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ROUND FLOW [FCQ100-140KVEA] 160 67 160 124 109 95 Connection position of branch duct (square-shaped type) 20-M4 Prepared hole ¿1 Connection position (kno00 of branch duct holeck (round shape type) ) 90 Connection position 183 of fresh air intake kit C arrow view (direct installation type) 167 93 100=200 80 213 25 160 2x100=200 80 25 124 80 Connection position of branch duct (square-shaped type) [FCQ100-140KVEA] 213 C/L 29 95 93 [FCQ50-71KVEA] 90 95 110 124 35 or less (Note 4) Connection position of branch duct (square-shaped type) 35 or less (Note 4) Connection position of branch duct (round shape type) 85 55 27-M4 Prepared hole 256 157 350 A 67 160 95 167 93 29 60 105 840 81 100=200 64 160 50 35 or less (Note 4) Connection position of branch duct (square-shaped type) 1500 or more (required space) From the floor side 2500 or more For height installation 157 280 330 A 42 125 165 20 C/L 350 55 150 160 298 95 167 850 Adjustable(0~675) Suspension bolt 4-M8~M10 Connection position of branch duct (round shape type) 157 350 157 350 B arrow view Required space 200mm or more 1500mm or more 160 67 95 29 C/L ¿ (kn100 holoeck ) Connection position of branch duct (round shape type) Connection position of fresh air intake kit (direct installation type) 90 196 C arrow view [FCQ100-140KVEA] 16-M4 Prepared hole 55 Connection position of branch duct (square-shaped type) 175 29 50 40 160 288 10 840 340 80 100=200 80 160 256 Connection position 100=200 85 of branch duct (round shape type) 160 C/L 16-M4 Hole 157 350 35 or less (Note 4) Connection position of branch duct (round shape type) [FCQ100-140KVEA] 55 20-M4 Prepared hole 55 130 42 60 840 81 2x100=200 85 64 124 50 130 280 330 55 Connection position of branch duct B arrow view (square-shaped type) Connection position of branch duct (square-shaped type) 20-M4 Prepared hole 1500 or more (required space) 160 From the floor side 2500 or more For height installation 157 150 124 256 125 165 350 105 95 110 850 Adjustable(0~675) 80 175 29 20 C/L 50 40 160 246 10 840 340 80 100=200 124 157 350 [FCQ50-71KVEA] 16-M4 Prepared hole 55 Connection position of branch duct (square-shaped type) 81 157 350 Drain Connection Side 85 Connection position of branch duct (round shape type) 16-M4 Hole 95 110 124 950 C A arrow view [FCQ50-71KVEA] Suspension bolt 4-M8~M10 Connection position of branch duct (round shape type) Note 2x100=200 124 C/L 160 420 55 81 950 Pipe Connection Side 780(Suspension position) 860~910(Ceiling opening space) (Note 4) 300 860~910(Ceiling opening space) (Note 4) or less 710(Suspension position) 420 167 [FCQ50-71KVEA] 90 [FCQ50-140KVEA] B 80 [FCQ50-140KVEA] 1500mm or more 1500mm or more 200mm or more 1500mm or more When the blow-off grille is closing The required space is 500mm or more When uniting and closing a corner part (both right and left of the blow-off grille to close), it is 200mm or more 7 225 275 300 275 80 80 105 170 H 100 B view 195 Inspection hatch (450mmX450mm) Control box Air inlet 169 290 28 700 165 245 215 150 16-8X12 oblong hole Inspection hatch Ceiling (All around) CASE 2),3) 5X150 750 43 760 785 View (From the Air outlet) 18-8X12 oblong hole (All around) 513 Floor surface 6X150=900 925 950 (From the Air inlet) Inspection hatch Control box Air outlet Unit base Fig.A Air inlet Inspection hatch (450mmX450mm) Control box Inspection hatch Control box (SAME AS THE INDOOR UNIT SIZE +300 OR MORE) Control box B Ceiling 1300 or more 1000 200 or more or less 46 A 65=195 65=130 45 Air inlet (Note.2) Ceilling 20 or more 13X65=845 1000 700 or more (Service space) Air outlet 40 2X65=130 Drain pipe connection VP20 (For left piping) 600 Fresh sir intake position 6-M5 Hole (Circumference) 36- 4.7 Hole (All around) 65 450 or more (Service space) Inspection hatch 450 or more 25 80 14 435 212 144 55 800 150 277 247 150 The Front Obstacle Floor side o/ 45 440 315 CASE 1) 300 30 or more (Service space) Brand name plate (Note.2) 80 Position : Hole of wall for taking out in piping back (View from the front) Air outlet 90 155 B 30 or more (Service space) 67 150 200 300 Service space Note)2 115 60 11 105 10 631 (Suspention bolt position) 1038(Suspention bolt position) 805 11X65=715 260 15 27 65 85 102 160 185 192 36 210 (Hanging position) 55 65 60 Suspension bolt 57 Service space 300 or more F G 30- 4.7 Hole (All around) 145 60 Position slit hole for taking out in piping back (View from the front) 195 680 50 A (Hanging position) 300 or more (Required space) For height installation From the floor side 2500 or more 155 (Required space) 13 10 Hanging bolt 4-M8~M10 12 127 300 245 215 150 135 295 or more 170 105 90 18 17 16 142 58 135 (Required space) A * 40 65 *When the discharge grill is closeout, the required space is 200mm or more From the floor side 2500 or more For height installation (180) 45 or less Note)4 E 25 60 50 D 1500mm or more* 135 120 1500mm or more* 1500 or more (Required space) 160 228 89 62.5 10 1500mm or more* 200 or less 575 45 or less 160 P.C.D 125 (Knock hole) A view 145 183 285 750 Adjustable(0Ð545) Suspension bolt 4ÐM8 to M10 27 C B arrow view 62.5 205 172 211 Outdoor air intake (Direct connection) Required space 1500mm or more* 55 30 260 25 196 62.5 575 100 4ÐM4 Hole 320 62.5 A B 210 3X65=195 A arrow view I J (Suspension position) Pipe connection side 630 (Suspension position) Ceiling B 150 145 300 or more 200 or less 89 300 or more (Note.4) 2500 or more (A case without the ceiling) 533 (Suspension position) 585Ð660 (Ceiling opening space) 700 Drain connection side 250 208 150 Note)2 40 135 700 300 or less 585Ð660 (Ceiling opening space) 533 (Suspension position) 320 700 700 Inspection hatch or more or more (SAME AS THE INDOOR View B-1 View B-2 UNIT SIZE OR MORE) 13 29.5 311 Handle Brand name label 765 12 63 Outdoor air thermistor Manufacture's Label Wiring inlet 550 B Ceiling 7X150=1050 43 Inspection hatch 700 700 1160 Inspection hatch or more or more (SAME AS THE INDOOR View B-1 View B-2 1185 UNIT SIZE OR MORE) View (From the Air outlet) 20-8X12 oblong hole 713 (All around) Gas stop valve ( 9.5CuT) 50 150 100 22 196 In case of removing stop valve cover 150 Wall height on air outlet side =less than 1200 Minimum space for air passage 105 Service port Indication label 50 100 50 300 50 36 124 325 825 78 580 Brand name label Drain outlet (I.D o/ 15.9 hose for connection) ÐHoles for anchor bolts (M8 or M10) In case of removing stop valve cover Name plate Wiring inlet Terminal strip with earth terminal Outdoor air temperature thermistor 18 30 Gas stop valve (o/ 12.7 CuT) 100 50 350 50 350 350 100 50 155 160 100 Wall height on air outlet side =less than 1200 Minimum space for air passage Liquid stop valve (o/ 6.4CuT) Service port 89 64 735 8X150=1200 1325 1350 (From the Air inlet) Liquid stop valve ( 6.4CuT) 165 285 350 330 300 Floor surface 105.5 490 1700 or more 245 215 150 165 Ceilling Control box Control box Inspection hatch (SAME AS THE INDOOR UNIT SIZE +300 OR MORE) Control box 1400 200 or more or less 19X65=1235 1400 169 290 28 700 Air inlet (Note.2) Control box Unit base Air Air inlet outlet Fig A CASE 2),3) Inspection hatch (450mmX450mm) (SAME AS THE INDOOR UNIT SIZE OR MORE) 20-8X12 oblong hole (All around) 574 10 25 212 144 200 or less Air outlet 40 2X65=130 635 700 or more (Service space) Control box Air inlet 3X65=195 300 or more 300 (Note.4) 2500 or more (A case without the ceiling) 150 277 247 150 Inspection hatch 450 or more Inspection hatch (450mmX450mm) Inspection hatch Ceiling 65 450 or more (Service space) Air outlet 1438(Suspention bolt position) 1205 16X65=1040 CASE 1) 48- 4.7 Hole (All around) 300 or more 200 or less 10 20 or more 631 (Suspention bolt position) 80 27 40- 4.7 Hole (All around) - Holes for anchor bolts (M8 or M10) Drain outlet (I.D B15.9 hose for connection) 30 41 320 43 61 320 350 (345-355) 380 350 (345~355) 30 Hole for anchor bolt 4-M12 anchor bolts 140 4Ðcuts for(M12) 94 45 376 191 140 30 30 117 102 71 900 620 Drain outlet (I D o/ 25 hose for connection) Name plate Gas stop valve Terminal strip with earth terminal Liquid stop valve 620 140 900 30 Outdoor air thermistor 55 55 58 376 191 30 320 30 38 91 223 53 95 620 140 (Pitch of foundation bolt holes) 900 55 36 140 30 30 43 61 67 (Pitch of foundation bolt holes) 350 (345~355) 320 52 13 67 7 1345 350 (345~355) 30 770 620 900 13 16 350 350 140 52 16 71 80 145 70 102 117 100 100 45 Hole for anchor bolt 4-M12 30 19 53 19 Hole for anchor bolt 4-M12 41 84 95 54 89 142 50 94 140 55 422 423 95 Gas pipe (o/ 15.9 single union) Liquid pipe (o/ 6.4 single union) 54 30 67 89 126 90 50 104 Interconnecting piping and wiring inlet 350 50 50 60 Wall height on air outlet side =less than 1200 Minimum space for air passage 100 78 108 223 95 1170 410 770 6 6 191 89 19 142 71 45 376 191 95 55 223 80 145 58 16 19 53 67 54 89 13 54 84 95 95 435 416 60 52 16 16 80 145 71 102 117 70 102 117 376 223 53 95 19 45 54 95 84 55 339 341 54 95 19 58 16 89 142 71 24 89 28 60 55 55 52 13 67 Wireless type Remote controller dimensions ¥ CEILING MOUNTED CASSETTE TYPE Transmitting part COMPACT MULTI FLOW CEILING MOUNTED CASSETTE TYPE ¥ Receiver installation procedure ¥ Receiver installation procedure Drain piping side Receiver 157 Refrigerant piping side Receiver 62 Drain piping side 17.5 Remote controller holder installation procedure ¥ Decoration panel ¥ Receiver detail Liquid crystal remote controller (wireless) Remote controller holder CEILING MOUNTED BUILT-IN TYPE DUCT CONNECTION MIDDLE/HIGH STATIC PRESSURE TYPE Receiver detail Decoration panel ¥ Receiver detail (BYFQ60BW1) (BYFQ60B7W1) (BYFQ60B8W1) CEILING SUSPENDED TYPE ¥ Receiver installation procedure The Front Receiver 72 83.5 106 (Ceiling opening) 2-5x9 Slot 120 ¥ Refrigerant piping side 18 0.535 70 49 Switch box ¥ Receiver detail (Ceiling opening) (field Supplied parts) Note Do not: install more than receivers in the vicinity of one another With or more units, there is always the possibility of malfunction ¥ Remote controller dimensions ¥ Installation method BRC1D61 / BRC1C61 A Exposed body, exposed cord B Exposed body, embedded cord C Exposed body, embedded code 17 Conduit 120 17 Upper case A Exposed cord Upper outlet Control box B Embedded cord Note) Remote controller cord and staple are not attached They are field supplied parts C Embedded code (use switch box) 19 Condit 19 19 5X7 oblong hole Cord outlet hole 28 23 48.5 5X15 oblong hole 46 84 84 84 42 Staple Upper center outlet Through hole ( 12- 16) 17 Specifications of cord Shield wire (insulated thickness: mm or more) Type Size 0.75~1.25 mm2 Total length 500 m 40 120 17 ¥ Installation method Lower case Operation lamp (Green) 120 Cord outlet hole 0~5 (Between remote controller and control box) 40 BRC1E61 18 23 28 46 Remote controller Remote controller Remote controller 38 84 120 42 Staple 117 Wired type More than 90 (Srevice space) Service space for ceiling installation Left outlet 48.5 19 Lower case portion Note)2 28 Through hole Switch box for one switch ( 8- 10) ex.) KJB111A (optional accessory) Specifications of cord Vinyl cord with sheath or cable (insulated thickness: 1mm or more) Type Size 0.75~1.25 mm2 Total length 500 m 46 0~5 Switch box for two switch (Between remote ex.) KJB211A ler and (optional accessory) control control box) Switch box Lower case portion [field supplied part] Note) Remote controller cord and staple are not attached They are field supplied parts 2.If the hole size is too large or the location is not proper, the hole may come out from the remote controller ... Receiver installation procedure Drain piping side Receiver 157 Refrigerant piping side Receiver 62 Drain piping side 17.5 Remote controller holder installation procedure ... method Lower case Operation lamp (Green) 120 Cord outlet hole 0~5 (Between remote controller and control box) 40 BRC1E61 18 23 28 46 Remote controller Remote controller Remote controller 38 84 120... branch duct B arrow view (square-shaped type) Connection position of branch duct (square-shaped type) 20-M4 Prepared hole 1500 or more (required space) 160 From the floor side 2500 or more For