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SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM Independence – Freedom - Happiness -*** - Hanoi, dated May 18th 2016 No.: 01/2016/NQ-ĐHĐCĐ-TĐBV RESOLUTION OF BAOVIET HOLDINGS ON THE 2016 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS In accordance with: - The Enterprise Law No 68/2014/QH13 dated 26th November 2014; - The Charter of BaoViet Holdings; - The Meeting Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of BaoViet Holdings dated May 18th 2016, HEREBY TO RESOLVE: Article Approve of the Report of The Board of Directors (“BOD”) of BaoViet Holdings (“BVH”) on Operating Performance of BOD in 2015 and the Operation Plan of BOD in 2016 The voted results are as follows: - Agreed: - Did not agree: - Abstentions: 646,492,844 shares, account for 99.42% of shares entitled to participate in AGM shares,account for 0% of shares entitled to participate in AGM 3,776,180 shares,account for 0.58% of shares entitled to participate in AGM Article Approved the Report of the CEO of BaoViet Holdings regarding the business performance and the implemented results of key solutions in 2015 The voted results are as follows: - Agreed: - Did not agree: - Abstentions: 646,492,844 shares, account for 99.42% of shares entitled to participate in AGM shares,account for 0% of shares entitled to participate in AGM 3,776,180 shares,account for 0.58% of shares entitled to participate in AGM Article Approved the Business Plan for the financial year 2016 of the Parent Company i.e BVH – with some key financial indicators as follows: - Total revenue: - PAT: The voted results are as follows: - Agreed: - Did not agree: - Abstentions: 1,398 billion Dong, 1,005 billion Dong, 646,492,844 shares, account for 99.42% of shares entitled to participate in AGM shares, account for 0% of shares entitled to participate in AGM 3,776,180 shares, account for 0.58% of shares entitled to participate in AGM 1/5 Article Approved of the Report of the Supervisory Board (“SB”) regarding: The operation results of SB between terms of AGM 2015 – 2016 and the operation plan of SB between the terms of AGM 2016 – 2017; Inspected results on the business activities of BVH and results on corporate governance of BVH by BOD, CEO and other managerial stafff; The inspected results of the financial report in 2015 (From 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2015) of BVH; Report on Self-assessment of operating results of SB and each supervisor The voted results are as follows: - Agreed: 646,492,844 shares, account for 99.42% of shares entitled to participate in AGM - Did not agree: shares, - Abstentions: account for 0% of shares entitled to participate in AGM 3,776,180 shares, account for 0.58% of shares entitled to participate in AGM Article Approved of the revised Charter of BVH (the 7th supplement) The voted results are as follows: - Agreed: 634,014,193 shares, account for 97.50% of shares entitled to participate in AGM - Did not agree: 4,760,425 shares, - Abstentions: 11,494,406 shares, account for 0.73% of shares entitled to participate in AGM account for 1.77% of shares entitled to participate in AGM Article Approved of the Report on the Audited Consolidated Financial Report in 2015 of BVH The voted results are as follows: - Agreed: 646,492,844 shares, account for 99.42% of shares entitled to participate in AGM - Did not agree: shares, - Abstentions: 3,776,180 shares, account for 0% of shares entitled to participate in AGM account for 0.58% of shares entitled to participate in AGM Article Approved of the Audited Seperated Financial Report in 2015 of BVH The voted results are as follows: - Agreed: 646,492,844 shares, - Did not agree: shares, - Abstentions: 3,776,180 shares, account for 99.42% of shares entitled to participate in AGM account for 0% of shares entitled to participate in AGM account for 0.58% of shares entitled to participate in AGM Article Approved of the proposal on the approval of remuneration of BOD and SB in the financial year 2015 specifically as follows: - The remuneration of BOD members is 0.89 billion Dong, equivalent to 0.09% of PAT - The remuneration of Supervisors is 0.22 billion Dong, equivalent to 0.02% of PAT 2/5 The voted results are: - Agreed: - Did not agree: - Abstentions: 646,367,044 shares, account for 99.4% of shares entitled to participate in AGM account for 0.02% of shares entitled to participate in AGM 125,800 shares, 3,776,180 shares, account for 0.58% of shares entitled to participate in AGM Article Approved of the remuneration of BOD and SB in the financial year 2016 according to the percentage (%) of PAT of BaoViet Holdings specifically as follows: - The remuneration of the BOD equals to 0.15% of PAT; - The remuneration of the SB equals to 0.04% of PAT The voted results are: - Agreed: 646,367,044 shares, account for 99.4% of shares entitled to participate in AGM - Did not agree: 125,800 shares, - Abstentions: 3,776,180 shares, account for 0.02% of shares entitled to participate in AGM account for 0.58% of shares entitled to participate in AGM Article ... User HandbookA G U I D E T O D I S T I L L E R ’ S D R I E D G R A I N S W I T H S O L U B L E S(D D G S) 01 - Introduction An Introduction to U.S. DDGS Distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) is a valuable feed ingredient which is a co-product of drymill ethanol production from grains. In ethanol production, the starch is fermented to obtain ethyl alcohol, but the remaining components of the grain kernel (endosperm, germ), preserve much of the original nutritional value of the grain, including energy, protein and phosphorous. Drymill plants recover and recombine these components into a variety of animal feed ingredients. DDGS is a popular dried form of these combined components, available to domestic and international customers as an ingredient for livestock and poultry rations. As the U.S. ethanol industry continues to grow, a greater quantity of DDGS will be available for feeds in the domestic and export market and a wider diversity of distiller’s co-products with different nutritional characteristics will become available for specific animal feeding applications. Corn is the primary feedstock for drymill ethanol production in the United States. In certain locations sorghum and other grains may also be used. Every bushel of grain (25.4 kg of corn and sorghum, slightly different weight for other grains) in the process produces 11.8 liters (2.7 gallons) of ethanol and 7.7 kg (18 pounds) of DDGS. The ethanol industry in the United States is expanding rapidly, resulting in a fast-growing supply of DDGS in the marketplace. In January 2007, the Renewable Fuels Association reported that 112 operating drymill ethanol plants have a combined capacity of 5.53 billion gallons of ethanol annually, and that 83 more plants are either under construction or expanding, which could add another 6.0 billion gallons of production capacity within the next two years. DDGS production from these ethanol plants reached 8.5 million metric tons in calendar year 2006, and is expected to climb to 36 million tons by 2010. DDGS offers an opportunity for cost savings in animal feed rations, and will be available in abundant quantities in coming years. This DDGS User Handbook is intended as a guide to feed manufacturers and animal producers, enabling them to understand how DDGS may fit into feed rations for livestock, poultry and fish, and how to purchase and handle DDGS. The handbook includes information on current research regarding DDGS use in cattle, swine, poultry, fish and companion animals. Other chapters describe the variability and measurement of nutritional characteristics of DDGS, and provide information on buying DDGS from the United States. The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) provides these feeding recommendations to assist potential buyers in understanding generally-accepted feeding levels. However, all rations for specific herds should be formulated by a qualified nutritionist. The USGC has no control over the nutritional content of any specific product which may be selected for feeding. Potential buyers should consult an appropriate nutritionist for specific recommendations. USGC makes no warranties that these recommendations are suitable for any particular herd or for any particular animal. The USGC disclaims any liability for itself or its members for any problems encountered in the use of these recommendations. By reviewing this material, buyers agree to these limitations and waive any claims against USGC for liability arising out of this material. For more information, please contact the U.S. Grains Council at 202-789-0789 or email grains@grains.org. You may also visit our website at www.grains.org. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 101. Sales on the winter clothing line ------- next week. (A) begin (B) began (C) will begin (D) has begun 102. The managing editor of Global Explorer has asked chef Travis DeRouge to write about ------- recommended restaurants. (A) he (B) his (C) him (D) himself 103. Please forward this letter ------- headquarters to Mr. Brooks in accounting as soon as possible. (A) from (B) as (C) out (D) of 104. It is company policy for programmers to take ten-minute breaks every two hours, no matter ------- busy they are. (A) where (B) how (C) if (D) so 105. Prior to getting off the plane, please ------- the in-flight service questionnaire provided by the flight attendants. (A) complete (B) completion (C) completed (D) completely 106. Molly Fischer, who has worked hard at the company for five years, is ------- suited for the position of production supervisor. (A) gradually (B) slowly (C) heavily (D) perfectly 107. As a result of the economic recession, the CEO ------- to cut travel expenditures by reducing the frequency of business trips. (A) like (B) would like (C) is liking (D) was liking 108. If you visit our store, a product specialist will give you a demonstration ------- the massage chair's relaxation capabilities. (A) along (B) during (C) of (D) into Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 109. Manila branch moved offices ------- after months of preparation and planning. (A) ease (B) eased (C) easy (D) easily 110. Plastics Inc. signed a five-year ------- with an American automobile maker to provide all of the carmaker's plastic needs. (A) contract (B) contracts (C) contracted (D) contracting 111. Although Mr. Chang ordered a laptop computer last Sunday, it was not delivered until the ------- Thursday. (A) upcoming (B) available (C) frequent (D) following 112. ------- Mr. Lundquist has an excellent sales record, he has a high likelihood of winning the Employee of the Year award. (A) As (B) So that (C) Besides (D) Due to 113. Employees applying for overseas branches need to attend ------- the Monday and Wednesday workshops. (A) which (B) some (C) both (D) where 114. Duke County Hospital has the best surgical team in the nation, for which it ------- numerous awards and recognitions over the past ten years. (A) receives (B) is receiving (C) would receive (D) has received 115. The cost of fruit rose ------- after a series of rainstorms that destroyed many orchards and farms. (A) sharp (B) sharpen (C) sharply (D) sharpness 116. The staff members are required to work efficiently and meet the company’s goals on -------. (A) their own (B) they (C) themselves (D) their Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 117. Skin Deep Cosmetics made producing environment-friendly products the highest ------- of the year. (A) adjustment (B) priority (C) change (D) provision 118. Owing to the ------- of its marketing team, Coast Magazine rose to become the most read travel magazine this year. (A) expand (B) expanded (C) expansion (D) expansive 119. The company cafeteria now offers drinks with ------- blends of vegetables and fruits. (A) presented (B) immediate (C) physical (D) healthy 120. Future IT's ------- use of its building space has been featured in the most recent issue of Smart Business. (A) economy (B) economist (C) economize (D) economical 121. Metalwork Productions just added new protocol for assembly workers to its ------- regulations. (A) safe (B) safety (C) safeties (D) safely 122. ------- honor the rebate, you must provide the product number located on the bottom of your new espresso machine. (A) Even as (B) Since (C) Unless (D) In order to 123. Here at Communication Solutions, we strongly feel that we have a ------- to uphold ethical corporate standards. (A) responsible (B) responsibly (C) responsibility (D) responsibilities 124. The country library has made a successful 2009 1 NEW TOEIC Part 5 / 6- Part 5 P Part 6 P r t 6 23 2 2 r t 6 N W OEI C , , r 6 ! *^^ 101. Businesses wait to be sure of an economic recovery but consumers are getting more ------- about the job market. (A) optimist (B) optimistic (C) optimistically (D) optimists102. The ------- will be chaired by Mr. Sheldon, one of the most innovative directors in the company.(A) category (B) qualification (C) committee (D) productivity103. The interest rate on housing loans dropped ------- 2.1 percent last month and is expected to go down further over the next few weeks. (A) as (B) to (C) in (D) since104. The desert shop specializes in cookies made of chocolate, but ------- are available. (A) other (B) the other (C) another (D) others105. ------- the replacement parts are delivered by tomorrow, we will have more complaints from retailers and customers. (A) Such as (B) Given (C) Unless (D) Only if 106. Training sessions for all departmental supervisors will be held ------- the conference room. (A) on (B) of (C) as (D) in107. For the people ------- were affected by the earthquake, the non-profit organization has asked for more aid. (A) they (B) whose (C) who (D) which108. Among the ------- candidates for the position, Mr. Clark has the most experience in retail sales. (A) likely (B) conditional (C) relied (D) original1 109. There is a ------- demand for video disc drives that are compatible with multiple disc formats. (A) grow (B) growing (C) grew (D) grows110. Mr. Howard has ------- confidence in his computer programming skills that he never says no when asked to create utility software. (A) another (B) plenty (C) such (D) almost111. The customer returned his order saying its switch was defective, and the online store agreed to ------- the full amount to his account. (A) magnify (B) credit (C) discontinue (D) charge112. The management should realize that ------- out a loan is only a temporary solution to the company's financial problems. (A) was taken (B) taking (C) having been taken (D) taken113. The CEO was very pleased with the results of the latest sales campaign ------- gave the sales manger a bonus. (A) if so (B) furthermore (C) and (D) then114. A good manager should ------- try to create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. (A) always (B) nearly (C) well (D) far115. The swimming pool had to be closed due to a ------- of funds for maintenance.(A) level (B) shortage (C) range (D) record116. In order to maintain its good reputation, the restaurant does its best to serve the guests ------- and in a courteous manner. (A) quick (B) quicker (C) quickness (D) quickly117. The head of sales department asked Mr. Karawara to turn in his sales report ------- noon today so that he could set the deadline. (A) up to (B) for (C) till (D) by118. The extension of the deadline has enabled most of the sales representatives to complete their ------- on time. (A) propose (B) proposing 2 (C) proposal (D) proposed119. For over 20 years, Mr. Richardson has been a ------- member of the Green Club to volunteer his time to educate the public about recycling. (A) first (B) regular(C) valued (D) durable120. After tremendous success of his first clothing shop, the designer has ------- to open another. (A) picked (B) decided (C) settled (D) established121. It is surprising to see ------- much broadband Internet connection fees have dropped over the last year. (A) thus (B) how (C) moreover (D) because122. ------- the cash register, you should first open the cash drawer with your key and punch in your employee number. (A) Use (B) To use (C) Used (D) Using123. Economic experts agree that the merger will prove ------- rewarding, and that profits will soar in the near future. (A) mutually (B) lately (C) exactly (D) approximately124. We are ------- that the ... regarding: The operation results of SB between terms of AGM 2015 – 2016 and the operation plan of SB between the terms of AGM 2016 – 2017 ; Inspected results on the business activities of BVH and... other managerial stafff; The inspected results of the financial report in 2015 (From 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2015 ) of BVH; Report on Self-assessment of operating results of SB and each... Article 15 This Resolution is valid since the date of 18th May 2016 The Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, CEO of BaoViet Holdings shall be responsible to implement this Resolution. / Achieves:

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