Introduction In this book, the basics of reservoir simulation are presented through the modeling of single-phase fluid flow and multi-phase flow in petroleum reservoirs using the engi- n
Trang 1P e t r o l e u m
R e s e r v o i r S i m u l a t i o n
A Basic A p p r o a c h
Jamal H Abou-Kassem Professor of Petroleum Engineering
United Arab Emirates University
AI-Ain, The United Arab Emirates
S M Farouq Ali Petroleum Engineering Consultant
PERL Canada Ltd
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
M Rafiq Islam Professor and Killam Chair in Oil and Gas
Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Trang 2Petroleum Reservoir Simulation: A Basic Approach
Copyright © 2006 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas All rights reserved N o part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher
H O U S T O N , TX:
Gulf Publishing Company
2 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1020
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Petroleum Reservoir Simulation: A Basic Approach/ Jamal H Abou-Kassem [et
a l ]
p cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 0-9765113-6-3 (alk paper)
I Petroleum Simulation methods, manuals, etc 2 Petroleum Mathematical models, manuals, etc 3 Hydrocarbon reservoirs Simulation methods, manuals, etc 4 Hydrocarbon reservoirs Mathematical models, manuals, etc 5 Petroleum engineering Mathematics, manuals, etc I Abou-Kassem~ 3amal H (lama1 Hussein) TN870.57.R47 2006
553.2'8015118 dc22
Printed in the United States of America
Printed on acid-free paper, oo
Text design and composition by TIPS Technical Publishing, Inc
Trang 3We dedicate this book to our parents
Trang 4Preface
The "Information Age" promises infinite transparency, unlimited productivity, and true access to knowledge Knowledge, quite distinct and apart from "know-how," requires a process of thinking, or imagination the attribute that sets human beings apart Imagina- tion is necessary for anyone wishing to make decisions based on science Imagination always begins with visualization actually, another term for simulation
Under normal conditions, we simulate a situation prior to making any decision, i.e., we abstract absence and start to fill in the gaps Reservoir simulation is no exception The two most important points that must not be overlooked in simulation are science and multi- plicity of solutions Science is the essence of knowledge, and acceptance of the multi- plicity of solutions is the essence of science Science, not restricted by the notion of a single solution to every problem, must follow imagination Multiplicity of solutions has been p r o m o t e d as an expression of uncertainty This leads not to science or to new authentic knowledge, but rather to creating numerous models that generate "unique" solu- tions that fit a predetermined agenda of the decision-makers This book reestablishes the essential features of simulation and applies them to reservoir engineering problems This approach, which reconnects with the o l d - - o r in other words, time-tested concept of knowledge, is refreshing and novel in the Information Age
The petroleum industry is known as the biggest user of computer models Even though space research and weather prediction models are robust and are often tagged as "the mother of all simulation," the fact that a space probe device or a weather balloon can be launched while a vehicle capable of moving around in a petroleum reservoir c a n n o t - - makes modeling more vital for tackling problems in the petroleum reservoir than in any other discipline Indeed, from the advent of computer technology, the petroleum industry pioneered the use of computer simulations in virtually all aspects of decision-making This revolutionary approach required significant i n v e s t m e n t in l o n g - t e r m research and advancement of science That time, when the petroleum industry was the energy provider
of the world, was synonymous with its reputation as the most aggressive investor in engi- neering and science More recently, however, as the petroleum industry transited into its
"middle age" in a business sense, the industry could not keep up its reputation as the big- gest sponsor of engineering and long-term research A recent survey by the United States Department of Energy showed that none of the top ten breakthrough petroleum technolo- gies in the last decade could be attributed to operating companies If this trend continues, major breakthroughs in the petroleum industry over the next two decades are expected to
be in the areas of information technology and materials science When it comes to reser- voir simulators, this latest trend in the petroleum industry has produced an excessive emphasis on the tangible aspects of modeling, namely, the number of blocks used in a simulator, graphics, computer speed, etc For instance, the number of blocks used in a res- ervoir model has gone from thousands to millions in just a few years Other examples can
Trang 5xii Preface
be cited, including graphics in which flow visualization has leapt from 2D to 3D to 4D, and computer processing speeds that make it practically possible to simulate reservoir activities in real time While these developments outwardly appear very impressive, the lack of science and, in essence, true engineering render the computer revolution irrelevant and quite possibly dangerous In the last decade, most investments have been made in software dedicated to visualization and computer graphics with little being invested in physics or mathematics Engineers today have little appreciation of what physics and mathematics provide for the very framework of all the fascinating graphics that are gener- ated by commercial reservoir simulators As companies struggle to deal with scandals trig- gered by E n r o n ' s collapse, few have paid attention to the lack of any discussion in engineering education regarding what could be characterized as scientific fundamentals Because of this lack, little has been done to promote innovation in reservoir simulation, particularly in the areas of physics and mathematics, the central topical content of reser- voir engineering
This book provides a means of understanding the underlying principles of petroleum res- ervoir simulation The focus is on basic principles because understanding these principles
is a prerequisite to developing more accurate advanced models Once the fundamentals are understood, further development of more useful simulators is only a matter of time The book takes a truly engineering approach and elucidates the principles behind formulating the governing equations In contrast to cookbook-type recipes of step-by-step procedures for manipulating a black box, this approach is full of insights To paraphrase the caveat about computing proposed by R W Hamming, the inventor of the Hamming Code: the purpose of simulation must be insight, not just numbers The conventional approach is more focused on packaging than on insight, making the simulation process more opaque than transparent The formulation of governing equations is followed by elaborate treat- ment of boundary conditions This is one aspect that is usually left to the engineers to
"figure out" by themselves, unfortunately creating an expanding niche for the select few who own existing commercial simulators As anyone who has ever engaged in developing
a reservoir simulator well knows, this process of figuring out by oneself is utterly con- fusing In keeping up with the same rigor of treatment, this book presents the discretiza- tion scheme for both block-centered and point-distributed grids The difference between a well and a boundary condition is elucidated In the same breadth, we present an elaborate treatment of radial grid for single-well simulation This particular application has become very important due to the increased usage of reservoir simulators to analyze well test results and the use of well pseudo-functions This aspect is extremely important for any reservoir engineering study The book continues to give insight into other areas of reser- voir simulation For instance, we discuss the effect of boundary conditions on material- balance-check equations and other topics with unparalleled lucidity
Even though the book is written principally for reservoir simulation developers, it takes an engineering approach that has not been taken before Topics are discussed in terms of sci- ence and mathematics, rather than with graphical representation in the backdrop This makes the book suitable and in fact essential for every engineer and scientist engaged in modeling and simulation Even those engineers and scientists who wish to limit their
Trang 6of the UAEU Center of Teaching and Learning Technology, for his most skillful computer drafting of all figures in this book
We are most deeply thankful to all our "teachers," from whom we have learned all that we know, and to members of our families, for their encouragement, their support, and most importantly their patience and tolerance during the writing of this book
J H Abou-Kassem
S M Farouq Ali
M R Islam
Trang 7Introduction
In this book, the basics of reservoir simulation are presented through the modeling of single-phase fluid flow and multi-phase flow in petroleum reservoirs using the engi- neering approach This text is written for senior-level B.S students and first-year M.S students studying petroleum engineering and aims to restore engineering and physics sense to the subject In this way, it challenges the misleading impact of excess mathemat- ical glitter that has dominated reservoir simulation books in the past The engineering approach employed in this book uses mathematics extensively but injects engineering meaning to differential equations and to boundary conditions used in reservoir simulation
It does not need to deal with differential equations as a means for modeling, and it inter- prets boundary conditions as fictitious wells that transfer fluids across reservoir bound- aries The contents of the book can be taught in two consecutive courses The first, an undergraduate senior-level course, includes the use of a block-centered grid in rectangular coordinates in single-phase flow simulation This material is mainly included in Chapters
2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9 The second, a graduate-level course, deals with a block-centered grid in radial-cylindrical coordinates, a point-distributed grid in both rectangular and radial-cylin- drical coordinates, and the simulation of multiphase flow in petroleum reservoirs This material is covered in Chapters 5, 8, and 10 in addition to specific sections in Chapters 2,
4, 6, and 7 (Secs 2.7, 4.5, 6.2.2)
Chapter 1 provides an overview of reservoir simulation and the relationship between the mathematical approach presented in simulation books and the engineering approach pre- sented in this book In Chapter 2, we present the derivation of single-phase, multidimen- sional flow equations in rectangular and radial-cylindrical coordinate systems In Chapter
3, we introduce the Control Volume Finite Difference (CVFD) terminology as a means to writing the flow equations in multidimensions in compact form Then we write the general flow equation that incorporates both (real) wells and boundary conditions, using the block- centered grid (in Chapter 4) and the point-distributed grid (in Chapter 5), and present the corresponding treatments of boundary conditions as fictitious wells and the exploitation of symmetry in practical reservoir simulation Chapter 6 deals with wells completed in both single and multiple layers and presents fluid flow rate equations for different well operating conditions Chapter 7 presents the explicit, implicit, and Crank-Nicolson formulations of single-phase, slightly compressible, and compressible flow equations and introduces the incremental and cumulative material balance equations as internal checks to monitor the accuracy of generated solutions In Chapter 8, we introduce the space and time treatments
of nonlinear terms encountered in single-phase flow problems Chapter 9 presents the basic direct and iterative solution methods of linear algebraic equations used in reservoir simula- tion Chapter 10 is entirely devoted to multiphase flow in petroleum reservoirs and its sim- ulation The book concludes with Appendix A, which presents a user's manual for a single- phase simulator The CD that accompanies the book includes a single-phase simulator
Trang 9IAI = square coefficient matrix
b L, = reservoir east boundary
b L = reservoir lower boundary
b N = reservoir north boundary
b s = reservoir south boundary
b U = reservoir upper boundary
b w = reservoir west boundary
b = coefficient o f unknown x,_,~,, r ,
defined b y Eq 9.46a
B = parameter, defined b y Eq 9.29 in
Bei = formation v o l u m e factor of phase p
c = fluid compressibility, psi -1 l k P a - l l
c¢ = porosity compressibility, psi -1 [kPa -1]
c a = rate o f fractional viscosity change with pressure change, psi -1 [kPa -1]
C = parameter, defined b y Eq 9.30 in Tang' s algorithm
CMe = cumulative material balance check, dimensionless
Trang 10xviii Nomenclature
Cop = coefficient o f pressure change over
time step in expansion of oil
accumulation term, STB/D-psi
[std m3/(d.kPa)]
Cow = coefficient o f water saturation
change over time step in expansion
o f oil accumulation term, STB/D
[std m3/d]
C,~p = coefficient o f pressure change over
time step in expansion o f water
accumulation term, B/D-psi
[ std m3/(d.kPa) ]
Cww = coefficient o f water saturation
change over time step in expansion
of water accumulation term, B/D
between two successive iterations
d = RHS o f equation for gridblock n,
f , l p,,,~ = nonlinearity, defined b y Eq 8.17
F(t) = argument o f an integral at time t
F~ = ratio o f w e l l b l o c k i area to theoretical area from which well withdraws its fluid (in Chapter 6), fraction
F m = argument o f an integral evaluated
at time t m F(t m) = argument o f an integral evaluated at time t"
F ° = argument o f an integral evaluated
at time t"
F(t") = argument o f an integral evaluated at time t"
F n+l = argument o f an integral evaluated
at time t n+l F(t n+l) = argument of an integral evaluated at time t "+~
F n+1/2 = argument o f an integral evaluated at time t "~ln
F(t n+l/z) = argument o f an integral evaluated at time t "+1/2
g = gravitational acceleration, ft/sec 2 [m]s 2]
gi = element i o f a temporary vector (~) generated in T h o m a s ' algorithm
Gy i = interblock geometric factor between b l o c k i and b l o c k i -T- 1
Trang 11Nomenclature xix
along the x direction, defined by
Eq 8.4
G = interblock geometric factor
between blocks 1 and 2 along the
x direction
Gy2 6 = interblock geometric factor
between blocks 2 and 6 along the
y direction
G~,,,2.j k = interblock geometric factor
between block (i,j,k) and
block (i-y-l,j,k) along the
r direction in radial-cylindrical
coordinates, defined in Table 4-2,
4-3, 5-2, and 5 - 3
Gx i+ll2,j,k = interblock geometric factor
between block (i,j,k) and
block (i-y-l,j,k) along the
x direction in rectangular
coordinates, defined in Table 4-1
and 5-1
Gy~j = interblock geometric factor
between block (i,j,k) and
block (i,j-y-l,k) along the
y direction in rectangular
coordinates, defined in Table 4-1
and 5-1
G = interblock geometric factor
between block (i,j,k) and
block (i,j, kT-1) along the
z direction in rectangular
coordinates, defined in Table 4-1
and 5-1
G = interblock geometric factor
between block (i,j,k) and
block (i,j, kT-1) along the
h = thickness, ft [m]
h i = thickness of wellblock i , ft [m]
h I = thickness of wellblock l, ft [m] IMB = incremental material balance check, dimensionless
k = horizontal permeability, md [~tm 2]
k., = horizontal permeability of wellblock i , md [Ixm 2]
k r = permeability along the r direction in radial flow, md [~m 2]
kr~ = relative permeability to gas-phase, dimensionless
kro = relative permeability to oil-phase, dimensionless
k = relative permeability to oil-phase
at irreducible water saturation, dimensionless
krog = relative permeability to oil-phase
in gas/oil/irreducible-water system, dimensionless
k o w = relative permeability to oil-phase
in oil/water system, dimensionless krp = relative permeability to phase p, dimensionless
k~p = relative permeability phase p between point i and point i-T- 1 along the x axis, dimensionless
Trang 12kx Ix,~1,2 = permeability between point i
and point i -T 1 along the x axis,
log e = natural logarithm
L = reservoir length along the x axis, ft
[L] = lower triangular matrix
L = reservoir length along the x axis, ft
m i = mass of component c entering
reservoir from other parts of
reservoir, lbm [kg]
m~ ]x,_l,~ = mass of component c entering
block i across block boundary
xi_ m , l b m [kg]
m~o [~, = mass of component c leaving
block i across block boundary
xi+l/2 , lbm [kg]
mcs, = mass of component c entering (or leaving) block i through a well, lbm [kg]
m n ,, = mass of component c per unit volume o f block i at time t n, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3]
m "+1 = mass of component c per unit c v i
volume of block i at time t n+l, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3]
rhcx = x-component of mass flux of component c, lbm/D-ft 2 [kg/(d.m2)]
mig~ = mass of free-gas-component per unit volume of reservoir rock, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3]
rhig~ = x-component o f mass flux o f free- gas-component, lbm/D-ft 2
m i = mass of fluid entering reservoir from other parts of reservoir, lbm [kg]
mi Ix = mass of fluid entering control volume boundary at x, lbm [kg]
milr = mass of fluid entering control w)lume boundary at r, lbm [kg]
mi [x, = mass of fluid entering block i across block boundary xi_l/2 , l b m [kg]
mi 10 = mass o f fluid entering control volume boundary at O, lbm [kg]
m o = mass of fluid leaving reservoir to other parts of reservoir, lbm [kg]
mo[r+Ar = mass of fluid leaving control volume boundary at r + A r , lbm [kg]
Trang 13N o m e n c l a t u r e xxi
mov = mass of oil-component per unit
volume of reservoir rock, lbm/ft 3
lkg/m 3]
rhox = x-component of mass flux of oil-
component, lbm/D-ft 2 lkg/(d.m2)]
mo ]x+~ = mass of fluid leaving control
volume boundary at x + A x , Ibm
mo [x~ = mass of fluid leaving block i
across block boundary xi,1/2 , Ibm
mo [0+A0 = mass of fluid leaving control
w)lume boundary at 0 + A 0 , Ibm
m = mass of fluid entering (or leaving)
reservoir through a well, Ibm [kg]
m = mass of fluid entering (or leaving)
block i through a well, lbm [kg]
m = mass of fluid per unit volume of
m = mass of water-component per unit
volume of reservoir rock, lbm/ft 3
[kg/m 3 ]
rhwx = x-component of mass flux of water-component, lbm/D-fl 2 [kg/(d.m2)]
rh x = x-component of mass flux, lbm/D-
ft 2 [kg/(d.m2)]
rhx [x = x-component of mass flux across control volume boundary at x, lbm/D-ft 2 [kg/(d.m2)l
r h [x+~ = x-component of mass flux across control volume boundary at
x + A x , lbm/D-ft 2 [kg/(d.m 2) l
r h [x~ = x-component of mass flux across block boundary xi+l/2, lbm/D-ft 2 [kg/(d.m2)]
M = gas molecular weight, lbm/lb mole [kg/kmole]
Mp, = mobility of phase p in wellblock
i , defined in Table 10-4
n = coefficient of unknown x,+,, x , defined by Eq 9.46e
n r = number of reservoir gridblocks (or gridpoints) along the r direction
N = number of blocks in reservoir
P = pressure, psia [kPa]
p° = reference pressure, psia [kPa]
Trang 14xxii Nomenclature
= average value pressure, defined by
Eq 8.21, psia [kPa]
Pb = oil bubble-point pressure, psia
Pi = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint) or
wellblock i , psia [kPa]
p~' = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
i at time t m, psia lkPal
Pi~l = pressure o f gridblock (gridpoint)
i -Y- 1 at time t m, psia [kPa]
( i,j,k ) at time t m, psia [kPa]
p~ i~l,j.k = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
( iT 1,j,k ) at time t m, psia [kPa]
r n
Pgj~l,k = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
( i, j T- l, k ) at time t m, psia [kPa]
p~ i,j,k~l = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
( i,j,k -Y- 1 ) at time t m, psia [kPa]
pn = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint) i
at time t n, psia [kPa]
p n 4 1 = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
i at time t n+l, psia [kPa]
( e ~ l )
p y l = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
i at time level t n+l and iteration
v + 1, psia [kPa]
{ ~ - t )
6p~ *~ = change in pressure of gridblock
(gridpoint) i over an iteration at
time level n + 1 and iteration
P.1 = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
i + 1 at time t n, psia [kPa]
p l = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint) i + 1
i + 1 at time t n+l, psia lkPa] p.+l i-T-1 ~-~ pressure of gridblock (gridpoint) i-T-1 at time t n+l, psia [kPa] Pij,k = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
or wellblock ( i,j,k ), psia [kPa] p~ = pressure of neighboring gridblock (gridpoint) l, psia [kPa]
p = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint) or wellblock n, psia lkPa]
pO = initial pressure of gridblock (gridpoint) n, psia [kPal p" = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint) or wellblock n at time level n, psia [kPal
pn+l = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
i at time level t n+l and iteration
v , psia [kPal p~+l = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
or wellblock n at time level n + 1 , psia [kPa]
p ~ = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint) n
at old iteration v , psia [kPa] p~V+l~ = pressure of gridblock (gridpoint)
n at new iteration v + 1, psia [kPa]
Pp, = pressure of phase p in gridblock (gridpoint) i , psia [kPa]
Pp~;, = pressure of phase p in gridblock (gridpoint) i -Y- 1, psia [kPa]
Po = oil pressure, psia [kPa]
Pr# = pressure at reference datum, psia [kPa]
Psc = standard pressure, psia [kPa]
Pw = water-phase pressure, psia [kPa] Pws = flowing well bottom-hole pressure, psia lkPa]
Trang 15Nomenclature xxiii
Pw~., = estimated flowing well bottom-
hole pressure at reference depth,
psia [kPa]
Pw~ = flowing well bottom-hole pressure
opposite wellblock i , psia [kPa]
P.~.: = flowing well bottom-hole
pressure at reference depth, psia
Pw:,~ = specified flowing well bottom-
hole pressure at reference depth,
qc.,, = mass rate of component c entering
block i through a well, lbm/D
q:g = production rate of free-gas-
component at reservoir conditions,
RB/D [std m3/d]
q~,~m = mass production rate of free-gas-
component, lbm/D [kg/d]
q:~c = production rate of free-gas-
component at standard conditions,
qom = mass production rate of oil-
component, lbm/D [kg/d]
qosc = production rate of oil-phase at
standard conditions, STB/D [std m3/d]
qsc = well production rate at standard conditions, STB/D or scf/D [std m3/d]
qsc, = production rate at standard conditions from wellblock i , STB/D or scf/D [std m3/d]
qm = production rate at standard sc i conditions from wellblock i at time t " , STB/D or scf/D [std m3/d]
q" scn = production rate at standard conditions from wellblock n at time t m , STB/D or scf/D lstd m3/d]
qm SCi,i,k = production rate at standard conditions from wellblock (i, j , k )
at time t ' , STB/D or scf/D [std m3/d]
qn+l sci = production rate at standard conditions from wellblock i at time level n + 1 , STB/D or scf/D [ std m3/d]
qn+l s,., - - production rate at standard conditions from wellblock i at time :÷1 and iteration v , STB/D
or scf/D [std m3/d]
qm SCl,(i,j,k) = volumetric rate of fluid at standard conditions crossing
Trang 16= volumetric rate of fluid at
standard conditions crossing
reservoir boundary l to block n,
STB/D or scf/D lstd m3/dl
= volumetric rate of fluid at
standard conditions crossing
reservoir boundary I to block n at
time t ~ , STB/D or scf/D
[std m3/d]
= production rate at standard
conditions from wellblock n,
STB/D or scf/D [std m3/dl
= interblock volumetric flow rate
at standard conditions between
gridblock (gridpoint) i and
gridblock (gridpoint) i -Y- 1, STB/D
or scf/D [std m3/d]
= volumetric flow rate at standard
conditions across reservoir
boundary to boundary gridblock
bB, STB/D or scf/D [std m3/d]
= volumetric flow rate at standard
conditions across reservoir
boundary to boundary gridpoint
bP, STB/D or scf/D [std m3/d]
= volumetric flow rate at standard
conditions across reservoir west
boundary to boundary gridblock
(gridpoint) 1, STB/D or scf/D
[std m3/d]
= volumetric flow rate at standard
conditions across reservoir east
boundary to boundary gridblock
(gridpoint) n x , STB/D or scf/D [std m3/d]
gas-component, lbm/D [kg/d]
qsesc = specified well rate at standard conditions, STB/D or scf/D [std m3/dl
q,,m = mass production rate o f water- component, lbm/D [kg/d]
qwsc = production rate of water-phase at standard conditions, B/D [std m3/dl
qx = volumetric rate at reservoir conditions along the x axis, RB/D [m3/d]
r = distance in the r direction in the radial-cylindrical coordinate system, ft lm]
r e = external radius in D a r c y ' s Law for radial flow, ft [m]
req ~-~ equivalent wellblock radius, ft [m]
which the theoretical well for block n withdraws its fluid, ft [m] r~l = r-direction coordinate of point i-T-I, ft [m]
calculations, defined by Eqs 4.82a and 4.83a (or Eqs 5.75a and 5.76a), ft [ml
r~;~/2 = radii squared for bulk volume calculations, defined by Eqs 4.84a and 4.85a (or Eqs 5.77a and 5.78a), ft 2 [m 2]
r,, = residual for block n, defined by
Eq 9.61
r = well radius, ft [m]
Trang 17s = skin factor, dimensionless
S = fluid saturation, fraction
Sg = gas-phase saturation, fraction
Siw = irreducible water saturation,
s = coefficient of unknown x_.~ ,
defined by Eq 9.46b
S O = oil-phase saturation, fraction
S w = water-phase saturation, fraction
t = time, day
T = reservoir temperature, °R [K]
At = time step, day
t ~ = time at which the argument F of
integral is evaluated in Eq 2.30,
At, = mth time step, day
t ~ = old time level, day
A t = old time step, day
At.+ 1 = current (or new) time step, day
TY b,b = transmissibility between reservoir
boundary and boundary gridblock
at time t ~
boundary and boundary gridpoint
at time t m
T b m ,bP* = transmissibility between
reservoir boundary and gridpoint
immediately inside reservoir
boundary at time
x direction, scf/D-psi [ std m3/(d.kPa)]
gridblocks (gridpoints) l and
T," = transmissibility between l,n gridblocks (gridpoints) 1 and n at time t m
Tox = oil-phase transmissibility along the
x direction, STB/D-psi [std m3/(d.kPa)]
~1,2,:,~ = transmissibility between point
the r direction, STB/D-psi or scf/D-psi [std m3/(d.kPa) ]
~,2~,, = transmissibility between point
( i , j , k ) and point ( i - T - l , j , k ) along the r direction at time t m , STB/D- psi or scf/D-psi [std m3/(d.kPa)]
[std m3/(d.kPa) l
Tx n'-I i~l/2 ~ - transmissibility between point i and point i -Y- 1 along the x axis at time ~+1, STB/D-psi or scf/D-psi
Trang 18xxvi Nomenclature
T x,:m,~.j., = transmissibility between point
( i , j , k ) and point (i-y- 1,j,k) along
the x axis, STB/D-psi or scf/D-psi
[std m3/(d.kPa)]
,,~,~.j.~ = transmissibility between point
( i , j , k ) and point (i-y- 1,j,k) along
the x axis at time t r" , STB/D-psi or
scf/D-psi [std m3/(d.kPa)]
Ty,.j = transmissibility between point
( i , j , k ) and point (i,j-T-l,k) along
the y axis, STB/D-psi or scf/D-psi
[std m3/(d.kPa)]
r ; ,.j+~,2., = transmissibility between point
( i , j , k ) and point (i,j-y-l,k) along
t h e y axis at time t m , STB/D-psi or
scf/D-psi [std m3/(d.kPa)]
T j = transmissibility between point
( i , j , k ) and point (i,j,k-T-1) along
the z axis, STB/D-psi or scf/D-psi
[std m3/(d.kPa)]
T " z,.j.~,,2 = transmissibility between point
( i , j , k ) and point (i,j,k-y-1) along
the z axis at time t m , STB/D-psi or
scf/D-psi [std m3/(d.kPa)]
T% = transmissibility between point
( i , j , k ) and point (i,j-y-l,k) along
the 0 direction, STB/D-psi or
scf/D-psi [std m3/(d.kPa)]
To"j = transmissibility between point
( i , j , k ) and point (i,j-y-l,k) along
the 0 direction at time t m ,
Uo~ = x-component of volumetric
velocity o f oil-phase at reservoir conditions, RB/D-ft 2 [m3/(d m2)]
Up x x 1,2 = x-component of volumetric
velocity of phase p at reservoir conditions between point i and point i-T- 1, RB/D-ft 2 [m3/(d m2)]
Uwx = x-component of volumetric
velocity of water-phase at reservoir conditions, RB/D-ft 2 [m3/(d m2)]
u x = x-component of volumetric velocity
at reservoir conditions, RB/D-ft 2 [m3/(d m2)]
V b = bulk volume, ft 3 [m 3]
Vb, = bulk volume of block i , ft 3 [m 3] Vb,.j.~ = bulk volume of block (i, j , k ) , ft 3
[m 3 ]
Vb = bulk volume of block n, ft 3 [m 3]
Wci x~ 1/2
entering block i across block boundary xi_l/2 , lbm/D [kg/d] weilx,.~,z = mass rate of component c
leaving block i across block
w~ x = x-component o f mass rate of component c, lbm/D [kg/d]
wi = coefficient of unknown of block i - 1 in T h o m a s ' algorithm
defined by Eq 9.46c
Trang 19entering (or leaving) block i
across block boundary xi~1/2 ,
lbm/D [kg/d]
x = distance in the x direction in the
Cartesian coordinate system, ft [m]
Ax = size o f block or control v o l u m e
along the x axis, ft [m]
= vector o f unknowns (in Chapter 9)
x i = x direction coordinate o f point i , ft
6x_ = distance between gridblock
(gridpoint) i and block boundary
in the direction o f decreasing
i along the x axis, ft [ml
6x~ = distance between gridblock
(gridpoint) i and b l o c k boundary
in the direction o f increasing
i along the x axis, ft [m]
x~l = x direction coordinate o f point
i -T- 1, ft lm]
xi~ 1 = unknown for b l o c k i -Y- 1 in
T h o m a s ' algorithm (in Chapter 9) Axirl = size o f b l o c k i-T- 1 along the
x = unknown for b l o c k n (in Chapter 9)
x (v) n = unknown for b l o c k n at old iteration v (in Chapter 9)
x (v+l~ = unknown for block n at new
iteration v + 1 (in Chapter 9)
x x = x direction coordinate o f gridblock (gridpoint) n x, ft [m]
Y = distance in the y direction in the Cartesian coordinate system, ft [m]
Ay = size o f b l o c k or control v o l u m e along the y axis, ft [m]
Ayj = size o f b l o c k j along the y axis, ft Ira]
z = gas compressibility factor, dimensionless
z = distance in the z direction in the Cartesian coordinate system, ft [m]
Az = size of block or control v o l u m e along the z axis, ft [m]
Az~ = size o f b l o c k k along the z axis, ft Ira]
Azi,j,~ = size o f b l o c k ( i , j , k ) along the
Trang 20~Pxb = pressure gradient in the
x direction evaluated at reservoir
boundary, psi/ft [kPa/m]
x direction evaluated at block
boundary x~1/2 , psi/ft [kPa/m]
r direction evaluated at well radius,
"73~x b = elevation gradient in the
x direction evaluated at reservoir
boundary, dimensionless
numerical value is given in
Table 2-1
alg = logarithmic spacing constant, defined by Eq 4.86 (or Eq 5.79), dimensionless
tic = transmissibility conversion factor whose numerical value is given in Table 2-1
fli = element i of a temporary vector (2) generated in Tang's algorithm (in Chapter 9)
2" = fluid gravity, psi/ft [kPa/m]
~i = element i of a temporary vector (7) generated in Tang' s algorithm (in Chapter 9)
~ = gravity conversion factor whose numerical value is given in Table 2-1
Vg = gravity of gas-phase at reservoir conditions, psi/ft [kPa/ml
~m/2 = fluid gravity between point i and point i -y- 1 along the x axis, psi/ft [kPa/m]
V~l/2,j,k = fluid gravity between point (i, j, k) and neighboring point (i-T- 1, j , k ) along the x axis at time
t m , psi/ft [kPa/m]
r n
V~,j+I/2,~ = fluid gravity between point
(i, j g 1, k) along the y axis at time
~/~'ti j k~ = fluid gravity between point
time t " , psi/ft [kPa/m]
Trang 21Nomenclature xxix
y~,,, = fluid gravity between point n and
neighboring point 1 at time t m ,
psi/ft [kPa/m]
Yz,(i,j,k~ = fluid gravity between point
(i,j,k) and neighboring point I,
psi/ft [kPa/m]
y~, = fluid gravity between point n and
neighboring point l, psi/ft [kPa/ml
Yo = gravity of oil-phase at reservoir
conditions, psi/ft [kPa/m]
Yp = gravity of phase p between point
i and point i -y- 1 along the x axis,
psi/ft lkPa/m]
Yp,, = gravity of phase p between point l
and point n, psi/ft [kPa/m]
y., = gravity of water-phase at reservoir
conditions, psi/ft [kPa/m]
7wb = average fluid gravity in wellbore,
psi/ft [kPa/m]
e = convergence tolerance
t/i,,j = set of phases in determining
mobility of injected fluid = { o, w,g }
rlprd = set of phases in determining
mobility of produced fluids,
defined in Table 10-4
0 = angle in the Odirection, rad
A0j = size of block (i,j,k) along the
0 direction, rad
and point (i,j-y-l,k) along the
O" iT-1
lff~n t i i-T1
= porosity at reference pressure p°, fraction
= potential, psia [kPa]
= potential of gas-phase, psia [kPa]
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint)
i , psia [kPa]
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint)
i at time t m, psia [kPa]
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint)
i at time t n, psia [kPa]
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint)
i at time t n+l, psia [kPa]
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint) i-T- 1, psia [kPa]
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint)
i T- 1 at time t m, psia [kPal
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint)
i -Y- 1 at time t n, psia lkPa]
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint)
i -Y- 1 at time t ~+ 1, psia [kPa]
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint)
(i,j,k) at time t m, psia [kPa]
= potential of gridblock (gridpoint)
1 at time t m, psia [kPa]
= potential of oil-phase, psia lkPa]
= potential of phase p in gridblock (gridpoint) i , psia [kPa]
= potential at reference depth, psia [kPa]
= potential of water-phase, psia [kPa]
= fluid viscosity, cp [mPa.s]
= viscosity of fluid in gridblock (gridpoint) i , cp [
= fluid viscosity at reference pressure
p ° , cp [mPa.s]
= gas-phase viscosity, cp lmPa.s]
Trang 22xxx Nomenclature
/~P x,:,,2 = viscosity of phase p between
point i and point i T 1 along the
x axis, cp [mPa.s]
/'to = oil-phase viscosity, cp [mPa.s]
/~ob = oil-phase viscosity at bubble-point
pressure, cp [mPa.s]
/~w = water-phase viscosity, cp [mPa.s]
/~1 = fluid viscosity between point i
and point i -T- 1 "along the x axis, cp
~0 = a set containing gridblock (or
gridpoint) numbers
~0 b = the set of gridblocks (or gridpoints)
sharing the same reservoir
boundary b
~,:,~ = the set of existing gridblocks (or
gridpoints) that are neighbors to
gridblock (gridpoint) (i, j , k )
~p, = the set of existing gridblocks (or
gridpoints) that are neighbors to
gridblock (gridpoint) n
~Pro = the set of existing gridblocks (or
gridpoints) that are neighbors to
gridblock (gridpoint) n along the
r direction
~P~o = the set of existing gridblocks (or
gridpoints) that are neighbors to
gridblock (gridpoint) n along the
x axis
gridpoints) that are neighbors to
gridblock (gridpoint) n along the
y axis
~P:,, = the set of existing gridblocks (or
gridpoints) that are neighbors to
gridblock (gridpoint) n along the
z axis
~P0,, = the set of existing gridblocks (or gridpoints) that are neighbors to gridblock (gridpoint) n along the 0direction
~Pw = the set that contains all wellblocks
pg = gas-phase density at reservoir conditions, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3]
Pgsc = gas-phase density at standard conditions, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3]
Po = oil-phase density at reservoir conditions, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3]
Pos, = oil-phase density at standard conditions, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3] Psc = fluid density at standard conditions, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3]
Pw = water-phase density at reservoir conditions, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3] Pw.~c = water-phase density at standard conditions, lbm/ft 3 lkg/m 3]
Pwb = average fluid density in wellbore, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 31
= summation over all members of set ~p
= summation over all members of
set ~Pi,j,k
= summation over all members of set ~0
Trang 23g r i d p o i n t , or p o i n t a l o n g the x or
r direction
i T - l / 2 = b e t w e e n i and i-T-1 i,i -y- 1 / 2 = b e t w e e n b l o c k (or point) i and b l o c k b o u n d a r y i-T- 1 / 2 a l o n g the x d i r e c t i o n
(i, j , k ) = i n d e x for g r i d b l o c k , gridpoint,
or p o i n t in x-y-z (or r-O-z) s p a c e
j -Y- 1 / 2 = b e t w e e n j and j -T- 1
j , j -Y- 1 / 2 = b e t w e e n b l o c k (or point) j and b l o c k b o u n d a r y j-T- l / 2 a l o n g the y d i r e c t i o n
k = i n d e x for g r i d b l o c k , gridpoint, or
p o i n t a l o n g the z d i r e c t i o n
Trang 24z d i r e c t i o n
0 = 0 d i r e c t i o n 0j~l/2 = b e t w e e n j and j-T- 1 a l o n g the
(v) = o l d iteration v (v + 1) = current iteration v + 1
* = i n t e r m e d i a t e v a l u e b e f b r e S O R
a c c e l e r a t i o n
Trang 26References
compositional, three-phase steam model Ph.D diss., University of Calgary, Alberta
thermal recovery J Pet Sci Eng 15: 281-90
simulation Soc Pet Eng J 25 (4): 573-79
inactive blocks in reservoir simulation J Can Pet Tech 31 (2): 25-31
dimensional modeling of one-eighth of confined five- and nine-spot Patterns J
Pet Sci Eng 5: 137-49
of reservoir simulation equations SPE # 17072, Paper presented at the 1987 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 21-23 October
engineering approach versus the mathematical approach in developing reservoir simulators Under review
interblock geometric factors and bulk volumes in single-well simulation," J Pet
Sci Tech In press
to the treatment of constant pressure boundary condition in block-centered grid in reservoir simulation Under review
multipurpose simulator J Pet Sci Eng 16: pp 221-35
presented at the 1983 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, San Francisco, 15-18 November
12 Aziz, K 1993 "Reservoir simulation grids: opportunities and problems," SPE #
25233, Paper presented at the1993 SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation, New Orleans, LA, 28 February-3 March
Trang 27434 References
thermal reservoir behavior Paper presented at Canada-Venezuela Oil Sands Symposium, 27 May 27-4 June, Edmonton, Alberta
Pet Tech 25 (1): 51-56
simulation SPE Textbook Series, vol 7 Richardson, Tex.: SPE
course notes, Petroleum Engineering, Mineral Engineering Department, University
of Alberta
Trans AIME 237: 997-1000
multidimensional polymer injection simulator Ph.D diss., The Pennsylvania State University
Extension of Modified Brinkman Formulation for Fluid Flow through Porous
(IMECE), Orlando, Florida, USA, November 5-10
Solution to the Modified Brinkman Model (MBM) for a 2-Dimensional, 1-Phase
Engineering (CSCE), 33rdAnnual Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 2-4
Trang 28435
semi-implicit reservoir simulation techniques Trans AIME 253: 253-66
hydrocarbon reservoirs SIAM Rev 24 (3): 263
simulation with nonsquare gridblocks and anisotropic permeability SPEJ 23 (3):
and elliptic equations J SIAM 3 (1): 28-41
solution of partial differential equations for multiphase flow in porous media Int J
Multiphase Flow 1: 8 1 7 4 4
capillary forces SPEJ 9 (3): 255-69
solution approach to reservoir simulation SPE # 4542, Paper presented at the 48th Annual Fall Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 30 Sept.-3 Oct
Zeitschrifi fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 8 (49): 508
implicit method SPEJ 23 (5): 759-68
sets of simultaneous linear equations SPE # 5729, Paper presented at the 1976 SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, 19-
20 February
techniques in reservoir simulation SPE # 4544, Paper presented at the 48th Annual Fall Meeting, Las Vegas 30 Sept-3 Oct
Trang 291.2 Milestones for the Engineering Approach 2
1.3 Importance of the Engineering and Mathematical
2.2 Properties of Single-Phase Fluid 7
2.3 Properties of Porous Media 8
2.4 Reservoir Discretization 8
2.5 Basic Engineering Concepts 9
2.6 Multidimensional Flow in Cartesian Coordinates 11
2.7 Multidimensional Flow in Radial-Cylindrical Coordinates
3.2 Flow Equations Using CVFD Terminology 43
3.3 Flow Equations in Radial-Cylindrical Coordinates
Using CVFD Terminology 54
Trang 30viii Contents
3.4 Flow Equations Using CVFD Terminology
in any Block Ordering Scheme 57
4.3 Flow Equation for Boundary Gridblocks 66
4.4 Treatment of Boundary Conditions 73
5.3 Flow Equation for Boundary Gridpoints 126
5.4 Treatment of Boundary Conditions 135
Practical Considerations Dealing with
Modeling Well Operating Conditions 203
Summary 204
Exercises 204
Trang 31Contents ix
10.2 Reservoir Engineering Concepts in Multiphase Flow
10.3 Multiphase Flow Models 375
10.4 Solution of Multiphase Flow Equations 393
10.5 Material Balance Checks 414
10.7 Summary 416
10.8 Exercises 416
Trang 32A User's Manual for Single-Phase Simulator 421
A.2 Data File Preparation 421
A.3 Description of Variables Used in Preparing a Data File 423 A.4 Instructions to Run Simulator 430
A.5 Limitations Imposed on the Compiled Version 430
A.6 Example of a Prepared Data File 431
References 433
Author Index 437
Subject Index 439
Trang 33art of combining physics, mathematics, reservoir engineering, and computer programming
to develop a tool for predicting hydrocarbon reservoir performance under various oper- ating strategies Figure 1-1 depicts the major steps involved in the development of a reser- voir simulator: formulation, discretization, well representation, linearization, solution, and
inherent to the simulator, states these assumptions in precise mathematical terms, and applies them to a control volume in the reservoir The result of this step is a set of coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) that describes fluid flow through porous media
The PDEs derived during the formulation step, if solved analytically, would give reservoir pressure, fluid saturations, and well flow rates as continuous functions of space and time Because of the highly nonlinear nature of the PDEs, however, analytical techniques cannot
be used and solutions must be obtained with numerical methods In contrast to analytical solutions, numerical solutions give the values of pressure and fluid saturations only at dis-
PDEs into algebraic equations Several numerical methods can be used to discretize the PDEs; however, the most common approach in the oil industry today is the finite difference method The most commonly used finite difference approach essentially builds on Taylor series expansion and neglects terms that are considered to be small when small difference in space parameters is considered This expanded form is a set of algebraic equations Finite element method, on the other hand uses various functions to express variables in the gov- erning equation These functions lead to the development of an error function that is minimized in order to generate solutions to the governing equation To carry out discretiza- tion, a PDE is written for a given point in space at a given time level The choice of time level (old time level, current time level, or intermediate time level) leads to the explicit, implicit, or Crank-Nicolson formulation method The discretization process results in a system of nonlinear algebraic equations These equations generally cannot be solved with linear equation solvers, and the lincarization of such equations becomes a necessary step
Trang 342 Chapter 1 Introduction
C ) C ) C ) ( C ° 3
C- 3
Figure 1-1 Major steps used to develop reservoir simulators
Redrawn from Odeh (1982),
nonlinear terms (transmissibilities, production and injection, and coefficients of unknowns
in the accumulation terms) in both space and time Linearization results in a set of linear algebraic equations Any one of several linear equation solvers can then be used to obtain the solution, which comprises pressure and fluid saturation distributions in the reservoir and
"after which the simulator can be used for practical field applications The validation step is necessary to make sure that no errors were introduced in the various steps of development or
in computer programming This validation is distinct from the concept of conducting experi- ments in support of a mathematical model Validation of a reservoir simulator merely involves testing the numerical code
There are three methods available for the discretization of any PDE: the Taylor series method, the integral method, and the variational method (Aziz and Settari, 1979) The first two methods result in the finite-difference method, whereas the third results in the varia- tional method The "mathematical approach" refers to the methods that obtain the non- linear algebraic equations through deriving and discretizing the PDEs Developers of simulators relied heavily on the mathematics in the mathematical approach to obtain the nonlinear algebraic equations or the finite-difference equations However, Abou-Kassem, Farouq Ali, Islam, and Osman (2006) presented a new approach that derives the finite-dif- ference equations without going through the rigor of PDEs and discretization This approach also uses fictitious wells to represent boundary conditions This new tactic is termed the "engineering approach" because it is closer to the engineer's thinking and to the physical meaning of the terms in the flow equations The engineering approach is simple and yet general and rigorous, and both the e n g i n e e r i n g and m a t h e m a t i c a l approaches treat b o u n d a r y conditions with the same accuracy if the m a t h e m a t i c a l approach uses second-order approximations In addition, the engineering approach results
in the same finite-difference equations for any hydrocarbon recovery process Because the engineering approach is independent of the mathematical approach, it reconfirms the use
of central differencing in space discretization and highlights the assumptions involved in choosing a time level in the mathematical approach
1.2 Milestones for the Engineering Approach
The foundations for the engineering approach have been overlooked all these years Tradi- tionally, reservoir simulators were developed by first using a control volume (or elemen- tary volume), such as that shown in Figure 1-2 for 1D flow or in Figure 1-3 for 3D flow, that was visualized by mathematicians to develop fluid flow equations Note that point x in 1D and point (x, y, z) in 3D fall on the edge of control volumes The resulting flow equa-
Trang 351.2 Milestones for the Engineering Approach 3
,I Ax I,
Figure 1-2 Control volume used by mathematicians for 1D flow
zj T
(x+Ax,y+Ay, z)
Figure 1-3 Control volume used by mathematicians for 3D flow
Redrawn from Bear (1988)
tions are in the form of PDEs Once the PDEs are derived, early pioneers of simulation looked to mathematicians to provide solution methods These methods started with the description of the reservoir as a collection of gridblocks, represented by points that fall within them (or gridpoints representing blocks that surround them), followed by the replacement of the PDEs and boundary conditions by algebraic equations, and finally the solution of the resulting algebraic equations Developers of simulators were all the time occupied by finding the solution and, perhaps, forgot that they were solving an engi- neering problem The engineering approach can be realized should one try to relate the terms in the discretized flow equations for any block to the block itself and to all its neigh- boring blocks A close inspection of the flow terms in a discretized flow equation of a given fluid (oil, water, or gas) in a black-oil model for a given block reveals that these terms are nothing but Darcy' s Law describing volumetric flow rates of the fluid at stan- dard conditions between the block and its neighboring blocks The accumulation term is the change in the volume at standard conditions of the fluid contained in the block itself at two different times
More than 30 years ago, Farouq Ali was the first to observe that flow terms in the dis- cretized form of governing equations are nothing but Darcy's Law describing volumetric flow rate between any two neighboring blocks Making use of this observation coupled with an assumption related to the time level at which flow terms are evaluated, he devel- oped the forward-central-difference equation and the backward-central-difference equation
Trang 364 Chapter I Introduction
without going through the rigor of the mathematical approach in teaching reservoir simula- tion to undergraduate students (Farouq Ali, 1986) Ertekin, Abou-Kassem, and King (2001) were the first to use a control volume represented by a point at its center in the mathemat- ical approach as shown in Figure 1-4 for 1D flow and Figure 1-5 for 3D flow This control volume is closer to an engineer's thinking of representing blocks in reservoirs The obser- vation by Farouq Ali in the early seventies and the introduction of the new control volume
by Ertekin et al have been the two milestones that contributed significantly to the recent development of the engineering approach
Overlooking the engineering approach has kept reserw)ir simulation closely tied with PDEs From the mathematician's point of view, this is a blessing because researchers in reservoir simulation have devised advanced methods for solving highly nonlinear PDEs, and this enriched the literature in mathematics in this important area Contributions of res- ervoir simulation to solving PDEs include the following:
and Winestock 1977; Saad 1989; Gupta 1990)
(Breitenbach, Thurnau, and van Poollen 1969), SEQ (Spillette, Hillestad, and Stone, 1973; Coats 1978), Fully Implicit SS (Sheffield 1969), and Adaptive Implicit
(Thomas and Thurnau 1983) methods
equations, such as the Block Iterative (Behie and Vinsome 1982), Nested
Factorization (Appleyard and Cheshire 1983), and Orthomin (Vinsome 1976) methods
Figure 1-4 Control volume for 1D flow
The importance of the engineering approach lies in being close to the e n g i n e e r ' s mindset and in its capacity to derive the algebraic flow equations easily and without going through the rigor of PDEs and discretization In reality, the development of a res- ervoir simulator can do away with the mathematical approach because the objective of this approach is to obtain the algebraic flow equations for the process being simulated
In addition, the engineering approach reconfirms the use of central-difference approxi-
Trang 37Figure 1-5 Control volume for 3D flow
mation of the second-order space derivative and provides interpretation of the approxi- mations involved in the forward-, backward-, and central-difference of the first-order time derivative that are used in the mathematical approach
The majority, if not all, of the available commercial reservoir simulators were developed without even looking at an analysis of truncation errors, consistency, convergence, or sta- bility The importance of the mathematical approach, however, lies within its capacity to provide analysis of such items Only in this case do the two approaches complement each other and both become equally important in reservoir simulation
The traditional steps involved in the development of a reservoir simulator include formu- lation, discretization, well representation, linearization, solution, and validation The mathematical approach involves formulation to obtain a differential equation, followed by reservoir discretization to describe the reservoir, and finally the discretization of the dif- ferential equation to obtain the flow equation in algebraic form In contrast, the engi- neering approach involves reservoir discretization to describe the reservoir, followed by formulation to obtain the flow equation in integral form, which, when approximated, pro- duces the flow equation in algebraic form The mathematical approach and engineering approach produce the same flow equation in algebraic form but use two unrelated routes The seeds for the engineering approach existed a long time ago but were overlooked by pioneers in reservoir simulation because modeling petroleum reservoirs has been consid- ered a mathematical problem rather than an engineering problem The engineering approach is both easy and robust [t does not involve differential equations, discretization
of differential equations, or discretization of boundary conditions
Trang 38How does the engineering approach differ from the mathematical approach
in developing a reservoir simulator?
Name the major steps used in the development of a reservoir simulator using the engineering approach
Indicate the input and the expected output for each major step in Exercise 1-4 Draw a sketch, similar to Figure l - l , for the development of a reservoir simulator using the engineering approach
Using your own words, state the importance of the engineering approach in reservoir simulation
Trang 39Fluid properties that are needed to model single-phase fluid flow include those that appear
in the flow equations, namely, density ( P ), formation volume factor (B), and viscosity (/~ ) Fluid density is needed for the estimation of fluid gravity ( Y ) using
where Yc = the gravity conversion factor and g = acceleration due to gravity In general, fluid properties are a function of pressure Mathematically, the pressure dependence of fluid properties is expressed as:
Trang 408 C h a p t e r 2 Single-Phase Fluid F l o w E q u a t i o n s in Multidimensional D o m a i n
The derivation of the general flow equation in this chapter does not require more than the general dependence of fluid properties on pressure as expressed by Eqs 2.2 through 2.4
In Chapter 7, the specific pressure dependence of fluid properties is required for the deri- vation of the flow equation for each type of fluid
2.3 Properties of Porous Media
Modeling single-phase fluid flow in reservoirs requires the knowledge of basic rock prop- erties such as porosity and permeability, or more precisely, effective porosity and absolute permeability Other rock properties include reservoir thickness and elevation below sea level Effective p o r o s i t y is the ratio of interconnected pore spaces to bulk volume of a rock sample Petroleum reservoirs usually have heterogeneous porosity distribution; i.e., porosity changes with location A reservoir is homogeneous if porosity is constant inde- pendent of location Porosity depends on reservoir pressure because of solid and pore compressibilities It increases as reservoir pressure (pressure of the fluid contained in the pores) increases and vice versa This relationship can be expressed as
where ~ ' = porosity at reference pressure ( p° ) and c¢ = porosity compressibility Per-
same fluid fills all the interconnected pores Permeability is a directional rock property If the reservoir coordinates coincide with the principal directions of permeability, then per- meability can be represented by k x, ky, and k z The reservoir is described as having iso- tropic permeability distribution if k = ky = k z ; otherwise, the reservoir is anisotropic if permeability shows directional bias Usually k x - - ky k H and k z = k v with k v < k H
because of depositional environments
2.4 Reservoir Discretization
gridpoints) whose properties, dimensions, boundaries, and locations in the reservoir are well defined Chapter 4 deals with reservoirs discretized using a block-centered grid and Chapter 5 discusses reservoirs discretized using a point-distributed grid Figure 2-1 shows reservoir discretization in the x direction as the focus is on block i
The figure shows how the blocks are related to each other block i and its neighboring blocks i - 1 and i + 1 - - b l o c k dimensions ( Ax i , ~ i - 1 , / ~ i ÷ 1 ), block boundaries ( xi_l/z , xi.,2 ), distances between the point that represents the block and block boundaries
The terminology presented in Figure 2-1 is applicable to both block-centered and point- distributed grid systems in 1D flow in the direction of the x axis Reservoir discretization in the y and z directions uses similar terminology In addition, each gridblock (or gridpoint) is assigned elevation and rock properties such as porosity and permeabilities in the x, y, and z directions The transfer of fluids from one block to the rest of reservoir takes place through