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Olivia Johnston PEARSON Grammar Vocabulary Listening Reading Welcome to Cosmic Kids! P4 a/an Alphabet Numbers 1-100 Colours Days and m onths The classroom Com plete the letters o f the alphabet Meet the Cosm ic Kids! Unit p My family Me and my things this, that, these, those Family My things and my pets A fam ily tree Personal inform ation Ellie and Alex Houses and rooms Furniture W hich room is it? Com plete a form about a house plurals (regular and irregular) be possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns My favourite things Kids in Japan Writing Speaking Greetings and introductions Telling the tim e A fam ily tree Capital letters W rite a letter to a magazine Talk about family, friends and pets Ask about your favourite things Give personal inform ation Sentences about a room Ask where things are Describe your room /house have got Skills p 14 Unit p 16 My home My room Prepositions of place there is/there are Possessive's Where is Bianca? My room Homes around the w orld W hose ? and, but, or W rite a description o f your home Review p 22 Unit p 24 My free time My everyday life Present simple Adverbs o f frequency Time expressions O bject pronouns Free tim e Everyday activities Countable and uncountable Food and drink Health A day in a life Hobbies A famous cat! Meet Tara M urray How you get to school every day? Free-time activities because My day Talk about free tim e activities and everyday routines Skills p 30 Unit p 32 Food and drink Be healthy Illness nouns some, any How m uch ?, How m any ? a lot of, a few, a little Shopping in the superm arket Illness and accidents Pet food Be healthy! Don't forget these tips! Get w ell soon! A menu Paragraphs first, then, after that, finally W rite a health tip Asking and offering T alkabout favourite food and health problem s Imperatives and Let's Review p 38 Unit p 40 Sports School Present continuous Present simple and present continuous Sport School subjects Match people to pictures Tiny is missing! My favourite subjects Schools around the w orld W rite a description o f a picture Spelling W rite a description o f your school Spot the difference Describe a picture Ask about everyday actions Talk about w hat people are doing now Grammar Vocabulary Listening Reading Writing Speaking be: past sim ple In tow n there was/there wasn't The countryside Identify w hat people are doing Identify where people are The chase through town! W rite sentences using must and Camp Adventure Town or country? mustn't Ask for and give directions Ask and answer ab ou t abilities Talk about how you things Skills p 46 Unit p 48 In the town In the country Time expressions can and can't must and mustn't Adverbs o f m anner Adjectives W rite a letter about your tow n, village or island Review p 54 Unit p 56 Appearance and personality Television Past simple regular verbs Past simple irregular verbs Descriptive adjectives Television programmes Put pictures in the correct order Put TV programmes in the correct order Face and body Animals Identify appearances Fill in words about appearance The map The British Film and TV School My favourite television program m e W rite a paragraph ab ou t w hat you did yesterday Reference words W rite a description of your favourite television program m e Describe people Ask and answer ab ou t actions in the past Compare you and your friend Compare animals Check gram m ar Compare people, things and places Describe a m onster Skills p 62 i Comparatives J Superlatives A nim als ' Dark Towers Anim al quiz! Monsters! W rite an article about a m onster Review p 70 Unit p 72 Clothes Weather and seasons going to will Order o f Clothes W eather and seasons Identify people and clothes Holidays Travel Identify key inform ation ab ou t a trip Identify pictures Gap fill Help! Life in the future Fashion Web adjectives W rite about w hat people are going to Punctuation W rite a paragraph ab ou t clothes and shopping Talk about w hat people are going to Talk about the w eather Ask and answer ab ou t clothes Sentences about thin gs you have to tom orro w Starting and finishing emails and letters W rite an email to a friend about Talk about fu tu re plans for the weekend Talk about things w e have to Talk about London Skills p 78 Unit 10 p 80 Holidays and Travel Present continuous (for future arrangements) have to (present simple) want and need We got them! Macinac Island A trip to London a holiday Review p 86 Cosmic Game p 88 The Cosmic Kids play p 90 Spelling and pronunciation p 92 Songs p 94 Secret words p 97 My Cosmic Kids Project p 98 Grammar file p 100 Wordlist and Irregular verbs list p 106 Match the numbers to the words AB О D HI F QR TU KL W X 60 50 Listen and com plete the alphabet ninety N 40 Z a h u n d re d Sixty \ Spell your name and your friend's name twenty e ig h ty 30 M - A - R - l - A Maria , rL -Mty forty W seventy Match the numbers to the pictures 100 20 nine 90 thirty seven two three six five four ten eight W rite the colours pink red green brown Ше orange black white yellow purple blu€ one — — M 10 Look and ta lk about the numbers 1 II 11 13 Ш 15 16 17 18 10 10 IO Friday JUerrday’ Sunday Thursday Tuesday Saturday Wednesday fA o n d a y a tfv W rite the days o f the week in the correct order 10 Now w rite a or an a girl orange apple egg boy ice cream cat umbrella Complete the table Singular Plural sister sisters car toy baby babies country bus buses box tomato knife knives thief add -s Put the letters in the correct order and w rite the months Then ask and answer ranuJay J a n u a ry reybruFa charM rilAp yaM enJu yuJI stuguA reptemSeb 10 cObrote change -y to -ies add -es change -f to -ves Complete w ith these words children 11 revNomeb _ m en When is yo ur birthday? My birthday is in May Match the words to the pictures apple feet jm e ff mice women fish 12 cremDebe boy ice cream cat c a rs dog orange egg child umbrella fish mouse tooth foot teeth 15 Match the pictures to the phrases Look at the table and com plete the sentences Use the verb to be A ffirm a tiv e N egative I am / 'm I am not / 'm not you/w e/they are / 're you/we/they are not / aren't he/she/it is / 's he/she/it is not / isn't Q uestions S hort answers Am I ? Yes, I am / No, I'm not Are you/we/they ? Yes, you are./ No, we aren't Is h e /s h e /it ? Yes, he is / ЁЛ ■ A What does'homework'mean? No, she isn't В Please, Sir Negative A ffirm ative I 'm a teacher I'm not a detective You children You _ teachers We W e English It Greek an orange He John It an apple 10 He Mark С I don't understand D Please, Miss E How you spell'picture'? 16 Draw the clock hands and tell the class the tim e five past Match the words to the pictures Then ask and answer bag desk board door book chair clock computer notebook pen pencil ruler teacher window ten past quarter to quarter past rubber twenty to twenty past twenty five to twenty five past half past It’s ten past three Ask and answer about the tim e W hat's number one? W hat tim e is it? It’s a door Meet the Cosmic Kids! Listen and read Hello, I'm Ellie and this is parrot Bianca Good morning I m Uncle Vinny and I'm a vet Find the secret words in each lesson and the puzzle at the end o f the book! Look, p o in t and say Now talk about yourself Hello, I 'm Listen and read Are Alex and Ellie brother and sister? Alex: Ellie: Alex: Ellie: Echo: Alex: Ellie: Hi, I'm Alex Is that your dog? Yes His name is Tiny I’m Ellie And this is my parrot, Echo Echo, Echo, Echo How old are you? I’m ten, but Echo is twenty-two! Ellie: That's our cat Her name is Bianca And that’s my granny Alex: Are you English? Ellie: No, we’re not We’re Greek Our surname is Pappas Alex: Who are those people? Are they your friends? Ellie: No, but their car is amazing Alex: This is my bike Ellie: What are those boxes? Alex: They're for my mobile phone, my notebook and my digital camera Ellie: Is that a radio? Alex: No It’s my GPS! And these are my binoculars I'm a reportf for the school blog! Ellie: Wow! Alex: Come on! Let’s go for a ride! Cosmic words Search the story W rite 'Right', 'W rong' or 'Doesn't say' Tiny is a dog Circle the words fo r boys and men Underline the words fo r girls and women R ig h t Echo is a cat Ellie is twelve mother father (^rothep sister grandfather grandmother Gran is sixty-five Ellie is Greek daughter Match the pictures to these words binoculars Family digital camera mcibite-^fTOTTe reporter GPS surname son cousin uncle aunt Listening Listen and w rite six fam ily w ords in the fam ily tree grandm other Helen (&&) George (И) L _ Cosmic grammar this, that, these, those — ^ Cathy (3G) This is a bike Steve (Зт) That is a car Im fe /TTN | These are bikes. _ Those are cars Write sentences Use this, that, these or those Adam (ll) Tom (10) Em m a CO l Speaking You are a person from the fam ily tree Say and guess Г Helen is my mother George Я is my father ■ V You're Cathy Writing Now draw your own fam ily tree and label it ' ( M » r V lfo r lA Listen and read Then match the names to the pictures pet 10 Cosm ic Blog T h e se k id s have g o t som e r e a lly cool th in g s ! R ead a b o u t th e m on o u r school blog! Spot the word! At the end o f each lesson com plete the secret words Lesson 1b Lesson 1c Lesson 2a Lesson 2b Lesson 2c Lesson 3a Lesson 3b Lesson 3c 0-0 -0 - — В —000 -0— -0— 00 — - — Lesson 4a Lesson 4b Lesson 4c Lesson 5a Lesson 5b Lesson 5c — -0 0_-0_ -40 Iуоиг \ Lesson 6a - Lesson 6b - Lesson 6c - Lesson 7a - Lesson 7b Lesson 7c Lesson 8a 0 _0— _ I В II I в Lesson 1a Lesson 8b Lesson 8c - — Lesson 9a _ _ _ _ _ -0 0 Lesson 10a -0 Lesson 10b Lesson 9b _ — Lesson 9c — — — - tine | _ Lesson 10c - Ш — Now use some o f the words from Exercise to com plete the crossword ACROSS DOWN You can sleep in this on a campsite This TV programme tells you about the world You can tell the time with this I can use this to take your photo Write your homework with this This drink has got lots of Vitamin C You have two of them to see with This little animal is a favourite pet 10 Wear these in summer and look cool! You can learn about the past in this lesson 11 These are nice but bad for your teeth! You can sit on this 13 Look in this and see your face 12 We say goodbye to winter at this time of year 16 Little children love this funny programme 14 Wear these on your hands when it's cold 17 This animal has the longest neck 15 You wear this on your head 18 Put this on your face and arms in summer 97 My personal factfile Complete the personal factfile w ith inform ation about YOU! Then stick your photograph in the factfile f Пате: Л flge: Stick your School: photograph here Brothers and sisters: Favourite colour: ^ Favourite number: J my name is Sports: My week at school Complete your school tim etable and w rite about it Days of the week M W Lesson M y favourite Lesson subject is I love Lesson I bate Lesson On Monday I Lesson On Wednesday I Clubs and activities On After school My pet Draw a picture o f your pet or your favourite animal and w rite about it — This i5 my He/5le He/5le Н е /б А е I ' is (colou rs ) a (animat is ( b i g / S m a l l ) is love my _ V is pel II (age) pel because _ л Complete the chart and w rite about your day Draw a picture o f yourself at home or at school R c tio n У IX T im e I g e t u p at get up early I clean my teeth wash my hands and face have breakfast go to school play football at break talk to my friends at break ride home on my bike r have lunch my homework watch TV have a shower V go to bed My bedroom Draw a picture or stick a photograph o f your bedroom here Then w rite a description o f your bedroom V у >' /• /' V т / ж у f r /'Vf/OfVf у v y v yv у v v v у У у J y y y y y y y y This is m y b e d ro o m It is (colour) It has g o t There is There are What am I going to wear? W rite down the clothes you are going to wear fo r each day Draw a picture o f yourself wearing those clothes A day at the beach School trip to a museum My birthday party 99 ^ r a m n ia r н и Welcome to Cosmic Kids! Unit a, an this; that, these, those • a is used with words that begin with a consonant This • an is used with words that begin with a vowel a tomato an apple a baby an egg We use this to talk about something that is singular and close to us This is a girl Regular plurals 1 1 That +s у + ies + es f + ves dog baby bus thief dogs babies buses thieves We use that to talk about something that is I j | Irregular plurals There are some words in English that don't follow any rules We have to learn these by heart j^ch ilcl fish foot I man I mouse I tooth woman children fish feet men mice teeth women singular and far away from us That is a boy These We use these to talk about something that is plural and close to us These are girls Those We use those to talk about something that is plural and far away from us Those are boys We can ask questions about objects with What's ?or What are ?We can answer these questions w ith It's or They're What's this? What's that? It's a box What are these? What are those? They're cats to be Affirm ative am / 'm you are / 're he Negative am n o t/'m not you are n o t/a re n 't he she she it we it we is /'s a re /'re they Questions Am ? Are you ? he ? Is she ? Are lOO is n o t/is n 't are not / aren't they Short answers Yes, 1am / No, I'm not Yes, you are / No, you aren't Yes, he is / No, she isn't i t ? we ? Yes, we are / No, they aren't they ? Possessive adjectivesand possessive pronouns We use possessive adjectives and pssessive pronouns to show who something belongs to Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives my you he your his she her it we its our their they I've got a hat It's my hat She's got a comic It's her comic You've got a box It's yours We've got a mouse It's ours Possessive pronouns mine yours his hers ours theirs have got Questions with Whose We use have got to talk about things that belong to us or possessions We also use it to describe people We use Whose ? t o ask who something belongs to she it we has / 's got have / 've got they Questions Have Has Have 1/ you g o t ? h e / s h e / it g o t ? w e /th e y g o t ? Negative have not / you he haven't got has n o t/ she hasn't got it we have not / they haven't got Short answers Yes, 1/ you have No, 1/ you haven't Yes, h e / s h e / it has No, he / she / it hasn't Yes, w e /th e y have It's Aunt Lucy's Whose keys are these? They're Mum's B e T c a re fu l! W hose and Who's {Who is) sound the same Whose dog is that? It's m y dog Who's that boy in the garden? He's m y brother, Jack Unit Present simple: affirmative We use the present simple to talk about habits and routines and permanent situations No, w e /th e y haven't I've got a notebook and som e pens He hasn't got a bag Have they got m obile phones? Unit play I play the piano plays Affirm ative There's a house There are three trees Questions Is there a bag? ■ we Are there dogs? Negative There isn't a door There aren't fish Short answers Yes, there is No, there isn't Yes, there are No, there aren't sand s' We use 's and s'to show that something belongs to someone • We use 's for names and singular nouns Helen's dog is brow n and white • We use s'for most plural nouns John and Peter have got a ball It's the boys' ball The children's room The w om en's toilet play Present simple: spelling like play go carry study wash watch have likes plays does goes carries +s + es у + ies studies washes + es watches has ve + s Rdverbs of frequency We use adverbs of frequency to show how often someone does something ■ always We use 's with irregular plural nouns Eric likes school My dad reads lots o f books there is, there are ■ fl ■ 1 fh-* Affirm ative have / 've got you he Whose m irror is this? Яusually Яoften sometimes Я never ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ •'ll 1 101 We use adverbs of frequency some, any • before the main verb, I often play backgammon with my dad • but after the verb be He is always amazing Present simple: questions and negative Questions Do you he Does she Do it we they Short answers draw? draw? draw? Negative n o t/d o n 't you paint he does n o t/ she doesn't paint it we n o t/d o n 't they paint Yes, 1do / No, you don't Yes, she does / No, it doesn't We use some and any to talk about an unknown amount of something We use some and any w ith plural countable nouns and w ith uncountable nouns We use some in affirmative sentences and any in questions and negative sentences I've got some sweets in my bag Are there any apples in your bag? No, there aren't any apples in it Is there any water in the bottle? No, there isn't any water Нош m uch ? Нош m any We use How much ? and How many ? to ask about the am ount of something I don't play the piano We use How much ? w ith uncountable nouns Does your dad read lots of books? We use How many ? w ith countable nouns Object pronouns Subject pronouns IГ Яyou O bject pronouns me you him 1she her it lt Яwe us ft they them How much milk have we got? How many bananas are there? a lot of a fern, a little • We use a lot of with plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns I like her She likes me We like her She likes us She likes him He likes her You like them They like you Unit Countable and uncountable nouns • Countable nouns are singular or plural The orange is in the bag There are three apples in the bag • Uncountable nouns are singular only The bread is on the table This water is cold She's got a lot of sweets They've got a lot o f food • We use a few with plural countable nouns There are a few nuts in the bag • We use a little with uncountable nouns There's just a little milk in the glass Imperatives We use the imperative to give instructions or orders The verb comes first (without you) and we put don't in front of the verb to make a negative imperative Affirm ative Stop! Negative Don't stop! Go! Don'tgo! Let's We use Let's to make suggestions 102 It's a nice day Let's have a picnic I'm hungry Let's buy some chocolate ft I Unit Unit t Present continuous be: past simple For actions that are happening now For things that happened in the past A ffirm a tiv e am / 'm you a re /'re he she it we they N egative Affirm ative l/he/she/it was am not 'm not are not w e/you/they were aren't playing is /'s weren't playing is not isn't are not a re /'re Q uestions S hort answers Was l/he/she/it? Yes, 1was Were we/you/they? No, 1wasn't Yes, they were No, they weren't aren't Q uestions S hort answers Yes, 1am / Am Are you running? Is he / she / it No, I'm not Yes, you are / No, you aren't Yes, he is./ No, she isn't Yes, we are./ No, they aren't Are w e /th e y What are you playing? Present continuous: spelling watch run I it I study ■ drive Д lie Negative l/he/she/it was not wasn't we/you/they were not + ing +n +t + ing ~e~ + ing Te + y + ing The pet thieves were at the beach Tiny wasn't on his towel there ujas, there шеге I A ffirm a tiv e ■ There was There wasn't 1 I There were Questions ■ Was there? There weren't Short answers Yes, there was i 1 Were there? No, there weren't N egative Time expressions watching running sitting studying driving lying Present simple and present continuous Present simple • For habits, routines and permanent situations We usually have lunch at one Cats don't eat fruit • We often use these words with the present simple: often, always, sometimes, usually, never, ever, once/ twice/three times a week, every day, on Mondays, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, at the weekend Present continuous • For actions that are happening now Ssh! We're watching a brilliant DVD I'm staying with my cousins at the moment • We often use these words with the present continuous: now, at the moment, today We often use these phrases with the past simple Flast— ■ ■ on ago yesterday in May, in November last week, last month on Sunday, on Monday evening tw o hours ago, a year ago yesterday, yesterday morning | I I can and can t for ability and permission We use can to talk about somebody's ability to something, and to give permission Affirm ative \J_you / he /_she / it / we / they can swim Negative I / you / he / she / it / we / they can't swim Questions _ Can I / you / h e / she / it / we / they swim? Short answers _ Yes, I /y o u / h e /s h e / it / we / they can No, I / you / he / she / it / we / they can't I can swim You can leave now You can't drive You can't come with me 103 must and mustn’t for obligation We use must and mustn'tto talk about things that are Past simple regular verbs: negative and questions necessary, like rules A ffirm a tiv e N egative 1opened 1didn't open I / you / he / she / it / we / they must go you liked we didn't like N egative he studied she didn't study I / you / he / she / it / we / they mustn't run Q uestions S hort answers | A ffirm a tiv e Did you phone me? Yes, 1did Did she ask you? Did they walk? You must be quiet in a test You mustn't eat sweets in class Adverbs of manner slow strange brilliant happy +iy + ly ±Jy Yes, they did We didn't catch the thieves We use adverbs of manner to describe how a person is doing something 1 ■ No, she didn't slowly strangely brilliantly happily She plays chess brilliantly They walk slowly Why did you stop? Past simple irregular verbs | I j There are some verbs that don't follow the rules for regular verbs We have to learn these by heart Mum made lunch at one o'clock She wrote some emails There is a list of irregular verbs on page 110 Unit & Comparative adjectives unit Past simple regular verbs: affirmative We use comparatives to compare two people or things Sally is slimmer than her sister For things that happened in the past S hort adjectives M ost verbs (add -ed) watch stay + ed watched stayed Verbs w ith -e (add -d) like live +d liked lived Verbs w ith one vo w e l and one conso n an t (d o u b le th e consonant) drop stop + p + ed dropped stopped Verbs w ith -y (-y- + -ied) carry try We watched a film I dropped the glass У" + -ied carried tried M ost adjectives A djective s e n d in g in -e tall -4 taller nice -4 nicer short -4 shorter cute -4 cuter long -4 longer rude -4 ruder A djective s w ith A djective s e n d in g in -y one vo w e l and one conso n an t big -4 bigger noisy -4 noisier fat -4 fatter dirty -4 dirtier slim - slimmer busy-4 busier Long adjectives Irre g u la r adjectives beautiful more good -4 better beautiful famous -4 more famous bad -4 worse B e ca re fu l! We use than after the adjective when we compare two things Jack is taller than Nick 104 Superlative adjectives w ill We use superlatives to compare three or more people or things To make predictions about the future The Nile is the longest river in the world A ffirm a tiv e N egative 1/y o u / h e / s h e / i t / w e / they will go 1/ you /h e / she / i t / we / they w on't go S hort a djectives M ost adjectives A djectives e n d in g in -e Q uestions S hort answers tall -4 th e tallest nice -4 th e nicest Will 1/ you / he / she Yes, / y o u / h e / s h e / / i t /w e /th e y go? i t / w e / t h e y will short -4 the shortest cute -4 th e cutest long -4 th e longest A djectives w ith rude -4 th e rudest A djectives e n d in g in -y No,/you/he/she/it/ we / they won't one vow el and one Take a sweater with you because it will be cold tonight conso n an t big -4 th e biggest noisy -4 th e noisiest Will they give us any food at the party? Yes, they will fat -4 th e fatte st d irty -4 th e d irtie s t Order of adjectives slim -4 th e slim m est busy -4 th e busiest Long adjectives Irre g u la r adjectives beautiful -4 the good -4 th e best m ost b e a u tifu l fam ous -4 th e m ost bad -4 th e w o rs t When we use two adjectives, the colour adjective comes second I've got an old red hat She's wearing her new green shirt Unit 10 fam ous Present continuous (for future arrangements) Unit going to We use going to to talk about our plans and intentions He's going to clean his teeth I don't like this and I'm not going to eat it! • For things happening now Be quiet! I'm watching television • We can also use the present continuous to talk about the future John is arriving at two o'clock tomorrow have to For plans and intentions A ffirm a tiv e N egative 1am / 'm am n o t/'m not he/she/it is / 's is n o t/is n 't going to leave we/you/they are n o t/a re n 't are / 're Q uestions and sh o rt answers We use have to to talk about things that are necessary, but that are not rules I have to go to the doctor's She doesn't have to wear a dress She can wear trousers Do I have to come? No, you don't Are you going to come? Yes, 1am want, need Is he going to finish? No, he isn't We use the verbs want and need with an object or with an infinitive What are you going to eat? We often use these phrases with going to: after school, this evening, at the weekend, in the summer/winter Do you want a drink? Do you want to play football? We need to talk about this problem I need my keys 105 Welcome to Cosmic Kids/ com puter Numbers notebook desk door pen one Months t wo three fou r five six January rubber February ruler March teacher April w in d o w May seven July Unit August la June e igh t nine ten 10 eleven 11 tw elve 12 thirtee n 13 fourteen 14 September Family O ctober aunt Novem ber brother December cousin _ fifteen 15 apple sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 19 tw e n ty 20 th irty 30 fo rty 40 mp3 player CD favourite kid money pet photo pocket sunglasses baby/babies grandfather box/boxes grandm other boy m other bus/buses sister car son 1C cat uncle age surfboard sweets te n t capital blog festival digital camera Japan ice cream n't know Japanese J knife/knives English kim ono Л m an/m en fam ily tree letter mouse/m ice friend nationality orange GPS prize sister granny school uniform thief/thieves Greek tem ple tom ato hat to o th /te e th m obile phone toy notebook w o m an/w om en parrot orange pink purple red people w hite 106 kitten fo o t/fe e t green Wednesday keys fish brown Tuesday hamster capital letter blue M onday goldfish city/cities black Days of the week com puter game glasses binoculars ninety 90 yellow comic amazing eigh ty 80 V bird egg seventy 70 Colours father Possessions and pets country sixty 60 r daughter child/children fifty 50 a hundred 100 pencil lb J unit г 2a r Prepositions of place In the classroom radio behind bag reporter in board ride on book surname next to chair thin g under clock J Houses and rooms poster magazine sandwich balcony shower Maths vegetables bathroom view meet model bedroom Unit floor garden water V orange juice bad for paint bananas spaghetti be careful kitchen 3a living room Free time Spanish get o u t o f the way pool collect stamps start I'm sure to ile t puzzles tea like wall go o u t w ith my friends w in d o w 3c love ride my bike play the piano/chess _ take photos glove _ jo b pill brilliant problem cereal room n't w orry strange expensive table famous television find tree finish too listen to music m ilk vet missing 2b P Furniture ~\ no problem program m e bed sit desk wash drawer worried lamp Time expressions every day every Sunday at e igh t o'clock at night at the weekend in the afternoon next nuts pet food shut up steal stop superm arket W ould you like in the m orning on Mondays ч 4b after Australia brown bread by boat cakes by bus check desert dentist forest n't forget India exercise Internet healthy late inside near meal m irror 3b river menu shelf Everyday activities run sleep clean my teeth supper stay bunk bed my hom ew ork the Congo tips cage get up walk CD player go to bed 4c game go to school garage have a shower poster have breakfast great watch television _ teddy bear 2c around the w orld carpet clock cupboard fantastic flat home horse houseboat nice plants J _ Unit Health ctor He's g o t tu m m y ache Food and drink biscuits buy bread chocolate bu tte r cinema cereal clothes cheese coffee chicken dance crisps draw eggs drink fish early fru it French meat Italian m ilk lem onade oranges lunch salad His leg hurts, nurse She feels sick She's g o t a cold She's g o t a cut on her hand She's g o t a headache add dark finally first garlic good for honey idea 107 illness art class in fro n t o f lem on juice beach on your le ft/rig h t Mexican email street mix fun tu rn le ft/rig h t pain hobby zoo porridge laptop put photography 6b salt project Scotland study send subject sleepy term strawberry test taste 5c then The countryside fence field flow er forest grass hill actor island Brazilian m ountain Unit break path coach sea 5a dancing valley yo g h u rt Sport athletics basketball cycling diving gymnastics karate sw im m ing tennis volleyball water-skiing w indsurfing get m oney drive help horrible look for m agnifying glass map tow el 5b slim tall ugly carry catch cry drop nice to m eet you python speak strong on television bin pass cam ping play (n) campsite 7b playground clim b Television programmes singing delicious cartoon soccer school fire com edy teach go fishing docum entary television studio have a picnic game show theatre school lake soap opera tw ice leave rubbish the news understand visit zoo keeper pick flowers Unit red lights anim ation 6a rule cameraman shut film (v) In town snorkel film camera bank water sports holiday cafe 6c kill car park cinema hospital museum post office superm arket Art train station Com puter Studies bell Geography birthday History go past Maths go straight on Physical Education (PE) go towards 108 short beautiful toy shop Science beautiful fat im agine School subjects Drama Descriptive adjectives adventure holiday fast fo llo w Та gym at the m om ent car park Unit gate act vitam in С statue go u p /dow n lights boring busy dangerous d irty Eiffel Tower hungry magic make a film marry read the news team travel in the country insect 7c noisy Africa penfriend a irpo rt pop concert bridge quiet change sheep d ifficu lt small Himalayan m ountains kind kilo w a it a m inute shells nature m osquito 9b sleeping bag normal penguin milkshake rabbit m onkey restaurant perfect singer polar bear snake presenter whale snow leopard wings the Philippines 8c tru th Weather and seasons autum n spring w in te r It's cloudy It's raining It's snowing best friend It's stormy building It's sunny donkey It's windy 8a dragon arm back ear eye fo o t hair hand head leg m outh neck nose tum m y cold heavy high kick naughty noise rich rude smile tail unfriendly swim suit ticket um brella sum m er Unit & Face and body suitcase newspaper pay rest (n) sell torch trip 10b fig h t at home Travel forehead clean coach get married cook ferry giant easy helicopter king future lorry m erm aid go on holiday m otorbike m onster journey plane m ythology robot ship player roofs train princess space ship scary 9c win apostrophe Unit backpack 9a comma Clothes exclam ation mark boots dress hat jacket jeans scarf shirt shoes skirt socks 8b sweater Animals T-shirt camel to p cheetah tracksuit elephant trainers fox trousers carriage cove bracelets fashion full stop hair clip crossing ice peaceful road snow m obile sun cream tiny tourists hate kilt 10c necklace castle present dinosaur question mark fish and chips qu otatio n mark market sporran Natural History striped picnic tie tired wear Unit 10 10a giraffe gorilla doorbell owl excuse me shark fly away go away bull cafe ring (v) teach som ebody a lesson Holidays cap horse riding passport postcard sand 109 Verb Past simple Verb Past simple be was/we re leave left become became lose lost begin began make made break broke mean meant bring brought meet met build built put put burn burned/burnt read read buy bought rewrite rewrote catch caught ride rode choose chose ring rang come came run ran cut cut say said did see saw draw drew send sent dream dreamed/dreamt shine shone drink drank sing sang drive drove sit sat eat ate sleep slept fall fell smell smelled/smelt feed fed speak spoke feel felt spell spelled/spelt fight fought spend spent find found stand stood fly flew swim swam forget forgot take took get got teach taught give gave tell told go went think thought have had throw threw hear heard understand understood hold held wake woke hurt hurt wear wore know knew win won learn learned/learnt write wrote 110 В Н Н В ш ш ш Щ Ш Ш ш зШ ’ Search for the answ ers to all these questions in the exciting first adventure of @ 0 M Voung learners шШ really enjoy learning English through animated stories, interactive gaming, songs, blogs, plays and projects ujhile Following the trail of the pet thieves We recommend the Longman Children’s Picture Dictionary and Penguin Active Reader The Cup in the M iil[H (ffl3is a fun, three-level course for Senior fl-B-Cstudents ujritten especially for Greece and Cyprus This course ensures that all shills are integrated within the English language teaching syllabus, ujhile giving special attention to writing and grammar @ G 0M 90E®is fully supported iuith state-of-the-art digital components that learners at this age love to engage with Forest to accompany the course F I V: „ * > _ Picture , D ictionary For Students Students' Booh uuith digital FIctiveBooH UJorhbooh Grammar Booh Companion Test Booh For Teachers Teacher's Booh uuith BctiveTeach Interactive Whiteboard software Teacher's Editions of UJorhbooh, Grammar Booh, Companion and T e s t^ ^ l Class R u d i^ S n 9781408258088 iniww.pearsonELT.gr ... the numbers 1 II 11 13 Ш 15 16 17 18 10 10 IO Friday JUerrday’ Sunday Thursday Tuesday Saturday Wednesday fA o n d a y a tfv W rite the days o f the week in the correct order 10 Now w rite a or... Game p 88 The Cosmic Kids play p 90 Spelling and pronunciation p 92 Songs p 94 Secret words p 97 My Cosmic Kids Project p 98 Grammar file p 10 0 Wordlist and Irregular verbs list p 10 6 Match the... Listening Reading Welcome to Cosmic Kids! P4 a/an Alphabet Numbers 1- 100 Colours Days and m onths The classroom Com plete the letters o f the alphabet Meet the Cosm ic Kids! Unit p My family Me

Ngày đăng: 25/11/2017, 14:58



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