating namber Biot the anower rom the ass [Extension = Pups workout the rest ofthe namter patterns an rte Sawn the mung mura
© Divide the asso two groups Ray CDYG7 aga, ie Gown the missing mane The groups ng ternate bres
© Breryone jens with Op ap, opt
Trang 21© G Listen on repeat Lesson 3 Proctice
1 Die the last into to groups Pay COR ogni (Group 1 chants the frst versa Group 2 chon the second rene
DG Listen ond point
1 Tet pups tht they re ging to hear some chen ting cbowt thew toourta days ofthe week They ‘mest inten ond pont to the chr) favour ee doy ‘Ask the pups to rad the sentences and the ist of
ph meer + Boy the recording pouming Mf neceory, for pups 22 ten ond pont
ot coninn be me = Rotten ondonseer pore
Presentation OG Listen, write and match
= Use the Weoer poster to rv the sree Pot oer ay ony the ward Breet
Tem the Lock! Box Read he ertace Wore the tenes cote boo wah goon Monday end fet ore writen kat suns Wha
ys frre yf tne meet” Te pop rep
co wesw, Compare gn oxtorsog to De
1 Pray the recorting fr pups to ten ond ftw the ent pte Decks
Py tm recor agar ox pups 10 14 te chant tomo
Trang 22
© Ask videlchteren Whats you favourite dy?
(fer Keyx se p.44 Fov Audfoxcrpt, se pp 44)
OG ten, point and repeat
1 Focn onthe cotendor Tel pups tha they are going twhear recording ofthe ariel nambers ' Pray the recrcing for pups to pot to the nambers (2d repeat then
1 Ploy the recording @ second te for pups to pnt oan
© Aseond answer
1 Focus onthe excl Ask pup to model the ‘sour wah you Papin ost and one the question in poles Proctice
Holdup or pint to the Weather poster Ask Wat today aate” Than ok civ bupes When were youters!
© Unscramble © Anh the pooh to emcromte the tas on wre Semone and write the months, + Coch oh onewar wen he wot ont
@ took ot Activity s lon tthe month Ate 1 10 and wre
Trang 23Activity Book Answer Key
p.2ActvRy 1 1 Tie Hary Tm soe
3 tưentr-toec 3y
Ending the lesson
1 Ask nividet pups When were you Born? How ot ro”
(For Keys seep 44 For Audioneript see pp 4)
Trang 24
Lesson † Actvity "May bon May gi" 4p 3(AB)
Come with we come on ut today!
‘Look wp, down here there Look around everywhere,
Where's the pen?
Come on, come on, come on 2 quest! Lets te the pent
‘Lesson 3 Activity 8 p 5 (AB) 1H Tim Borin Today is my fovourte dy coun
Bs Wednesday Its cold and snowy today
rm wearing my fg cost
2 My are is Bly Tm 10 years id My fovourtie
‘yi Friday On Friday Ire ry itt the pooi ‘a Scant love seeming,
2 My names Jey My favourite 7o\dock on Satay apt I 9 to the cme doy Saturday At
4 Myra 1s Monday Frm the garden wth ya 5 Marie Tosa my foroure doy
1 My name ‘doy Tara My dot mes me a burger for is Andy Tm 9 yers od My tovourte
‘gener on Thay (6 Myname i Mike My fovourte yf Suncoy 1 sleep ote 1 getup ot 9 o'toc Tt breckfost
“Lô đoxk I have appt cnd toot
17 My mame uty Ten 9 years od My favourite (5 Towssoy Ig to my grandad’ farm em Toesdoy doy
‘fternoon ofr shook He's got goats, chickens
Trang 26Denes Somes ene th (rg nr Heit what hs te erate el TT
[Nocrsumy nformatan end dig omprionie Uw Atte Autonamy en pertnal mite Drag one oe Tech igure teow wane oveerert nore eso ae Fe 10)
‘Starting the lesson
1 Hold up choroctr story ow ond erry some Boom + Pơy COto4 ond sng the Deces the ut with te Ạ ổ tne protien” #foyz Ben need 12 3 Fs (The spaces
Trang 27
‘rom memory
@ Wee + Pip abe te ngs the che wg he wor Men colour
Coven he ores wh he om hon cư puree
1 Dak na pp show tapes ce
Ending the lesson
1 Mona sentences with the cass about the mean \@astration Put the fashcors onthe tosrd Soy There
‘are end ask ajnph to choose @fieshcard Hehe
Says the wort to complete the sentence e@ Thre ore flowers Repeat with ofr pups
(For Keys seep 70 For Aucioueret seep 72)
© O
1 Ask pops to red the sentences and respond Tru or
Fass cock one
1 Go trough the crswers with te cos
Trang 28
Setanta Thy chen the) apres rots oe
© G Listen, colour and drow
+ Exp tht pups oe going to nero scp of {We pcre ond mut row and curling the
Instructions Poy th coring cet te pues
1olsien Poy Rogan, powig ofa och or pu to compute ond color te pcre Pay £2
{hedtme so pups cn ack they have owed the ————
© took ot Activity + Fen te england 2 and writ ps on te Tựa ty ro tợ nde oa congue te
‘ering tence on radu re Se
Ending the lesson
1 Ploy C0220 and soy the chant Drie the ss nto
‘three groups Group A chants There's ond Thre are
‘ery ne Group 8 charts the noun in wach tine
‘ond Group C chants the colour odeive each in (0 tive Repeat the chant sopping groups 0 that
‘evecy group han @ chance 1 20y 8 the words (fer Kem, seep.70 for AoSosơnpt set p 72)
‘Sterting the lemon
1 Deis the dss nto groups (ch group a note
“chứ ngư (eotere the ass the picture and say the Presentation
* Use the oscars to teach the new vocabury up each Nostcard in tur ond sy the word tr pups torepect
| Holdup tosoy the words the Roshcards wo dierent opan, order tor pups
OG titer rape
DG Listen Then sing ond do the actions
* Soy and mune the actions te song (stame op, Jome shes) to moka the mecnig Sec Soy the verbs
‘rondo oer ond ait the Gast t mame
Trang 29
'© Ô Listen and find the right screen Then ask and answer + Foc onthe pctares of th creer Te pups hey đạt gong to her emerson chou one Da Thy mt tte od ety By the ecard png Se tach sete ft pts check wher ey ave Pars ent the Thư Re #ncenary + Go te cơm săn te den
* Re sơ 2 pof¬ One wu#etchoese od th ter Seen ats quesbors to fad ow 3 xen Sen Ppt then sp rs oe rep
@ Look, exk nd answer
‘Focus onthe sentences inthe Look! Box Ask pups
‘toreod the questions ond answers Check that they understand the meaning Hưp £ recnsxy + Papls wart pars Thy tate tres to ask and ‘cnrwer he goes Where re they” ond Fenpord
‘ttention to the wie of some and ary Ask pups (Ui when we ese these words (Both words con
‘De wsed with prs nous and uncountable nouns ‘We use some in postive sentences: Thre ore some
‘speders Theres Some wand We wie ryt nagative
‘Stotaments ond questiont There arent any ants i ‘mere any wind)
Trang 30
1 As pupis to chou ome screen from Acthnty 8 on PB 1 1S nd describe it to thew partner:
(for Keys saep 70 For Av#oscrpt seepp 72-73)
' Ask pups who woskd the to take the ports of Rose
‘Harry ond Hp Ask the voter to Cone tthe
‘root ofthe cow to oct ou the str Encourage tone of voce and expresuons to match those inthe
‘pictures Une the propa thot youve brought tothe ass you wah + Shếếe he tory cards and put ther random oeser con the board With books ced osk Whack pctre 5 fitSeeend tre? and 0 on Number the pctaes on
‘he Boor Pups open ther backs ond check Volues
1 Pai to trarmes and Sin the story A Is Moopte laying sty? Pio he are Disa (1) how to (lay soy with papas ASA Wy 8 parton 29 ay Sefty Wet ca we 3010 phy Sey me
“Ÿ.Ÿ.ˆo Home-School Link
1 Ask pups (1) wheat hy đo to pay say Tay
‘hone one ofthe acters they 60 nd drow @ Pe
— Ặ—
nung cung teen meron mee
5 ha eesess choi be phe 05 Han truce (nr se me See An mo ti Sy roman cane Gores are 2 SS——= ^
«Fett et tay sory ey ae gg tent
‘Soro rn Sone fond eine oop Sp pote ot cự Wheres Hoop oop
OG tien cnt rat Tan ete “newtnemycrtienseceentes tener @
pups to ook tthe sory pctres Ash, Wheres Hoops he sony? Pops wre er
ca De story and read te Ending the tesson
1 Dashay the Charatan tory can rune the room
‘Then descrbe 3 character forthe pups to quest
Proctice Dm grees ond Tm on alen Wno om 1 Pups pot 10
Trang 31
© G Usten and rood Men act out SIL D x
1 Pat te wondcards on the Board Holdup the picture
‘arts one at atime for pups to say the sounds Hold sp the pictur cords oon Pups 529 the sours ond (port to the corespanng Pat the picture cores below the correct sound wor dearth onthe ord
© tên be the sounds Focus on the pars of sounds Tel pups tht they ore
‘gong toate to the woy the sounds oe blended Pray the recording for pubs to haten to the sounds
‘roy i aga for pupa to tatan and bend the sounds
{© Reod the sentences cloud Then find air endear
The pups rwod the yeatences alt to themsetves
“Toey sent the ar Or sợ sound in each one
1 Gottrough the crrers and practise the sentences the oss
Saye ot ee omen ones
“Photocogleble 1.4 See teacher's notes p 288
Trang 32
@ Recs the number riddles Soy the onswer
1 Explain (L) what ore Ash pop they know (ay res encourage the to shar therm wi nam
© Say the it ride Paps tow thay books Ask
‘Pupls to read the fist ridie in ther books end to ‘etre ick the ons
1 Repect withthe secon ride
er 1 10 (The nember cf lượt cn 02s ben sc The surber of tgs on horse i fou 6 4= 10)
2 8 (The mabe of ogs on fro secs steve “The raber of begs on 9 cats four 12
© We the mumbers
= pt ret te qarion nd cnr tem cong comet
+ Oradea sound trom tn no oro Say words rome ito two rps Ge ach grup 2 Tin ven CHẾ nh Eng te
lesion Pup stand when they heor thew 35und = Se onsnaote Ne cui ae
Trang 33
‘Maths contest Working = groves, pupés write
tour sams with o massing mumber Groups swap ad sce the sas
Quodruped or biped Cot cut names of ter ent
‘two-legged and four-legged onimats Pups respond
bby hokding up the appropriate number of fingers a | yng warped bees
‘Protocopiable 1.6 See teacher's notes p 288
‘Spoce Iland poster See teachers notes 27
Proctice ' Pups work in pas to res the texts coud to ther
‘porters One chad reads Pobi's text and the other
‘eods Lacy Ask some ofthe pups to read the txts ‘sous to the dost
© Ask ond enrwer
1 Ask mcrae pups to rod the questons dowd to thedass Da
Portfolio project,
1 Ask paps to tank about whct they do thề
‘weekends the summer Ret the model urtences {othe dass Pups write sor setesces about
‘hemasives ther nctrbooks Go round the eth chang voi cu ing Corecters
1 Gore ech pup a pce of witng paper up wete ut te work ey
= Celtct the wort cd put Xm pups’ portion
(© Recs and write T= Troe or F= Fats + Pap read te ets op ad ce te setae
Sooner te Tapert ar ener
read and tick (/)
ook st the pictures sd reo the sentences They ted the picture tt thow where thy oy
§ sentences cout themaates Ending
1 Inet pups hare ey ome front and tat te ass (For Keys seep 71 sep 71)
Trang 34
(Drawing activity Give each ppl pace of paper ASK them to drow
‘apicture of where they play Pups write a short
‘description to go with their picture Wie the
Dapeng of sentences an the Booed tho pues 30 forthe Gescnptons: I ply _ TEv
Him Patio and fm đem Span To
‘nec the sec In te summer I go to {he beach ond I make costes wth Sond ond a bucket Tove sondcaste compettons
Apts poy Maing members seep 300) in teams of
‘Protacoplable 1.7 See teacher's sotesp 268
© Tel pups thot they are going to poy 0 ge in pars ‘Qe Pal A cd the oer ts Piph 8 Paps rast
‘Ghose e tơi chwct roe thir panel case to be ‘counter Paps put ter coumars onthe Start ons
` Poyệ take arm to ask questions about the pcre Post out te hay ot the top ofthe ORE which SPOS the aterent question types for pctares with re boctgrourd and yetow backgroends
15 ppt ou thew questions correct, ay Mow to ‘the ext square M ther question s correc they anit move: They mast try agai next te The Pst Dep to reach te Feehan the er
1+ Geran tne room and ep where nacesry When apts have fan playing te game go rough any language pots that have orsen wath the las Picture Dictionary
1 Ask pups to arm to AB p 104 and look ot the che Dictionary page for ten at They tron sợ,
© Look + Pep ooo the pcre nd wrt the words inne and write 7a Cec Oe cmon ove dome
© Look and write
‘+ Papts ook at picture ond complete the seteaces ‘When they have fvshed ok ect pups to Te38
Trang 35Tenhcerd game Play Nome (sme p 398)
Poster game ‘Ash pups to lok ot the Space Itand poster Ast
(gstions about what they can ve sợ Avethee
Hy tran tomersinects masa brats hare -— | Reading and Writing Booket > 2 Ser Asmar Key 204
Lesson 10 ===
Leson is @ Look and write
“Torevee engage trom the wot prov "septa fort essa + Pops took ot the pctares ond compte the gestions Pepi toak * Metnts
“hess CD beards Mature: bayer bos © We about your favourite place
Cptnal ecoety metas (AeoweTeoen Dep ACety Book Grammar pa pet th sertnces cent tl frou pac nt owe abot
Bookie: Test Bookiet Grarmorreferance, Acty Book unt review, Onine World: Wordcants Nature: Self assessment | hememade aber cords 1-10 + Foca on the setances tthe otto of the pope Papin bck the tangs they con
Ending the lesson Pate Bastcaras rare th bog or box Baga to tate ene out very Sowly The Gant gurmes what picture ts The tnt pup to make 0 crrect guess
©G Liter ond point Then sy «Te pt tt ty oe gig ote ren Dwploy ren Then they work together to wre © te pơder around the room
~ Fopd otk puss trom Stterent groups to read ther
mac — | 189 Secreta ons ern pos nen sex com c2
question Aw question cbout the pactures #9 = font Rowers, enather Sons, How many ter apedersionts are there” “ - ‘When they have flushed they
+ hoy cag pane wre xrchờy x nes | Sg ha own ae dae te pore tothe correct anewers
+ G2 0cut the re sữa te dons
(Re tere dean seenree canh (1-10 ng = down oo
Ẳ _) | 4e lsên ont peck up one cS om or roe of the mata Online tink santana 05, Thre are ree very 3m
Pups cm now go cnet Space sand and roy the ove ben ed ok How mony poms oe
= seceded pups to ik mare How many gon ther? Pop ook ot he tare ond rome ADK
tor ther conimste Grammar rterence See Fp 112 to reer Unit | review (Gromer Boolatp 3 See Aromer Key 6 286 See ABD 98
‘Test Booklet pp $9 Saw Anomer Key 294
Trang 38
(Lesson 4 Activity 7 p 11 (AB) 1 There's atree There ore some flowers Em
2 Theresa coud Thre ae ve bước 3 There's o mtroom There ar some insects
4 Theres ahora There are bro ots
‘Lesson 6 Activity 15 p 13 (AB)
Lesson phs 7 Activity 15 p 18
Lesson 8 Activity 18 p 19 cotas
By Hi Tm tio and Tm fom Spc I tve near
‘the 3a In Ow sume Igo to the beach ond Linake castes with sand anda bucket [love sondcoste competitions
1 My nome ‘nc is very cold winter At the weekends is Lacy Em trom the UK 1 velo ty I pay
Trang 39
Git in rater category, When eeryone |
your role Presentation
1 Present the vocabulary wang the Masher Hold up (400) flacard in turn nó vay the word for pupa to Fepeot Hott up the fosicargi mo Sflerent order tt pts to repeat ogo
1s Font to each ofthe characters the man Mustroton ‘ASL Who} th (Prose to right Hop, Hp, Professor Bloom and Rove) Ask pul.) Where ae te
‘Characters? (Theyre on the spaceship) What 8 Profescr Boom tom (Me vàng 3 pec gadget 10 project a photo ont the well)
+ Degeythe me te boo nd comet
‘Settee ead ot ne werd = tap
@G Listen and point Then say
` wornend prons nines PE ft
1 Pray the recoring, pouting aftr each phrase for ‘popts to find the er the main Westretion Play the recording opin ned ask pups to say the words Repeat Ast indus pupls to say the words fot
te dom
Trang 40
OG teen entree = Focus 8 the pictures Say brown htrmoxstoche’
ro eyes Pups point to the correct pace
+ Poy the recording Papa ste and follow the words
Poy the chant again, pausing oft secs tne for ups to repeat Poy Ra thed time for upd to say
+ Dende the dass nto two groups Pay the chant apa swith the groups Chanting tert toes
© G titan end cou Then met
+ TeÄ popl the ere ong to heờ @ description ot
some of Peters tory members They ust colour
‘the petures according to the escrptions Poy the recordiog posing after each sentence so pups can
‘colour the pctres
= Pupils draw ines to match the words to the person
Explain that some phraves wil have more than cone etch
‘Pup rod the sentences nthe Look Box Focus cơn {he crate and negative forms of ave’ got Help them create o simple ue £3 Use ve ot od Irareit got mith {onde Use got end hon tọc wtih se and Write Kon the boar Papa Copy a Der notebooks,
OG Lmten ond point
Focus onthe sentences Ash pupls to read them Brou quedy
‘+ Ted pups tht they are going to tsten to descriptions ferent members
of tomy Py the acorn
(passe after ea descrpton fr pups to pont to (e correct wore 1 Phy the recrting agin or them to cha thay mem