SỞ Y TẾ TỈNH HÀ TĨNH DM KT dot 5 mau 2 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả cá...
Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND DANH MỤC THỐNG NHẤT TÊN CÁC DỊCH VỤ KỸ THUẬT KHÁM BỆNH, CHỮA BỆNH TƯƠNG ĐƯƠNG GIỮA THÔNG TƯ SỐ 43 VÀ 50 VỚI THÔNG TƯ LIÊN TỊCH SỐ 37 (Ban hành kèm theo Quyết định số 3025 /QĐ-BYT ngày 24 tháng năm 2016 Bộ trưởng Bộ Y tế ) STT Mã tương đương (1) (2) Mã TT50 Tên dịch vụ kỹ thuật theo Thông tư 43 50 Loại PT-TT Mã TT37 Tên dịch vụ kỹ thuật theo Thông tư liên tịch 37 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 01 - HỒI SỨC CẤP CỨU VÀ CHỐNG ĐỘC (Bổ sung 117 kỹ thuật vào Danh mục ban hành kèm theo Quyết định số 984/QĐ-BYT ngày 23/03/2016 Bộ trưởng Bộ Y tế ) 01.0004.0321 1.4 Ghi điện tim qua chuyển đạo thực quản T1 37.8D02.0321 01.0009.0098 1.9 Đặt catheter động mạch T1 37.8B00.0098 01.0014.1774 01.0018.0004 1.14 1.18 TD T1 37.3F00.1774 37.2A01.0004 01.0020.0001 1.20 T2 37.2A01.0001 Siêu âm 01.0021.0001 1.21 T2 37.2A01.0001 Siêu âm 01.0023.0097 1.23 TD 37.8B00.0097 Đặt catheter động mạch quay 01.0025.0004 1.25 T1 37.2A01.0004 Siêu âm Doppler màu tim/mạch máu 01.0032.0299 1.32 T2 37.8D01.0299 Thủ thuật loại II (HSCC - CĐ) 10 01.0034.0299 1.34 T1 37.8D01.0299 Thủ thuật loại II (HSCC - CĐ) 11 01.0040.0081 1.40 T1 37.8B00.0081 12 01.0042.0099 1.42 T1 37.8B00.0099 13 01.0048.0290 1.48 PD 37.8D01.0290 Chọc dò màng tim Đặt catheter tĩnh mạch trung tâm nòng Phẫu thuật đặt hệ thống tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) 14 01.0048.0291 1.48 Đặt catheter động mạch phổi Siêu âm tim cấp cứu giường Siêu âm dẫn đường đặt catheter tĩnh mạch cấp cứu Siêu âm dẫn đường đặt catheter động mạch cấp cứu Thăm dò huyết động theo phương pháp PiCCO Kỹ thuật đánh giá huyết động cấp cứu không xâm nhập USCOM Sốc điện lồng ngực cấp cứu Hồi phục nhịp xoang cho người bệnh loạn nhịp máy sốc điện Chọc hút dịch màng tim siêu âm Đặt dẫn lưu màng tim cấp cứu catheter qua da Tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) cấp cứu giường hỗ trợ suy hô hấp cấp […] Tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) cấp cứu giường hỗ trợ suy hô hấp cấp […] Thủ thuật loại III (Nội khoa) Đặt catheter động mạch theo dõi huyết áp liên tục Đặt thăm dò huyết động Siêu âm Doppler màu tim/mạch máu PD 37.8D01.0291 Thay dây, thay tim phổi (ECMO) STT Mã tương đương Mã TT50 Tên dịch vụ kỹ thuật theo Thông tư 43 50 Loại PT-TT Mã TT37 Tên dịch vụ kỹ thuật theo Thông tư liên tịch 37 (4) (5) (6) (7) (1) (2) (3) 15 01.0048.0292 1.48 16 01.0048.0293 1.48 17 01.0049.0290 1.49 18 01.0049.0291 1.49 19 01.0049.0292 1.49 20 01.0049.0293 1.49 21 01.0053.0075 1.53 22 01.0054.0114 1.54 23 01.0055.0114 1.55 24 01.0056.0300 1.56 25 26 01.0065.0071 01.0067.1888 1.65 1.67 27 01.0070.1888 1.70 28 29 01.0072.0120 01.0074.0120 1.72 1.74 Tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) cấp cứu giường hỗ trợ suy hô hấp cấp […] Tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) cấp cứu giường hỗ trợ suy hô hấp cấp […] Tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) cấp cứu giường hỗ trợ suy tuần hoàn cấp […] Tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) cấp cứu giường hỗ trợ suy tuần hoàn cấp […] Tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) cấp cứu giường hỗ trợ suy tuần hoàn cấp […] Tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) cấp cứu giường hỗ trợ suy tuần hoàn cấp […] Đặt canuyn mũi hầu, miệng hầu Hút đờm qua ống nội khí quản/canuyn mở khí quản ống thơng lần người bệnh không thở máy (một lần hút) Hút đờm qua ống nội khí quản/canuyn mở khí quản ống thơng lần người bệnh có thở máy (một lần hút) Hút đờm qua ống nội khí quản/canuyn mở khí quản ống thơng kín (có thở máy) (một lần hút) Bóp bóng Ambu qua mặt nạ Đặt nội khí quản nòng Đặt ống nội khí quản có cửa hút bóng chèn (Hi-low EVAC) Mở khí quản qua màng nhẫn giáp Mở khí quản qua da cấp cứu ngạt thở 30 01.0076.0200 1.76 Chăm sóc lỗ mở khí quản (một lần) PD 37.8D01.0292 Theo dõi, chạy tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) PD 37.8D01.0293 Kết thúc rút hệ thống ECMO PD 37.8D01.0290 Phẫu thuật đặt hệ thống tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) PD 37.8D01.0291 Thay dây, thay tim phổi (ECMO) PD 37.8D01.0292 Theo dõi, chạy tim phổi nhân tạo (ECMO) PD 37.8D01.0293 Kết thúc rút hệ thống ECMO T3 37.8B00.0075 Cắt T3 37.8B00.0114 Hút đờm T2 37.8B00.0114 Hút đờm T3 37.8D01.0300 Thủ thuật loại III (HSCC - CĐ) T2 TD 37.8B00.0071 37.8B00.1888 Bơm rửa khoang màng phổi Đặt nội khí quản T1 37.8B00.1888 Đặt nội khí quản T1 T1 37.8B00.0120 37.8B00.0120 Mở khí quản Mở khí quản Thay băng vết thương/ mổ chiều dài ≤ 15cm 37.8B00.0200 STT Mã tương đương Mã TT50 Tên dịch vụ kỹ thuật theo Thông tư 43 50 Loại PT-TT Mã TT37 Tên dịch vụ kỹ thuật theo Thông tư liên tịch 37 (4) (5) (6) (7) (1) (2) (3) 31 32 01.0077.1888 01.0085.0277 1.77 1.85 33 01.0091.0071 1.91 34 01.0094.0111 35 36 Thay ống nội khí quản Vận động trị liệu hơ hấp Chọc hút dịch khí phế quản qua màng nhẫn giáp T1 T2 37.8B00.1888 37.8C00.0277 Đặt nội khí quản Vật lý trị liệu hô hấp T1 37.8B00.0071 Bơm rửa khoang màng phổi 1.94 Dẫn lưu khí màng phổi áp lực thấp ≤ T1 37.8B00.0111 01.0095.0094 01.0096.0094 1.95 1.96 Mở màng phổi cấp cứu Mở màng phổi tối thiểu troca T1 T1 37.8B00.0094 37.8B00.0094 37 01.0097.0111 1.97 Dẫn lưu màng phổi liên tục ≤ T1 37.8B00.0111 38 01.0098.0079 1.98 Chọc hút dịch, khí trung thất TD 37.8B00.0079 39 01.0099.0111 1.99 Dẫn lưu trung thất liên tục ≤ TD 37.8B00.0111 40 01.0106.0128 1.106 Nội soi khí phế quản cấp cứu T1 ...Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND Part A: Introduction I. Rationale The economic open- door policy pursued by the government of Vietnam has increased a demand for studying English. Many people are expected to be competent to communicate verbally with the outside world and to access technology. In correspondence to this trend, in almost all of schools, colleges, universities, English is a compulsory subject. HGMSS, where I have been working for 7 years, is not an exception. Besides the aim of passing their exams and getting some further studies for their future life, all students have a desire to be integrated into the culture, the civilization, and the people of English speaking countries. They expect to have a good knowledge of English to read books and magazines, to see films or to sing English songs, etc. As a result, learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical need for many people. Together with the growing demand for learning English, there has been an innovation in English teaching and learning methods everywhere in Vietnam. For a long time, language teaching in Vietnam was strongly influenced by the structuralist tradition. Emphasis was placed on mastery of language structures. Students have been taught how to form correct utterances and to understand the structures of the language without any consideration of language use. Students have been asked to learn every single word by heart, and translate or analyze grammatically every sentence in the text. The teacher has often taken up almost all the time in class explaining the form of language to students who were passive recipients. As a result, this kind teaching and learning, of course, has been the “production” of students who were structurally competent but communicatively incompetent. However, as the result of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research, language teaching has moved from the traditional to a more communicative approach. In this current approach, language is considered as a form of social behavior. The objective of language teaching is teaching learners to communicate fluently, appropriately and spontaneously in the cultural context of the target language. Communicative competence, according to Canale and Swain (1980), is made up of grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 1 With 7 years of experience in teaching English at HGMSS, I find that students have to learn English in two semesters in the curriculum and English is often taught in the first school - year. At the end of each semester, the students have to take a written test, not an oral one. Therefore, most of the time is spent on grammar points because many of the students have never learnt English before and the teachers have to try to keep to the syllabus, that is, to finish the course- book entitled “Headway Elementary”. In addition, many students are too shy to speak in class whereas most of the grammar lessons are carried out in traditional methods. That is, the teacher presents new grammar verbally, and then students do, turn by turn, exercises in workbooks. As a consequence, the students find it hard to speak out as well as to communicate in the real life naturally. The question of how to equip students with grammatical competence so that they can use the language to communicate in any situation has become a matter of teachers of English in general and teachers of English at HGMSS in particular. For the above reasons, in this minor thesis, the author intend to figure out what difficulties are experienced by teachers in teaching grammar communicatively and then to give some suggestions to reduce the difficulties. II. Scope, objectives, significance, method and design of the study. II.1. The scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at HGMSS. The study of others would be beyond the UBND ... bụng 50 02. 028 1.0146 2. 281 51 02. 028 3.0141 2. 283 52 02. 028 4.0141 2. 284 53 02. 02 85. 0140 2. 2 85 54 02. 028 6.0497 2. 286 55 02. 029 0. 050 0 2. 290 56 02. 029 1.01 45 2. 291 57 02. 029 6. 050 0 2. 296 58 02. 029 7. 050 6... (5) (6) (7) 121 10. 024 2. 029 1 10 .24 2 122 10. 024 2. 029 2 10 .24 2 123 10. 024 2. 029 3 10 .24 2 124 10. 024 6.0401 10 .24 6 1 25 10. 024 9. 058 2 10 .24 9 126 10.0 25 0 . 058 2 10. 25 0 127 10.0 25 1 . 058 2 10. 25 1 128 10.0 25 2 .0399... 02. 04 25 . 021 4 2. 4 25 88 02. 0 426 . 021 4 2. 426 89 02. 0 427 . 021 4 2. 427 90 02. 0 428 . 021 4 2. 428 91 02. 0 429 . 021 4 2. 429 92 02. 04 42. 0 055 2. 4 42 93 02. 0 451 .1798 2. 451 94 02. 0 459 .0391 2. 459 95 02. 0460.0391 2. 460 96 02. 0461.0107